Being Strong Or Weak


First published

Being strong or weak, as long as they accept you and always stand by your side, that's when love really shines through.

Dash has always been seen as the cool, awesome and badass mare of Equestria but she's been keeping an dark and painful secret that she's been carrying for years since childhood.
And the only person who truly knows about it, is her girlfriend, Twilight.
No matter the hardship that Twilight feels and the pain that Dash feels she's giving her, their love always stands firm. No matter how strong or weak they get, as they live with this problem. They will always love each other.

Note: this isn't a clop fic but marking it as fetish because I know it is one. Just wanting to cover my butt and not get in trouble

Love Will Always Be There

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"You won't touch her!" shouted Rainbow Dash, blazing across the battle-ruined city of Canterlot as she unleashed her Sonic Rainboom and tackled Tirek.

The two collided, but only for a moment, as Tirek was thrown off balance and slammed onto the ground, his horn firing out a blast of magic into the sky, as Dash saved Twilight from being drained of her magic. He got up and started to pursue the rainbow mare, but she was gone. He searched for her, but no matter where he looked, he just couldn't find her. He turned his sights to his true target, the princess of friendship and current ruler of Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Tirek walked through the ruinous streets of Canterlot, making his way to the Princess, who was surrounded by her magically drained friends. They were all ready to defend her to their last breath, but Tirek didn't see them as much of a threat. He could see them barely standing up right, their legs shaking in fear or from weakness, but it didn't matter to him. What mattered was draining Twilight's magical energy, but only one pony stood in his way, as he could see her landing in front of Twilight and being all smug and heroic, but he didn't care about the pegasus, as he believed he would defeat her easily. He started to walk towards the rainbow-colored mare, laughing at her attempts to make him back down and leave Canterlot, but it was the other way as he cracked his knuckles.

"It is you, Tirek, who will leave here," bravely said Twilight as she stepped out of her friend's protection, but Dash pushed her back behind her. "No, I'll take him on alone. And don't worry. I've got this. After all, who's the most awesome mare ever?"

Twilight looked at her dear girlfriend and said, "Rainbow Dash? I can help you! You don't have to do this alone."

"I want to. Besides, I know you'll be with me every step of the way," said Rainbow Dash, giving Twilight a smile and a wink before turning her focus to Tirek as she walked over to the centaur lord. "All right, Tirek, let's dance!"

Twilight felt a gust of wind on her face as Dash took off, speeding towards Tirek and both clashing their fists at each other's faces. She saw Dash giving it all to stop herself from being sent back flying and managed to stop, but only just. Tirek had the upper hand and was winning this fight. Twilight watched helplessly as Tirek was pushing Dash back, and her friends tried to come to her aid, but they were still weak from having their magic drained.

"Dash!" cried Twilight, rushing to her aid, but Tirek smirked and fired out a beam of his magic at the purple Alicorn. Dash darted her eyes to her lover and quickly acted by grabbing Tirek head and pulling his head up, making the beam go high, missing Twilight but hitting a building, and the pegasus was able to land a good punch on the centaur lord before he knocked her back, sending her crashing to a building.

Tirek grinned, as he could sense Twilight's magic, as her body started to glow in rage. They started to fight as Tirek punched her in the gut, making her fall to the ground. He soon grabbed her long purple hair and slammed her head into the ground. He laughed as he raised her up and slammed her again and again. He couldn't stop laughing as Tirek enjoyed his revenge on the princess, but not for long, as a blue blur flew at him, knocking him down and grabbing his horns. He could see the fury in her pink eyes, and as Rainbow Dash had him by the horns so hard, cracks started to appear.

"Let go of me, you pegasus!" snarled Tirek as he struggled to break free, but he couldn't get the mare off of him.

"DON'T!" She pulled him up above her shoulders, shocking everyone and even Tirek himself. "YOU!" she slammed him on the ground, and everyone was in shock that this pony was able to knock down the big, burly, and powerful centaur lord. "EVER!" Dash lifted him up and slammed him back on the ground again. "HURT!" She then grabbed his golden nose ring and tossed him up into the air. "TWILIGHT!" She blasted forward, unleashing another Sonic Rainboom, and sent him flying into the upper atmosphere. She was holding on to him and quickly grabbed his legs and started to spin him around and around like a lasso, and she swung him back down to Earth and slammed into him as they landed back in the streets. She released his head, and he landed with a thud as he lay there on the ground as Rainbow Dash stood over him, breathing hard. "Again, or I won't hold back next time," she warned, stepping on his head and walking off to Twilight.

Twilight stood in shock and awe, as she didn't think that her girlfriend could be able to beat Tirek like that. She could see the magical energies leaving Tirek's body and passing Rainbow Dash, like beautiful rainbow lights. The lights made Dash look so cool and even more badass than she already was. Dash was looking at the lights, and they watched as all the lights flew off and returned to the victims that Tirek had drained, and the Alicorn and Pegasus watched in amazement and happiness as their friends started to feel their magical energies return to their bodies.

"Dash, you saved everyo-" Twilight couldn't finish as Dash pulled her in and kissed her, and the mare happily returned it.


Twilight lowered the newspaper and frowned at the news headline, as it read "The defeat of Lord Tirek by the heroic Princess Twilight and Rainbow Dash," and the picture below was of her kissing Dash and her friends watching.

"I don't like this. I hardly did anything, and yet they're reporting like I did everything! Dash should get all the credit! Not me! It's not fair," pouted Twilight.

"I wouldn't say that, Twilight," said Rarity, pouring Twilight and Fluttershy some tea.

Twilight folded the newspaper and looked toward her friend. "What do you mean?"

Rarity set the tea pot down and gave a cheeky grin. "Well, the moment you got hurt, she completely changed." She was ready to fight for you and save you. If I recall correctly, Dash is very overprotective when it comes to you."

"She is very protective," agreed Fluttershy, sipping her tea. "Remember the time when you were learning to fly?"

Twilight sips her tea. "...yeah?"

Fluttershy blushes as she remembers that day. "You didn't notice it, but there were paparazzi hidden nearby, trying to capture your failed attempts, and they were laughing and calling you names. But, then, there was a rainbow blur that passed by, and suddenly the camera and the stallions that owned the cameras were sent flying back, and the cameras were broken. Dash looked at them with such coolness and anger, and they quickly ran off. She then flew back to us, and she asked us if you noticed anything."

"Which you didn't. You were still flapping around like a baby bird, and Dash looked at you with such loving eyes," added Rarity.

Both girls could see Twilight blushing hard, as she never realized that ever happen. Rarity wanted to tease her, and a lightbulb came on as the white unicorn got a brilliant idea: "Oh! Look at the time! Shouldn't the local news be doing their live news report on the Wonderbolts!?" She used her magic and summoned the TV to the kitchen. She turned it on, and they watched as the news reporter appeared on the screen. She was at the Wonderbolt Academy, showing off the Wonderbolts training and talking about the upcoming show. Soon, she saw someone and told the cameraman to film the flying field. The camera soon started to film Dash flying around the air track, giving it all and being all cool and strong, and Twilight was enjoying the sight until the reporter spoke up.

"Wow! Who knew that Dash was such an amazing and beautiful Wonderbolt?" The camera lowered, revealing outside the fence area where Dash's dear fans were at and watching her practice, and all they were doing was going wild and fawning over her. "Well, her fans do! Who wouldn't drool over one of the most beautiful, strong, cool..." reporter started to get hot and bothered, while the camera continued filming Dash, "...and talented Wonderbolts, the mare who has the ability to create a Sonic Rainboom. The same one that stopped the invasion in Canterlot by Lord Tirek, and the one that is dating the l Princess of Equestria. Darn shame she's taking." She walked over to the fans and asked them questions, and just like reporter, they were saying the same things about Dash; one even said she wanted to be her girlfriend.

Rarity and Fluttershy turned to Twilight, seeing if she was jealous, but to their surprise, she's calm like a peaceful lake.
"Are you jealous of them, darling?" asked Rarity.

"Of them?" asked Twilight.

Fluttershy took a Blarney Stone from the plate and held it. "Of them admiring your girlfriend and her awesomeness? Coolness? " She took a bite and returned looking at the TV.

"Why would I? Dash loves me and only me! She won't leave me for some fangirl!" exclaimed Twilight, and the two mares didn't see any lies or jealousy in her voice or in her eyes, just love and truth, and they both smiled and continued drinking their tea and watching the report, but they saw the fangirls screaming as Dash landed in front of them.

"Ms. Dash, why are you here? Shouldn't you be doing your training for the upcoming Las Pegasus show?" asked the reporter as the camera zoomed on Dash's face, who noticed the camera and winked at it. Then Dash slowly wiped her sweat from her face, all cool and sexy like.

"Nah, I needed a break, and to be honest, the weather was just perfect for a good meet-up with my fans." She started to sign some things that her fans were holding, until one girl asked her to sign her large chest. Dash whistled, started to sign it, and made a small comment. "Nice chest, girl, keep drinking whatever milk you have been drinking."

The camera zoomed to the girl, and her face was so red, and the crowd went wild, and the fangirl screamed out loud and started to jump up and down while hugging Dash, and the others started to push their way towards her, wanting their chance with her. Dash smirked as she enjoyed the love from her fans as the big-chested girl pulled Dash between her breasts, squeezing her with joy.

Fluttershy and Rarity started to feel warm, like the heater went up, and they turned to Twilight. They could see her unleashing magical orange flames, and her body became bright white. Even her long purple hair became bright flames as it blazed above her head, as her horn unleashed a stream of flames, and she started to burn the stone that she was holding.

"Darling, are you perhaps...a little tiny bit...jealous?" whispered Rarity, fearing her reaction.

Twilight's horn unleashed more fire, and she answered them. "NO! Why should I be jealous of her enjoying some busty slut's breast or the fact she's signing the breasts of other fan girls, giving them a comment about their size, and getting them to become hot and bothered and make them want to jump her body?" Twilight's magic was becoming stronger, her anger was growing, and her flames were spreading across the room. Fluttershy just sipped her tea and slowly slipped under the table, while Rarity was going to turn off the TV when the reporter asked Dash something.

"Tell us, Ms. Dash. You can have any mare in the world, from sexy ones like this fangirl here, but yet, you're dating the princess. Why not find someone who can match your sexiness? Your beauty? Your awesome, coolness and strength? Why of all people, her?" asked the reporter, but soon she could see Dash's smiling face becoming a very serious and scary expression.

"Excuse me?" Dash glared at the camera as her eyes narrowed, her body became tense, and the air around her became cold. The fans backed away and started to hide behind the steel fence as one fan said, "You shouldn't talk bad about her girlfriend!"

The reporter started to sweat as Dash walked over to her, all serious and cool, like she was going to fight someone. "You know what? I don't mind reports or news sites taking labs at me or how I live my life. I don't care one bit about the nasty comments or headlines, BUT!" She grabbed the microphone away from the reporter and spoke into it. "If someone starts talking crap about my girlfriend and how I should be with someone else because you don't think she's not worth my time or love because you think she's not the most beautiful and amazing mare in all of Equestria, THEN YOU'RE WRONG AND SHOULD BE VERY, VERY SCARED OF WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!" Dash's eyes narrowed even more as she glared at the camera and the reporter. "I love Twilight for who she is, not her body, title, or whatever! She's my everything, and I will never let anyone badmouth her! Get out of my sight!" She opened her wings and hovered off the ground, blasting a strong gust of wind from her wings. "NOW!" she tossed the mic to the ground, crossed her arms, and watched as the reporter grabbed the mic and ended the report early as an "We're having some technical problems!" was shown, and they went to the weather.

Rarity and Fluttershy, who returned to her seat, looked over to Twilight, and to their surprise, she was back to normal and blushing like a red stop sign. She looked away and took another drink of her tea before she noticed their looks and blushed harder.

"W-what?" asked Twilight.

"Oh, nothing~!" answered the two mares, teasingly.

Twilight looked away again, taking a few stones and stuffing her face. Trying to eat her embarrassment away.

The train slowly stopped as it arrived at the station, as it was a few days later and Twilight wanted to visit Ponyville, as she was here to spend time with her girlfriend, who's taking a day off before she leaves for a whole week for the Wonderbolts show in Las Pegasus. Twilight felt so proud of her lover and couldn't wait to see her. The train doors opened, but before she could step out, her personal maids and guards walked out first. The guards held their sword and shield at the ready as they let the maids unroll a long red carpet, and the guards took positions on the sides of the carpet. The maids lined up too as Twilight walked out, and they bowed, but Twilight only sighed in annoyance.

"Do we really have to do this?"

"Yes, your highness," answered her head maid, a light pink pegasus. "As you're the Princess of Equestria, it is your duty to make sure that the subjects and town you are visiting will feel honored by your presents."

Twilight looked around, as there was no one here, as the town already knew Twilight and her friends and their wacky adventures over the years. To the point, they don't make a big deal anymore about her, unless it was her birthday or a special event. She sighed in defeat as she started to walk, following the red carpet, until she saw someone bowing to her at the end of the carpet. She was the only person who came out to see her. She giggled as she went up to her and glared at her.

"Dash, what are you doing?"

Dash kept her head low and was trying hard not to laugh. "What do you mean, Princess Twilight? This is what you deserve. You are a princess, after all. The best and awesome one too."


Dash slowly lifted her head up and gave her a goofy grin. "Yeah?"

"Don't do that again."

"No promises."

The two lovers giggled, and Dash pulled Twilight in for a hug as she hovered to her height. She was happy to have her lover in her arms again, and the two kissed. Twilight's maids all blushed and looked away as the guards started to look uncomfortable.

"Princess, please..."

Dash released her, and Twilight was a bit mad. She turned her head and looked at the guard, glaring at him, making him sweat a bit, but he was saved as Dash picked her girlfriend and spoke to all of them.

"You guys can take the day off; I'm here now, and nothing bad is going to happen to my sweet little princess!" she grunted slightly, as Twilight was twice her size and weight. "So, go enjoy yourselves; I'll watch over her. Now, see you!"

She quickly flew off as her guards tried to say something, but the two lovers were already out of their sight.

They arrived at the town square and started to walk around, holding hands and enjoying their date. They could see some shops, and Twilight wanted to see what they had. Twilight let Dash go and hurry over to the booth, but Dash quickly got between them and looked around for any danger before letting her pass.

"Really?" asked Twilight, frowning a bit.

Dash put her hands behind her head and grinned. "Hey, you can never be too careful, and besides, I need to do this," she said, watching over her as she checked out the items on sale. "As your girlfriend, I need to do my part of being a team, and that's protecting you."

"I can protect myself!" said Twilight, turning to Dash. "And don't call me 'little' princess again! We're the same height!"

Dash smirk. "Twi, it's just a nickname, and besides..." she pulled Twi up from looking over the items and looking straight up at her. "I think I'm the little one here! Alicorns sure are tall races. How's the weather up there? Do you need an umbrella or something?"

Twilight frowned and was going to retort her when Dash quickly jumped up and kissed her cheek and quickly moved out of the way before Twilight could slap her.

"Oh, you're going to pay for that, Rainbow," threatened Twilight, not liking how she was teasing her height like always. "I'm not that tall!"

Dash flew around her, laughing. "Really? Remember the time you bonked your head over the door entrance during the Grand Gala as you were going to give a speech? And remember that time when you hit a branch on the trees on AJ farm, knocking all the apples all over you? Oh man, those were riots!"

Twilight blushed as she remembered those embarrassing moments, and Dash was right—she was so tall and getting taller with each passing year. The reason she wasn't tall like Celestia, Luna, and Cadence was that she wasn't a full-blooded Alicorn. She still has some growth left from when she became one, but she was still tall, and she hates being reminded of that. She puffs her cheeks out, and Dash laughs even more.

"Oh, come on, babe! Don't get upset over it!" Dash was laughing, and she couldn't help herself. She flew back and landed in front of Twilight and was going to say something, but she saw something flying towards her, and in a blink of an eye, Dash caught whatever almost hit Twilight on the head.

"What?" questioned Twilight, seeing Dash have a very serious and mad expression. "Dash, what's wrong?" She then saw her expression becoming soft and chill again as she realized what the object was and came from, as they could see a group of kids running up to them.

Dash spun the baseball on her finger and smiled at the kids. "Hey now, be careful next time," she warned them. "You almost hit Twilight. She could have been badly hurt."

"We're sorry, Dash," said a young unicorn boy, looking up at the couple with tears in his eyes. "We were just playing baseball, and I hit the ball too high."

Dash gave a sad smile and tossed the ball back. "Hey, don't cry. No one got hurt, right, Twilight?"

Twilight nodded, and Dash smiled at the boy. "Besides, be proud of that hit! You came from the park, right? That ball went super far then! That's something to be proud of! So, smile and play your hardest. Don't let a little mistake like this bring you down, alright?"

The boy wiped his tears away and smiled. "You're right!".

Soon, the kids wanted Dash to play with them, but she wanted to refuse, but Twilight pushed her. Dash looked at her, and Twilight nodded, telling her to go. Dash gave her a warm smile, and she finally agreed to play with them.

Twilight sat under the tree, watching Dash play baseball with the kids and show off her running skills, enjoying seeing the kids try to catch her. It was a wonderful sight to see Dash having fun and looking so cute, and Twilight couldn't help but blush and smile.

"Oh Twilight, you are in town?" asked an adult-sounding female voice.

Twilight turned and saw a short and chubby pegasus woman, who was the mother of the young boy who hit the ball at her.

She got up and went up to her. "Hello there."

The mother bowed and smiles. "It's good to see you, Twilight. How's the princess's life? Hard, I bet." She giggled and soon had a small talk with Twilight, but had to end it as it was getting late. She yelled for her son to come home, and the kid whined and wanted to stay longer, but Dash told him to go.

"Don't be like that kiddo; your mom came all the way here to get you. Not all mothers will do that; be happy, your loved!" She gave him a peace sign, and he waved back.

"Bye Dash, thanks for the game!"

Twilight watched as the boy ran towards and stood in front of his mom, who started to give him kisses and head pats. He complained, but she didn't listen and kept loving him, as he couldn't do anything. Twilight slowly turned to Dash, seeing her sad smile, and she could guess what was on her mind.

"Bye Twilight! Sorry for almost hitting you!" the boy shouted as he walked with his mother back home. Soon, the rest of the kids parents arrived and took them home. It wasn't long before they were alone again, as Dash lay back against the tree that Twilight was still under, looking up at the night sky.

"Some kids don't know how lucky it is to be loved like that," Dash said, not taking her eyes off the sky.

Twilight didn't answer her; she was quiet. She knew what Dash was talking about—her past and how she was treated by her folks at a young age. Way too zealous in pushing her to be the best flyer ever. Not once giving her a loving childhood growing up. It was nothing but training and workouts, and no love. There is never time for love or anything, only the prize of being the fastest flyer and winning Flyers Competitions. Even then, she didn't have time to enjoy it. Her folks dragged her to sports camps and more endless training, wanting her to be strong and never show weakness in flying or outside of it. It wasn't until Dash got older and could finally leave that life, that she started to experience the wonders of being loved. The love from her friends and from her.

"You wanna head home? I can make us a pizza!" asked Dash, snapping Twilight out of her thoughts. She reached her hand out to her and smiled.

Twilight smiled back and took her hand. "I would like that."

The couple started to fly back home as the stars were shining and the moon was glowing, as Twilight raised the moon. They landed in her front yard, and she unlocked the door.

"Princess first, my dear," said Dash, making her giggle.

"Thank you, my knight," she joked, and she walked to the door, remembering about her height. She was going to lower her head, but she noticed something about the entrance. "Dash, has your door always been this tall?" Twilight asked, noticing the doorway was her height.

Dash was a few steps behind her, but she looked confused, as she was wondering what Twilight meant, but she finally understood what she was asking. Dash smirked and was going to tease her, but decided not to.

"I redone the entrance and rest of the house while you were away, just so that you could fit through. You're welcome," said Dash, smirking and crossing her arms.

Twilight was amazed and couldn't believe it. She went inside, and just like Dash said, all the doorways were made with her height in mind; even the ceiling was taller. Changing the clouds that were made for house building wasn't an easy task. You needed the perfect shape and size of cloud, or else the house will collapse or break down, and you have to rebuild it all over again. Making the doors and walls bigger was a lot of work.

"Dash, you didn't need to do all this!"

Dash chuckled. "It's nothing; I have been thinking about it, and I know how you hate it when your head gets hit on a door frame. Even though I joke about it, I know how much it really annoys you. Plus, I need to do it. To show you how much I care about you."

Twilight blushed a bit and felt really happy but the same time, she felt sad...

Dash went inside and closed the door, locking it, and she took her jacket and was going to ask Twilight what kind of pizza she wanted, but soon felt a warm body against her back and two arms wrapped around her. Soon, she felt a caring hand over her head and treated like a child.

"Dash, I love you. You don't need to do all this for me; I'm never going to stop loving you," Twilight said, hugging her girlfriend tighter and nuzzling her head against her, giving her a few kisses.

Dash said nothing, just stood there, letting her lover hug and pet her. She enjoyed the attention, and she slowly leaned back and let the warmth wash over her. She finally did something, which wasn't a surprise to Twilight.

"Mama!" cheered Dash, putting her thumb in her mouth and looking up at Twilight with those happy pink eyes.

Twilight closed her eyes and held Dash tighter, happy she could give Dash the love she never had, but at the same time...

Many years ago, during the Best Young Flyer Competition, after Rarity said she was going to join in the competition, Dash started to freak out about making a fool of herself and disappeared from sight.

Twilight asked the girls to watch over Rarity while she looked for Dash. She exited the Rainbow Maker room of the Weather Factory and started to look for her, checking each room and spot in the factory but finding nothing. She believed that Dash must have left the area and gone outside, and she was right, as she could see the colorful pegasus flying towards a cloud bridge and going under it. Twilight teleported after her, hoping to cheer her up.

She reappeared near the tunnel of the bridge and was going to call out to her, but she could hear a female and male voice talking to her.

"It's going to be okay. Come to us whenever you need us, sweetie."

"You're our daughter. We're proud of you, and we're sure you'll do great! Don't let those bullies get to you. My little Dashie"

"Yeah...thanks, mom. Thanks, dad."

Twilight stepped away from the tunnel and stood outside. She didn't want to disturb Dash and her parents, but she did have an odd feeling about this.

"Didn't Dash tell us that she doesn't see her folks that much, and why are they under a bridge? What is going on?"

She waited out there, which felt like hours, until Dash walked out and froze in terror as she saw Twilight waiting.

"T-Twi!? How long have you been standing here!?" Dash was freaking out.

Twilight only smiles. "Only a few minutes. How's your family?"

"My what!? My parents!?" Twilight raised an eyebrow, seeing Dash acting very odd. "Oh r-right! My folks! They were fine and just left—from the other side, yup! No reason to not believe me!" She took Twilight's hand and led her away from the tunnel. "Come on! Let's go! I should have listened to Fluttershy and shown you girls the cloud-making section!"

Twilight only shook her head, smiling and letting herself get dragged. "I would like that." She knew Dash was hiding something, but she didn't want to pressure her and hoped she'd tell her when the time was right.

It was hours after the competition had ended, and once again, Dash was missing. They were ready to go home, but she was nowhere to be found. She turned to Fluttershy and asked her something.

"Fluttershy, where's Dash's parents house? She must be visiting them, since they were here hours ago."

Twilight could see Fluttershy giving her a very confused look.
"Um, did I say something weird?" asked Twilight, seeing her reaction.

Fluttershy was shaking a bit, as if scared. "Uh, no. It's just that. Why would Rainbow Dash be visiting her parents? Or why her folks even be here? They're workaholics, and Dash had a falling out with them, remember? She has no reason to see them."

Twilight stays quiet, trying to understand something. If Dash's parents were never here, then who were talking with her, and why were they under a bridge? Something felt very wrong here, and she became worried for her.


Twilight blinks and sees Fluttershy still in front of her, looking worried.

"I'm fine! I'll be right back. I think I know where she's at." Twilight teleported away and didn't even give her a chance to say a word.

It didn't take her long to reach the same cloud bridge as before. She slowly walked up to the tunnel, and once again, she heard the same voices.

"We're proud of you, Dashie. We knew you could do it! Our little baby! Mama loves you!"

"Thanks, mom. You saw it too, right, dad?"

"Of course, Sweetie, I saw you doing that wonderful trick! You are awesome, my little Dashie."

Twilight couldn't see too well, as it was dark, but she went inside very quietly. She could see Dash crouching and seeing a hand petting her head. She got closer, and she could see more, and her heart broke at the sad sight.

"I love you guys! Always showing me so much love... I know you trained me to become strong and never show weakness in and outside of sport flying, but...I really want you two to just show me that you two do love me! As a daughter, a child, you do care about me."

Twilight couldn't believe it, but it made sense now why she was freaking out back at the Weather Factory and when finding her this.

In front of her was Dash, who was still crouching and holding her golden wing crown, and the hand that was petting her was nothing more than a glove on a stick, being held by Dash herself as a tape recorder on the ground, was playing those pre-recorded voices.

"Dash," said Twilight, making Dash flinch, dropping the crown and stick, and turning her head, looking terrified.


Both girls just looked at each other as the voices kept playing. It wasn't long before Dash started to tear up and do a smile, like she was trying to act like nothing happened.

"She saw me, seeing me in this sad, sorry state of a mare," thought Dash to herself as her heart was beating so fast. "...seeing my weak side. Seeing my desire for love and attention from my parents. They has always trained me to be the best, strong, and never be weak, never once giving me a moment of affection or love as I grew up, and this is how she sees me. A pathetic mess!"

Dash did her best not to break down; she didn't want Twilight to see her in such a weak state, and she tried to put on her confident smile. "H-hey Twi! Got you! This was a prank. Yah, prank! It's all just a funny little joke! You know me—always pulling off crazy cool pranks like this! Messing with you!"

Twilight walked over to her and stood in front of her, not saying a word. Just looming over and watching her, seeing her scared face.

"Twilight? Y-you okay, buddy?"

Within Dash's mind, her thoughts were rushing. She remembered all the times her parents never truly loved her, just seeing a walking trophy and forcing her to become strong. Always being alone, never once having a real friend, until meeting Fluttershy, but even then, she had to part ways with her as she was forced into training camps, never seeing her again until years later. All the days of endless training, working out, and eating a strict diet. The only time her parents talked to her was to see how she was doing in training, never anything else. She even felt like a stranger in her own home, feeling the lack of love and warmth in it.

"But now I have a new life! One with friends who I love dearly! I'll always show how strong I am! Never be weak toward them! Never want to be a burden! So, don't worry about me! I'm fine!" thought Dash as she looked up at Twilight. "I will always be loyal to you and the girls, never stopping to show you my love for all of you! So, don't look at me with pity, please."

Twilight did nothing; she just stood there, and it wasn't long before she finally closed her eyes and shook her head.

"Don't be disgusted by me! I just wanted someone to pamper me! To spoil me like a child. I have been carrying these damn feelings for years! Trying to deal with it but always failing and ending up here, like this, pretending my parents were giving me the love and attention I always wanted! So please don't be disgusted by this. I'll love you, Twilight, and I'll show you how loyal I am. So, please...just don't look at me with such pity...please...just stop..." thought Dash as she waited for Twilight to say something or anything.

Finally, she opened her eyes and looked at her, and it wasn't pity, sadness, disgust, or anything Dash thought of, but...

Twilight lowered herself and petted Dash on the head. "Everyone wants to be pampered now and again, Dashie. It's not weird or anything, so don't cry." She could feel Dash flinching with each petting. "You don't need to tell me right away; just know this. I'm always here for you, and I hope you can let me in and open up, even if it's not today, tomorrow, or months from now. I will wait. I will even show you how much love I have for you, my dear friend. I'll pet you and give you the most love I can give."

Dash said nothing, just listening and feeling the soft hand.

"It's what friends are for, right? Always being there for you and loving you. I will never judge you, Dash, not at all. I know deep down, you're not as strong as you like to pretend, and that's okay. Everyone has a weak side, including me. You have seen it countless times: how I react to stress, pressure, and the like, and how my true self comes out. So, I will never judge you, and I hope you can do the same for me, because I'm always going to have your back."

Twilight suddenly could hear Dash crying softly, making her hold Dash closer, but she could hear her saying something as she was still sobbing.


"Yes Dash?"

Dash looked up at her, sucking her thumb, and then said, "Wiww, you be my mama!?"

Twilight realized what happened as her own tears started to fall down her cheek.

"Your parents never showed any love or affection to you, did they? Not when you were growing up, right?"

Dash only nodded.

"You crave it so much, wanting to be loved and show your weak side, that this is how you cope." She finally sat on the ground and set Dash on her chest, petting her nonstop. "I can't be your mama, but I can be..." Twilight couldn't finish as she kept petting and crying softly, while Dash just kept calling her mama and asking if she loved her...

They returned to Ponyville, and everyone started to head home as it was nighttime. They told Dash that they were happy she won as they all left. Leaving Dash and Twilight alone. Both just said nothing as they stood there, looking away from each other. Heck, both were quiet on the trip back, and everyone just thought they were tired and nothing more.

"I guess we should talk," said Twilight, making Dash nod and agree.

They head to the library, and Twilight leads her to the guest bedroom. She left her there, as she needed to check on Spike to see if he was asleep or not.

Dash sat on the bed, looking at her hands. Seeing them, they were shaking with fear, worry, and guilt.
"Why did I ask her that!? Why did I call her Mama? I'm such an idiot!" thought Dash, feeling bad for putting this burden on her and maybe even making their friendship so awkward now.

"I need to be strong! I need to show her that I can't be a burden on her with my mess-up feelings and parent issues." She laid on the bed and looked at the ceiling, just staring and thinking about everything. "What kind of friend does that!? I need to be loyal like always and not trouble her." She could feel her mind racing now. "Wait, what if she doesn't want to be friends anymore? Maybe that's why she wants to talk! No, I can't lose Twilight. I'll do anything. I can't lose something else in my life! Anything but her! I'll give her anything, as long as it means I can keep her by my side."

It wasn't long until Twilight retuned, as Spike was indeed sound asleep and she just needed to chance real quick into her sleepwear and getting an extra pair, as she wanted Dash to stay the night as they could talk. Twilight walked in and closed the door. She turned around, holding the pair of nightwear clothes and other things she might need for the talk, but she realized Dash wasn't here.


She looked around and checked under the bed and even looked out the window, but she could see it was locked, so she didn't leave through there.

"Dash?" asked Twilight again, feeling a bit worried now.

Twilight was about to check the next room when she heard the sound coming down the stairs.

"Dash, are you down here?" She called out, and when she entered the main library room, she could see Dash flying around and putting returned books back on the shelf. "Dash? What are you doing?"

"Just doing a little clean up," she said as she flew past Twilight and returned another book.

"...okay, why?"

"Because it's not nice to be rude and not help a friend. Also, I thought this place could use a good dusting, as I noticed a lot of cobwebs on the ceiling and upper shelves." She started to dust the ceiling with her tail, making herself cough. "Also, I'm going to fix the backrooms. Spike didn't clean it; a lot of boxes and books are laying around, not organized, and a bit dusty too. So, I'll get right on it. I know you and Spike have been busy lately, so this is the least I can do. I mean, friends are expected to help others all the time, so this is my way of helping you. So go to bed; I got this!" She landed, put on a strong face, and smiled, making sure Twilight wouldn't notice the fake smile.

"Dash, stop." Twilight walked up to her and gave her the sleepwear clothes. "Just put this on and meet me upstairs."


"Upstairs, Dashie." Twilight used her strong tone, making Dash shiver and obey.

They went back upstairs and she changed and stood in the doorway. Dash could see Twilight was sitting on the bed, waiting for her. She slowly entered the room, still seeing Twilight on the bed, even tapping a spot near her.

"Sit down."

Dash did, sitting a little far from her. Not daring to look at her.

"Okay, let's talk. Not about your feelings about your parents." Twilight got closer to her, but only to see her moving away from her. "When you are ready about that, then we'll talk. I won't ever force you to talk about 'them'. I can see it left a deep mark on you, and I hope one day you can trust me with that information. But for now, just know that I will always be by your side. I'll love you like a true friend. Which is why..." She got closer again, but like before, she could see Dash sliding away and finally bumping into the wall. There was no place to go anymore; she could see Dash shaking now.

"Don't say it," whispered Dash.

"What did you say?" asked Twilight, not hearing her.

"Don't say it! I can't handle it! Just please, don't end our friendship. I can't lose you or anyone else, especially not after finding a place to call home." Dash faced her, grabbed Twilight's shoulders, and pushed her down on the bed. "Don't leave me, Twilight! I'll show you that I can be super loyal to you and a good friend! I'll never be a burden to you!" She rests her face on Twilight's chest, crying into it. "I'm sorry, sorry for being weak. I know you hated how I was acting—a weakling."

Twilight wrapped her arms around her, holding her tightly, and she could feel her own tears falling.
"Dash, please listen to me." She tried to get her to look up. "Please, look at me."

It took a moment or two, but Dash lifted her face and could see the tears on her smiling and caring face. "...did I hurt you, Twi? Did I make you cry!? Did I truly disgust you!?" Dash started to panic at the thought she made her cry, cry over her. "I'M SORRY! I'll do something! LIKE FIX THE BACKROOMS LIKE I SAID!" She tried to leave, but Twilight held her harder, trying her best to keep her from leaving. "Don't stop me, Twi; I need to show you my love so you won't leave me and not love me! I can be something you can be proud of, like a loyal friend and someone who is not a burden."

"DASH!" screamed Twilight, finally making her calm down and noticing how sad Twilight was.


"I just wanted to talk about helping you cope with your trauma and not have you bottle it up anymore. But I..." She started to sob as she continued to speak. "I just made you trigger yourself. I didn't want this. I'm sorry, Dash, for everything."


"You're not a burden. You're never a burden. Never think that, you aren't a burden to me or the girls. We'll never see that in you, not in a million years. I want you to know that. We all love you so, so much. You don't need to earn our love for you; there's nothing to earn. We already love you, like a real family. I want you to understand that, my dear, Dashie."

"...why? Why do you love me? Why don't you leave me after seeing me in that sorry state, Twi? Why?"

"Because I care. And also, I didn't want to leave. I wanted to show you that I'm here for you, even at your weakest. No matter how strong you think you are, you aren't. Everyone has a weak side. So, please don't feel like you have to hide it and keep it locked away, okay?"

"But what if the girls find out?"

Twilight forced Dash to lay back on her chest and stroke her head, like a mother would.

"Then they'll understand and still love you. I'm sure Pinkie will pamper you just as much as she does with the Cakes kids. But if you don't want them to know, then I'll never tell them. I'll protect you, like you always have done for us. Okay?"

Dash closed her eyes and felt the hand. She smiled, letting her guard down and just enjoying the warmth, and soon she spoke to Twilight.


Twilight flinched a little when she heard that word and held Dash harder.

"Dashie, if this is how you want to cope right now, then I'll gladly help you. As long as it means you're not suffering alone and not bottle it up. I'll be here. And please, I'm not your mom, nor do I want to replace her, but I will be here. I'll be..." Twilight couldn't finish as Dash rose up and cheered like a child would.

"Yay! Mama is going to wove me!" She raised her hands into the air, smiling and laughing.

"Yes, Dashie. Mama loves you, and she will never leave you. I promise." Twilight couldn't help herself, seeing Dash having fun and letting herself enjoy the moment and just letting her act like a child, as she too started to laugh and play along. She remembers the stuff she got for her, mostly ideas on how to cope, and one idea was drawing on paper. She handed her color pencils and crayons.

Dash took them, still acting like a child.

"Mama! Can I draw you?" she asked, and Twilight said yes.

Dash took out the paper and started to draw. Even started to hum a cute tune. Twilight just stayed quiet and watched as Dash just lay there, kicking her legs back and forth, and just hummed happily as she drew her, never looking at the picture that her was drawing.

When Dash was done, she sat up and looked at it, proud of it, and showed it to her by holding it up.

"...what?" whispered Twilight, seeing the stick figure of herself, but she was holding hands with a stick figure of Dash, and they were inside a big heart. "...Dash?"

Dash hid behind the picture and started to talk, but she was sobbing. "I loved you, Twiwighth... I always did. Pweashe, wove me back, even if I'm wame shorry meshsh up of mare. Pweashe," she dropped the picture, landing in front of her. Her face was a mess as tears fell from her eyes and dropped onto the picture. "No one will ever love me if they find out. Finding out that I want to be treated like a child. I don't want to be alone."

Twilight just petted her and then kissed her on the lips. Pulling her into her warm embrace, she could feel her sobbing.
"I love you too, Dashie. No matter what, That will never change."

"Do you really!?"


Both girls laid on the bed, being in each other's embrace as they finally both fell asleep.

"Mama!" cheered Dash as she was in Twilight lap and playing with her hair.

Twilight wiped away the tears and spoke within her mind.
"No matter what coping teachings we learned, you always end up like this when I pet you. Turning into a little kid, wanting to be loved by your mother...I know you finally made up with your parents years ago, but seeing you like this still. It still hurts me that, deep down, within you, the scars won't ever heal. Just thinking that you might be truly broken forever and that you might never get better. That scares me more than anything. It makes me think I couldn't truly help you like I said I would. It wants me to break down in tears. But I will always be there for you. Always. I will be your...mama."

Twilight was going to pet her more but noticed Dash holding her stomach, realizing she was hungry.
"Oh, right. You made that pizza." She picked her up with ease, holding her like a baby. "I'll make the pizza; what toppings do you want?"


"Okay." She went into the kitchen, set Dash on the counter, and started to work.

"Can I have a coowie, mama?" asked Dash, pointing at the cookie jar.

"No. Those are for dessert. Also, I thought I said you shouldn't eat a lot of junk food." she could see more junk food behind the cookie jar. "And watch your figure since you joined the Wonderbolts?" She sighed as Dash started to cry, but she ignored her, as she needed to make sure Dash didn't put on any weight.

After making the pizza and taking it out of the oven, Twilight cut a slice and handed it to Dash, who took it and bit it without blowing on it and burning her tongue.

"Careful, Dashie." She could see Dash crying, so she helped her by blowing on it and hand-feeding her. "Open your mouth. Say, ahh."

She fed her, as she could see her smiling and chewing.
"Is it yummy?"

"Yep!" She could hear Dash eating and getting cheese all over her clothes, making Twilight laugh a little.

After dinner, Twilight is cleaning up and washing the plates and stuff, but she hears Dashie asking for the cookies again. She sighed and said no, making her hear Dash having a crying fit.


She stopped cleaning and walked over to the counter to push Dashie down and raise her shirt, exposing Dash's blue stomach.

"Now, you know how mommy feels. So, stop whining."

"But...mama!" she could feel Twilight poking her tummy.

"You know the rules. If you don't stop, then mommy has to attack your tummy!" Twilight blew a raspberry, making Dash giggle. "And I'm not going to stop. So, just behave and be good." She blew another raspberry, making Dash squeal and giggle.

"Mama, stop it!"

"Why should I?" She started to poke her side, tickling her. "You are being naughty, Dashie. So, no. I'm not going to stop, not until you behave." She picked her up and placed her on the floor, as Dash finally behave. She could see her calming down, so Twilight turned away, back to washing dishes, but she suddenly heard crying. She quickly turned around, seeing Dash looking at her with such shame.



"Why!? Why are you still with me!?" She dropped to her side, crying. "I'm a mess! A weak, pathetic mess! I'm fucked, Twi, so why are you still with me? You should be with someone else—not someone so damn broken! Just go and find someone who isn't so broken. Go, be happy. Just go!"

Twilight walked over to her, sat down, and tried to pet her, but Dash slapped her hand away.

"Stop it! Don't! ...just don't."


Twilight scooped Dash up and just let her cry on her chest as she rocked her back and forth, humming her favorite song.

"Twilight, when I confessed to you, did you really love me back, or did you see someone so broken and messed up that you had to pity them and be with them because you felt bad? Tell me, I won't judge. Just tell me. Did you just pity me, or did you actually love me back? Because if you did, then..." she looked into her eyes, tears falling from her eyes. "Then I'm sorry. Sorry, I ruined your life by loving me, but if you did pity me,.." she said, placing her face deeper into her chest. "I want to be sorry, but deep down, I can't. I'm happy you gave me pity. Even though I hate how it happened, I'm glad you did not leave me. That's the only thing I'm not sorry about."

"...Dashie. Look at me." Twilight moved her head up to look at her.


"In all honesty, I do love you; I really do. Remember when you saved me as I fell down that cliff when we and the girls were heading to the castle in the Everfree forest, or how you showed me your loyalty when you choosen us over that Shadowbolt that Nightmare Moon made, or even the time when you saved my life when the Storm King invaded Canterlot? You have done a lot, so much for me and the others. And that is why I truly love you. And not just for the times you helped me, but you did something for me that no one else can or will ever do. Watching you from behind, you're so much stronger than me. Sure, I'm an Alicorn and have great magical power, but when you protect me and show your true love for me..." Twilight placed Dash's ear on her heart, making her hear the heart beat. "It makes my heart pound, not just with love but with courage and confidence. Just like now, hearing you speak from the bottom of your heart is making me so happy and full of love. I love you so, so, so, so much."

Dash could hear the heart beat racing so fast and knew Twilight was telling the truth.

"Mama..." she started to kiss Twilight's neck, and then she kissed her lips. "Mama..."

Twilight blushed but not from love but embarrassment.

"Do you have to say mama while kissing me, Dashie?" She truly tried to hold her heartache as she saw Dashie becoming like this again. "Dashie..."

Dash stopped and spoke while giving Twilight the most heartbreaking smile ever.
"It's okay...right? It's just us here, and you're my girlfriend. So, it's fine you my weak side."


"Mama..." she hugged her. "Can we... make love, mama? I want to show how much I love you, mama." Dash waited for her reply, as she was testing her by saying that. Dash wanted to know if Twilight truly loves and accepts what she is and won't leave her, and after a moment, she could feel Twilight picking her up, carrying her to her bedroom, and then setting her on the bed.

"Of course. And Dash, please; I'll never leave you. Never. I love you, and no matter how many times I have to keep telling you, I'll gladly do it. Now and forever. Strong or weak, I love you for matter how broken you are."

Twilight laid next to her and started to pet her, while Dash started to cry, as she was truly happy.
"All of me...she accepts my strength and weakness," she watched as Twilight got up and started to take off her dress, and soon, Dash could feel her connection with Twilight. She closed her eyes and just smiled, as her mind was at peace and she was finally free from the chains of her past.

"Both... I love you, Twilight, my sweet mama."

A week later, after finishing their big event in Las Pegasus, each Wonderbolt was interviewed by the local news, and when it was Rainbow Dash's turn, she was asked how she and Twilight lasted so long together since she's a princess and Dash had world touring events. Clearly, their relationship shouldn't be working or lasted this long.

"...because we both accept each other, our strengths and our weaknesses. Everything about us that we gladly share. I might seem strong and cool." she smirk. "Even awesome." Her teammates and the news host all laughed, and she continued after they stopped. "But, deep down, I'm weak. But when I'm with her, she accepts my weakness and just helps me. Even if I'm weak, she's always there for me and loves me, always reminding me of that." She started to tear up, and everyone in the newsroom went quiet. "She's my strength to keep loving and protecting her. It's the other way around, too. I'm her strength, so I have to keep being there for her. Because if I don't, then how can I protect her and our friends? She's the reason I'm so strong and able to love. I'll forever protect her, and not just her, but the girls as well." She looked at the camera and smiled. "Thank you, thank you for loving me, Twilight. Thank you for accepting who I am. Thank you, my love, for everything."
