by Partycannon_

First published

judgement of the reaper

nothing but pain awaits

:( It's already finished. Why is there more? ):


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Everything stopped, the pain, the sorrow… yet why is the darkness wet? I listen to noise from beyond this dark prison, random jolts of muffled sounds. Time, time is uncountable. Is this the rest of eternity? Where is the hell of pain that I deserve? I picture my unfocused existence, the pain that drove every rusted hoofstep, the dark sorrow of realization.

I wait and wait… I replay the pain… The pain…

Please, an eternity of pain.

Slime crawling across the soul isn’t what I deserve.


Finally, agony. Being mangled, forcefully pulled through a labyrinth of pounding red with a noose of grief. The blaring audio of ceaseless noise pounding endlessly. Screams ache into the throbbing walls along with the overwhelming sting of torture. Breathless moments carves a grin into the burning discomfort.

The red sludge held tight even as the impetus energy forces. Clamor grew more ear-splitting with each pulse. An intense gleam of radiance stretched further and further until prevailing over the sinful gloom.

Many colors guide my vision as the pain evaporates. The soft edges focus into sharp hues, for once I see the world as other perceive it. Ponies wearing white held me for the longest moments of existence. Please, this is worse than the harshest pain. I was given to a pink mare who wore her mane in an indigo mess, the joy was more than present in her dark eyes.

Terror of the tragedy fueled me. I was not in pain, I tried to call out, begging those around me to end me. When squeals came I knew the fate I had fallen into. A large white figure came and joined us, I desired the end but this was the beginning of the beginning.

The birth.

Of Sweetie Belle.

The birth, of me.

More than a beginning.

Bricks of soft red, piled one atop another. It reaches isolated heights but is so far from its goal. The one called mother breaks the pillar with a confrontation.

Honey, what did I say about the column of reds?” She asked with dimmed eyes.

Ory.” I gave. The horse of circle fueled browns frowned.

Sweetie…” She said, eyes inside of my fleshed body sat but the soul perched beyond the viewers. She left as briskly as she interrupted.

Desire of halting the cycle of three is even more crucial now yet my expiration has become a carrot. Every depression too hollow, each discovery too convoluted. Every attempt increased the pain of each toil. Lightning in water became myth, carved throats entered irritation. Shielded from the pleasure without life I was imposed with a continued existence.

I wanted to leave too soon and now I am forced here. The insight within Sweetie Belle grows more concrete as I continue. This sign only makes me more saddened within each choice I pick. I wanted out before the company of yellow and red along with purple, orange wings yet living was freefall. A flat ground at the end but nothing was going to finish early.

I wish I was worthless. It’s better than this.

He shoved me:)

Blood and pain:) THANK YOU:)


It finally feels right, YES:D I can’t stop grinning from ear to ear:) Pure euphoria:)

She isn’t right:):):)


My head slammed into the jagged wall of bricks:) The fountain of red leaving my head:) Burning survival throughout these gentle walls:)

MORE:D” I begged:)

She’s bleeding, I’m call-



This walking corpse is mine, let me tear it as I please.

Swiftly leaving foliage fall aside. The fragile wall keeps the flowing current away. I had brought all that I owned, the wishes from fallen stars. The motion was normal, it appears to be the one constant. My head aches so I continue to read the same word.


Hey!” I turned to find orange and froze.

I-I can’t talk to you.” She shouldn’t exist, neither of us.

Um, didn’t you just say something to me?” She grinned madly, on the verge of chuckling.

No, please. This has to stop, it can’t keep happening.” Bloody tears dripped.

What can’t keep happening?” Orange giggled.

Dying, rebuilding, only to collapse into ruin before falling into the death before existence.

For somepony who wants to stop the end of stuff you seem to cause it very easily.” She amused herself.

The end may only be a beginning, yet the tragedy may outweigh the-

Hey! Follow me new girl.” So I trotted, and trotted behind orange.

A blinding flow of liquid plummeting to us never-ending. Load roars of blue clashing harshly against itself.

Okay, what is this?” She smiled.

A storm of flowing blue torturing itself?

Bahahaha!” Orange rolled with a fountain of mirth.

Geez, that’s one way to describe a waterfall.” She said, throwing away a tear.

What did I describe wrong?” My head twisted.

Uh, well, you didn’t I guess but you are looking at it wrong.

My eyes function better than most.

That’s not what I mean. It’s like, um… Colors, while I see a vast range of blues you see a um, only dark blue. I see water trying to get to its new home, you see it as hurting itself.” She looked to me expectantly.

It isn’t hurting itself?

No, water can’t feel anything but those who can usually don’t try to hurt themselves.

We try not to kill ourselves?

Purple dots dart about the mortal shell before a scowl.

Um, are you okay?


The burning sun slowly escaped over the horizon, the cold autumn wind sunk into my fur. I gave a light shiver and blew warmth into my hooves. The orange sky made me mourn quietly.

What’s wrong Sweetie Belle?” Apple Bloom sat next to me, our back hooves dangling from the wooden platform.

I can feel it closing in…” The trees around us whispered, calling me a façade.

Come on Sweetie, what in the hay are you talkin' about?” Her mouth held still as the rest of her head rotated.

I’m going to die and you two can’t recreate me.” I answer plainly.

This again? Really?” The yellow filly turned back to the sun.

Please, you have to promise me.” I turned to my friend.

Ah’m not sure Ah can…

You have to Apple Bloom.

Why not. Why can't we try?” The friend asked with a puzzle.

"Because an endless flood of pain begins."

"Like what?"

"You'll never achieve your cutie mark." I peer at her.

"But you come back?" She met me and my eyes.

"No, I'm created."

"Then I know what to do." Apple Bloom smiled.

The fall wasn’t as enjoyable as I thought, the ground came quickly and quietly. No pain, waking as a thing unable to gain the comfort of pain. I now understood fully of my agony, watching my friends build a correct me. Failing to connect each wire correctly, wrongly powering each limb. I can’t blame those unable to see the death vastly approaching.

Staring endlessly into the sky brought some sort of comfort. Keeping my head away from the cycle. Finally the wooden wall of the clubhouse broke and I met the ground. The room above pouring with blood.

There we sat as I watched the mannequins existed near her. The royal guards broke through stupidly. Once again, the number of pain increased.

The princesses tried their magic yet failed. It seemed the power was faded, they seemed saddened. Their wings didn’t last long before their long bodies pierced through mine.

Flames overtook the town yet some stayed. The child dragon was played with, its body decorated her horn. Finally even its corpse burned within, sadly mine didn’t.

I could never forget the warehouse. The most pain caused, the most fun but the finale all too good. Rainbow arches removing our limbs, seething friendship burned. I couldn’t help but smile.

But nothing hurt, no true pain. This point brought us to better futures yet, the past would be better without friendship. The goodness doesn’t outweigh the agony but it’s time for more.

The stagnant sun burned, the mountains of rock formed into sand. The ground had a similar fate, a processes of materials. The lands of before rotted, ponies fled underground. I stayed, unable to cope.

She trotted by, I trotted by. She spoke in thought of her own way and I corrected it.

Sand.” I responded, yet she still did not understand. Calling me candy.

Sweetie Belle.” She didn’t understand.

Sweetie Belle.” I echoed.

Sweetie Belle.” Finally I was heard.

We followed myself, providing insight. Helping the past self-live into the future. She learned and the ML worked.

She continued to bleed other’s red. The sun was so out of reach yet she wouldn’t understand. I never understood inside of her.

When the swirls of the wendigoes screamed I seemed confused. It was such an easy tale, yet she missed it. I am stupid aren’t I?

Don’t you remember?” I continued to gaze at the magical beasts.

You are causing them to appear.” It was more than simple. Yet I answered wrongly.

No. Not you. Us.” A feeling of pure rage filled me, I hate us.

I HATE YOU!” Scootaloo yelled.

WE SHOULD HAVE NEVER MET YOU!” Apple Bloom joined. My nonexistent heart broke.


IT TOOK A YEAR TO GET YOU BACK!” I’m so sorry. I should have never enjoyed our time together.

"And I cried every night until death."

End it.

Girls… I know I cannot condone what I have done.” I responded with truth.

END IT!” They both screamed and continued to scream. I couldn’t escape it and with time more joined. Two souls turned into a small crowd then a storm. The towers grew but so did my torturers.

Sweetie Belle.” I called myself as they took the last of my words. There was no comforting pain, only discomfort. Limbs crushed in every possible way, torso ripped from every bone, head torn from my corpse, eyes shattered.

With only touch I was brought along, connected by a thin tether to myself. It wasn’t long before a bright light and the purging of every victim.

An overwhelming intense pain slams into me and my eyes throw open.