> The Blue Queen > by TheLegendaryBillCipher > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Issue #1: Fit for a Queen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis’s rage was palpable as she stalked through her Hive. Normally, she was content to let her workers and soldiers go about their business and sit upon her throne, awaiting their status updates. But that had been before the disaster at the Canterlot wedding. A month had passed, but it was still a stinger in Chrysalis’s side. Nearly a year of planning, subterfuge and delicate sabotage that had taken weeks to set up, insert, and secure. She’d even managed to secure enough love to lay Celestia low before she could interfere. All of it was wasted! And now everything needed to change. Her troops were still returning from being displaced all across Equestria. Poor Thorax has been thrown all the way to the Frozen North, while others were returning from as far away as Saddle Arabia and Yakyakistan. Dozens of carefully placed gatherers needed to either be evacuated or had their positions reinforced, lest they be outed to the ponies. Most importantly, she needed a new scheme. Something bigger, something with too many roots to be torn up as easily as her last endeavor. Something that would secure her changelings’ food source and their well-being. And this time, she would ensure every thorn in her side was snipped from the stem. She checked in on her drones and gatherers as they came and went. Her troops were steadily increasing back to full strength, their flow of love into the Hive was only slightly impacted, and so far none of her gatherers had been caught. Her changelings flinched away from her unyielding scowl, and she could only imagine their level of worry was near her own. Finally, Chrysalis made her way to her throne room, the innermost sanctuary of the Hive. The doorway sealed behind her and she sat down on her throne with a sigh, racking her brain for her next plan. She just needed the right idea… Her thoughts were interrupted by the door unsealing and one of the guards entering the throne room and bowing to her. “Your Majesty, Gatherer Antenna wishes to see you,” he reported. Chrysalis grunted. “Was she successful in her mission to the Dragon Lands?” “Indeed, but she wishes to speak with you personally,” the guard said with a nod. “Very well, send her in,” Chrysalis said with a dismissive hoof, resting her chin on the other propped up on her throne. Aside from love, currency was a valuable asset to the Hive. It allowed her to finance her disguised gatherers in their undercover positions, and perhaps pay off ponies who got a little too close to the truth. The best source of income was the Dragon Lands—the older dragons with their ancient hoards of gold and jewels. The ones who wouldn’t notice if a few trinkets went missing. The guard bowed and left, replaced by a chipper, younger changeling who was grinning from ear to ear and had a pair of saddlebags at her sides. Chrysalis could practically taste the excitement radiating from her, but after their defeat, she couldn’t fathom where it came from. “What is it, child?” Chrysalis grumbled. “Your Majesty, I have brought you back a gift from the hoard of Korg the Dragon,” Antenna said with a deep bow. “A royal treasure fit for a queen such as yourself.” Chrysalis raised an intrigued eyebrow at the sweet gesture. “Well? What did you bring me?” she asked, some of the harshness leaving her voice. Antenna reached into one of her saddlebags and produced the lone item aloft. Chrysalis’s eyes widened. Dragons were known to have some treasures in their hoards beyond simple gold and jewels, but she had never heard of anything quite like this. It was an ornate scarab beetle, only a little bigger than an apple. The elytra was of an unidentifiable, deep blue jewel, trimmed in gold the rest of the way, including its head, legs, and mandibles. Two, small blue gems made for the scarab’s eyes. “You found this in the dragon’s hoard?” Chrysalis asked, rising to her hooves and stepping down to her changeling. “It was on this pedestal, I think made from a severed stalagmite,” Antenna explained. “When I saw it, I thought of your regal splendor.” Chrysalis smiled softly, gently taking the scarab in her magic, and bringing it closer for inspection. She turned it over this way and that. It was of expert craftsmanship, so much so she wondered if even ponies could have made such a thing. “It is rather exquisite,” she agreed. “Thank you, my child. It is a lovely—” Chrysalis was cut off by a subtle clicking noise. All attention was drawn to the scarab, which had lowered its legs and was moving them as if trying to walk. Chrysalis dropped the thing from her magic out of surprise, and it landed perfectly on its feet. “What is the meaning of this?” Chrysalis snarled, backing herself up on her throne like a mare seeing a mouse. “It’s alive!” Antenna exclaimed, astonished. “It wasn’t moving when I found it, I swear!” Guards rushed into the throne room at the commotion. The scarab turned its attention to Chrysalis. “Seize it!” Chrysalis ordered, jabbing a hoof at the small bug. As the guards dove for the scarab, it lunged at Chrysalis. It powered through the surge of magic she used to defend herself and latched onto the queen’s chest. “Get this thing off me!” Chrysalis demanded, tugging at the bug with both hoof and magic. Antenna and the guards rushed forward to try and help their queen, only for Chrysalis to suddenly jerk forward and knock them aside. Chrysalis shakily got to her hooves and her eyes widened at her chest. The scarab had dug its legs through her black chitin, and was embedding itself further despite the queen’s efforts. A numb, but burning sensation expanded across Chrysalis’s dark chitin. She watched in wide-eyed horror as black material darkened her carapace, heralded by an orange glow that resembled burning paper. The scarab was promptly buried underneath of it. “What’s happening?” one of the guards demanded as he turned to Antenna. “I don’t know! I thought it was just a treasure!” Antenna pleaded, on the verge of tears. The material crawled up Chrysalis’s neck, covering her face. A pair of ovular, orange lenses covered her eyes. She let out a cry, her face scrunching up. Blue armor followed the black, covering her entire form, swiftly spreading. “Do something, you fools!” Chrysalis shouted to the guards. The guards rushed to her aid, but just as they reached her, the black and blue armor had encased their Queen completely. “Assimilation complete,” came a female voice in Chrysalis’s ear. No. It was in her head. “What is this?” Chrysalis demanded, looking around above her. She winced at the electronic tone of her voice. “Who is speaking to me?” “Initiating Systems Check in 3… 2… 1.” The blue armor along her back shifted as her blue-encased wings buzzed to life on their own. A series of blue nozzles extended out and flared to life with exhaust. “What do you mean ‘systems check?’’” Chrysalis snarled. “Your Majesty? Are you ok?” one of the guards asked. Before Chrysalis could reply, the exhausts roared and she flew out the throne room at mach speed, her scream vanishing down the Hive’s corridors. To Be Continued… > Issue #2: Systems Check > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whatever was controlling Chrysalis had no knowledge of her Hive. She crashed through several tunnel corridors, but fortunately managed to avoid her startled changelings. Somehow, every impact felt barely stronger than a nudge as her new suit dragged her towards the Hive’s entrance, the buzz of general alarm faintly sounding in the background. As soon as she was out in the open air, Chrysalis soared skyward. She burst through several puffy clouds before they became a distant sea below her, higher than her wings had ever taken her before. Then the sky curved, and overhead was nothing but blackness. Chrysalis looked around wide-eyed at the view: the planet far below her, the blackness of space looming over her. Her breathing was hard, but at least she felt she could still breathe. “Escape velocity test, successful. Re-entering.” “Wha-aaaaaahhh!” Chrysalis screamed as she plummeted down. The thrusters that had held her aloft had gone silent. The suit was growing considerably hotter, like the sun on a hot summer day, and the glow of heat was visible to Chrysalis inside. Bursting through more clouds, her eyes widened as the suit’s target became clear: a large lake in the middle of green grasslands, far from her Hive. And she was approaching it rapidly. “Wait!” Stop!” she cried. “Stop!” Chrysalis screwed her eyes shut tightly. And abruptly, her wings spread without her will and she jerked to a halt. Chrysalis cautiously opened her eyes. Through the strange overlay, she could see her rippling reflection—and how this new suit that had kidnapped her looked like to others. Her entire body was covered in a black material, with layers of blue armor over top of it. Orange ovals, like compound eyes, covered her own eyes. Her extended wings were covered in a blue, membrane-like material that glowed with energy, and even her horn was covered—straight like a saber with two glowing bands of angled blue. A pair of insect-like legs protruded from her shoulders. “What is this thing?” she asked herself aloud. She looked down as she lifted her forelegs, examining the strange, somehow sentient armor. “Re-entry successful. Commencing maneuverability test.” “Maneuverability test—” Chrysalis yelped as the thrusters kicked back in and she rocketed across the surface of the lake. Unfortunately, she had drooped too low, and bounced like a skipping stone across the lake’s surface. The thrusters persisted, and soon she found herself clear of the water—and with dense forest dead ahead. She braced her forelegs in front of her face, the little control she seemed to have on this wild ride. Ferns and underbrush smacked against her, and she briefly felt the snag of tangling cines as the suit weaved her between trees. The only forest she’d ever seen this thick was the Everfree—she could only hope the suit was up to the forest’s unpredictability. Looking ahead, Chrysalis gawked as trees and rocks seemingly popped up from out of nowhere in front of her. Her wings and the suit’s thrusters rolled her this way and that out of harm’s way. Chrysalis was unused to such speeds, and felt her stomach rumble and protest the suit’s joyride. Finally, after an eternity of greens and browns zipping past, Chrysalis was free from the Everfree Forest and back over open pastures. She breathed a sigh of relief, but it quickly turned into a frown of annoyance. “Take me back to the Hive this instant!” she demanded. “Complying.” The suit abruptly jerked to the right, and before long, the desolate lands around the Hive came into view. Chrysalis had never been happier to see the bleak, hole-ridden mountain that was her Hive, but it quickly turned to wide-eyed horror when she realized she wasn’t slowing down. The suit smashed straight through the Hive’s exterior, making a new tunnel straight through several pre-existing ones before skidding to a halt on her stomach in the throne room. Several changelings poked their heads into the new tunnel to see what had caused it, gawking in shock. “Your Majesty!” Chrysalis heard one of her guards shout as her head span. As the throne came back into focus, red filled her vision as she jerked to her hooves. She tore at the armor, but found no purchase with her forehooves. “GET OFF OF ME!” she roared at a volume to rival the Royal Canterlot Voice. “Complying.” She felt the black material and armor melt away, starting from her posterior and heading to her chest. She breathed in a gulp of the Hive’s stagnant air as the suit’s helmet disintegrated like it had applied itself in the first place. Once she felt free from the suit, she realized how shaken the joyride had made her. Her legs wobbled and gave way as she slipped into unconsciousness, surrounded by the buzz of her anxious subjects. “WHERE IS IT?!” The volcanoes of the Dragon Lands rumbled as one of the many caves at their bases shook, dislodging rocks. A dark blue dragon with massive dark gray wings stormed out of the cave, smoke flaring from his nostrils. He glared around with wild eyes until he spotted a trio of dragons lounging in a lava pool. Marching over to the group, he grabbed one of the smaller dragons by the throat and breathed smoke into his face. “Where’s my treasure?!” the larger dragon roared. “We didn’t take any of your treasure, Korg, honest!” the dragon in his grasp wheezed. “Put ‘em down, Korg,” one of the other dragons in the pool grunted. “He’s tellin’ the truth. None of us has been in your cave.” With a snarl, Korg tossed the dragon back into the pool, splashing a good deal of lava out. The smaller dragon grumbled as he resurfaced and blew lava from his nose. “Then who did?” Korg demanded. “Someone’s been in my cave. They stole my jeweled bug, you know the one?” “That little beetle?” the second dragon remarked, scratching his chin with a claw. “Yeah, I remember you talking about it. I think I know who took it, too.” “Who?!” A jet of flame sparked from Korg’s mouth. “Changelings,” the third dragon grumbled. “Stupid little bugs come into the hoards and steal gold and gems. I’ve seen them. Must’ve taken a liking to your bug.” “Changelings?” Korg remarked. “Where are they?” “They got a nest about twenty miles thataway.” The third dragon jerked a claw over his shoulder. “Thanks.” Korg growled, his wings flaring open. “I’ve had that bug a long time, like brimstone I’m letting them keep it!” And with a mighty flap of his wings, he took flight, angling towards the Changeling Hive. The sweet taste of love crossed Chrysalis’s muzzle, causing her to blink awake slowly. She found herself surrounded by recuperating amber, locked away in a translucent green cocoon. The glowing eyes of dozens of changelings shifted on the other side of the casing. With a grunt, Chrysalis extended to her full height, tearing through the cocoon with ease and stepping from it. “Your Majesty, are you alright?” Pharynx asked, accompanied by Thorax and a penitent Antenna. “I am fine, Pharynx,” she growled, eyes glaring daggers down at Antenna. “Explain yourself! Where did you get this thing?” Antenna gulped. “I-I found it in the dragon’s cave. The o-one I was sent too, honest! It was sitting on this pedestal. I-It didn’t do anything when I found it!” Chrysalis frowned in thought. “And if it’s been in that dragon’s den, it didn’t do anything to him either. So why…” She trailed off when she looked down and jumped back in shock. The scarab was still there, embedded into the chitin of her chest. The blue of its elytra glowed softly. The changelings jumped back as Chrysalis transformed into a massive bugbear in a flash of green flame. “Ger off me!” she roared, clawing at her chest. “Your Majesty, please—” The changeling healer was cut off as Chrysalis transformed again, into a pony. Still, the scarab was stuck in her chest. Chrysalis transformed again and again, into a myriad of twisting and towering forms, but the scarab stuck to her chest like a tick no matter what form she took on. “I have taken the liberty to adjust to your magical abilities.” The voice came again in Chrysalis’s head. “What are you?” Chrysalis snarled, transforming back into her true form. “Your Majesty?” Thorax asked, stepping forward. “This… thing. It’s speaking to me in my mind!” Chrysalis growled. “Now, what are you?!” “I am the Scarab. My main purpose is to protect my host. You seem to have sustained some lasting injuries to your horn and legs. I can mend them for you.” “Don’t you dare heal me! I don’t need your protecting!” Chrysalis yelled. “I want you to get. Off. Of. Me!” A changeling guard burst into the room, quickly saluting his queen. “Queen Chrysalis! The outer guards have spotted a dragon flying towards the Hive! Dark blue in color, dark gray wings.” “Oh no…” Antenna whispered. Chrysalis grunted. “Everyone, stay in the Hive. I’ll meet with this dragon myself,” she ordered, before marching out of the room. To Be Continued… > Issue #3: A Test of Might > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis marched out of the Hive, glaring up at the sky as a gust of wind buffeted against her. The dragon’s shadow loomed over her as he descended. Snorting out jets of smoke, Korg landed with an earth-shaking rumble. “Leave my Hive alone if you know what’s good for you,” Chrysalis commanded, standing resolute against the much taller dragon. Korg let out a rumbling laugh. “You don’t frighten me, bug,” he groused. "I want my treasure back, my jeweled beetle that you stole from me.” Chrysalis narrowed her eyes. “You won’t get it.” “I’ll tear this nest apart if I have to!” Korg slammed both fists on the ground, getting down eye-to-eye with Chrysalis as flames leaked from his mouth. “Where is it?!” “I’m afraid your precious little treasure and I have gotten rather… attached.” Chrysalis smirked and gestured to her chest where the scarab was on display. “It’s not going anywhere.” Korg growled, the reverberations rattling Chrysalis’s carapace. “Then I’ll take it from your charred body!” He raised up with a big inhale, and let loose a torrent of bright orange fire where Chrysalis stood. Chrysalis had meant to move, to shapeshift into something to either get out of the way or take the heat, but the scarab moved first. The strange armor returned in an instant, and the two insectoid legs formed a dome of glowing blue membrane around her body. She stared wide-eyed as Korg’s fire swept past it like water. “Initiating self-defense protocols.” As Korg abated, satisfied he’d reduced the bug to ashes, he stared wide-eyed as Chrysalis’s shield lowered, revealing the queen in black and blue. “Is that the best you can do?” Chrysalis sneered. “Alright, whatever you are,” Chrysalis hissed internally. “Give me something to hit him with!” “Understood.” Korg raised a fist to smash Chrysalis, but the changeling queen rolled away from the blow as it cracked the earth. She briefly glanced at her foreleg as a cylindrical device formed from blue pixels, much like the membrane shield. Figuring the scarab had taken her suggestion literally, she charged forward. The thrusters of her new suit of armor flared to life as she slammed her new weapon into Korg’s jaw. The dragon let out a roar of pain as he stumbled back, clutching his bruised jaw. Chrysalis smirked, until she saw the first eddies of flame. She said to the scarab the first thing that came to mind: “Webbing.” The cylindrical gauntlet shifted, the end of it expanding into a wide opening and a pair of pinchers adorned the rim. Before Korg had a chance to open his maw, Chrysalis aimed the new weapon at him. Somehow, most likely through the scarab’s will, a thick globule of glowing blue webbing splattered across his muzzle. Wide-eyed, the dragon tried to open his mouth, before resorting to clawing at the webbing. Smoke bled from his nostrils as he dimmed his fire. Chrysalis grinned, charging in again low while he was distracted. “Punch!” she commanded, and the scarab’s weapon reverted back to the gauntlet. She delivered a blow to Korg’s gut that sent him skidding back, a muffled grunt of pain sounding through his glued maw. Experimenting, Chrysalis commanded: “Mantis blades!” The gauntlet on her foreleg shifted again—into a long, scythe-like blade that was joined by another on her opposite foreleg. She experimentally slashed with them and nodded in approval. The joy didn’t last for long as Korg charged forward, slashing at her with his claws. Chrysalis’s forelegs moved on their own, parrying the blow with the back of the blades. She watched, fascinated, as the scarab continued against Korg’s onslaught again and again, her strength somehow matching the dragon’s. No, the scarab’s strength. “Alright, let’s finish this,” Chrysalis snarled. Instead of parrying the next blow, she rolled out of the way. In the air, she was much more nimble and evasive. Using a combination of her wings and the suit’s thrusters, she ducked under one of his blows and slashed upwards. Korg let out a muffled cry of pain as she slashed through one of his great leathery wings, reducing its tautness to uselessly flap in the breeze. With fire practically in his eyes, he finally tore the webbing from his mouth. Before he could find the Queen to torch her, another slash tore through his other wing. Crying out in pain, the fire died in his throat as he glared around for his target wildly—only for a shadow to race towards him from above. And Chrysalis, with the weight of a dozen anvils, delivered a gauntlet punch to the square of his back. The dragon sprawled to the ground, his breathing raspy. As the dust settled, Chrysalis stood before him with a wicked grin. The gauntlet faded away, now replaced by a long thin blade. “Eliminating threat.” The suit stepped up to Korg, leveling the blade at his neck. Just before it could touch his scales, Chrysalis spoke up: “Halt!” The suit froze, locked in place. “No. As much as he deserves it for daring to assault my Hive, I don’t need a war with the dragons on my hooves,” Chrysalis explained, frowning down at Korg. “He may live.” “As you wish.” The dragon opened one eye, staring up at the victorious queen as her blade faded away and she stomped the hoof into the dirt. “Go back to the Dragon Lands,” she growled. “Walk back and tell them, if you dare, that Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling Hive bested you, and will best any dragon who dares to stand against her Hive. Now GO!” The dragon staggered to his feet, bruised and battered. He glared daggers down at the changeling, only for her to stand her ground. “Go,” she growled quietly. Without a second glance at the changeling or her Hive, Korg trundled away, his wings drooping uselessly against his back. Chrysalis snorted, and the suit faded away once more. Despite the adrenaline rush, she was still standing proud this time. She turned to her Hive as a swarm of her changelings pile out, buzzing excitedly. Thorax and Pharynx led the group. “Your Majesty, that was incredible!” Thorax exclaimed, wings buzzing excitedly. “That beetle thing, it actually worked! It’s incredible!” Pharynx remarked. “Yes.” A cruel smile curled across her muzzle as she looked down at the scarab still embedded in her chest. She reached up and lightly touched it with one forehoof. “It makes for a most useful tool, doesn’t it?” “You don’t think that dragon will come back… do you?” Thorax asked. Chrysalis gave a hearty laugh. “Dragons are too prideful. He won’t tell a soul that a little changeling beat him,” she replied, smirking out across the barren wastes of her kingdom. “But there are more pressing matters to attend to now. Pharynx, ready the troops for march.” “Your Majesty?” Pharynx asked, glancing out across the kingdom himself. “What’s our target? Are we attacking the Dragon Lands in response?” “No, dear Pharynx.” Chrysalis gave a dark snicker, eyes sliding towards a tall mountain far off in the distance. “It’s time we pay Canterlot another visit.” To Be Continued… > Issue #4: This Day Duet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “This day is going to be perfect.” Chrysalis grinned up at the gleaming spires of Canterlot Castle as she approached. The buzz of hundreds of changelings surrounded her, drowning out the cacophony of a city in panic. Despite bringing most of her forces, her army was still considerably smaller than last time. But at least she had an advantage. “Go, my changelings. Occupy the guards, do not let them interfere or escape,” Chrysalis commanded, sweeping a foreleg towards the city of Canterlot. “I shall handle the princess myself.” As the changelings dispersed, Chrysalis used a blast of flickering green magic to blow open the doors. She’d stocked up on plenty of love before departing the Hive, and she was willing to show it off. Armored guards charged at her from the halls, but a mixture of her own magic and the scarab’s webbing gun blasted them out of her way, sending them through windows or applying them to the walls and ceilings. With a delighted snicker, she rounded one last hall and blew open the doors to the throne room. There atop her golden dais was Princess Celestia, looking rather calm for the ruler of a city under invasion. “Queen Chrysalis,” she regarded with a neutral, if stern, expression. “Princess Celestia,” Chrysalis purred. “I had hoped to have a little reunion with Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance.” “I’m afraid they’re on their honeymoon.” Celestia narrowed her eyes. They seemed focused on Chrysalis’s chest. Chrysalis merely grinned. “Then I suppose you will have to do,” the queen replied, marching towards the throne. Celestia flared her wings and glided to the foot of the stairs before her throne, standing taller against the queen. The princess kept her gaze focused on Chrysalis, but her eyes occasionally flicked down to the scarab in her chest. “Significant threat identified. Activating defensive countermeasures,” the scarab reported. “By all means, please do,” Chrysalis purred internally. Celestia’s eyes widened as the scarab’s influence engulfed Chrysalis in her black and blue armor. The queen delighted in the bewildered expression, buzzing her new wings eagerly. “Like the new look?” Chrysalis asked. “I didn’t think blue was your color,” Celestia admitted. “It’s starting to grow on me.” “Attack!” “Acknowledged.” The gauntlet reformed on Chrysalis’s foreleg at the same time the thrusters on her back flared to life. The queen leveled a powerful punch directly at the alicorn’s muzzle—only for Celestia to vanish in a flash of gold. The scarab’s added legs worked overtime to weave a shield behind Chrysalis’s back before she even realized a blast of golden magic had hit her. She whirled around, a fanged grin at Celestia’s brief, surprised look as the shield faded. “Melee assaults deemed ineffective. Activating ranged countermeasures.” The gauntlet shifted on Chrysalis’s foreleg shifted, and experimentally, Chrysalis leveled it at Celestia. A power burst of blue energy blasted through where Celestia had been, as the alicorn teleported again and the wall behind her exploded. “Hold still,” Chrysalis growled, firing off more blasts as Celestia flew and teleported around the throne room. Each consecutive blast blew holes through the walls and windows. Celestia barely had a chance to launch a counteroffensive, and when she did, the scarab made sure a shield was there to greet it. A second gauntlet cannon formed around Chrysalis’s other foreleg as she took flight and gave chase to the fleeing alicorn, firing shot after shot and missing her by hairs. “Can’t you do something?” Chrysalis hissed to the scarab. “Energy signature identified. Activating tracking.” As Celestia vanished yet again, the gauntlets aimed to the left and fired—just as Celestia reappeared. The exploded against a hasty shield of golden magic that left visible cracks. Grinning at the chance, Chrysalis mentally ordered a bombardment. Celestia was backed against a wall, each blast scorching the marble floors around her and chipping further away at her shield. At the last second, a cannon aimed just to the right as the alicorn teleported from under the onslaught—and blasted Celestia in the side, knocking her through the remnants of a window. Chrysalis charged after her, a manic grin plastered to her muzzle. She peppered the grounds of the castle like a strafing fighter plane—Celestia only managed to roll to her hooves and sidestep it. One of her wings was limp against her side. “No more running!” Chrysalis snarled. “Give me something bigger!” “…Acknowledged.” The cannon on her right foreleg extended out, adding a trio of prongs around the rim. As Chrysalis experimentally fired it, she realized it was a solid beam of energy. She quickly leveled it at Celestia and fired—and the alicorn fired back a beam of her own magic. Gold and blue energy locked, illuminating the palace grounds. A few guards and changelings gathered, gawking at the spectacle of power. “Increasing power output.” “Heh. No need.” Chrysalis pointed the other gauntlet cannon at Celestia. The princess’s eyes widened in horror only too late—as the queen fired a blast straight at her chest. The beams sputtered out as the alicorn skipped across the garden like a smoking stone. Her regalia was scorched, and her tiara flew off into a bush. With a grunt, she came to rest, her limbs sprawled out and both wings limp. Chrysalis touched down, vanishing away the cannons for her web gun. With a wicked laugh, she blasted the alicorn’s hooves and wings to the ground. As sparks of gold magic sputtered from Celestia’s horn, it was webbed to the ground too, leaving Celestia’s head prone and on its side. The princess watched through a blackened eye as the queen loomed over her. Her breathing was labored, and she tugged weakly at her bindings. With a look of realization, a tear fell down her cheek and she closed her eye to Chrysalis. Chrysalis, on the contrary, had never felt happier! The foe that had bested her so long ago and left her scarred was battered and beaten before her hooves. Her changelings were all around her, cheering on their queen in her most glorious victory. The ponies looked on forlorn or in stunned disbelief that their ruler had fallen. And as she took it all in, Chrysalis finally felt… She blinked. Then blinked again. This should’ve been her greatest victory over the ponies. So why didn’t it taste as sweet as she had hoped? “Threat has been disabled. Neutralizing.” Chrysalis nearly jumped back as her foreleg raised on its own, a long, sharp blade materializing out to replace the web gun. She watched it as the tip was leveled towards Celestia’s neck. “Wait, stop!” Chrysalis barked, though the scarab didn’t respond. The tip pressed against Celestia’s coat. “I said stop!” The foreleg suddenly reared away and back like a guillotine. “I command you to stop Khaji Da!” “Command acknowledged.” The blade stopped mid-descent and dematerialized. Chrysalis let out a breath of relief, looking wide-eyed at her own hoof. Only then did she realized that Celestia was looking at her again, confusion and relief mixed in her pale magenta eye. And then Chrysalis realized others were watching. She quickly cleared her throat and turned to address the masses. “My changelings! We have claimed victory over the ponies at long last! They now know our superiority!” she announced. The buzzing of her Hive was triumphant, if a little confused. Pharynx and Thorax quickly approached and saluted their queen as they looked on at Celestia. “Your Majesty, what about Princess Celestia?” Pharynx asked. Chrysalis looked down at Celestia, her expression apprehensive, but she quickly covered it with the mask of a sneer. “We’ve scored a psychological victory, Pharynx. They know who is stronger now,” she said to him. Celestia looked like she didn’t believe Chrysalis, and the queen herself was still in a mixture of emotions, but like Tartarus she’d let her Hive see her weakness. Thankfully, Celestia was silent as Chrysalis walked away. “Back to the Hive, my changelings,” Chrysalis commanded, marching away. Though she only felt half the victor she was. To Be Continued… > Issue #5: Mystery of the Scarab > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The scarab’s armor disintegrated away the moment Chrysalis set hoof into her Hive and she let out an exhale. With a frown on her muzzle, she made her way into her throne room. The buzz of her changelings was close behind her. Pharynx and Thorax glanced at one another as they landed and quickly followed Chrysalis into the throne room. “Your Majesty?” Thorax asked. “Why did we retreat?” “We had the upper hoof!” agreed Pharynx. “Canterlot was ours.” Chrysalis growled, glancing down at the scarab buried into her chest. She set a hoof on the glowing blue surface and whirled around on her changelings. “Because it wasn’t what I wanted!” she snapped. Pharynx and Thorax shrunk back as Chrysalis huffed, looking off to the side. “I had wanted vengeance on Celestia for years now and when I finally had it in my clutches… it didn’t feel right.” She grunted. “We won, that’s all that matters.” “…Very well, Your Majesty,” Thorax muttered, glancing at Pharynx. His brother shrugged. Chrysalis cleared her throat. “We have more pressing concerns,” she said. “I want to know where this… scarab came from.” Thorax cleared his throat. “Well, I don’t know if it’ll help, Your Majesty, but you mentioned a ‘Khaji Da’ at the end of your battle. The words don’t sound familiar to me.” “Or me,” Pharynx grunted. “It was like a… name. Someone you were commanding.” Chrysalis worked her jaw. “Yes, that. I’m not entirely sure where it came from. Perhaps it did not come from me.” She glanced down. “Leave me. I must concentrate. Tell my changelings they may celebrate, but I must not be disturbed.” “Yes, Your Majesty,” her changelings said in unison, giving a bow to her before parting. As her throne room sealed, Chrysalis walked over and sat upon her throne. Shutting her eyes, she focused on her breathing and drowning out the faint buzzing hum of her Hive around her. She reached deep into her thoughts, feeling around blindly. “Khaji Da… Khaji Da... Speak to me, bug. Answer me!” “Acknowledging, Queen Chrysalis.” Chrysalis’s shut eyes widened at the response—in honesty, she hadn’t expected one. Perhaps there was a way to get answers directly from the source. "Who is ‘Khaji Da?’” “I am Khaji Da.” At least it has a name. I can work with that. “What are you, Khaji Da?” “I am known as the Scarab.” “Yes, but what are you?” Khaji didn’t reply. Chrysalis grit her teeth as her mind began to ache. “Speak to me, Khaji Da! I command you!” Silence. Chrysalis opened her eyes with a snarl. For whatever reason, this Scarab was tight-lipped—and considering it was attached to her, that would never do. If she was going to play host to this thing, she was going to find out what it was. She rose from her throne and marched out of the throne room to find the Hive abuzz with celebration. Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at the jubilation, a small smile slipping across her muzzle in spite of her mood. “Queen Chrysalis! I apologize, we hoped not to disturb you,” Thorax said, hurrying over to her and bowing profusely. “It is alright, Thorax. I need to know where Antenna was sent in the Dragon Lands. The location of the dragon's cave,” Chrysalis replied. “Of course, Your Majesty. Are you… leaving?” Thorax asked, walking alongside her. “Yes. I need answers and this little bug isn’t talking. Might as well ask the dragon who found it,” Chrysalis replied, her sour frown returning. “Will you need help, Your Majesty?” Chrysalis gave a small chuckle and set a hoof on Thorax’s shoulder. “I handled this dragon once, I can handle him again. If I need you and the Hive, I will send a signal.” Thorax blushed and nodded. “Yes, of course. Let’s see what the intelligence drones have…” “Dragon!” Chrysalis bellowed into the entrance of the cave, voice reverberating around inside. “Answer me if you’re in there!” She snorted as she glanced around the area. Her arrival in the Dragon Lands was open and uncontested—either word had spread about what she had done to Korg, or the dragons considered her not worth their time. She was satisfied with either one. Her ears flicked towards the cave, listening for any sound other than the rumble of distant volcanoes. With a roll of her eyes and a huff, Chrysalis marched into the cave. The scarab wasn’t responding to her, but she was confident if there was a threat, it would spring to her defense again. A glittering light soon illuminated the way, and she stepped into the cavern that held her goal. Down a steep slope lay a large cavern, with a pile of gold and jewels that nearly touched the stalactites on the ceiling. Korg was pressed up against the wall. His wings had barely healed and his scales were still bruised. “Get out of my cave!” he snarled, but he remained pressed against the wall. He threateningly snorted out jets of smoke, but nothing further. “You’ll not get any of my gold!” “I’m not here to attack you or steal your treasure—I want answers,” Chrysalis said, eyeing the dragon up and down. “What sort of answers?” Korg narrowed his eyes. “This scarab, where did you find it?” Chrysalis demanded. “For such a memorable treasure, you must remember that much.” Korg grunted, easing down into a seating position. “It was a long time ago,” he grumbled, rubbing his bruised chin. “I didn’t find it around here, it was in Equestria.” “Where in Equestria? Canterlot? Ponyville?” Chrysalis demanded. “I’m trying to remember!” Korg barked, before quieting into rumination. “I’m not good with pony landmarks… do you know of the howling gorge full of eels?” “Ghastly Gorge, yes?” Chrysalis nodded. “South of that. I remember rolling hills. The glint of something caught my eye while I was flying and I landed. Ponies were setting up a town nearby, but I ignored them. The scarab was in a… sort of hole. Shallow. That’s where I found it,” Korg explained. “That’s all?” Chrysalis huffed. “Nothing else? No one around it?” “No,” Korg grunted, exhaling a snort of smoke. “Now leave me. You’ve done enough to me, bug.” Chrysalis frowned as she eyed the dragon, but she was satisfied in knowing he seemed to be telling the truth. He could’ve told her anywhere from Saddle Arabia to Yakyakistan, but he had been too specific. “Thank you,” she curtly said, turning and marching out of the cave. Korg grunted in response, turning back to his treasure. As she stepped back out into the arid air of the Dragon Lands, she pondered her next destination. From what Equestria geography she did know, she knew the closest town south of Ghastly Gorge was Palmera Plains. “Alright, bug,” Chrysalis grunted to the scarab in her chest. “If you won’t give me answers, then at least get me to where I need to go.” “Acknowledged.” Blue encased her transparent wings and they buzzed to life on their own, taking flight. The villagers were up in alarm as soon as she was visible over the town, but like the dragon who had come before her she paid them no heed. There were indeed great, rolling hills as far as her eyes could see. The large shadows of clouds lazily passed over the rippling sea of green, but other than the occasional tree, she couldn’t make anything out high up. With a huff, she angled lower, skimming across the rolling plains a story above the ground. The terrain seemed relatively even, hills aside, but she soon found a curious mark that stuck out to her. There was a small cluster of grey rocks that were mostly covered in grass, but seemed very out of place in the plains. They surrounded a divot in the ground, almost perfectly circular and nearly ten feet across. It too was mostly filled with grass, but the dip was noticeable close up. She touched down in the center of it. “A crater,” Chrysalis surmised, looking around it. She pawed at the ground, but when she hit dirt, there was nothing notable. With a growl, she quickly realized she was at another dead end. The scarab could’ve come anywhere—buried for thousands of years, fell from the heavens, discarded in the hole. Who knows how long it had been there when Korg had found it? As she marched out of the crater, she was met with an unexpected visitor: Princess Celestia. Chrysalis took a step back, wide-eyed at her sudden appearance. Her coat was still marred from their battle, but she was back to her regal stature otherwise. She looked down at Chrysalis with a neutral expression. “Threat detected, significantly weakened. Advising termination.” “Quiet,” Chrysalis hissed, frowning at Celestia as she looked to address her. “Didn’t expect to see you out here.” “The villagers sent word to Canterlot,” Celestia replied. “I arrived alone.” Chrysalis narrowed her eyes. “Why?” A small smile crept across Celestia’s muzzle. “That is the very question I had for you, Queen Chrysalis.” Chrysalis grunted, adverting her eyes. “If you mean at Canterlot, well… I won, that’s enough for me,” she said quickly, not meeting the princess’s gaze. “I see. And… why are you out here?” Celestia asked, taking a step forward. “Are you seeking something?” Chrysalis worked her jaw. On one hoof, Celestia was still her adversary, and the princess knew what to expect now. Whether or not she could do anything against the scarab’s might was another question entirely. On the other hoof, Celestia was here alone. She didn’t appear to be looking for another battle, and her inquiries seemed genuine… “Answers,” Chrysalis finally grunted, finally meeting Celestia’s eyes with a bitter frown. “About the new power you possess,” Celestia concluded, and Chrysalis nodded. “You seem to be able to communicate with it.” “It… speaks to me, in my mind,” Chrysalis admitted. “I can talk to it, and it obeys my commands. Except now, when I need answers about its origin.” Celestia hummed, nodding thoughtfully. “I may have a way to help you,” she said. “If you will trust me.” “Trust you?” Chrysalis’s muzzle wrinkled. Celestia took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Her eyes stared into Chrysalis’s as a serious look entered them. “Chrysalis, I apologize, for what I had to do to you when we first met. I would say after our last encounter we are even. And the fact that you spared my life tells me you are no bloodthirsty war monger. You’re a leader, a mother, as I am a princess to my little ponies.” Celestia offered a gold-clad hoof out to Chrysalis. “So please, let me help you. Let’s step away from our conflict, our past.” Chrysalis blinked in surprise, eyes searching for any hint of betrayal, any subterfuge in Celestia’s gaze. But she only saw a warm, welcoming gaze. She vaguely wondered if her changelings often saw that in herself. Swallowing, Chrysalis nodded, setting her hoof on Celestia’s. “Very well. We’re even.” Celestia’s smile broadened. “Then come, we must return to Canterlot.” To Be Continued… > Issue #6: Mind's Eye > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis looked around at Canterlot Castle, the second time she had visited in so many days. Before there had been abject terror and chaos – now there was an uneasy calm over the whole of the city. As they went, guards and staff eyed her with suspicion or outright hatred. Given that she had laid their princess low, she couldn’t blame them. She followed Celestia past the throne room and deeper into the castle. Her secretary had joined upon their arrival, and she kept looking back at the changeling queen with hesitation. She kept asking Celestia if this was a good idea, and the princess assured her each time. As for Chrysalis, she wasn’t sure how Celestia intended to help her with scarab at all. Their journey ended in a large, round chamber. Thick, deep blue curtains drowned out the light from the windows. The only light in the room came from dim, silver torches along the wall. Overhead was an intricate mural of stars and constellations that glowed in the dim light. The smell of lavender hung in the air. And in the center of the room was Princess Luna, scowling up at Chrysalis with contempt. “Know this,” she growled, leveling a silver-clad hoof at the changeling queen. “You are only here because Celestia wishes to help you.” Chrysalis frowned, but held back her tongue. She instead turned to Celestia and gestured at the room. “So, what is all of this?” “A meditation chamber, of sorts,” Celestia explained. “It is designed to help Luna with dreamwalking in more dire cases.” “Dreamwalking? What’s that have to do with this scarab?” Chrysalis tapped the bug embedded into her chest. “You seem to have a mental connection with the scarab,” Luna explained. “If I am able to step into your mind with you, we might be able to access its mind, or whatever passes for one.” “It seems sentient,” Celestia reasoned. “It must have… some sort of consciousness, some sort of mind.” Chrysalis huffed, but nodded. “If you think it’s possible, I’ll try. It won’t answer my questions directly—all I’ve gotten from it is that Khaji Da is its name.” “A name is a good place to start,” Luna said with a nod. “Close your eyes, focus your breathing. Try to clear your thoughts, and I shall attempt my dreamwalking spell.” Chrysalis exhaled through her nostrils and shut her eyes, focusing on leveling out her breathing. It wasn’t easy with two of her enemies—or perhaps former enemies—in front of her, but she calmed her thoughts. She heard the ignition of Luna’s horn, and felt tingles of magic in her skull. And she felt her foreleg abruptly raise. Chrysalis’s eyes snapped open and she forced it to the floor—just as the generated gauntlet cannon fired a blast. “Khaji Da, no! I command you to stop!” she barked. Celestia and Luna looked on in wide-eyed astonishment at the smoldering hole in the tile floor. “What is the meaning of this?” Chrysalis snarled to herself as the gauntlet cannon melted away. She still held the foreleg down for good measure. “Attempted psychological interference detected. Any threats must be eliminated.” “It wasn’t a threat! Luna is trying to help me—because you won’t give me any answers!” “Chrysalis?” Luna asked, taking a step forward. “What was that?” “The scarab thought your dreamwalking spell was an attack,” Chrysalis said, before she leveled a glare at her. “Was it?” “No!” Luna blinked in surprise, taken aback. “This scarab seems to prioritize defending you,” Celestia noted. “Anything acted upon you might be seen as a threat.” Chrysalis snarled through gritted teeth. “Now you listen here, little bug: you are going to let Luna into my mind. You will stand down. Do I make myself clear?” “…Acknowledged. Standing down at your discretion.” “Try again,” Chrysalis grunted, shutting her eyes and letting out a loud exhale. Luna ignited her horn again, shutting her eyes as a silver aura engulfed them both. Chrysalis looked around at the vast emptiness around her. A darkened void, illuminated in the distance by faint glimmers, almost like stars. Tendrils of green light flowed over her head like the Northern Lights. Princess Luna walked up beside her, looking around at the void. “I cannot say I have ever ventured into a changeling’s dreams,” she remarked. “That will most likely not change soon,” Chrysalis grunted, looking around her. “Where do we start looking for the scarab’s mind?” “Ahead.” Luna gestured with a hoof. Chrysalis looked forward, and blinked in surprise. The void abruptly ended into stitching of vivid blue. Glowing lines of pale blue energy snaked along the floor, walls, and ceiling of the space. Foreign characters, made of the glowing energy, flickered and changed here and there, hanging all about in the air. And there ahead facing her was… herself. Or, what she must’ve looked like with the scarab’s power encapsulating her. It stood lock still, at attention. A closer inspection of the orange lenses showed them to be vacant of her serpentine eyes. As Luna made to go forward, Chrysalis stopped her with a hoof. “Khaji Da might view you as a threat. I will approach.” Luna frowned, but nodded, taking a step back. Chrysalis huffed, stepping across the jagged lines that separated her void from the scarab’s reality. When nothing happened, she approached the empty suit. Slowly, she reached out a hoof and touched the suit, and her eyes glowed blue. “I’m… seeing something. Some sort of vision,” she reported to Luna. “Tell me what you see,” Luna called. Chrysalis scowled. “I see… snow and ice… vast crystal structures… It’s cold but I do not know where this place is. Wait… I see a—” The world around them both abruptly went white. Some sort of shouting rang in Chrysalis’s ears as her vision blurred back into reality. She was on the floor of the meditation chamber. Luna was scolding a guard near the entrance to the room, and it sounded like the guard was apologizing profusely. Celestia walked over and offered a hoof to the queen, who took it with a grunt and got to her hooves. “What happened?” Chrysalis hissed. “We were interrupted by one of the guards,” Luna said hotly, quickly turning on him. “I gave explicit instructions to not be disturbed!” “Your Majesties, I apologize, but this news is urgent!” he exclaimed. “We got so close…” Chrysalis muttered, shaking her head as the last of the weariness left her. “Well? Out with it!” Luna demanded. The guard swallowed. “We have reports that the Crystal Empire has reappeared in the Frozen North.” To Be Continued… > Issue #7: Checkmate Part 1 - Kingdom of Crystal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The Crystal Empire?” Chrysalis asked, raising an eyebrow. “What’s that?” Celestia frowned. “A kingdom in the Frozen North, one with a powerful magic that coursed across Equestria a thousand years ago. It was taken over by a unicorn with a blackened heart, named King Sombra,” she explained. “We banished him into the ice of the Frozen North,” Luna added. “But not before he cursed the kingdom to vanish, until now it seems.” “If the Crystal Empire has returned, there’s a chance King Sombra has as well,” Celestia said, turning to the window. “The kingdom was once full of love and hope that spread across Equestria. It’s possible it might again… or King Sombra’s influence, if we don’t stop him.” “King Sombra… Crystal Empire…” Chrysalis’s ears perked up. “Khaji Da? What is it?” “Inquiries… fragmented. Further data required.” “Did the scarab say something?” Celestia asked, turning to her. “It seemed to pick up on this Crystal Empire. It says it needs further data.” Chrysalis frowned. “Do you think it’s from the Crystal Empire?” “It could be,” Luna said. “You mentioned seeing visions of snow and crystals, what else did you see?” “A spire made of crystal, almost like a castle. There was some sort of blue light at the base of it,” Chrysalis explained. “If it really was the Crystal Empire I saw, I need to go there. I…” She trailed off, realizing what she was saying. Celestia walked over and set a hoof on her shoulder, smiling. “We need all the help we can get,” she said with a nod. “I’ll send word to Shining Armor and Cadance to go ahead. They’re best equipped for this… aside from you, that is.” “If the scarab is truly from there, I hope you find the answers you seek,” Luna said. “From what I could tell in the dreamscape, your mind and the scarab’s were almost one. If it continues, it is possible you might gain mastery over it.” “Then let’s hope this Crystal Empire has the push it needs,” Chrysalis replied, walking to the door. As she opened it, she paused in the doorway and looked back to Celestia. “Can you… tell my changelings where I’m going? I do not want to leave them alone without knowing where I am.” “I will.” Celestia nodded. “Good luck, Chrysalis.” “Thanks.” She turned and left, muttering, “I’m going to need it…” How the ponies had managed to construct a rail line almost to the Crystal Empire’s doorstep, Chrysalis didn’t know, but it made her flight easier. At the first signs of snow, the scarab activated its suit, allowing her to trace the tracks to their destination through the unyielding blizzard. In the distance, she could just make out a train idling on an old, worn platform half-covered in snow and ice. And on the platform, she could make out two forms—a white unicorn and a pink alicorn. “Well, I might as well get this over with,” Chrysalis muttered. Shining Armor and Cadance recoiled as the changeling touched down on the platform, both gawking at her presence and new appearance. “What are you doing here, Chrysalis?” Shining growled, standing in front of Cadance. Chrysalis sighed. “Whether you believe it or not, I’m here to help you and the Crystal Empire,” she said. “I’m here for answers, and you’re here to stop King Sombra. At least for the time being, our interests align.” “So what, you can take it over yourself?” Shining accused. “Not a chance.” “There’s something more important here than conquest—if anything, I want to prevent it,” Chrysalis said. She held up a hoof. “For what it’s worth, you have my word: I am not here to cause you, or the empire, harm.” Shining didn’t stand down, but Cadance stepped around him. She studied Chrysalis with a serious look before finally nodding. “Very well. Follow us,” she said, beckoning Chrysalis towards her. “Threats: minimum. What course of action do you suggest?” “Nothing, Khaji,” Chrysalis hissed through gritted teeth as she followed Shining and Cadance off the platform. “Who are you talking to?” Cadance asked, looking back over her shoulder. Chrysalis let out a long, tired sigh. “This… suit, or whatever creates it. I’ve been calling it the scarab, it calls itself Khaji Da,” she explained. “I have reason to believe it may have come from here, but it won’t tell me anything.” “Is that what you used on Princess Celestia?” Shining grunted. “Yes, in fact,” Chrysalis replied through narrowed eyes. “Is it some sort of weapon or—” A howling noise, like some great beast, sounded from the snow around them. The foggy gloom of the blizzard blackened and swirled up behind them, two glaring green eyes with red pupils pierced through the gloom. “Run!” Shining yelled. Shining and Cadance raced on ahead as Chrysalis gawked at the shadows. Her blue wings buzzed on their own and quickly caught up with the ponies’ retreat. “Analysis: entity is weak to love energy.” “Swell! How do I hit it with love energy?” Chrysalis snapped. “Love energy?” Shining remarked. Cadance, meanwhile, lit up her horn with blue magic and fired a bolt over her shoulder. It pierced the gloom and seemed to eat away at it, the wind howling with agony as it shrunk away from them. “Shining, I’m going to cast a shield over the empire when we get to it,” Cadance said. “That won’t hold forever!” Shining replied. “It might not have to,” Chrysalis said. “I remember something, but we need to get to the castle.” Finally, in the distance, came the faint glints of crystal. A large spire loomed over dozens of smaller crystal structures constructed in a circle around it. As Chrysalis and Shining Armor raced through a pair of crystals that acted as a gate to the city, Cadance ignited her horn brighter. The gloom hissed in pain as a bubble of blue magic lifted over the Crystal Empire. Eddies of wispy black smoke made it through, but sank into the ground, seemingly vanishing. In the empire itself, the snow melted away and the sky overhead betrayed no signs of the howling blizzards outside—if anything, it looked like a peaceful, sunny day. “What did you remember?” Shining asked as they headed for the castle. “At the base of the castle, there was this light. I think it came from some sort of crystal heart,” Chrysalis said. “If what I saw was a vision of the past, perhaps it’s the key to stopping King Sombra.” “Worth a shot,” Cadance panted. “But where would it be?” Chrysalis looked up at the towering castle and smirked. “Being a ruler myself, the most precious parts of my Hive are locked away deep inside. It’d be the last place anyone could look for something.” “Then let’s get searching,” Shining said. As they raced into the castle, the eddies of smoke near the barrier returned. They blossomed from the ground and sparked with black energy, slowly transforming into blackened crystals. Chrysalis stepped into the castle’s throne room. Her magic-canceling throne, the heart of her Hive and the core of its defense, rested in its deepest bowels. Perhaps, she reasoned, Sombra would treasure his weakness equally. “Anomalous energy signature detected,” the scarab reported, and a round target appeared on the crystal at the top of the throne. “Perhaps some sort of magic lock,” Chrysalis said. “Can you trigger it?” “Adjusting energy signature to match.” The gauntlet cannon formed on Chrysalis’s foreleg and she aimed it at the crystal. To her surprise, a beam made of bubbling purple and green magic shot out, sparking with black energy. The purple crystal dulled grey, and a shadow bled down the throne and dais to the floor. In its wake, a large, square opening appeared. A spiraling staircase led down into the depths beneath the castle. “Shining Armor, Cadance, I found something!” Chrysalis called as the gun melted away. Shining and Cadance ran into the room, eyes wide at the pit in the floor. “How did you do that?” Shining asked. “The scarab comes in handy,” Chrysalis replied smugly. “Come, it must be down here.” Chrysalis’s wings buzzed as she flew down the pit, followed by Cadance, and lastly Shining, who grumbled as he raced down the stairs. At the bottom was a simple door with another crystal on top of it, dull and grey like the throne’s crystal had been. Chrysalis’s gauntlet cannon formed again and she fired upon it with the same dark energy, causing Cadance to shrink back as Shining joined her. The door opened to a bright white light. Chrysalis stepped through it and… She was back in her Hive. Chrysalis gawked at what she was seeing, it truly was her Hive, her throne room even! She was captivated for a moment, but her ears twitched. The Hive was deathly still. Not a sound whispered through the endless corridors and tunnels. “Hello?” she called, panic rising in her voice. “My changelings, where are you? Thorax! Pharynx! Antenna? Someling answer me!” “Psychological interference detected. Eliminating.” The vision was shattered. Chrysalis blinked her eyes rapidly as she looked around. She was back in the catacombs of the Crystal Empire. Shining Armor and Cadance were there staring at her. And where the door had been was a smoldering hole in the wall. “Interference eliminated,” the scarab reported, a cannon vanishing away from her foreleg. “You can say that again,” Chrysalis muttered. “It must have been some sort of… dark magic. A doorway that leads to your worst fear,” Cadance said, stepping up next to Chrysalis and setting her hoof on her shoulder. “You said something about your changelings?” Chrysalis blinked and looked at her, and realized there was moisture in her eyes. She blinked it away and shook her head. “No matter, the heart must be this way—” The sounds of screams and cries came from above. Cadance gasped as the magic lighting up her horn sparked and flickered. “The shield! It must be breaking somehow!” Chrysalis grit her teeth, looking between the opened doorway and the castle above. She turned to Shining. “Go with Cadance, get the heart. I’ll deal with this,” she said. Shining frowned, but nodded, leading Cadance through the opened door. Chrysalis’s wings buzzed to life and she soared back up the staircase. Chrysalis emerged in the throne room and flew through the nearest window, gawking at the sight. The shield bubble had numerous holes poked through it. The crystal structures she had seen before had become encased in blackened crystal. Shadows crept towards the castle, spreading more dark crystals through the empire and turning the green grass brown. Crystal ponies fled towards the center of the kingdom. And there, at the entrance, was the great looming mass of wispy shadows, a face now visible: green eyes, red pupils, a curved red horn, and a victorious, fanged grin. “King Sombra,” Chrysalis muttered. To Be Continued… > Issue #8: Checkmate Part 2 - Queen Takes King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis touched down in the midst of the crystal buildings as a mocking laugh reverberated on the wind around her. She glared as the swirling blackness closed in around her. The grinning face appeared before her, laughing. “Ssso… someone else has found that worthless trinket.” Chrysalis blinked. “Khaji Da,” she muttered. “How does he know you?” “Memory banks repaired. Shortened transcription: “I landed in the snowy wastelands surrounding the Crystal Empire. I was acquired by a pony who sought to stop King Sombra. System Check was incomplete. Symbiotic Binding was not completed in time. Pony perished as a result of psychological interference. I was cast far away.” Chrysalis frowned. “Which is where Korg found you,” she concluded. She glared up at Sombra as he laughed again. “That trinket will not help you. It cannot be dessstroyed, and I could not ussse it… but it isss a weapon of masss destruction from the starsss. There isss no good in it.” Chrysalis growled, wings buzzing. “The scarab isn’t the only one standing here,” she said, jabbing a forehoof at him. To her surprise, the gauntlet cannon formed and fired—but only succeeded in poking a brief hole in the mist. “What the?” she remarked. “Symbiotic Binding at 100%. Engaging threat at your command.” Chrysalis blinked, then grinned. “Then let’s not fail again, Khaji Da.” The gloom howled with anger, bolts of bubbling, sparking purple magic firing at her from all sides. The suit’s additional legs blurred, weaving shield after shield as Chrysalis returned fire. As she moved, she marveled at the feeling of the scarab—no longer did its extensions feel like an accessory or clothing, it felt like an extension of her own body. With a snarling roar, the gloom blasted one of the crystal structures beside Chrysalis. It toppled onto the changeling queen, and Sombra grinned at the thought of flattening her. He recoiled as a bright flash of green fire flared just as the building fell, and a towering dragon encased in blue and black armor emerged. It tossed aside the tower with a snarl, before laying waste to the gloom with a mighty jet of fire. The flames parted the gloom, but only briefly. A trio of black crystal spires formed in its midst and fired bolts of black lightning at the dragon. The dragon burned away in another burst of green fire, and Sombra gave another brief grin—which turned into a snarl at the sight of a nimble pegasus now dodging his beams. Chrysalis—in pony form—angled low and swiped out one foreleg. A curved, blue blade materialized out, which she used to cleave through the crystals. As they toppled, Chrysalis transformed back and angled straight for Sombra’s angry visage. As she flew through the miasma, her mind buzzed. There was the faint sounds of nervous buzzing, screams, anxious cries—and they all at once ceased as she fired blindly into the gloom. “Psychological shielding in place,” the scarab reported. “Good, now find me his head so I may remove it,” Chrysalis snarled, rage boiling her blood. She was tired of having her changelings used as the king’s pawns. “Tracking.” Chrysalis angled towards the signature, but no sooner had she swiped a blade through Sombra’s face than it reappeared elsewhere. Each time she lunged for it, she felt a shard of crystal strike her side. Most bounced off, but a few pierced her second armor and jabbed her, causing her to hiss in pain. “Healing.” Chrysalis gasped as she felt the pain subside, but with each subsequent blow, the pain lasted longer than the one before. “We can’t keep this up forever!” Chrysalis hissed internally. “We need a way to stop him for good!” As Chrysalis closed in on his grinning face yet again, a mass of dark crystal slammed into her, sending her bouncing across the ground. Despite the scarab’s protection, she felt her wings crush as she rolled across the ground, and several loose shards of debris jabbed her. She panted as she struggled to get to her hooves, her ears flicking towards the now darkened crystal castle. Chrysalis lifted her head to see faint forms at the top of the central spire. “Chrysalis!” Shining Armor called. “We found the Crystal Heart!” Sombra’s attention immediately snapped towards the castle and he hissed. “No…” he growled, lunging away. “Your energy reserves are low. Healing system offline,” the scarab reported. “I… know,” she grunted. “But we can’t stop now…” Her ear flicked again, and she tiredly looked back towards the entrance to the empire, squinting. Another dark mass was flying across the frozen wastelands, and a deep buzzing filled her ears. “There!” she heard a familiar voice cry as the mass grew close. In an instant, Chrysalis was surrounded by the anxious buzzing and worried eyes of her entire Hive. She struggled to her hooves with the help of Thorax and Pharynx. “What… what are you doing here?” Chrysalis asked. “Princess Celestia told us you were coming here,” Thorax reported, standing at attention. “And then Thorax kept asking questions. ‘What’s the Crystal Empire?’ ‘What’s so important about it?’ ‘Who’s King Sombra?’” Pharynx huffed. “So we decided you would need our help.” Chrysalis teared up, nodding. “Thank you, my children,” she said. “Alright, Hive! As one! For the Queen!” Pharynx barked. “For the Queen!” the Hive replied. Chrysalis watched in wonder as her changelings buzzed around her, lifting off the ground. Each bared their chests to her, and fired off a bright, pulsing pink beam. At once, her wings flared and her pain subsided. Power like she’d never felt before surged through her entire body. Her eyes ignited behind the scarab’s armor. She lifted off from the ground effortlessly as the scarab soaked in some of her power, its blue armor glowing bright. “Thank you, my changelings,” she said, eyes focused on Sombra. “Now, for the Hive!” Chrysalis rocketed away in a blue blur of light, leaving behind her changelings. She didn’t see what became of them. Cadance frantically arched and soared around the snatching tendrils of darkness, clutching the Crystal Heart to her chest. The gloom shied away from its light, but had no issue attempting to strike the alicorn. Shining raced to the nearest balcony, trying in vain to try and shoot off a spell, any spell. Unfortunately, shards of dark crystal embedded in the tip of his horn prevented him from using his magic. “Cadance!” Shining called. “Shining! I—ah!” Shadows had snared her, flinging her to the ground. Darkened crystals quickly sprouted from the shadows on the ground, gluing her to the earth. The Crystal Heart skidded away from her towards the castle. Black crystals blocked up the space beneath the castle, preventing entry or escape. As the dark crystals sprouted and sparked towards the discarded heart, it was scooped up in a blue blur. Sombra snarled as he tried striking at the fast moving object, but to no avail. Chrysalis, meanwhile, looked down at the castle where the heart should’ve been—it was too risky to try and cut through that much crystal, even with her newfound power. “Source of immense love energy detected,” the scarab reported, pinging a round target on the heart in her hooves. Chrysalis blinked and looked at it, then to the enraged Sombra. “That’s why he wants it—it can destroy him. Maybe if we charge it…” She frowned. “Khaji Da, can you use my love reserves to fire a beam into this thing? It might be strong enough.” “Warning: firing off that much energy may drain critical systems. However, course of action is most logical choice. Priming for fire.” Chrysalis smirked. “Sombra was wrong about you, little bug,” she muttered. With a deep breath, she held the Crystal Heart out in front of her and focused on her reserves—both through her body and the scarab’s. A bright beam of purple, pulsing energy fired forth and struck the heart. The Crystal Heart sung like a massive tuning fork, sending forth wave after wave of love out across the kingdom. Sombra’s gloom was blown away, revealing his unicorn form beneath. He was only able to let out one more cry of anger before he too was blown away into nothing. Green and color returned to the Crystal Empire and its residents, bathing each in a full crystal treatment. As Chrysalis opened her eyes, she smiled at the beautiful sight. A warmth flooded through her chest at the thought that she had managed such a thing. Then her eyes shut and she plummeted to the earth. To Be Continued… > Issue #9: Metamorphosis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis’s vision was a blurry sea of pastel colors and her ears were full of anxious buzzing as she regained her senses. As she blinked her eyes into focus, she realized that the scarab’s usual overlay was missing, though she was still gazing through its orange lenses. “Huh… what…” She grunted as she worked to get her hooves under her. A gasp and a hush fell around her as she stood upright, the scarab’s suit disintegrating off of her. “Your Majesty!” came the startled chirp from Thorax. Chrysalis blinked once, then several more times. The gathered changelings around her surely had to have been hers but they were so vibrantly colored. Their chitin, wings, mane and tail, even their compound eyes varied between changelings. “What has happened?” Chrysalis asked, frowning in confusion. “We transformed after we gave our love to you!” Antenna exclaimed, grinning giddily. “The hunger we felt before is gone too,” Pharynx added. “We don’t crave love.” “How bizarre.” Chrysalis set a hoof against her forehead, then her eyes widened as she examined her foreleg. Her chitin had brightened to a dark grey, and was no longer riddled with holes. She checked her other legs, and each looked similar. Her eyes fell on a fallen chunk of smooth crystal nearby that acted like a mirror and gawked at her appearance. Her mane—an actual mane, not matted membrane-like material—curled and flowed like hair. Her wings were rounded like those of a butterfly’s, and had a few heart-shaped holes in them. Her horn was sleek and curved. She was whole once again. Chrysalis’s first thought, of all things, was anger. “Khaji Da!” she barked. The scarab’s voice was quiet in her ear. “Systems: recharging.” “Did you do this to me?” she demanded. “Negative. Per your request… I only healed you during combat. Transformation… seems biological in origin.” “Biological?” Chrysalis’s muzzle scrunched. “Your changelings transformed when they willingly gave their love to you,” Cadance said as she and Shining stepped through the crowd of changelings. “You must have transformed when you gave your love to the Crystal Heart willingly.” “It’s, uh, a better look,” Shining admitted, chuckling when Cadance nudged him. “I’ll admit, you do look better. More… whole,” Cadance admitted with a nod. Chrysalis’s cheeks burned, and only brightened when a new voice added in: “I agree as well.” The changelings parted to let Princess Celestia through, now looking much like her old, regal self. Cadance and Shining Armor gave her a bow. “Not only have you saved the Crystal Empire from King Sombra, it would seem you have saved your Hive from their unyielding hunger for love,” Celestia continued. “You have changed much since we first met, and I’m glad to say it is for the better. Queen Chrysalis.” Chrysalis blinked in surprise as Celestia bowed to her. Glancing around, Chrysalis returned the bow. “Thank you,” Chrysalis muttered. She looked down and set a hoof on the scarab still buried into her chest. “And thank you, Khaji Da.” The group turned at the sound of rushing hooves. Twilight, Spike, and their five friends raced up to the group. “We got here as soon as we could!” Twilight panted. “Where’s—” Her eyes widened at the sight of Chrysalis and the changelings. Her mouth opened and closed as she struggled to find her words, eyes darting between her mentor and the queen. Celestia hid a giggle behind a hoof. “Ah… it would seem there is much to explain, my faithful student,” she admitted. “But I’m sure Queen Chrysalis would have no trouble in helping fill in the blanks.” She gestured a hoof to Chrysalis, who gave a sheepish chuckle. “Yeah, it’s a crazy story, to say the least.” The End. > Bonus Issue: In Brightest Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Kilowog, are you sure this is the place?” Hal Jordan huffed into his communicator. He scanned the horizon. “I’m barely picking up any signs of technology, much less the scarab.” “The trajectory says it landed there, and considerin’ there’s a planet there, it didn’t go through it,” came the gruff reply. “Right. But that was years and years ago. Would it even pick anyone on this planet?” A burst of blue energy answered him, knocking him from the sky and sending him bouncing across the barren wasteland. “Right,” he wheezed. “Ask a silly question.” He sat up and stared at what he thought had been an innocuous mountain yards away. Now upon closer inspection, he could see it was littered with holes and literally abuzz with activity. “Khaji Da! Stand down!” came a chastising voice, and the sound of wings buzzing closer. Chrysalis landed next to Hal, forcing one of her forelegs to the ground. She flashed him an apologetic smile. “I apologize… whoever you are. I can’t recall the last time Khaji Da got so worked up.” Hal got to his feet, eyes falling on Chrysalis’s chest where he noted the blue scarab embedded into her chitin. “Alrighty then, let me guess, that thing fell from the sky and it chose you?” he asked. Chrysalis nodded, squinting. “And who are you? And what are you?” “Name’s Hal Jordan, I’m a Green Lantern,” Hal explained. “We were tracking the scarab to make sure it didn’t land in the wrong hands.” He looked around the wasteland. “My apologies, we’re still working on getting some greenery around here,” Chrysalis admitted. “I can assure you, Mr. Jordan, that Khaji Da is in perfectly capable hooves.” “You keep calling it ‘Khaji Da.’ Has it really bonded with you?” Hal asked, squatting down to her height. “Indeed. Is that an issue?” Chrysalis tilted her head. “And why does it not like you ‘Green Lanterns?’” Hal gave a tight smile. “No, not an issue at all. As for not liking me… it gets that from its creators. So sorry for the interruption, but I need to be going. Take care!” Chrysalis watched in surprise as a green glow enveloped his body and he took off straight up. “Kilowog, found the scarab. Make sure you wipe this planet from the star charts, alright?” “How come?” “We don’t have to worry about it, alright. It’s in safe hooves—er, hands.” Chrysalis huffed, wings rustling. “How strange,” she remarked. “Oh well. I’m late for tea with Celestia.”