> Alien vs. Predator: Battle for Equestria > by Horror Pro5555 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: A New World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A ship soars by the earth as it leaves the colorful planet the inside are the ones who are inside the ship: the predators. They have recently recovered a warrior who has died from a battle with the xenomorph queen and won but at the cost of his life, stabbed through the back with the queen's tail. They embark on the journey to their home planet they have the dead warrior out on a table as he died a warrior's death. Onboard the ship were containers that contained face-huggers as well as having a few predators within the ship. However, the peace would be broken as the warrior's chest erupted as a new species of alien one that had the DNA of a predator popped out as a chestburster before hissing out into the air as the hiss ended with the predator's clicks. The ship continued its course while the chest-burster shed and grew into a large beast and began sulking around the ship waiting for the right moment to strike. As a predator prepares a new trophy to add to the wall, the beast grabbed the predator's head and crushed it spraying his blood onto the ship's walls. Another one hears the cries of the warrior and runs to see that something killed his comrade, as he switches his vision he sees that a large figure which was confirmed to be a xenomorph sets a target and attempts to blast it with his plasma cannon but it quickly moved out of the way. The ship due to the fires of the plasma weapon crashes on a planet known as Equestria. On said planet everything was peaceful until the ship bumped against a mountain and continued to go down before a crash landing occurred which caused multiple trees to be knocked down and the ship was on fire due to the entry into the atmosphere. Then two ponies both being earth ponies investigate the ship the two being a father and his son. As they look around they hear noises, looking around in a worried manner before seeing on a log a creature with multiple legs crawl up and attack the son warned the father who in response kicked it away as hard as he could sending it flying, dead. However one of his legs starts burning as he sees that acid is on his right leg and starts panicking as it melts through his leg before his leg falls off and collapses to the ground as a face-hugger jumps out upon the father's face grappling on as the process began. The son looks over and sees what has happened to his father before the same happened to him. Meanwhile, in the ship as the ponies first began to investigate, the predator was alive and saw that the face-huggers were escaping, he pressed several buttons on his wrist bracer before the beast found him and killed him on the spot. The command he put on his bracer was a signal that traveled to his home planet as an elder predator sat upon his throne he brought down a monitor homing in on the signal and saw it came from a planet he didn't recognize. After pressing a few buttons he saw how the ship crashed on this planet and he had to know what happened and the reason. He snarled as he got up and picked up gear as well as a special mask before entering a ship and blasting off to the planet which he learned was called Equestria. Later he finally arrives at the planet landing at a lake and exiting the lake as his invisiblity wears off due to the water revealing him in full gear as he looks around at his new surroundings. It was similar to the planet Earth with all its vegetation, he noted as he pushed a few buttons and through the forest, he found the ship in question. He ran through and reached it he went inside and scanned the area and found a fallen warrior he rested his hand upon his head and lowered his, mourning his death, as he took off his mask and took the one off the warrior and looked through it seeing what his comrade had seen and now knowing what he was dealing with. He put his mask back on and extracted a bit of the fluid of face-huggers to add the signatures of xenomorphs to his visions by putting it through his gauntlet. He gathered a few more pieces of gear before activating self-destruction on the other's wrist gauntlet he added a second plasma gun to his back before running away as the ship exploded. ------------------------------------------------------------ Ponyvile had never been so peaceful that is until a large boom could be heard that practically shook the whole town and everyone noticed it including one Doctor Whooves who peaked outside and saw where the blast came from and frowned and decided that he would go and see what that was he gathered his things and headed out and took awhile before reaching it. He looked at what he didn't recognize but then saw that this was a ship! No, not any regular ship was alien! He gasped and ran away as he told the authorities. They arrived finally with flashlights beaming at the remains and observed and continued to look around finding remains of a few skulls as well as containers and body parts, can't forget body parts. They were near nonexistent, as there were only pieces left over such as one of them remained with some of their body and the face was quite horrid but not too horrid as they had seen worse. Then in another area, they report that they have found two bodies a filly and a stallion who had weird creatures strapped to their heads. As they began to finish they came to a conclusion: they had to warn the mayor and, most importantly, Princesses Celestia, as there may be dangerous creatures that are now in Equestria. TO BE CONTINUED......... > Chapter Two: The Harvest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Predalien had escaped the ship and began running through the forest at high speeds. While most of the drones have thoughts of serving the queen and nothing else the Predalien due to having the DNA of the predator had more of a mind so he wondered where he was. It was not earth that much was clear as earlier through the hive mind they were not human but quadrupedal animals instead but they were able to speak. It was clear that he needed to find a good place to start the hive and find a new queen. He kept going before coming across a farm where the orchards were filled with apples. He looked around snarling before going around back and going through an opening before going in seeing that it was quite empty except for stacks of hay. This was the perfect place to start a new hive if there were any living forms here then he could continue the harvest but first he had to call out to the others who had most likely completed the processes with those other creatures and had gone into their forms. He skriked out a sound that could only be heard by his kind before setting up the hive. A while later, they finally arrived hearing their communication outside, and went out to greet them but instead what he saw was interesting. he that the ones that went through the process were smaller, they resembled those creatures only in their bodies for the tail and head it was mostly the same. Either way, it was time to begin, they began looking around the area to find a royal face-hugger which was also on the ship. After a while, they found it before heading back to the barn where they stopped and saw that someone lived there. It was one of those creatures again this one was quite big and was red. One looked like the perfect host for the queen. He went into the barn as they went to the entrance before letting the royal face-hugger crawl inside and waited, before hearing a struggle inside, grunts were heard as well as loud crashing could be heard before a muffled scream can be heard. They go inside and they see the red one on the floor as he struggles to try to get the face-hugger off, it takes a while but he finally submits with him being one of the hardest to harvest in a long time. With this done they began to change the area to a suitable hive. Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Princess Celestia was sitting on the throne before a guard burst in. "Princess! We have an emergency!" Celestia stood up and looked at the guard before questioning him. "What is it?" "There has been an emergency letter from Ponyvile there has been an alien craft that has crashed on the outskirts and later it blew up!" Celestia was about to say something but paused, before continuing "I want an immediate message out to Twilight quickly, if this is the craft I am thinking about then I must meet with Twilight." "Yes, Princesses Celestia." Said the guard as he ran back out as she sat back on the throne, she had a feeling that this craft, may have been one from the past one that she would never thought would see again. Back with the (wolf) predator he has been looking into this world for a while and sees that this world is much more primitive than the earth, not only that but it seems that his clan has had a history here as he explored a cave and saw paintings of pony kind fighting his ancestors, they have been at war before as he moved along he saw that that they have made peace before leaving. He wondered why this planet was not in the database at all if this planet had been in their history before. He saw a young-looking one behind the ruler, it must have been the daughter, and saw that it was one with a sun on her flank. He recognized the symbol as he saw it around, it was obvious that now she was the ruler, he had to find her and tell he what happened, while it was true that his job was to clean up evidence there was no point, she knew about his clan so perhaps should be helpful in some way. He left the cave and started heading towards one place that looked like royalty could be held. Starting to head there leaping across the land to reach faster. Meanwhile, back at the farm, Applejack had just finished with an apple-bucking session and she suddenly began to hear strange noises from the barn. "What in tarnation, is that noise?" she states out loud as she enters the barn she enters her eyes widen as she sees her unknown matter scattered within the entire area and there were multiple ponies that were wrapped in the matter and multiple eggs that sat below them, but that is not what Applejack first looked at. She looked at the huge Xenomorph queen that was situated in the barn resting before lifting her head and seeing Applejack before screeching, informing the hive of the intruder. Multiple drones in bipedal forms as well as some on two feet, towering over the country pony she looked in horror as she screamed and ran away with the drones aiming to get the little creature away from the barn. As she continued running she tried to see if the others were around only to learn that her brother and granny smith had been captured in their hive and Applejack while a strong pony needed help to save them, luckily Apple bloom was away with the other crusaders at the moment so she knew she had to find them, warn Twilight and, princess Celestia. As she ran away from the barn, the Predalien who was there, watched as she ran away, knowing that she might be out of the hive she might be a problem in the future, he just knew it. TO BE CONTINUED........