Unnamed Oddly Sexy Story

by Mischievous Blue

First published

Colgate returns home one day in a huff. Thunderlane convinces her to have sex.

Colgate had a hard day at work, and her boyfriend was promised sexy time. Can Colgate get over her sour attitude and give her boyfriend what was promised?

The only chapter

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I walked into my house and kicked the door closed behind me with a huff. Work was exhausting today, and I was not in the mood to do anything, but seeing the lit candles on the table and counters, and the rose petals leading down the hall made me wince. I had told my boyfriend that we would have a fun, sexy time when I got back, and maybe even let him explore my darkest cave. But after the day I had, I just wanted to kick off my clothes, hop into bed, and let the warm embrace of the covers envelop me.

Leaving my shoes in the entry hall, I trudged up the stairs, not caring how much I was slouching. Who cares if I have a bad back and need a walker by 40? Obviously, my boyfriend cared, but he didn’t have the bad day I did. He stayed at home and worked on his novel all day, saying that it would bring in millions when published. I kept telling him that even A Christmas Carol didn’t bring in that much when it was first published, but he just winked and insisted that this was a story worthy of the big Bens, whatever the hell that meant.

I continued thudding my way down the hall, scaring the cat with my thumping footfalls. I turned the corner to my room and stopped. Laying on the bed, fully naked and with a rose in his mouth, was my boyfriend. He was laying on his side, propped up on one elbow, left leg laying flat on the bed and right leg angled behind the left, leaving me with an unobstructed view of his erect cock. He smiled, spit the rose out (how romantic), and said, “Welcome home, Colgate. You ready for a wild time?”

I blew out the candle on the dresser, flicked my blue and white hair out of my face, and replied, “Not tonight. I’m tired.”

His smile went out faster than the candle. “But, babe, we planned this for weeks and you promised-“

“And I said no. I know we spent a long time planning this, but the boss had me rewrite all the scripts that Derpy fucked up, and had my own work to catch up on. How long did you spend on this? Did you get any work done on your ‘million-dollar book?’”

He blushed slightly and lowered his eyes. “No. I spent most of the day trying to get this place perfect for you. I know you work hard, and I’m a worthless nobody with a book idea that won’t sell enough to pay the rent, and that’s why I wanted to make tonight as special as possible. It’s barely even for me, I did it mostly for you.”

I felt a little bad that I had snapped at him, but that mean little part of my brain wanted one last jab at him. “So, my ‘special night’ consists of cheap roses you mutilated and Wal-Mart candles? Tell me, what part of this is meant to relieve my stress and show your love and dedication to me?”

I’ve never seen a penis go limp so fast. Without looking at me, he got up from the bed, and walked past me down the stairs. I heard a few blowing noises, so I assumed he was blowing out the candles. After a few moments, he appeared at the bottom of the stairs with a dustpan and broom, sweeping up the petals. He moved past me and continued sweeping, blowing out the remaining candles and leaving the room completely dark. He flipped the light switch and the overhead light came on.

Now riddled with guilt, I said, “Thunderlane, I didn’t-“

“It doesn’t matter,” he replied, cutting me off. “I know I should work harder. I know that I spend too much time looking at porn while you’re at work. I know that I’m not the boyfriend you want and you could get any other guy and they would be better for you.”

“Thunder, that wasn’t what I was going to say at all.”

He put the dustpan and broom in the corner of the room and got into bed. “We can talk tomorrow. I don’t feel like talking right now.”

I sighed and moved up to the bed, kneeling down by it. “Hey, I’m sorry. I had a bad day at work and let my anger get the best of me. I don’t want a bad day to ruin both of our days. I had some steam I wanted to blow off and the first thing that I came across was you. Please, can you forgive me? I’ll do sexy time, although I can’t promise I’ll be very active, because I’m still tired. But I think we can put that sex pillow to good use.”

I touched his shoulder and he rolled over to face me. “Those weren’t very nice things you said. I picked out the best flowers I could find, and looked and smelled every single candle I could find in every store in a 10-mile radius, hoping to find something you might like. Seriously, I can’t smell anything except wax, and probably won’t for weeks.”

I giggled a little, but quickly regained my composure. “I know, and I’m sorry. I just let my anger get the better of me, but if you’re willing to put all this behind us, I’m still willing to shed these clothes and let you have your way with me.”

He sat up. “I think I can do that. But as punishment for what you said, I want you to wear the naughty nurse outfit.”

I rolled my eyes and smirked. “Alright,” I conceded. “I’ll wear the slutty nurse outfit. But only because I was mean. I hate that outfit; I feel like a whore in it.”

Thunderlane got out of bed and gave me a tight embrace. “Thanks, babe. You know I love you.”

“Judging by how hard your erection is, you love the idea of me as a nurse more,” I said, feeling his hard member pressing hard against my leg.

He chuckled and let go. “Alright, you got some patients to check on, so go get dressed,” he instructed. I just smirked at him and grabbed the hanger with the costume on it.

As I walked by him to the bathroom, he smacked my ass. I turned with a smile and said, “Watch it, mister. That’s sexual harassment in the workplace.” Just before I closed the door, I added, “I do like the smell of lavender.”

As the door closed, I could see his face light up and move towards the dresser. I laid the costume out on the counter, lightly admonishing myself for giving into his demand so easily. Of all the outfits he wanted me to wear, it had to be my least favorite. I often told myself I needed to burn it one of these days, but never remembered to. With a sigh, I pulled off my shirt and pants, followed by my bra and panties. What nurse goes to work without panties? Is that even legal? I stepped into the corset-like dress, pulling it up and putting my arms through the short sleeves and making sure my boobs were situated comfortably in the cups. The little nurse sash with the bow was tied around my waist, accentuating my slim frame. The sheer white stockings were next, and they were clipped in place by the dress’s hidden garter belt. Lastly was the hat, which was just a modified headband. I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and did a quick twirl. Oh yeah, I look like a whore. A slutty little whore. A cum dumpster, if you may. Weirdly enough, the outfit still fit even though I hadn’t worn it in years, usually making up some excuse as to why I didn’t want to wear it when Thunderlane suggested it for Halloween parties. I would go as an ugly donkey with a gaping asshole and a sign around my neck that said FUCK ME before I wore this thing to a party.

I stepped out of the bathroom and turned off the light. The bedroom was once again only illuminated by candles, as per my playful hint. Thunderlane was in the same position he was before, erect cock out for all to see and two roses in his mouth this time. He spit them out again at the sight of me (again, so romantic) and walked over. His hands ran over my waist and hips, stopping momentarily to very lightly snap one of the garter belt straps.

“Please, sir,” I said, trying to sound as professional as possible while hating every moment of being in this outfit. “This is a place of business.” I gestured around the room.

He quickly picked me up off the floor, making me squeak. “Well, then. We better get busy.”

He hurried me over to the bed where our wedge-shaped sex pillow was waiting. I was dropped onto the bed and got onto my stomach. Although tired, I was certain I could still perform a good blowjob before the big finale. His throbbing cock was already in my face, and I pulled myself forward to get it within reach of my already salivating mouth. He pushed his hips forward and the thick member entered my waiting maw. I moaned with satisfaction and started bobbing back and forth, working my tongue around the stiff member as it drifted back and forth. Grabbing the pulsing penis, I started giving it a firm handjob while my mouth gave his balls some attention, sucking them in and spitting them out like ping-pong balls. Ah, just like college.

After a few minutes of alternating between hand and blowjobs, Thunderlane’s movements grew more erratic, meaning he was getting close to climaxing. Redoubling my efforts, I fondled his balls more aggressively and tried to deepthroat the dick. I wasn’t overly fond of the taste of cum, so I tried to cut out the middleman by making the ejaculation shoot straight down my throat. He was really thrashing now, letting me know he was mere seconds away from cumming. I took a deep breath and slid the cock into my throat until my nose touched his pubic area. There was a short pause, and then the penis enlarged, Thunderlane grunted hard, pushed forward even further into my face, and a warm gush of liquid slid down my throat and into my stomach, warming me from the inside.

Sliding his cock out of my throat, I gagged a little. My gag reflex was often pretty terrible, but I could sometimes hold it back long enough to finish what I was doing, whether it was deepthroating my boyfriend or slurping down an oyster. The nurse’s hat had slid down into my face and I threw it off. Both of us were breathing heavily, satisfied in our first sexual interaction in the last few weeks. I looked up at him and said, “Hey, big boy. Got one more shot in the chamber?”

He looked down and grinned. “You bet. You sure you want to do this? We can do it traditional, and I wouldn’t mind.”

I shook my head. “If you go slow and use enough lube, it should be fine.”

He nodded. “Ok. I’m ready when you are.”

Taking a moment for him to prepare, I sat up and pulled the dress off, causing the garter belt clamps to slide off the stockings and snap me in the leg like a rubber band. Giving a sharp yelp, I threw the garment across the room. First chance I got, it was going in the trash.

I positioned myself on the pillow so my ass was raised, presenting myself to his hungry gaze and hungry cock. I heard a bottle pop open and tried to slow my rapid heartbeat. Why did I agree to this? I’ve never done this, so why would I put myself in this position? There was a wet, slathering noise and after a few seconds a cold finger touched my butthole, making me jump and yelp.

“That’s cold,” I complained, looking behind me. My boyfriend stood with a large bottle in one hand, and his other hand was dripping with sticky looking liquid.

“Sorry, babe. I tried to keep it warm, but I guess it cooled down. Just try to relax and imagine it’s like sunscreen.”

“I can’t remember ever putting sunscreen in my ass.”

“There’s still that nude beach down the way if you want to start tanning your tits.”

“Har har har,” I mockingly laughed. “My tits are fine without a sunburn and peeling.”

There was a chuckle behind me and the cold, wet finger touched my entrance again, making me wince. After a thorough wetting of my forbidden hole and a gentle jabbing inside as well, he shuffled up behind me and grabbed my hips.


I shakily nodded and bit down on the bed sheet, waiting for the feeling of a reverse defecation. There was a little prod and then the push came. I groaned like a whore as the penis slid past my final barrier and into my rectum. The feeling of being filled up was amazing, and I couldn’t believe I’d held off on doing this for this long. The cock was pulled almost completely out, and then thrust back in, causing me to moan again. God, maybe I should get back into that uniform so I can look the part, too.

“Are you alright?” Thunderlane asked while slamming into me again.

I nodded, tears streaming down my face. I wasn’t sure what they were tears of, but I was fairly certain they weren’t of pain since I wasn’t trying to pull away or screaming at Thunderlane to stop. He continued to thrust into my ass, and I continued to grunt and moan like a horny schoolgirl.

His thrusts started to speed up, adding a wild sensation as I could clearly feel his dick veins hitting my walls as he got closer to another orgasm. As much as I wanted this to continue, I could feel the lube wearing off as his thrusts caused more friction. I was about to mention it when I heard a SPPPTHH sound as he squeezed more lube from the bottle onto his pistoning member, giving me a bit of relief. The thrusts continued to increase in speed, and my moans had been increased to shouts of ecstasy. This feeling was incredible! Why had we never tried this? The sensation of him sliding along my poop chute walls was almost on par with the best rough sex we had.

About 20 seconds later, Thunderlane hilted himself in me, and groaned as another orgasm hit him. The act of hitting my innermost walls at that point drove me over the edge as well as I shot juices all over the sheets and pillow. It was like the aftermath of being electrocuted, with my body still jumping with post-orgasm aftershocks for some time.

My boyfriend pulled himself out of my ass with a satisfying POP and laid on top of me.

“Hey, you doing ok?” he asked quietly.

“Uh-huh,” I muttered, still riding out the last of my orgasm. “That was…absolutely fantastic.”

He chuckled softly and kissed the back of my neck. “How about we do this again next week?”

I groaned a bit. “Give it a few weeks. I don’t think we should rush such a good thing.”

We pushed the pillow off the bed, and we laid there in the room, dimly lit by the candles. An owl was hooting off in the distance. The only sound in the room was our combined breathing. I suddenly got an idea and sat up and turned to Thunderlane.

“Hey, Thunderlane? How about next time, the roles are reversed, and I fuck you in the ass?”