> Wubs of the South > by distortedtruth92 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Club > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack was taking a stroll through the town after her last argument with her sister. Applebloom had become a teenager, and, like teenagers are wont to do, she thought she was always right. This latest debacle had been something about this young colt Applebloom liked. Applejack did not like the colt mainly due to his out of class activities. She had heard that he was a bully, and that he even smoked marijuana. Applebloom had wanted to hear nothing of it. she was "in love." Like that filly knows anything about love, Applejack thought to herself. Love is not latching on to the first boy you find attractive. So that was how Applejack ended up walking the streets around 10 P.M. She looked up as she heard loud, musical vibrations coming from the club nearby. Applejack usually avoided the club, as it played that obnoxious "dubstep" that everypony was crazy about. She preferred her old timey western tunes. But, tonight, something enticed her about the flashing neon lights. She, as if in a trance, walked into the club. Vinyl Scratch looked up from her turntable as she noticed the door open in her peripheries. What she saw came as a pretty big shock. The Element of Honesty had just walked through the door. Vinyl had never spoken to the mare before, but from what she had heard, Applejack lived her Element to the "t." Vinyl noticed she was slipping a little bit as she watched the orange mare go sit by the bar, so she quickly looked back to her turntable and resumes spinning. Applejack sat at the bar sipping on a mug of Apple Family Cider. It was preposterous. Why should she have to pay money for something she made. What was worse was that she had to pay more than she sold it for. She was already regretting coming here. She figured she might as well listen to the music since she was already here. Surprisingly, it was good. It had a nice beat to it. Applejack started bobbing her head without even realizing it. The DJ continued playing for about an hour, each song was getting better to Applejack's ears and she finally decided to get on the dance floor. She kept getting jostled around, but, for some reason, she was enjoying it. At one point, the ponies around her picked her up and pushed her around in the air. The whole thing was crazy, but incredibly fun. After the DJ was finished, Applejack walked back over to the bar, ordering another cider, not caring about the price this time as she just needed something to quench her thirst. "Hey, Applejack." Applejack turned around to see the DJ trotting toward her. "Uh, hey there." She recognized the pony from the Shining Armor's wedding and Rarity's fashion show before that, but had never learned her name. Seeing Applejack search for a name, Vinyl extended her hoof, "The name's Vinyl Scratch, but on stage I'm known as DJ Pon-3." Applejack take the extended hoof. "Ah, OK. It's nice to actually finally meet ya." "Same," Vinyl takes a seat next to Applejack. "So what brings you to the club? I've never seen you hear before." "Ah was just walking around, and Ah saw the lights, so Ah decided to come in." "So what didja think of the music?" "It was good. Ah didn't like it at first, but it grew on me." "That's great." The two spent the next two hours talking about their different tastes in music. Vinyl spoke about how she got into the music business, while Applejack spoke of the apple business. Each mare seemed equally intrigued by the other's story. However it was getting late. "Whoa, nelly," Applejack exclaimed, looking at the clock behind the bar, "is that the time? Ah better get heading home." "Awww, OK." Vinyl pulled out a mobile phone. "Hey, can I have your number?" Applejack looked at the phone, "Sorry, but Ah don't have one of those." "Vinyl eyebrows skyrocketed above her glasses, "What, really? Why not?" "Ah've never needed one. All mah friends usually just come to Sweet Apple Acres if they want ta visit. "Well, am I considered one of you friends now?" "Ah would say so. We only just spent the last two hours talking and it felt like only thirty minutes." "So do you wanna hang out some time." "Sure. Just come by Sweet Apple Acres when you have the chance." "Will do. See ya later, AJ." With that she walked out. Applejack finished her now warm cider before also heading back to Sweet Apple Acres. Boy, she was tired. She hadn't stayed up this late for a few years. Vinyl curled up in her bed and used her magic to set her glasses on the bed side table. Why am I feeling like this. I just met her. I mean, yeah, she's gorgeous. And need I mention those flanks. But still, I need to find out what she feels about me. For now we will just be friends. Vinyl rolled over and tried to sleep. It took her a while, but, when sleep finally took her, she dreamed of an orange earth pony with a blonde mane. Applejack slow and carefully walked into the house, so as not to wake up anypony. She checked on Applebloom, who was snoring softly in her bed. She then went to her room and lay down on the bed, wide awake. Why am Ah feeling like this. Ah just met her. Ah mean, yeah she's gorgeous. And need Ah mention those flanks. But, still, Ah need to find out how she feels about me. For now we will just be friends. Applejack rolled over and tried to sleep. It took her a while, but, when sleep finally took her, she dreamed of a white unicorn with an electric blue mane. Applejack woke up to the sun shining through her window. She slowly got out of bed and looked at her clock. it read 8:30 A.M. Whoa nelly, Ah've overslept. Vinyl slowly opened her eyes as sleep left her. She sat up and looked at her clock. It read, 10:30 A.M. Whoa, I kinda woke up early. Y'know, I think I'll go visit my new friend. After a quick shower, Vinyl dried off, put on her glasses, and headed out her door in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. > The Morning After > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack jumped out of her bed, and rushed out of her room, only to be stopped by the loud noise of Big Mac's deep snoring. What the hay? Why is he still sleeping? She galloped down the hall and burst into her older brother's room, startling him awake. Next to him lay a sleeping Cheerilee. “Dammit AJ,” Bic Mac yelled at her, waking up his partner. “What could ya possibly need.” “Now, don't go gettin' all mad at me, mister. What are ya doin', still asleep at this hour?” “AJ,” Big Mac said in his slow, soothing voice, “it's Saturday. We never start working 'til ten on Saturdays.” Applejack looked over to the clock on her brother's bedside table. Sure enough, in the right hand corner, above the time were the letters SAT. Applejack blushed, and turned her gaze toward Cheerilee. “Ah'm terribly sorry Miss Cheerilee.” “That's quite alright, Applejack,” the school teacher smiled. “Ah'll let y'all get back to sleep.” “Damn straight,” Big Mac murmered into his pillow. “Now, dear,” Cheerilee cooed, “be nice.” “If I must.” Applejack turned around and looked into Applebloom's room, only to notice that her sister wasn't there. “Uh, Big Mac. Where's Applebloom.” “She said something about going to meet her coltfriend. Oh, and she also told me not to tell you that. Whoops, guess the cat's out of the bag. I am such a bad older brother.” His voice was dripping sarcasm. “WHAT?” Applejack yelled, as she sprinted down the stairs. She was almost out the door when she realized that she did not know where Appleboom was. She ran back up stair and burnt in on Big Mac kissing Cheerilee. Big Mac broke the kiss. “What in Celestia's name do you want, AJ?” Applejack blushed again. “Sorry, but, uh, did she say where she was goin'?” “To the schoolyard. Goodbye, AJ.” He rolled over. “Thank-” “Goodbye AJ,” he said even louder. “OK, bye then.” As she turned away she heard Big Mac say to Cheerilee, “Now where were we.” “Ooh, Big Mac, not now, she's still in the AHHHHHHHHHHHH.” Applejack grunted in disgust as she headed out into the morning sun. The crisp morning air felt good against her body, cooling off the sweat she had accumulated over the night, under her covers. She was going to need to take a shower when she got home. She swiftly made her way through the orchard to get to the schoolyard that was across Ponyville from the farm. Ten minutes later, she galloped into the schoolyard, gasping for breath. Applebloom was nowhere to be seen. Applejack slow made her way around the schoolhouse. Behind it, she found Applebloom and her “boyfriend” making out. Well, if you could call it that. It more looked like the boy was trying to suck on Applebloom's face like some sort of disgusting leech. Applejack walked up behind her little sister and chomped down on Applebloom's tail. “Whoa. Whoa,” the youngest Apple called out. She looked back to see who was dragging her. “What the hay, Applejack? What are ya doin'?” “Ah'm takin' ya back to the farm,” she replied through her sister's tail. “What does it look like Ah'm doin'?” “It looks like you're messin' in business that ain't yours.” “Ah'd say family is mah business.” She kept on dragging Applebloom behind her as she walked. Applebloom struggled until they reached the center of town, but, seeing as it was a lost cause, she stopped, sitting down and relaxing her whole body, making herself that much harder for Applejack to drag. Finally, thirty minutes later, Applejack had Applebloom at the farmhouse. She spit out her little sister's tail and turned around glaring daggers at the teenager. “Go to your room,” Applejack said venomously. “Don't come out 'til Ah tell ya.” Applebloom stomped her hoof in anger. “Ya cain't tell me what ta do, AJ. You're not our mother. Applejack launched herself at her sister, pinning her against the wall so hard, some trinkets fell off their shelves, shattering against the floor. “Don't you speak of her, Applebloom,” she seethed. “You never knew her. You were just a foal when it happened. Do not throw the thought of her around casually.” Applebloom looked at her sister with fear in her eyes. She had never seen Applejack so angry in fourteen years of life. She lowered her head. “Yes, AJ. Applejack calmed down, her body visibly relaxing. “Thank ya, Applebloom. Now, go to your room and wait for me.” She sounded extremely tired as she spoke. She released her sister and watched her as she walked up the stairs to her room. She looked around the living room. A vase that Granny Smith's mother had bought on her travels lay on the floor, broken clean in half, the clock lay face down in front of the fire place. Almost everything that had fallen had been broken in some way. She looked back to the spot of wall where she had slammed Applebloom. The wood was splintered, a pony shaped indent showing what had caused the splintering. Applejack took one last look at the wreckage and, with a sigh headed out the door. She arrived at the library ten minutes later. After standing there for one more, she gently rapped on the door. Twilight answered shortly after. “Oh, hey Applejack. What happened to you? You look dead tired.” “Hey, Twi. Can Ah get you to come to the farm real quick? I got somethin' that needs repairin', and Ah can't do it without unicorn magic.” “Uh, OK.” “And, uh, can we teleport there? Ah'm dead tired.” “I noticed,” said Twilight under her breath. She raised her voice to an audible volume, “Sure thing AJ.” “Thanks.” Applejack stood next to Twilight as the latter's horn activated. The next second she found herself standing in her living room, which looked like a tornado had passed through it. Twilight gasped, “Applejack, what happened here?” “Uh, Applebloom an Ah had a fight.” “And you guys did this much damage?” “Actually, Ah did all the damage.” Twilight turned her head at Applejack so quickly it was a wonder she did not break her neck. “Huh?” Applejack then recited the whole event to Twilight, leaving out the part about her mother. After she was done, she felt even more drained than before. She sat on the floor and just stared at the pony shaped indent in the wall. “Oh, Applejack,” Twilight put her hoof comfortingly on her friend's shoulder. She looked around at the room, and, activating her horn, set everything to rights again. “There, everything is back to normal.” “No, it's not,” Applejack wailed. “Ah want my sister back. We used to do everythin' together. Now she hates me.” “I'm sure she doesn't hate you, Applejack.” “Yes, she does. Ya shoulda heard her, Twi.” Applejack stood up. “Thanks for comin' by, but Ah gotta get ta work.” She started walking to the door, only to have Twilight materialize in front of her. “AJ, you are in no condition to work.” “O' course Ah am.” She kicked out her back legs to add emphasis. “Ah'm fit as a fiddle.” “That's not what I meant, Applejack. You are not mentally able to work right now.” Applejack narrowed her eyes at Twilight. “Ya callin' me slow, Twi?” “No,” Twilight held her hooves if front of her defensively. “That's not what I meant at all.” “Well then, would ya kindly move? Ah got apples ta buck.” With a defeated sigh, Twilight hung her head. “Very well AJ.” She slowly walked out of the orchard. “Now that that's settled.” Applejack went to the barn and got the wagon and buckets and started putting them around the trees. Vinyl Scratch walked slowly through the town, bobbing her head to a beat only she could hear. Everypony was going about her normal business per usual, happy and not a care in the world. Vinyl could not help but feel a little nervous, herself. She had just met Applejack last night, but she already had feelings for the earth pony. Her head stopped moving to the nonexistent music. What am I doing, acting like a little schoolfilly about to tell her crush that she likes her. I'm not even doing anything like that. I just want to see if she wants to hang out. Vinyl's thought had brought her to the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres. She could her the distant thud... dribble of the apples being bucked. So much for hanging out. I guess I could just say hello and see when she is next free. She walked deeper into the orchard, passing tree upon hundreds of trees. She would never know how the three Apples harvested them all. Finally, she came to the place where Applejack was bucking. The orange earth pony's back was to the white unicorn, and Vinyl did not mind the view at all, but something about the object of her gaze was off. Applejack did not carry herself as she normally did when the DJ saw her around Ponyville. She seemed upset about something. Vinyl walked up to Applejack and tapped her on the shoulder. “Hey Applejack.” The earth pony jumped and turned around. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks were stained with the tears she had shed. She looked at Vinyl with dead eyes. “Oh, hey, Vinyl.” Vinyl looked at her friend with sympathetic eyes, hard to notice due to her glasses. “Hey what's wrong?” “It's nothin', jus' family issues.” “Anything I can do to help?” “Not really. It just needs time to settle down.' “Well, OK, then.” Vinyl wrapped a sympathetic leg around Applejack's shoulders. She felt the mare relax under her touch. “If you ever need anything, you know where to find me.” That drew a small smile from the distraught mare. “Thanks Vinyl.” She gave the unicorn a hug. “Do ya want to hang out or somethin' tonight?” “Well, I'm working at the club tonight, but you can come by and we can hang a bit when I get off.” Applejack cheered up even more at that. “Yeah, sure. Ah jus' need to finish buckin' mah share o' the apples.” Vinyl smiled at her newest friend. “K, I'll leave ya to it then. See ya tonight.” She started walking off. “Yeah, see ya,” Applejack called after her. Vinyl barely made it to the edge of the orchard before she jumped into and let out a whoop of pure joy. Applejack started going back to bucking with a smile on her face. She was about to kick a tree when her sister popped out from behind the one in front of her. “You like her don't you,” Applebloom said in an accusing tone. “Wha-? Of course Ah like her. She's a good friend.” “That's not what Ah meant AJ. I meant you like like her.” “What? No of course not.” Applejack bit her bottom lip, as she always did when she lied. Applebloom went of the handle. “You are such a hippo, Applejack!” “I am no-. A what now?” “A hippo. Are ya so slow ya don't know what a hippo is. A hippo is somepony who tells another pony not to do something and then goes and does it themselves.” “First off, Applebloom,” Applejack replied with heat in her voice, “that is a hypocrite, not a hippo. And, secondly, Ah am getting' to know her before Ah rush into anythin', unlike you who grasps on to the first stallion who shows any interest in ya.” “Whatever,” Applebloom retorted, then walked off in a huff. Applejack watched her little sister walk of with a hint of sadness in her eyes. Tonight cannot come fast enough.