> Shine from the Inside out > by Postwarmonkey50 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I'll be your Instructor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was such a long time ago. So long that you didn’t even want to think about it. Through your entire childhood you didn’t have much of a good life. Your mother was working at an accounting office not far from your home. The pay was really good, but she barely had time to come home. Your father on the other hand, he had a habit of blaming people for his own mistakes. But his favorite victim was you. You were barely in first grade and didn’t even get to the difficult grades yet, and he treated you like garbage. He was very cruel to you, blaming you for a mistake that wasn’t your fault and that you weren’t there when things happened, even blaming you for your mother passing away and he was only eight when she died in an accident.. And what made it worse, he was calling you a worthless nobody, and said right in your face that you should eat dirt or drop dead and would tell you that you would never amount to anything. You were just a child and yet he didn’t care. You ended up developing an eating disorder, for you would eat so much just to take the pain away. No amount of food could ever take it away, especially when your father would treat you like a pig, yet you kept on eating, becoming a recluse and didn’t bother to look him in the eye. By the time you turned twelve, things got worse and he wanted to beat you to a pulp when you did nothing wrong. However, you were thankful for what happened that day. You had an older brother who was about eighteen when you were born. But he left overseas when he was in the military. He couldn’t be there for mom’s funeral because he was in the middle of a mission in Afghanistan. But by the time he had served his tour, he had an honorable discharge and came home. He had a key to the house that your mother gave him, so he wanted to surprise you. But when he walked in, he was shocked by what he saw. Both your dad that wanted to beat you, and that you were overweight. Your dad saw him and said in his angered state that he should beat you to a pulp, especially for what happened to your mother. Your older brother was appalled. Not only did your own father treat his own younger son like garbage, but the fact he blamed you for what happened to mom, that was crossing the line. Enraged, your older brother attacked your father and beat him to a pulp, yelling at him that after all these years, he couldn’t believe he’d act like this. For you didn’t do anything to him and yet he had the gall to blame you for his problems and for what happened to your mother. He didn’t stop beating your father as he gave him a harsh lesson that he would never forget. The beating your father received was so bad, he ended up being crippled for life. Your older brother grabbed your father by the shirt and said to his face, ‘who’s the worthless one now’, then took you away after he called the police. The police arrested your father and was put in the hospital, however, because of what your father did to you, he was placed under arrest and sentenced to ten years. However, six months later, a prison riot broke out and he was killed, considering he couldn’t get away because he was confined in a wheelchair. You soon lived with your older brother after he promised to look after you. He got you the help you needed by seeing a few doctors to help you get out of your funk. Your older brother even decided to help personally train you. He took you to a gym, and you would punch it. But when he told you of your dad, that’s what motivated you. You punched and run non-stop as a way of getting all that pent up anger out of your system. For the past eight years, your brother continued to train you hard in order for you to get back into shape. Because of that, you lost a lot of weight, your confidence is restored, and you were also very fit. It also helped the fact that your brother had saved up to open a gym so that everyone could do their daily routines. Which he was thankful, considering that his gym is the second one in town, and everyone needed to work out a lot of kinks. You were so grateful; you asked your brother if you could work with him as well as being an instructor. He was very grateful, as he needed all the help they can get. The next day you applied to work there and things went off pretty well. You continued to train on your own in order to stay in shape, whilst you felt you could also do better by helping others in an emotional level, to make sure that they don’t lose their confidence. Thankfully you also studied to be a psychologist in case the gym work didn’t work out so well. It had been a few years and things were looking pretty well for you. But then everything changed that one day. It was a cold winter night and you decided to continue with your runs as usual. Your brother told you to be careful, for in hash weathers like this, it can be very dangerous. You reassured your brother that everything will be fine. And if it’ll make him feel better, you promised him that you will stay on the jogger’s path. He felt worried, but he knows it’s safer that way. You jogged down the path you always took, but you also noticed that it was…snowing? That’s strange. It never snowed in this part of the country. For his entire life as he grew up, it never snowed in this part of the country. Though you still continued to stay on the jogger’s path. But as you walked, you heard the sound of a car coming. You turned and to your shock, it was a truck driving around, being driven by a drunken driver who decided to fool around. You couldn’t react fast enough as the truck went straight to you. And with great speed, it pinned you against a tree, hard. The only thing you could remember was something piercing through your stomach, and saw that you were coughing up blood. You couldn’t stay awake long enough, but then you heard another voice. You turned and you saw your older brother coming towards you in shock. He was worried and followed you. He was able to pull the truck loose, and held you in his arms whilst he was sitting down on the ground. You could barely see anything, for all what you were slowly seeing…was nothing but darkness. **************************************************************************************************** You shortly woke up, feeling a bit groggy as you got up. You then noticed that you were in a bed of sorts. You tried to take in to your surroundings, not having any idea where you were. But if you had to guess, you were in a different room. Though it didn’t look like a hotel or anything, but it does have a fancy ring around this place. You decided to get up. Though you remembered that you were nearly snapped in half after that car drove into you. You looked yourself over and you saw that there was no scratch marks. You were completely baffled by how that was possible. But you decided not to question it and walked over to the window. You looked outside and to your surprise, you saw that you were in what looked like a castle, with a grander city around you. “Whoa,” you muttered, “Where the heck am I?” “Oh good, you’re awake.” You turned around and to your surprise, you saw another human entering the room. “Whoa…who are you.” You asked. “My name’s Platinum.” Said the human known as Platinum. After you introduced yourself, he said “It’s nice to meet you. Now I’m assuming you want to know where we are?” “I do actually.” You replied. “Why don’t you follow me, my brother-in-law and our wives are waiting for us in the dining room.” You walked with Platinum down the hall. And during that time, he explained what he could about the kingdom he was in. The world he landed in was nothing like Earth. For the kingdom you landed in is called Equestria, where Earth Ponies, Unicorns and Pegasi live in relative peace. Well, for the most part. They had tons of trouble, but thanks to the kingdom’s heroes they were able to protect them. Soon enough, the two of you arrived at the dining room, where another human was waiting. And, to your shock, was two horse like figures. “In case you wonder, they’re ponies.” Whispered Platinum when he knew what you were thinking. He also explained that Celestia and Luna are Alicorns, a combination of three ponies, to be the symbol of unity, as well as being the guardians and protectors of the kingdom from any enemy threats. You nodded in understanding whilst the two of you made it over to them. “Ah, greetings there.” Said Princess Celestia. “Welcome to Canterlot, the capitol of Equestria. My name is Princess Celestia. And beside me is my sister, Princess Luna, and her husband Nebula.” “We would introduce our kids,” said Nebula, which surprised that the latter have children, “Unfortunately the three of them are ill. Bad case of the horsey hives too.” “How it came to them is beyond me.” Said Princess Luna whilst shaking her head, “Those two were healthy yesterday.” “Sometimes illness has a way of sneaking unexpectedly, Luna.” Said Princess Celestia, before turning to you and said “Now then, about who you are?” “First thing’s first,” you asked, “How did I get here.” “Well,” said Nebula as he remembered how it happened. “Our drill instructor, Flash Magnus was busy taking his troops on their training routine, when all of a sudden in a flash, you suddenly appeared. Magnus took you to the castle and told us what happened.” “As of how you got here,” said Platinum, “After we die, we somehow end up here. But only if our hearts remained pure and good.” “Pure and good?” you said in confusion. “That’s right.” Said Nebula, “Both Platinum and I had trouble growing up over the years. I suffered from a sleeping disorder called narcolepsy, whilst Platinum nearly got blind when he began to slowly lose his vision. I don’t know how I died, but some guess that it was when I fell asleep again. Platinum fell off a cliff when he slipped.” “Then the two of them ended up in Equestria.” Said Princess Celestia. “Were you two the first…?” you tried to ask. “No, the two of us came later on.” Said Platinum, “The first group of humans to arrive were Beau and the others. All of them are currently living in Ponyville at the moment. It’s a small town not far from here.” “And after the two of us, more humans arrived.” Said Nebula. “Some of them in Canterlot, others beyond the kingdom.” “That must’ve been horrible, being far from their homes.” You commented. “Oh, it was at first.” Said Platinum, “But if we didn’t, we’d each have our own problems.” “And we wouldn’t be married to the ones that seemed like fate. Or destiny.” Said Nebula as he and Platinum held their wives’ hands, which the latter couldn’t help but smile back for that matter. You couldn’t help but feel envious, seeing them in love and married. Makes you wish you were lucky too. “But other than that,” said Princess Celestia, “What can you tell us about yourself.” You were hesitant at first, but seeing that all of them were royals, you didn’t want to make them mad or anything. So, you told your life story for a bit. After you were done, they were surprised to hear what you’ve been through. “Wow,” said Platinum, “That’s seriously messed up.” “Indeed.” Said Luna. “Thou father was a horrible man.” “I’m just thankful my brother helped me when I felt like I had nobody.” You replied. “And you say he opened a gym?” asked Nebula, “To help train others to help them keep in shape and to ensure that all of them have healthy lifestyles?” “That’s right.” You replied. The royals were looking at one another and whispered something. You felt a bit nervous, for you have no idea what they were talking about. They turn to you, and you notice that they have something in mind for you. “How would you like to open a gym as well?” Said Platinum. You were a bit stunned by what they said. And you couldn’t help but ask, “Excuse me?” “It’s like this,” said Nebula, “Ever since we got here, we were able to help bring a few changes and holidays to Equestria. Some were a bit skeptical at first too, but they were able to see the benefits that came with it. And seeing that Canterlot has a few ponies who rarely do any, ahem, exercising, we figured that this would be a great way for them to get in shape and feel well. And I’m sure that some of the guards would also want some extra training for their downtime as their daily routine.” You pondered at this for a moment. On one hand it wouldn’t feel right to accept an offer and give nothing in return, but if what they said is true, then it would be a good idea for a place for them to work out. And I’m sure there are many other ponies who would benefit something like this. After some thinking, you looked at them and decided to give them your answer. “Alright then,” you replied, “I’ll accept your offer.” “Splendid.” Said Princess Celestia as she clasped her hands together. “We look forward for such a place to open were everypony goes.” “Especially you, given how much cake you’re eating.” Teased Platinum, which got a chuckle from Nebula and Luna, with Princess Celestia giving him a death glare. “Make a comment like that again, honey, and I will give you an exercise of a lifetime.” She threatened. Platinum then whispered something in her ear, making her eyes wide in surprise and blush whilst being heavily red at the same time. “Quiet!!” shouted Princess Celestia, which the others minus you could tell what he said to her, which stifled the others’ laughter. You on the other hand… “You two really do make a cute couple.” You couldn’t help but reply. The two of them stopped and looked at you for a moment, then to each other. The two of them couldn’t help but smirk whilst flexing their eyebrows at one another. You couldn’t help but shake your head at the scene, for in a way, it kind of is adorable. “Now then, as for the gym.” Said Nebula, “We were able to locate a building that’s been vacant for about two months, which should be an ideal place for you to start the gym. It should take us about two months until the place is ready. So, in the meantime, you’re more than welcome to spend the time in the castle until you’re up on your feet.” “A-are you sure?” you asked, “I don’t want to be a burden.” “Not at all.” Said Princess Celestia, “We are more than welcome to house a guest who wishes to make a difference in the world.” You couldn’t help but bow to them and said “Thank you, your highness.” **************************************************************************************************** The next day, you woke up and did your daily routine in order to stay in shape, whilst also trying to think of a program that the guards could follow. Celestia introduced you to Flash Magnus, who became a drill instructor in order to try and get the rookies into shape, but then he showed you a routine that would be well suited for you when you train the others. When you told him that you want to open a gym, whilst also explaining what a gym is, he was more than happy and ecstatic to help you out. It took a while, but he was able to help you find the perfect training routines for the rookies and soldiers in order for them to stay in shape. But as you continued to think what routines they can follow, as well as the balanced meal they should take, you suddenly bumped into someone, making you fall onto the ground. You groaned whilst rubbing your head whilst you sat onto the ground. “Oh man, I’m so sorry about that.” You said. “No, it’s alright, it was more my fault.” You looked up and to your surprise, you saw an overweight pony, wearing what clothes could fit her, but you noticed that her hair was blonde and she was a unicorn. Wow, why was she this big…did something happen to her? “Are you alright?” she asked as she helped you up. “Yeah, I’m fine.” You replied after she helped you up and you dusted yourself off at the same time. You introduced yourself to her in order for you to not be rude to her. “Nice to meet you, I’m Nelly.” She replied. She still had a regretful look on her face. “I’ll treat you to dinner, my treat.” “Oh, you don’t have to do that.” You replied and gently declined her offer. “Oh, but I insist.” Said Nelly, “I can’t stand leaving another just lying there hurt without some form of apology.” You thought about it for a bit, and seeing that it was close to lunchtime and you didn’t want to be rude. “Well…alright then, you’ve convinced me.” You replied. “Yay!!” said Nelly before dragging you along. *************************************************************************************************** The two of you were at a diner of sorts, and the two of you ate at a restaurant. You were having a yoghurt parfait, whilst Nelly…had a few large pizzas. Though when you watch her eat, the way she eats and the large amount that she eats…you knew exactly what was wrong, but you weren’t sure. Though “Thanks for the offer, Nelly.” You said. “You’re welcome.” Said Nelly as she ate the pizza. When you looked at her…you couldn’t help but pity her. You want to help her, in order for her to try and lose weight. And maybe get her to stop eating so much. But knowing her, she won’t budge. However, you looked at your parfait…and you had an idea. “You know,” you said to her, gaining her attention. “You’re an expert on cuisines, correct?” “Well, I wouldn’t say that?” said Nelly as she didn’t know how to respond to that. “Well, why don’t you give this a try?” you gestured her to your parfait. “Blegh, I don’t wanna try that, it’s gross.” Said Nelly. “Have you ever tasted it?” you asked her. “Well…no, but…” said Nelly, trying to come up with an excuse. “Then how can you say that it’s not good if you haven’t tried it?” you asked her. She was then in a corner. She didn’t know how to respond to it as she looked back and forth, whilst trying her best not to look you in the eye. But she did and she ended up giving in. “Alright,” she replied whilst sighing in defeat, “I’ll give it a try.” She took a spoon and took a spoonful of your parfait. She was a bit hesitant at first, but she took the bite, you saw her lit her eyes up, as she couldn’t believe what she was tasting. She felt her mouth was exploding with such a flavor that she never tasted before. “Oh, my, gosh.” Muttered Nelly after she took the spoon out of her mouth. “This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever tasted!!” “And here’s a secret,” you said as you had worked on a plan for her. “I know every single flavor out there that you’ve probably never tasted before.” “And I wanna try all of them!!” said Nelly excited. “Oh, we will.” You said. “But, how about we make a deal. I know you’ve never done any exercising before, correct?” Nelly was a bit quiet, but you decided to work on a gamble. “If you can keep up with me for two weeks, two full weeks,” you told her whilst trying your best to keep your composure. “I’ll reward you with the tastiest thing you’ve ever tasted. Something that you’ve never tasted before.” Nelly was then a bit unsure of herself as she said “I don’t know…” “You like to work for something, don’t you?” you asked her. “Of course, I do.” Said Nelly, “When I was in the school for gifted Unicorns, I worked harder more than anypony. And it shows overtime.” “Then I know you can do this.” You told her. “Think of this as Celestia’s school, but instead of focusing working on your magic, focus on working on your body.” Nelly pondered at this for a moment. Then smiled and said “You’ve got yourself a deal.” “Very good then.” You told her before you shook her hand. “When should we meet?” she asked. “I’ll meet you at your house.” You told her, “That way, I’ll be waiting for you once I get there.” “Alright then,” said Nelly before taking out a piece of paper and writing something down before handing it to him, “Here’s my address. I’ll see you soon.” “I’ll see you soon.” You told her as she stood up and left whilst also paying for the bill at the same time. You then looked down and said “And I promise to give you the help you need.” You then ate your parfait whilst also thinking about on how to help her at the same time. > A goal ahead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun began to slowly rise, and yet surprisingly, you got up before the sun shone right in your eyes. You were fully dressed in your workout clothes and you left whilst greeting the guards at the same time. You started to jog down the road and remembered the path to Nelly’s house. From the moment you met her, you saw how overweight she was, and the way you saw her eat…you saw a bit of yourself in her. You could tell from the mount of food she eats; she went through an experience that she’s hiding from. Whatever was wrong with her, you didn’t know. You’d thought how you would find out from her sooner or later. Whatever it was…you really want to help her. You were a lot like her when you were younger, only thing was his father was responsible for his misery. You were thankful that your brother came home that day and saved you. But defending you wasn’t the only reason he beat up your father, he beat him up because his dad didn’t tell him his mother passed away, which was beyond messed up in a way no one else could imagine. He was able to help you set back to the right path, as well as exercising. Before you knew it, after so much hard work, you became who you needed to be because of him. You owe everything to him, and now you wish to do the same for her. You soon arrive at her house and knocked on the door. After about five minutes, she opened the door and was able to wear what appeared to be clothing for exercise. ‘Wow,’ you thought to yourself, ‘They actually make exercise clothing in that size? I’ve gotta remember to thank the one who came up with the idea.’ “Sorry I took so long,” said Nelly, “Did I keep you waiting?” “Of course not, you’re right on time.” You replied. “So, uh…where should we start?” asked Nelly nervously. “First thing’s first, and I know it’s a very sensitive topic.” You asked her, “But what is your current weight?” She winced at that, but she was able to whisper it in your ear “275 pounds.”, which you made a mental note of it. “Alright then,” you said to her, “If you can lose about say, 121 pounds, that will be the goal. We’ll see how much you lose after two weeks. If you’re able to lose a certain amount, then we’ll see how we can go from there.” “I’m okay with it.” Said Nelly. “However,” you said to her, “That means no junk food or anything else.” She again winced at that, but you held onto her shoulder and reassured her that everything will be alright. She nodded to it, and asked “Where do I start first?” “We’ll start with something simple.” You said to her. “We’ll start with normal walks for the first few days. Then we’ll try some power walks. We’ll do it for the first six miles to the outskirts. Once your body gets used to it, then we’ll be able to push onto further heights. Just be behind me at all times and everything will be okay. Okay?” “Okay.” Said Nelly as she prepared herself. “Alright then, let’s do this.” You said to her. “Now then, stay behind me and don’t wander off.” “Okay then.” Said Nelly as she followed you. You began to guide her. You thought about it long and hard on how to get it started. You remembered during your exercise routines; you were outside of the city gates of Canterlot. But from above the mountain where you practiced your climbing skills, you spotted a small town ahead. Princess Celestia once explained that the town you saw is called Ponyville. Her former student, Princess Twilight Sparkle, resides in Ponyville. But from what you heard, she plans to let her take the throne, but she’s not ready to take it. This was shortly after they faced one of their enemies. Though you don’t know when, you figured you wouldn’t ask anymore. But what surprised you, was that there were more humans in Ponyville, as a handful of them have started a few romantic relationships with a few mares. You hope you get to meet them one day. However, you heard that there was another human in another kingdom, and he recently got married to a mare far from here, and she recently gave birth to a pair of fraternal twins. They named their sons Cody and Gregor. Which in a strange way seems very fitting. However, you heard that the mare, whose name is Goldenrod, is pregnant once more, and expecting twins. This time however, they’re girls, which seems to have piqued her interest as she was looking forward to raise a few girls. You got out of your thoughts and once again tried to keep an eye on Nelly. You noticed that she was eyeing a few eateries, even that one place that looks like it’s cuisine were made by people from India. Thankfully, you were able to get her out of her thoughts and focused on you. Soon enough, you reached the outskirts of the city. “Alright then,” you replied whilst looking at her. “We’re going to start something simple. But this one, I’ll do a proper test on this one.” “What kind of test?” asked Nelly. “To see how far you can go.” You said to her. “Once we do, we’ll be able to determine how far you can go. Then we’ll try that for the next two weeks. But don’t worry, I’ll still be by your side to see your progress. But just promise me one thing.” “What’s that?” asked Nelly. You don’t know why, but you walked towards her and placed your hand on her shoulder, whilst you looked at her right in the eyes. “That you won’t give up, no matter what. What matters is that no matter what they say, you’re strong no matter what.” Nelly didn’t know why, but she felt flustered whilst her heart was beating fast at the same time. You released her shoulder and said “Come on, let’s get going.” You walked ahead whilst Nelly looked at you. She couldn’t help but smile and followed suit. You began to mark from where the two of you started. You started from the city gates and began from there. You started to walk for about the first three miles. You looked back and saw that she was doing a good job at keeping up with you. You just hope that she won’t collapse from exhaustion, as you remember people with that amount of weight don’t last long when it comes to going the distance. So, you walked beside her to make sure she would be okay. You then reached to six miles, and you noticed that she was sweating. Which was a good sign, for you wanted to make sure that she would get used to it. You could hear her breathing heavily, which got you worried. “You know, we could stop if you…” you said, before you were cut off. “No,” said Nelly, “I can…do this.” You nodded, for you were glad that even though with her current weight, she’s showing that she doesn’t want to give up. By the time you reached the tenth mile, you saw clearly that she wasn’t going to last long. The two of you stopped whilst she rested on a chunk of grass whilst she took a breath. “Alright then,” you said to her, “You’ve done well. You were able to reach ten miles. Most who exercise on their first time wouldn’t last long. But clearly you impressed me.” “Thanks.” Said Nelly as she panted a few times. Thankfully you packed in some water and gave some to her, which she accepted and drank it whilst she was trying to quench her thirst at the same time. She sighed in relief as she was happy that her throat could take in some water. “So, how do you feel?” you asked her. “Exhausted for one thing.” Said Nelly, “I’ve never felt this tired before.” “But does it feel like a bit of a burden is lifted from you?” you asked her. “Well…” said Nelly as she thought about it. Though strangely…she sort of did. “Huh, now that you mention it, I do feel better for some reason. Though…” “You’re not comfortable with doing this?” you asked her, “Because you’re not comfortable with the walking?” Nelly looked at you surprised. “How did you…?” “Call it a hunch.” You replied. You slapped your knees before getting up, and said “Now then, should we head back?” “Sure thing.” Said Nelly as she stood up. The two of them made their way back, with the same amount of mileage for their walking. You have to admit, Nelly is doing a good job with her workout. To make sure that she didn’t cheat or anything, you were able to help her get rid of every inch of junk food in the house, whilst also trying to get her some healthy ones. You even offered to help cook her something healthy. Thankfully, you knew how to make them tasty and delicious in case they would complain. *************************************************************************************************** For the next two weeks, you did the same thing with her routines, but this time, with a much farther distance, as well as healthier foods. You also made sure she didn’t overdo her eating habits, which was one of the few things that can lead to further weight gain. And as promised, you were able to make a parfait for her, the healthy treat that you promised her, to which she enjoyed it, whilst at the same time, you tried to ensure that she would enjoy it by savoring it and not devouring it. You could tell she really enjoyed it. You also began to weigh her. And to your surprise, she lost fifteen pounds. Which was great progress. However, one day, as you were on your way to her, you saw her sneaking around. You had a feeling what she was doing, so you followed her from a distance and to make sure that she didn’t see you. When you turned to a corner, you saw she had entered a pizza place. “Oh no.” you muttered, for somehow you had a feeling something like this was going to happen. You walked close to it and you saw her standing by the counter, taking a pizza order. About thirty minutes later, she took a large box and headed out, but you chose to hide in order for her not to spot you. You decided to follow her from a distance in order to keep an eye on her. But as you followed, you saw her sitting at a secret spot and took a big slice. You couldn’t take it anymore and you walked over to her. Before she could take a bite, you grabbed her by the arm, which shocked her when she saw you. “What do you think you’re doing?” you asked her sternly, but also trying to be fair with her at the same time. “Uh, I was just…” said Nelly. “You were cheating from what we had planned.” You told her. Before she could react, you grabbed the slice and the pizza and tossed it in the garbage, much to her dismay. “What the heck? We were doing so well, why are you doing this?” you asked her. “Well…” “Ha, look at that!!” You looked at their direction and saw a handful of unicorns, and from the looks of it, they were bullies. “Look at the fat hideous hippo!! Eating like the big fat pig she is.” Taunted the second one, causing all of them to laugh at her. You saw how hurt Nelly was. And then you saw it, you saw yourself, being tortured by your father. You then gripped your hands, for this had gone on long enough. You walked over to them whilst secretly holding a large rock behind your back. They continued to taunt Nelly, whilst not noticing you at the same time. “Hey, asshole!!” you shouted. Before one of them could react, you used the rock to bash the first pony’s head with it, making him fall over, much to their shock. You then grabbed the second one’s arm and dislocated it, kicked him at the back of the leg whilst it also dislocated, then punched his lights out. During the fight, Nelly was both shocked and surprised at the same time, seeing the bullies being beat up. The sixth one he ended up punching so hard, the said pony landed against the wall and onto the ground with his face bruised and bleeding nose, before collapsing on the ground, as the other five were in no shape either. You dusted your hands after you defeated the bullies. You then walked over to Nelly and presented your hand to her. Though she was a little frightened, but the way you defended her from her tormentors, she accepted your hand, allowing the both of you to leave for her house. *********************************************************************************************** After they got back to her house, Nelly sat on her bed and looked down, greatly ashamed for what she did, but also sort of relieved not to be near her tormentors and bullies. You sat next to her. Though you’re not mad at her, you were somewhat disappointed by what she was trying to do. “Nelly,” you began, which made her wince as she looked down in shame, “Why did you do it? We were making such good progress. And you were trying to go behind my back and do something like this. So why…why did you do it?” Nelly sighed a bit and decided to come clean. “For me…it was sometimes to help take the pain away.” She said, “When I was little, I was constantly bullied because everypony took one good look at me and thought I was worthless. I tried to tell my father, but he wouldn’t hear it. And whenever my mother wasn’t around, he would constantly verbally abuse me. So, every now and then I would sneak away and eat as much as I can. Cause sometimes food can make you feel better, but he just wouldn’t stop, same with the bullies.” Nelly began to shed a few tears, “When my mother found out, she immediately divorced and threw him out of the house. But because of him, I developed an eating disorder. And after I graduated, I tried to live my life as best I could, but no matter how hard I tried, it just wouldn’t stop. And I’ve been trying to cope with it ever since.” She looked away and said “I assume you’re going to judge me because of it, too?” You then remembered your time back on your world, how you were miserable because of your father. But thanks to your brother, you were able to turn your life around. Now you want to so the same for her. “Not really, considering I’ve been there.” You replied, making her look back at you in shock. “What?” she asked confusingly. “I’ve been through the exact same way you were.” You told her. You looked ahead and decided to tell her your story. “When I was little, my father was constantly cruel with me. I didn’t even do anything wrong; I tried my best to be a good son, but he just kept beating me, made me miserable. I even ended up developing an eating disorder because of it. My mother couldn’t do anything because she passed away when I was eight, and my older brother was in the army overseas. But when I was twelve, my older brother came back. When he saw what my dad did to me, as well as him not telling that our mother that she died, he was furious. So, he ended up beating my father so badly, he was crippled for life, which he mocked our dad, saying that he was worthless.” “Oh my.” Said Nelly surprised. “But my dad couldn’t make the charges stick because my dad was charged for child abuse, so they sent him far away where he couldn’t find us.” You told her. “After that, my brother and I moved to Hawaii. My brother decided to help me get my life on track, even helped train me and I ended up losing weight. It was a lot of hard work, but in the end, it was very worth it. Afterwards, he opened a gym, and I became one of the trainers. But I also took a study in psychology to help others out. We both helped out a lot of folks who had the same problem like I did, and I helped people. And every day for what I did, it made my brother happy.” He looked at her with compassion and said “Now I want to do the same for you. Because you went through the same thing, and there was no one to support and help you whenever you were in trouble. So that I could help you get your life back on track.” “Is…is that why you wanted to help me?” asked Nelly, which you nodded. “Is that the reason?” “One of them.” You told her, “And the other…” You don’t know what came over you, but you slowly leaned towards Nelly, and you placed your lips on hers, which left her shocked and flustered. You then broke the kiss and looked directly at her. “Because you’re worth it.” Nelly couldn’t help but be in tears as happiness began to wash her over. She then kissed him back and gave him a hug at the same time. For she was happy that another came to help her, and thought she was worth it. “I promise you.” Said Nelly, “I’ll take my training seriously. And I’m glad that you’re here to keep an eye on me to do it.” You couldn’t help but smile and hugged her back. For you were glad to hear it. And know that you were in the right direction to help her. Because if you couldn’t, who else would? > The results are worth it > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been six months since you began to train Nelly in order for her to be back on track with her life, as well as trying to lose weight at the same time. In the first two months, you began to train Nelly, and she had shown much determination, and commitment to losing weight in order to reach her ideal weight, and to be in shape. However, at the end of the second month, the royals were successful in opening your gym, which you were very grateful. Thankfully, you gained a working staff to help you out, as well as the place to help train the royal guards, and those who start things out. But during that time, you focused on helping Nelly first. For thanks to all the equipment all around you, you now have the means to help train her. And even though she gets exhausted very quickly, you’re proud to see how well she is doing. And once she was able to lose more weight, you were able to move to the serious training. You used jump ropes, you used smaller weights, you used treadmills, that thing that looks like oars with weights. You never could figure out what those were called, but it doesn’t matter, as long as they helped. Then boxing, which for the record would sound ridiculous, but if it meant helping her, it’s worth it. And it shows that she’s fully committed to it, which is a step in the right direction. But during that time, you ended up having feelings for her, but you didn’t tell her yet, for you needed her to be focused on what she was doing. But by the fifth month, you couldn’t hold out your feelings for her any longer, so you confessed to her. Nelly was so overjoyed she ended up welcoming it with a kiss. Now she even had a bigger goal in mind; to help get into shape for him. By the sixth month, Nelly had complete her goal by losing a full 121 pounds, and the work had really shown it. After she became slender, she also became blessed with an hourglass figure, her posterior were very luscious, and her breasts were at least GG-cup breasts. You couldn’t help but blush madly at that. Through all that hard work, every pony in Canterlot were shocked to see Nelly changed so drastically, even the elites were greatly surprised to see her change so drastically. You decided to take her shopping in order for to have clothes that now matches her body. When you popped by the boutique, the owner and the manager of the store were shocked to see Nelly as it took them by surprise. Rarity, along with her human husband Silver, which still surprises you to this day, began to design clothes that would fit her personality, and they were more than happy to make those kinds of clothing. You were glad you were able to get her clothes that she can now wear. The two of you then decided to move in together and Nelly decided to help you out from time to time by managing the gym in order for most of the members to be civil at the same time. Then one day, the two of you decided to have fun on a date, and decided to eat at a restaurant for this special occasion. For it had been exactly seven months since the two of you met. “Thanks again for taking me out to this place, Achilles.” Said Nelly. During your conversations, you told her of some of the best athletes in your world, as well as a few warriors. You even told her about a legendary warrior of Greece, who could go the distance, so she decided to call you Achilles. And the dress she wore was darker than her fur color, which you have to admit, looks really great on her, though it could barely hide the bosom for you to look at. Though what really changed ever since she lost weight was her voice. For it also changed, and it also had a certain allure to that too. “Thanks,” you replied. “I figured that this would be a great celebration.” “What kind of celebration?” asked Nelly curiously. “Two things really.” You said to her. “The first one, to celebrate the hard work you put in.” “Only because you were there by my side.” Said Nelly with her grateful smile, “To which I’m very grateful.” “And the other,” you said, “To celebrate our one-month anniversary of the day the two of us started to date.” “Wow, time really does fly, huh?” asked Nelly. “It sure has.” You said. You raised a glass and said “So how about we both toast to our success.” “I’ll definitely drink to that.” Said Nelly as they tapped their glass together before taking a sip. Suddenly, Nelly noticed something on stage and noticed that there were ponies singing on the stage. You looked at the stage and you saw how they were singing. You then had some idea what she was thinking. “Do you wanna sing too?” you asked Nelly. Nelly blushed at this and said “I don’t know…I’ve never sing before.” “First time for everything.” You replied, “But seeing that it’s the first for both of us, why don’t we try to sing one by one, then sing together?” Nelly was a little bit nervous, until you stood up and walked over to her. You crouched from behind her and wrapped your arms around her waist. “Don’t worry, I’ll be with you every step of the way.” You whispered. “And if that is not enough motivation.” You slowly slipped your hand under her arm and slipped into her dress, allowing you to gently grope her breast, which made her slightly gasp and fluster at the same time. She moaned a little, but not too loudly as she doesn’t want to gain any unwanted attention. If that wasn’t enough, he was gently going to somewhere more sensitive, before Nelly grabbed him and looked at him with some lust of her own. “I do want you.” Whispered Nelly. “But let’s do this first before we have some fun, okay?” “You got it.” You whispered back. The two of you got to the stage. You encouraged Nelly to sing first, for this will be great for her, in order for her to help build up her confidence. Once she was on stage, she looked below and saw you standing there in order for you to support her up close. Nelly took a breath and began to sing. (Insert Inner Steel) As she sang, everyone was amazed by how amazing Nelly sounded, even the guys began to cheer for her. But Nelly was more focused on you, as you told her to. Which helped her gain more confidence along the way. After the song was over, everyone clapped their hands for Nelly, which she shyly waved and stepped down the stage. She stood near you and hugged you. You also began to take a turn, but this time, you sang one of your favorite songs back in your world. (Insert 2 to 2 step) Everyone quite enjoyed the song, especially since everyone is dancing all around you. Afterwards, the two of you began to sing together a duet of sorts. (In a moment like this) Everyone cheered at the two of you singing together, with Nelly grabbing you and planted a kiss on your lips, which you happily returned. For this was quite the way to celebrate one’s anniversary. *************************************************************************************************** After your date, the two of you walked home together, for that was quite the night that you don’t want to forget anytime soon. And I’m sure Nelly feels the same way about this too. Soon enough, the two of you had finally arrived at home. “Now that was a lot of fun.” You said. “It sure was.” Said Nelly before giggling, “I’ve never sung in front of a large crowd before.” “But in the end it felt good, didn’t it?” you asked, “You were able to face your fears.” “I have, didn’t I?” said Nelly with pride. “Though there’s only one more thing that you need to conquer.” You told her with a smirk after you unlocked the door. “And what’s that?” asked Nelly. You planted your lips onto her, taking her by surprise, as well as you grasping onto her nice luscious flank. She ended up passionately kissing you back whilst holding you close. She even moaned whilst you kept groping onto her posterior. You slowly broke it as you looked right at her flustering eyes. “Going all out with me.” You replied whilst you blushed. You once again groped onto her posterior, which made her moan. “Oh, I’m up for it.” Replied Nelly. She then lunged herself onto you as she both hungrily and passionately made out with you. Both of your tongues wrestling with one another, which caused the both of you to slowly move. Thankfully, you were able to open the door, allowing the both of you to go inside and closed the door and locked it. You turned the lights on and continued to make out with her. You both made your way to the living room, which caused the both of you to collapse onto the couch whilst you couldn’t help but give a playful smack to her posterior, making her yelp, but found it very sexy, causing her to invade your tongue within her again. The two of them ended up breaking the kiss, with her looking at him seductively. “You know, I’m certainly hungry for something.” Said Nelly. “But for this…you’re gonna wanna have to sit up straight.” “Oh?” you responded whilst you were curious with a smirk at the same time. You then did as you asked. However, before you did, she ended up loosening your belt, as well as your pants and underwear, leaving your member out. Nelly couldn’t help but lick her lips whilst you sat down. She then took your member and gently placed it in her mouth. ‘Wow,’ you thought, ‘Who’d thunk she’d be that skilled in it?’ She began to suck on it whilst she wrapped her tongue around it at the same time. She continued to Nelly gave a few more licks before she sank your shaft into her mouth and began sucking on the entire thing. She used her hands to gently massage your balls, making you feel even better. You felt the urge to ask Nelly how she was able to do this, but you decided not to interrupt her. Besides, with all this pleasure, you found it hard to talk anyway. Nelly’s tongue once again circled around your cock as she kept bobbing her head. Moaning at the slight change of pace, you slowly reached down and began to stroke your mare friend’s soft mane. In response to your gentle touch, she moaned softly, sending shivers up your spine. You were happy that you were both being gentle with one another, especially since you’re both virgins. To make Nelly feel better, you moved your hand and began to scratch behind her ears, making her giggle and moan. Curious of what might happen, you moved one hand up to her horn and stroked it gently. You soon began to stroke Nelly’s horn and stroked it. Nelly began to moan even loudly. Her loud moaning on your shaft made you moan with her. As you continued stroking her horn, you saw a small amount of magic come out, which slightly tickled your hand. Nelly took in your whole shaft, deep throating you and licking your balls. Your legs started to twitch from her incredible skills. Despite being a virgin, she pleasured you like a pro. Unfortunately, all good things, including a blowjob must come to an end. Your climax started to build up. Nelly was also getting close, judging by how fast she was sucking on your cock. “Nelly... I-I’m about to...” you tried to warn her, but your climax suddenly hits and explodes inside her mouth, inflating her cheeks. She moaned loudly and shot out mini magical sparks out of her horn in response to her pleasure. Nelly swallowed your load in big gulps instead of spitting it out before she finally pulled away, panting heavily. “That... was incredible...” you sighed, making Nelly smile and blush. “That was pretty tasty.” Said Nelly, “I never knew you tasted this good.” You couldn’t help but chuckle and held her cheeks before stroking them. “Now I believe it’s my turn now, is it not?” Nelly couldn’t help but blush at this, and was suddenly nervous at the same time. “I’ve…never have anyone do this before.” Said Nelly. You were able to stand up and helped lifted her hup whilst the two of you were standing. You then held onto her flanks, causing her to moan slightly, with him saying “First time for everything.” You then turned her around and have her move against the wall. You then made her place both her hands against the wall whilst she was leaning forward. He lifted the back of her dress, until he was able to see her luscious booty contained in her Emerald Green panties. You slowly pulled her panties down, exposing her wet and delicate flower. You carefully approached Nelly’s flower and stuck your tongue out, giving it a few good licks before finally traveling your tongue on every nook and cranny. Nelly gasped and moaned from your skilled tongue. Her juices tasted so good, they tasted sweeter than any honey you’ve ever tried. She kept on shouting out loud every time your tongue circled laps around her flower and flicking against her sensitive clit. “Oh buck! That feels so good, Achilles! Keep going! I want this so badly!” she moaned loudly. You stared up into the eyes of your beautiful mare with love and passion as you were eating her out and pleasuring her with everything you’ve got. You hummed into her soaking, wet flower, sending vibration up her spine. She shuddered and gasped in ecstasy. Nelly’s love juices sometimes either dripped down your chin or squirted onto your face, but they were only small squirts. Though, at the pace you were going, she could give out any second. But you wanted to make sure this moment would last a little longer. You brought one of your hands onto her luscious flank and massaged them while you occasionally inserted your tongue into her dripping vulva. Nelly couldn’t get enough of the pleasure and kept blushing intensely and moaning loudly. She would keep on panting heavily the more you quickened your licking. “Achilles...” she moaned. You looked up at Nelly immediately as she called you out. “I... I’m so close! I’m about to...” Before she could finish her sentence, her juices exploded right in your face. You gulped down every drop that your lovely mare friend offered. She shrieked from the top of her lungs as she released her juices inside you. After few more seconds, the nectar stopped spraying and Nelly slumped onto her pillow, panting heavily, yet happily. You slightly coughed as some of her juices went down the wrong tube. When the coughing stopped, you and Nelly looked at each other with caring smiles. “That… was so… amazing,” you panted, wiping your face of the leftover juices. “You were amazing, Nelly,” you said wholeheartedly. “T-Thank you... Achilles,” Nelly panted. “Now then,” you said as you stood up, “Shall we take it to the bedside?” “Oh, please do.” Said Nelly as the two of them went to the bedroom. The two of them were able to make it upstairs and closed the doors and curtains behind them, with Nelly using a sound blocking spell so that nobody can hear the two of you. You made your way towards the bed, with Nelly being the first to bent over and playfully moved her posterior to draw you in, whilst she looked at you seductively at the same time. “Take me, Achilles.” Said Nelly whilst looking at you with full lust. You moved towards her and lifted her dress up, though this time without her panties, considering you removed it from her when you wanted to pleasure her. You then held onto your member and carefully placed it inside her wet flower, making her squirm a bit. “Sorry about that.” You told her. “It’s okay…I…I can take it.” Said Nelly as she really wanted this. Soon enough, your entire member was inside of her. You then whispered to her and said “Prepare yourself for the ride of your life.” This caused her to blush bright red as you proceeded into ploughing her. You then moved your hips back and forth, thrusting her as her flank began to shake against your body as she couldn’t help but bite her lip whilst she enjoyed the feeling at the same time. She enjoyed you thrusting inside of her as she never realized how amazing it felt. When she was overweight, she didn’t know if she’d ever enjoyed the feeling, but because of the hard work she put in thanks to you, she was able to enjoy that feeling that she wanted to try out for so long. “Oh, oh my.” Said Nelly as she enjoyed your thrusting as her flank bounced from your thrust, whilst her GG-Cup breasts had been bouncing, even if she was still wearing the dress. You then pulled out member out, until you pushed her and she was fully on the bed, which confused her, but once you were on top of her, you placed your member from behind her again, allowing you to thrust inside of her as she enjoyed the feeling, whilst at the same time, you were holding her flank in order to make sure your member could still go inside of her. What she also enjoyed was that you were constantly massaging her flank as she continued to enjoy every bit of feeling inside of her. “Oh…oh…fuck me.” Said Nelly as she rolled her eyes from every bit of thrusting you were giving her. You couldn’t help but smack on her flank playfully, which got her to moan again as she enjoyed the feeling. “A-Achilles.” Said Nelly whilst you were still thrusting, “C-can we r-remove our c-clothing before we continue, I don’t w-want anything e-else to distract us.” “You got it.” You replied. The two of you were able to remove your clothing completely, which allowed you to see her fully naked, whilst you also enjoyed seeing her perky breasts. More importantly, you couldn’t help but be proud, for you were able to help her a long time ago, just like your brother did for you when you were little. ‘Bro, if you could see us now.’ You thought to yourself as you couldn’t help but smile with pride. The two of you were back on the bed again, this time, Nelly was on her back whilst you lifted her legs up and ended up thrusting her again, which she enjoyed. Nelly couldn’t help but moan from the amazing feeling that you were giving her. “Oh yeah.” Muttered Nelly as she couldn’t help but stare at you whilst you were staring at her back. During the thrusting, you then reached out for her breasts and massaged them, which she couldn’t help but moan once more whilst you were massaging her what others would say, lovely melons. However, she ended up holding onto your hands as she looked at you. “A-Achilles.” Said Nelly whilst she was panting. “C-can I please switch. I’d like to be on top.” You could tell Nelly really wanted to do this, for back then from what she told you, she really wanted to do it, but couldn’t because of well, you know. But now that all her hard work has paid off, you then obliged to her whilst kissing her cheek. “Of course.” You replied. Both of you switched, with you at the bottom, and her at on top. She turned around as you were staring right at her flank and took your member and placed it inside of her love tunnel, which made her moan again. Soon enough, she began to bounce on you as she enjoyed her insides being massaged by your rod. She began to bounce in a fastening pace. You couldn’t help but grasp onto her lovely breasts and began to massage them at the same time. “Oh, sweet Celestia.” Moaned Nelly whilst she was rolling her eyes at the same time. You then ended up pinching her nipples, making her squeak as she enjoyed the feeling. You then did more of the work and thrusted upwards, which she enjoyed greatly at the same time. You then felt that you were going to be at your limit, but you made her stop as she looked at you. “Wait,” you said to her whilst you sat up as your member was still inside of her, “Before we hit the finale, let me face you before the grand finale.” Nelly couldn’t help but kiss you on the lips, then smiled once she broke it. “Okay.” She responded gently. She pulled your member out and turned around, then placed it back inside. You then looked up and saw her face, whilst she looked down on you as she somehow enjoyed seeing that face of yours. She then began to move up and down whilst she kept her hands on top of your chest. During that time, you massaged her breasts, making her lift her head and moan at the same time. Then she began to bounce on your lap whilst she moaned greatly at the same time as her breasts bounced. You then couldn’t help yourself as you then grabbed onto her luscious flanks, making her moan whilst she lifts her head at the same time. You continued to thrust upwards as you were in full control whilst you kept thrusting upwards whilst holding onto her flank cheeks. “I…can’t think…straight!!” exclaimed Nelly as her tongue was out, “It’s…so big…and it…feels so…good!!” “Then let’s…finish this!!” you said loudly. Nelly then hugged you as her breasts were against your chest, whilst she was moaning in your ear at the same time, which in turn makes you pump into her faster. You kept putting all of your stamina into your thrusts, which would make any girl feel numb. But Nelly was a special case as she lasted this long. “Nelly…it…it’s coming!!” you exclaimed as you felt you were going to explode. “I…feel it too!! I think…I think I’m going to…!!” exclaimed Nelly as she was also feeling the same way. With one last thrust, both you and Nelly released your load, making the both of you moan very loudly at the same time. After the tenth climax, both of you panted heavily and landed together on the bed, with Nelly still remaining on top, but then got off and were next to him with a smile on her face. “Wow…” said Nelly, “I exercised and worked out for months, but I wasn’t prepared for this.” “Same here.” You replied. You then held her close and said “But I’m glad that my virginity’s broken by the mare I love and care about.” “Aw, I feel the same way.” Said Nelly as she placed her hand against her belly and giggled. “Heh, this is the first time I’ve swollen a bit because of our fun time, and not because of the food.” You chuckled with her and said “Still, I’m glad to have met you Nelly.” “No, I’m glad that I met you.” Said Nelly, “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be where I am right now.” “Only for the best.” You said as you felt your fatigue is about to kick in. “I think that’s a sign that we’ve had our fun for the night.” Said Nelly, who then embraced you after she used her magic to put the blanket over the both of you. She kissed you on the lips and said “Goodnight Achilles, I love you.” “Love you too.” You responded back. Soon enough, the fatigued kicked in and the both of you were soon fast asleep, as you thought about one thing that could come true one day; the art of parenthood.