> Arts and Crafts > by jewelstealer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Scootaloo's Cutie Mark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo trotted into the classroom. She smiled as she approached her desk. She looked at the two crusaders currently surrounding it. "Where were you yesterday?" asked Apple Bloom curiously. "Sorry, I had something to do" Scootaloo replied nervously glancing over at Diamond Tiara. "Woah Scoots I didn't know you got your cutie mark!" Sweetie Belle chimed in as she stared at the other filly's flank. "Wait what do you mean?" Scootaloo asked confused as she turned her head to look at Sweetie Belle. "Look at your flank silly," Sweetie Belle said pointing at the orange pegasus's flank. Scootaloo swiveled her head staring at her flank in awe before blushing profusely. "So what's your special talent?" asked Apple Bloom curiously staring at the shiny pair of orange and magenta scissors that adorned the other filly's flank. "Scissoring" Scootaloo yelped out embarrassedly. "It's arts and crafts actually," Scootaloo said quickly correcting herself. "What's scissoring?" Apple Bloom asked. Before Scootaloo could say anything the sound of a loud yelp rang out through the classroom. Scootaloo turned to find the source seeing Diamond Tiara with her back on the floor and hooves up in the air. She watched as Silver Spoon burst out laughing. Sweetie Belle glanced between Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara curiously. A blush slowly spread across her face and she covered her mouth with a hoof trying not to laugh. Apple Bloom looked at the other filly confused. "What in the hay is even going on right now?" Apple Bloom wondered aloud. "You don't wanna know" Sweetie Belle replied letting out a giggle. Apple Bloom looked to the other side of the room watching as Diamond Tiara got up. The pink-coated filly then started walking over towards them. Diamond Tiara now stood in front of Scootaloo. "Looks like somepony's special talent is filly fooling," she said with a chuckle winking at Scootaloo. Scootaloo blushed profusely and let out an embarrassed groan. "What do you mean her special talent is filly fooling?" Apple Bloom asked obliviously. Silver Spoon gasped from across the room. "There is no way you are that dense Apple Bloom" Silver Spoon said with a snort. "What? I'm genuinely confused" Apple Bloom said now starting to get stressed from all her unanswered questions. Sweetie Belle looked over at Scootaloo and could no longer contain herself. She burst out laughing. "Apple Bloom were you even paying attention when we had a lesson on sex last month?" Diamond Tiara asked close to face hoofing. "Pretty sure she was absent that day," Scootaloo said with a giggle, no longer embarrassed now that the focus was on Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom looked between the two and rolled her eyes. "Are you just not gonna answer my questions?" she said in annoyance. "You wanna tell her?" Scootaloo said with a smirk as she nudged Diamond Tiara. "It would be my pleasure," Diamond Tiara said with a smirk as she set her eyes on Apple Bloom. Diamond Tiara got closer to Apple Bloom her breath hot on the other filly's neck. She breathed out pausing for a second before she put her muzzle to the other's ear. She then whispered something as she moved a hoof down Apple Bloom's back. Apple Bloom shivered blushing profusely. Diamond Tiara then pulled away from her. "What the buck" Apple Bloom choked out. Sweetie Belle looked at Apple Bloom the smile dropping from her face replaced with a look of concern. "Are you okay?" she asked worriedly. "Uhm yeah just oh my bucking Celestia I did not need to hear that," Apple Bloom said her face still flushed as she tried to regain her composure. "I told you that you didn't wanna know you should have listened," Sweetie Belle said with a chuckle. "Yeah, I should of," Apple Bloom said trailing off as she gulped staring at Diamond Tiara, as blush flooded her face again at the memory of the other filly's breath on her neck. The other three filly's chuckled as they watched the blushing earth pony. Mrs. Cheerilee then trotted into the classroom. "Alright class settle down and get to your seats," she said as she waited for all the students to fall into their rightful places in the classroom. "Now please open your textbooks and read chapters seven through eight," the magenta pony said as she sat down at her desk. The students opened their books starting to read. Apple Bloom continued to stare at Diamond Tiara throughout the lesson. The bell rang signaling the school day was over. Scootaloo tapped Apple Bloom on the shoulder. "You just gonna sit there staring all day or are you going home?" she asked with a chuckle. Apple Bloom shook her head. "I wasn't staring I just zoned out," Apple Bloom said frantically her cheeks dusted pink as she stood up from her desk. "Yeah sure you were just zoned out," Scootaloo said with a chuckle as she started to trott out of the classroom. Apple Bloom trotted after her and Sweetie Belle soon joined them. "So you and Diamond Tiara?" Apple Bloom said with a shrug. "Yep," Scootaloo replied. "I guess I didn't assume you to be into filly's not that it's a bad thing I mean," Apple Bloom said as she walked between the two fillies. "So how'd you know you liked them fillies I mean?" Apple Bloom asked curiously. "Well when I was around her I just got butterflies in my stomach maybe I liked how rough she was with me," Scootaloo said trailing off before Apple Bloom shoved a hoof over the orange pegasus's muzzle. "I'm gonna stop you right there Scoots I don't wanna hear about your erm fantasies," Apple Bloom said as she started to blush. "Anyways this is my stop," Apple Bloom said as she trotted off to her house. Apple Bloom walked inside and sighed. "That was a bit too close for comfort," she thought to herself. She trotted over to the counter where Applejack was sitting. "How do I know if I'm into filly fooling?" Apple Bloom asked her big sister. The orange earth pony yelped falling out of her stool a blush spreading across her face. Maybe Apple Bloom needed to stop asking so many questions either way the damage was done.