I can't solve you, and that's fine
For Izzy, love was a wonderful thing she hoped to get one day.
Being alone for almost all of her life, she had more than enough time to wonder everything about life. That's why she was free to read anything in the local library in Bridlewood. The vast majority of the books she found, though, only talked about powerful spells, spells that she could not perform due to lack of magic, and although she now has it, she is convinced that she does not have the strength nor physically nor mentally to perform any spell like that.
And the only time she found anything related to love was a "love potion", one that could make two souls look madly in love with each other, to the point of being very cloying and not being able to spend even 1 second without being attached to the other. Izzy didn't like that concept of love, so she decided to leave the topic completely. That was years ago, long before magic even returned to Equestria.
So why is she suddenly thinking about this again? Maybe her most recent conversation with Pipp has something to do with.
It all started when Zipp decided she wanted to study Izzy's life as deep as she could, since Izzy barely ever talks about her family beyond mentioning her mother once, back when Discord stoled the Pegasus Crystal. Alphabittle has given Zipp some data already, from what he knows about anyways, so now she needs to know more from Izzy herself.
The first two-three weeks where simple: All Izzy had to do was tell Zipp what she lived in Bridlewood before magic was around, maybe not from her time as a baby filly since she honestly does not remembers that anymore, but she did narrated from the earliest memory she has as a little grown filly to what she did right before she decided to embark on a journey to Maretime Bay.
With all that information gathered, Zipp went further and acted as some kind of therapist for Izzy, asking how she felt growing up pretty much on her own after not knowing what was from her Mom, comforting her whenever it seemed that she crossed a line and entered on territory she shouldn't had...
It was during those moments when Zipp comforted her that she started to feel weird things. Blood rising on her face, her whole body stiffing and acting more nervous than usual, and even the strange sensation of butterflies flying on her stomach. Maybe she was getting sick? Because that's a sensation only Zipp gives her. Is Zipp making her sick by mistake? How is she gonna tell her that? The last thing she wants to do is hurt her feelings.
Maybe that's why she has come back to the topic of love? Well, that, and the little chat she had with Pipp, where the young pegasus declared that what she's going through are the symptoms of falling in love with somepony.
So it all comes back to the beginning: Izzy sees love as a beautiful thing, yes, but she has never been in love with anypony before. She never knew what being loved for who you are was until she met her newest friends, and now it turns out she's falling in love? Nothing wrong with who she fell for, though, because Zipp was an amazing friend to have, yet she also fears that these new blossoming feelings might ruin their friendship.
However, there's one tiny little thing that Izzy either ignores or, straight up, has no knowledge about: Zipp's also having the same symptoms, although unlike Izzy, Zipp herself knew it from the very first moment she started to feel it.
Is weird for her to tell when she started to feel this kind of things for her, but if she had to guess, it was a few weeks after their little adventure at Starlight Ridge. Zipp began to look after new mysteries to unravel. She didn't minded if it was something little compared to figure out the message from Twilight Sparkle, as long as she could put her detective skills to good use.
She eventually came to a strange, yet also quite logical conclusion: There was one walking mystery she still had to figure out, and she had a name; Izzy Moonbow.
Even if she has mentioned her unicorn ancestors and even her mother once, Zipp felt there was still a lot to unravel regarding Izzy and her past, because she barely eve talks about it. She was a mystery she couldn't figure out on a full note, but she tried all the same. After all, Zipp's never been the kind of pony that says "no" to a challenge... She never expected what happened in the end.
Yes, both Alphabittle and Izzy cooperated and gave her what she needed for her research, but the more she dig into her story, the less she knew about her... And for the first time in her entire life, she wasn't mad at this fact. She wasn't frustrated nor at the edge of despair, she simply thought it was curious that the more she looked for, the less she found.
Pretty much everything she read about Izzy and her past was either info she's known for months, or small things that didn't really told her anything mind-blowing, just what she already suspected: Izzy grew up alone, with no real friends but those she created herself thanks to her unicycling skills, and she dreamed to grow up one day to leave Bridlewood and find those friends in Maretime Bay that Sunny mentioned on her note all those moons ago.
Yet she also found details about Izzy she never knew before: As noisy as she might be, Izzy liked silence, since it allowed her to have a moment of peace and reflection. She liked to have her own personal space, to not mess with anypony else nor with whatever they might be doing. And finally; Izzy loved to read. She found joy in reading because it allowed her to transport herself into a fantasy world where possibilities are endless.
These three facts, those where what set sail Zipp's feelings for Izzy. Just like the unicorn mare, Zipp loved those things as well. Heck, probably even more than her! And still, why just learning the fact that Izzy enjoyed those things too made Zipp's heart jump in happiness? Why she suddenly felt blood rising on her cheeks? Why she felt butterflies on her stomach? She didn't took long to figure out her answer.
Yes, she fall in love with Izzy. It just sorta happened. Was it logical? No, but she can't remember the last time something "logical" or "normal" happened in her life, so why falling in love with a friend was so weird for her? Maybe because of that same fact: She's her friend and fears these feelings can ruin everything between them, but now that she thinks about it, she can barely see a future without the unicorn mare in her life.
So, to almost conclude her investigation, Zipp invited Izzy to the Crystal Room at the top of the Brighthouse. It was the perfect place not only to tell the unicorn everything she had managed to decipher regarding her "case", but she also planned to make these conclusions her love confession in an indirect way. Maybe Izzy would understand, or maybe she wouldn't. There's only one way to find out...
"S-So, Zipp?" Izzy called her out after a while, she was beyond nervous. "Have you finally got anything from your, um, research about me?"
"Actually, I do," Zipp replied with a smile, putting down her phone and then looking at Izzy with a smile. Just that action has Izz's heart beating as if she ran a marathon. "There's nothing from your past that I can tell that you don't know already."
"Oh..." Izzy said, feeling bad and thinking she made her waste her time.
"But all this investigation made me realize a few other things from you," Zipp kept going, gaining Izzy's attention again.
"You're a pony who, no matter the situation at hoof, knows when to stand up and defend what she believes," Zipp began to explain. "You love the peace that being silent and reading books brings you because they help you relax and forget about the problems around you, even if it's just for a moment. But that doesn't mean you want to be alone, because although you like the silence, you would never replace the moments you have with your friends. After all, who better to understand you than those who will always be by your side no matter what?"
After hearing Zipp saying all of this, Izzy was at loss of words. What could she say, anyway? From all the things she expected Zipp to say, what she actually said never crossed her mind.
"...H-How do you... How are you so sure that I'm all of that?" Izzy managed to ask after sometime struggling with which words to say.
"Because I also love silence as you do," Zipp replied. "I adore to read books and wonder in little words made up by my brain, and I enjoy spending time with my friends! Specially with you."
That made Izzy's cheeks turn red, and her heart skipped a beat. "E-Even if I'm a bit noise sometimes?"
"Iz, I love how noisy you can be, because that's part of who you are," Zipp stated with a serious expression, one that soon shifted to a sweet smile as she lifted Izzy's chin with a hoof, which made Misty's breath get a bit heavy. "I can't solve you, nor everything that surrounds your life and past. And you know what? That's fine, because I don't need to figure every mystery out, specially not you."
"Z-Zipp?" Izzy asked confused, yet also intrigued on what the pegasus was gonna say.
"You're my favorite mystery, Izzy," Zipp said, caressing Misty's cheek. "And I think I have found feelings because of you."
Izzy got the hint immediately, and her blush deepened even more, following by her heart jumping in excitement. She couldn't help but smile and giggle a bit awkwardly, while Zipp simply chuckled.
After that, she wasted no time and locked her lips with the unicorn's, which made Izzy's eyes open wide in surprise. She never expected to be kissed, and she definitely knew nothing about kissing, either... But she didn't disliked this, either, so she simply returned the gesture, even wrapping her hooves around Zipp's neck, while Zipp herself wrapped hers around Izzy's waist.
Izzy could still feel butterflies on her stomach, but now she was happy to see it was nothing to worry about.