My Little Jeff: Killing is Magic

by Belial

First published

Jeff the Killer finds himself a pony.

Ever read the haunting CreepyPasta of Jeff the Killer...?

Strap on your saddle for a gorey, funny tale of a killer used to living in a world of hate waking up in this strange land of ponies and the magic of friendship.

That's it. This is Hell.

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Jeff wondered how long this was going to take.

He was floating in a black abyss, just floating there. A voice had been speaking to him off and on - A woman's voice, telling him that he was going somewhere else.

Apparently, He was floating to a world of ponies.

Or at least, that's what the voice said.

He felt his body tingling, changing, but he couldn't move. He couldn't even look down. He could tell that his eyes would have been closed, if he had eyelids. He hoped that the sun in this world of ponies wasn't to bright. Or, if it was, this voice would give him a pair of sunglasses. Otherwise he'd probably go blind. And then he could never look at himself again.

The voice told him of the three different kinds of ponies, and told him that he would be what is called an 'earth pony'. It told him that the weather was handled manually by the Pegasi ponies, and that Princess Celestia, who was basically their Queen/Goddess, rose the sun, while her sister Luna raised the moon.

It told him about cutie marks, and that his would be very out of place. It told him lots of things about the world that it said he would need to know. Then it told him to wait.

"Rest now...You're almost there..."

And suddenly, he felt exhausted. He couldn't stay awake. His body felt weary, and he knew nothing would be the same when he woke up...But he couldn't resist the call of sleep...


When he awoke, the first thing he realized was that he was a pony. A four-legged, short equine. He groaned, staring at the tree branches and leaves above him. He moved a foreleg, realizing that every muscle in his body ached. Groaning again, he tried to sit up. Keyword - Tried. Unsure of how to move his body, he stumbled about and fell on his face a couple times. After a minute, he stood up. Looking at his butt - excuse me, flank - he noticed a blood-splatter and knife mark there. He walked over to a small pond and stared in at himself. His eyes were still surrounded by black, and there were still to slits on the side of his mouth, causing a permanent smile on his...Muzzle.

"Okay - That's it. This is Hell."

The Blank Flanks

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Jeff groaned, falling over on his side. "Seriously...? I'm fuzzy." He said, his voice a bit deeper than would be expected out of such a thin stallion, raspy and harsh.

Looking around, he realized that there was a small white bottle under the tree beside him. Walking over to it, he saw that it was not, in fact, a white bottle at all - rather a clear one filled with white paint. Next to it lay a brush, and a small note that merely read - Make use of it.

Remembering what the voice had told him, that his buttpicture - What was it called again? Oh, cutie mark - would be considered odd, he set to work at painting it. It didn't take very long, and it soon looked like ordinary white fur. Surprisingly, the paint didn't smell like much. Just faintly of lemons. He then sighed and flumped down onto the soft grass, closing his eyes and rolling onto his back. He curled his forelegs onto his chest and began to ponder his predicament.

After he lay there for what seemed to be an eternity, but was really only five minutes, he heard voices. Three females, he guessed. He rolled over, so he was now laying on his stomach/chest with his legs curled partially under him, and his forelegs in front of him. He stared forward, waiting for the girls to come out and see him. They would probably scream, he mused, even though he wasn't as scary as he was when he was human(He was FLUFFY, for gods sake!).

Suddenly, three fillies came out of the bushes, into the small clearing. They had been saying something about how the Everfree wasn't so scary in the sunlight, but they stopped dead when they saw the strange white pony laying in the clearing.

Jeff stared at the three girls, quickly taking things in. He noticed that one was an Earth Pony, one was a Pegasus, and the other was a Unicorn. He also noticed that they were all fairly young, and didn't have their cutie butt-thingy's. He stared at them, his unblinking eyes never wavering. The first one to speak was the yellow earth pony.

"Umm...Are you all right...?" She asked, speaking in a country accent. "Yer' mouth looks kinda hurt..." She said, taking a few steps toward him. "Oh, I'm fine." Jeff said, slowly standing up. The unicorn gasped. He waited for the scream, but one never came. Instead came a shocked remark. "You don't have a cutie mark!" She gasped out, staring at his flank. "Oh! Ah' guess he doesn't." The yellow one said, surprised. "Seriously?" The Pegasus said, eyes widening. "But...he's an adult!"

Jeff looked between the three, confused. "Shouldn't you be more worried about the fact that I don't have eyelids...?" He asked, staring between the three. "We wouldn't judge yeh' for that, mister." The earth pony said, looking at him with wide, innocent eyes. "Yeah!" The orange Pegasus yelled, smiling. "You may look a bit creepy, and your voice is kind of weird, but that doesn't mean your not a nice pony!" She said with a cheeky grin.

Their unicorn friend nodded in agreement. "Who are you, anyway...?" She asked curiously, cocking her head to the side. "I mean, why are you in Everfree all alone...?" He shrugged, or at least as best he could with his strange new shoulders. He thought rapidly for a story for himself.

"My hometown was really mean about my...facial difference. And my lack of a special talent. " He said, rubbing one ear with a hoof. "It was a little known town, and a small one at that. And in a small town, you kind of have to be like everyone else....Or else. So I left, hoping to find nicer ponies wherever I ended up." He stopped suddenly as his stomach growled. "I've been traveling awhile though, and I'm hungry. Might you have any food with you...?" He asked cautiously.

"Nah...But we do have some back at the clubhouse, If you wanna come back there with us! We just have to give Zecora this plant. Wait here." Said the orange one. The three turned and walked off. Jeff lollygagged for a few minutes, experimenting with his new appendage known as a tail, before hearing them come back. He stopped and turned to face them. "All right! Come with us, we'll show you to the clubhouse." The unicorn said, smiling. He could tell that she was still slightly upset by his face.

On their walk to the clubhouse, he learned that their names were Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Bell, and that they called themselves the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders'. He debated killing them, but decided better of it - He might need them later. He could tell that they were very curious about his face, but were too polite to ask.

They soon got to the clubhouse. It was an interesting place, he decided, as he walked up the ramp to the door. "Soo...What's your name?" Asked Applebloom, as she opened the door. "Me? Oh, I'm Jeff." He said. "Just Jeff?" Asked Scootaloo, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah. Just Jeff." He confirmed, nodding.

They all walked in, and he internally complimented the designing. Applebloom rushed over to the corner and retrieved some apples, carrying them over to Jeff. "Here yah' go, Jeff." She said, handing(Does that saying work when you don't have hands?) him three. He eagerly devoured all of them.

They began to chat, and somehow, the conversation got onto cutie marks again. "I was really surprised to see you didn't have a cutie mark, Jeff. I thought ALL adults had one." Scootaloo said, looking at his flank. "I just never found what I was good at." He said, shrugging. "Hey! You could join us! Be the fourth crusader!" Applebloom shouted, smiling. He looked at her, slightly surprised. "Yeah!" Scootaloo followed, and there was also a nod from Sweetie.

"Well...All right."


Meet the Fourth Crusader!

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One week after he had arrived, Jeff had a startling realization. He was starting to like it here! He couldn't believe it...HIM, like this happy-pappy land? Seriously...?

In the week he had been there, he had become better acquainted with the three fillies who had found him. They had become what one might call friends.

He had asked them not to tell anyone about him until he felt more comfortable here, and they had agreed. He had went 'crusading' with them a couple times, in places nopony could see him. Pushing his realization aside, he decided it was time that somepony saw him.

He yawned, as he had just woken up, and trotted around the room a couple times. After a little while, the girls arrived. "Hey girls." He said, walking over to get his breakfast.

Since he had arrived, they came to the clubhouse a lot more often. They brought him his meals, and occasionally some books from the library and other things for him to do.

After he ate, he turned to the girls. "So...I've been thinking...That it's about time I met someone. Who do you think would be best...?" He asked. The girls then got into a heated discussion about who it should be. "Can't be Rarity - She would probably want to do make-up or something..." Sweetie bell said, sticking her tongue out. "How about Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo suggested. "Nah..." Said Applebloom, shaking her head. They all thought for a minute. "Ah know! How 'bout Pinkie Pie?" Said Applebloom, a grin forming on her face. "She likes everypony!" The other's nodded."She would be the best option..." Sweetie Bell admitted. Scootaloo nodded, and the three set out to find Pinkie.

Jeff paced around for awhile, before eventually settling down with his face in a corner. It would be interested to see the face of the pony that 'liked everypony' when they saw his own face. He chuckled at the thought, resting his forehead on the wall.

He waited awhile, before eventually hearing voices outside. "Oooh! I can't wait to see your new friend!" He heard an overly-hyper voice say. Then he heard them all walk in. "Hey, Jeff! We brought Pinkie!" Scootaloo said, staring at the white pony's back. He slowly stood up, ragged black tail waving back and fourth. "Oooh! You're right! He doesn't have a cutie mark! That's so cool!" He heard the hyper voice, apparently 'Pinkie Pie', say.

Then he spun on an axis(his back left hoof), and, in a quick motion, was soon facing the four girls. His permanent smile smiled away at new comer, as his ever-open eyes stared across her pink body. She would be soooo much fun to tarnish, but...he must resist.

The look on her face was priceless, though. Her smile faltered for just a second, and her eyes widened comically. Then she smiled as wide as ever and bounced over to him. "Don't your eyes hurt, mister?" She asked, pointing a hoof at his eyelids- or lack thereof. Jeff shrugged. "Not really. The sunlight sucks, though." Pinkie then produced a pair of sunglasses (Where the hell did she get them from, Jeff couldn't help but wonder) and set them on his head. "There! All better." She said, smiling wide.

"So, This is Jeff, right?" She asked, looking back at the girls. "Yep! Meet the fourth Crusader!" Sweetie said, holding a hoof out in Jeff's direction. He smiled slightly, but it wasn't very noticeable because of his lack of cheekflesh.

They talked for awhile, and got acquainted. He told Pinkie the fake story he had made up for himself, and learned that she was a baker. He was then given a cupcake, so he ate it. It actually tasted pretty good, for something so sweet. He also noticed her staring in his mouth as he chewed. The fillies had done that too, but they had gotten used to it by now. They had a fairly good time, and Pinkie Pie promised to not tell that he was there.

That night, as he lay alone, he decided that he was bored. His smile stretched impossibly wider as he whispered words of death.

"I think I have the perfect thing for us, as crusaders, to do tomorrow...

"Cutie Mark Crusader Murderers. Now...Go to Sleep."

New Blood

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Jeff was sure that the fillies were young enough, dumb enough, and desperate enough to come and help him. He could have little evil murderer protege's!

He grinned at the thought, rolling over and beginning to plan out the way to get them to help him...


"Ah just wanna know when I'm gonna get it, yah know?" Applebloom said, sighing. The four crusaders were eating lunch in the clubhouse, and talking about cutie marks again. Jeff rubbed his ear with a forehoof, looking at the floor and plotting out his words carefully. One wrong move, and this would be bad. "I...I have an idea on what we could do..." He said, his pupils shrinking slightly for a moment. "Really?!?" The three fillies gasped, exited, pressing their heads together as they leaned towards him. They had been running out of ideas for crusading lately. "Yeah..And I think that we could all get a similar cutie mark from it! But, its a reaaallly weird one, and you would probably want to cover it up once you got it." He said, sitting up and rubbing his forehooves together. Sweetie Bell looked confused. "What could we do that we'd have to cover up...?" She asked, looking more than a little unsure. "Who cares!" Scootaloo shouted, interrupting her a bit.. "I wanna get my cutie mark NOW!" She yelled, enthusiastically, hopping up and down. Jeff suppressed the urge to laugh maniacally. "Well, What is it...?"Applebloom asked, skeptical.

If he had a normal face, Jeff would be smirking evily right about now. "Its something...Natural. Yet also, a form of art. " Jeff said, mystifying the girls. He paced around in front of them. "A beautiful thing that normally time holds - but we, together, could take it into our own hooves." The three girls stared at him, wide-eyed, waiting in a suspenseful silence."Girls..." Jeff started, looking over his shoulder at them, "We're going to kill somepony."

A shocked silence followed. Finally, Applebloom spoke up. "...Kill...?" She said, sounding a bit squeacky. "I'm not going to KILL somepony! Ponies are supposed to die naturally!" Jeff turned around to stare at her. "But don't you see, Applebloom? That's the beauty of it! Everypony dies naturally - Every. Single. One. Why should it matter if they die a week, a month, a year or two early? We'll be doing them a favor, actually! Keeping them from growing to old will mean keeping them from growing weary, protecting them from going through pain. And, I'm sure its very fun!" His voice grew in excitement and volume as he spoke, his eyes and smile growing ever wider. "...I'm in." Scootaloo said quietly. Her voice ringed with excitement - she obviously believed that this would get her her cutie mark. It was starnge an new and she didn't understand it, so this must be what she had been waiting for. Sweetie bell shuffled her hooves for a moment, before looking up at Jeff. "Well, I guess, since it is natural, like you said, its all right...So, yeah, I'll give it a try." She said, nodding. Applebloom, knowing she was outnumbered, gave in. "...Ah guess..." She muttered, still not sure about this.

Jeff nearly shook with excitement. He could contaminate this happy-pappy land, bringing violence in the form of these three young girls! It was almost too good to be true. "Great!" He said, nodding vigorously. "We'll go out tonight. You should sleep here, and get some rest, since we'll probably be out all night." He said, laying down and resting his head on his hooves. Scootaloo flapped her wings in joy, trotting around in a circle for a moment before laying down. Sweetie Belle lay next to her, and Applebloom soon followed. Jeff felt a strange surge of pride as he looked at them. These were the next generation - the killers he was about to release on the world. Granted, it wasn't HIS world - but still.

Maybe it would become his world, with these three by his side.

They were the new blood of the killers - and, in a way, they would be the first.

Mark of a Killer

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It was the dark. The moon shone down upon upon a large silhouette, and three smaller ones, as they moved slowly through town. They headed for the center, dead set on their mission.

"Come on, girls." Jeff said, quietly, as they stopped in an alley. "The old Mayor isn't getting any younger, and I'm sure her hips are hurting. Won't it be nice to let her rest?" He said, gesturing with his muzzle towards the glowing window of Mayor Mare's room, high in the center of town. They all nodded, Scootaloo most excitedly. Applebloom was still looking unsure, but Sweetie Belle seemed okay with it. Scootaloo looked positively thrilled. He suspected that she understood the least about death, and Applebloom the most. "Well then, Let's go." Jeff said, trying to hide his excitement. This will be his first kill in, well, god knows how long! He wished he had his old knife from back home, but, Sweetie's kitchen knives were going to have to do.

They walked silently into the building, barely interrupting the stillness of the night. They climbed the steps slowly, careful not to make any sounds. Jeff, still slightly unused to his hooves, accidentally made the stairs creek. They all froze, and waited. But no one-err, no pony - seemed to notice. So up they went, not stopping until they were just outside of her door. "Okay girls, this is it." Jeff whispered, dropping his saddle bags. He slowly pulled out four knives, giving one to each of them. "Scootaloo, I want you to go in first. Use this," He paused, tapping the knife in her mouth, "On her stomach. From chest to tail. Remember to push hard." He concluded, preparing to open the door. "Wait," Scootaloo said, looking down a bit. "Won't that hurt her...?" Jeff had to stifle a laugh. "Yes, but only for a moment, if we kill her quickly. And, haven't we agreed that she'll be better off afterwards? All that paperwork cant be fun at her age." They all nodded, and Jeff turned to open the door. "On the count of three, run in, and slit her stomach. One...Two...Three!"

He pulled the door open quickly. Scootaloo ran in, and didn't give herself time for second thoughts. She could get her cutie mark from this! "Huh?" The Mayor gasped, but didn't have time to comprehend the situation as a small, orange filly slid underneath her. Quickly, Scootaloo jabbed her knife upwards, blood squirting out onto her face. Adrenaline pumped through her veins. This...this was amazing! She pushed harder, then drug it back, going all the way to her tail. The Mayor tried to scream, but it was interrupted by blood gurgling out of her mouth. She tried to step forward, but that just opened her wound more, sending a rush of blood down upon Scootaloo. Some of her intestines slid out, landing with a splash on the floor, still connected to her on the inside. Jeff walked in, slowly coming in front of her. Her eye's widened as she stared up at him, terrified of his face. "Boo!" He whispered quietly, around the knife in his mouth, then slid it across her throat. Blood poured down like a river. Jeff happily stuck his head under it, reveling of the feel of it dripping through his mane. Mayor Mare gave one last, bubbly gasp and fell over, splashing blood onto Jeff's white coat. As the blood dripped down his flank, it uncovered his cutie mark. "Look, Girls!" He said, turning toward them. His knife, dripping with blood, sat printed upon his flank. Sweetie bell, quietly, cheered. Applebloom still seemed to be in shock. Scootaloo hopped up, frantically wiping blood away from her flank. "OH. MY. GOSH!!!" She squealed, running around in circles. "Mine too! Mine too!"

When she finally stopped, she displayed her flank proudly for the other three to see. Her mark was simple - a cut with a knife partially in it, with a small intestine hanging slightly out of the cut. There was a bit of blood dripping out. Again she squealed in excitement, Her little wings flapping so hard they looked as if they might break. Jeff smiled wider at her, then looked to the others. "Well, Shall we go get yours? I think we passed an old stallion on the way here, he looked to be in a lot of discomfort..."

It had been a long and tiring night for each if them. So now they were all in a river, washing off blood and bits of gunk, and the sun was just rising. It taken some convincing to get Applebloom to participate, but eventually she agreed. Sweetie Belle had gotten over her discomfort immediately upon seeing Scootaloo's cutie mark. Sweetie turned out to have quite the talent for making ponies scream, and her cutie mark was a music note with a bloodied knife through it. She was quite proud and, though she had not yet admitted it, she was absolutely in love with the sound of those screams. Applebloom, on the other hoof, had the most simple mark of them all - A cartoon heart, with a knife stabbed into it, a single drip of blood falling out. There was no detail or shading in the picture, like the other three had. A small apple flower was just above the stab wound, white in color. She seemed both happy and concerned, but was starting to relax now. As they washed and admired each others new marks, Jeff couldn't help feeling proud of what he had created. His smile grew wider as he watched them play and splash each other, with slightly bloodied water.

They bore the marks of killers now. And that would never change.

Another Side to Death

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Jeff was certainly a happy camper. Having each of the girl at their third - and in Scootaloo's case, fourth - kill was surely an accomplishment. They seemed very happy with their progress, and Jeff was too. It was becoming quite a bit easier to move, and therefore kill, in his new form, and even his tail wasn't bothering him as much as it used to. It seemed to be looking up to be a fine day, when he awoke to a cloudy morning with a pretty spring breeze.

But that was until, around lunch time, Applebloom came in crying. She ran up to Jeff and buried her face in his side, sobbing uncontrollably. The other too followed close behind, looking concerned. Questioningly, Jeff looked up, pushing his sunglasses down to, silently, ask what was wrong. "Applebloom was getting bullied...And, well, It got really bad..." Sweetie started, looking upset.

"Like, REALLY bad. Ugh! I just wanted to turn around an cow-kick that Diamond Tiara in the face!" Scootaloo finished, angrily, stopping her hooves on the floor. Applebloom, head still buried in Jeff's side, sniffled.

"Ah'm sorry for bein' so whiny, but what she said really upset me...." She mumbled, looking up at Jeff. He tsk'd, gently rubbing is muzzle across her face. Darn, this place must really be getting to him if he was acting this kind. But...Well...Maybe it wasn't so bad, to have a couple friends? Especially such gifted little killers....

"What did she say?" He asked, quietly. Applebloom just wined an shook her head.

"She called her a filthy inbreeder, that's what she said!" Scootaloo shouted, angrily, after a few moments of silence. Applebloom whined again. Jeff let out an angry snort,his tail flicking to the side. "It's all right Applebloom, we know you're better than that. Better....better than her." Jeff, mid-sentence, had come up with an idea. His lips twitched in a smile, hidden by the one already there. Applebloom sat up and nodded, seeming to steel herself.

"Ah'm okay, really. It to me, that's all." Applebloom said, looking down. "Its like, She's gettin' worse with every passing day, getting more mean. An Ah don't understand." She looked back up at Jeff, and then sighed.

"Well, there's always an easy way to take care of mean kids, you know." Jeff said, a gleam in his eyes. The three girls looked over at him. "We can always, you know...Kill her." He said, smile growing wider.

"But, I though it was nice to kill people, Jeff... Why would we do it for her...?" Sweetie Belle, asked slowly, seeming unsure.

Jeff hesitated for a moment, just a split second, before smiling again. "Well, There's two sides to everything, Sweetie. Two sides to death as well. Death can be a dark, gruesome thing as well as a happy, celebrated one. To kill someone so young is to wrong them, rid them of all days to come, both happy, and sad. But to kill and old mare, who has lived her glory days and is slowly wasting away, why, that's a good deed. Give them something exiting fort heir last moments. Killing a mid-aged pony is, well, in the middle. They might have already reached their peak, or they could still be building up to it. It all depends.

"Either way, if we kill this mean filly, this 'Diamond Tiara', She will never bother you again. And, she will get what she deserves, for treating you so terribly." Jeff concluded, smiling down at the three sitting fillies, eyes so wide in wonder. Eyes, so ready to be tainted, filled with the malice of the world. But, not yet. For now they could believe Jeff's petty little lies and twisted truths, until they were so deep in they wouldn't care for morals anymore. Jeff grinned at the idea.

"So...Are you in, or not?"

The girls looked at each other, then nodded. Together, they said, "We're in."

When a Diamond Doesn't Shine

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Their scouting mission had gone successfully. Filthy Rich wasn't in the house, and Diamond Tiara was all alone. They had decided, before setting out, that Applebloom would make the kill, since she was the most affected.

It was night. The four killers where climbing into the large mannor through a conveniently open window. It was fairly easy to push the screen out and slide in. They heard music from upstairs, leading them straight to the fillies bedroom.

Applebloom held a knife in her mouth steadily, determined to make this kill without help. This was her fight, after all. But she still felt off, about this whole thing. Jeff walked in front with no fault to his steps, seeming as at ease in doing this as any pony could be. Almost like he'd done it before...She pushed the thought away. Impossible. Jeff hadn't lied to them, he was their friend. And, he'd gotten them their cutie marks! She couldn't be more grateful. And Diamond Tiara needed to pay.

...She just hoped that this was the right way to go about it.

They stopped in front of her door. Three stood back, leaving Applebloom alone in front. She took a breath, steadying herself, and peered in through the keyhole. Diamond Tiara stood with her back turned to the door, dancing to pop music. She stood up and put her front legs on the bed,shaking her body from side to side and swaying her tail. Applebloom saw her chance, and took it.

Like most earth pony households, the doors were push-open. Quietly opening the door with her head, Applebloom charged forward. The pink filly barely had time to turn her head before Appleblooms knife was buried in her side. Applebloom, fueled by rage, had struck to hard that knife stuck in Diamond's hip bone, and she was unable to pull it out. Diamond Tiara screamed, the high-pitched noise prompting more blood to flow from the wound. Scared someone might here, but unable to get her knife, Applebloom acted on instinct.

She turned, picked up her hind-legs, and bucked, as hard as she could. Years of apple bucking prompted strong muscles, easily able to buck apples of a tree. Also easily able to buck heads from their shoulders. She heard a crack, and a broken sob, then more screaming. So she hit again. And again. And again.

She kept hitting, even far after the noise had stopped. The once hard surface shad been hitting was now a gooey, wet mess.

After a minute, she felt a soft muzzle brush against her shoulder, "That's enough, Applebloom." Jeff said, and she brought her feet back down. Her forelegs hurt from how long she had been standing on them. Looking up, Applebloom saw the soft look on Jeff's face. He looked...Proud. Even his manic grin seemed like a soft smile. With a sniff, Applebloom realized that she had been crying. She had been thinking of every mean thing the now-dead filly had ever said to her, hitting her harder with each thought. It had felt freeing.

She buried her face in Jeff's chest. She didn't sob, didn't snot - just cried, a little bit. Then she pulled back and looked over her shoulder, before turning back and smiled up at him. "I really pounded her, didn't I?" He nodded.

"Come on Applebloom, lets get you cleaned up, hmm?" He said, nudging her towards the door. He felt rather motherly and, surprisingly, it didn't make him sick.

Applebloom was happy, as she trotted out of the house with the other girls. They had taken Diamond's ice cream - She wouldn't be needing it anyway - and washed off in her bathroom. They left her where she was, since she'd be too much of a pain to move.

Maybe this murderer thing wasn't so bad.
She was starting to like it, after all.

Honest Mistake

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Jeff tossed and turned, his hooves hitting the walls as he struggled to break free from his dream. "Nnghhh....Mmmhh..." He groaned, shaking his head and hitting the wall with it. He woke with a start, struggling to his feet. Sweat dripped from his drenched fur, heavy breaths shaking his body. He stared into the darkness of the clubhouse, murmurs of pain filling his ears. The dream had been...terrifying.

Jeff, a manic grin on his face, advanced toward the bed on the far side of the room. Blood dripped from his face, and the fresh wounds painted there. Liu crouched, terrified, on the bed. "Go to sleeeep...." Jeff called, softly, drugs dimming his thoughts and numbing his pain as stumbling toward the bed with knife in hand. Hand...? Mouth... His hooves tapped on the floor as he advance on the three quivering fillies on the bed, drenched in blood...His knife, gliding across their cheeks and their screams in the air were all muddled, the painkillers in his system turning the scene into a dream-like softness...

Dream. It was just a dream. Jeff shook his head, turning to fix the blankets that had been piled, nest-like, in the corner for him to sleep on. Just as he was about to climb back in, he heard hoofsteps on the ramp outside. Perking an ear up, he turned his head top the door, seeing it creak open. "Who's in there?" He heard a voice call. Feminine, but strong, with a country accent. He had just a moment to think, 'This must be Appleblooms sister', before the light of a lantern was on his face. He turned his head quickly, backing into the corner. "Hey! What are you doing in here!?" The orange mare yelled, setting down the lantern and storming in. Jeff growled, covering his face with a hoof. Applejack stalked forward, cautiously. "Ah asked, Who are you?" She said, quieter this time.

Jeff moved his hoof, looking up at her. The startled look on her face was entertaining, to say the least, but the buck to the face was a little less than pleasant. He reeled back, head hitting the wall behind him with incredible force. His slumped against it, shoulder supporting him as he looked up at his attacker. She looked pissed, which he'd never actually seen on a pony before. This one managed to actually look somewhat intimidating. Jeff assumed it was the muscles.

"Yer' The one who's been killin' all those ponies!" Applejack yelled angrily. Jeff growled again, pulling himself back to hid feet. She wanted to play rough? He could play rough then. He shook his head, shaking the blood off of the contact wound on the side of his head. He ducked under another buck, sliding under her and knocking her legs out. He ran to the corner, quickly pulling out one of the stashed knives. He surveyed the situation. It was light in here, with the lantern, and Applejack was quickly getting back up. He had to act fast. Darting forward, he stabbed the knife int the side of the orange mare's neck. While she was stunned, he pulled the knife out and stabbed again. Blood squirted out of the wound like fresh-opened soda, the arterial spray coating Jeff's face. "Go to SLEEP!" He yelled around the knife in his mouth, voice deep and body pulsing with excitement, then he stabbed her yet again - straight into her heart. He pushed her over, watching her body weakly try to stand again before falling, limp and bleeding, into a lump on the floor. He had never felt more alive - that is, until he heard a gasp from the doorway.

Turning quickly, Jeff cut without thinking. Surprise overtook his features when he realized who exactly was standing in the door. Backing up, his ears when back and he dropped his knife. "A-Applebloom...I can explain..."

But the yellow filly merely glared, one eye closed and bleeding. Her expression was a grim determination. "You..." She spoke, voice shaking with anger, "You killed my sister!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face along with the blood. "You were like a brother to me, how-how could you!" She was pissed. Jeff, for the first time in a long time, was scared. Not of the filly standing of the doorway, but of the stallion standing in the room. Scared, because for the first time since his brother, he'd had a family. And now he'd lost part of it.

So, scared and confused, he ran. He kicked out the window and jumped, picking up his knife on the way. He ran, out into the woods. This wasn't something he could fix.

Jeff paced by the river, considering things. He could try to find another town, another place to wreak havoc in, or he could try and make things right here.

"...Why not both...?" He murmured, quietly, with a realization. Who said that he couldn't get Sweetie and Scootaloo to come with him? He had to try.

So, with a mission on his mind, Jeff headed towards Ponyville. Possibly for the last time.