> The Lost Jedi > by RedStone Stories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: A Spared Grim Fate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ”The Clone Wars has became a devastating war all across the Galaxy, Planets on the brink of collapse.Luckily for the Galaxy The Clone Wars is almost at end for the first time in forever.The Jedi Council lead by Grandmaster Yoda has been spread thin throughout the Galaxy, Master Ki-Adi-Mundi on Mygeeto, Master Depa Billaba on Kaller, Alaya Secura on Flourem, Grandmaster Yoda himself on Kasheek and Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapu to defeat General Grievous once and for all. Jedi Master Plo Koon was sent to the Planet of Cato Neimoidia to defeat the banking Clan and remnants of Separates forces. Master Plo and his Wolf Pack Lead by Commander Wolf flew above the Cities one last time.” In the Planet of Cato Neimoidia Jedi Master Plo Koon had decided to take one last flight with his Wolf squadron over the city as they had won the battle against the remnants of the Separatists forces. Plo Koon was pondering over what has been happening on the other parts of Galaxy. The Jedi Master hoped that Ashoka was doing well since he heard about her on the way back to Coruscant from Capturing Maul.He hoped Obi-Wan defeated General Grievous by now since taking him down is essential in ending this horrible conflict that he and the Council been trying to do since the very beginning. Plo began to worry about Anakin the most on how was he doing since after his outburst at the last meeting, Plo knew Anakin was always the emotional type but the way he was expressing his feelings really got to Plo because he was almost always silent during those meetings something was going to go wrong in more ways than one. Plo Koon shook all these thoughts as he held on to hope that everything was going to be alright and he should feel happy about this. The Clone Wars was gonna End, the Jedi Order will finally be what there always meant to be Peace Keepers, the Clones having lives of their own and Anakin completing his Prophecy. Even though him and Anakin weren’t as close as he was with Obi-Wan or Ashoka but him and Anakin were on good terms with one another. Everything seemed fine at first until….. It all happened. (Listen for the Authentic Experience) Plo Koon put his hane on his chest as he felt like his heart it’s been shot, while nearly losing control of his Star fighter. Plo then heard a voice through the force as an elderly man spoke in the words ”Execute Order 66.” Plo then turned around at the last minute he heard blaster fire coming from his own men as they didn’t care. Plo in his head was Shocked by this but before his Star-fighter could be destroyed he heard a portal, he quickly turned around only at a desperate attempt from the clones to shoot his Starfighter wing but only got the right one and he disappeared. The two Clones were confused on what just happened, neither one of them don’t know if the Jedi made it or not so they came to a conclusion decision. The two were just going to report on a successful death on the Jedi. “Sir What the Heck Happened! What do we do, did that Jedi escaped alive?!” A Clone Pilot said worried they didn’t finish the Job. “Not sure if he did but I say he is as good as dead since we blew a part of his wing. Let’s go back to base and report his supposed death and hey good riddance that Traitor.” The other Clone replied with venom at the word Traitor. “Indeed good work sir, let’s get out of here.” The first Clone Pilot replied back. The two pilots turned around their ship back to base to report the good news about the Jedi’s death. But little did they know it won’t be the End for Plo Koon. Meanwhile in Equestria In outskirts of Twilight’s Castle near the EverFree Starlight and Twilight was in the middle of practicing a dimensional spell since one day they both got curious if there are other life forms out there and wanted to see it for themselves. “Come on Starlight we can do this together.” Twilight said with confidence that this will work. “I don’t know Twilight I’m having a hard time here the spell is wearing me out?!” Starlight replied as she is getting tired from this. “Trust me Starlight the minute we can prove for ourselves that there are other life form out there then we’ll be making history, Now Come On Starlight let’s Do this?!?!” Twilight struggling with the spell as well but she won’t give up on this. Starlight was having a hard time managing to create a Portal for it with Twilight helping her as well, they struggled and struggled to create a dimensional portal until their horns got out of control and blasted a huge magic beam in the sky that created a dimensional portal. The duo did it, there success came true, Twilight and Starlight couldn’t help but celebrate. “WE did IT STARLIGHT WE DID IT YESSS?!?!?!” Twilight shouted as she hugged Starlight being proud. “I KNOW NOW WE CAN FINALLY FIND OUT IF THERE ARE OTHER LIFE FORMS OUT THERE THIS IS HISTORY TWILIGHT I COULD JUST AHHHHHH?!?!?!” Starlight shouted Excitedly as this was the Best Day of her and Twilight’s life. Everything seemed to go well for them until they got interrupted when they heard a loud roaring sound coming from the portal. The two quickly turned to see a metal like bird coming out and by the looks of it, it’s going to crash north as that’s where it is heading. Twilight and Starlight looked at it with Awe, Curiously and Soon they were panicking. Sure they proved other life forms existed but at the cost of it crashing down and accidentally hurting somepony. “Ohhh what do we do Twilight that thing is going to crash somewhere we need to find it first and Fast?!?!?” Starlight said worriedly. “Agreed, Starlight go and gather our friends and tell them to meet me at the Castle for an Emergency Meeting. I’m going back to tell Spike to write a letter to the Princesses and hopefully that thing or Alien is friendly so let’s go?!?!” Twilight said with a serious and commanding tone. Starlight nodded and galloped opposite of Twilight to gather their friends with Twilight galloping to her Castle. Back with Plo Koon Plo Koon was struggling to keep control of his StarFighter, it kept going to the direction north and by the looks of it, it seemed almost remote. Plo had no idea what to do but one thing, he is going to have to crashed it since he has lost all control of his fighter, he pulled the joint stick to the side so he can avoid hitting the town and it’s inhabitants. Plo pulled the controls as hard as he can to hit on the outskirts of the town. “Come on come on Work?!” Plo Koon said struggling with the controls over. The StarFighter was getting closer to the ground as he can see the town but luckily it’s going to the opposite of the town to crash near it. Plo Koon finally landed but it wasn’t pretty as his fighter was crashing on the outskirts of town. A minute went by and Plo Koon was hurt and tired from that crash but he didn’t want to give up he opened his hatchet with his LightSaber and heard voices getting closer to him then he knocked out. “Hey Look over here?!” A voice said. The voice belong to a pony that had a light blue skin with puffy like hair with a party like mark on his butt. “Party Favor wher- oh man we need to help it.” Night Glider said Edgar to help this Alien despite it crashing near her town. Party Favor and Night Glider both pulled at the same time to get this Alien out and they succeed. The two now look at this thing in Awe and fear since this was an Alien to them. “Ok what do we do this thing.” Party Favor asked. “Well we can’t leave him like this so we’re going to take him into my house and hopefully he’ll be able to talk.” Night Glider replied wanting to get to the bottom of this. “ARE YOU Crazy! this is an Alien Night Glider he could be dangerous to this entire town!” Party Favor said not liking this idea. “Look I don’t like this either but we can’t just leave him to die like this, it isn’t right look we’ll just take him in and when he gets better we’ll question him does that sound good.” Night Glider says. “Fine I just hope you know what you’re doing.” Party Favor said still not liking this idea. “I do now come on and help me I can’t do all the work myself?!” Night Glider said. “Alright alright let’s get him inside.” Party Favor said reluctantly. The two continued to drag Plo Koon to Night Glider’s house and they both hoped that this Alien will talk and not attack them or this town. What will happened next Stay turned for Chapter 1 to find out….