A Night of Imagination

by Naptime

First published

On one cold winter day, Midsummer Dream settles down by the fire for a cozy night in.

On one cold winter day, Midsummer Dream settles down by the fire for a cozy night in.

Contains wet and messy diapers, and hints at plushophilia. Please don't keep reading if you disapprove of any of these themes.

A Night of Imagination

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It was midwinter in Ponyville and the season had draped the town in a pristine blanket of snow, transforming the familiar landscapes into a tranquil winter wonderland. The town's houses stood adorned with frosty trims, their roofs sporting glistening crowns of icicles. Ponies clad in scarves and hats strolled through the snowy lanes, their breath creating delicate puffs of mist in the chilled air. The atmosphere was brisk, crisp, and serene, the perfect kind of weather that invited everyone to stay indoors where it was warm and comfortable.

Midsummer Dream watched the snow fall over the town from the comfort of his kitchen window. As he stood by the stove, the gentle glow of the kitchen light spilled over the room, casting a warm ambiance. The rhythmic sound of a pot of water warming and the fire burner created a soothing duet, a soft background melody to the wintry symphony outside. A large baby bottle of milk gradually warmed in the heated water.

His eyes traced the descent of delicate snowflakes, each one a unique masterpiece as it pirouetted from the sky. His hooves occasionally tapped out an unheard melody, aimlessly drumming the serene seconds away as he watched the snow fall outside. The flurries outside only seemed to intensify as he continued to watch. Even with the stove on, he could feel the icy window sapping the heat, urging him to curl up in some blankets in the very near future.

After a few more minutes, he extracted the glass bottle from the steaming water. He splashed a few drops of milk on his hoof to ensure that the milk was indeed the perfect temperature. Maybe a little hotter than perfect, but that was okay. He had planned on letting it sit a little bit anyway.

With the bottle in hoof, the earth pony trotted merrily into his living room. Although it was more of a waddle because Dreamer decided today was the perfect time to wear a diaper. The diaper was pillowy thick, his preferred type of diaper and was a snowy white. He normally preferred the cute and vibrant designs with soft little animals or colorful shapes printed on them, but there was certainly something special about a simple white diaper. So clean and pristine, it easily matched his white and purple mane and, if the situation called for it, was so easy to see if it was used or not.

This was Dreamer’s third favorite place to read a good book and what a cozy place it was. The centerpiece of the room was a crackling fireplace, its warm glow casting a gentle dance of shadows on the walls. In front of the fireplace sat a comfy and inviting couch piled high with soft blankets and plump pillows in hues that echoed the serene tones of winter.

Nearby, a well-loved armchair stood as a companion to the couch. It bore the marks of countless cozy evenings, its fabric softened by use and its arms showing the gentle wear of hooves finding their favorite resting spots. A side table, adorned with a vintage lamp, stood between the two seats. This room, like many of Dreamer’s favorite places to read, had its fair share of bookshelves lined with books of all sorts of lengths and sizes.

As he stood there taking in the perfectly cozy room he had expertly carved in the chilly house, Dreamer had half a mind to crack open one of the books and start reading, but he resisted the urge. Tonight was going to be special. No need for reading. He had someone waiting for him.

He stopped in front of the welcoming couch that sat near the center of the living space. A pony-sized mass waited on top the middle cushion, bundled up under layers of warm blankets. With his thickly diapered rump wagging and wiggling behind him, he climbed up near one of the couch’s arms and settled in.

“You’re hogging all the blankets again!” he huffed, “gimme some!”

He gave the pile a good tug, dislodging the various layers of warmth that were stacked up high on the couch. The blankets were pulled this way and that, simultaneously giving him some much needed slack and revealing the blanket hog who was hiding underneath it all.

It was a pony plushie, life sized even, tailored to be huggable, loveable, and perfectly resembling The Royal Crystaller Sunburst. It was among one of Dreamer’s most treasured possessions.

Dreamer tried his best to scowl at the plushie for being so greedy, but he could hardly muster a sour expression as he stared back at the toy. He couldn’t stay mad at Sunburst, not while he kept looking so handsome. Instead he snuggled into the nest of blankets, wiggling with a little giggle as he nuzzled in close to the large toy. He even lifted one of the plushie’s heavy, bean bag-like hooves over his shoulder like Sunburst was pulling him in for a snuggle.

Rebundling up wasn’t that difficult either. Once he was all settled in, he grabbed whatever blanket he could grab, layering each one on top of the pair. The ambient cold of the room was chased away with each added sheet, replacing it with a cozy warmth that only the snuggest of bugs could enjoy.

And there was no snuggly bug like Dreamer. He could hardly sit still as his body just wanted to wiggle inside the comfy bundle of blankets that surrounded him and his Sunburst plushie. He could hardly contain his excitement as his body bubbled with giddy feelings of cuddling with his most favorite pony.

When he finally got comfortable, he scootched right up beside Sunburst, nuzzling into the plush pony’s side as he hugged its cotton filled midsection and draped a weighted hoof over his shoulders. From here he just snuggled more into the toy, giggling to himself as the soft fabrics brushed against his fur in that special way that only soft, freshly laundered fabric could. He hugged him close, nuzzled his side, and even gave the plushie’s belly a couple of rubs which he knew Sunburst really enjoyed.

However as he nuzzled and hugged and rubbed, his hoof oh so accidently fell a bit lower than the plushie’s cotton filled belly and brushed itself against something around the toy’s waist. Something plasticy and crinkly.

Dreamer let out an exaggerated gasp, “what’s THIS?” He prodded the plushie’s extra thick diaper with a pretend curious hoof, “Sunburst, are you wearing a DIAPER?” He tried his hardest not to smile.

The plushie didn’t say anything. Dreamer imagined that it was because Sunburst would be too flustered to come up with a good excuse quickly enough. Afterall, he was a MATURE and ADULT pony, much too grown-up to be wearing a diaper! Gosh how silly Sunburst would have felt if he was caught wearing something so infantile!

It took Dreamer forever to get the diaper on the Sunburst plushie. He didn’t have that much experience diapering others and Sunburst, being a toy and all, really didn’t provide much helpful feedback when the front and back were uneven or the tapes were crooked. He ended up having to double diaper the stuffed toy because he messed up the first one’s tapes so badly. But that was okay, it meant Sunburst had an extra fluffier diaper butt. Even fluffier than his own!

Dreamer knew very well that the real Sunburst probably didn’t wear diapers. It would have been hard to believe that a smart stallion like him would be able to find time in his busy schedule as the Royal Crystaller to indulge in something so silly. But Dreamer couldn't help but imagine it. The thought brought a smile to his face, as he pictured Sunburst waddling around with a thick, fluffy diaper bulging from under his regal robes. Not taking bathroom breaks but instead wetting himself when the desire struck him. Dreamer of course knew it was a silly thought, but sometimes it was nice to let his imagination run wild and forget about the responsibilities of adulthood for a moment. In his mind, Sunburst was just a silly, carefree colt, enjoying the simple pleasures of life. And for Dreamer, that was enough.

“That’s okay, Sunburst, you don’t have to be embarrassed,” Dreamer finally said as he lifted up the blankets and revealed his own diaper to the plushie as if it was the first time such a secret thing was revealed. “I’m wearing diapers too!”

That seemed to help Sunburst relax. Or at least that’s how Dreamer imagined Sunburst would react. It was much less embarrassing when you weren’t the only one wearing a diaper. Dreamer gave the plushie his best reassuring hug to let Sunburst know that it was perfectly okay to wear a diaper. He hugged the plushie some more, which very quickly turned into more giddy snuggling as he basked in that wonderful buzz in his chest while his mind was flooded with feel-good hugging chemicals.

After much wiggling and cuddling, Dreamer eventually tired himself out. He must have snuggled and cuddled Sunburst for at least another half hour before he settled back down into a more casual lounge. He watched the fire crackle as he held the plushie close with a sigh.

Ever so steadily a gentle stillness fell over the moment. The only thing heard was the earth pony’s quiet breathing and the gentle snapping of firewood. The flames painted a dance of shadows on the walls, creating a hypnotic display that captivated Dreamer's lethargic and content gaze. The flickering light cast a warm glow on his blushing cheeks, turning it into a haven of coziness.

Dreamer's thoughts drifted, carried away by the crackling fire and the comforting presence of his plushie friend. With a contented sigh, he allowed himself to be enveloped by the calm, sinking into the posh embrace of the couch, the warmth of the fire, and the soft companionship of Sunburst.

A few more minutes of stillness passed before he started to shift in his seat. Then he started to wiggle which only got more exaggerated and energetic as he became visibly frustrated with something. He curled his legs up for a moment before plopping them down with a huff, he closed his eyes and got red in the face for a bit only to open them up and grunt in discomfort. After a few more minutes he exhaled sharply as he caught his breath. Still no luck!

He scowled at nothing. He felt that this should be so much easier. He was just going to the bathroom. Nothing unnatural about that. It should have just...happened.

“I can’t go like this!” he professed to the empty room with a frustrated huff.

Leaving the warm nest behind, Dreamer kicked off the layers of blankets and hopped to his feet with a frustrated stomp of his hooves. The hardwood floor felt like ice against his warmed up hooves, nearly scaring him back into his cozy retreat. But he was determined now. He so wanted to poop in his big baby diapers!

He squatted in front of the couch, leaning his forehooves into it as his eyes shut. He grunted some more, got red in the face some more, and even fidgetted and fussed some more, hoping something would help things along. Despite him being pretty sure it shouldn’t be so difficult, it was in fact quite difficult for him to actually soil himself like this.

What would Sunburst say in a time like this? He would probably tell Dreamer to relax and not get so worked up about it. If it WAS as natural and as easy as he claimed it was, Dreamer imagined Sunburst to say, then stressing out about it won’t do him any good. He should relax, he’d probably say, relax and just let nature go its course.

Dreamer took a deep breath, trying to follow Sunburst's advice. He closed his eyes and focused on calming his mind and letting his body take over. He waited and then waited and then waited some more. Sadly, much to his disappointment, nothing happened and his diaper was left disappointingly clean.

He was having trouble overcoming those years of potty training, the hundreds of times he’s used the toilet since his actual foal days. Something in him, despite being thickly diapered and willingly wanting to soil himself, resisted this desire, knowing deep down that it wasn’t the right place to go poop. Something in his mind knew that he wasn’t a little foal having an accident. Maybe what he was trying to do was a psychosomatic impossibility. Or maybe he was overthinking all of this.

After much huffing and much pushing, Dreamer finally gave up. He stomped the ground with a hoof in frustration. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t do it. The real Sunburst would have probably had a lot to say about it. He was such a smart pony. But the Sunburst plushie simply sat there, staring blankly back at Dreamer once the stallion finally gave up.

“I can’t! It’s impossible,” Dreamer conceded. Sunburst said he was being silly. He knew he was being silly, but this should have been SO much easier.

Dreamer climbed back into the nest of warmth with a frustrated huff. With his diapered butt crinkling loudly behind him, he plopped back into the bundle of blankets. He scowled at the fire for a bit before sighing and throwing a glance over at the glass bottle of milk sitting on a nearby end table. He was saving it as a reward for being a good diaper filler, but he decided it would be more useful as a pick-me-up.

“Gosh, a bottle of milk? For me?” Dreamer asked the plushie. Sunburst, once again, said nothing.

Still, Dreamer happily accepted the treat, swiftly popping it into his muzzle. He snuggled back into place next to Sunburst and quickly warmed back up. Pooping himself could wait.

He started things slowly to really savor the moment. First was a careful sip that allowed the warm milk to trickle gently into his mouth. The heat could be felt running down his throat and into his tummy, warming it all up as it went on. As he drank, he let himself sink back into the supporting arm of Sunburst. The rhythmic suckling sounds blended with the crackling fire, creating a soothing melody that reverberated in the quiet room.

Suddenly a loud gurgle caused the stallion to groan and he was all of a sudden overcome with a rolling pressure. It didn’t matter now whether he was standing or sitting, his body was overwhelmed with the urge to push. He had only seconds to scramble to a more comfortable position and found himself hopping off the couch in a blur of blankets before he had to unconsciously answer the call of nature.

A dozen or so blankets came pouring down to the floor as Dreamer hastily got into position. He squatted down before the couch, his diaper-clad bottom hovering just above the floor. His face scrunched up as he began to fill his diaper, his hooves holding onto the couch for support. The room was filled with the soft rustling of the diaper and the gentle sounds of the stallion's grunts.

Gradually the diaper began to sag and bulge in the back, growing heavier with each passing moment. The area took on a faintly darker hue, stained by the soft, mushy mess that now formed lumps and contoured the once-smooth shape.

Meanwhile, his bladder decided to join in as well and the once pristine white front started to darken. A small trickle of warmth spread through the diaper, seeping into the absorbent material and caused it to swell and bulge. The diaper swelled, sagging slightly under the weight.

Once he was finished, Dreamer's expression relaxed into one of relief. A contented sigh escaped his muzzle as he settled back onto his heels, satisfied with his accomplishment. As sweet relief rolled over the panting stallion, he looked up from his spot in front of the couch. Staring back at him, with an expression he assumed to be a mix of surprise and frustration, was Sunburst.

“S-sorry...” Dreamer said to the plushie, genuinely guilty about the whole thing.

To think he just...pooped himself in front of Sunburst like that. No warning, no asking for permission, just...filled his diapers. How so very rude! If Sunburst were here - the real Sunburst - he would have DEFINITELY found that disrespectful. And to make matters worse, he did it while they were in the middle of an intimate snuggle session. Surely it would have ruined the moment. It was enough to temporarily pull him loose from the vice of playtime. He shouldn’t have even DONE that.

"Wh-what's that, Sunburst?" Dreamer looked up from his guilty stuper. The plushie looked back at him with its unblinking eyes in a sort of understanding kind of way as if to say... "y-you're not upset that I...you know?" Dreamer went on.

The more he thought about it the more he realized Sunburst wouldn't have been that upset about him messing himself while snuggling with him. Surprised at first, maybe, but...that’s what diapers were for, right? Maybe he was just over reacting. It was all rather sudden, sure, but...at least he was wearing a diaper, right?

And the diaper did kinda feel nice this way. It stunk and Dreamer’s conscience told him that it was wrong to be so dirty, but it was kinda fun wearing it. Afterall, it WAS a diaper.

The downtrodden shame on the stallion’s deflated face slowly melted into a smirk as he squirmed. That smirk turned into a smile and the rest of his face followed shortly after. That’s what diapers were for! Recovering from the grief ridden accident, Dreamer pulled the big plushie into his arms for a big big hug.

“Thanks, Sunburst!” Dreamer beamed, nuzzling into the plushie’s face and climbing back into the nest, “wh-what’s that, Sunburst?” The plushie, mute as always, just stared at him for a moment or two until Dreamer’s cheeks filled with an embarrassed blush. “Y-you wanna...f-feel my diaper?”

Picking up one of Sunburst’s weighted hooves, Dreamer snaked it around to his lumpy backside. He shoved the hoof against his diaper butt, gasping and shivering as the mushy mess inside oozed around. The mucky sensation caused his cock to stir and before he knew it he was thrusting into Sunburst, pressing the diaper against the toy’s fluff filled body.

Sinking into the many layers of blankets, Dreamer’s heavy, mucky diaper found itself pressed against Sunburst’s double thick diaper as both of them pressed into each other. Dreamer let out a shivering gasp as his soggy diaper crotch made contact with Sunburst’s. It was a delightful contrast, playing this way. He rubbed his stinky, soggy, and wet diaper against Sunburst’s diaper which was, very noticeably, pristine and perfectly unused. It was so very naughty of him! Here he was teasing Sunburst for wearing a diaper and he was the one who ended up filling his like some kind of FOAL!

“Mmph! Sunburst! Sunburst! I-I’m a-a...I’m a stinky diaper foal...” the words made Dreamer giddy and wiggly. He wanted to say more of them. “I-I f-filled my diapers! I filled my diapers!” He moaned now, reaching a hoof back behind him to press the stinky mush himself, “I-I...Poopied my diapers!”

He thrusted his tenting diaper crotch against Sunburst’s. The smell of his shame floated over the scene like a constant, sour reminder of his naughty behavior. Crinkles and squishes sounded through the room as Dreamer squirmed and moaned and grinded.

Meanwhile Sunburst was loving it. Sure, Dreamer was doing all the work, but he didn’t mind that one bit. Especially for such a cute, intelligent pony like Sunburst. He looked especially cute in such a thick diaper.

More blankets fell to the floor as Dreamer’s movements became more frenzied and lustful. Even more were tossed aside as his snuggly nest became too warm after his body heated up with arousal.

Faster and faster he humped the diapered plushie. Between thrusts he’d squeeze his hooves against the back of the messy diaper, egging him on further and further. His humps became more hasty, more feverish, and his lust for Sunburst grew with it.

“S-spank my poopy diaper butt, Sunburst!” he moaned, “I-I’m a poopy foal!”

Finally his cock strained and throbbed inside the squishy confines of the diaper and then, with a squeaky, strained sigh, he emptied into the soggy diaper, coating the crotch with the sticky load. Every muscle tensed as he rode out the pleasurable orgasm.

After several minutes of silence, he collapsed on top of the plushie, his chest heaving from all the effort. The fresh linen scent of the plushie filled his lungs as he breathed in deep. With his muzzle so deeply buried in the fuzzy fabric, he could only just barely smell anything else. When he finally recovered from the intense orgasm, he pulled himself off the plushie and gave it a kiss on its fuzzy cheek.

“Thanks, Sunburst,” Dreamer smiled, nuzzling the toy.

He craned his neck downwards to see the hefty diaper that hung heavily. Its gels were well used, swollen, and clumped up away from his slowly fading erection.

“I-I should probably change,” he then said, feeling kind of guilty he did...all that. “What’s that, Sunburst?” Again silence before Dreamer blushed. “Oh...well I guess I don’t have to change RIGHT AWAY...”

Sunburst couldn’t agree more. In fact, the plushie praised Dreamer for being such a good boy. Afterall, it felt good to be in diapers, no matter how full they got. And in a silly, naughty kind of way, they made Dreamer’s cuddly nest all the more cozy.