> "Vampiolence 2: Octavia's Rise" > by Mushroom heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Wolves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- .... 1. Wolves .... Ashes from the burnt piles buried Voron's body again. Shifting and collapsing inward, including Vellum's body. Her white fur darkened into gray and black tufts, her pink dress was covered with dirt, ashes, and red crimson of blood of her own. Including the blood of her own sister, Vinyl. Then someone or something brought up a coughing fit. And surprisingly the couch moved from the corner. A gray mare with beautiful purple eyes, with a black ragged, and tangled mane with smeared mascara was in a frightened panic. Her throat was so red the flames were making it possible to see the dark red stained throat that Vellum took a bite out of her throat to help Vinyl to take down Voron and Vellum. She pulled herself up and then her cargo free, her eyes were huge with panic, fright, and confusion, she whipped her head around a few times to find her marefriend. "Vinyl!" Octavia yelled, thinking that Vinyl would hear her. But no sound. She was surrounded in a swab of flames. She quickly leaped over the pit of it and tried racing over to the basement door of where Vinyl's protective barrier did not manage to keep them both safe. Just as she started to run, she tripped over an unseen object, and fell on top with a loud thud. She let out a painful grunt, she then looked over the thing that made her trip. She looked over her shoulder to see Vellum's body without a head, the blood from her neck that was signature that she was decapitated by Vinyl from the fight. Octavia gasped, she got off the corpse that was still decaying, and burning away into a crisp from the inferno pits of hell. She was hyperventilating by now, her hooves were on her face trying to calm herself down, but the levels of her panic was too much for her to try and calm down. Octavia then shook her head, as her mind was on auto pilot, she scrambled onto her hooves and made a run for it to the basement's door of Vinyl and Octavia's home. But the ceiling of the basement's roof was collapsing from the inside of the house, Octavia looked up at the ceiling, she squeezed her eyes shut, and ran towards the door faster than her legs could get. But her legs were on fire and she kept running until her lungs gave out. The images of Voron and Vellum drinking from her flashed through her mind, Vellum trying to hold her down while her father was drinking her blood, and Vinyl on the floor not responding from any kind of signs of dangers and hostile situations. It was hazed but she remembered it all too well, right before the debris and wood were gonna fall on her, she leapt over it with a grunt of determination. She landed on her front hooves first before her hind legs. She leapt onto the edge of the basement's stairs and half of it was broken. But she succeeded with a small impact. She scrambled onto her hooves again, she reached for the doorknob, she twisted it and opened the door with such force like her life depended on it. She climbed inside and slammed the door closed. Octavia ran through the kitchen, and the living room in front of the door of her home. She whipped the door open of the front door, she galloped out of the door and did not bother to close the door. She was busy trying to save herself and did not be sucked into the flames of the devil with those two. This night was probably the worst thing that Octavia can imagine. She ran through the houses and streets of Ponyville like she was in a hurry of practice for her next performance. Blood was still welling out of her throat as she kept breathing heavily as the blood wedge wetly in her throat. She didn't care if her blood was being spilled, she didn't care if the thorns from the forest that she entered were clawing at her flesh and fur. She just wanted to be far away from the house that was nothing but a death trap. Her forelimbs, and back legs were on fire like she was Tartarus. She kept hearing the voices of Vellum, and when she was being slapped in the face repeatedly by Vellum, being blamed that she was reason why her sister left her family years ago before Vinyl and Octavia became a couple. Octavia then finally collapsed onto a safe part of Evergreen forest. Even though she knew that this place was dangerous, and rough. She laid down onto the soft, mossy green grass on the ground of the earth surface. She was trying to catch her breath, she then finally left her upper eyelids heavy, she then felt them opening and closing from how tired she was. Her fight for life exhausted her. Until her eyes saw a creature with fangs, red glowing eyes. Its mouth was dripping with saliva to strike fear into the gray mare. Octavia wasn't fully convinced. She then finally accepted her fate now. The creature drew closer and slower. She then finally passed onto the ground. The creature looked like a pony, but with more fur, and sharper fangs. The creature mistakenly male, the stallion went over to the passed out Octavia, he stood right in front her and looked at her, with a blase expression. He nudges his hoof gently to see her face a little clearly. He looked from direction to see if anypony was around, he ducked his head down, opening his mouth to grab her from the scruff. He picked her up effortlessly like she weighed nothing to him. He then dragged her away from the spot where she previously was. Octavia didn't register anything at all. She did not register the creature biting down her scruff, she did not register herself being dragged away. She only registered howling sounds that were coming from the creature. Then another pony that was another wolf-like creature came to the gray mare, she then bared her canine teeth. She had to help this poor mare. "What happened to her?" The female wolf pony asked the male pony. He shrugged, the mare then sighed. "It doesn't matter, just take her Mystic Moon, she'll know what to do." She ordered. The stallion nodded his head, not speaking but her understood. He took Octavia to the medic center of their tribe. A white wolf pony with dark blue hair with little white dots was working on another patient helping her to heal their kind. She then heard a stallion clearing his throat with Octavia in his mouth. The mare looked at the stallion and gasped. She raced over to Octavia's body and grabbed her. She took a look at her with shock. She quickly got into surgery to fix her up. After a few hours of patching her up, replacing her blood that she lost, and disinfecting her wounds. Mystic Moon was grateful that her friend was able to bring her there. Mystic Moon thought it would be a good idea to stay with her through the night until she gets better or if she wakes up. Then the mare before came into the medical center. She is a light gray mare with a purple mane and tail, she was wearing a red prince Gentleman vintage coat over her white shirt. She had one red eye and the other was blind with a huge scare all the way to her bottom lip. Mystic Moon was happy to see her as well, she turned around to face her in the center of the room. "Everest Terra," Mystic Moon said in a happy whispering tone. "What can I help you with?" She asked. Everest paced over to Octavia slowly, and not to wake the injured mare. She looked at the mare before her. And she thought Octavia would make a good pack member of her tribe. And she recognized the bite marks of a vampire pony, but she didn't say anything. She always hated Vampires, the way they always crave the hunger of blood, and the way they hissed to scare their prey. It just makes her skin and fur crawl with disgust. Everest then looked at Mystic Moon. "Do you know these bite marks?" She asked, sounding monotone. Mystic Moon didn't say anything, but she shook her head in response. Everest turned her head to face her. Her glare burning with disgrace, fury, and hatred. Everest then spoke. "These bite marks belong to Voron Vershovski's daughter, Vellum Vershovski. I'm sorry if you don't know them but," She paused and turned her head to see the wounded mare. "He was infamous for killing ponies from Ponyville and was always on the hunt for blood from peasants to please his blood lust." She explained, and turned around to meet Mystic Moon's gaze. Mystic Moon looked at her alpha with fear. She couldn't believe it, she thought the tale from vampires wasn't true. Her mother or father would tell her stories about those sickening creatures called: Vampires. Her fur rose inside of her from hearing that name. "I-Is he... Dead?" Mystic Moon stuttered the first words of her sentence. Everest then lowered her head to sniff the truth. She was able to sniff anything out, this was Everest after all. She can find anything out even if it meant killing someone if they disobeyed or betrayed her. She then sighed in relief but didn't show it. She kept her face unimpressed when she smelled Octavia. "Voron is dead, along with his daughter, Vellum." She announced, calming the fear of her friend. Mystic Moon sighed in relief, placing her hoof on her heart. She then wondered what her leader was planning to do with Octavia. "So, what are you going to do?" She asked, sounding concerned. Everest looked at the moon, the moon showed shadows of the tree branches to make it look like spider legs, she was completely unfazed to see them, she didn't flinch. Everest Terra never showed fear when her opponents threatened her or her pack, she taught them how to be strong. And she made them strong. Strength is her birth right, and she knew it. Her mother--Frost Summit gave her the name when she was a wolf cub. She looked at the gleaming moon, then looked down at Octavia's body. She then whispered under her breath. "Full moon," She whispered, but was audible enough for Mystic Moon to hear. "We give her the power and embodiment of living among us."