My Life as a Pegasus

by PhilThePegesi

First published

It will describe my life if I were a pegasus in MLP:FIM

This will be a fanfic regarding how I could help within the episodes of My Little Pony. It will include most things about the episodes within each chapter. I will divide each chapter by age. I would love for any ideas from the people who look at this.


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Age Six

Time to go to school. I have my saddlepack, lunch box, and, of course, my wings. "Bye Mom!" I scream on my way out of the house. She doesn't respond, she was too busy tending to my younger brother, Metal Cloud. He may be just a baby, but he is a real pain flank. Speaking of flanks, I still don't have my cutie mark. I hope I get it today. Maybe it will be in flying, or speed! Maybe...

Today is the day of the young flier competition! My opponents are Ditzy Doo and Fleetfoot. They sound tough. Okay. Let's do this thing! I'm on the starting line with Ditzy, aww, her eyes are crossed, its sorta cute. Fleetfoot looks like her wings are strong. 3... 2... 1... go!! I can do this! Ow, my wings! I should have stretched before I started. Oh man... Fleetfoot is FAST! Come on, I at least got to beat Ditzy. She's only a few feet ahead. I'm going to try and look intimidating when I pass h- oh man. I can't look intimidating when I stare into those eyes... they're just too cu-oof! I bumped right into a pillar! Now she's way ahead...

I ended up getting 3rd place... I guess my cutie mark won't be in racing. Darn.

Well, at least my mom packed a daisie sandwhich for lunch. At least something good will come from this day. "Who are the next racers?" I ask my friend, Rainy Daze. "I don't know. I think it's between Marry May, Serenity, and Snowflake." He said. Oh, man, Snowflake is going to smoke them! Wait, that's not Snowflake. Isn't that Rainbow Dash? And those two bullies, Hoops and Dumb-Bell? I don't get it. Maybe Snowflake's race got cancled. Oh well. This'll be interesting... wait. "Who is that yellow flag holder? She's so ado-" I stopped myself, but it was too late, but Rainy Daze already knew what I was gonna say. "Ooh, do you wuv her? You wanna snuggle by the fire pwace with her?

"Shut up, man"

"Admit it. You love Fluttershy."

"Is that her name? How cu-"

"Aw man! You DO love her!!"

My face was getting red, which is easy to see, since it is usually blue. I think I do like her. "Shut up, man, just shut up." Ooh! the race has started! "Whoa! Rainbow Dash sure is fast!" I screamed. It was hard to hear over the crowd's cheering. Wait? Where was the flag holder? What was it... Fluttershy!! Did she fall?!? Oh no! I've got to save her!!

Here we go. 3...2...1... go!! I can do this! I must save Fluttershy!! Why do I still have my saddlepack on? Oh, whatever. I've gotta go, go, g-


Huh? What was that?! Oh. My. Celestia. Is that... a Sonic Rainboom? It's real?? Oh wow!! Now I don't regret bringing my saddlepack. I get out my colored pencils and start sketching. Just a scribble-scrabble there, and a zing-zang here. Done. Wow, it looks good. It's almost as beautiful as- FLUTTERSHY!!! Oh, man. She must be dead by now. No pegasus could survive that big of a fall without some sort of blanket. I still just want to check... I glide downward, hoping that the little yellow filly was okay. I peek through some bushes, hoping not to find the blood of a recently dead pegasus. I see her, safe and sound. What do I do? I decide to introduce myself. "Uh, hi." I say.

"Oh, hello" She says. She is so adorable!

"Yeah, I saw you fall. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I landed on a bed of butterflies!" So that is how she survived.

"Well, I see you got your cutie mark." She's luckier than me.

"I see you did, too"

Wait, what? When did I get that? I look behind me, and sure enough, there it was. A pencil. I must have gotten it when I was sketching the rainboom. "Huh. I didn't even notice." I say. "Well, I gotta go."

"May I come with you?"


"Oh, nevermind..."

"No, no. You can fly with me, if you want."

"Really? Thanks. I've got to come back here tomorrow to help this little angel." She said, pointing at a small bunny with no fur yet.

"I can help you fly down here, to do that, too."

"That would be wonderful! Thank you so much!" She said, nuzzling me. My wings sprung up. "Okay. Let's go." I said, to cover up my wings. "Sure." She said, beggining to fly. "I'll see you tomorrow, my animal friends!" Man, this is going smoothly Maybe she's catching on to me, too.

Age Seven

As I fly down with Fluttershy, I realize that she is... blushing? Maybe I shouldn't mention it. "So, uh, how was your morning today?" I ask. "Good." Fluttershy responds, very quietly. As we reach the land, I see that the little angel bunny has started to grow fur. That's good. I hope we can give him a name soon. Then it hit me. "Angel!" This sudden outburst both scared Fluttershy and confused her. "What?" She said, wondering why I just sreamed out loud.

"We should name the bunny Angel!"

"Oh, good idea!"

We then landed, and then I was about to leave when I was stopped when I heard a small "Wait"

"Yes, Fluttershy?"

"I was wondering if, um, you'd maybe want to help me feed Angel?"

"Oh, sure thing."

As we feed the little spoiled, yet adorable, bunny, I wonder if Fluttershy likes this time we're spending together. I know that I do. After all, the more time I spend with her, another minute is well spent in my book. I hope she thinks the same. If she doesn't... I'd be devastated. I'd be heartbroken if she were to friendzone me. Rainy Daze is right. I do love her. And a fireplace snuggle doesn't sound bad either. Just the thought made me blush. Fluttershy hadn't noticed, though. By sunset, we had done all the things needed for her animal friends. I then helped her fly home, and then she gave me a surprise.

She kissed me.

Wasn't on the lips, just a quick peck on the cheeck. But it was enough to make my entire face red. "Oh, sorry. Too soon? I'm really sorry." She said. "Oh, no it's okay. In fact, it's better than okay..." We both smiled, and kissed again. This time, on the lips. Then she separated her lips from mine. Her wings were sprung up, and so were mine. We both blushed and said the only thing anypony could ever say on this kind of occasion. "See you tomorrow."

Age Eight

Flight school is so boring... I never can just stay with Fluttershy on the fields, no, I have to be stuck in class learning about the "value flying has had on Cloudsdale". Ugh. I look up from my notebook, and look around the class, trying to remember the names of the pegasi in the room. Let's see... There's Thunderlane, Pink Cloud, Spitfire, Wild Fire, Snowflake, Rainy Daze, Silverspeed, and, uh... oh! Rainbow Dash! I remember her! Wasn't she the mare who raced Dum-bell and Hoops? Too bad I wasn't there to see the race. It probably ended with her winning.

When school goes out, I race to go see Fluttershy, but she's not there. Hmm. She left a note. "Dearest Phil, I am sick with the Feather Flu and need you to feed the animals, and take care of Angel. Yours Truly- Fluttershy" Oh no! She's sick with the Feather Flu?! That's terrible!! After I feed the animals, I'll go see her. Alright. The box of food is right there. I pour some into every animal's bowl, but Angel isn't taking his serving... "Now Angel, this is for your own good. This stuff is delicious!!" Or at least I hope it is to him. Angel still isn't convinced. I'm going to have to eat some to prove it...


"See?" I said, gagging. "Delicious!!" Angel smiled and began eating. I bet he knew I was going to do that. What a spoiled brat he will become. Anyway, now was the time for me to go and see Fluttershy. I hope she's okay. The Feather Flu can be an extremely devastating disease. I flew up to her house as fast as I could. I knock on the door, and Fluttershy's dad answers the door. "Hello, Phil. Here to see Fluttershy? I'm sure you got her note." I nod, and he lets me in. I go into Fluttershy's room, and I see her, sound asleep, on the bed. Nopony deserves to have the Feather Flu. Her wings looked terrible. I also see the medicine on her desk. How nice, they had her favorite flavor. I hope she gets well soon... "Good bye, Mister and Misses Shy! Tell Flutts that I said to 'get well soon'!" Flutts. Nice.

I came home to tell mom the bad news. "How terrible! The Feather Flu? That poor dear!!" My mom responded, Metal Cloud in her hands, crying. He's three now, and still a pain in the flank for me and my mom. But no matter how annoying he can be, nothing will stop me from thinking about Fluttershy. I hope I can see her again soon.

It's been two weeks since Fluttershy has cought the Feather Flu, and she is up and trotting once again. This is a relief to me, because the normal time it takes to recover from the Feather Flu can be a month. I decide to start a conversation to get her mind off of the horrible time she remembers when she had the disease. "So, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine" She responded, very quietly.

"Is anything, wrong, Flutts?" I said, wondering. "You can tell me."

She then began sobbing. Then crying.

"Fluttershy! What's wrong??"

"My parents want to move away from Cloudsdale, and into a town named 'Ponyville'. Even though it is on the ground, and closer to my animal friends, I still don't want to go! I don't want to leave you!!" She cried, even louder. Tears got into my eyes as well. "I don't want you to leave, either Flutts. But your parents aren't going to listen to two eight year olds." I began to sob, "I'm sorry. I don't want you to leave... I love you." I was extremely saddened on the inside, and it became harder to inclose it. Tears began to exit my eyes. Once we got to the ground, I was crying and Fluttershy was pouring more than a leaky faucet.

"I love you, too, Phil." We kissed, and I made off back to my house, crying so hard I could barely fly straight. "I'll miss you" I mumbled.