> Cadence Tries To Love Again > by Jax 2024 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cadence And Thorax New Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining Armor died due to Cadence Outliving him, now crying in her castle with her guards trying to comfort her,  A week has passed since the death of Shining, Thorax decided it’s time to pay her a visit, there was a knock on her door, Cadence went to open, in front of the door reveal a color Changeling that she recognized, “Thorax, what are you doing here?” Cadence requested. “Cadence, I heard about your husband, my deepest apologies. I was giving you time to grieve, so I decided not to visit you for a while.” Thorax remarked. “That’s very kind of you, darling, but I’m fine,” Cadence lied, “Are you sure?” Thorax reconfirmed with her. “Yes!” She shouted, “I’m sorry, Thorax, it’s just so hard since Shining died, I love him so much,” she admitted. “Have you tried Moving on, you know not to anypony or whatever, just be happy again,” Thorax suggested. “I can’t Thorax, I’ll just end up taking somepony home, I’ll feel like that I’m cheating on Shining,” Cadence confessed to her changeling companion. “You won’t, Cadence, trust me, why don't we hang out somewhere you like and see how it goes and take me back here, alright?” Thorax proposed.  “I’ll try,”  “I Mean you’re the Princess Of Love, pretty sure, you can get back out there, don’t you think?” Thorax remarked. “Thank you for this Thorax as long as it is with you,” Cadence nuzzled him as he blushed. Cadence brought Thorax to an amusement park that she used to brought her family with and bought a lot things there, Thorax saw her sparks once again with happiness and love, the same Cadence that had once shared with everypony, Thorax and her family, Thorax however is happy that he’s the one who help the Pink Princess be happy again,” “Thorax, I can’t thank you enough, really, you helped me be my true self again,” Cadence cheered with gratitude. “Anytime, Princess.” Thorax remarked as he blushed when Cadence kissed him.  “Ooh, I wanna ride that,” Cadence decided as she pointed to the Ferris Wheel, “As My Princess, wishes,” Thorax flirted as they went to ride to the Ferris wheel, as they inside, they saw the whole amusement park, fill with Ponies having fun, until that is Cadence felt sad again and Thorax took notice of her. “Cadence, what’s wrong?” He inquired, “Me, Shining and Flurry used to come here and have fun,” She confessed, “Where’s Flurry By the way?” “Sunburst and Starlight are taking care of her with Luster,” Cadence revealed. “She will be back by tomorrow, which I need to be back by then,” She informed the Changeling King. “Don’t Worry, Cadence, We will have you in your castle by tonight,” She nodded as they sat in the Ferris Wheel, until Cadence fell asleep on Thorax’s shoulder. As the ride ended Thorax teleported them to the Crystal Empire and onto Cadence’s bed.  “Are you going back, can you please stay with me?” Cadence suggested. “The Changelings will be fine without me for a few days,” Thorax claimed as he lay down next to her, Cadence rested her chin on Thorax’s head, and slept til the next morning. Cadence woke up and saw Thorax not next to her, ‘Did he leave me already, he said he'd stay here for a while?’ She wondered until she heard voices, she came downstairs and Thorax with some guests, “Ah, Cadence, just in time, Sunburst, Starlight, Luster and Flurry,” “Cadence, how are you feeling?” Sunburst inquired, “I’m a little bit better, thanks to Thorax, he brought me to the amusement park that we used to go to together.” “You went on a date together, to the Amusement Park where we went as a family?” Flurry concluded, “Well, Kinda if that’s what you meant?” “Mommy, that’s great, I’m glad that you’re finally happy again, thank you, Thorax for encouraging her to be happy again,” Flurry congratulated her mother, “Anytime, I was just trying to bring back that once happy Cadence that we all know and love,” Thorax smiled at them, “So how’s Luster dawn, is she able to have new friends?” Cadence queried, “Yes, I do, and I have had fun with Flurry here,” “Thank you, looking after my daughter, Luster,” “We have to look out for each other, Princess,” Luster Dawn acknowledged. “Please, just call me Cadence, we’re friends after all,” She addressed herself. “Cadence, it is.” “C’mon Luster, honey let’s head home,” Starlight remarked as she nodded and said, “Bye!” “Great to know, they’re friends, huh Thorax?” Cadence chuckled, “Huh, yeah, they do get along just great, By the way, your pancakes are getting cold,” Thorax revealed, “I’ll eat it cold,” Cadence declared, “So I assume that you have eaten yours?” She reconfirmed. “Yes, I have eaten mine, then heard a knock on the door and The ‘Starburst’ Family showed up,” Thorax explained. “Starburst?” Cadence said confusingly, “It’s the Pairing name for Starlight and Sunburst,” The Changeling King jokes. “Ah, I see,” As she chuckled at the ship's name,” “Did Shining armor say anything to you, before he passed away?” Thorax queried. “I found this letter the day after he passed away, he just told me to move on when the time comes:  ‘Cadence, by the time you read this, then I’m probably died, my time has come and I love you so much, but after I’m dead, you have my blessings and try to move on, when the time has time, love no matter who move on with, it doesn’t matter, as long as he’s not taking advantage of you or abusing you, and if you see Thorax, let him look after you, who knows maybe later he’s the special somepony/changeling that you move on too, and for Thorax if you’re reading this, please don’t hurt my wife even more, Love from your Husband, SA (Shining Armor).’  Cadence sobbed at this while Thorax rubbed at her back, “Thorax, Shining wanting me to move on with you?” She addressed the blessings, “Cadence, would that means, you have the courage to move on?” She nodded as she kissed Thorax, he blushed as Cadence teleported them onto her bed, they continued kissing, while she felt his cock on her pussy waiting for approval, Cadence nodded as he thrusted into her claiming the Princess Of Love, “You know I never said this, but, I’m lucky to buck the Princess Of Love,” Thorax confessed, “Then buck your Princess Of Love, Stud,” He nodded as he thrusted in hard and fast. Thorax lick on Cadence’s breast as she giggled at the ticklish sensation, Cadence kept moaning at the thrust she felt, “Cadence, if I mate with you, that means, your mine now,” Thorax acknowledged, “I think that what Shining wants, Thorax, I don’t mind actually, keep making love with me, Thorax, you make me move on you, with your kindness, charm and encouragement.” She admitted to him. Thorax bit Cadence while thrusting, Cadence moaned more with passion as they felt their intimacy between them. “Thorax, I want you to make me yours forever and take me as your wife,” Cadence requested, “Oh My Gosh, Seriously, Yes, I would love that,” Thorax remarked as he cummed inside of her. “Thank you, Shining Armor,” Both of them praised.