> Masquerade Passion > by BrawnyBold > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Strange Invite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a typical day at Canterlot High School. Students and teachers walked among themselves through the halls and classrooms. It was really busy inside of the cafeteria as it was lunchtime. Sitting at one of the tables were the Rainbooms, the girls who were sometimes in the middle of the weird occurrences at school. They would normally talk to each other about their day and such. This time was different as they can't help but notice that Twilight was acting very odd. She held her head with one arm while poking her salad with a fork. Her friends looked at each other with concern as they knew Twilight wouldn't act this way unless something was wrong. Sunset decided to speak. "Hey Twilight, is there something wrong?" Sunset asked. "Huh? Oh, it's nothing, really." Twilight said as she kept poking her fork. "Are you sure?" Pinkie said as she took a closer look at Twilight. "You look more mopey than when I found out that the Cakes ran out of eclairs that one time." Pinkie shuddered. "I'm fine." Twilight responded. Applejack spoke up. "Twilight, we know that you're not saying the truth. That's something considering the element that I represent." Twilight sighed as she caved in. "Alright fine, I'll tell you. Do you girls remember Timber Spruce?" "Yeah," The girls answered at once. "The guy you keep talking about and spend a lot of time with?" Rarity added. "Yeah, well we are sort of on a break. By sort of, I mean completely." Twilight bluntly said. The girls couldn't help but be a bit shocked from what they heard. "Really? I thought you and Timber hit it off well." Sunset claimed. "We did hit it off at first." Twilight said before she continued. "Before I found out that he was dating another girl." Twilight couldn't help but use her magic to bend her fork. The girls became shocked once again as they never thought that Timber would do such a thing. "We're sorry to hear that, Twilight." Rarity said as she patted Twilight's back. "What's worse, Timber tried to tell me that it was a misunderstanding. It was really hard to convince me considering that I caught him making out with that girl!" Twilight sighed while covering her face with her hands. "There, there, Twilight. It will be alright." Fluttershy said. "I'm just so done with love now." Twilight complained. "I sort of get where you're coming from, Twilight." Sunset said. "I remembered how angry I was when Flash Sentry broke up with me. But it took some time before things got better for the both of us." "This could be a good thing, Twilight." Rarity said. "You now have some more spare time for yourself." "I guess that's true." Twilight said. She then felt her phone vibrating and pulled it out. "What is it, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked. "It's from Cadence." Twilight answered. She started texting on her phone and waited for a reply. Twilight's phone buzzed and Twilight read the text. "It says that she is inviting me to a masquerade ball later." Twilight said. "Oh! A masquerade ball!" Rarity said with excitement. "We have to go!" "I'm not so sure if I'm in the mood to go though." Twilight said while looking down. "It could help you get your mind off of Timber." Sunset said. Twilight thought about it before she smiled. "I guess I could go to hang out with Cadence." "Hooray! We're going to a party!" Pinkie cheered. "Hang on a second," Applejack interrupted. "Cadence only invited Twilight. We don't know if she will allow additional guests to come along." Twilight then noticed a new text message on her phone. "Cadence also said that I could bring my friends as well. She also says that the party will provide the masks." "Well, guess we got a party to go to." Applejack claimed. At the principal's office of Crystal Prep, Cadence was sitting on her chair while looking at her phone. "Alright, Twilight accepted the invitation along with the other girls." Cadence said to Fleur who sat across from Cadence's desk. "Excellent, the plan will go on swimmingly." Fleur said while showing a mischievous smile. It was nighttime when the girls made their way to the address Cadence sent to Twilight. All of the girls wore fancy dresses made by Rarity as she thought that they should dress fancy for the masquerade party. "Ah! How long until we get there! These heels are killing me!" Rainbow said as she tried to adjust her shoes. "We're almost there." Twilight said while looking at her phone. "We should be reaching the location right about...now." Twilight said as she pointed forward. The girls looked ahead and they were shocked to see such a large mansion before them. It was almost as large as Canterlot High. "Whoa! This must be a huge party if it's that place!" Pinkie claimed. "Uhh! Great! That's just what I need, being cooped up in these heels while taking part in some fancy schmancy party." Rainbow complained. "Rainbow! We must not judge the swaray based on appearances." Rarity advised. Sunset was the one who knocked on the large doors. The doors slowly opened to reveal Fleur coming out. She wore a long, tight magenta dress that showed off her curvy figure along with matching magenta heels that looked really expensive. The Rainbooms remained silent as they saw Fleur make her way towards them. Some of them were in awe from how beautiful Fleur looked. Twilight was shocked in contrast as she immediately recognized Fleur. "Fleur De Lis?" Twilight said bluntly. "Ah, Twilight! It is good to see you again!" Fleur said as she smiled. "Do you know this girl, Twilight?" Sunset asked. "Well...sort of," Twilight replied. Back in Twilight's days attending Crystal Prep, she would often see a lot of students and faulty members gawk at Fleur as she walked down the hallways. Twilight thought Fleur practically ruled the school thanks to her beauty and attitude. Twilight would often steer clear of Fleur as Twilight was afraid that Fleur was just as mean as the other Crystal Prep students. "Welcome to my lovely home," Fleur said as she turned to the other Rainbooms. "I am Fleur De Lis and I am the host of the masquerade ball. I take it that you have received the invitation from Principal Cadence, Twilight?" "Y-Yeah, how did you know that?" Twilight questioned. "I requested Principal Cadence to invite you as she knows you very well." Fleur answered. "Where is Cadence?" Twilight asked. "She is inside along with the other invited guests." Fleur said as she moved aside. "Before you enter my home, allow my maids to provide you with the masks for the ball." Fleur clapped her hands and several maids wearing colorful masks made their way to the Rainbooms. The maids held up boxes that contained a variety of masks. "Take your pick and you may enter my home." The girls picked out their masks and walked inside. Fleur turned to look at the girls as they made their way into Fleur's home. "Soon, all of you will be mine." Fleur said as she licked her lips. > Ravishing Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The girls entered the main hall where most of the guests were. The girls were in awe from how luxurious it looked. It was almost as if they were in some kind of movie scene. There were so many female guests wearing different masks while socializing among themselves. "Now this is what I call a ball!" Rarity commented. "You may do as you like while attending my ball." Fleur said as she caught up with the girls. "If you ever need anything, please let me know." "I'm gonna try out the food here!" Pinkie said as she hurried to one of the food tables. "I guess I could try out what this party has as well." Applejack said as she followed Pinkie. "Well, while you girls do that, I'll look for a quiet place to nap." Rainbow said as it was her turn to leave the group. "Umm, Ms. Fleur, does your mansion have a garden?" Fluttershy asked. "Of course, one of my maids can escort you there." Fleur gestured to one of her maids. Fluttershy followed the maid to another part of the mansion. "Is it alright if I check out the art this place has, Fleur?" Sunset asked. "You can see my family's finest collection of art pieces right over there." Fleur said as she pointed at one of the hallways. "Then I'll take my leave." Sunset said as she made her way to the hall. "I'm going to look for Cadence." Twilight said to Fleur and left. Fleur watched as the girls went their separate ways. It didn't bother Fleur as she preferred to handle each girl one at a time. She turned to see Rarity who was still admiring the mansion's decor. "So Rarity, if you want, I can introduce you to a few friends of mine who you would really like to meet." Fleur suggested. "Oh that would be wonderful, please lead the way!" Rarity said in excitement. Fleur lead the way to another part of the mansion with Rarity following. Fleur and Rarity arrived to a smaller room where several guests were socializing among themselves. Rarity followed Fleur to a smaller group of women. "Greetings, girls," Fleury said to get the group's attention. "Hey Fleur," One of the women said to Fleur. "I want to introduce you to Rarity, she is quite a fashionista." Fleur said. Rarity waved to the group. "It's always nice to meet a fellow fashion enthusiast." An older woman said. Her mask was light pink and she wore a dark red dress that showed off her figure quite well. "Rarity, I want to introduce you to-" Fleur was interrupted when Rarity gasped loudly. Rarity smiled widely while covering her mouth with her hands. "Y-You wouldn't happen to be Prim Hemline, are you?" Rarity asked. The older woman chuckled before she took off her mask. She had short pink hair and wore round, yellow earrings with purple circles in the middle. "Indeed I am, it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Rarity." Prim said as she offered her hand. Rarity immediately took Prim's hand and carefully shook it. Rarity did her best not to squeal with joy. "I-It's such an honor to meet such an esteem woman such as yourself, Ms. Hemline!" Rarity said excitingly. "It is no problem, Rarity." Prim Hemline. "You can just call me Prim." Rarity giggled like a fangirl. "I don't mean to pry into detail, but how do you know Prim, Fleur." Rarity asked. "I really got to know Prim from these lovely ladies." Fleur gestured to two other girls who were nearby. "Hello there, my name is Sassy Saddles. I'm an employees at one of Prim's clothing stores." Sassy said as she took off her mask. Sassy had on a dark blue dress with black heels. The other girl took off her light blue mask to reveal a shorter teenage girl with two-tone blue hair with a reddish flower on it. She wore a white and black dress that looked like something from a fashion show. "Hi, I'm Coco Pommel. I'm also an employee at Prim's clothing store. I have to say that it's an honor to meet you, Ms. Rarity." Coco said while smiling. "Oh! So you have heard of me?" Rarity asked. "Yes! I have seen several of your works while passing by Carousel Boutique." Coco replied. "I'm flattered to meet a fan." Rarity said. As Rarity and Coco talked for a bit, Fleur walked over to Prim and whispered something into her ear. Prim nodded before she waited until Rarity and Coco were done talking. When the talk was over Prim approached Rarity. "Say, Ms. Rarity, perhaps I can show you some of my latest works in honor of you being a fan of mine." Prim suggested. "I-I would love that!" Rarity said excitingly. "Luckily for you, Fleur just happens to have a large closet full of my clothing. Fleur's family has often helped me with my fashion industry, so I sometimes donate my clothes to them to show my appreciation." "Allow me to lead the way." Fleur said as she started walking out of the room. Rarity along with Prim, Sassy, and Coco followed Fleur to her closet. "Here we are!" Fleur said as she opened some double doors. Rarity's eyes were completely open from what she had saw. The room was ten times as large as the inside of Rarity's boutique and each wall had racks after racks full of well-made clothing. Rarity was speechless as she felt like she had died and gone to fashion heaven. "I take it that you like what you see?" Fleur asked Rarity. "Better, I'm completely head over heels at this place! I want to practically live here!" Rarity said as she let her hand flow along the clothing. She then quickly composed herself as one of her fashion heroes was standing near her. "It's alright to be enthusiastic about this place, Rarity." Prim said as she looked over one of the clothes-filled racks. "I was quite surprised when I saw that Fleur would have a room that could hold all of my clothes here." Prim started to pick out some clothes from the rack. "Perhaps we should hold a small fashion show in here to show off what's our favorite." "That...would be...an honor!" Rarity said as her excitement increase. "How about we pick out our favorite clothing in this closet, put them on, and show it off as we come out?" Sassy suggested. "Great idea! Let us begin!" Fleur said as she and the rest of the girls went to pick out their outfits. They put on their outfits while inside some nearby changing rooms that were in the large closet. "Ta-da!" Rarity said as she opened the curtains. She wore a bright gold long dress that glistened from the bright light. Coco was next to come out and she wore a sailor-like outfit with a cute sailor hat to complete the look. "Wow! You look great, Rarity!" "You don't look bad yourself, Coco." Rarity commented. "That outfit would be perfect on a yacht." Prim was next to exit her changing room. She wore a long, black sleeveless dress with matching long black gloves and a large black feathery hat. "I remember this outfit from my previous collections from Prance." Prim said as she looked at a tall mirror. Sassy came out and she wore a fashionable cream-colored top and long pants. She also had on a long suit tan jacket that looked good on her. "I can probably wear this outfit while attending some business meeting." Fleur was the last one to come out and the girls were silent as they saw what Fleur was wearing. She wore nothing more than a light pink bra and a pair of light pink panties. What caught the other girls' attention was that Fleur's undergarments were completely transparent, meaning that they could completely see Fleur's nipples and neithers. "What do you think?" Fleur said as she struck a pose. "Wow, I have to say that is a bold choice, Fleur." Sassy commented as she eyed Fleur's body. "I do recall that is from one of my risqué lingerie collections." Prim added. "It looks good on you, Fleur." Coco nodded. "Don't you think so, Rarity?" Coco turned to notice Rarity not saying anything. Rarity was completely shocked to see Fleur wearing such an outfit. For some reason, Rarity's face started to blush as she was looking at Fleur's naughty bits thanks to Fleur's attire. "Rarity, is something the matter?" Sassy asked. "Oh! Um, it looks good, Fleur." Rarity said as she tried to look away from Fleur. "Let's continue with our dress up session, girls." Fleur said as she and the other girls went back to their changing rooms. As Rarity entered her dressing room, she tried to calm down from what she saw. She can't help but notice how attractive Fleur looked. Rarity thought that this shouldn't be a problem as she had seen a naked form of a girl before, but this felt different with Fleur. It almost reminded Rarity of those times that she would look at marble statues of naked women. The next thing Rarity knew, she was imaging Fleur taking off her undergarments just to reveal her completely naked body. Rarity then quickly shook those thoughts off. 'What are you thinking, Rarity?!' Rarity thought. 'Fleur has invited you to an exclusive party and you're thinking of naughty things.' Rarity's thoughts were interrupted when she noticed that the curtains were moving. Fleur entered Rarity's changing room while still wearing her transparent undergarments. "F-Fleur?! What are you doing in here?!" Rarity asked while shocked. "Hello, Rarity," Fleur said. "I'm sorry for barging in but I needed some help taking off my bra. I would have asked the other girls, but you were the closest. So could you help me?" Fleur asked. "I guess I could." Rarity said while looking away. "Great! I just need you to unclip my bra from the back." Fleur said as she turned around to show Rarity the bra strap. Rarity's heart raced as Rarity slowly started to unhook Fleur's bra. This wouldn't normally make Rarity nervous as she had to unhook her bras along with her friends' bras loads of times. But it was different as Fleur was making Rarity feel weird. When Rarity unhooked the last bra strap, the entire bra feel down. "Whoopies, it dropped. But don't worry, I'll pick it up later." Fleur said as she turned around to show her large breasts to Rarity. Rarity was lost for words from seeing Fleur's exposed chest. Rarity watched as Fleur's stretched her arms out while showing off her breasts to Rarity. "Mmm! It feels so good to let my bosom breathe for a while." Fleur said as she started to massage her breasts with her hands. Rarity watched as Fleur groped her own breasts as if they were made of clay. She heard Fleur moan while feeling herself up. "Oh yeah! I also wanted to show you some of these garments." Fleur said as she pulled out some sets of lingeries. "I thought they might look good on you. Care to try them on?" "Um...yes, I can." Rarity said as she took the garments Fleur had. "Don't mind me, I'll wait until you are done." Fleur said as she turned around. As Rarity put on the lingerie, she couldn't help but notice how nice the fabrics felt on her. Rarity had to admit that Fleur makes some really good choices on wears. "Alright, I'm done." Rarity said. Fleur turned around to see Rarity wear a red, frilly bra that pushed Rarity's breasts a bit to show more of the cleavage. The red frilly panties on Rarity looked nice to Fleur as they matched the bra. "What do you think?" Rarity asked as she posed. "You look so saucy!" Fleur claimed. "Anyone would go crazy just from seeing you in such sexy attire." Fleur then placed her hand on Rarity's cheek and started to caress it. "I know I would." Fleur's head moved closer until Fleur's lips touched Rarity's. Rarity's eyes widened from Fleur's bold move. Rarity's eyes slowly closed as she was starting to enjoy the taste of Fleur's lips. It wasn't long until Fleur and Rarity wrapped their arms around each other so they could become closer. Fleur's hands moved all around Rarity's back until they reached Rarity's bra strap. Fleur unhooked Rarity's bra so Fleur could easily fondle Rarity's breasts. Rarity couldn't help but moan as she felt Fleur's warm hands grope her breasts. "Hmm, you have such a nice pair, Rarity." Fleur said as her hands massaged each of Rarity's breasts. Fleur hefted up Rarity's breasts a little so Fleur could suckle on Rarity's tits. Rarity felt a jolt of pleasure as Fleur's tongue licked all over Rarity's nipples. Fleur could tell that Rarity was turned on by this based on her nipples hardening. "It wouldn't be fair if I was the only one having the most fun." Fleur said as she got up. "How about you feel me up?" Without hesitation, Rarity placed her hands on Fleur's breasts and started fondling them. Fleur enjoyed the feeling of another girl touching her breasts. Rarity was a bit envious of Fleur as she had some nice breasts that could fit perfectly in any kind of clothing Fleur would wear. Rarity moved down and started suckling on one of Fleur's tits. "Oh! That feels good." Fleur moaned as she felt Rarity's tongue taste her nipple. Rarity sucked on Fleur's tit a few more times before she moved on to the other tit. "How about we take this somewhere more comfortable?" Fleur suggested. "Indeed," Rarity said as she stopped sucking. Fleur lead Rarity to a nearby couch that was in the walk-in closet. Fleur and Rarity took off their panties before laying on the couch. Fleur laid down first while Rarity got on top. Both of them went back to making out while cuddling each other. This also allowed their breasts to press and rub against each other. Fleur reached around Rarity and started feeling up Rarity's asscheeks. "Mmm, you have such nice marshmallows on your rear." Fleur teased before she gave one of Rarity's ass cheeks a good squeeze. Rarity would normally be offended for the marshmallow comment, but she was too horny to care. Fleur let her hand move up to Rarity's neithers and used her fingers to rub up Rarity's wet pussy lips. Rarity let out a small moan as she felt Fleur's fingers slowly rub her off. Fleur rubbed up Rarity's pussy a few more times before one of Fleur's fingers started to penetrate the pussy. Rarity winced as she felt Fleur's fingers enter her. Rarity wanted to repay Fleur for the favor. So Rarity used one of her hands to rub up Fleur's pussy and Fleur moaned in response. Soon, both Fleur and Rarity rubbed each others' pussies at a fast pace to see who will last. Fleur was a bit surprised that Rarity was really good at rubbing her pussy. But Fleur knew that she could do a lot more as she was a master at pleasuring girls. Fleur changed her hand's movements so they could rub Rarity in a certain way. This caught Rarity's attention as she felt a pleasure she hasn't felt before. Rarity was getting too pleasured by Fleur that Rarity felt like she was reaching her limit. Rarity couldn't handle it anymore as she released her load from her pussy. Fleur came in second due to Rarity's constant hand rubbing as well. Rarity collapsed on to Fleur while both of them were panting. A few minutes before Fleur got up and got on top of Rarity. "It looks like I won that round. Now I will take my prize." Fleur said while showing a seductive smile. "Take me, please!" Rarity begged. "I will, but I also want to include a few more as well." Fleur said as she snapped her fingers. The other changing rooms opened and revealed the other fashion girls completely naked. They made their way to Fleur and gathered around Rarity. Each of the fashion girls had lustful looks on their faces which made Rarity a little nervous. "Allow us to show you real pleasure, Rarity." Fleur nodded before she, Rarity, and the fashion girls started an orgy. Rarity couldn't not process what was going on due to the shocking fact that she was getting pleasured by not only Fleur, but also Prim along with her employees as well. Rarity's shock was temporary as she too was enjoying herself. All of the girls continued to make love with each other until they finally reached their climaxes. The girls ended up laying all around each other as they rested from their sexual act. Some time passed before Fleur was the first to come out of the large closet. She had her dress back on while her make-up was reapplied. Fleur turned around to see Rarity snuggling with Fleur's fashionable harem members. Fleur couldn't help but giggle from how cute the sight looked. 'I'll see you again, Rarity.' Fleur thought as she started walking down the hallway. 'I now have one girl down, time to make the rest of the Rainbooms mine.' Fleur formed a lustful smile on her face as she continued to walk. > Wet Rainbow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow was walking down one hallway while looking for somewhere to nap. Unfortunately for Rainbow, she forgot to ask Fleur for directions. Rainbow grew frustrated as she was not only lost but completely bored from the walking. She continued to walk until she noticed an opened doorway in the hall. Rainbow moved closer to see what was inside and what she saw took her completely by surprise. It was a massive swimming pool that looked way bigger than what Canterlot High had. The water was crystal clear and there were no filth in it at all. On the sides of the pool were multiple beach chairs that were perfect for resting. Rainbow noticed that some people were already in the pool. She looked closer to see a group of girls playing volleyball in between an already installed net. Each of them looked as athletic as Rainbow and they wore colorful bikinis. Rainbow then noticed one girl had spiky light and dark orange hair which looked familiar to Rainbow. "It can't be," Rainbow said to herself before she realized that the pool girls were none other than the Wonderbolts, Rainbow's favorite soccer team. And the orange-haired girl Rainbow spotted was none other than Spitfire, the top captain of the Wonderbolts. Rainbow was so starstruck shock that she didn't notice Fleur from behind. "Hey Rainbow," Fleur said from behind. Rainbow quickly jumped and faced Fleur. "Geez! Don't scare me like that!" Rainbow demanded. Fleur couldn't help but giggle. "Apologies, Rainbow," Fleur said. "I couldn't help but notice that you were eyeing the Wonderbolt girls. Do you know them?" "Are you kidding?!" Rainbow questioned. "The Wonderbolts are the greatest all-female soccer team I have ever known! I made sure to watch all of their games and know each of the players! How are they here?!" "Let's just say that I'm also a big fan of the Wonderbolts." Fleur claimed. "I was able to get to know them a lot more thanks to my connections. I invited them to my party and they wanted to take a dip in my mansion's swimming pool. I really don't blame them as it's such a nice one." Fleur said as she watched the Wonderbolts keep playing. Rainbow was lost for words as she couldn't believe a girl like Fleur could know girls as great as the Wonderbolts. Rainbow first thought that Fleur was like Rarity who is more fancy and doesn't get into stuff like sports. "Aren't you going to see them?" Fleur asked. "Excuse me?" Rainbow replied. "If you're such a big fan of the Wonderbolts, maybe you should go and talk to them. They are always happy to meet their fans." "W-Well, I'm actually okay with just watching them from here. That's all I need, heh-heh." Rainbow said as she rubbed her neck. "Are you too nervous to meet them, Rainbow?" Fleur smirked. Rainbow's face glowed red. "Are you kidding?! I'm never nervous about something this exciting!" Rainbow then noticed Fleur taking her hand. "Good, then allow me to introduce you to them." Fleur said as she pulled Rainbow towards the pool much to Rainbow's dismay. As Fleur and Rainbow got closer to the pool, the Wonderbolts stopped their volleyball game as they saw the two girls coming. "Yo Fleur!" Spitfire waved to Fleur. "How's the party going?" "It's doing great, Spitfire." Fleur replied. "You and the rest of the Wonderbolts should come back to it. The night's still young." "We'll consider it. It's just that we're having too much fun in your pool!" Spitfire said before she noticed Rainbow who was smiling nervously at them. "Who's your new friend?" "This is Rainbow Dash. She is a guest I invited over to the party." Fleur said. "N-Nice to meet you all." Rainbow stuttered. "Rainbow is also a huge fan of you and the rest of your team, Spitfire." Fleur said. "Is that so, huh?" Spitfire said as she came out of the pool. Rainbow's heart was racing as her all-time favorite Wonderbolt was making her way toward her. As Spitfire walked, Rainbow took notice of Spitfire's bikini-covered body. It was dripping wet from being in the pool. Rainbow had never noticed how muscular yet curvy Spitfire looked while wearing a red bikini. Rainbow has only seen Spitfire and the rest of the Wonderbolts in their soccer uniforms during their games or on magazine pictures. Rainbow looked down to Spitfire's breasts to see them bounce each time Spitfire walked. Rainbow's face felt heated as Rainbow kept staring at Spitfire's attractive body. When Spitfire finally got close to Rainbow, Spitfire smiled and offered her hand to Rainbow. "Nice to meet you, Rainbow! It's always great to meet fans of ours." Spitfire said. Rainbow quickly shook her head before she carefully moved up her hand and slowly shook Spitfire's hand. 'I wish I could never wash this hand again!' Rainbow thought as if she was shaking hands with a goddess. "Say Rainbow, how about you and Fleur come join us for a few rounds of pool volleyball?" Spitfire asked. "Yeah! The more the merrier, am I right?" said another Wonderbolt girl who walked up to Spitfire. She had spiky white hair that was combed back and she wore a white and blue bikini. Rainbow knew this girl as Fleetfoot and she was Rainbow's second favorite Wonderbolt. "It would be more fun as Fleur is really great at pool volleyball." "As much as I would like to join you, I can't since I didn't bring a swimsuit." Rainbow said. "Too bad so sad, I can settle with watching from the sideline." "Oh that won't be a problem, Rainbow." Fleur assured. "I can lend you a swimsuit so we can join them! We can change in the shower room over there." Fleur pointed at another room. "Great," Rainbow said as she pretended to be thrilled. In the shower room, Rainbow picked out a dark blue bikini and started to change her clothes. As Rainbow changed, Rainbow was getting nervous again as she was going to take part in a volleyball game with the Wonderbolts. This was way different for Rainbow than when she plays volleyball with her usual volleyball team or her friends. Rainbow feared that she might not be able to catch with the skills of the Wonderbolts and be mocked for being too weak. "I'm going to screw up so bad." Rainbow said to her mirror's reflection. "Are you ready, Rainbow?" Fleur said as she opened the curtains. Rainbow yelped as Fleur caught her by surprise. Before Rainbow was about to yell at Fleur, Rainbow saw that Fleur was wearing a light pink bikini with red roses on it. Rainbow was once again lost for words as she couldn't help but notice how great the swimsuit looked on Fleur. Rainbow thought that Fleur looked like a pinup swimsuit model she sees from magazines the guys from Canterlot High would secretly look at. Rainbow then quickly shook her head as she recomposed herself. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine." Rainbow said shyly. "Are you alright? You seem tense." Fleur questioned. "Alright, you caught me." Rainbow admitted. "I'm terrified of ruining my first impression with the Wonderbolts. You've seen how lame I was when I said hi to them. Now they'll see me as a bigger dork when I keep losing their volleyball game." "Oh come on, Rainbow. The Wonderbolts won't think that way towards you. From what they have told me, they don't play as hard at volleyball as it's more of a game of fun than a competition." Fleur assured. "Plus, you won't be in too much trouble since you'll have me in your team." "Why would you say that?" Rainbow asked. "Let's just say that I'm quite good in a variety of sports, especially volleyball. So let's have the most fun we'll ever have." Fleur said. For some reason, Rainbow couldn't help but feel a lot better from Fleur's words. "Okay, lead the way, Fleur!" Rainbow and Fleur returned to the pool and joined the Wonderbolts' volleyball game. Spitfire served up the ball and it went to the other side. One of the Wonderbolts hit the ball and it flew up in the air again. "I got it!" Fleur said as she jumped up and it the volleyball. It went passed the net and splashed into the water. "Whoa! Not bad, Fleur! You still got it!" Fleetfoot commented. "I have always had it!" Fleur said while winking. Rainbow was also impressed to see how skilled Fleur was at hitting the volleyball. Now Rainbow was curious if Fleur had other things in stored. The game continued on with the girls constantly hitting the ball up in the air or hitting it back to either side. They lost track of the score as they were too busy having fun. Rainbow was having the time of her life with the game, she couldn't help but pay some more attention to Fleur, especially her body. As Fleur jumps up to hit the ball, Rainbow watches as Fleur's breasts jiggled to Fleur's movements. A part of Rainbow wondered how much Fleur's bikini could hold on before those large breasts pop out. On some occasions, Rainbow would look down to see how nice Fleur's butt looked. If that wasn't bad enough, Rainbow could see that Fleur's thong was practically clasped between Fleur's asscheeks as if it was giving Fleur an unnoticeable wedgie. Rainbow was so caught up on looking at Fleur that she didn't hear her teammates call out to her. When Rainbow looked up, the volleyball hit her face and she fell back in the water. Rainbow was sitting on one of the lounge chairs. She had a small patch on her nose to heal the bruise that was on her face. "Oh thank goodness you're okay, Rainbow." Fleur said while sounding concerned. She and the rest of the Wonderbolts were gathered around as they were worried about Rainbow. "It's fine, never felt better." Rainbow said as she attempted to remove the patch on her face. "Ow!" Rainbow said as she felt a lot of pain from touching her nose. "It would be best that you don't touch your face, Rainbow." Spitfire said. "You took a nasty hit from the volleyball." "Yeah, we had some incidents when the soccer ball hit our faces before. But we are surprised that you were able to take that hit without bleeding." Fleetfoot added. "Thanks, I appreciate it." Rainbow said while trying not to feel annoyed. "But still, we're glad you're okay." Spitfire said before she turned to her teammates. "Alright girls, I think that it's time to hit the shower and enjoy the rest of the party!" The Wonderbolts nodded before they made their way to the shower. "Are you two coming?" Spitfire asked Fleur and Rainbow. "We'll catch up with you, Spitfire." Fleur said. "I'll stay here and help Rainbow recover." "Good luck, Fleur." Spitfire winked at Fleur before Spitfire joined the Wonderbolts to the showers. Once Spitfire was out of sight, Rainbow laid back on her chair and groaned loudly. "What's wrong, Rainbow?" Fleur asked. "Now they see me as a complete dork, Fleur!" Rainbow complained. "Oh come now, Rainbow." Fleur responded. "I can assure you that the Wonderbolts wouldn't think of you like that. You were so great during the volleyball game!" "Yeah, until I got distracted by-" Rainbow trailed off as she remembered being mesmerized by Fleur's wet body. "Nevermind," Rainbow finished. As Rainbow moved, she felt another pain coming from her back. "Is there something else wrong, Rainbow?" Fleur asked. "I think my back is hurting from hitting the water." Rainbow said while rubbing it. A smile formed on Fleur's face as an opportunity had occurred. "Perhaps I could apply some of the healing ointment on your back. That should help ease the pain." "Thanks, but I can apply the ointment myself." Rainbow said. "It would be difficult for you to apply the ointment since you can't reach your back that well." Fleur explained. "Plus, the ointment won't work as well if it's not applied to the right areas." Rainbow thought about it and shrugged. "Sure, apply away." Rainbow said as she laid down on her front side so her back was exposed. Fleur got closer to Rainbow and sat right on Rainbow's butt. Rainbow couldn't help but notice how soft Fleur's butt felt against her own. Rainbow would've demanded Fleur to get off, but Rainbow was too busy enjoying the feeling of Fleur's rear. Fleur squirted some of the ointment on her hands and carefully rubbed it on Rainbow's back. "Where does it hurt, Rainbow?" Fleur whispered. "Umm, a little lower." Rainbow said. Fleur moved her hands down to Rainbow's lower back. "That's the spot." Rainbow said as she felt more at ease as the ointment as already reducing the pain. Rainbow had to admit that it felt nice to get a back rub like this. She recalled the times when she would occasionally go to the Canterlot Spa and get some back rubs just for the relaxing feeling of it. Fleur was also enjoying the moment as nothing brings her pleasure more than rubbing her hands against another girl's bare body. "Hey Rainbow," Fleur said to get Rainbow's attention. "Is it alright if you undid your top. I need to make sure that I apply the ointment on every part of your back." Rainbow was feeling a little concerned by Fleur's request, but then Rainbow did want to get better. "Sure, Fleur," Rainbow said as she untied the back of her bikini and let it fall down. Fleur made sure to rub the ointment on Rainbow. Fleur couldn't help but peak to the side so she could get a good look at Rainbow's side boobs. 'Now to take things further,' Fleur thought as she untied her top. "How does it feel, Rainbow?" Fleur asked. "It feels so right." Rainbow moaned as she enjoyed the back rub. Rainbow noticed Fleur's hands move away and Rainbow suddenly felt something soft rub against her back. "How about this? Better?" Fleur asked as she was way closer to Rainbow. "Mmm! Yeah that's better." Rainbow said. "What are you using, Fleur?" "Oh, something of mine that has brought a lot of pleasure to many who enjoyed my back rubs." Rainbow noticed that Fleur was much closer to her than usual. Rainbow turned to see Fleur use her own breasts to rub Rainbow's back. "W-What are you doing?!" Rainbow said as she quickly got up and covered her chest. "I'm just using my bosom to ease your back. This has helped so many times." Fleur said as she cupped up her breasts. Rainbow looked down and saw Fleur's exposed breasts. They were quite large and could be used as pillows. Rainbow felt heated again as she now saw Fleur almost in the nude. "There is no need to be shy, Rainbow. I know you keep peeking at my body ever since we played volleyball. Why not see where this goes?" Fleur said before she moved in and gave Rainbow a big kiss on the lips. Rainbow didn't hesitate as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the sweet taste of Fleur's lips. Fleur stopped the kiss and pulled away from Rainbow. "Now, how about you drop your top and let me see your breasts." Fleur requested. Rainbow hesitantly lowered her arms and let her bikini fall down, exposing her breasts to Fleur. "My my, you don't look too bad, Rainbow." Fleur said before she slowly used her hands to grope Rainbow's breasts. Rainbow could almost feel herself melt as she let Fleur's hands feel up her chest. Fleur moved down and started licking up one of Rainbow's tits, causing Rainbow to yelp a bit. "Mmm, tasty as well." Fleur wrapped her arms around Rainbow's head and move it closer to Fleur. "Now, how about we start things nice and slow. Will that be a problem, Rainbow?" Rainbow simply nodded. "Excellent!" Fleur said before she and Rainbow went back to making out with each other. Fleur and Rainbow's hands started to feel up each other's bodies. Rainbow thought that Fleur's body felt like smooth as shining silk. Fleur thought that Rainbow is no slouch as well as Fleur enjoyed the feeling of Rainbow's athletic build. Fleur could compare the feeling to the Wonderbolts' bodies. Fleur cupped her breasts and made them rub against Rainbow. Rainbow could feel her hard nipples rub against Fleur's. Such a feeling made Rainbow's neithers wet with desire. As if Fleur was reading Rainbow's mind, Fleur reach into Rainbow's thong and started rubbing Rainbow's pussy. "Wow, you're so moist down here, Rainbow. Allow me pleasure you." Fleur said as she used her fingers to rub off Rainbow. Rainbow moaned loudly out of instinct. She never felt such pleasure like this. There were some occasions Rainbow would masterbate with her own hands, but Fleur was able to jerk Rainbow off like a pro. "Does it feel good, Rainbow?" Fleur asked seductively. Rainbow simply moaned as she let Fleur's fingers keep going. Fleur went up to kiss Rainbow to add to Rainbow's pleasure. Fleur's fingers moved faster to stimulate Rainbow's pussy some more. Rainbow finally reached her limit and her pussy released its' load. Rainbow felt amazed as she had never felt such an orgasum like that. Rainbow then felt Fleur pushing her down on the lounge chair and Fleur sat on top of Rainbow's lap. "What you had was just an appetizer. Now I'll give you the main course." Fleur started to untie her thong along with Rainbow's and threw them away. Fleur positioned herself and started grinding her pussy against Rainbow's. "Ah! Fleur! You're so good!" Rainbow claimed as she watched Fleur kept on scissoring Rainbow. "Thank you, I know I am." Fleur said as she kept going. Fleur stayed at a constant pace so Rainbow could enjoy the feeling of their pussies kissing. Fleur had to admit that Rainbow's pussy doesn't feel too bad despite it being really tight. Fleur could feel Rainbow's pussy dripping wet from Fleur's fingering. "Fleur! Give me more!" Rainbow demanded. Fleur was a bit surprised that Rainbow wanted more. That didn't bother Fleur as she made sure that her girls get what they want. Fleur held up one of Rainbow's legs and Fleur shoved her pussy deeper into Rainbow's. Then, Fleur thrusted hard so her pussy was rubbing all over Rainbow's. Rainbow couldn't help but cry out in pleasure as she felt the aggressive force of Fleur's pussy. Fleur could feel her pussy getting wet from all of the grinding she was doing. This was always her favorite part in sex with women. Fleur increased her speed so her pussy could go at Rainbow's pussy harder than usual. Rainbow could feel her neithers ready for another release. At the same time, both Fleur and Rainbow grunted as their pussies came and splattered all over each other. When they were done, Fleur laid on top of Rainbow and kissed her on the lips again. "Did that satisfy you?" Fleur asked. "Hell yeah, but I can handle a few more rounds." Rainbow bragged. "Well well well, what do we have here?" Spitfire said. Fleur and Rainbow turned to see Spitfire and the rest of the Wonderbolts standing in front of them. The Wonderbolts had towels wrapped around their hair and bodies as a sign that they just got done showering. Rainbow's face blushed as she was caught naked and having sex with Fleur. "I...er..." Rainbow said as she had no idea what to say. "It's alright, Rainbow. It doesn't bother us at all." Fleetfoot said. "Although, we're a bit peeved that you didn't include us in your little session." "You're still welcome to join us. We can handle a few more rounds. Right, Rainbow?" Fleur suggested. "Yes," Rainbow said bluntly. "Great, we can show you how we do 'teamwork training' with Fleur." Spitfire said as she and the Wonderbolts removed their towels so they were completely naked. They all made their way to Rainbow. The next thing Rainbow knew, she was pushed down on the chair while the Wonderbolts and Fleur kissed, licked, and rubbed all over Rainbow. Rainbow felt like she had gone to heaven and was being pleasured by multiple female angels. Fleur was in the shower room as she was washing her body. Rainbow and the Wonderbolts were still resting on the lounge chairs. Rainbow was extremely happy as she just made love with her favorite soccer team. Fleur smiled as she claimed another Rainboom. Now Fleur was getting ready to seduce the next girl. > Feral Fluttershy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy followed Fleur's maid until they arrived to the outside gardens. Fluttershy was ecstatic as she saw the lavish garden before her. At night, Fluttershy was able to see all sorts of plants and flowers that she had never seen before. She used her magic geo to call out for any animals nearby. Soon, several birds and a few squirrels made their way to Fluttershy. "Hello, little ones. How are you doing?" Fluttershy asked. One of the birds started to chirp that only Fluttershy could understand. "Oh that is wonderful. I'm glad that you and your other bird friends are able to make a great home in this garden." Another bird started chirping. "Really? I'm glad to hear how nice Ms. Fleur has been treating you when she comes here. I should really thank Fleur once I see her." "Hi, Fluttershy," Fleur said as she made her way to Fluttershy. Fluttershy couldn't help but yelp which caused the birds and squirrels to scurry away. "Oh dear, I'm sorry if I startled you." Fleur apologized. "No, no, it's fine. I tend to get jumpy." Fluttershy said as she got up and patted herself. "I was checking on most of my guests and I couldn't help but notice that you were talking to the animals." Fleur asked. "Oh it's something I can do." Fluttershy said. "Some of the birds say that you're doing a great job taking care of the garden, me included." "Thank you, I tend to this garden on some of my off time and make sure all of the plants get the nourishment they need. I also sometimes feed the animals if they come to visit." "Well, you are doing an amazing job." Fluttershy commented. "If you want, there is something I like to show you." Fleur suggested. "What is it?" Fluttershy asked. "Just follow me," Fleur said as she lead Fluttershy to another part of the garden. Fleur lead Fluttershy to a large green house that had blurred windows. "What is this?" Fluttershy asked. "That green house is where my family keep the more exotic plants and creatures. We had to lock it so no one could break in and steal whatever is inside." Fleur said as she pulled out a key and opened the lock. The door opened and Fluttershy was surprised to see so many unique looking plants and animals all in one place. "Wow!" Fluttershy cried out as she looked all over the place like a kid in a candy store. "I figured you would love it." Fleur commented. As Fluttershy kept looking around, she noticed a strange smell coming from the distant. It reminded Fluttershy of herbal tea with a mix of perfume. "Um Fleur, do you smell something strange?" Fluttershy asked. Fleur took a whiff of the air and she smiled. "I think I know where it is coming from. Follow me," Fleur said as she lead Fluttershy to another part of the green house. Fleur and Fluttershy had to push away a few of the plants' leaves as most of them were extremely big. They kept walking until they finally arrived to a clearing. Fluttershy saw a large rock garden with rocks placed in a circular pattern. There was a small waterfall nearby with some koi fish swimming in the pond connected to the waterfall. A few paper lanterns were hanging around to light up the area. Fluttershy looked towards the rock garden's center and she suddenly blushed. A woman with long red dreadlocks was meditating in the middle of the rock garden. Fluttershy was embarrassed as the woman was not wearing a single piece of clothes, so she was completely naked. The meditating woman slowly opened her eyes and smiled. "Ah, Fleur, it is so righteous so see you here." "It is good to see you here as well, Tree Hugger." Fleur said. "This is my friend, Fluttershy, I'm giving her the tour of the green house." "Greetings, little Fluttershy. I'm Tree Hugger, blessings." Tree Hugger said as she got up and made a tree yoga pose. "Fluttershy, Tree Hugger is a close friend of mine and an excellent yoga instructor." Fleur said. Fluttershy tried her best to turn away as her face was really red. "U-Um, hi there," Fluttershy said. "There is no need to feel the fear, little Fluttershy." Tree Hugger said as she lifted up one leg and bend it behind her head. "This is a sacred place where great vibes can be made here." "Pardon my bluntness, but why aren't you wearing any clothes?" Fluttershy said while still trying to avoid looking at Tree Hugger. "Wearing clothing can sometimes damper my flexibility as I let my body move to the motions." Tree Hugger responded. "You two should join me. The garden is giving off great vibes to stretch and feel the charkas." Tree Hugger said as she changed positions. She was now on her belly and bent her back so much that her feet were able to touch the ground. Fluttershy couldn't help but be really surprised that such a person was that flexible. "Yeah, we definitely should, Fluttershy!" Fleur said with a lot of enthusiasm. "W-What?!" Fluttershy said as her face became red again. "B-But I can't! I don't want to expose myself out in the open!" "It's fine, Fluttershy." Fleur said as she started taking off her clothes. "I locked the green house's door so no one can come in. Also, there are no cameras in this place and the windows are too blurry for anyone to peek inside." Fleur saw that Fluttershy was still hesitant about doing naked yoga. Fleur sighed. "Tell you what, you don't have to join us if you don't want to. Just stay put as I'm in the mood for some yoga." Fleur said as she resumed taking off her clothes. Fluttershy thought about it and was a bit curious on doing such a bold thing. "I-I guess it won't hurt to at least try it once." Fluttershy said as she started to strip down as well. Fleur felt excited as she was able to convince Fluttershy. Once Fleur and Fluttershy were completely stripped down, they stood at a good distant from each other and Tree Hugger. Fluttershy blushed while trying not to cover herself with her hands. Tree Hugger got up and pulled out a small humidifier. "What is that?" Fluttershy asked. "This is one of my humidifiers. I sometimes use it to release aromas that can help calm nerves while doing yoga. I put in a special kind of herb for this kind of occasion." Tree Hugger said as she winked at Fleur. Fleur smiled as she knew what kind of herb Tree Hugger was using. "Alright girls, we will start slow and steady. Just follow my lead." Tree Hugger said as she started her yoga pose. She first stretched out her legs while she had her arms up. Tree Hugger then bent down until her hands touched the ground. Fleur and Fluttershy followed Tree Hugger's movements and they were able to do the same position. "Let your bodies feel the energy coursing through you." Tree Hugger said before she starting saying a mantra. Tree Hugger then switched to another yoga position. Fleur and Fluttershy followed Tree Hugger in doing the same positions. Fluttershy remained quiet while listening to Tree Hugger's mantras. Fluttershy was starting to like doing naked yoga. She felt more free as she moved her body along to Tree Hugger. Fluttershy also felt calmer probably thanks to the aroma from Tree Hugger's herbs. It was as if Fluttershy's hesitation was replaced with confidence. Fluttershy turned to Fleur and Fluttershy saw how skilled Fleur was in doing the yoga positions. Fluttershy was starting to feel strange as she kept looking at Fleur. Fluttershy's eyes looked down and saw how shapely Fleur's body looked. Fluttershy's heart started racing as she kept on staring at every part of Fleur's naked form. Fluttershy wasn't sure why she was thinking that way. But Fluttershy felt less concerned as she kept breathing in the aroma. Tree Hugger changed yoga positions again. She sat on the ground and spread her legs outwards. Fleur followed along and she too had her legs spread out. Fluttershy tried her best to concentrate as she did the position. But she was so focus on Fleur as she was in such a suggestive position. Fluttershy was beginning to imagine doing all sorts of things to Fleur's body. But Fluttershy kept it to herself as she was still hesitant. "Alright, I think now is the time that we should do some group positions." Tree Hugger said. "G-Group positions?" Fluttershy said. "It is when the two of you do certain positions that requires two people. I'll instruct you on how to do them." Tree Hugger explained. "This should be fun." Fleur whispered to Fluttershy. Fleur and Fluttershy followed Tree Hugger's instructions step by step. Now Fleur was laying on her back while Fluttershy was on top of her. They held each other's hands and their bodies pressed together. Fluttershy felt her nipples and neithers rub all over Fleur's body. "Good, feel each others' warmth as you stay within contact." Tree Hugger said. "Feeling warm yet, Fluttershy?" Fleur asked. Fluttershy wasn't sure what to say as she and Fleur were in such an intimate position. Fluttershy took a lot of deep breathes to calm herself. As Fluttershy breathed, she took in more of the herbal aroma that made her keep feeling aroused. "Okay, now we change positions." Tree Hugger said. Fleur and Fluttershy repositioned themselves. Fleur was on top and she was sitting upright while Fluttershy was laying on her back. Their crotches were touching, causing their pussies to rub against each other. Fleur also held Fluttershy's hands just as Tree Hugger instructed. "Good, now Fleur, slowly move your hips to help Fluttershy feel your movements." Fleur nodded before she thrusted her hips slowly. Fluttershy felt Fleur's pussy rub at a constant pace on Fluttershy's own pussy. Fluttershy began to feel wet from below due to the rubbing sensation. "Fleur," Fluttershy whispered. "Yes?" Fleur asked calmly. "Keep going," Fluttershy pleaded. "As you wish," Fleur said as she increased her thrusting speed. Fluttershy felt the warm sensation coming from Fleur's hip thrusts. Fluttershy felt pleasure unlike no other she had felt before. It was as if Fluttershy's worries were no longer there as she was getting pleasured. Fleur smiled as Tree Hugger's humidifier was working. The herbs Tree Hugger was using releases a special pheromone that brings out pleasure from anyone who breathes it. Fleur and Tree Hugger were completely used to the smell while Fluttershy was experiencing the herbs' aroma for the first time. Fleur moved down to give Fluttershy a nice kiss on her lips. Fluttershy didn't react too much as she closed her eyes while enjoying the kiss. Fleur used her tongue to wrap all over Fluttershy's while their lips smacked. As they kissed, Fleur kept on rubbing her pussy against Fluttershy's. Fleur could tell that Fluttershy was reaching her limit based on how much precum Fluttershy was leaking. Fleur thrusted faster now and this made Fluttershy moan in response. Fluttershy was finally reaching her limit and released her load. Fleur also released her load and fell back on the ground. Both girls panted as they had reached their first orgasm. Fleur knew she had Fluttershy in the palm of her hand. Fleur looked up and flinched as Fluttershy jumped on top of Fleur. "Uh, Fluttershy?" Fleur asked as she was getting scared. She only heard panting coming from Fluttershy. Fluttershy's head went up and Fleur saw that Fluttershy's face was flushed while her eyes had pinks hearts on it. Before Fleur could react, Fluttershy kissed Fleur and made Fleur lay down. Fluttershy went on to make out with Fleur as if Fluttershy was some hungry cheetah eating its prey. "It has seems that the herbs has unleashed the beast within sweet Fluttershy." Tree Hugger commented as she watched Fluttershy have her way with Fleur. Normally, Fleur wouldn't mind being submissive every once in a while with her girls. This was different as she was really getting ravished by Fluttershy. Fluttershy used her tongue to slobber all inside of Fleur's mouth as they kissed. When Fluttershy finally broke off the kiss, she smooshed Fleur's breasts together and suckled on Fleur's hard tits. "Oh Fluttershy! My tits feel good!" Fleur moaned as she felt Fluttershy suckle on her breasts. Fluttershy savored the sweet taste of Fleur's nipples. Fluttershy then stopped sucking on Fleur's breasts and moved herself much lower to Fleur. Fluttershy lifted up Fleur's legs and spread them out. This allowed Fluttershy to have a better view of Fleur's pussy. Fluttershy moved in to lick up Fleur's pussy lips. Fleur felt a new wave of pleasure as she felt Fluttershy's tongue move all over her pussy. Fluttershy licked up the precum that was already leaking from Fleur. When Fluttershy was done with her teasing, she used her tongue to penetrate Fleur's pussy. "Ah!" Fleur cried out as she felt her insides get licked all over by Fluttershy. Fleur has had her share of girls licking her pussy, but Fluttershy really giving it to Fleur. Fluttershy let her tongue do as much rimming to Fleur's pussy as possible. Fluttershy would also pump her tongue back and forth to stimulate Fleur. Fleur kept on panting while feeling all of the pleasure that Fluttershy was giving. As much as Fleur was enjoying herself, she could feel herself reaching her limit as her pussy was leaking out some more cum. Fluttershy increased her licking so she could eat up more of Fleur's essence. From all of the licking, Fleur had finally reached her breaking point. She ejaculated a lot of cum which Fluttershy licked up. When Fluttershy had enough, she put Fleur's legs down while watching Fleur pant and gasp as she was completely drained thanks to Fluttershy. As Fleur was trying to recover, she was afraid that she couldn't last as long with Fluttershy acting the way she is. Fleur noticed Tree Hugger making her way to Fluttershy. Tree Hugger then wrapped her arms around Fluttershy and kissed her on the cheek. "Watching you make love to Fleur made me feel pleasure as well. Why don't you have your way with me while Fleur recovers?" Tree Hugger suggested. Fluttershy didn't hesitate to push Tree Hugger down and started making out with Tree Hugger. In contrasted to Fleur, Tree Hugger acted more calm as Fluttershy ravished her. Fluttershy repositioned herself so she and Tree Hugger were in a 69 position. Fluttershy licked her lips before she planted her mouth on to Tree Hugger's pussy. Tree Hugger moaned in delight as she felt Fluttershy's tongue enter her neithers. "You're a true, sexual beast, sweet Fluttershy. But I want to see how you handle getting pleasured during the process." Tree Hugger said as she held Fluttershy's rear and pulled it in. Tree Hugger then used her own tongue to rim Fluttershy's pussy. Fluttershy gasped as she felt Tree Hugger's skillful tongue explore all inside of Fluttershy. Despite feeling the pleasure, it didn't stop Fluttershy from returning the favor. Both girls continued to rim each other with their tongues. Fluttershy could feel herself reaching her climax due to Tree Hugger's mouth. But Fluttershy tried twice as hard so Tree Hugger could reach her limit as well. It was now a race to see who will come first. As much as Fluttershy felt like she was winning, she was already leaking out some precum. Tree Hugger was also feeling her pussy was about to release its load, but she only cared about rimming Fluttershy. After several more seconds of pleasure making, Fluttershy was the first one to release her load from her pussy. Tree Hugger ejaculated in second place after Fluttershy. When both girls were finally done with their orgasm, Fluttershy collapsed on Tree Hugger's body. Although Fluttershy should feel pleasure, she also felt a little sad as she came first. Fluttershy suddenly felt Tree Hugger move and she held Fluttershy to the ground. "It seems that I have won, Fluttershy. Now I will claim my reward." Tree Hugger said as she moved her hand started rubbing Fluttershy's pussy. Fluttershy let out some loud moans as she felt Tree Hugger's fingers enter her. Tree Hugger made sure her fingers were all the way inside and felt up the inside of Fluttershy. Tree Hugger was quite skilled with her hands which was one of the many reasons Fleur wanted Tree Hugger to be one of her lovers. Tree Hugger pumped each of her fingers to pleasure Fluttershy. At the same time, Tree Hugger came in to kiss Fluttershy. Fluttershy thought that being submissive like this was just as natural as being dominant. As if Fluttershy thought Tree Hugger couldn't pleasure her some more, Tree Hugger proved Fluttershy wrong as Tree Hugger started moving her fingers in a circular motion. Fluttershy felt this new sensation of pleasure and could feel herself reaching her climax already. Tree Hugger continued to French kiss Fluttershy while still fingering her. Fluttershy came again and Tree Hugger's fingers were smeared with Fluttershy's cum. Tree Hugger removed her fingers and mouth from Fluttershy. "Hmm, your taste is just as great when you're being dominated, Fluttershy." Tree Hugger said as she licked her fingers. "If you want, Tree Hugger, you can have a few more rounds with me." Fleur said as she made her way to the girls. "It looks like you have recovered, that makes me excited." Tree Hugger said. Fleur went down and started to make out with Tree Hugger. As the girls embraced each other, they saw Fluttershy getting back up and quickly tackled them. Soon, all three girls were having their way with each other until they were completely out of stamina. Some time passed before a fully-clothed Fleur exited the green house. She felt a bit dizzy as she was still recovering from her recent threesome. Fluttershy and Tree Hugger were cuddling with each other while inside the green house. 'Well, that turned out more than I expected.' Fleur thought as she slowly walked back into the mansion. 'Perhaps I should take a small break before I try to have my way with the rest of the Rainbooms.' Fleur continued down the hall and spent some time at the party. > Appetizing Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack was trying some of the snacks from one of the party tables. She thought the food tasted great and she was glad it didn't taste anything too nasty. Applejack looked around the party and wondered where Pinkie went as she said she would try some of the food as well. 'I guess she must have moved on to the next table.' Applejack thought. "Is the food to your liking?" A female voice said from a distant. Applejack turned to see Fleur standing next to her. "Hey Ms. Fleur. Yeah, the food is the bee's knees." Applejack commented. "That is great to know." Fleur said. "I try to make sure the food I serve is best suited for everyone in the party." "I say you made a lot of good selections." Applejack said. "If you want, I can introduce you to the caterer who provided us these great dishes. I have heard around the grapevines that you're quite a baker." Fleur said. "I bake apple treats from time to time. I don't see why not." Applejack replied. "Splendid! Follow me, I believe my caterer is in one of my home's kitchen." Fleur then lead Applejack down a hallway. Applejack followed Fleur until they arrived to one of the kitchens. "Here we are!" Fleur said as she opened the door. The kitchen was quite large and had an assortment of cooking equipment on the counters. Applejack couldn't help but whistle from how fancy the kitchen looked. "Fancy place ya got here." Applejack commented. "Is your kitchen as decorative as this?" Fleur asked. "No, but I still like my rustic kitchen as it reminds me of home." Applejack replied. She then noticed a large array of food on one of the counters. Applejack guessed that made since considering the how many guests there were in the party. Applejack then noticed someone coming into the kitchen. It was a tall lady with red curly hair that was done up with a yellow hairband with red cherries on it. She wore a chef uniform while carrying a tray of red cupcakes with cherries on it. "Pardon me!" The lady said in a southern accent as she walked towards one counter to place the food tray on it. "Woo! That's another load of cherry cupcakes ready to be served." The woman then noticed Fleur and Applejack in the kitchen. "Oh! Hi there, Fleur!" The woman said excitingly. "Do you need anything specific?" "No no, the party is going great with your food, Cherry. I was just showing my friend, Applejack, who was making the food for tonight." Fleur said as she pointed at Applejack. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Applejack." The red haired woman said as she shook Applejack's hand. "The name's Cherry Jubilee, owner of Cherry Hill Ranch and Cherry Hill Catering!" "Hi there, it's nice to meet ya as well." Applejack said. "I do recall that Cherry Hill Ranch is a cherry orchard, is that correct?" "Indeed it is! It was lucky for Fleur that she knows a girl like me as I produce the best cherries around and use them to make all kinds of scrumptious treats!" Cherry said. "Well, it's always nice to meet another hard working orchard worker." Applejack said. "Are you the only one servin' the food?" "Nah, I got all my staff running back and forth to replace more food on the tables. I also have my apprentice cook with me to help me out. Speaking of," Cherry turned to see another girl wearing a chef uniform entering the kitchen. The girl had long, curly bright red hair that was done up in a ponytail. "Hey Ms. Cherry, I got some more cherry cobbler ready to be served." The new girl said while carrying a food tray. "That's great, Strawberry, but before you do that, I want to introduce you to Applejack, she's a new friend of Fleur." Cherry said as she gestured to Applejack. "Applejack, this is Strawberry Sunrise, my apprentice cook." "Howdy, Strawberry," Applejack said. She then noticed Strawberry making a sour look on her face. "Uhh, you have apple in your name? I don't like apples." Strawberry claimed while turning her head away from Applejack. Everyone went silent from what Strawberry just said. "Excuse me?" Applejack questioned. "I don't like apples. They taste really nasty to me." Strawberry replied. "But apples are one of the best fruits you could ever eat!" Applejack barked back. "Yeah, and they can also be filled with worms as well." Strawberry sassed. Applejack's whole face turned red with anger from Strawberry's comment. Before Applejack could do anything, Cherry moved between Applejack and Strawberry. "O-ok then, Strawberry, why don't you go back and get some more cherry fritters. The guests are already eating them up." Strawberry huffed before she turned and left the kitchen. "You have to excuse Strawberry, she just had a bad experience eating an apple and that what made her act this way." Cherry said. "It's no big deal, Cherry." Fleur assured. "I'll try to convince Strawberry to think other wise." "As much as I want to talk, I got to get going now. Those guests won't feed themselves after all." Cherry waved before she left the kitchen. Fleur turned to see Applejack crossing her arms while making an angry face. "I apologize that you have to endure that, Applejack." Fleur said. Applejack sighed. "It ain't your fault, Fleur. I just get a bit of a temper when someone talks trash about apples." "I can tell." Fleur said. "If you want, how about you show me how some of your apple treats are made? It could help you keep your mind off of Strawberry for a bit." Applejack smiled. "That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Do you have any apples in this kitchen?" Fleur made her way to the fridge to bring out some apples. "These should do, right?" Fleur asked. Applejack picked up an apple and eyed it very closely. "Yep, these apples will definitely do. Now we should probably change into different outfits. Rarity would kill me for ruining one of her dresses." "An apron should do for us." Fleur said as she pulled out some aprons from a nearby coat rack. "I guess an apron can work." Applejack said as she started putting her apron on. "I have to use the restroom first. I'll put on my apron once I'm done." Fleur said as she left the room. It was easy for Applejack to put on her apron. 'Alright, I'm all set. Now just got to wait for Fleur.' Applejack thought. She heard the door opening and turned around. "Ready to get started, Fleur-" Applejack stopped as she took a good look at Fleur. Fleur was wearing the apron, the only problem was that it was the only thing she was wearing. "I'm all set, Applejack!" Fleur said with excitement. "What in tarnation are you doing?!" Applejack asked while blushing. "When you mention not getting your clothes dirty, that got me thinking that you may be right on that. So I took off everything except my apron so it would be the only thing that will get dirty." "Yeah, but you shouldn't wear just your apron! What if someone sees you?!" Applejack said as she turned away in embarrassment. "It's fine, Applejack," Fleur assured. "I requested the staff members to stay away from this kitchen area to have some more privacy. Will that be alright?" Applejack was conflicted about the situation. Applejack would normally tell Fleur to put some clothes on for decency's sake, but Applejack wouldn't want to come off as rude for someone who is hosting the party. "I-I guess I can deal with it." Applejack commented. "Great! Now show me how you make some apple treats!" Fleur said. Applejack and Fleur started with making apple fritters as those are Applejack's favorite. Applejack instructed Fleur on how to make it with the ingredients they have. As much as Applejack was impressed with Fleur's ability to pick up the pace, a part of Applejack still felt a bit embarrassed to see Fleur almost practically naked. Applejack tries to avoid eye contact as much as she could. "Am I doing this right, Applejack?" Fleur asked. Applejack turned to only see the mixing bowl to see that the dough was mixed in right. "Y-yeah, now we got to roll the dough with the rolling pin." Applejack said as she gave Fleur said rolling pin. "I'm not sure if I'm doing this right, what do you think?" Fleur asked as she grunted. Applejack turned to see that Fleur was rolling the dough right. "Yeah, you're doing great." Applejack said. She then noticed that Fleur's cleavage was sticking out more than usual due to Fleur rolling the dough. 'I never thought I met a girl who would be as daring as Fleur.' Applejack thought. Applejack kept on staring at Fleur's cleavage and spotted Fleur's nipples poking out from the apron. Applejack almost thought that Fleur's breasts could be given a blue ribbon due to it's nice size and shape. Applejack was feeling a bit strange as she kept staring at Fleur's almost naked body. Applejack had to admit that she felt more attracted to the female body as she normally hangs out with girls. Fleur accidentally dropped a metal spoon on the floor. "Oops! I'll get it." Fleur said as she went down to pick it up. "Huh, it seems that the spoon is way under this table. I'll have to go deeper to get it." Fleur said as she moved lower. As Fleur bent down, this allowed Applejack to take a good look at Fleur's round rear. If that wasn't bad enough for Applejack, Fleur wiggled her butt as she reached for the spoon. Applejack felt her neithers getting wet from the sight of Fleur's ass. "Got it!" Fleur said as she got back up. Applejack quickly turned away to avoid Fleur seeing her blush. "Are you alright, Applejack?" Fleur asked. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. I'm just trying to remember what came next to the recipe." Applejack lied. Applejack and Fleur placed the apple fritters into the oven so the pastries could bake. As the apple fritters were getting heated, the girls decide to make the glaze to go with the fitters. Fleur thought it was easy considered how little ingredients the glaze needed. Applejack watched as Fleur used a mixing spoon to mix up the glaze. Applejack suggested that mixing the glaze by hand would make it taste a lot better than using one of the electronic mixers. Applejack couldn't help but look at Fleur's cleavage again as it bounced along to Fleur's movements. Fleur accidentally tripped and almost dropped the bowl of glaze. Luckily, Fleur caught the bowl, but some of the glaze got on Applejack's face. "Oh gosh! I'm so sorry!" Fleur said in embarrassment. "It's fine, sugarcube." Applejack as she wiped some of the glaze off her face. Applejack then saw that some of the glaze that got spilled were on Fleur's breasts. The cowgirl watched as Fleur used her fingers to wipe up the glaze and lick it up. Applejack was starting to wish that she could lick up that glaze. The apple fritters were baked and the girls glazed up the fritters. "Wow! That turned out better than I expected!" Fleur said as she wiped sweat off her forehead. "Yep, that's how my family bakes some good old apple fritters." Applejack said. Both Applejack and Fleur each picked up a fritter and held them up for a toast. As they chewed, they moaned from how good the fritters were. Applejack took notice of how Fleur was eats her fritter. Fleur used her tongue to lick up the glaze on the fritter and around her mouth. Fleur then took slow bites on the fritter as if it was her last. Applejack then watched as Fleur's swallowed the bits of fritters as it went down Fleur's throat. Applejack didn't lose her appetite. It was actually quite the opposite and she was really craving all of Fleur. Applejack saw some of the glaze from Fleur's fritter drip on Fleur's cleavage. Fleur wiped the glaze with her finger and sucked on it. Applejack wasn't sure how long she could last from watching Fleur. "Applejack, you have some food stuck on your face." Fleur said as she got closer to Applejack. "Really? Where?" Applejack said as she wiped her face with her hand. "It's still there. Let me take care of it." Fleur said as she got so close that her face was nearly close to Applejack. Applejack's heart raced as Fleur was just inches between them. Applejack noticed that Fleur smirking before she caressed Applejack's freckled cheek. Fleur moved in and gave Applejack a good kiss on her lips. Applejack was shocked from Fleur's sudden action. Before Applejack could say or do anything, Fleur started to use her tongue to go into Applejack's mouth. Applejack closed her eyes as she couldn't help but enjoy the taste of Fleur's tongue. Fleur made sure her mouth tasted all of Applejack's. Fleur had to admit that Applejack is quite tasty. Fleur then felt Applejack's tongue start to move around and lick around Fleur's mouth as well. 'Looks like someone is hungry for me.' Fleur thought as she and Applejack kept going with the tongue work. Fleur and Applejack were finally able to break off the kiss. Both girls panted while processing their recent make-out session. Applejack felt all sorts of things from the kiss. She was especially feeling confused as why would Fleur would kiss her. Fleur smiled as she licked her lips. "You taste just like apples, Applejack. Then again, we did just eat those fritters." Fleur giggled. "W-Why did you kiss me?" Applejack asked. "It was just so sudden." "I just couldn't help myself." Fleur admitted. "You were just so cute and I wondered if you did taste like apples. Now I know." Applejack remained silent until Fleur spoke again. "If you want, we can take things a bit further." "What?!" Applejack said while blushing. "I've seen the way you look at me. You were craving me, weren't you?" Fleur said as she kneeled down to show off her cleavage. Applejack quickly turned away. "I-I only look because you didn't have much on!" Applejack defended. "It's okay to crave just girls, Applejack." Fleur said as she wrapped her arms around Applejack's body and pulled her close. "Girls just have that taste that truly satisfy us. Don't you agree?" Applejack could feel her heart race as she and Fleur were extremely close. Applejack simply nodded. "How about we get you out of that dress so we can taste each other?" Fleur suggested. Applejack didn't hesitate as she started taking off her dress. Fleur helped Applejack take off her clothes. Once that was off, Applejack went on to remove her bra and panties. Fleur took a good look at Applejack's naked form. Fleur was really turned on from the sight of Applejack's muscular yet curvy figure. Fleur could feel her neithers getting wet already. Fleur undid the knot on her apron, causing the apron to fall and leaving Fleur completely naked. "Do you prefer top or bottom, Applejack?" Applejack didn't say anything as she laid down first. "Oh my! I see you like being bottom, Applejack. But don't worry, we can switch." Fleur said as she got down. She laid on top of Applejack, causing their bodies to rub against each other. The girls started with just making out with each other while their arms moved all over their bodies. Fleur moved down and started licking one of Applejack's nipples. Applejack shivered from the sensation of Fleur's tongue. Fleur tasted as much as of Applejack's tit as possible. She then moved on to the other tit and gave it a good licking. "Hmm! Your nips taste as good as your mouth, Applejack." Fleur said before she started sucking on Applejack's breasts. Applejack let out some moans as she felt Fleur's sucking. She felt like a mother cow getting sucked off by her calf. Fleur was enjoying herself not only from sucking Applejack but also from hearing the farm girl's delightful moans. Fleur moved one of her hands downwards until it reached Applejack's neithers. Fleur used her fingers to rub Applejack's tight pussy. Applejack felt Fleur's fingers rub on her neither region. Fleur stroked Applejack's pussy a few more times before Fleur plunged her fingers into the pussy. Applejack gasped as Fleur's fingers went deep into Applejack. When Fleur's fingers were deep enough, Fleur started to pump her fingers to rub Applejack's inner walls. Applejack clenched her teeth as she felt the painful pleasure that was coming from Fleur's finger movements. "Does it feel good, Applejack?" Fleur asked. "Oh Fleur, keep going!" Applejack demanded. Fleur followed Applejack's command by increasing her finger pumping speed. This caused Applejack to feel the warm sensation of Fleur. Applejack was starting to feel some pre-cum leak out of her pussy while Fleur was still fingering it. Applejack was able to hold out for a few more seconds until she finally came. It shot out and splattered on Fleur's fingers. Fleur pulled her hand out and started to lick up Applejack's juices. "Hmm, just as tasty as I expected." Fleur said. She watched as Applejack panted like a dog while still laying on the ground. Fleur looked down to Applejack's crotch which was still leaking from the climax. Fleur licked her lips as she wanted more of Applejack. As Applejack was trying to recover, she felt her legs get lifted up. She saw that Fleur was the one who spread her legs. "Now I'm craving some of your juices, Applejack. Hope you don't mind." Fleur said before she planted her face on Applejack's pussy. Applejack then felt her pussy getting licked up by Fleur's tongue. Fleur moaned as she was enjoying the taste of Applejack's pussy. Fleur let her tongue explore all of Applejack's insides. She was able to taste every part of Applejack thanks to thanks to that skilled tongue of her's. Applejack tried her best not to cum again as she really wanted Fleur to keep tasting her. When Fleur was done with her tongue teasing, she used her tongue to pump itself just like what she did with her fingers. Now Applejack felt like she was losing as Fleur's tongue was more moist and slippery, making it impossible for Applejack to hold it in much longer. Fleur knew that Applejack didn't want to come soon, but Fleur was really in the mood to taste more of Applejack. That was why Fleur increased her tongue's speed to stimulate Applejack some more. From all of the pumping, Applejack finally gave in and released her load. Fleur took the opportunity to gobble up as much of Applejack's cum as it was shooting out. Applejack let out a few more loads before she finally stopped. Fleur pulled her mouth out from Applejack's pussy. She had some cum on her face which she licked off. "It tastes a lot better when my tongue tastes the actual thing." Fleur commented as she licked some more cum off like a cat. She then got up and had her pussy almost near Applejack's face. "Now, how about you have a taste of me?" Fleur said before she lowered herself. Applejack grabbed a hold of Fleur's ass and planted her face into Fleur's pussy. Fleur let out a sudden yelp from feeling Applejack's face rubbing on her pussy. Applejack used her tongue to lick up Fleur's pussy. She thought that Fleur's pussy tasted sweet as she expected. Applejack then had her tongue penetrate right into Fleur's pussy. Applejack tried her hardest to stimulate Fleur's inner walls as a way to return the favor. Fleur panted heavily from feeling so much pleasure from Applejack's mouth. Applejack also decided to make her hands rub up Fleur's ass-cheeks as they were as soft as marshmallows. Applejack couldn't help herself and gave one of Fleur's ass-cheeks a good spank. Fleur gasped as she felt the sudden pain on her rear thanks to Applejack's smack. "Consider that as payback." Applejack said before she went back to licking Fleur's pussy and smacking Fleur's ass. Fleur was used to girls blowing her, but she could never get over the pleasure that came from feeling a girl's tongue inside of her. Applejack was starting to taste some of Fleur's pre-cum and that was when Applejack pumped her tongue faster. Fleur held on tight to Applejack's legs as Fleur could feel herself getting to release her load. Applejack tried to move her tongue as far into Fleur as possible so Fleur could feel all of it. It was working as Fleur was reaching her limit. After few more licks of Applejack, Fleur finally released her load from her pussy. Applejack felt the cum splatter on to her entire face. That didn't bother Applejack as it tasted nice. Fleur released a few more loads before she collapsed on the ground. Both Applejack and Fleur panted from their pleasure-making. "I must admit, Applejack, you have quite a mouth." Fleur praised. "Comes from years of apple bobbing and apple tasting." Applejack commented. Fleur thought of an idea and got up. She looked around the kitchen until she found what she was looking for, a pastry bag full of white icing. "How about we play a new game?" Fleur suggested as she got close to Applejack. "What kind of game is it?" Applejack asked with curiosity. "We take turns frosting each other and lick it off completely." Fleur explained. "I like it, as Pinkie always says, 'frosting always makes things much sweeter.'" Applejack replied. "I'll go first." Fleur said. She used the pastry bag and started to ice up Applejack's stomach area. When Fleur was done, she moved down and started licking the icing off. Fleur took her licking time especially on Applejack's belly button. Applejack did her best not to move around too much or giggle as she felt ticklish on that area. Fleur kept on licking up the icing until there was no more icing. "Alright, it's your turn, Applejack." Fleur said as she gave Applejack the pastry bag. "Could you stand on all fours?" Applejack requested. "I never had a chance to taste that sweet ass of yours." Fleur smiled and followed Applejack's request. Once Fleur was on all fours, Applejack started icing each of Fleur's ass-cheeks. Applejack was done with the icing and started licking up Fleur's ass. To Applejack, each ass-cheek tasted just as great as Fleur's pussy. Fleur moaned as she felt Applejack's nice tongue lick up her rear. Applejack was able to lick up the icing and wiped it off from her face. "My turn!" Fleur said as she took the pastry bag. She iced up Applejack's tits so it was completely covered with frosting. "I was in the mood to taste your tits again." Fleur said before she dug right in. Applejack moaned as she felt Fleur's mouth lick up the frosting from her breasts. Fleur made sure to go as slow as possible so Applejack could feel her tongue. Fleur could tell that Applejack was into this from how hard her tits were. A few more licks later, Fleur licked up all of the frosting from Applejack. "Oh darn, we're out of frosting." Fleur pouted. "But it's fine. We can still do this." Fleur lifted up Applejack's leg and Fleur made her crotch touch Applejack's. Fleur started scissoring Applejack which made Applejack grunt a lot. The girls' pussylips were practically kissing each other and they were already getting wet with arousal. Fleur moved up to make out with Applejack while she scissored her. Applejack didn't mind as she enjoyed tasting Fleur's mouth as much as feeling Fleur's pussy with her's. Applejack and Fleur's tongues wrapped around each other once again. Applejack was ready to release her load due to feeling pleasure on her mouth and on her groins. Fleur was feeling the same way. That made her grind her pussy faster. Both girls were feeling like they were about to reach their limit again. They finally came and it splattered on each other. The girls laid down and panted while holding on to one another. Applejack was completely surprised that she was able to feel so much pleasure from having sex with Fleur. "Oh my my! You two made quite a mess down here." Cherry said. Applejack and Fleur looked up to see Cherry and Strawberry stand before them. Applejack blushed as she was seen naked and embracing a naked Fleur. But Applejack's embarrassment faded when she saw that Cherry and Strawberry were also naked except for their aprons. Strawberry was acting a bit embarrassed due to how breezy wearing just the apron felt. "We were just having a little snack, Cherry." Fleur said as she kissed Applejack's cheek. "I could tell. I'm quite curious, did Applejack taste like apples?" Cherry asked. "Indeed she does," Fleur answered. "Care for a taste?" Fleur said as she held Applejack while sitting up. "Don't mind if I do." Cherry said as she undid her apron and it fell on the floor. Cherry sashayed towards Fleur and Applejack to sit near them. Before Applejack could say anything, Cherry took Applejack's face and planted a nice kiss on Applejack's lips. Applejack felt Cherry's tongue go all over her mouth. Applejack had to admit that Cherry tasted nice as she tasted like cherries. Cherry broke off the kiss with a satisfied sigh. "Mmm! You taste so fine, Applejack!" Cherry turned to Strawberry. "Come on, Strawberry! Give Applejack a taste!" "I-I don't know," Strawberry said while rubbing her neck. "It's fine, Strawberry, I tried this apple and she tastes delightful. You can trust me." Fleur said as she held Applejack close to her. Applejack was starting to feel really turned on from all this. A part of Applejack wanted to taste Strawberry as well. "I guess it won't hurt to try it if Fleur likes it." Strawberry said as she undid her apron. She then made her way to Applejack and planted a kiss on her lips. Strawberry's eyes opened with surprise as she thought Applejack's mouth tasted great. Strawberry slowly closed her eyes while she savored Applejack. "See, I told you you would like it!" Fleur said before she let her hands go all over Applejack's body, causing Applejack to moan a bit. "If you think that was nice, taste the whole apple." Fleur suggested. Cherry and Strawberry licked their lips before all four girls went on with their sexual feast. Fleur exited the kitchen while she had her dress back on. She wiped her mouth with a napkin as she was finished with a delectable meal. Fleur smiled as looked back to see her three fruity girls cuddled together while basking in their own afterglow. Fleur went on to prepare herself for the next girl she will conquer. > Playful Pinkie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In one of the ballrooms, the DJ was playing some loud dubstep music while everyone was dancing at the center. Pinkie was among the guests who danced to the music. She was having the time of her life as there was nothing better than loud, dance music for a party. Pinkie also can't help but notice that the DJ looked exactly like DJ PON3 despite wearing a mask. But that didn't bother Pinkie as she having too much fun. As Pinkie danced, she tripped and accidentally bumped into someone. "Oops! Sorry!" Pinkie pleaded to the person. "It's no big deal, Pinkie." Pinkie realized that it was Fleur. "Oh hey, Fleur!" Pinkie said. "Are you enjoying the party?" Fleur asked. "Yeah! It's so great! I've been dancing non-stop!" Pinkie said. "I just wished my friends were here with me. I texted them, but they must be busy as they haven't answered their phones." "Oh I'm sure they're fine. They are probably having some fun on their own." Fleur said while giggling. "Do you mind if I join you? I'm in the mood to dance." Fleur asked. "Sure! The more the merrier!" Pinkie said. Pinkie and Fleur danced to the next song along with the party guests. As Pinkie danced, Pinkie looked at Fleur and she could tell that Fleur is enjoying herself to the music. Pinkie looked down and noticed that Fleur's breasts were jiggling due to Fleur's movements. It reminded Pinkie of shaking pudding. Pinkie felt Fleur's hands hold on to her's and Fleur lead the dancing. Pinkie didn't mind this as she'll dance any way she wants. Fleur danced along with Pinkie while their hands held one another. Fleur moved up closer to she and Pinkie were a lot closer than before. This allowed Pinkie to get a better view of Fleur's face. Pinkie's heart started to beat faster as not only Pinkie was near such a beautiful girl, but she felt Fleur's large breasts press against Pinkie's. Fleur formed a mischievous smile as her hand reached around Pinkie and it gave one of Pinkie's butt-cheeks a good squeeze. Pinkie yelped loudly in response to the sudden squeeze. "Sorry, I couldn't help myself." Fleur teased while sticking her tongue out. For once, Pinkie was surprised by another person which was really rare. Pinkie wasn't bothered by this at all. In fact, Pinkie returned the favor by cupping her hands on both of Fleur's buttcheeks, causing Fleur to yelp as well. "There, now we're even." Pinkie said slyly. Fleur giggled with Pinkie and continued to dance. As the girls kept dancing, more guests entered the ballroom. This made the dance floor a lot more crowded than before. Pinkie was starting to bump into most of the nearby guests, especially near three masked girls who danced near her and Fleur. One girl had reddish, long pigtails and she wore neon rings around her neck along with a purple pacifier. Another girl had frizzy, light purple hair and she wore a white hair band. The third girl had light blue hair tied into a ponytail. Little did Pinkie knew, the three girls had their sights on Pinkie. The pigtailed girl went behind Pinkie and pressed her breasts against Pinkie's back as they danced. The frizzy haired girl started to twerk her butt close to Pinkie's side. The ponytailed girl was rubbing her groin against Pinkie's hips. Pinkie was feeling heated has she felt the nearby girls' bodies on her. Fleur saw this and she wasn't mad as she knew who the three girls were. Before Pinkie could feel any more heated, the music finally stopped playing. "Alright, we'll be taking a short break from the dancing. Here are some soothing tracks to help you all relax!" The DJ said as she played the music. Soon, the crowd dispersed and went their separate ways. "Woo! That dancing tired me out!" Fleur said as she fanned herself. "How about we get ourselves some beverages?" "Yeah, sure." Pinkie said as she followed Fleur to the nearby snack table. As Pinkie and Fleur drank their punches, the three dancing girls approached them. "Hey Fleur! It's good to see you again." The pigtailed girl said. "I'm glad you three came. I should have known considering that you always go where dancing occurs." Fleur said. "It's what we love after all." The frizzy haired girl said. "Who's your friend?" "This is Pinkie Pie, she's a new guest of mine and she really loves to dance." Fleur said. "Nice to meet you, Pinkie." The pigtailed girl said. "I'm Pacific Glow." "The name's Flashdancer." The frizzy haired girl added. "I'm Azure Velour!" The ponytailed girl said. "It's nice to meet you all!" Pinkie waved. "You were really great on the dance floor." "Thanks! Sorry if we were too close. We can't help it if a lot of people want to dance." Flashdancer said. "It's fine. I'm used to dancing in crowds." Pinkie said. "Say Pinkie, are you interested in karaoke?" Fleur asked. Pinkie's eyes popped open as she gasped. "Are you kidding?! I love karaoke!" "Luckily for you, I have a special room with the best karaoke system." Fleur said. "Take me there! Take me there! Take me there, please!" Pinkie pleaded. "Okay, follow me and I'll show you." Fleur said. "Mind if we tag along?" Pacific asked. "Sure, come on!" Fleur said as she lead Pinkie and the other three girls. Several minutes went by until they arrived to one of the mansion's rooms. Fleur opened the door to reveal a medium, windowless room with a large flatscreen tv attached to the front wall. In front of the tv was a circular couch with a table. There was a small tablet and several microphones on the table. On the ceiling, there was a small disco ball that lit up and covered the room with flashy lights. There were also four metal poles attached to each corner of the room. Pinkie did her best to hold her excitement from seeing the room. "What do you think?" Fleur asked. "This place is perfect for karaoke!" Pinkie said as she jumped on the couch and grabbed the tablet. "Wow! There are so many songs in here! I don't know which one to pick!" Pinkie was able to find the right song for herself and it started playing. Pinkie started singing her song with Fleur and the rave girls clapping and singing along to Pinkie. The girls took turns singing and cheering for each other. Pinkie was having such a great time with Fleur and her other friends. When Fleur was done with her song, she nodded to the rave girls and they nodded back as they were preparing for something special. "Say Pinkie, I need to head to the restroom with the others. Why don't you pick out another song while we're out." Fleur said. "Will do!" Pinkie said while giving Fleur a salute. The rave girls followed Fleur out of the room while Pinkie continued to scroll through the tablet. When Pinkie found her song, she waited patiently for Fleur and the rave girls to come back. Pinkie looked up at the clock while feeling a bit concerned. 'It shouldn't take that long to go to the restroom.' Pinkie thought. Pinkie heard the door open and her excitement came back. "Hey girls, I finally found the song to-" Pinkie stopped mid-sentence as she was shocked from what she was seeing. Fleur and the rave girls changed outfits. This was surprising Pinkie as the outfits the other girls were wearing didn't exactly look appropriate to wear in public. Each girl had their tops removed and were replaced with colored suction cups with long tassels on the tips. Fleur's was purple, Pacific's was red, Flashdancer's was green, and Azure's was blue. The girls also wore color-matching, meshed panties that revealed their pussy lips. "Sorry for the wait." Fleur said while flaunting her hair a bit. "We also wanted to changed outfits as we were in the mood to pole dance." Fleur said as she pulled out a remote and pressed a button. The light dimmed and sexy music played. Fleur and the rave girls sashayed slowly towards each metal pole and started to pole dance. Pinkie remained silent as she watched each girl dance slowly and sexually while holding on to their poles. Pinkie especially kept her attention to Fleur who was practically a natural in pole dancing. Fleur smiled as she knew she had Pinkie's sight set on her. That's why Fleur made sure to dance and show off her body as much as possible to Pinkie. Fleur climbed up with the pole and slowly spun around while making sexy poses. Pinkie saw how Fleur's hands slowly moved all over her body to show off her curves. Pinkie had the urge to toss some dollar bills to Fleur. Pinkie especially wanted to put some of those bills in Fleur's thong straps. Fleur turned to face the pole and went downwards, allowed Pinkie to see all of Fleur's rear. Fleur then started shaking her hips side to side which caused her ass-cheeks to bounce along to Fleur's movements. Pinkie was starting to drool as she wanted to be much closer to Fleur. Fleur noticed how captivated Pinkie looked and decided to move on with the next step. Fleur let go of the pole and sashayed her way to Pinkie. Pinkie continued to remain silent as Fleur got really close her so Fleur could turn around and start gridding her rear on Pinkie's lap. Pinkie moaned as she felt the warm sensation coming from the warmth of Fleur's ass. Pinkie could feel her neithers getting wet from being so horny. "Go ahead, Pinkie. Spank them." Fleur said as she shook her rear seductively. Pinkie was too shocked to respond. "Give me a good smack on my rear, Pinkie. I want to feel the sting!" Pinkie slowly raised her hand and gave one of Fleur's ass-cheeks a good smack. Pinkie watched as Fleur's ass jiggled wildly from her hand. Fleur let out a gasp as she felt the stinging sensation. As much as it hurts for Fleur, she was aroused from how good Pinkie's spank felt. Pinkie spanked each of Fleur's ass-cheeks until both of them were completely red. Before Pinkie gave another smack, Fleur stopped Pinkie's arm. "I think that's enough spanking for now. How about we get close to one another?" That was when Fleur turned around and sat on Pinkie's lap. Pinkie's heart raced as she and Fleur were extremely close to each other. Fleur wrapped her arms around Pinkie's neck and pulled Pinkie in for a kiss on her lips. Pinkie closed her eyes as she enjoyed the taste of Fleur's tongue. Their tongues wrapped around each other and wrestled one another as the girls continued to kiss. Fleur had to admit that Pinkie's mouth tasted really sweet like candy. Fleur broke off the kiss which left her and Pinkie panting. "More, give me more," Pinkie panted. Fleur saw how hungry Pinkie looked as she really craved Fleur. Fleur flipped her hair back to allow her breasts to be out in the open. Fleur slowly pulled each of her suction cups until they popped off, causing her breasts to bounce around. Pinkie's eyes widen as she saw Fleur's tasty-looking nipples out in the open. Fleur cupped up her breasts to point her nipples at Pinkie. "How about you give my nips a taste?" Fleur said as she fondled her breasts to tease Pinkie. Pinkie held up one of Fleur's breasts and let her mouth gobble up Fleur's nipple. Fleur moaned as she felt Pinkie's wet tongue slobber up her nipple. Fleur's nipples were getting hard due to Pinkie's stimulating tongue touching it. Pinkie switched to the other breast which kept Fleur aroused. Pinkie was having the time of her life as she enjoyed the taste of Fleur's marshmallow breasts. As Pinkie was with Fleur, the rave girls moved to the other side of the couch and pleasured each other to pass the time. Pacific was on the bottom while Flashdancer and Azure were on top and making out. Pacific was also rubbing Flashdancer's pussy while Pacific scissored Azure's pussy with her own. The rave girls were so horny from watching Fleur and Pinkie that they needed to pleasure each other. While Pinkie was having her taste of Fleur's tits, Fleur returned the favor by reaching under Pinkie's dress so Fleur could start rubbing Pinkie's pussy. Pinkie felt this and she allowed it as she could use the relief. Fleur skillfully used her hand to feel up Pinkie's pussy which was already leaking pre-cum. Pinkie kept on sucking on Fleur's tits and Fleur increased her hand's speed to stimulate Pinkie. Pinkie moaned while Fleur's tits were in her mouth. Fleur kept on rubbing Pinkie's pussy until Pinkie couldn't take it anymore. Pinkie let her load splattered on herself and on to Fleur. When Pinkie was done, she released Fleur's tits from her mouth while Fleur removed her hand from Pinkie's neithers. Both girls panted for a moment as they tried to regain their energy. "I now have a craving for all of you Pinkie." Fleur claimed. "If it's alright with you, I prefer if you removed your clothes so I could taste your whole body." Fleur's eyes opened wide as she saw how fast Pinkie removed her clothes from her body. Fleur blinked a few times before she smiled. "My, you are quite special, Pinkie." Fleur said before she tackled Pinkie and they went back to making out. Fleur took off her thong and they were completely naked. The girls' bodies pressed against each other and they felt each other's warmth. Fleur enjoyed the feeling of Pinkie's soft breasts against her own. Fleur moved down and suckled on one of Pinkie's breasts, making the party girl moan in response. "Mmm, your breasts taste so nice, Pinkie." Fleur commented as she resumed her suckling. Pinkie trembled while feeling Fleur sucking away on her breasts. Fleur removed her mouth from Pinkie's breasts and moved down. Fleur's tongue moved along to Pinkie's stomach and Fleur gave a few licks to Pinkie's belly, which caused Pinkie to giggle from ticklish that felt. Fleur's tongue then moved down to Pinkie's neithers and Fleur went on to lick up Pinkie's pussy lips. Pinkie moaned some more as she felt Fleur lick her entrance. When Fleur was done with the teasing, she carefully pushed her tongue to penetrate Pinkie's pussy. "Ah! Fleur! This feels good!" Pinkie moaned while her tongue was out like a dog. Fleur let her tongue go all the way inside of Pinkie's pussy until the tongue reached its length limit. Fleur then moved her tongue sideways and all around to stimulate Pinkie's inner walls. Pinkie could only feel bliss thanks Fleur's tongue moving all over her pussy. Fleur was enjoying this too as she enjoyed the taste of Pinkie's pussy. Fleur then had her tongue pump forward and back to rub inside Pinkie. Pinkie moaned louder from the movements of Fleur's tongue. Pinkie was already starting release some pre-cum again which Fleur licked up. Fleur's tongue increased it's pace so Fleur could hear more of Pinkie's satisfying moans. Pinkie couldn't take it any longer and she immediately fired her loads from her pussy. There large amounts of cum shooting out of Pinkie and Fleur swallowed up as much as she could. Pinkie was shocked to see Fleur taking in all of her load. When Pinkie was finally done, Fleur removed her tongue from Pinkie's pussy with a satisfying sign. "You tasted great, Pinkie." Fleur said as she got up. "Thank you," Pinkie said as she pulled out a cupcake and ate it to regain her energy. Fleur laid back and spread her legs to Pinkie. "When you regain your energy, you can do whatever you want with my body." Fleur said. "Yay! I also have just the thing to use!" Pinkie said as her hand went inside of her hair while trying to look for something. Pinkie smiled as she found what she was looking for and pulled it out of her hair. Fleur was baffled from what she saw. It was a large pink, sprinkled dildo that was three-times larger than the dildos Fleur uses. There were also some leather straps attached to the dildo's base. "I always carry this with me if I need to pleasure myself or others." Pinkie said as she hooked the dildo on to her crotch. Pinkie moved down and held on to Fleur's arms as Pinkie moved the dildo towards Fleur's pussy. Pinkie started rubbing Fleur's pussy lips with the dildo to give Fleur some teasing. Fleur knew Pinkie was doing some teasing as a way to return the favor. Fleur could tell that the dildo was really hard just from feeling the head rubbing against with her pussy. Pinkie slowly inserted the dildo into Fleur's pussy so it wouldn't harm Fleur too much. Because of the large size of Pinkie's dildo, it was filling up Fleur's pussy. If Pinkie wasn't too careful, she could almost rip apart Fleur's pussy. Fleur winced as she felt the hard rod enter her pussy. Pinkie's dildo was hard especially on the head part as it pushed through Fleur's inner walls. The dildo reached all the way into Fleur, but it's length was too long for all of it to go in. This didn't bother Fleur as having the hard rod go inside of her was enough. Pinkie started to thrust her hips to make the dildo pump in Fleur's pussy. "Ah! Ah!" Fleur cried out. "It's so long!" Fleur cried out as she felt pain from of the dildo. "If you want me to pull out, the safe word is cupcakes." Pinkie whispered. Fleur knew that she wouldn't use the safe word as she was enjoying herself with Pinkie's hard, fake rod. Fleur could already feel precum leaking from her pussy. "Hey Fleur, did you know that my sprinkled rod has a special function?" "L-Like vibrations?" Fleur whispered. "Oh, this baby does more than just vibrate. You'll experience it soon enough." Pinkie said as she turned a switch on the dildo. While inside of Fleur's pussy, the dildo's head started to pump forward and back. Fleur gasped as she felt the dildo giving double the penetration into her pussy. "But wait, there's more." Pinkie said lustfully. Pinkie turned on another button and the base of the dildo opened up and another dildo head was revealed. It slowly entered Pinkie's pussy, causing the dildo to go into both girls at the same time. "Y-You see? This baby can go both ways as well!" Pinkie moaned as she felt the other dildo's head pump her insides as well. Fleur could feel herself already soaking wet from such stimulation. She endured a few more pumps until she finally let it all out. Fleur's pussy sprayed out several squirts of cum and it splattered on to the dildo and on Pinkie. Pinkie returned the favor and released her load thanks to her side of the dildo. Pinkie quickly turned off the dildo so she and Fleur could recover from their penetrations. They panted as they had to cool off from releasing their loads. 'Note to self, ask Pinkie where she gets her toys.' Fleur thought to herself. Pinkie got up and whistled to get the rave girls' attention. "Hey girls! You wouldn't mind joining us, right?" Pinkie said as she reached into her hair and pulled out a few more dildos. "I got plenty of dildos for you girls!" The rave girls smiled as they finally get to have some fun with Pinkie and Fleur. Soon, all of the girls had dildos strapped on and they started penetrating each other. Fleur penetrated Pinkie's ass as she wanted to give her dildo a try. At the same time, Pacific held Fleur's butt-cheeks as Pacific inserted her dildo into Fleur's ass. Azure was below Pinkie as Azure was getting her pussy penetrated by Pinkie. Flashdancer inserted her dildo into Pacific's ass as the other girls already had dildos in them. The girls thrusted their hips so the dildos could rub their inner walls. Pinkie was having the most fun she had ever had as she was getting penetrated in both her pussy and her asshole. Fleur was also feeling the same way thanks to the dildo she was wearing along with Pacific's dildo. Thanks to all of the constant thrusts, the girls finally reached their orgasms and released their loads on to each other. They all collapsed on the long couch and rested from their little dildo party. Fleur exited the karaoke room where Pinkie and the rave girls kept on pleasuring each other with their dildos. As much as Fleur wanted to keep going with Pinkie and the rave girls, she needed to conquer the rest of the Rainbooms. Fleur went on her merry way while moans of pleasure were still heard from the karaoke room.