> Love, Secrets and Protectors. > by AkioDragonlance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter Zero: Pilot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air. That was the first thing that had hit my lungs that day, after being submerged for so long. The fresh air of freedom, hooves reaching towards me, some faint yelling could barely be heard. The moment the cold breeze reached my muzzle was the moment that my eyes opened once again, what awaited me was not that of my mother awakening me for sleeping too long in the bath once again but that of a tan mare, her hooves wrapped around my own as she was pulling me out of my watery prison of so many years. “I am not getting any younger, Daring either you bring him along with us quickly before the roof caves in!” There was an odd voice from the entrance, that of a stallion? Perhaps my eyes were still trying to adjust to the accursed daylight. “And leave the one with all of the answers about this place?-” It would appear that my hearing began to fail me as my eyes began to close once again, my exhaustion finally hitting me as I was taken far away from my prison. Alas this would only be the beginning of my extraordinary journey, and the start of my rather odd life once again. Allow me to properly introduce myself, I am Austere, A nocturnal unicorn. Yeah I know how far-fetched it sounds but considering you are reading my memoires, either you have earned my trust enough to know my own personal secrets or you are a recent friend of mine trying to pry my secrets by force. Especially you miss Loyalty, but I think you will find that before you finish this very page, you will realise that I’m already standing behind you. By now you have dropped this very journal and scattered faster than you thought possible. Now as I was writing before that thought came to mind, back before the ‘unification’ as it is called, we were spread into our various tribes, we nocturnal ponies or ‘thestrals’ as the world has gotten used to calling us were once divided into our own clans before Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna had convinced our elders of their plans to unite the ponies in an unknown land, to banish the winter spirits for eternity. I was an orphan before I was taken in by the younger of the two sisters as a ward along with her stallion, whose name I can barely remember to this day, Malachite Anvil. My caretaker of many years. Of course as a young stallion would be expected, this great undertaking provided a much boost to one's confidence, to go beyond their comfort zone and into the great beyond as an adventurer. It was on one of these adventures for a legend that I would be trapped within its grasp, the legend of the Lake, of which those who bathe in it would be blessed with an eternity of life. I suppose I should not call it a legend anymore, but now I shall continue my retelling of my awakening so that I can rest from the events of this long night. When I came to, I was in a bed not my own. No it was not the warmth I felt that gave it away, instead it was the comfort I felt while in it, much more different from the hay piles of the sister’s encampment. It felt like bliss on my side, the neverending feeling of warmth as I shifted to a sitting position before I even opened my eyes, only to be met with those of the strange mare who had freed me, her expression showing not a sense of aggression as I would have expected but instead that of worry but with a tinge of curiosity. “Thank Celestia you are awake. How are you feeling? I do not know how long you were submerged in the water but it doesn't matter.” her voice was soft on my ears, which were still waterlogged mind you but as I was saying. She offered a glass close to my lips, allowing me to parch my throat which had all but given up on consuming anything from the moment I fell in. But it was at that moment that I had first heard the name who would lead me down this never-ending dream with those of the Elements of Harmony. Pain was what met my lips when I tried talking but I forged on nonetheless. “You know Lady Celestia?” her reaction was that of shock, of course it did not leave my lips such as that since words cannot express the pain i felt that day, the agony that shook my core as I tried desperately to speak. The mare nodded as she presented a map, none of the names seemed familiar to me, all but two. The Great Unknown, and The Everfree Forest. “Can you tell me where you are from, just tap do not worry about exerting yourself.” Tap. Her eyes followed my fuzzy hoof as I reached out and gently tapped against the paper. Now I do not know much about how the world had changed that day. but the name of my former home rang true in my heart. Austere Muse Current Location: Canterlot Palace I climbed the steps of the palace towards that of the throne room with that of my benefactor, One Daring Doo. A cloak clinging to my body as she was in a disguise it would seem, that of a writer. She would look at me in understanding of my confusion, my eyes darting around the palace like a young foal, captivated by how much the world has changed. If only thine eyes would not betray the sights of only a radiant sun around the palace. Bright gold sickening to my already sore eyes, I was nocturnal damn it! There is a reason I do not awaken during the day. The guards let us pass merely staring into what one would describe as a sea of white tiles and floral designs. Proud to stand guard for their regent unaware of who was beside them. Or was it that they were preparing to strike when we were left alone in the halls. “The princess will see you and your guest now, Miss Yearling.” a voice announced from the door as a dejected noble passed us. Allowing our hooves to make contact with the pure flooring of the throne room. Neither was my mind allowing me to calm down as the light pierced all but the shade of my cloak. Step, Step, Thud. It would appear that fate had decided itself this day when it shut my only chance of escape behind thick wood elegantly designed, no doubt the wood ponies of years ago had toiled away hard at this place. “Princess.” I was brought to bow by Daring’s hoof as she joined with me bowing her head in respect, if not for my confusion I would have hissed at her there and then. “Miss Yearling, what a surprise for you to attend my courts today.” There it was, the voice like honey that used to bless my ears long before my adventures, Lady Celestia, Patron of the demanding sun. “As much as I would like to visit for the sake of myself and my works, Princess Celestia. I recently met somepony on my latest adventures in the far off lands, cut away from prying eyes-” A nice way of saying ‘I was delving through ancient tombs where I didn’t belong.’ I rolled my eyes along with this phrasing. “A Pony once lost to the annals of time and circumstance.” A reassuring hoof rested on my back as it was my time to step forward, my head raising until my eyes were met with those eyes that had captured the hearts of the masses long ago. “And Who might you be, My little Pony?” Her features were as if she had not aged a day from when we had departed, now if only Lady Luna were around here then we could have quite the reunion I will tell you. Her curiosity is ever apparent as she looks at me, my hooves resting on the ground shaking as I take the leap of faith, metaphorically of course. My hooves raise as I adjust my body to better suit my position, grasping the hems of the hood pulling them back revealing a lilac and grey mane and an ever present curved horn. Presenting my true self to the monarch. A resounding gasp escaped her lips as I found my voice. “Austere Muse of Clan Stardust.” My words were clear and precise as I saw her leap to action, the next thing I knew, I was in a crushing embrace by the old monarch, her warmth, her heartbeat, the gentle tone that she would address me mixed with the confusion of a truth she had not expected. “I…I thought you were dead, my dear Nephew…” > Chapter One: The Mantle is given once again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surprise. That was all that was going through my mind as I held on to my tea cup, Princess Celestia watching me carefully as if trying to gauge my reaction as to what would be the worst of the news of my departure had begun. I let out a sigh as I slowly began to place the cup down towards the table with my magic, my hooves resting between my back legs. She had just informed me of what happened between her and Nightmare Moon. “What you are telling me, is that the symbol that was on the moon on the train-ride over was the remnants of your battle… A reminder that Princess Luna is returning and that our world will enter a limbo if destiny does not go our way.” I muttered as I moved my hoof to my beard, the coat and scruff refusing to budge to the simple attention. My eyes lifted from the reflective liquid and into the eyes of the princess, only to see her smiling at me, despite the fact I was gone since the crown had even touched her head. “That is sadly what I am saying, my dear nephew.” She spoke, her mask clinging to her expression quite well, a practice that I would have thought gone in a time of peace. “And as much as I wish to have you by my side to bring my sister out of her darkened shell, it would be too risky to take you along with me-” I was about to retort before she lifted her hoof and her eyes soon lowered to her own cup. “I do not wish to take away the time we have to catch up, but I wish a favour from you. My student, Twilight Sparkle, has shown signs of embodying one of the few traits that may save both my sister and I without any blood being shed…” She hesitated on her words, a sentiment that was not lost to me, she was still hesitant to rely on the one who had already sacrificed so much to the call of adventure. She cared deeply for this Twilight mare. I pondered at that very moment, in retrospect I should have seen her request coming when she asked for such a favour. “I wish for you to protect her and the mares that she will bond with. It is imperative that they get through their hardships but knowing the darkness that haunts my sister. She will not make their journey an easy one.” ‘This request does not come lightly-’ I thought as I peered into her eyes, her shame, guilt, hope. It all showed through the windows to her soul ‘She truly wishes for the return of her sister, a redemption of which would resound throughout history as the ending of an Era of Abandonment.’ I bit my lip as I soon looked up at the alabaster mare and nodded before I allowed my thoughts to be known. “If I were in your horseshoes I would not have let her fester in her doubts for so long. I will do this favour for you, Celestia. Not as a friend but as someone who does not wish to lose another moment of time with his family.” Her eyes seemed to shine as her horn began to glow, an object being brought from the side of the room before it was placed upon the table in front of me. “I knew you would accept such an offer… In truth I was worried that adventure after so long would be too much on you if you were to be alive.” This object was a box, there were engravings on the front, a cutiemark of a crude hammer hitting an anvil. My own. Gold and silver linings cover the wood as she reaches out with her hooves taking the lid off continuing to talk. “Sister and I wished to give this to you before you left all of those years ago. But you always were an eager one.” Inside rested a sword inside of a scabbard. Alongside the scabbard were large metal dividers coated with fur on the inside…No wait, these were bracers. As I picked them up and gently placed them just above my hooves, golden magic tightening the latches as I was gearing myself up. As I took the blade in my magic, I felt a resonant hum throughout the metal as I levitated it closer, while my cloak began to fall off, a soft gasp emerging before I violently shifted my cloak back on to my back. My eyes once again meet those of Celestia. No words were shared. Merely a proud smile and a nod. And so a new mantle had been taken on, another vow. An unspoken promise of what had occurred that day. _ _ _  _ _ _  _ _ _ _   _ _  _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (see author note at the end of this chapter.) Wind. A strong wind, and a rattling of metal that could only emerge from that of armor against reins. Metal against Metal, Wind against the harsh wood that made up the carriage that was carrying me to my destination. My expression still as ever as the guards in front of me bantered with one another. “I heard that Skies has Princess Duty! After her lucky streak, that is some sort of omen.” On the left, there was a red Pegasus underneath all of that glitter and glamour that made the royal guard, their body slender and their voice feminine. A mare in the royal guard. I had learned from Celestia mere moments before that these two would be in my hooves for the upcoming fight to reclaim the day, A mare by the name of Chrysanthemum Dreams. She had originally signed up for the night guard as I was told but ‘circumstances’ would find her landed as my personal right hoof. On the right was a more bulkier stallion, his wingspan quite impressive matching his grey coat and gold mane. “You don’t say something like that, you are just asking for something bad to happen.” Then we had Rusted Steel. A stallion who had excelled in his trials matching the pace of one Shining Armor when it came time for recruits. But alas due to his own words, he did not want a position of power hoping to instead serve best he knew how, as one of those in active duty. I decided to join in the light banter before I leaned over the railing, my hooves supporting my weight as I spoke up “You are in the guard, you hope for the QUIET days, don’t you?” my lips slowly twisted into a grin as the Pegasus guards peered back, one smirking. The other was not so impressed at the comment as if I had just pissed in his rucksack. “And what of you, I don’t expect many stories of cloak and dagger from a stallion who has a private connection to the princess.” the stallion retorted, his face going from a stern glare to a gentle smile. “After all, we are just the added muscle to your plans…” his face began to contort into confusion as he then asked. “What is the plan if you don’t mind my asking, our higher ups didn’t really provide much context as to what we are doing alongside the princess’ bodyguard.” There was a soft silence before I gazed forward at the town in front of me, Celestia had gone ahead, as was planned in the visions that she had described to me of this very day. An invisible jolt was felt across the land as I then spoke up. “You can feel it around you, can’t you? The sense of foreboding, the feeling of excitement in the air! You both are here to do what Celestia wishes for you to do, become a symbol of hope for the ponies that you fight to protect.” my words coming from the heart as I watched the approaching town of Ponyville, the sunrise ever present on the horizon. The two Pegasus didn’t understand my words back then, after all how were they supposed to know what fate had in store for them that day. But looking back on the events of that fateful morning, I would not have them any other way. “What is that supposed to me-” Chrysanthemum was cut off by a sudden change in our surroundings, the light from the horizon beginning to fade away before I could even warn them to watch where they were going. Crashing into one of the orchard trees, the air seemed to take me as my horn began to glow. The lilac aura surrounding my allies and myself as we were surrounded by a shield spell, an improvised one of course. Not my best work but it certainly had to do as the impact had flown us across the town and into one of the nearby houses. For a moment everything began to ring. Before there was a deathly silence, muffled voices coming from the town hall as each of us got our bearings. Rusted was the first to his hooves, his wings cradling his head, his helmet having fallen off somewhere in the orchard. ‘That is why we do not say the bucking Q word.” he muttered under his breath before his attention turned to his more mare-like companion, his wings slowly raising her to a standing position. “Are you alright Chrys?” “I’m alright, just a little winded is all, nothing I haven’t felt before.” her voice was shaky as she looked around us. Turning my head to the mare before lowering the spell allowed the rush of magic to cut off from my horn as I looked outside of the rubble towards the sound of what seemed to be screaming. “Go, do your duties to the crown. Ensure the safety of the everypony. We each have our role to play my friends.” I let my hooves slowly push me to a standing position, I was dazed. Not stupid enough to allow the adrenaline to wear off from the crash, especially if I was to help the Elements of Harmony unite. I looked back to the guards. Their confused expressions were quite evident as I moved my hoof to my face before I barked their orders “what are you waiting for! Something bad has happened to the sun and ponies are panicking, do your jobs and keep the peace until I return!” In that moment, one could feel the bonds that would be formed, firm as stone and shaper than the finest steel. The rest of this line was cut rather thoroughly with ink as if the writer jumped from their seat, we have tried to restore the rest of the entry as well as we can I suppose I have the elements of harmony to thank when it comes to needing new journals. Seeing as how miss laughter somehow just emerged from their very pages. That mare confuses even me sometimes, and I am supposed to be the one that doesn't make any sense! > Chapter two, the markings of fate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a small moment of silence as my hooves hit the ground, my charges taking the lead as I blended into the background, merely joining the sounds of the forest and blending into the darkness.  My horn lightly glowing under my hood as I watched their trek forward, my eyes adjusting to the nighttime sky once again. It never got any easier going from the daylight that would pierce its way into my bedroll every morning before I undertook my adventure.  The ground began to tremble, the very soil refusing the dark magic flowing through it as it soon made its dissatisfaction known, the dirt beneath their hooves collapsing on them, the two Pegasus mares of the group catching two others in their grasp.  There was a yelp and soon I turned my attention to the situation in front of me, the purple mare. One Twilight sparkle, holding on for dear life at the earth pony mare’s hooves.    “Ah got you!” her southern accent trying her best to keep her newfound friend from panicking her way out of her grip. Using my magic as an anchor I began to trek down towards the tan mare before kneeling beside her. The darkness keeping me from sight.  I glimpse over the ledge at the two approaching pegasus mares and lean into the earth pony’s ear letting out a small whisper. “It is safe to let her go, Miss Apple. Your friends will catch her, I swear on my honor that she is fine.”    There was a moment of Panick where she began to hesitate before she steeled herself to my words allowing her expression to embolden as she spoke.    "What I'm sayin' to you is the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe.” The tan earthen mare spoke as her eyes met those of her friend. One could see the hesitation on Miss Sparkle’s face before she eventually nodded slowly.  “Alright... I trust you.” It took but a moment for the mare to let go and for the pegasus mares to catch her. Applejack hesitated to turn to where she had heard my voice confused about what had just happened before jumping down to join the other five.  "My my what a naughty pet." Of course, my meddling was noticed by Lady Fate as I felt an unfamiliar presence wrap around me, the cold air reaching past my coat and past my cloak as I heard a voice in my ear.    “We can’t have you helping them anymore, I would hate for them to win against me.” When my eyes had adjusted, I was locked in a cage, the unfamiliar stones underneath my hooves telling me that I had been teleported...But to where was the question.  In front of my cage stood a mare, as dark as night, who met my gaze with a look of scorn, her hatred flowing through her very magic as it let go of its grasp on me. “Of course, my parasitic sister would give her favorite pet a guard. Who else would recognize their enemy at the first glance after all of these years.”    The mare seemed to pace in front of me, her attention solely on my eyes as if she was trying to anticipate my actions. “And to think she would send one of MY ponies to do the job.” her tone filled with venom at the mentioning of my race, not of malice but instead of disappointment.  Her attention seemed to be dragged elsewhere as she then spoke once again. “I will not kill you, Instead I will present you with a choice, stand with me and I will allow you the privilege of being my consort. Or choose to rot in this cell, it is nothing of my concern. But I will certainly expect an answer by the time I return.”    She turned to leave, her coat becoming the very same purple mist that had caused the landslide mere moments ago. Giving her a moment to leave was when I allowed my thoughts to catch up with me.  My discussion with the princess came to mind as I inspected the old rusty lock, the elements had begun to weather such a strong metal.  ‘The mare I fought so many years ago was not my sister, it was like a whole other pony. All I do know now is that her return is nigh, and I will not be powerful enough to stop her. Not without hurting her.’  I shook my head as I began to turn and lifted my back hooves with a force that would make father proud, my metal horseshoes contacted with the cage door causing it to fly off its hinges.  ‘To think even after all of these years she would not recognize my face. I am merely lucky she did not remove my gear.’ I thought amused looking down at my bracers that were gifted to me.  ‘Enough admiring myself, I can do that later. My priority, to ensure the arrival of Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony.’ My eyes drift between the two rotted doors. One on my left, another on my right as I shook my head. ‘Scratch that, first is get out of these dungeons.’  Door after Door.  Every single door was beginning to lead to a dead end, my body beginning to feel rather sluggish as I finally found a set of stairs leading up towards Celestia knows where. 'I am going to kill the whorse who wanted so many of these damn things!' My hoof-steps echoing through the halls as I made my way higher and higher, stumbling to the upper throne room. There was a small chance of making it on time and yet here I was. Or should I say there she was, Twilight sparkle trying her hardest to activate the elements without the others she required.  “It is useless, they are nothing more than stones that have gathered dust.” the blackened mare said as she was approaching the lavender mare, not seeming to stop for anything. Twilight merely gasped and kept trying.    “Yet the fact that you are worried that the little mare is trying to use them reveals that not to be the case.” The words leaving my muzzle as I tackled the mare leading us to connect. Our horns glowing as our magic flared sending each of us away from one another.  “I suppose you came to your answer then, Puppet of the sun tyrant. It saddens me that I have to put you down so soon.” Her tone changed from the sickeningly sweet she was using with the lavender mare to one of disgust.  “Who are you! Why are you helping me?!” Twilight spoke up as I grasped something from my side, a blade that shone in the moonlight while I glared at Nightmare Moon.    “Not an important question right now, miss sparkle! You are trying to use the elements without those who embody them.” I spoke as I began to rush towards Nightmare, her hooves flinging her forward as her horn grew glistening with the metal spike at the end of the object.”  The impact of blade against horn was the stuff of legends I am told, but it is a shame that my distraction kept me from witnessing the miracle behind me. As metal met metal and blood was spilled. A blast of magic engulfed the distracted nightmare moon.  The journal entry ends here. The rest appear to be minor scribblings of the blade contacting a horn of sorts. Each splintering as magic burst around it.  At the bottom of the page is marked with a name and a date.  Austere Urande Muse, Lord protector of the Elements.  1st of Solace, Year 1 AR  > Chapter three: The weavings of a tale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had awoken rather quickly when the bright light had left my sight, my sword laying on the ground in front of my exhausted hooves. A tune came to my mind as I looked around, noting the change in my surroundings. Instead of a dark and dusty palace, it was now well lit, the moss glistening with the morning sun as it began to rise among the horizon. Muffled voices rang within my ears as a shadow began to move into view before a dark blue hoof reached out to my own, a singular voice echoed true in my mind as I followed the length towards the owner. “Raise thine eyes. We would wish to see the fighter who did their best to withstand the nightmare.” Gentle, a soft breeze compared to the higher toned voices around me. There was a spark in my brain as my eyes met her own, there she stood in all of her glory, the mare who had offered her hoof comfortingly all of those years ago. Lady Luna, Mare of the moon…My mother. Using the faint amount of energy I had left I grasped her hoof as she began to pull me to my hooves, my armor dirtied from all of the dust, the cloak covering my body clinging ever so tightly. A silence engulfed the room as we met on equal hoof level, our eyes peering into each other’s. My fang digging into my gum as I tried not to let my strong appearance falter compared to the mess Luna was starting to become. Her eyes wetted from tears that one could almost never notice mixing with her coat, her lips quivering, her breath hitched as her heart began to race. “Well I for one think this fighter has other things on his mind-” I began before I wrapped my hooves around her neck, a moment let it sink in before I felt her hooves wrapping just under my forelegs. “It is good to see you once again Mother. Although if you wanted a sweet reunion, was bringing back our old games really necessary?” It was there that the first sound began to escape her lips, a soft whine as her head buried itself into my shoulder. My eyes peered around the now lit room before they landed on the seven bystanders who were watching such a scene unfold in front of their eyes. Judging from each of their gazes, one could merely guess what they were thinking. From the bloodshot eyes of Celestia who had just reunited with both her nephew and her blood sister. Rarity, who looked rather excited for some reason, one could almost hear the words ‘formal wear’ coming from her lips. The bearer of kindness watched with a smile on her face, at least that was until our eyes met where she retreated back into the safety of her bangs to avoid my gaze. The bearer of Honesty seemed to be having a moment of realization about some earlier events from the everlasting night, The bearer of loyalty smugly talking to the bearer of laughter about their new found jewels. And at the front of each of them, the element of magic. Twilight Sparkle, the one who I was tasked to protect, somepony could sense a dangerous tinge of curiosity upon the air but in terms of preserving the moment she did not speak up. “Hush, my dear Muse. You certainly have your father’s quick wit.” her wings wiped away the present tears as her smile was becoming ever more present. The rather precious moment was quick to melt away as a pink blur got between us. “Now that Everypony is awake! Do you know what this means?” Pinkie pie seemed to be bouncing from excitement as she seemed to be waiting for some sort of signal. Almost as if she could see somepony just out of view. “A Party!” —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was like there was a moment of blackness, the next thing I knew, we were all back in the town, the various bearers discussing with the common-pony about the events of what had occurred in the Everfree Forest. A cup resting in my hoof filled with a type of juice, lifting it up to my lips let the fruity goodness down my throat allowing me to finally become aware of my surroundings. Mother by my side talking to her sister. Twilight Sparkle talking with Rusted Steel about what had happened with our arrival into the town, especially considering there were quite a few destroyed buildings from the cart crash. “Look who is finally back down to Equestria.” A voice snapped me out of my stupor as I looked in front of me to the mare who was approaching, her armor seeming to glean in the morning light. A mug in her feathers, the stern expression replaced with a gentle smile. “Glad to know I am not the only pony who is out of their element.” Chrysanthemum moved to my side and sat on her flank letting her gaze fall on the sunrise. Her eyes soon moving to meet my own, her lips curled into a grin. I responded quickly, my cheeks heating up. “I am just not used to being around ponies again. I come from a place where the bond between ponies is rather…distant. Too much wilderness and danger to be able to just walk down to visit one’s friends.” I peered down into my cup once again to admire the stallion looking back, my hood no longer covering my face as I continued. “Besides I doubt the guard get many opportunities to celebrate big events like this.” She nodded in agreement as the crowds began to mutter among themselves. Some were glad that the sun had returned while the younger colts and fillies who were asleep the whole time were enjoying the entertainment that the pink menace had set for them. I shuffled awkwardly as I tried to search for a topic to discuss with the younger mare before I found it. “So what are the plans of Chrysanthemum Dreams after this? More guard duty in the palace or perhaps you are a reservist?” She hesitated to answer before an alabaster shape began to move in from the side. “Actually, Austere, that is something that I wish to discuss with you.” Celestia trotted over to me, temporarily dropping her conversation with her younger sister to intervene on our own. She was standing in front of us before she beckoned Twilight back to her, a knowing smile on her own muzzle, the purple mare approached quickly at the behest of her teacher. “Aren’t you glad to be continuing your studies, dearest Twilight?” The purple mare looked awkwardly at her hooves before she spoke under her breath “A-actually P-Princess, I was hoping that I could stay here…In Ponyville. While I will miss studying with you and reading in the library, I have found something here that I want to hold with both hooves." This seemed to make Celestia grin for a moment before her mask fell back upon her face, Trollestia at her finest. “I suppose I should have seen this coming, but I am sure that Ponyville will enjoy its newest Librarian.-” Twilight seemed to gasp looking up at her teacher before she continued to speak “- And you are to tell me the lessons on your blossoming friendships. Does such a deal sound agreeable, my student?” It was the moment when Celestia’s eyes landed on both Chrysanthemum and I, that I realised my mistake all too late. By discussing what our plans were in the future, we had just signed ourselves up for what we would not know at the time to be the beginning of our very own tale. Of Love, of never-ending secrets and of protecting the largest headaches in all of Equestria. “But if you are to stay here then there will also need to be those who look after the common pony, after all the Everfree Forest is a dangerous place. And we would not want to leave the town without protection. And so I must ask-” I gritted my teeth as she began to say the words I was hoping not to hear. My freedom from my duties had only just begun after all “The three of you to look after this town to the best of your ability.” I could only sigh as Chrysanthemum and Rust bowed down to their solar monarch standing at each of my sides. The latter having come over from where he had stood earlier with Twilight. Our lips parted as we signed our lives away to the endless cause. “It will be done, Princess Celestia. In your honor, we promise to protect our home through thick and thin.” it was not subtle when a wing from each of the pegasi patted my back in an understanding manner. Gods, one could almost imagine that the water pit that was my home for millennia was a more forgiving place. “That is good, my little ponies. For now, rest well and enjoy the party. There is much to do when all is finally settled… And my dear nephew. Do remember to clean up your mess.” her hoof gently pointed in the direction of two destroyed homes and a demolished quills and sofa store. Have I ever told you that I hate having Princess Celestia as a boss? It was in that moment that Pinkie pie had pulled us all in for some form of group hug. While I will not complain. It was way too tight! > Chapter Four: Settling in > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pure and utter static, that was all that was running through the young stallion's mind as his eyes began to slowly open. Colors clashing while he slowly adjusted to the sun peering through the curtains of his new found home, one that was graciously given to him and his fellow guardspony the previous day. Covering his body was a thick blanket, despite its weight it was almost beckoning him to fall asleep once again, to wait for the moon to rise before it hit him. He had to kick his nocturnal nature out of him, the moon was as much of his friend as the sun was now. There were no predators hunting him, nor were there any tribal conflicts occurring, much to his Sanity's benefit. His eyes close as his horn began to lightly glow, it would not do to panic those under his command so easily with the scars of his torment. of his past. There was a soft embrace as his magic found its target hiding it under his coat. His cloak hovering over and into place as he slipped out of his bed, his hooves making contact with the hard wood floor with a set of clops. Giving himself a moment to adjust to the unfamiliar weight on his body, he would soon make his way to the door going through into the rather spacious main room of his new home, the other two ponies already awake, Rusted in the kitchen working on breakfast while Chrysanthemum was sitting on a stool sipping at the drink of the gods. Opting to join them, he slumped on to the stool beside the mare and used his magic to pour himself a cup. Rusted speaking to him. "Look who finally decided to join us, considering how aware you were yesterday I am surprised that you were not the first pony awake." gods there was just something about his cockiness that Austere could bring himself to admire about the mouth of the solar guard. Cracking a smile at the wit, Chrysanthemum spoke up at the comment placing her cup back down, her feathers maneuvering the cup back on to the table in front of her. "Baring in mind, he did most of the running yesterday, especially from Rarity, something about wanting to replace his cape with something more colorful, I was half tempted to tell her where he went." "You would throw me to the mercy of a seamstress? I am almost impressed-" Austere commented, his hoof landing on his chest tuft in mock offense before letting out a soft chuckle "But it would take more than just one pony to get me to tidy myself up, I spent years with this beard, and I would rather castrate myself then get rid of it. Helps keep the mares disinterested in the armor." his head gently turned to the mare before he winked, looking back at his now full cup before bringing it to his lips allowing the precious caffeine to enter his system. There was a short bout of laughter before Rusted took his seat opposite of his two new allies, his wings carrying three plates which he quickly placed on the table allowing the food on each of them to be admired by their to be consumers. "Are you sure it is the armor that makes the mares desire a stallion and not the other way around?" she commented as her hooves pick up a knife and fork to prod at her meal, pancakes, the classic for one to have when first settling into a new home with absolutely no food in the pantry. "Chrys name the last stallion you have seen with a full beard in a happy herd with somepony." Rusted commented before stuffing his face with food giving the mare something to contemplate on for the day. His grin all knowing of the mare's preferences, he had been her partner for years after all/ a few hours later. There was some time before Austere was to get back to the house, opting to see how Twilight Sparkle was settling into the library. His hoof knocking against the door before he entered, who he was greeted with was not Twilight Sparkle but her draconic assistant. "Hey, is Twilight in?" his eyes wandering around the room at the various boxes that filled the main lobby area. some half unpacked while the rest were all sealed, and the baby dragon? trying his best to reach into the highest box that the purple Unicorn had started on from what it appeared to be some time ago. "Ah!-" Spike fell back in surprise expecting a harsh fall just to be caught in a gentle blue magical glow, the nocturnal unicorn's horn glowing the same gentle blue. "T-Thanks, no. She is meeting the ponies around town, she won't be back for another two hours." this caused the young dragon to sigh as he was placed down softly on the ground, instead of leaving, Austere would move closer watching the large stack of boxes. "How about I help you, Never hurts to have an extra pair of hooves unpacking." the offer was met with an uncertain smile, Spike wouldn't deny the help but most ponies didn't offer to help unless they needed something. As the Unicorn approached, he knelt down and offered his hoof to the young dragon which was taken rather quickly. "I am Austere. I just moved here recently with the return of Princess Luna to Canterlot. and who are you, my draconic friend?" Pointing to his chest with a claw, he proudly spoke "I'm Spike, I am Twilight's number one assistant." this phrase seemed to get Austere to nod in approval before he politely asked. "Would you mind helping with the taller and heavier boxes? I am not quite big enough to deal with them yet." "Of course, friend. Perhaps you can even tell me a bit about yourself while we work, it is not often one meets a dragon outside of the dragon lands. Especially one as talkative as yourself." Austere commented as he got to work, his horn enveloping the boxes as his magic sorted the books in order, another glimpse would show him taking out some family pictures of the purple mare with her favorite assistant, from the glimpses he could grasp, they were mother and son then boss and assistant. Taking their time would soon prove useful as the two males would finish the job quickly, the boxes neatly folded and stored in one another. Opting to take a break, the stallion was sitting beside the dragon as he was showing him one of his favorite comic books. "I wonder what it would take to be a hero like that, to be so fearless, to be so strong." Spike commented as the two were reading, his gaze moving up to Austere before he asked. "What do you think, Austere? do you know what it means to be a hero?" The unicorn took a moment opting to word it a bit more appropriate for a child of Spike's age. "To be a hero is to be able to believe that you can do right by the world even if it means being hurt to do it. To be able to make the hard decisions when the time comes, to overcome ones fear in the face of danger, heroes come in many shapes and sizes my friend. I am sure Twilight herself would agree that even you can be a hero in your own way." This causes the eyes of the baby dragon to sparkle with wonder as he thought of a future where he could be the dashing hero saving everypony and getting the mare. The mare in this case being Rarity, there was just something about that mare that he could not stop thinking about, she was just so...beautiful. "You really think I could be a hero? you aren't just saying that?" the baby dragon asked hesitantly being met with a gentle smile and a nod. "Could you teach me how to be a hero?" The offer caught Austere off guard for a moment before he spoke "The path of a hero is a hard one, but how about I take you on a much better path. Every great hero needs somepony who can keep them on their hooves, to keep them smiling when it is difficult to. Afterall, a hero cannot become a hero without first becoming somepony who stands up for the weak." "A-Alright! I will try my best." The young dragon could not hold back the grin that was spreading on his face in happiness "Maybe I can become a hero in the end and get the mare as well!" that little comment was met with a chuckle and a confirming nod. "Let's just focus on one hoof at a time my little friend, after all, you have plenty of time to get a mare, you are still a baby dragon after all. The mare you dream of could take some time to arrive." Austere pat the dragon on the back before slowly pushing himself into a standing position. He felt the a strong feeling of attachment to the young dragon, in his heart he felt a new threat connecting the two of them together, he gave a soft laugh and bumped his hoof against the fist of Spike who eagerly did so. Just as threads begin to weave into the everchanging bonds of heroes, in the darkness something threatens to snip these bonds. Watching their reflective pool as countless eyes watched the water, there was a soft cackling. "Send team one, we would not wish to break our new toys before testing them out. And my dear, do make sure you do not kill them." On the other end of the water was a hooded figure who merely bowed to their mistress before leaving through the Chamber door, their eyes gazing back at the reflective waters that showed an image of the nocturnal Unicorn hoof bumping a young dragon. "It shall be done, Mistress."