> Haunted or Hunted > by General_Commune > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Fear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the vehicle landed it let out a whining noise that almost sounded like fear out of it and the center light which was the light in which Eternia shall protect me dimmed a little bit, but I didn't let that stop me as I opened the doors and was greeted to nothing but a pitch black wall. I pulled out my device to help alleviate that problem but it did not do but a scratch to the darkness that seemed to even cover the stars and moon. I decided like I always do to resign to my fate and close the doors behind me. As I walked further into the smothering darkness I noticed that other than my footsteps I could not hear a single sound, not even the rustling of tree's in the wind. I continued walking blindly until I began to see flickers of movement that was always on the edge of my sight and always disappeared the moment I even began to look towards it. as I played this game of cat and mouse with the ever present movement I nearly stumbled right over a cellar door, but more importantly a door that had light spilling from the cracks. I almost immediately tried to open the door only to find that the it was locked. Then I heard what sounded to be giggling coming from the basement so I pointed my gadget at the barrier and heard the click of the bolt lock. I slowly opened the doors just enough for me to get in but not all the way opened. What I saw was a pink dragon and a curled up orange Pegasus but I soon learned why the door was locked. I heard laughing from behind me and the thunder a million hoof stomps. I quickly jumped into the cellar letting the doors close behind before I used the tool and resealed the lock. The things that are outside started to bang heavily on the little wooden piece that I thought it might break but it seemed as they knew this as well because then the thuds on the door became quieter until it was a simple knock one might use when they are waiting patiently. But I paid that no mind as I proceeded to walk up to the dragon and Pegasus that laid whimpering on the floor. "Hey its alright now it's safe now." I tried to reassuringly say "If you going kill us just do it already!" yelled back Spike which made me think and so I began to more thoroughly examine the surroundings. There were enough cans of food where it implied that they had been here for about a month. And the mana generator that was powering all the lights had only about a day or two left before it ran out. From a look at Scootaloo I determined that for all her time down here she had not bathed in the time she had been down here. As I was taking stock of this basement I noticed that had slowly risen just enough to see me. I raised both my hands to try and imply that I had no ill intentions but it took a while until he finally reached out and poked me. It was at the moment I realized that his right arm had been cut off or more properly it had been chewed off and banged improperly. So I decided to raise a single finger and looked for medical supplies. The little guy just continued to lay there and watch me with fear in his eyes. I soon found the supplies I was looking for sat back down right where I had been earlier. I motioned for him to come closer in which he hesitantly replied. I kept my movements slow and steady I patched up his wound properly. As I did this tears started pouring from his eyes. Once I had finished he hugged me and just cried. I waited for what felt like hours until his tears finally fell into small whimpers. "Hey little guy if you are willing can you tell me what has happened?" I asked as I felt him grip just a little harder and then he began to speak. "I..I..It it was all so sudden one day it was fine and then the d..d..dark came and it it got twilight and it changed her i..i..i." "Hey hey its ok you don't have to say what happened if you don't want." "No I..I want to finish, it got twilight and it changed her th.. th.. the smile she had it oh Celestia her eye's HER EYES!" spike wailed into me as I patted his back and felt another pony join this hug. "Hey you two look at me" I waited for their eyes that where so full fear and so devoid of hope look up to me. "I promise you that I will get you out here I will try No I am going to make sure you never have to look into those empty and cold eyes again!" I turned to the door that shielded us, if but barley the horrors that lurked behind that barrier. "DO YOU HEAR ME BY THE LIGHT OF ETERNIA THAT FLOWS THROUGH MY VEINS I SHALL PROTECT THESE CHILDREN!" I sat there clutching the two innocent to me as I panted to gain my breath. after I did I sat the two down and caught my breath I began to explain. "Alright you two I have a ship that can take us away from here and this." I raised the tool "will lead us there but you will have to hold on tight." I saw the two nod their heads in affirmation. I then motioned for spike to get on my back and then picked up Scootaloo in a way that lets me use the tool. "alright in 3...2...1" I pressed the button, the door unlocked, and I kicked the door wide open and ran. The demons though were hot on my tail and tried to trip me and even tried scratching but I still ran. I ran through the dark until my lungs could bear it no more and I ran even further. All the while the demons threw insults like coward, liar, and fool but I still ran. I nearly slammed into the door but opened it in time. I then slammed the door but one of the hellions fingers that tried to claw its way inside but I kept pressing until the fingers popped into little clouds of smoke but the door did shut and I heard a satisfying lock as I sat down Scoodaloo. I didn't even bother letting spike go and I walked up to the central controls and began to plot the way back home where surely Eternias warm embrace shall guide these two. I finally relaxed when the familiar sound of the ship departing filled the halls with it oh so soothing tone. we were safe and we were free > Bad Ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I opened the doors in a hurry and quickly slammed then behind me but I made one mistake. I looked at the things face and in that one moment it must have been rejuvenated because It surged pushing its hand through the door until it entire arm was now in the ship. I continued to slam until the entire arm dissipated into smoke. I breathed as I sat down Scootaloo and didn't even bother putting spike down. I made my way the console charting a course to us home will Eternia's light shall surely guide these two. but that didn't happen as I had just noticed that the ship was slowly becoming more and more darker. I tried to push any button but the console did not respond. I ran around pushing, pulling, and doing anything I can to start the ship. The darkness crept closer and closer as I prayed to myself please, please Eternia don't leave us as the the darkness consumed more and more of the ship until the heart of eternia faintly glowed. But even that was swallowed as the darkness overcame the three of us. "I'm sorry but Eternia can not be reached at this moment please try again later."