Echoes of Another Realm

by Bossypants

First published

A young man finds himself trapped in a world of Fantasy. Meanwhile dark powers plot in the shadows...

Tyler, a young man from our world, finds himself unexpectedly transported to a realm of enchantment and magic. What begins as a bewildering adventure soon takes a dark turn as he discovers that his presence is tied to a hidden prophecy—one that threatens to unravel the very fabric of this fantastical world.

As Tyler struggles to adapt to his new reality, he finds himself entangled in a web of intrigue and deceit. Suspicious rulers, enigmatic allies, and malevolent forces converge, each vying for control over his life in a bid for power. With every step closer to uncovering the truth, Tyler becomes a target, his every move watched by those who would see him silenced.

Haunted by the desire to return home, Tyler must navigate treacherous landscapes, confront ancient evils, and confront the darkness within himself. Will he unravel the secrets of the prophecy and find a way back to his own world, or will he be consumed by the shadows that lurk in this land of wonder and danger?

Prologue (New)

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1000 Years Ago...

"Come on, come on!" Gilheart breathed, his powerful wings folding as his paws hit the cobble path. The sounds of clashing swords and the anguished cries of the dying filled the air, punctuated by the roars of magic and the thunderous hoofbeats of charging soldiers.

The griffon's heart hammered in his chest as he darted through the fire and chaos, the stolen scroll clutched tightly in his talons. He spared a glance over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of Queen Daybreakers radiant mane ablaze with celestial fury, and the dark, ominous figure of Nightmare Moon wreathed in shadows. The two soared through the air, their magic colliding and creating a vortex of colour. A house far beneath them was annihilated from the ensuing shockwave, and the ponies on the ground took that as a sign to fight harder.

Using the battle as cover, Gilheart weaved through the fray, dodging spears, arrows, and magic whistling through the air. The parchment he carried was a prize coveted by the royal tyrants, its secrets capable of reshaping the destiny of entire kingdoms. He had to get the paper to his people, for it was their only hope in finding a way to break free.

With a defiant screech, Gilheart spread his wings and launched himself into the sky, the scroll safely tucked beneath his feathers. He soared above the chaos, determined to deliver the prophecy to those who could decipher its cryptic words, and perhaps alter the course of history itself. He did not account for a midnight blue Alicorn to fly past him, her body smoking as she crashed outside the capitol walls.

Gilheart froze when the second Alicorn Queen dove past him, but sharply pulled up upon catching sight of his hovering form. Her magnificent wings beat through the air as she slowly approached him, a deep scowl on her face.

Gilheart's breathing began to pick up, and his pupils shrunk to pinpricks as a magical pressure seemed to slam into him. Simply being in the presence of the goddess was enough to make his arms quake and his wings to feel like lead. He felt sweat on his brow, but was frozen stalk still as the pony got closer.

Her horn lighting in an ethereal golden glow, Gilheart's heart nearly stopped as he felt her magic searching his entire body. He gulped when her scowl deepened, and the parchment was slowly lifted from beneath his lightly padded armour.

'shit, shit, shit... how can I get out of this!' Gilheart began to panic. If the queen found out what exactly he took, she would surely destroy his people!

A beam of pale blue energy smashed into the unprepared queen, causing her to grunt in pain as she was thrown back towards the castle. The parchment slipped from her magic and began to fall to the earth. Gilheart didn't waste a second before he was diving. The wind whistled in his ears as he plummeted downward, his heart racing with adrenaline-fueled urgency. With lightning reflexes, Gilheart extended his wings and angled his descent, aiming to intercept the falling parchment before it could be lost to the chaos below.

The ground rushed up to meet him as he streaked through the night sky, the wind whipping past his feathers. With a desperate lunge, he snatched the parchment from the air, his claws closing around it with a sense of triumph.

But his victory was short-lived as he felt a surge of magical energy behind him. He glanced over his shoulder to see Nightmare Moon, her eyes blazing with fury as she bore down on him with lethal intent. He saw her lips and didn't hear her words, but knew she had growled out 'Griffin'.

Fear surged through Gilheart's veins, but he pushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand. He banked sharply to the left, narrowly avoiding a blast of dark magic that scorched the air where he had been just moments before. The smell of ozone and the sound of an explosion filled the air.

With the parchment safely secured beneath his armour, Gilheart angled upward, aiming for the safety of the clouds above. But Nightmare Moon was relentless in her pursuit, her shadowy form closing in rapidly. It was then he realized he wasn't going to make it.

'I am sorry, König, I have failed.'

Just as it seemed that all hope was lost, a brilliant flash of light illuminated the night sky. Gilheart shielded his eyes as a beam of golden energy streaked past him, striking Nightmare Moon with the force of a thunderbolt.

The dark queen recoiled, her horn powering up as she turned to continue the battle with her sister. With his pursuer distracted, Gilheart soared upward, leaving the chaos of the battlefield behind him.

As he disappeared into the safety of the clouds, the weight of the mission pressed against his chest, a reminder of the perilous journey that lay ahead. But Gilheart was undeterred, his determination unshaken as he flew ever onward, guided by the hope of a brighter future for his people.


"König, König Gerhurst!"

König Gerhurst IV stood from his throne. The anticipation nearly had him fly down to meet the messenger himself, but he knew that would be bad for what little of his image remained. He gestured to the guards to open the doors to the great hall, and couldn't help but let a smile appear on his beak as his infiltrator rushed through the entrance.

Wings beating furiously, the Griffon, who he knew was Gilheart stopped at the base of his throne and bowed. His body was covered in sweat, and he was breathing hard, but he otherwise seemed unharmed. Gerhurst's smile widened when Gilheart reached behind him and presented the piece of parchment.

"Your highness, I have retrieved the artifact." Gilheart spoke.

"Thank you, Gilheart. You have done your country proud. Hand the scroll to scribe Gren." Gerhurst watched as the young griffon handed the scroll to the selected scribe. Gren was a trusted advisor of Gerhursts, and he knew that the balding Griffon would keep the scroll safe. The scribes were a very secretive bunch established by his late grandfather, and were well versed in espionage and secrecy.

"König, father--"


The doors at the end of the hall exploded, their wooden frames splintering and cracking from the intense heat. The two guards at the door were instantly crushed into a paste, while multiple others began to advance from their stations near the sides of the room.

König Gerhurst leapt in surprise before his eyes widened in terror. His limbs began to shake, and his vision seemed to tunnel.

Queen Daybreaker strolled into the room, her horn lit. The guards advancing towards her were instantly vaporized with a few blasts of magic, and the only sound heard throughout the hall was the clip clopping of the tyrant Queen's hooves. She approached the throne at a steady gait, and Gerhurst shivered as she smiled at him. Her teeth were sharp like needles, and her eyes burned with the fury of a thousand suns. Her hair waved in a mesmerizing pattern, as if it were trying to hypnotize the Griffon king.

Finally, she stopped at the base of his throne. Even with his added height, her head came up to about his chest. He gulped when her gaze drifted across the massive throne room, and a quiet tsk was given with a shaken head.

Faster than Gerhurst could blink, his son was on the ground, screaming. His feathers smoldered, and his skin seemed like wax. Gerhurst could only watch in horror as Queen Daybreaker unleashed her wrath upon his son. The flames danced around the young griffon, engulfing him in a fiery inferno that seemed to consume his very essence. Gerhurst's heart shattered as he watched his heir writhe in agony, his screams echoing through the hall.

"Stop! Please, stop!" Gerhurst cried out, his voice choked with despair. But Queen Daybreaker merely laughed, her cruel eyes alight with sadistic pleasure.

"Your son was a criminal, Gerhurst," she sneered, her voice dripping with malice. "He conspired against me, against my crown and my rule. His treachery cannot go unpunished."

Gerhurst's world spun as he struggled to comprehend the devastation unfolding before him. His son, his flesh and blood, writhed in agony at the feet of the tyrant queen, his life hanging by a thread.

"Please, spare him," Gerhurst pleaded, desperation etched into every word. But Queen Daybreaker paid him no heed, her gaze cold and merciless as she continued to revel in her power.

With a final burst of flame, Queen Daybreaker extinguished the fire engulfing Gerhurst's son, leaving behind only charred remains. The young griffon the now lay lifeless on the cold stone floor, his skull staring up at his father.

Gerhurst's heart shattered as he crumpled to his knees, his world collapsing around him. His only son was dead, and it was his fault. Tears poured down his face as he could only stare at the ashes and bones.

'What did I do to deserve this?'

As Queen Daybreaker loomed over him, her triumphant smirk sending chills down his spine, Gerhurst's claws balled into fists. A rageful screech erupted from within him, and he swung at the monster standing before him. His fist was wrapped in a golden hue and stopped before he could even get close. Gerhurst struggled to move his arm, but it was a lost cause. He looked up at the solar tyrant with defiance. She merely chuckled.

"Gerhurst, Gerhurst, Gerhurst, is this truly how you would treat your Queen? I am disappointed."

"Let me go, vile witch! I will... I will..." He tried to come up with a threat.

"You will what? Watch your city burn? Watch your citizens die? I like that idea, don't you?"

König Gerhurst IV found himself being floated through the air against his will. As they approached one of the windows facing Aviarya, Gerhurst's face once more fell into despair. He saw the fires rising, he could hear the bells ringing. Legions of Pegasi dropped explosives and projectives from above, unicorns launched their magic into the city, and Earth Ponies trampled civilians underhoof. His own soldiers tried to fight back, but it was useless. He could see the standards near the edge of the city. It was the Queen's primary army.

"Quite the sight isn't it? Your new capitol will be Griffonstone, as Aviarya will be razed to the ground. You will step down as king, and I will place somepony, or rather, grif, of my choosing in power. Your bloodline is gone, and your kingdom will never show defiance towards Equestria again." Gerhurst stared at the the Queen in horror.

"You're a monster, a demon!" He shrieked. He knew it was futile to get her to stop, and could only watch as his citizens were massacred. Daybreaker chuckled.

"No, I am a conqueror. You know the stories as well as I do. If it weren't for that damned tree, myself and my sister would have moved off this heap of rock you call home by now. But no, harmony had to trigger my sisters power early, and I had to stop her from destroying our plans! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FAR THIS SETS US BACK??"

Daybreaker seethed, and the floor beneath her began to melt into a molten slag. Gerhurst cringed away, the magic surrounding him acting as a shield. The Queen gave a huff before shaking her head.

"Whoever is in charge of that tree sent out a prophecy. It is useless to us now, even though your son stole it. I will stop this from happening, for I am a goddess. No being can challenge me, especially not measly mortals such as yourself. Would you like to hear the prophecy, good Gerhurst?"

Her voice was sickly sweet, and Gerhurst shivered as he stared into her eyes. Behind her sneer, eyes, and facade of a Queen was a monster, a demon. He knew the stories, as did all Griffon's. Upon the departure of Megan the teacher, two beings came from the stars. They came under the promise of freedom and protection, but instead ruled with an iron grip. No grif was free, for freedom meant death. One day, they would be saved, and Megan's successor would throw down the tyrant sisters. He did not respond to the Queen's question, but she didn't seem to mind and instead began to speak.

"From the folds of the aether, a hero shall fall, With the strength of Titans, and the gods' own control. Upon two legs, the breaker of chains, secrets unfold, and evil's grip furthers its hold.

Through the mists of time, a journey shall ensue, A tale of heroes, and legends anew. With each step, a challenge to fate's decree, A new path is forged; an enshrouded destiny.

But beware the trials, the tyrant's roar, For in the shadows, danger lies in store. Friend, Foe, a courageous soul, bear witness to The Lightbringer, The world's saviour from the Demon's hold."

Daybreaker smiled before dropping Gerhurst from her magic. He felt the air leave his lungs as he hit the ground, and his eyes closed on instinct. He heard a noise, then a flash, and upon opening his eyes, he found nothing. The Queen was gone, and he was alone in the throne room. He scrambled to his paws, intent on joining the fight outside, but a motion caught his eyes. He watched in mute horror as Daybreaker appeared far above the city. There was a deathly silence, as the Equestrian's were gone, and all that remained were the survivors of the attack.

Silently, a beam of pure magical energy descended from on high. Gerhurst fell to his knees as everything outside his castle was vaporized. There was no screaming, no cries of pain. Nothing but the destructive beam of light that solidified the tyrants hold over his people.

Gerhurst bowed his head in shame. It was all for nothing. They did not deny the Equestrian's the prophecy, and instead their city was razed. In that moment, Gerhurst lost all hope. He could only pray that when the time came, his people would be saved.

However, looking up at the Queen, he did not know how it could happen. She was to powerful. She was a goddess of death and carnage, and she could not be stopped.

The magic stopped, and Gerhurst was left sitting in his castle, helpless to watch as she flew back east with her legions. Nothing remained except the reminder that she was the one who controlled this world.

Daybreaker could not be stopped, and König Gerhurst IV began to weep.

Chapter 1: Just a Dream

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A groan escapes my lips as the resounding beep of my phone's alarm blares to my right, its shrillness cutting through the morning silence like a knife. The blasted thing just won't shut up, and ever so slowly, my eyes drift open, heavy with sleep and reluctance.

"Ugh, dammit." With a half-hearted swipe, I reach over and press the snooze option on my phone, the digital display glaring back at me accusingly before I turn over and burrow deeper into the cocoon of warmth provided by my blankets. The comforting embrace of my bed lulls me back into sleep, and for a moment, everything starts to fade away into blissful oblivion...

...until the alarm goes off again.

"Ughhhhh!" I slam my head into my pillow in frustration, the persistent sound piercing through the fog of sleep like a relentless tormentor. With a groan, I force myself to roll out of bed, my movements sluggish and disjointed as if I'm wading through molasses. A dull ache throbs insistently at my temples, a relentless reminder of last night's indulgence, though I swear I didn't drink all that much. The pounding in my skull leaves little doubt—I'm definitely nursing a hangover.

"Another miserable day, that's perfect. Just what I needed on a"

I slap my forehead in resignation as my body slowly begins to stir into motion, the impending dread of another Monday looming over me like a dark cloud. Early class beckons, and the last thing I need is to miss it because of a late-night party. The fog around my brain begins to dissipate, replaced by a growing sense of urgency—I need a booster if I'm going to make it through the day.

Quickly shuffling into my tiny washroom, I navigate the cluttered countertop with practiced precision, my fingers fumbling for the cold handle of the sink... only for nothing to happen. I scowl at the traitorous faucet, its stubborn refusal to cooperate a testament to the perpetual maintenance issues plaguing my residence.

I stand there for a moment and look into the mirror. A zombie like creature stares back. My flowing, curly brown hair is a mess, and quite a bit of stubble was finally showing itself. My broad shoulders and decently toned body was hunched slightly from exhaustion, and my left hand idly scratched my skinny right arm. I gave a huff.

'I gotta hit the gym more. I look like a damn skeleton. A strong skeleton, but a skeleton no less.'

Groaning in annoyance, I rub the sleep from my eyes as I stalk back into my main room, my bare feet padding softly against the worn carpet. I head straight for the fridge, the lack of illumination inside a stark reminder of the power outage from last night. With a resigned sigh, I resign myself to keeping the doors closed as much as possible to preserve what little coldness remains within.

Grabbing a small yogurt container, I close the fridge door with a gentle thud and make my way to my cluttered work desk, navigating the maze of textbooks and discarded papers with practiced ease. I set my makeshift breakfast down with a sigh, my gaze sweeping over the chaos that surrounds me—a testament to my ongoing battle with organization.

My room, a canvas of organized chaos, bears the unmistakable imprint of my hurried lifestyle. Despite my best efforts to maintain a facade of cleanliness, my parents would undoubtedly have a field day with the state of my room if they could see it now. But jokes on them; amidst the chaos, I know exactly where everything is.

I pause briefly to think about them. Growing up an a farm meant it was usually my mother caring for myself and my younger brother. Life was good when I was young, but I guess it's like that for most people. I wish it was like that currently, but stress, money, and just being a typical University student seemed to slam me into the ground whenever the opportunity arose.

Rummaging through my drawers, I pull out a pair of medium-wash jeans and a white short-sleeved shirt, their fabric soft against my fingertips. But before I can slip them on, a sudden realization strikes me—I'm still wearing the same underwear I slept in last night. With a grimace, I resign myself to the fact that a shower is out of the question, the lack of running water rendering me dependent on deodorant to mask the remnants of last night's festivities.

Quickly locating my 'Stud Puffins' boxers—a whimsical gift from my aunt—I hastily don them before pulling on my jeans and shirt, the familiar routine of getting dressed a comforting anchor amidst the chaos of my morning.

As I slide on mismatched black socks—another casualty of my hasty morning routine—I glance at the phone beside my bed, cursing as I note the time. Ten minutes to get to class—talk about cutting it close!

With a sense of urgency propelling me forward, I grab my typical plaid longsleeve from the back of my chair and throw it on, leaving it unbuttoned for ease of movement. Next come my worn black shoes, their brand a mystery lost to the depths of time—I've never been one to splurge on fancy footwear, and these have served me well enough thus far.

Hoisting my trusty computer bag over my shoulder and with yogurt container in hand, I step towards the door, the weight of impending deadlines and missed opportunities bearing down on me like a tangible force. But just as I reach for the doorknob, a nagging feeling worms its way into my mind—I can't help but feel something is amiss.

Turning, I my furrow my brows as I look around the room. Everything seems in place, but something still feels off.

"Screw it." I mutter before pulling my door open...

...and walking into a massive throne room.

My legs refuse to move as I stare straight ahead. I feel like a deer caught in headlights as I take in the grand marble pillars, the intricate spirals on the roof, and the stained glass windows depicting strange things. The sun shines with a cozy brightness through the windows, bathing the room in a colourful, but refreshing glow. A plush, blood red carpet travels the room down the middle, and the edges seem to have a golden trim.

Looking up slightly, I see stairs leading to a throne of sorts. Flanking the throne are two imposing blue banners. Strange patterns are depicted in their fabric, and they seem to loom over the room like sentinels.

A sound greets my ears, and my gaze flickers towards the throne. I can hear what seems to be hooves clopping on the sleek, marble floor, but I can't seem to find it within me to move. My vision was becoming a bit hazy, and my headache seemed to pick up ten-fold. Looking down, I noticed that both my hands are shaking.

The clopping stops, and I once more turn my gaze to the throne. It is here that my breath catches in my throat, and my head seems to grow light like a feather.

A beautiful white horse stares at me with wide, expressive eyes. Her coat shines like the sun, yet is as pristine as a blanket of snow, her hooves are adorned by polished golden horseshoes, and a massive horn juts out from the top of her head. A billowing, ethereal mane waves in a nonexistent--

Wait, a horn? Are those wings?? WHY IS THE HORSE'S MANE DOING THAT??!!

I blink, and everything seems to come back into focus. I can see the horse is slowly, carefully walking up to me, and I simply stare at it. I can feel my heartbeat through my chest, it's thumping sounding like thunder in my body. I can't move, I can't even breathe.

Where am I?? What is this place?! Holy shit, holy shit, oh my God!!

I can see the horse's mouth moving, but that shouldn't be possible. Up close, I can see it wears a golden chest ornament, and a flashy crown sits atop its head, She is as tall as me, and concern seems to be the dominant feature on its face, but that isn't possible. This thing is a horse after all.

Suddenly, everything stops. I can once again hear my surroundings, but a slight ringing seems to be in my right ear. I stare at the horse as my mind is flooded with memories of my childhood. They flash by like a rogue wave, and I'm left staring blankly into the horse's eyes like a vegetable. That song... that song I haven't heard since I was seven years old is now playing over and over in my head.


I blink upon hearing the horse's voice. Smaller horses in golden armour are approaching from behind the horse now, but I pay them no mind.

"Are you okay?"

I just stare at her, judging by the voice, it is a her. A smile works its way onto my face, and I can feel a giggle welling in my throat.


My shoulders begin to shake, and my mouth tries to open. The moment stops for half a moment, and I continue staring at the horse. It's ears flick, and it's head tilts in confusion. I can't help it, I can't stop it!


I can't hear my laughter, but judging from the way the horse and the smaller ones recoiled, I can only imagine it was quite loud. At this point, I've nearly doubled over, the feeling of nausea taking over my stomach. Either this is a dream, or I've finally lost it.

My world swims around me, and with a final great shuddering breath, I collapse face first onto the floor. The last thing I hear is the concerned voice, the clanking of metal on marble, and that damn song ringing in my ears.


My eyes flash open with a start, instantly assaulted by the cacophony of sounds and the bustling activity of the change room. A firm pat on my shoulder draws my attention, and I turn to James with a bright smile.

"Helluva game, eh Tyler?" he says, his voice tinged with excitement.

"Yeah, first place, here we come!" I respond, the thrill of victory still coursing through my veins.

James chuckles and takes his seat, joining the other players as they begin to peel off their gear. I feel the weight of my shoulder pads finally starting to drag me down, and I release a tired sigh. Despite the post-game fatigue, my spirits remain high. There's nothing quite like the adrenaline rush of a hard-fought win against the former number one team.

As I shake my head in disbelief, I find myself standing next to my girlfriend, Sonya. Her sparkling blue eyes, framed by wavy brown locks, captivate me as always. She offers her congratulations on the game, leaning in for a kiss that sends a flutter through my heart.

But just as I lean down to meet her, something catches my eye.

A figure cuts through the crowd of parents and hockey players with deliberate, almost hypnotic movements. Despite the chatter around me, I can discern a faint humming emanating from the figure as it draws nearer.

Sweat beads on my forehead, and I try to turn my head to look down at Sonya, but my neck refuses to cooperate. Panic tightens its grip on my chest as the figure approaches, its silhouette shrouded in dark navy blue with a glint of metal catching the light.

'Wake up, please wake up!' I silently plead, but the world around me blurs, colors swirling into an incomprehensible haze. Nausea churns in my stomach, and my consciousness reels in the opposite direction.

With a sudden jolt, my eyes shoot open, and I'm overwhelmed by the urge to vomit. In a panic, I throw off the sheets and scramble out of bed, paying little heed to the unnaturally plush carpet beneath my feet. In my frenzied state, I dash toward the washroom, only to collide painfully with a wall.

"Aggh!" I cry out, clutching my throbbing nose as waves of pain and nausea wash over me. Crumpled on the ground, I retch uncontrollably, unable to see what spills from my stomach, the remnants of last night's supper no doubt.

I sit there for who knows how long, retching and vomiting what seemed to be every single one of my organs. I hardly notice the fact that a figure is sitting beside me, and a cloth is wiping across my mouth and face.

Finally, it stops. The smell causes my nose to crinkle slightly and I gag out of reflex. I hear the figure beside me sigh in what appears to be annoyance.

Without looking up, I give the figure a weak thumbs up.

"I-I'm good, thanks for the help, whoever you are."

There was a moment of silence before a feminine giggle escaped from the person's mouth. My heart seemed to come to a stop, and my eyes widened. What the hell was a girl doing in my room? How did they get in?? Apparently my mouth decided to speak ahead of my brain.

"Heh, you have a cute giggle."

I immediately grimaced in embarrassment at my own words. I wasn't very good at talking to girls, and here one was inside my dorm room. Either this was my lucky day, or God decided to punish me with my shitty social skills.

"T-Thank you." The girls voice was barely audible, and I groaned as I realized I likely made her uncomfortable. Forcing myself to one knee, then onto two legs, I sheepishly rub the back of my neck.

"I'm sorry about that, my mouth ran off on--" Looking around, I couldn't spot the women in my midst. Even more confusing were my surroundings, that could wait for now. Who the hell talked to me? I hear a polite cough from below me, and as slow as a snail, my eyes travel downwards, getting wider and wider as I saw what stood before me.

A small, light blue pony wearing shiny golden armour stared up at me with wide, cheery and expressive eyes. I could only stare blankly at the waist-high equine as my brain decided to short circuit. The ponies smile faded slightly, and her head tilted to the side in a rather adorable manner. Her tail swished on the floor, and what appeared to be wings attached to her side ruffled slightly.

Then the memories hit me.

I saw the throne room, the familiar dais, and the white... Pegacorn whom I was somewhat familiar with. Scouring my memory some more, I recalled a name. Celestee, or Celestial or something.

"Yep, I'm still dreaming." I mumble matter-of-factly. However, a smile grows on my face. I always found horses rather cute and goofy, and the one sitting before was downright adorable. I mean look at that armour, and the huge eyes! How could I not pet that, not matter if I was imagining it or not!

"Now aren't you the cutest little thing!" I chuckle and bend down to her eye level. The little horse -- no, pony, gives me a strange look as I reach forward. Her eyes track my hand with uncertainty, and I can see her begin to move back. "No need to be afraid, I won't hurt you. It's just a dream after all." I chuckled again as the pony gave me a a raised eyebrow, but that soon changed as my fingers began idly scratching under her chin.

"Ooohh, that feels nice..." The little pony murmerd, causing me to chuckle.

A sudden bang reverberates through the room, jolting me from my thoughts and nearly causing me to leap out of my skin. Whipping my head around to locate the source of the noise, I'm caught off guard as a heavy weight envelops my upper body, yanking me down to the ground and leaving me staring up at the ceiling. Panic surges through me as I struggle against the unseen force, attempting to free myself, but all I manage to do is twist my head to the side, the muscles in my legs protesting with the onset of a cramp. Hissing in pain, I freeze, straining to listen to the commotion unfolding around me.

"Private Dusk, step away from the creature!" A gruff voice barks from the entryway, the urgency in its tone causing me to freeze. I can hear the nervous shuffling of the little mare I had been scratching, adding to the tension in the air.

"Sergeant Stopper, the creature was posing no danger to myself! I-" The Private's protest is cut off abruptly, replaced by the authoritative growl of the Sergeant.

"Stow it, Private! For the next two days, you are on latrine duty! Your insubordination will be brought before the Captain." The Sergeant's voice drips with authority, and I can almost feel the tension crackling in the air. Despite the gravity of the situation, I can't help but chuckle involuntarily, a brief moment of levity in the midst of the chaos. The sudden silence that follows my laughter is as swift and brutal as a thunderclap, and I grimace, bracing myself for the inevitable backlash.

"You got something to say, ape?" The Sergeant's voice is a menacing growl, and I meet his gaze defiantly, trying to suppress the smirk that threatens to spread across my face. His horn was ablaze with a pale glow, and he seemed to be sweating slightly. His Roman-esque helmet and poised spear add to his intimidating presence, but I can't help but find the whole scene absurd.

"You ponies are too adorable to be intimidating," I retort, unable to resist the urge to poke fun at the surreal situation. A ripple of amusement courses through me. Who knew my dreams could be so realistic? However, a sudden sense of unease washes over me, the nagging question lurking in the back of my mind threatening to disrupt my fragile sense of security.

'What if I'm wrong?'

I shake my head, dismissing the thought as absurd. It must be a dream, or perhaps the result of some hallucinogen. After all, reality couldn't possibly be this bizarre. Especially not with beings from a show I watched nearly a decade and a half ago.

The pressure around my body dissipates suddenly, and after a moment's hesitation, I slowly rise to my feet, taking in my surroundings with a mixture of curiosity and cavalier. The Sergeant, now seated on the ground and nursing his horn, garners little more than a passing glance from me as I survey the room.

To my right, a Victorian-era chair sits beside my bed, invoking a sense of nostalgia reminiscent of my grandmother's home. The room itself exudes an air of opulence, with a plush carpet underfoot and regal purple drapes adorning the windows. My gaze drifts to the door, where marble pillars reach to the roof, their intricate carvings obscured from my vantage point.

However, my attention is drawn to the wall blocking the entrance to what should have been my bathroom, a stark reminder of the surreal nature of my surroundings. Obviously I wasn't in my residence. I shake my head, attributing the strange occurrences to a vivid dream or a hallucination induced by sleepwalking. Yet, the lingering sense of discomfort remains, fueled by the unsettling realism of the experience.

Glancing down at the vomit-stained floor, a shiver runs down my spine. Despite my efforts to rationalize the situation, a lingering doubt gnaws at the edges of my consciousness, casting a shadow over my fragile sense of certainty. Shaking my head, I once again dispel the thought entirely.

"I'm gonna go find that white Pegacorn." I state as I look down at the trembling Private. I realized then that my bag is missing, and once again chalk it up to the hallucination. I reach down and give the little pony another scratch before walking towards the door.

"S-stop, creature!" The Sergeant stands in my way, but I see him wince in pain as he tries to light his horn. I lean down with a sneer and give it a flick, causing him to yelp and topple over sideways.

Snickering, and with a smirk playing on my lips, I stride confidently out into the hallway, only to be greeted by a scene straight out of a fairy tale. The plush carpet beneath my feet cushions each step, its rich texture inviting and comforting. Sunlight streams in through the arched windows, casting a warm glow that bathes the corridor in a golden hue.

As I glance around, my eyes are drawn upward to the majestic pillars of purple-hued marble that rise like sentinels, reaching ever upward in graceful arcs. The ceiling, adorned with intricate carvings and delicate patterns, looms overhead, its height giving me the feeling of vertigo. A sense of awe washes over me, the sheer grandeur of the surroundings leaving me momentarily speechless.

Gold trimmings adorn the walls, catching the light and casting shimmering reflections that dance in a kaleidoscope of colors. The air is imbued with a sense of magic and wonder.

It was incredible what the human mind could create.

Outside the windows, cherry blossom trees sway gently in the breeze, their delicate pink blooms adding to the ethereal beauty of the scene. It's as if I've stepped into a world straight out of a dream...

...I frowned. This was just a dream. When I wake up, all this will be gone.

"Y'know, it's not that impressive. I mean, sure it's the VIP wing, and the colours seem to pop during the spring, but it's nothing special."

I glance down and see the pegasus is once more at my side. I frown in thought, both at her words and her presence. Surely she would have disappeared by now? Usually, when I dream, details aren't often repeated. Even with such questions, I can't help but take a deep breath. The air is so very fresh, and a sense of giddiness washes over me. What I would give to actually live in a world like this!

"I think it's impressive. But then again, the mind is a powerful thing. To see such details and have such realistic things while dreaming and on drugs is quite a feat if I had to hazard a guess. Hah! And I even get to partake in a world that I saw on TV as a seven year old kid! If this is what happens when you get high, then I've gotta try it more often! Can you show me the way to the white Pegacorn? I've always wanted to see a Pegacorn!"

I rub my hands together as I look down either end of the hallway. I can see various ponies, many of which are maids. A few seem to have seen me and frozen on the spot. I don't really care, this is all to exciting!

"You aren't going anywhere, creature." I hear a grizzled voice from behind me. I groan in annoyance as I see the Sergeant staring up at me. My gaze flickers to the spear held level with my chest, but I can only smile.

"Sure I am. Watch this."

Pivoting on my heel, I begin marching left down the corridor. I hear the Sergeant pony give a cry of surprise before he gallops past me. He turns on his hooves and shoves the spear at me, causing me to pause. Even if it was a dream, anyones natural reaction would be to not get poked.

"No. You aren't permitted to leave until the Princess permits it!"

Hearing a huff, I look down and see Private Dusk roll her eyes. She too now holds a spear, but it is held in an upright position. Her fuzzy pony ears are slightly wilted, and she sticks her tongue out at the Sergeant.

"Come on, Sarge. It wouldn't be very nice to keep it all locked up. Plus, remember the Princess said not to agitate it-- hold on," she looks up at me, "are you a male or a female?"

"I'm a toaster-oven." I immediately quipe, causing the mare to scowl. I give a little smirk. "I'm a dude."

"The hay is a dude?" The Sergeant asks. My eyebrows raise in actual surprise at the question, and I stutter as I try to answer them.

"Well, a dude is like a cool... guy? Yeah, it's just slang for cool guy. So I'm male." I state as I scratch the back of my head. Upon my movement, the Sergeant raises his spear ever so slightly, and his glare hardens. I give a scoff.

"Please, as if you could hurt me. Even if--"

"For ponies sake! Stop saying you are hallucinating, it's getting annoying. We are going to see the Princess so you can get sorted out." Private Dusk growls as her wing flaps open and nudges against my rear. There is a surprising amount of strength there, and I stumble slightly from the sudden force. Thankfully, Sergeant Stopper had moved his spear, otherwise I'd be a Human shish-kebab.

Grumbling, I follow Dusk as she trots down the hall Even with the ponies moving at a faster pace, I'm more than able to keep up. Being six foot three, I can only imagine what it must be like looking up to talk to me from their perspective.

"Still a dream, it's just a dream. You are dreaming, nothing to it!" I notice Stopper give me a side eye, but pay it no mind. There wasn't a chance that any of this was real, right? I'm just a student, nineteen years old! I've lived a relatively normal life. I have a loving family, and some of the best friends a guy can ask for. Only an act of God could send me to a place such as this! I haven't picked up my bible in some time, but I think I just might have to...


As myself and the two guards came to a stop, a frown was deepening on my face. I woke up in my room on campus, but upon exiting, I ended up in a world with talking ponies. If this is in fact real, then maybe it was a a portal of some sort? Like if my door opened up into this world, but if I were to look out the window, it would be regular old Nova Scotia.

My anxiety began to climb, and I could feel my hand beating rhythmically on the side of my leg. My eyes began to dart around, taking in every detail. I saw the suspicious look the guards at the door were giving me. I saw Dusk looking up at me with some concern. Stopper was talking to the guards, explaining why I was here.

I suddenly began to sweat, and tugged at the collar of my shirt. The fabric felt like it always had, and the air feels normal, if a bit more crisp and full. There weren't any swirling colours, or shaky visuals, or even random things popping up. Nothing to discern if this indeed was all a figment of my imagination.

"Alright, go ahead. The Princess knows you have arrived." I snapped back to the present and watched as Sergeant Spotter saluted the two sentinels at the entranceway. I gulped and tried steady my breathing, but an oppressive blanket seemed to be smothering any courage I had. The longer I stood here, the more I began to hyperventilate.

Soft, sleek feathers touched my back, and I jumped. I looked down at Dusk with wide, and what I can imagine would be wild eyes. I was scared, but I don't know how much was showing on my face. The lie I have been telling myself was starting to break apart, along with my sanity.

Looking into Dusk's eyes, she gave me a reassuring smile before giving me a gentle nudge. I obliged and stepped towards the doors. The two guards pushed on their respective doors, and the throne room was once again revealed in all its splendor.

That is, if you ignored the large wooden and metal cube sitting in the middle of the room. Said cube had pipes jutting out every which way, and its pale colour seemed to absorb the vibrancy of the room. Wires stuck out like hairs, and my heart sank as I noticed the large window facing me. The blinds were closed, and no matter how much I didn't want to believe it, I knew what was behind them

Our little group walked at a brisk pace down the corridor, but not once did I take in any of the rather beautiful architecture. Instead, my focus shifted to the large white pony sitting on the throne. Her eyes seemed to burrow into my skull as I stared up at her. With my world crashing down around me, I finally began to understand the situation I'm in.

Blinking, I force a neutral mask onto my face. Fear would not help me, nor would panicking. I watched as the Princess raised an eyebrow at me, but otherwise remained silent. It was then that I noticed to other ponies off to the side of the throne. One was beige/yellow with a tattoo of three apples on its flank. It came just above my waist, and of all things, was wearing a stetson cowboy hat. The other pony was nearly pure white, but not to the majestic degree of the Pegacorn on the throne. It's purple hair was twirled and well maintained, and it sported obvious fake eyelashes. I immediately Marked the two as female, judging by their similar stature to Dusk, the only difference being height. Both these ponies looked at me in curiosity.

Finally stopping about ten feet from the throne, my two escorts lowered into a bow. I merely raised an eyebrow and glared up at the white horse on the throne above me. My temper was finally at an end. I no longer knew what was real and what wasn't, and my anger was growing at a rapid pace.

As the two guards looked up at me, as if expecting me to follow suit, I chuckled. If the universe was going to fuck with me, then what more did I have to lose?

After a moment of silence, I finally said what was on my mind.

"I bow to no one."

I hear multiple gasps, and I can't help but notice the horrified looks the two guards and two ponies are giving me. I just don't care anymore, so I merely raise an eyebrow. After another moment of silence, the Princess slowly stood from her throne before making her way towards me. I gulped as she slowly, methodically walked down the red ramp, her face betraying nothing.

'In retrospect, saying that may not have been a good idea.'

Finally the Princess was at my level, literally. We were the exact same height (minus the horn), and we stared at each other in a silent contest of wills. I could feel... something extruding from the equine in front of me, but I could not see it. It was as though her mere presence place a weight on reality and tried to warp and bend it.

After a few more seconds of staring, and only moments before I broke eye contact, the Princess smiled. She took a step back and slowly raised her hoof towards me. The ponies in the room, who were no standing, stared in shock.

"Welcome, creature, to Canterlot. I'm sure you have many questions, as do I, so I'd like to cordially invite you to sup with me this afternoon."

I stared at her in shock for a moment, but ever so slowly, I realized what she was getting at. I gently grasped her hoof in my right and shook it. However, I figured to take it a step further, and quickly bent down tow kiss the top of her hoof. I held back my unwarranted disgust, and was happy to see the look of surprise on the face of the Princess. It quickly melted away and was replaced with a soft, motherly smile.

"A very interesting creature indeed. Tell me, what is your name?"

"Uh...uhm..." I stumble on my words. I truly did not expect this to happen. Then again, I didn't know what to expect. Whether this was real or not, I decided to play along. "My name is Tyler. Tyler Mackenzie. I'm a Human. It's, um, a pleasure to meet you, Princess.

The Princess's smile grew.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Tyler. If you will follow me, we will go to the dining area. It is nearly three in the afternoon."

'What the fuck have I gotten myself into.'

With a shake of my head, and a look at my guards, I began to follow the Princess.

It was time I got some answers.

Chapter 2: Otherworldly Lunch

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My footfalls seemed heavy as we walked down the slowly darkening hallway. An amber glow was beginning to shine through the many windows, and glinted off of Dusk and Stoppers armour. I deduced that the two were something of a personal guard for myself while I was here.

With the soothing light, and the silence in the hallway, an eerie calm seemed to gather in the air. I wanted to say something, anything, to start a conversation. I had so many questions! What other races were there? What is technology like here? where will I be staying? And... how will I get home?

I still haven't come to terms with the fact this is real. Something like this cannot be possible, especially for someone as normal as myself. Not to mention the uncanny feeling, like something seems real but is off in a way. I can't really place it, but I think it has something to do with my knowledge of where I currently am. Upon hearing Celestia introduce herself, my memories had decided to once more make a return. Things were still hazy, but I remember bits and pieces here and there. I know I'm in Equestria, I think, or a version of it. I remember a few of the ponies names, and I know of certain... events. The only problem is it has been about twelve whole years since I saw the show, and even then, it was only an episode here or there while in the care of my babysitter.

A shiver runs up my spine. Thoughts and theories were making a mad dash to the forefront of my mind, and I simply could not process them all. Wasn't it every little kids dream to visit Equestria and see their favorite characters? I know that a group of adults called furries or Bronies or something follow the show like a cult, but I don't know the details behind their little shtick.

"Mr. Tyler, are you alright?" I hear from Celestia.

I snap my head up to look at her with a neutral expression. I can see the orange pony, Apple or something, along with Rarity looking back at me with what appears to be concern. I decide to give a small smile, but it comes off as more of a grimace. The ponies can tell right away, and the orange one decides to speak up.

"Penny for yer' thoughts, sugarcube?" She says in a heavy southern accent. Looking a bit closer to her, I can see she seems to pull off the "southern belle" look quite well, for an equine. The ends of her mane and tale are tied by bands of some sort, and her stetson sits comfortably on the back of her head. I give a sigh as I idly wave my hand.

"Just, I never got you or your friends names!" I lied. She gave me a flat stare and a quiet 'tsk', but otherwise decided to answer my question.

"Ahm Applejack, and this here is Rarity." Walking on three legs, she points to herself, then to Rarity. I am still a bit amazed that their legs can bend in such a fashion, but at this point I just have to accept it. The rules here are different, evidently, and if I'm going to retain my sanity, I need to start thinking as such.

Humming in acknowledgement, I decide to try and strike up a bit more conversation. "It's nice to meet you. What do you guys do for a living?"

Glancing at Rarity, I can see she is eyeing me with a critical look. It's almost predatory, the way her eyes travel up and down my body.

'Feels like I'm a piece of meat...'

"Well, I work on my families farm, Sweet Apple Acres. I'm an apple farmer." I can hear the pride in her voice and internally smile. Growing up on a farm myself, I was quite fond of my upbringing and the hard work I put in. The constant playing outside as a kid, riding the horses, and working with my dad on the tractors were some of my core memories. I tuned back in as Rarity decided to speak up.

"I am a seamstress, darling. It's my calling. However, my cutie mark represents my ability to locate and utilize gems, as you can probably tell." She looks up at me with a smile, one that I can't help but return. While she carried a posh voice, her attitude said otherwise. Call it a gut feeling, but this pony seemed like she could be trusted. However, one thing was nagging at my mind.

"What's a cutie mark?"

Our little precession instantly stopped, and all eyes swung to me. Chuckling slightly, I take a half step back from all the stare's I'm getting.

"What do you mean 'what's a cutie mark'? Do you not have a special talent darling?" Rarity questions, her expression one of befuddlement. I shake my head, and I can see her ears visibly droop slightly.

"Nope, Human's don't get a Cutie Mark." I shiver. That name is so... girly. "What do you mean by special talent?"

The ponies exchange glances before Dusk decides to be the one to talk.

"A Cutie Mark is a ponies calling, their destiny. It's what they are best at, and what they will pursue in life." She points to Applejack. "Her calling is apples and farming said apples." She points to Rarity." Her's is gems and clothing. You're telling us you don't have a Cutie Mark?"

I shake my head once again, a frown developing as I began to think. Cutie Marks sound quite restrictive if I'm being honest. Sure, it'd be cool and helpful knowing what you are destined to do, but that also takes away freedom and opportunity to a degree. While I'm currently studying for a Bachelors of Business Administration, I've always dreamt of having my own farm. Why can't I run my own business, happily retire, then buy a ranch?

"I'm thinking to deep into this." I whisper.

"So it would seem, Mr. Tyler. Come, your questions will be satisfied at lunch. It is just through these doors, and we can get you situated with some food." I frown. No one was supposed to hear that. This large ears weren't just for show it would seem.

Once more we began to walk, and it wasn't long before we came to some great oakum doors. Two guards stood to the side, and they quickly saluted before granting us entry. We entered into an astonishing dining room. A massive table was arrayed in the middle of the room. Shining cutlery sparkled as though they were crystals, and fancy plates akin to fine China sat before a multitude of seats. Multiple bouquets full of exotic flowers decorated the table, and the marble floor of the room gleaned with unnatural cleanliness. Underneath the cutlery, fine placemats sat. Their shapes and colours blending well with the wood beneath them, giving a rustic, yet expensive feel.

Sun gleamed through an archway leading to the outside. The massive glass doors were thrown open, and a refreshing, lukewarm breeze blew through the room. I could hear the birds chirping outside, and I inhaled sharply from the crisp afternoon air.

I couldn't help but let a smile appear. It was cold back on campus, and when it wasn't cold, it was wet. My residence wasn't exactly the best place to live in the world, and the air was always stale. Even Springs back home couldn't compare to the pure freshness of the air here in this place.

I caught Rarity giving me a side eye, and she turned away with a feminine giggle. I merely shook my head and approached the table along with the others.

Celestia took her seat at the head of the table closest to the balcony, and Rarity and Applejack sat opposite each other right beside the white monarch. I eyed all the places, trying the gauge where to sit, when I felt someone's breath on the back of neck.

"Chose any spot thou would like." A menacing, but feminine voice whispered in my ear.

I jumped and gave a shriek of surprise from the sudden voice, and I immediately turned to face whoever had snuck up on me. My stance lowered, and my right arm cocked back as my left raised slightly, ready to move at a moments notice. It was then that my eyes landed on a midnight blue Alicorn standing before me. Her eyes glared up at my face, and I gave a shiver from the seemingly hostile stance she had taken up. Her wings were slightly flared, and her hooves were spread. Her horn was slightly aglow, and her head was slightly lowered. Her eyes widened in the split second I took in these details, and she took a step back. Judging from her look, she hadn't expected my roundabout reaction from being scared to instantly on guard.

We stared at each other for a moment, both of us tense, when the Alicorn before finally spoke.

"An impressive form." She spat as she slowly stood up straight. I followed suit and crossed my arms before glaring down at her.

"What the hell was that for?" My tone wasn't angry, but it certainly contained some heat. For years, I've had a negative reaction to people sneaking up on me. There was an instance at a party where I went to the washroom, but forgot to lock the door. One of my buddies thought it would be a good idea to try and jump scare me. The black eye I gave him (on accident), was a good deterrence to not try such a thing again.

My reactions have gotten infinitely better at this stage in my life, but I was still wary of people coming up behind me. I don't know how it originated, but it was certainly a hard habit to lose.

A few gasps sounded, but once again, I paid them no mind. Judging by the crown and the pectoral piece, I had just spoken to another Princess, and not in a very respectful manner. I watched in real time as her expression darkened, and a snarl built on her muzzle.

Before she could begin yelling, a polite cough directed out attention to the table.

"Sister, please leave Mr. Mackenzie alone. There is no need for hostility. Would you join us for lunch?"

I could see Celestia's seemingly forced smile, and watched as the Sister, who's name I did not know, scowled up at me. It was then that I felt something poke at the small of my back.

Turning, I found a different guard standing with his spear poised towards me. Looking around the room, I also noticed several more with magic glowing around the hilts of their weapons, ready to spring forward should I make a wrong move. A quiet, unconscious gulp escaped from me as my eyes traveled the armed and armoured horses.

Slowly, I turned and faced the dark Princess and raised an eyebrow. She merely huffed, glanced behind me, and nodded. I let out a breath when I heard the armoured pony trot away from behind me. Without another word, the dark Alicorn walked away and slowly moved around the table to sit on her sister's left, furthest from me.

I did not move, and instead continued to stare at the two royals.

"There is no need for hostility Mr. Mackenzie. Here," her horn glowed a golden yellow, and a chair on her right quickly slid backwards without a sound, "please take a seat." Celestia's seemingly innocent smile caused my eyes to narrow, but I decided it would be better to comply. Even with the warm air, I couldn't help but shiver.

Slowly, I lowered myself down into the seat. It wasn't exactly designed for Humans, so the strange scoop in the middle was a bit uncomfortable. Thankfully, I was a decently flexible person and managed to ignore the strange design. After getting comfortable, and pulling my chair in, the room fell into a contemplative silence. One that was soon broken by the doors behind me once again opening.

Turning to look, I found a small line of ponies in maid outfits were carting food into the massive room. The wheels on the trolly's made nary a sound, and a waft of what seemed to be fried veggies' hit my nose in force. I couldn't help but drool a little from the smell as the maids horn's lit, and different trays were placed before myself and the others. An array of forks, knives, and spoons floated into their places, but I ignored them as I looked around the table. Even with my stomach rumbling, I snapped my mouth closed and frowned. Celestia was eyeing me, or moreso my reaction. I didn't quite understand why, until the tray in front of me had its top lifted, and a steaming pork chop greeted my sight. My eyes widened slightly at the sight, but I quickly looked back at Celestia with a questioning glance.

"Why do you guys have meat? I would've thought equines would be herbivores?" I took a fork and knife from beside my tray and gently cut a slice of the pork. It seemed perfectly cooked, without an ounce of pink , so nodded before popping the piece into my mouth. It was nothing special, and in personal opinion, needed some barbeque sauce. I noticed the green face on Rarity, but Applejack seemed unbothered. Instead, she seemed to be analyzing me with a bored expression. I shifted in my seat and gently placed my fork and knife back on the plate.

"Mrs. Applejack noticed the odd device in your... living arrangements carried an assortment of meats, when she and Mrs. Rarity took a look inside," I frowned and narrowed my eyes, "We took one, and decided to cook it for you, as we have no such food here in the castle at the moment. We figured you were a carnivore, so we did not want to... displease you with our lack of options."

I sat in silence, digesting everything Celestia had just told me. Those ponies had gone inside my room without my consent, muddled around, leaked cold air in my freezer, and judging by looks a few of them were giving me, assumed I was some kind of dangerous meat eater. I snorted, and opted to ignore the issue of them invading my privacy for now. I could complain about that later.

"I am actually an omnivore. I have canine teeth for slicing meat, and molars for crushing greens." I quickly opened my mouth and flashed the aforementioned teeth while pointing them out. I saw Celestia's head cock to the side slightly, and Applejack was nodding. Rarity looked less green, and the dark Princess looked indifferent. Her frown was slightly deeper, but that was about it.

Silence reigned once more, and I saw the ponies looking at each other. I decided I might as well enjoy my pork chop, and cut into it some more. The others, noticing my lack of care for the conversation, followed suit. All except the other Princess. She sat glaring at me, and I felt a scowl appearing on my face as I continued to eat. The jumpiness of the ponies was mildly annoying, but this one was showing outright hostility. Was it because I was so different to them? Was it because of my need sudden drop into their castle?

"What is your true purpose here, ape."

All noise stopped, along with the fork that was halfway to my mouth. My eyes flicked upwards to regard the pony that spoke, and I wasn't surprised to find the second Princess. I also noticed Rarity's cringe, along with Applejacks wary look towards me.

"Sister!" Celestia scolded, but the dark one cast her a glare. Her mouth closed, and she shook her head as the two had a silent conversation. I slowly lowered my fork, and a brief cloud of anger came over me. Everything still felt so surreal, and I was trying so very hard to suppress my growing panic. I was more than aware that this where I currently am is real, but I know that if I delve to far into those thoughts, I might have a panic attack.

My eye twitched, and the two sisters fixed their gazes on me, but I did not flinch. I was angry. Angry at the world, angry at myself, and at the hopeless situation I was becoming to realize. But most of all, I was angry with the stupid Princess. These... things were characters in a bloody show I used to watch. Was this some kind of punishment for my drinking habits? My indulgence in lustful activities while at school? Maybe it's because of my deteriorating faith in God? Back home, the world was going to shit, and there was nothing I could do to make a difference. Just be another person going through the indoctrination program that is university, another person that will find some boring job at a desk, another person who works nine to five, and rarely has time for kids. I have enough problems as it is.

But now I am here, in some kids fantasy show. I can easily tell that these little equines are uncomfortable around me, and the dark Princess has voiced what they are all thinking. I can see the discomfort in each and every guard around the room. I can see how tense Applejack and Rarity are. I can feel the cold glare that the second Princess is giving me. They openly admitted to snooding around in my dorm room, which has seemingly been torn from my world. I've had enough of this. Maybe I am tired and disoriented, maybe I am confused, or even scared, but what else am I supposed to do? I didn't think this could possibly be real, and look what happened!

"I never caught your name, pony." My voice was low and challenging. The Princess nostrils flared, along with her wings, and a low whinney escaped her muzzle. I continued to stare, my anger only growing with each second. A slight ringing was developing in my ears, and I briefly saw Celestia shaking her head towards her sister.

"I am Princess Luna, Guardian of the night and protector of Dreams, welp; you are to address me as such!" Her voice was low, but carried a feeling like a bomb about to go off. My glare hardened, and upon raising my hand, I jabbed a finger towards her.

"I will call you whatever I damn well please! You ponies go searching through my stuff, shrouding everything in secrecy, acting way to nice, and look at me with loathing! I am not some dirty ape, so much as you people are horses!" Applejack and Rarity gasped, Celestia frowned while Luna growled. I continued on my little rant without a clue to my surroundings. "You know what, your royal highness, I'll tell you my purpose here! I DON'T HAVE ONE!!"

My sudden roar caused everyone present to jump, and the guards at the edges of the room lowered their spears and took a few steps closer. I paid them no mind as angry tears began to sting my eyes, and flashes of life back home began to shroud my mind. All I could see where my parents and younger brother, my friends Samuel and Jayden. I saw my cat, Donut, my family's' farm, and the dream of working beside my dad at his tractor dealership.

"I-I have no purpose here, I don't even know how I got here! I was minding my own business, going to school, getting an education! I-I wanted to... I just..." I collapsed back in my seat and buried my face in my arms, my shoulders shaking. I no longer felt anger, but that wasn't much of an improvement.

'I'll never see home again...'

The reality of my situation came crashing down, and with it, came my pent up emotions. For the last two hours, I have been putting on a strong face, thinking this was figment of my imagination. Now I know the truth. I'm stuck here in fantasy land, in a children's cartoon. If I remember right there are no others like me in this world, and I was now alone. It was bad enough at school, but at least there everyone was human. At least there I had options. Now I had nothing but the clothes on my back, and whatever useless stuff was in my dilapidated room which was sitting stuck in the floor.

I felt something on my back, something soft. I slowly turned to look up, and immediately notice light blue wings placed along my shoulders. I recognize Dusk as she sits beside me, and she is giving me a reassuring smile. It does nothing to improve my mood, but I am now aware enough to see the embarrassing position I put myself into. Closing my eyes, I try to slow my breathing. Maybe there was still a way for me to get back? The Princesses had magic, and I can only guess that magic is what brought me here in the first place.

Looking up, my eyes caught the flicker of Luna's horn as her magic died off. I hadn't noticed until now, but for some reason, while I had been talking, her horn had been lit. Now that I think about it, I'm feeling okay. Tired, sure, but the anger is gone. Was... was she casting a spell on me? What caused that surge of emotion?

Luna's eyes widened as she saw my look of comprehension, and the anger came back in force, along with a dose of fear. This time, I wasn't under any influence. I saw sweat on the edge of her brow, and she seemed to sway in place, but I paid that detail no mind. I found myself beginning to stand, and the comfort of Dusk's wings slipped off.

"What did you do to me?" My voice was a low growl, and my hands began to shake from the surge of emotion. I felt a pressure in my stomach, and what felt like adrenaline came crashing down on my consciousness. Every little detail seemed to pop, every little motion caught my eye. I could see every guard, and every maid beginning to shy away, though I did not know why. I saw Celestia's eyes widen in surprise, but her face quickly became it's normal mask. Only a small amount of concern twitched at the edge of her lips.

"Tyler, please calm yourself. Your emotions are high, and I can understand your frustration. My sister is merely suspicious, as you are a something the likes we have not seen!"

Her words where motherly, and I felt myself beginning to calm. My fists, which were white at the knuckles, slowly unclenched, and I once again felt a sense of fatigue wash over me. A slight breeze blew through the open balcony, washing against my side and I let out a great sigh. I was still angry, but I knew she was right. I was making a fool of myself, and this would certainly affect my first official meeting with beings from another world. I had to chuckle at that. Beings' from another world. I always thought that if I saw aliens, they would come from above. Instead, I show up in their home, cause a scene, and get all emotional.

Whoop De doo.

Looking up at the Princess's, I gave a start at the four new ponies standing on the other side of the table. Each was wearing some kind of trinket on their necks, though one had some kind of tiara. Five of the six were tensed, as if they wanted to jump across the table and dogpile me, while the cute butter coloured pegasus hid behind a chair with her head poking out. I simply raised an eyebrow, slowly recognizing that the entire friendship squad was staring me down. I still don't know most of their names.

"Where did you lot come from?" I asked quietly. I saw Dusk in the corner of my eye and noted she had not moved. Her eyes were wide, but she otherwise remained still. I thanked whoever was watching out for me that she wasn't like the other guards. They still have yet to put their spears away.

The purple pony looked at Princess Celestia, who slowly gave a shallow nod. I watched as she turned to me and awkwardly cleared her throat. The others continued to stare, but I tuned them out. My eyebrow was continuing to raise as I watched the purple pony scrape her hood on the floor and avoid my gaze. Finally, she spoke.

"We, uh, we came here at the Princess's invite. She, er, wanted us here for two reasons. The first being if you turned out to be a threat," I scowled, "and the second was because we may be able to help you with your... problem." Her ears wilted slightly as she looked off to the side, while I merely crossed my arms. With my memories of the show still a bit foggy, I can vaguely recall that the six of them were some kind of weapon that stopped a demon or something in the first season. Where they going to use it on me if I proved to be a threat?

I gave a sigh and casually reached for my chair. A pang of hunger had been gnawing at my stomach, and a sudden growl caused a flinches from those still looking at me. I gave a small chuckle as I sat down, the chair scraping loudly across the floor. I might as well try and act friendly, otherwise they might blast me with whatever weapon they have.

Wait... it's a rainbow beam. If they hit me with that thing, will it turn me gay?

While I thought about being blasted by an 'LGBTQ+' superweapon, the others slowly took their spots around the table, albeit with a lot more elegance. Their hushed whispers and occasional glances let me know they were discussing me, but I didn't mind. I heard a sound beside me and noticed a pale gray unicorn mare in a maids outfit was levitating a new pitcher of what appeared to be water in front of me. She poured in the glass in front of me, and I quietly nodded my thanks, to which she reciprocated, before finally looking up at the others. They each had their own trays now as well, and were getting their food ready. Lids were removed, salt, pepper, and butter were passed around. Looking back down, I noticed I still had my porkchop sitting there, forgotten during my bout of magic influenced drama. I licked my lips as I brought it closer, and quickly grabbed my fork. Even without sauce, a porkchop was a porkchop. I cut a small slice off the meat and brought it to my lips. I murmured happily when I stuck the piece in my mouth. Never would I have been able to cook it so well.

I noticed the table was once again dead silent, and I flicked my gaze to the solar princess as she watched me. While her gaze was on me, I could see her eyes seemed slightly focused on my chest. I could recognize when someone was in deep thought, and decided a conversation might help calm the atmosphere.

"Penny for your thoughts, Princess?" I asked as nonchalantly as possible. The friendship squad flinched, and I noticed Luna give me a half glare. Celestia meanwhile looked up at me with a strained smile.

"I am merely thinking about how we can help you return home, my little Human. It is fascinating that your little... house was teleported right into my throne room. Did you or someone nearby have a magical mishap perhaps?" Her kind smile and soft tone put me more at ease, and I shook my head as I took a sip of water. I noticed the purple pony with the tiara staring at me with intrigue, but I ignored her.

"I'm not sure. We humans' don't have magic where I'm from, but it could have been some secret government experiment." I chuckled. I wasn't very trusting of the government, maybe they found my search history and decided to be rid of me?

Celestia's frown deepened and she opened her mouth to speak, but a sudden gasp caused all eyes to turn to the purple pony. A scroll and a feather were floating beside her, and her large eyes seemed to stare into my very soul. A strand of hair poked out from atop her mane, and her eye twitched.

"N-no magic? What do you mean no magic? All living things have magic! It can't be possible!" Her voiced raised with every word, and she was practically yelling by the end, and this was enunciated as she slammed her two forehooves on the table, causing the contents to clatter. I heard a sigh and saw the rainbow maned pegasus whispering to Applejack, the latter giggling and shaking her head. I turned back to face the purple one and raised a single eyebrow.

"I'm afraid it's true, miss. We Humans' have no magic whatsoever. We've adapted using technology instead." The purple pony shook her head vigorously before I even finished talking, a heavy frown on her muzzle.

"But that surge! We all felt it! When you--" She was cut off as Celestia cleared her throat, casting a glare at the purple unicorn.

"That is far enough Twilight, we must not accuse Mr. Mackenzie of anything without knowing the proper details. Besides, I detected it was a... side effect of Luna's magic after she cast the truth spell."

I frowned at that. I didn't know they could cast spells to make me tell the truth! Then again, truth serum did exist (to a degree), I guess I'm just upset they did it without my knowledge. It happened, and no one was hurt, no sense dwelling on it.

"B-but Princess--" Celestia's glare hardened, and for the briefest of moments, I caught a slight curl of her lip. Twilight immediately backed down with wilted ears. Her eyes stared at the plate in front of her as another awkward silence descended across the room. I didn't like the ashamed look Twilight was sporting, and decided I should say something.

"Hey, Twilight, it's alright. I get you were curious. Do you want to know something cool?" I smiled when her ears immediately perked up and her eyes met mine. It was adorable really, all the ponies were. Fluffy little monster may give me a heart attack if I stay in their presence for more than five hours.

"S-Sure." I smiled at her timid tone.

"Well, back where I'm from, Human's love building things. Monuments, towers, contraptions and various knick-knacks. In a small country in a desert, the tallest building in history was built. It is called the Burj Khalifa."

"Pray tell, how tall is the building?" It was Luna who spoke, and I noticed she was now looking at me in intrigue. Most of the ponies in the room were, and I smiled knowing the tense atmosphere was all but gone. In its place was intrigue and wonder.

"Well, I don't know what your measurement system is, but the Burj Khalifa is 2,716 feet if I am not mistaken."

As I finished speaking, the ponies exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of astonishment and disbelief.

"No magic and yet such towering achievements? If your measurement system is like ours, then this is truly a wonderous feat!" Rarity was the first to chime in, her voice filled with astonishment. She turned to Twilight "Oh, darling, it's positively marvelous! Imagine what we could accomplish with such ingenuity."

I chuckled at the excitement in Rarity's voice. "Well, the possibilities are endless, Rarity. Humans have always had a knack for innovation and pushing the boundaries of what's possible."

Applejack leaned forward, her hat tilted back slightly. "Ya'll sure do sound like a resourceful bunch. But tell me, what's this Burj Khalifa like? Must be a sight to behold."

"It certainly is, Applejack," I replied, my mind drifting back to memories of the towering skyscraper and what I learned on the internet. "The Burj Khalifa isn't just tall, it's a marvel of engineering. It's got observation decks, luxurious hotels, and even residential apartments. And at night, when the city lights up, it's truly a sight to behold."

I looked around at the assembled group and noticed Twilight was sitting stock still. Ignoring her, I switched my focus to Celestia, whose head was tilted in curiosity.

"Truly incredible. However, while I would love to continue talking, I do believe it is time for me to resume my duties." Celestia stood along with Luna. They both looked at me. "Mr. Mackenzie, thank you for having lunch with us. I would like you to stay with your two guard escorts for the remainder of the day. The elements will be with you as well to show you around the castle. In the meantime, my sister and I will put together our top magical experts in order to find you a way home. I cannot promise you anything, but we will try our best."

I didn't like how dismissive the Princess was of this, and I began to frown in thought. My fingers subconsciously tapped against my thigh as I nodded to them. They seemed to regard me, and for a brief moment, I thought I saw something in Celestia's eyes, but it was gone in an instant. I had faith that they would find a solution to my problem in a timely manner. If the show was anything to go by, the two were benevolent leaders and powerful magic users. If they can't get me home, then no one can.

"I, uh, thank you Princess's." I stood up and looked towards my guards. Dusk was walking up to me along with Sergeant stopper. The two held neutral looks as they stopped in front of me, but I noticed Dusk kept looking up and gazing at my face. It made me a bit uncomfortable in reality, but I decided it was best to ignore it. I gave them a nod of acknowledgment before turning to the six pony squad.

"Alright, seems I am at your mercy." I gestured towards the door I came in from. "Lead the way, little ponies."

Rainbow swooped in like a bullet, which got the others in action. Little was said as we exited the room together, but I did stop as the doors began to close behind us. Turning, I watched as Celestia and Luna conversed in hushed tones. Luna saw me and scowled before saying something to her sister. In a flash of light, the two were gone, and the doors shut.

Giving a sigh, I shook my head. I was tired and wanted to go home, but to do that I had to cooperate. While I trusted them to find a solution, I still held a thread of doubt that I wasn't being told everything.

"Tyler, come on! I want to show you some new moves I came up with."

With a final sigh and the dining hall at my back, I followed the eight ponies into the castle. Something told me my world was going to get a lot more complicated.

Chapter 3: World's Shortest Tour

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A flicker of light momentarily brightened the dimly lit chamber, revealing the imposing figures of two Alicorn sisters. The room remained silent, save for the sisters' contemplative whispers.

As Celestia brooded over the recent events, Luna observed with a furrowed brow. After several moments, she spoke, her voice laced with uncertainty.

"Sister, did you see the way he wielded magic?"

Celestia turned to her sister, confusion clouding her features. "Yes, Luna. It was... unusual. But familiar somehow."

Luna nodded, her expression troubled. "It reminded me of something from long ago, but I cannot recall what."

Celestia's gaze drifted, lost in thought. "It was powerful, yet raw. Not like anything we've encountered before."

Luna's eyes squinted as she pawed at the ground. A look of brief understanding passed over her, and she glanced to her sister to see if she was thinking the same thing. "Could it be...?"

Celestia's brow furrowed in concentration. "Perhaps. But the connection still slightly eludes me."

Silence descended once more as the sisters pondered the implications of the human's mysterious display of magic. Though the memory remained elusive, its significance lingered, casting a shadow of uncertainty over them as they tried to decipher just what they had seen.

"Sister, the flash, the power behind the human's voice. Surely it's not--"

"It isn't. It can't be the one." Celestia snapped, cutting Luna off. She growled as she turned to face the Lunar Princess, a scowl dominating her muzzle.

"It was merely a thought, sister. The last time a Human was on this world, it led to untold amounts of chaos. Had we arrived sooner, before harmony went dormant, then we surely would have been destroyed!" Luna walked over to a small chest sitting at the end of the room. She gazed at it before turning her attention to her sister. "You are certain he is not the one?"

Celestia shook her head and sighed. For some reason, the words of the prophecy were eluding her. She could not remember, but for some reason she recalled the Griffon's having something to do with it. Everything before that was a blurry mess. However, there was only one thing she could remember from the prophecy of old.

"Lightbringer." She whispered, causing her sister's head to tilt slightly. Celestia's eyes scrunched. She tried to remember more, but she couldn't. It was of little concern. Her plans were slowly coming to fruition, and with Luna once more by her side, they would surely come to light.

"Enough of this. If the Human is as you say, then he is not a threat. It is obvious the tree is trying something, but it matters not. We will corrupt him, and if this cannot be done, then we will destroy him. Simple as that. The Tree once more made a gamble, and it has made another mistake." Celestia looked to her sister, and a sinister smile creeped up her mouth. For a brief moment, needle-like fangs appeared, but they were gone in an instant. A moment later, the two sisters disappeared with a flash, leaving the room once more in silence.


"So, I know the names of most of you, but who are the rest?" I look at the group of ponies at my sides as we walked out into a large garden. Birds chirped and a cool breeze swept past my ears. My eyes roamed around, catching every movement, and following every sound. I felt tense, surprisingly, but I dumbed it down to the fact that everything was still so unfamiliar. Taking a shallow breath, and after some searching of my memory, I finally recalled the rest of the Mane Six's names. However, asking anyway would prevent any slip-ups on my part. My gaze flicked to Pinkie, who was bouncing up and down as she turned to face me.

"I'm Pinkie Pie, the number one party pony in Equestria!" She beamed up at me, and I merely nodded in affirmation.

"I'm Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer in Equestria, and the coolest mare you'll ever meet!" She did a few loops in the air in front of me, and I couldn't help but be a bit impressed. The ponies were quite small compared to me, and for her to move like that should have been impossible. I won't question it, for I knew magic was at hand--er, hoof...whatever. I smirked as I gazed at the prismatic pony with an appraising eye. I then faked a yawn.

"I dunno, I've met some pretty cool people. Sidney Crosby, Pope Francis, and Donald Trump to name a few." I was pulling names out of my ass, but I wanted to see her reaction. I wasn't surprised when she flew within a few inches of my face, her eyes narrowed with a smug grin on her muzzle.

"Oh yeah? Well, can any of them do a Sonic Rainboom?? 'Cause I sure can!" Rainbow tensed and looked ready to take to the sky, but Sergeant Stopper quickly called to her.

"Mrs. Dash, there will be no stunts in castle airspace. Especially not without notifying Captain Spitfire first!" His voice was gruff and astute, but I heard Dusk snort and saw her shake her head from the corner of my eye. I rolled my eyes and brought a hand to my chin, rubbing a nonexistent beard.

"Sounds to me like you can't actually do it, Dashie," she scowled at the name, "don't worry, just let the guards cover for ya."

Rainbow's face goes bright red, and steam seemingly billows from her ears. I smirk as I see Applejack role her eyes and nudge Rainbow's side. Rainbow turns to her friend with a scowl, but upon seeing hers, and my face, she realizes I was pulling her leg. She gives a huff and smacks me in the shin, causing me to stumble. I wince from the solid feel of the hoof, but play it off. I did sort of deserve it.

Hearing a chuckle from Dusk, I rolled my eyes and faced the last member of the group, Fluttershy. One of her eyes was hidden behind her mane, and the other was wide as she stared up at me. She turned slightly to the side, and mumbled something incoherent. Frankly, she is downright adorable.

"What was that?" I ask gently as I sit down in front of her. The group watches in interest as I slowly hold out a hand, palm facing up. "My name is Tyler, what's yours?" I let an easy going smile appear on my face, and I can see the little pony physically relax upon seeing me at her height.

"I-I'm Fluttershy." She whispered adorably as she reached a hoof up and placed it in my palm. I curled my fingers around the outstretched limb and felt the soft fur surrounding her leg. It was mesmerizing, but I couldn't afford to get caught up in my fascinations at the moment.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Fluttershy." I gently shake her hoof before letting go. I can see Twilight staring at my hand in fascination, but I quickly place it behind me in order to push myself up. My eyes wander around the group of assorted mares, all of whom still sported their necklaces (and the single tiara). I raised an eyebrow when Twilight followed my eyes, her own widening as she noticed what I was analyzing. A forced smile appeared on her face as she quickly cleared her throat.

"Right, well, as you can tell, this is the royal garden. Usually, it is reserved by nobles or the Princesses for parties, get togethers, and other such events." As Twilight began talking, our group began to move again. However, even as I took in the downright beautiful surroundings, I couldn't help but stare at the back of Twilight's head in suspicion. Why did she react such a way to me looking at the necklaces?

It was then that I remembered that they didn't know I understood what those very necklaces could do. It clicked into place then, and I nearly slapped myself for my own stupidity. They were the Elements of Harmony, and the Elements of Harmony are a superweapon of some kind. Obviously, the don't realize I know this, and so the Princess stuck me with them in case I tried something. They were just as much my guardians as my actual guards were!

"Ugh." I shook my head at the sudden headache. Ever since meeting the Princess, I felt a sense of wrongness about the air. It was crisp, and it was fresh, but it was also laced with tension and power. It felt tingly, and the answer was on the tip of my tongue. Perhaps magic had something to do with this, or I am still feeling the aftershock of being magically uprooted from my home and into a new world? That same wrongness just seemed to surround Twilight as she led our tour out into a space filled with statues. I felt like I could see an outline, like my own eyes were lowering the brightness everywhere except around her short frame.

I blinked, and spots danced in my eyes. Everything immediately snapped back into focus, and I found myself standing stock still. The girls and my two guards each stood facing me, and their looks of concern caused a questioning look to enter my features. I watched as Dusk stepped forward and cocked her head to the side.

"Mr. Mackenzie, are you alright?" Her soft voice, brimming with concern, made the lightness in my head evaporate. I quickly nodded as I looked at my surroundings. We stood on a path leading towards towering hedges, and along the path sat large stone statues. My eyes traveled along the various ornaments, before landing on a particularly interesting one. A strange being, made of many different types of body parts from different animals stood, it's mouth agape as it seemingly sang into the air. A sense of familiarity washed over me, causing me to shiver. Quickly averting my gaze from the strange being, I forced a smile onto my face.

"Sorry about that everyone, I kinda zoned out there. What were you talking about Twilight?" I gestured to the purple unicorn in an attempt to continue where we left off, but a quick shake of the head from both my guards caused my confidence to falter.

"I think that was more than just zoning out." Stopper narrowed his eyes at me as he shook his head. "You look as pale as a ghost, and that's saying something with you already being super pale to begin with."

"I think we should put this tour on hold for now," Dusk added, her tone gentle yet firm as she glanced up at my face. "Mr. Mackenzie needs to rest and recover. We can resume later."

I frowned, feeling a mixture of gratitude and frustration. Gratitude because I could definitely use a break, and frustration because I couldn't shake the feeling that something was deeply wrong here. It was frightening, and I could feel my mental capacity draining. I needed to think, but at the same time, I could not. I just need to lay in a bed, or sit under a tree. I just need to do...something.

Twilight frowned but nodded in agreement. "Of course, we can continue later. Your well-being is our top priority."

The other girls waved goodbye as I turned and followed my guards. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Twilight and Applejack whispering, the former having narrowed her eyes at me.

As we made our way back to the castle, my mind raced with questions and suspicions. What was going on with me? What were those strange sensations I felt, and why did I seem to recognize that statue? And most importantly, what were the true intentions of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna? I wasn't an idiot, I could see they wanted me contained. I saw the brief fear in Luna's eyes when I began to yell at lunch. I had felt something then, but I can't place my finger on what it is.

I stumbled, and the world seemed to turn sideways. A groan reached my lips as I noticed a rather large tree off to my left. Lurching towards the tree, I heard my two guards cry out in surprise as I clutched my stomach. I feel like I'm about to be sick again, and I can feel the bile rising in my throat. Was I sick? Did I catch a flu of some kind? What is happening to me? I can feel panic trying to creep in, along with a sense of claustrophobia. Being around all these ponies is suffocating. This world wasn't mine, it would never be mine.

I sat against the tree, my breathing laboured as I stared out across a pond sitting before me. Cattails sway gently in the breeze, and I can hear frogs (toads?) going about their usual clamour of odd ribbits and croaks. I see a few ducks, and their ducklings as they swim idly in the crystal clear water of the pond, and the sight causes my stomach to cease its rebellion. I can hear someone talking, but there is a small ringing in my ears. After a moment, I began to see things. I saw my brother and I as we skied down a large mountain, him laughing as I smashed through a snowdrift and tumbled down the mountain. I saw my father as we built a shed on our farm back home. I was petting a cat, my cat, as I made my way to get some more tools. Next, I saw my mother. We sat on a bench in town, each holding an ice-cream. It was a week before I left for school, and I could see the proud look on her face as we sat there, enjoying the frosty delight.

The images flashed through my head at a rapid pace, and I didn't notice I was crying until something touched my shoulder. I jumped and turned my head to find Dusk and Stopper sitting beside me. Stopper still held his look of neutrality, but his spear was put away, and his ears were flopped down.

Dusk was sitting right beside me. Her weapon was also gone, and she to had her ears folded back. However, there was a look of pity and sadness as she slowly removed her hoof from my shoulder. I noticed her look of concern, and then felt the tears slowly drying on my cheeks. I quickly tried to wipe them away and make myself presentable.

'Damn you, getting emotional in front of the ponies! You're acting like a child!'

My mental beration ceased when Dusk leaned in and hugged me. I felt my muscles go stiff as my breath caught. Was it normal for my guard, a soldier, to give me a hug out of the blue? Was this something that ponies did? It wasn't exactly comfortable with her armour, but I could still feel the sentiment behind it. After a brief moment, Dusk disengaged from the hug and backed away. I noticed a small tinge of red on her cheeks, but she still held that look of concern.

Giving a sigh, I turned away from the two and got comfortable. My left leg came up in an arch, and my right leg stretched out slightly. I breeze ruffled my hair, and I took a deep breath at the freshness. It was a reminder of how lost I was. How alone. This wasn't my air, like this wasn't my world. I wasn't in some kind of dream. I was alone, as far as I knew, and there was no telling when I would get back. Seeing as my room was ripped away to this world as well, the school would certainly take notice. There would be a search for me, and then I would be declared dead. My parents would have to go to my funeral, and my younger brother would be without someone to look up to.

'How depressing.'

"Tyler, look at me." Dusks soft voice caused me to glance to the side, where the little pegasus was sitting at attention. I immediately noticed the look of determination on her face, which looked quite cute in all honesty. Her sharp eyes stared into mine, and she scooted slightly closer.

"I know you must feel overwhelmed. You are in a new world, with new rules, and you aren't sure if you can get home. I want you to know that Sergeant Stopper and I are here to help you. I know you don't fully trust us, and the Princesses even less, but we, and they, are working on a solution." She must have been paying closer attention to me than I thought, for her words caused my eyebrows to raise. Was I really showing suspicion so outwardly? Maybe that was why Twilight seemed so jumpy, especially when I was gazing at the Elements of Harmony. I wasn't being very convincing that I wasn't a threat it seems. Even so, it is true. I am suspicious. The Princesses are very aloof, and they seem to be doing things secretly. I am aware I don't have any right to know what they do anyhow, seeing as I am not a citizen of their country, but that uneasy feeling just wont go away!

Looking at the two ponies beside me, I gave a sigh and leaned my head back against the tree.

As Dusk's words sank in, a wave of gratitude washed over me. Despite my reservations and suspicions, her genuine concern and reassurance were a comfort in the midst of my turmoil.

"Thank you, Dusk," I managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. "I... I appreciate it."

Dusk nodded, her expression softening even further. "You're welcome, Tyler. Remember, you're not alone in this. We'll figure things out together."

Sergeant Stopper remained silent, but his presence was reassuring in its own way. His steady gaze and unwavering support reminded me that I had allies in this unfamiliar world, even if I didn't fully understand their intentions.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and focused on regulating my breathing. Inhale... exhale... I repeated the mantra silently, willing the tension in my muscles to ease.

After a few moments, the panic began to subside, leaving behind a lingering sense of exhaustion. I opened my eyes to find Dusk watching me with a gentle smile, while Sergeant Stopper stood nearby, ever vigilant.

"Feeling better?" Dusk asked softly.

I nodded, offering a weak smile in return. "Yeah, I think so. Thanks again, both of you."

Dusk patted my shoulder lightly before standing up. "Anytime, Tyler. Now, why don't we head back to the castle? You could use some rest."

I nodded in agreement, grateful for the suggestion. As we made our way back, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that still lingered in the back of my mind. But for now, I pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on putting one foot in front of the other and trusting in the support of my newfound acquaintances.

As we reached the castle gates, I glanced back at the serene garden, the memories of my moment of vulnerability still fresh in my mind. But amidst the uncertainty, one thing was clear: I wasn't alone, and with the help of Dusk, Sergeant Stopper, and perhaps even the princesses, I would find a way to navigate this strange new world while they worked to send me home.

And with that thought in mind, I followed my guards back into the castle, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

After a quick nap that is.