
by Stormy Cloud

First published

During one fateful evening, Scootaloo gets kidnapped by an obsessed colt.

Scootaloo, a homeless orphan, gets kidnapped by a colt who has an obsession with Scootaloo. In what could only be described as hell, the mysterious colt tortures Scootaloo. With no hope of escape, Scootaloo ends up giving in to the deranged colt.


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Scootaloo was walking back 'home' unaware that she was being followed. Scootaloo had a miserable week while Diamond Tiara had stopped bullying her friends however, she had kept on bullying her specifically. The worst thing was that she had always hidden it, even her own friends didn't believe her. Whenever she was alone, Diamond Tiara always seemed to be there ready with some harsh words. This time it had been about her parents. "Oh look, Silver Spoon, it's the chicken, I always wonder where her parents are, oh yeah they abandoned her because she is such a failure". They had hit the nail on the head, her parents did abandon her.

When she arrived at the alleyway that served as her home, she wiped away the tears that had been rolling down her cheeks. Suddenly, she felt a white cloth with a funny smell be placed over her muzzle. At first, she froze in fear but regained her senses. She tried to buck her attacker of her but failed each time. She felt her eyes grow heavy and her muscles grow weaker, she found it harder to stand. A voice then spoke softly into her ear "Shhh, don't fight it just go to sleep". This was the last thing she heard before collapsing to the floor, her vision engulfed in black.


Scootaloo groaned as she slowly opened her eyes, only to realize that she was wearing a blindfold. This made Scootaloo panic as she tried to move only to find out in horror that she was hanging from her hooves, any movements, she made would make her sway. Scootaloo was now in full-blown panic mode, she tried to move her wings to no avail, screaming for help, and the only sounds she made were muffled grunts "MMMMMMPH MMMMPH!" Her blindfolded eyes grew wide with fear as she tried to move her tongue only to find that a large wad of cloth had been stuffed in her mouth, she tried to spit it out, only for it to be blocked by something. Pushing her tongue through her sealed lips, she felt something sticky blocking her mouth. Now that she had calmed down, she felt her cheeks being squeezed by something, attempting to puff them out, she realized that some form of tape had been wrapped around her mouth in multiple layers.

Scootaloo started to hyperventilate as the feeling of claustrophobia started to set in, her arms also started to ache in intense pain. Suddenly she heard a door being slammed open. "MMMMMPH MMMPH!" she attempted to shout in the hope of gaining someponies attention.

She then heard hoofsteps circling her as if she was being examined. She tried to turn only to hear the creaking of wood from overhead. The mysterious pony didn't say anything but appeared to be staring at his prisoner. After a while the pony finally spoke "You're awake, This means that we will be able to get started"

Scootaloo was horrified, she recognized that voice from a colt from school. She didn't know the colt's name although she did notice him staring at her with a creepy smile plastered on his face. From what she remembered in class, the colt was quiet but smart at everything but maths. She also remembered that he also got bullied by a gang of older colts. Heck, she just remembered that she had defended that bastard from them.

The colt then interrupted her train of thought "You are probably scared, but let me assure you that I won't kill, I'll hurt you but I won't kill you. You're too special, too pretty to die." Scootaloo's breath caught in her throat as she felt a hoof begin to touch her. She then used her hind hooves to buck him away. All of a sudden she felt her back rip in pain as the crack of a whip filled her ears. Scootaloo screamed as tears started to pour out from under the blindfold.

The colt sighed "I did not want to do that. Your beautiful body is now going to be scarred. I think it's time to go over some ground rules: Rule one, You are to address me as Master. Rule two, You can never leave, you will be mine forever. Rule three, You are to remain silent unless I tell you to speak but you can scream and cry I like it when you scream and cry. Rule four You can never contact the outside world. Rule five You are to become my pet and will let me do whatever I want to you. If you break these rules, you will be punished severely. Nod if you understand"

Scootaloo reluctantly nodded, letting out a sob in the process. "Good girl, now I just need to get rid of that mark on your flanks. This will only hurt a lot"

Scootaloo started to shake her head in protest "Mmmph mmmph" she mumbled through the gag. She heard the sound of tools rattling on a cart. She then heard the colt come close before the feeling of a scalpel piercing her flesh as the psychopathic colt began to cut around her cutie mark before fully removing it from her body. He then moved onto her other flank and repeated the process till eventually he had two cutie marks which he placed onto the cart. Blood was spewing out onto the concrete floor. All throughout the process, Scootaloo screamed in agony.

The colt immediately took out a first aid kit and started applying bandages to her wounds, he refused to give her any forms of painkillers. Scootaloo's screams had lowered to heavy sobbing. The colt then told her "I am sorry about this my pet, but your cutie mark is a form of identity which I cannot allow. Don't worry I will take good care of them"


The colt then placed the severed cutie marks in picture frames, he decided to hang one up on the wall in the makeshift torture chamber and then hang one up in his bedroom. Before leaving he snapped a picture of her hanging body. Taking one last look at his pet, he then left the bunker. After exiting the bunker, he chained the doors shut before heading home. He hid the picture frame in his saddle bags. He sat in front of his house knowing that his own personal hell would begin when he entered those doors.

Indeed as soon as he entered his house, he heard his father growl "Where have you been boy?"

The colt shaking answered nervously "I was playing with friends"

The father sneered "You don't have any friends. What have I said about not coming home straight after school?" He said while grabbing a whip, similar to the one that he had whipped Scootaloo with just hours before.

"I I I'm sorry" The colt stuttered in fear while being backed up into a corner.

The father said "You will be sorry" Suddenly he whipped him as it slashed against his wings. The colt screamed in pain. After being told that he wasn't getting any tea, he ran up to his room, where jumped into bed, pulling his covers up to his chin as tears streamed down his face. He was still going to disobey his father despite his whippings, just to go and see his pet. He then looked up at his wall where he decided to hang the picture frame up right next to all of his pictures of Scootaloo that he had secretly taken, his personal favourite was a picture of Scootaloo sleeping in that box. He then slowly drifted of to sleep, dreaming about his pet locked away in the bunker.


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The colt looked through the shelves at the various equipment, he had been saving up for this moment. Suddenly he heard a gruff stallion's voice "Hey! You need to be over 18 to shop here. Go back to the sweet shop."

"Ok but then I guess I'll have to spend all these bits there instead of here," he smirked while shaking the large money bag. He could see the stallion's eyes turn to bits.

The stallion gave into his greed "Fine but don't tell anypony where you got the stuff" He told the colt, he then walked up to the front door and placed a close sign on it, he didn't fancy anypony discovering that he was letting a minor into his shop.

Then colt examined the gear, he decided to get: a ballgag, a cattle prod, several chains, and other restraints. He contemplated getting several more sexual items but he found the idea of raping Scootaloo disgusting, even for him. When he paid for the equipment, The stallion asked suspiciously "What do you need all this stuff for?"

The colt simply said "A school project", he then left the store, placing his purchases inside his saddlebags, and he then set off for his next destination. He arrived at the pet shop where admittedly he stared at the animals for longer than he wanted. He asked the shopkeeper "Hi there, do you sell any cages for large dogs?" he asked trying to appear innocent.

"Yes we do, So did you get a dog?" she asked trying to make conversation.

"You could say that," he said cryptically. The shopkeeper pointed towards several large cages. He picked up a medium-sized cage.

"The mare then told him "You will have to get your parents to help you assemble it" The mention of his parents made his face sour.

He then noticed a purple collar. pointing to the collar he asked, "Can I get that too?"

"Sure would you like a personalized dog tag to go with it?" she asked. The colt nodded eagerly "What is the dog's name?"

"I haven't thought of a name yet so just put pet on it," He told her.

"Oh okay, that's fine but when you think of a name make sure you bring it back and then we can change it" She explained. The colt nodded, taking the goods, he noticed that the tag was in the shape of a bone. He placed the collar inside his saddlebags, with the rest of his gear. The box that contained the cage was too big to fit in his bags, so he had to carry it on his back.

As he walked back to the bunker, he was pleased to see that no pony had noticed Scootaloo's Disappearances yet.


Scootaloo hadn't slept at all, she had been too terrified, dreading when the deranged colt would come back. Instead, she had tried to escape however the knots around her hooves had been tied too tightly, and it wasn't helped by the fact that she could barely feel them. She had even tried to scream for help but no words came out, she didn't even know where she was. She had given up; she was hanging there, thinking about her friends, wondering if anypony was looking for her. She tried to tell herself that Rainbow Dash would come and rescue her however as each minute slipped away so did her hope.

Suddenly she heard the door open, the sound of hoofsteps coming closer, and Scootaloo began to shake in fear. The colt noticed this and smiled at her fear and sorrow. He wanted to see her purple eyes but didn't want her to see him, not yet anyway.

Scootaloo felt the tape being peeled off and the cloth that had been stuffed in her mouth was removed from her mouth. She coughed and spluttered. Taking the chance she screamed, "HELP ME SOMEPONY HELP I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED!" Suddenly her muzzle exploded in pain. The colt covered her mouth with his hoof, silencing her. He liked the power that he had over her.

He then shouted in her face "What did I tell you would happen if you broke the rules? What did I tell you!"

"Mmph mmmmph" She whimpered through his hoof. He could feel her shaking like a leaf, vibrating his hoof.

"What did you say?" He asked angrily as he finally uncovered her mouth.

"I-I'm sorry" she stuttered shakily. Just as the colt raised his hoof to strike her again Scootaloo blurted out in fear "M Master, please don't hurt me"

"You broke the rules so you will have to face punishment. Because you said sorry, I'll go easy on you" He told her. He then walked over to his table of tools and picked up his new cattle prod.

Scootaloo was terrified. She tensed her body in preparation for what he was going to do to her. Suddenly she felt a searing, hot pain coming from the base between her wings. She was unable to scream despite the pain being so intense, her body shaking as if she was having a seizure then it was over. the smell of singed fur filled her nose. Sobs wracked her body, she wanted it all to be over.

The colt was amazed, the cattle prod had hardly left a mark, he touched where he struck her and watched in glee as her body flinched in pain. Her crying was filling him with pleasure. He then wiped the tears off her face and told her "Hopefully this will teach you not to break the rules. Oh, I got you a present." He then took out the collar and secured it to her neck. Seeing the collar on his pet made him flush with pride, he liked how the purple went with her mane. To Scootaloo, the collar felt weird, it felt foreign. It made her neck itchy and uncomfortable. The colt then added "Now I truly own you"

Hearing him say that made her lose hope that she was ever going to be rescued. The colt then told her "Once I can learn to trust you and once you learn to follow the rules I will stop tying you up, of course, you will still stay in a cage, can't let my precious pet roam free can I?"

"Master, can I ask you a question?" she asked fearing that he was going to punish her again.

The colt knew that she had technically broken the rules again but this time he let it slide, he was intrigued as to what question she wanted to ask. "Of course, my pet, ask away"

Scootaloo sniffled "Why me?"

This made the colt smile "That's simple, I love you, ever since I laid eyes on you I have been obsessed with you"

"But why do you keep hurting me?" suddenly her wing was ripped from its bindings and felt like it was on the verge of being pulled out of its socket causing Scootaloo to whimper.

"I'm not letting go until you learn from your mistake" he growled holding her wing in a vice-like grip.

"I'm sorry, master, please you're hurting me" she pleaded. He let go and quickly retied her wings.

"You don't deserve an answer. But I will tell you one thing. Your So called friends don't care about you they haven't even started looking for you. You are going to be mine forever" He then shoved his new ballgag into her mouth. snapping a quick picture, to join his collection he then left her to hang all alone.

After he left, Scootaloo burst into tears. She didn't want to believe him but she thought that if they were looking for her then they would've found her by now. Scootaloo had lost all hope. The colt had won, she was truly broken...


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Sweetie Belle met up with Apple Bloom outside Sugar Cube Corner, a daily routine, they would perform every school day. Usually, they would pop into Sugar Cube Corner on the way to school to buy a treat to perk them up every morning. Normally Scootaloo was the first to meet them there however lately, she had stopped coming to school and even stopped coming to Crusader meetings, which was definitely out of the ordinary for their secretive friend. It was safe to say that they were worried, they had even been around to all her usual haunts but she wasn't there either. It was as if she had vanished from the face of Equestria.

"Has she still not turned up?" Apple Bloom asked sporting a face of concern.

"No, we're going to have to tell somepony," Sweetie told her. At first, they didn't tell anypony, not wanting to cause a fuss over what could be nothing.

AB nodded in agreement "Ah agree, if she doesn't show up to class by lunchtime, then we'll have to tell Miss Cheerilee, She'd know what to do in this situation."

With that, they both set off for School. Throughout the entire day, they both stared at the door, hoping to see their pegasus friend wander in late. By the time lunchtime rolled around, it was clear to the two fillies that their friend was a no-show. "Yes, an excellent answer, as usual, Stormy Cloud" A blue pegasus colt beamed at the compliment while several other colts snickered nearby. Stormy who had heard, winced. "I believe that is everything for this lesson, class is dismissed" Cheerilee waved them off.

She looked up to see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle approaching her desk. The worry etched on their faces was evident to Cheerilee. "How can I help you girls?" She asked, hoping to ease their worry.

The two fillies looked at each other before Sweetie asked "Miss Cheerilee, we're worried about Scootaloo we haven't seen her neither has Nopony else"

Cheerilee pondered on what to say to her concerned student. Truth be told, she had also been worried especially when she realised that the home address on her school record was fake. Not wanting to worry her students any further she asked them "Have you tried her house?"

"That's the thing, we've never seen her house or her parents fer that manner" Apple Bloom replied.

Not knowing what to say she reassured her students that she would look into it. The two fillies still looked worried but relieved that some of the pressure had been lifted off their shoulders.


After the school day had finished Miss Cheerilee went to visit Rainbow Dash. She managed to find the local speed demon at Sugar Cube Corner. "Rainbow Dash?"

"Hi Cheerilee, is there anything you need?" she asked.

"Yes, I know that Scootaloo looks up to you, I was wondering if you have seen her at all," she asked, hoping that she had some information.

"No, why is she in trouble?" she asked, hoping that her fan hadn't gotten herself into trouble.

"I don't know, you see, she hasn't turned up to school and her friends also haven't seen her. When I looked into her records she gave me a fake address and come to think of it I've never seen her parents let alone met them" she explained.

Rainbow's face turned to mild concern, she realized that the filly never talked about her family. She then suggested "Maybe If we find out who her parents are then we can find out where Scootaloo is"

"That's easier said than done, I don't know who her parents are," she told Dash.

"Twilight might, she practically knows everything" Dash exclaimed.


When they arrived at the Castle of Friendship, Spike showed them through to the Library Where Rainbow shouted "Yo Twilight, we need your help"

Twilight grunted in annoyance "Okay but this better not be a waste of my time" She stopped what she was saying when she noticed their faces of concern. She then added worried "What's going on?"

After Rainbow Dash and Cheerilee explained the whole situation to her. She walked over to a metal cabinet that contained old newspaper articles, saying "I recognize those names". Looking through the cabinet she blurted out "Haha, right here"

She pulled out an article with the headline: Parents found guilty of foal neglect emblazoned across the front page. She then started to read aloud "Skaterloo and Whirlwind were found guilty of foal neglect after they were seen leaving their newborn foal near the Everfree Forest, a forest that gained its infamy from the dangerous beasts that inhabit the forest. Today the judge sentenced them both to twenty years in prison"

The room fell into silence, nopony believing what they had just read. Twilight was shocked "How could somepony do this to their own child?" she asked nopony in particular.

Cheerilee stuttered "I had no idea that she was going through this."

But nopony was as surprised as Rainbow Dash, who was lost for words whispered "Why didn't she tell me I could've helped her"

Suddenly Twilight spoke up "We need to report this to the police"


The colt was walking to the bunker, fantasizing about what he was going to do to his pet, when he suddenly spied a poster, Looking at the poster, his blue face paled as his sky-blue eyes turned to pinpricks.



Race: Pegasus
Gender: Female
Age: 10 yrs old
Cutie Mark:

Orange Fur, Purple, Spikey mane and tail, Light purple eyes
Last seen leaving Ponyville Primary School
If you have any information regarding Scootaloo's disappearance, please contact the Equestrian Royal Police Service, the Ponyville Police Station, The Royal Investigation Service's Missing Ponies Unit, or the National Centre for Missing Foals
Reward: 10,000 Bits

The Colt growled at the poster before ripping it to shreds "I won't let them take her away from me" he growled angrily to himself. He managed to calm himself down, he knew from here on out he had to remain extra careful and extra vigilant.

Walking down into the bunker, he was glad to see that his pet was still hanging there. Walking over to the corner, he pulled a wooden chair into the center of the room, making a loud scraping noise. Looking over at his prisoner, he liked how her ears would turn towards any noise he made. He told his pet "I am going to release you from your bindings. You will only be released for a couple of seconds before being tied to a chair. If you want to be fed tonight then I highly advise you to not even think about trying to escape" he warned her.

Scootaloo hadn't realized how starving she was until he mentioned food. Her mouth also felt like sandpaper despite the incessant drooling dropping from her ball-gagged mouth. All of a sudden she dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes causing her to grunt in pain. She then felt the binding around her hooves become loose before falling off. She then felt the colt help her onto her hooves causing her to freeze in terror. The colt reassured her that he wasn't going to hurt her. Scootaloo felt like she was learning to walk for the first time ever. She whimpered in pain as all four hooves felt like they were on fire. Her front hooves felt incredibly stiff from being suspended over her head for days while her back hooves hurt because of her cutie marks being cut off. The colt helped her into the chair where he immediately set to work on duct-taping each hoof to the arms and legs of the chair. He then wrapped tape around her midriff and the top of her legs securing them to the base of the chair, Scootaloo literally couldn't move a muscle.

The colt stood back and admired his hoofy work before taking a deep breath and pulling the blindfold off her face. Scootaloo clenched her eyes shut from the bright light. Slowly she opened her eyes and squinted at her so-called master. At first, she could only make out a fuzzy outline but as her eyes slowly grew accustomed to the light she finally got a good look at her kidnapper. The colt was a light blue pegasus with a black mane and tail, he had sky-blue eyes which stared at her curiously and guilt? She also noticed that he had several scars littering his body that's when she realized that he was a blank flank.

The colt stared into those pretty, purple eyes, they were definitely his favourite thing about her. He could see that they were filled with fear and sadness. He then stroked the side of her face, she let out a small muffled whimper. Scootaloo was horrified to see him lean in close and kiss her on her forehead, this made her want to puke. She then looked around and noticed that they were underground, she was horrified to see her own cutie mark in a picture frame causing her to tear up.

The colt then snapped out of his daze and removed the ballgag. Scootaloo opened and closed her mouth as if she were testing it. She watched him walk to his saddlebags and pull out a tin of tomato soup. He then walked into a separate room which had been made into a makeshift kitchen, placing a pan onto the hob, he filled it with the tomato soup and started to cook. He had learned to cook from an early age when his parents stopped properly caring for him.

While he was cooking Scootaloo tested the duct tape and quickly found out that it was incredibly strong, she was unable to reach down and bite it so she looked around in hopes of seeing anything that could help her escape, but there was nothing. She didn't dare risk screaming for help and to lower the risk of breaking any rules, she decided to remain silent. Not wanting to look at that picture frame she contended with staring down at the concrete floor.

Suddenly the smell of Tomato Soup filled her senses as the colt walked in holding a tray of soup and a glass of water with a straw. The colt sat down in front of her and proceeded to ladle some soup onto a spoon. He then held the spoon out in front of her. Scootaloo kept her mouth firmly shut, the colt looked hurt by this. Scootaloo couldn't stop it anymore her hunger was too much and so she reluctantly opened her mouth. The colt then began to spoon-feed her. Her eyes lit up in surprise as the soup was actually delicious. She eagerly opened her mouth for more, making the colt smile. Admittedly, she was humiliated at being fed like a foal by somepony with a similar age to her. After the bowl was completely drained of its contents he then held up the glass of water for her to sip through the straw.

After the meal, she said "Thank you master" This made his wings buzz with happiness, he felt like dancing. He then noticed her squirm and tense. She told him "Master, I need the toilet"

The colt simply told her "Go on then, I ain't untying you"

Her cheeks turned red in embarrassment as a puddle of urine started to form at the base of the chair. The colt suddenly untied her from the chair before shoving her to the floor, he then proceeded to hogtie her and gag her with a ring gag. He then positioned her to lie face first in front of the puddle of urine, taking his whip, her whipped her across her flanks which had begun to scar from the cutie marks causing them to open once more. "You are going to lick every drop of this floor. I want it to be spotless by the time I get back. If I find one drop of it I will whip you until you are no longer recognizable. He then left the humiliated filly to complete her dirty work.


When he arrived back at his house, he came face to face with his father who told him "There is food missing, Where is it?"

The colt stammered "I don't know"

"My room now!" his father commanded however the colt shook his head silently whispering the word no as tears began leaking down his face. The father then yanked him by his mane and dragged him to his room and slammed the door shut. Through the door, all you could hear was the colt screaming into what sounded like a ballgag...

The box

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Scootaloo didn’t want to do it but she thought about what Master would do if he found out that she hasn’t followed his orders, to make matters worse she could a poo coming out Please no, not now she thought to herself. However it was to no avail as she moaned through the gag as she pushed out the poo, which fell between her legs, She knew that master wasn’t going to be happy.

Trying to ignore the stench she poked her tongue out through the ring gag and tasted the urine. Her piss tasted salty and bitter, she wanted to wipe the pee of her tongue but she knew she had to carry lest she face Master’s wrath. So she kept on licking the piss up all the while threatening to throw up.


The colt was limping through the town, his flanks sore from his punishment. He wasn’t paying attention until he walked face first into what appeared to be a pillar of gold, looking up he realised with fear that the pillar of gold was actually the leg of a royal guard. Now he was concerned, the Royal Guards only stayed in Canterlot unless they were ordered to go somewhere else.

“Watch it, kid” the guard shouted in a thick Canterlot accent. The colt merely nodded before running of, wanting to put as much distance as possible between him and the guard.

Now that he was paying attention, he quickly grew aware of his surroundings and noticed that the town was swarming with Royal Guards and the police.

The colt quickly decided that he didn’t want to stay in town and quickly as he could, without drawing any unwanted attention, ran to the bunker.

Entering the bunker, he slammed the doors shut behind him and breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly the smell of pony faeces filled his nostrils. He growled irritably, he was already in a foul mood and when he entered the main room to find his pet covered in equine waste, he snapped.

The trussed up filly noticed him and realised that he wasn’t happy snd watched with fear as he walked over to his tools of terror snd picked up a baseball bat. She started to shake her head as he raised the bat high, “MMMMMMMMMPH!” She screamed, however it was not enough to stop him.

He repeatedly slammed the wooded bat down onto her, causing her body to make several sickening cracks as her orange fur became mottled with blue and red patches. Scootaloo could do nothing as the enraged colt continued to batter her. Finally the colt regained control of his rage and chucked the bat onto the other side of the room.

He looked down to admire his hoofy work. A mixture of feathers, fur and blood surrounded the small pegasus, who was barely conscious. Both of her wings were broken and her eyes were swollen. The ring gag had taken a beating and had bent inside of her mouth causing several of her teeth to crack and the gag to hang out uselessly. She was shaking with pure terror.

The colt knew he needed to calm down but he needed to vent “YOU STUPID BITCH, GRRR, WHY DO YOU FUCK THINGS UP, YOU USELESS CUNT!” he screamed at the horror-stricken filly, who was now crying her eyes out.

“I’m sorry please stop shouting.” Scootaloo's sobbed, still scared that the angered colt may lash out again.

He pulled her by her mane and dragged her over to a small box that was the size of a toy chest and was much too big for her. He opened the box up and forced her inside. It proved difficult to shut the lid but after much pushing he managed to squeeze it close, before it could bounce open, the colt quickly padlocked the chest shut.

He knew that most pegasi were claustrophobic and would go insane if forced into a form of enclosure. He knew this was the perfect punishment. “You are going to stay here until I can be bothered to let you out.”


Scootaloo was panicking, her entire body was sore and she was bent in an extremely uncomfortable position. To make matters worse there were no air holes, which meant that there was a deadly timer on how long she could stay in the box. She tried pushing against the lid but it was secured thoroughly.

“HELP, SOMEPONY HELP ME!” she screamed but nopony could hear her. She began to weep, she had no more tears to spare.

There was no space to move around, this only added to the torture of the box. As time passed, her head began to ache and the feeling of claustrophobia grew stronger until she could no longer take it.

She banged against the walls in desperation however each hit against the hardwood only made her weaker each time. “Please Master, I’m sorry. Please I don't want to die in here.” her words sounded a lot fainter than the last and she realised that she was on the verge of passing out.

Just as the darkness was about to take her, the box opened. The colt stood over her, a cunning idea beginning to form in his head.

He pulled Scootaloo out of the box, before taking her to a wall that had two chains with manacles on the end of them. Pushing her onto her rump with her back facing the wall he grabbed her forehooves and locked them in the manacles, securing them to the wall. He then grabbed the ball gag and secured it in her mouth. Snapping a pic, the flash highlighting her swollen eyes. He then left the bunker.


The colt was walking back home and was surprised to see that the streets were still packed with Royal Guards and police ponies all of whom seemed to be patrolling the streets.

Making himself as uninteresting as he could, he snuck back home without any bother. As usual, his father was waiting for him. He had an accusatory look on his face.

Before he could rush upstairs, his father called for him. “You may have noticed that the Cops are all over the place.”

The colt nodded, wondering where the conversation was going to lead to, “Don't think I haven't noticed your little after-school wanderings. If you come home late ever again then they won't just be looking for that fully, they'll be looking for you too. And if you even think about telling anypony about our private life, I will ruin you, do I make myself clear, colt?”

The colt nodded erratically, wanting to get to his bedroom as soon as possible and was thankful when his father dismissed him. He was surprised that his father hadn't punished him but was grateful nonetheless. His mind then went to his sinister plan that he had in Mind for his next visit to his pet project. His father didn't scare him, not as much as he used to.