> Life is Very Complex > by coolpony01 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch 1 Change the good and the bad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life is in itself very complex full of many theories to explain the why in our cognitive and emotional states. Whether they be of lighter and more positive shades and of darker less positive. My experiences of life along with my research over the topic has led me to that conclusion. I remember when I first arrived in Equestria all those years ago. I was much different back then. I tended to keep quiet and conservative as I was somehow brought to this universal earth through magical aspects.  I lost that of my mother and father. The princess was very interested when I discussed to her the existence of intellectual ape-like beings. Humans were the first proven intellectual beings of sentimentalism discovered in a great many centuries and so it was a great surprise for all those of Equestria. Well before I discovered Equestria I was found by a kind hearted human couple. My mother’s name was Kuvira. She was very tough yet kind hearted. She was the captain of Granda Suyin’s guard at the time and my father’s name was Bataar Beifong. He was always very smart when it came to technology and science much like his father before him. It was not surprising that he was grandfather Bataar’s assistant.  When they found me they were both fascinated to discover another intellectual being other than human and were both very kind hearted and opened their home and their hearts to me. I became their daughter and they became my parents. I was much like them with my fascination for learning and would read over a variety of books. My personal favorite of these being the ones of mythology and politics. It was like entering a world built upon philosophical ideals. My parents always made sure I didn’t get my head in the clouds by befriending many wonderful children my age.  I remember how we used to play together during the seasons of each year. I also remember the times with my family of much joy and of care and consideration for each other. Life was perfect, however, when the earth queen of our land was assassinated all that changed. What came forth was chaos and destruction. Mother and father knew the right thing to do was to help bring the country and its citizens back together. However, the rest of the family did not agree as they wished to keep Zaofu a stronghold city rather than have its resources distributed. I personally felt this to be quite selfish as those within the areas of chaos who were being life threatened were in far more need of the resources. We were cut off from the family. Well, mother and father were. I was still allowed to return to Zaofu as I wished due to my age. However, my parents were the ones who had custody and knew Grandma Suyin may become a bit overprotective and even controlling of me and so I stayed with them.  It was quite lovely. I always did wish to visit the grand libraries of the palace of the monarchy family. I also did enjoy befriending many of the kind and noble hearted children of the guard. We especially loved to do what we could for the people of Ba Sing Se whether it be providing them with food or by aiding the sick and injured with that of heart. It was all so special and still is to this day treasured within my heart. We did help to bring hope and prosperity back to the civilians of Ba Sing Se who were of lower social and political status. It is not much of a surprise why those of higher status took notice of the good and chaste work of mother and father. They showed great commitment and care towards those who were in need. I did notice they grew a bit stern and heavy handed and maybe even a bit harsh at times when it comes down to criminals or those who may be that of political opponents. But I didn’t pay much attention to that as they were still very kind towards those in need of their care and kindness including myself. We still spent quite a lot of time together. Making the most wonderful of memories. Whether it be of nice delicious meals of taste and culture or studying over various pieces of literature in regards to the spirits or of political philosophical matters.  But my most favorite of these would be the great research and studying mother and father alongside I would bring towards the uniqueness of my person. They alongside me wished to learn of what I was. We found I was most closely related with certain species such as sheep ponies or fox horses.  Mom and dad would even joke and call me their little pony. I always loved the nickname they gave me as well as the name they chose. Chicka means that of wisdom, a trait which I am quite strong with. If only this was to last, mom and dad wouldn't become consumed by their drives in regards to providing the country with that aid. I remember when President Raiko of the United Republic of Nations invited mom and dad to discuss her becoming that of the temporary leader until the nation was stable once again.  We felt great joy and passion because of this. Once we arrived mom and dad had a long discussion with president Raiko along with other members of high political powers and intellect of the matters regarding providing that of order and prosperity back to the Earth Kingdom.  Once the meeting was over mother and father seemed well put in proper terms… changed well at least somewhat. They held a deep commitment towards removing the forms of chaos within that of the country. But of a commitment that may hold that of shadow a desire and care that could lead down a certain path that may not exactly be the best for the country or themselves or myself.  I of course kept this hidden as I knew of the good my parents were still doing for the people of the Earth Kingdom. My fears and suspicions, however, were still there and they would become confirmed come the winter. One day while I was resting amongst my bed in the rather luxurious and advanced train mother and father received as a means of traveling towards the many provinces of the lands of the kingdom of Earth. We were ambushed and metal benders attempted to crush all of us as a means of rebellion against mother and father occupying the state of Mohuno. It was one that always held that of love towards the monarchs. They were the ones that brought them the knowledge to grow crops and to change their waters when a big drought hit their lands. Mother and father along with myself expected some sort of retaliation but this was a sort of hostility we did not expect.  There were no fatalities of course as the guards were quite skilled in that of metal bending as well as that of intellect and war skills. They were prepared to prevent those hostiles from bringing death to us all. However, this does not mean that none of us were injured. I, fortunately, was not as the targets were mother and father. However, this was, regretfully, not the case for mother; they managed to greatly injure her left arm; fortunately this would have no permanent effect upon the arm. There was, very fortunately, only a minimal amount of scaring though it would have to be in a cast for the next six months. Once I heard of this I went to visit her “Chika you’re alive.” Mom spoke with much joy and passion knowing I had not been harmed. I went to comfort my dear mother alongside my father. Mother and father promised that day they would do all that could to provide me with safety. I was not sure how far they would take this but I didn’t care and I promised them I would stand by their side. Our little moment of joy would have to end because of how horrid the situation of such retaliation was. They would have to discuss with other members of their army of high status and intellect over the appropriate response to prevent such actions. I will not like the decision made for it to have been a bit too harsh at least in some aspects. Mother and father choose to punish those responsible by creating these sort of “reeducation facilities' ' but they really were prison camps. Those sent would be required to fulfill a sort of labor or the more politically correct term of “community service” I wasn’t against this sort of decision, well not completely at the very least I will admit those who were responsible for trying to bring us death were deserving of such punishment along with anyone else who resorted to such violence. But I was worried the camp may not be used in the best of ways as there were those who faced horrid treatment within the prisons of the fire nation for instance during the one hundred year war. Those who were simply defending themselves or others of those who would only directly oppose the of a soldier or of the government may end up being sent to those “reeducation facilities” if they became too abusive.  Mother and father heard of my distraught towards the “reeducation facility” plans and provided me with that of comfort and reassurance. They wished for me not to become too worryful and wished for my mind to be free from that of anxiety of any sort of emotional pains and instead wished for joys and passion to be filled in my mind.  This however, did not mean I was required to completely hold beliefs they value as that was not of family. You see after the order in regards to the camp's construction. I’ve heard rumors stories if you will tell amongst the guards of the train when neither mother nor father were listening. I would listen out of curiosity and of concern for the decision making of mother and father as I did not wish for them to become too consumed by their desires to the point that it would harm those around them or myself in an autocratic deeply authoritarian and even slightly dictatorial way. And so I never said anything as it would be a great mistake for them to be controlling. Well see I heard what I heard was… disturbing and quite nasty. It was told that anyone within the ranks of the army who made any sort of direct offense well to an extent would end up in those camps. While I do understand this for those who would resort to violence. I’ve heard tis would happen to those of military rank for simple words such as politely disagreeing with certain… opinions that are commonly accepted amongst my parents and of the ranks of the military system of my parents creation. I’ve even seen a guard make the mistake of questioning the ideology of my parents. They both care very deeply and this would be of the certain requirements of my parents that I personally can not and will not agree with.  Mother and father did however provide for the simple villages and such they come across with economic growth and for that I am proud and tended to … ignore some of the decision making I did not agree with. The earth kingdom did not exactly have many of the wondrous technologies and such. But mother and father fixed this by installing clean water pumping water, proper heating and cooling within homes. The addition of more productive materials to add with more efficient production and storage of the corps for the civilians. By the glory of the spirits they even received a far more efficient means of transportation and materials through the means of a railway system. Not to mention of the protection the guards brought in holding off any greedy bandits.  However, all of this came at a price. The particular governors of the state had to sign a contract that stated quite a lot of limits amongst any rights or powers of the leaders and the townsfolk in question. One of them being the leaders beyond that of governors would all have to be assigned by higher up members of the military. I of course was against this because it gave the military a little bit too much control.  I always valued that of democratic and liberal ideas. I of course was against this when I learned of this. The queen was quite the tyrant. It is much of a blessing that I was a citizen of Zaofu and not that of the Earth Kingdom as I do remember the plans she made to make me into a pet. Technically, we were still part of the earth kingdom; we just had certain leeways such as legislation being created when it was discovered there were other beings of sentimental life that were not human. I simply wished for no sort of tyrannical path for the nation to go down but I was smart enough to keep this private. Within my mind when I came to see the look of fiery within along with words of raging fire and thunder that would terrify even the earth queen herself. When mother and father learned of what the guards were saying behind her back they made the decision that if someone in her army even spoke out of term to report them or face the consequences. After that none of us dared say a word nor did we not report when we heard of this and so this was the last I’ve heard of the reduction facilities in a great while. In spite of this I was still happy I had my family and I did not find the stories of the reeducation camp to be very appealing so not listening to them anymore was good for me at least I think. > Ch 2 Friendship and Reconnection > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There were still some good things to come. I did meet Bolin not long after. He was not like the other guards he was not hard core nor harsh like they were but rather he was quite goofy as well as kind and I liked that. It was clear he cared more for helping people rather than the punishment aspect.  He was the only guard whom was friendly and kind towards myself. The others were too formal and kept their distance. But not Bolin we would have lovely little chats. He even taught me how to play street pai sho. He was really good at it not as good as me of course since mother and father were the ones who taught me pai sho.  All of it was joyful and brought me that of peace of mind in regard to the particular actions of my parents. I may not of heard any problems of the leadership of mom and dad amongst the guards any more but I was able to notice a certain amount of fear amongst the inhabitants of the villages and towns we’ve come across even if mother and father do require me by the train and their guards.  It was also annoying how strict and protective they could be. To put it bluntly there were a few things I was not allowed to do that children my age would have been allowed. One example of this would be the simple fact that mother and father both decided that it would be best for me to not contact my other family members. This was because of the fact that there were divisions amongst my aunts, uncles, and grandparents. And as mother and father said those of my relatives whom we hold disagreements with may use of my personal feelings of family as a means to influence me towards their beliefs and values as a means of control.  Now that I am older I know that this also may have been likely due to mother and father wishing and attempting to have a certain level of influence on me.  There was another aspect of control and protectiveness of mother and father that was present in these restrictions on my letters home to family. There was also a lot of effort they put into the research and experimimentation into my being. I was allowed to write down theories and discuss muy ideas of certain aspects of my physical and cognitive characteristics that we already knew. But any form of actual experimentation over my physical form was strictly off limits which I was thankful for.    I just wish they weren’t so strict when it came down to my socialization with other. I was allowed to interact and make friendly with the guards as long as I did not disturb their work and could have lovely chats when they were off duty or not as buzy. However, most of the guards most of the guards were too formal as I was the daughter of their bosses. So they kept their distance as a means of being a proper soldier expect for Bolin of course. I always did enjoy my lovely chats he was my only true friend during the time and after all these years still remains my friend. It was unfortunate that I was not allowed to hold much conversations with the civilans of the towns. I would feel quite lonely when I see children my age run around and play. I did after all hold a desire and passion towards making a friend or two. Mother and father, however, felt otherwise. They told me it was for safety reasons. I at least had Bolin and this would help me get through these slightly darker few years. I still did make wonderful memories I did get a surprise a visit from my aunt Opal. She was kind and one who happened to be dating Bolin it was not much of a surprise when she joined the airbenders as she did always value many of the aspects they share such as chastity and non violence. We just need not expect that we would end up in the same town. Upon entering the village it was quite clear they have been raided by those bastards, bandits. This was clearly going on for quite some time likely a few months at least.  It was quite lovely being able to chat with Aunt Opal after all these years. “Chika I didn’t expect to see you how have you been doing.” She asked with friendliness. “Oh I’ve been great Bolin and I have been bonding.” I said with pleasantness at the thought. “Oh that’s wonderful to hear.” Opal said with a light chuckle. I felt joy and passion finally having a conversation with family. She was still the same kind girl whom never forced her opinions onto anyone. Which made me skeptical as to why mother and father would never let me talk to her via letters. Although it was a bit upsetting of the conflict between her and mother and father. It was not much of a surprise when Opal mentioned of mother and father resorting to the conquering of lands as a means of gaining control. Mother and father do hold quite the desire towards providing aid and protection to the people of the earth lands. I have come to hear of these rumors and am aware of all the fear and unrest though there would be more to learn later on about how controlling my parents could really be  > Ch 3 A Lavish Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would come to a much horrific realization of just how serious and true these rumors were of my mother’s authoritarianism and military conquest come the day of the princese’s coronation. I have come to realize that Prince Wu can be quite a nuisance and even selfish. But he was not his horrid great Aunt. He did have the decency to apologize to me on the behalf of that horrid queen’s unjust attempt to make me into a pet of some sort. It is why I never went to the earth kingdom lands or at least parts of the earth kingdom that were under complete control of the earth queen.  This is because of the fact that she used her people as assets and she hath committed a great evil during her time as ruler. When the airbenders returned as a result of the great avatar Korra chose to keep the spirit portals open as a means of creating harmony amongst us and the spirits. And this proved to be true as the spirits along with us did learn how to peacefully coexist and even learn to live among one another in harmony in certain ways. Such as by providing one another with knowledge of our strengths. The benders of my world would actually managed to teach the spirits how to bend the elements as they are beings that lived long enough to receive immortality and spiritual power or were their children, they were able to bend the elements. And in turn they were able to teach us how to properly control that of spirit power or at the very least those who possessed the strength within. These were commonly air benders or a priest.  And our connection was not only of simple formality but of more personal connections, many friendships and even romantic relationships and that of family managed to be created. I myself had a few spirit friends as I grew up, but this was not common within the areas of the earth kingdom and the queen did not trust the spirits and saw them as a threat to the people of the land as they were not human, and their powers could harm. For she was quite the xenophobe and could be quite selfish and of greed when it came down to it. However, there was the misfortune of those who gained the ability to bend that of air within their country and she would see them as a great asset as a means of protecting her political power. As the queen  in her mind need to defend the land from the “unnatural powers” of the spirits and so she would have her Dai Lee agents kidnap airbenders as a means of training them to one day join her army to protect the queen of “righteousness.” As well as defend the lands of the earth kingdom from those of the spirits. Thank the avatar for putting an end to such injustice.  The prince did humbly apologize to the airbenders for such levels of injustice. He even agreed to the monarchy to be required to have certain restrictions upon their power in regard to extremisms and unjust actions. Any future queens and kings would not be allowed to pass any legislation or executive ordinance if it is for their own personal benefit. They would also no longer be allowed to create any forms of slavery or involuntary servitude or any action of violence or the annihilation of any persons or based reasoned. Violence would only be permitted or protective purposes only nothing more.  I discussed of the benefits I believed to be true with mother and father. They seemed a bit annoyed that I was discussing of them giving the prince the power to rule over the nation as king. Which I could understand as he did possess certain flaws, but he would not be alone in his rule and so the country would likely move forward, and I did enjoy the content of having more time alongside mother and father. Perhaps our other family members would have at least tried to allow for mother and father to return home to Zaofu. It would have been nice to see my family and perhaps my old friends once more. Mother and father seemed a bit concerned by this as if it were something they wished to not discuss and keep hidden for a reason. When we entered the hotel, we were supposed to stay during the ceremony I remember of how luxurious it was with all the rich cultural decor. I smiled when I saw Grandmother Suyin. I was about to go talk to her, but the guards came along and gestured to me to follow them to where mother and father along with the rest of the ranking military were. I was annoyed by this, but I knew that it would be rude to publicly humiliate mother and father.  I couldn’t help but smile when I saw mother giving some young adolescent children that couldn’t have been more than a few years older than I autographs. There are great joys that may come from providing others with that of joy and of hope and it was nice to see that of a smile of joy and kindness upon mother’s face again.    Mother is often busy and does not have time for smiles. This ended when Prince Wei walked over to mother in one of his dorky dancey ways. He can be a bit too weird, but he is still far better than that tyrant. I was quite shocked to hear what he had said. From what I recall it was something along the lines of “You’re pretty easy on the eyes for a military type.” I had to cover my mouth and resist laughing even though how spirit damn funny this was. Mother would have been pretty darn mad likely punish me if I laughed so I couldn’t. I especially couldn’t because of the fact that mother didn’t deserve any public humiliation especially after all the good she did it was because of her and father that they brought order back to the kingdom after all. It wasn’t surprising that mother seemed annoyed by this and of him continuing his flirting by trying to see if he could get her little upgrade while she stayed in Republic City. Of course, mother stated she would not be needing her help as she reserved the presidential sweet. The prince was confused as he stated that he had the president sweet. But she humorously stated that she had him moved out she couldn’t resist smiling as the prince seemed in a panic and asked one of his servants where all of his stuff was, and it was discovered that he was moved in a junior sweet and mother responded that there was something he should know about her that she always gets what she wants with a bit of a crude smirk. I had no idea mom could be so savage. I couldn’t help but smile myself. I did feel sorry for the prince of course but it was better to not state of within open public and I would need to settle down for the day. I did not really have the time to have any lovely conversations with any of the high ranked and well-known people such as Master Tenzin as a guard gestured me to come into the sweet, we would be staying in for the time being. It was quite luxurious with the furniture and flooring as well as the walls clearly having quite a lot of fire nation and earth kingdom culture. It didn’t take long for me to me to finish unpacking and organizing my stuff. I did love remaining organized even all those years ago. When I was done, I was able to have a lovely chat with Bolin and even with mother and father as they were not very busy for once. It was nice even after all these years they still cared for me, and I knew this wasn’t going to change. Once it grew late, I made sure to be presentable for the lovely and quite delicious dinner that was provided to everyone. I sat down next to my parents. The options all looked expensive so I recommended the salad but mother and father wished for me to have an elegant meal full of nutrients instead and so I got a very elegant stara fish strip with some vegetables and bean buns it was very delicious and had a lemon flavor that was put on just right along with the vegetables tasting that of a gentle steaming flavor that was covered just right. I was a bit worried about the expense, but mother and father told me not to worry. I did however notice they got quite the extravagant dinner for themselves. This bothered me somewhat as even for rulers the meal in question was quite extravagant especially in regard to them handing over power to prince Wu in a way it looked like they were celebrating but I knew they did not wish to hand over power to the prince since he was not the best of rulers, so this confused me. Unless they were hiding something from me, but I put these feelings aside.  > Ch 4 Shocking Details and Fears > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day after I would have to look extra extravagant so I may obtain present ableness. The ceremony in question was quite simple especially with regards to the fact that it was a coronation for a new king. The prince showed great ignorance and even selfishness. I will admit that he still showed that of care and consideration and it gave me much joy to see mother earn a great honor for her role in return for her great actions of chastity and commitment in regard to bringing order and prosperity back to the earth kingdom. It was a shame father did not receive the same reward but only mother was granted the position and task of acting as the temporary leader of the earth kingdom until it became stable enough for the prince to return. This was to ensure the nation didn’t become too authoritarian and having both my parents as temporary rulers might have done just that. It really didn’t matter too much as in the earth kingdom father had the same amount of political and military power as mother. And many of the civilians saw them as worthy leaders of the country.  I cannot blame them; the queen never really showed much care towards her subjects and on her fall the land was overrun by bandits for quite some time. I will not deny of the sort of “persuasion” aspects of the guards and the “teachings” but they were still beloved by many including myself and it was clear that they really did bring order and prosperity towards everyone in the country, and it does explain what happened next, but I was still shocked. Mother just simply smiled and showed gratitude to the prince and politely asked if she could say a few words.  The first that mother discussed was of the lesson she was taught when she grew up in Zaofu under the care of Grandmother Suyin Beifong. How the idea of a king or queen passing down power from one generation to another was acratic and how technology and innovation should be what drives a nation forward. “Where is she going with this?” I thought at the time. She then discussed of the fact that it had taken her and father three years to get back on track and that there was no way they would allow it to slip back into the dark ages. I will admit I was a bit discerned as I knew what was about to happen. She stated how she along with father created an earth empire and they would continue to lead it to the future themselves and bring about a new era of prosperity for their people. Those around began to clap and cheer and chant hail towards the great uniter the name mother so gracefully earned over the last three years. And so I went to clap but I will admit my unnerve of the situation was likely noticed. She then stated that her fellow leaders needed to know one thing; she then ripped off the kyoshi medal of freedom and used her medal bending to levitate it in the air. She then stated with much harshness that anyone that crosses their border or stood in their way would be crushed. She then used her medal bending to crush the kyoshi medal of freedom to show emphasis. And …. I was terrified because I didn’t expect something this dark from mother’s mouth. I knew this would likely cause harm with other countries. After this I will admit it is a bit hard for myself to trust them after those words at least to an extent. A militaristic authoritarian type of rule has brought us many troubles of war and suffering in the past and this was the time we were supposed to reconnect to spend joyful time as a family. Not to mention the possibility of returning to Zaofu to see my friends and family will likely not happen and I will admit this did hurt as mother and father were quite… strict and protective towards myself with a certain… commitment towards this and this may not be very good towards myself with current times. The only true and real friend I had during all these years was Bolin and I am aware it would be most beneficial towards myself if this is to not remain. I however am aware that my parents are ones who commit to certain sacrifices for my safety. I am aware this would include certain extensions upon future friendships and other emotional forms of pleasure which was a bit upsetting and quite annoying. But I had to be strong and to not allow any negative emotions to overtake me for my parents' reputation. I was going to, however, talk to Master Tenzin in secret. I have always admired the free and open culture of the air nomads as well as their care and chastity of master Tenzin as he was one of the first whom showed respect and that of care and understanding towards the fact, I wasn’t human. When I was younger, he would come to visit Zaofu as a means of learning more about my species for ethical matters. They wished to see if I possessed any bending generic traits as I was a being with the same emotional, social, and intellectual capacity as humans. I would have loved being an airbender. It is the element of freedom after all. But this was in the past and such things as bending matter nought within the culture of the air temples but of peace, of freedom, and of selflessness.  I did enjoy my little talk with master Tenzin because he was very understanding when I apologized to him on the behalf of my parents, and he held no blame towards I for what happened. This is something that gave me comfort. He did admit that mother and father make good leaders for the country then Prince Wu. He was concerned about the reports of my parent’s authoritarian type style of government as well as the reports of her growing military they even said that they threw some of their dissenters into prison camps. I told him I didn’t really know much which was true. I did ask him to keep this conversation quiet and he was quite understandable about that. I didn’t want to get in trouble with mom and dad. Though I’ll admit the conversation helped but I was still unnerved about the future. > Ch 5 Discussions and some Coping > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I went back to the sweet. I was still… unsettled and felt sorrow. And so, with these fears I do as I always do. I got out a pencil and a note pad of mine. When mother stated to the other world leaders of how those that crossed their borders or stood in their way would be crushed it made me feel afraid. And so, I began to write down matters of diplomacy and politics to keep the peace. This is how I cope with these sorts of anxieties. Even mother alongside father says it’s good, healthy even. I began to lose track of time, but you’d think that I’d hear mother and father walk in the room. When mother stated that I looked worried using the name Chika she and father gave me all those years ago I shot up my head and felt stupid for letting myself get that into my writing but it was a little late and so she went and read it and asked why I was concerned about diplomatic international relationships and so I had to tell her the truth of how I felt about her particular choice of words towards those who lead the other countries as it is wrong to discuss the restoring to certain… cruel actions such as crushing anyone who gets in the way of their cause. As well as those who may only simply commit illegal actions by crossing the border for this may likely be due to peaceful matters instead of matters of hostility. There were airbenders who would enter the country to simply provide earth nation civilians with that of aid and protection and I am aware that harsh punishments towards those of chasity and good reasoning would be unjust. But I still knew mother and father were fair and just rulers as well as kindhearted.  So I may have a civil discussion with them. She was understanding of my reasoning in question and stated that it was only tough rhetoric to make sure the other nations knew that we mean business and that she had no true intention of war upon the people of our allies.  She stated that the other nations wanted to bully us into accepting some idiot king who would serve them but neglect the people. I wouldn’t say this for sure as he has stated cares and regret towards the tyrant queen’s methods. And not to mention the fact that he did have some plans that would be quite beneficial towards the country such as allowing the civilians to hold at least an adequate amount of power. A few of the matters he was concerned with were of providing commoners with things they shouldn’t be denied such as running water to make it to the homes and public areas. This was not the only sort of program the prince had planned towards the common folk. The prince also wanted to ensure they have proper heating during times of cold and cooling. As well as other sorts of access being granted to the commoners such as proper medical aid, proper education, as well as opportunities for certain types of jobs. His decision making was actually similar to mother and father’s.  However, he didn’t seem to have the sort of capacity nor the commitment levels of mother and father especially in regards towards the military. Likely because of the abuse his great Aunt did upon the civilians such as forcing airbenders to join for xenophobic matters. This is likely why mom and dad didn't see him as the proper sort of leader towards the country as they likely feared any sort of reduction towards the levels of soldiers amongst the country would increase the levels of bandits once more. Not to mention he did not have the experience nor has done very much for the country as he was not the leader and was to remain within Republic City for his safety. And so, some of these are understandable and there have been some sort of questions of the prince such as not having the sort of knowledge of how to properly run politics lead alone a country as he was not able to gain the experience as well as his bits of selfishness as he does have a bit of expensive taste in regard towards food, clothing, as well as pampering such as spas. He is not as bad as the queen of course but he did need to get that bit of impulse under control. He also seemed to not have the skills or level of courage and commitment as mother and father. This could have been gained through experience as well as humility and the gaining of other traits such as virtue, but this would take some time not to mention the success of order and prosperity of my parents and so it's clear they may be the better of leaders. However, this still does not mean he is a selfish fool. Prince Wu always seemed to be one who had genuine care and at least some form of intellect and wisdom in regard towards politics and worldly peace and harmony.  He did manage to create at least some good changes within Republic City during the time such as providing young children with education in regard to the certain wrong doings of the monarch. So, the children of the next generation may learn of the wrongs of the past, so they need not repeat and rather be replaced with that of kindness and of good will towards others. Even mother and father held acknowledgements and respect towards this as well as the other sorts of servitude he did start on small sort of nonprofit charitable chastity type organization that kids much commitment towards providing the needy with their basic essentials, material values, as well as any skills needed for survival and certain use such as that work related skills as well as his commitment towards teaching values such as kindness, chastity, as well as knowledge. As well as discovering passion and love for various things and why it must be valued.  These are noble cases but simply nought as great as the ones of mother and father. And so, I simply replied that he likely would not make the best ruler for the country as he did not have the amount of experience nor intellectual capacity for a leader yet with regards to the bit of selfishness toward any sorts of expenses common within the earth monarchy. And mother said this was exactly the reason for the decision her alongside father made in regards towards becoming the leaders of the country and they stated that they would need my help in regards towards ensuring a proper transition of power and of providing the country with a great golden age of order and prosperity. As I was their daughter and I was aware of the importance of the nobility of this and so with much truth of gratitude and inspiration and of chasity towards such a cause of nobility and of genuine care for the peoples of the new Earth Empire I stated I would stand by them. Mother then gave me a look of true warmth and that of genuine care and of appreciation and love.  This feeling of genuine warmth was short-lived as Grandma Suyin walked in the room. There was clear disappointment and anger upon her face. I remember the words she spoke very clearly towards mother.  “We need to talk”  I could see great anger appear upon my mother's face and the words she spoke were of clear anger. “Can you give us the room please.” She stated of formality and politeness. I simply nodded my head and left the room. I knew better than to do any sort of eavesdropping as this would anger mother and father. I did not wish for any conflict as they still loved and cared about me, and I loved and cared about them and will respect their decision. And so, I simply set my mind to something more enjoyable and sat down next to Bolin, the only true friend I have within my parents' army. I could see fear and sorrow upon his face for the situation. I could not help but feel sympathy and care towards my dear friend, but we knew better than to talk about any sort of misgivings. We may have towards certain aspects of my mother and father’s choices as we are not allowed to state any words against the cause.  And so, we simply choose to instead not let our fears get the best of us as we are aware of the fairness and kindness inside them and of the simple truth that they would likely make the best leaders for the country and so we simply decided to have a little fun. We do love listening to pro bender games. Bolin was a pro bender and a damn good one. His team was my favorite growing up and no it wasn’t because Korra was their teammate it was because they were a good team creaming all the other players. Plus listening to them play and creaming the other players was fun.  We’re listening to our favorite team the deer cats know that’s a great theme. They know how to actually bend they’re team players. They were always accepting towards everyone even me and I appreciate that as not everyone is accepting towards myself. It is not easy for myself to find acceptance nor respect as many of the more traditionalist xenophobic types wouldn often view me as a threat.  And so, it was quite lovely listening to a pro bender game from a team that holds some form of respect and admiration towards me. In the final round of the game, it was intense and genuinely awesome. The other team, the wolf cats were tough and quite frankly are xenophobic assholes who have no respect towards I. Always had to say I was some dangerous animal. They knew nothing about me and wouldn’t let the deer cats win very easily. I really enjoyed all the action and sweet moves especially when the water bender managed to knock all three players out of the ring. That was awesome just like Korra did to make it to the finals along with Bolin and his brother and so it was really cool. This would allow us to enjoy a few hours together we are close friends after all, and we won’t be leaving until the morning and may as well enjoy this little vacation it's my first one in a while and so I may as enjoy this while it lasts. > Ch 6 A Relaxing Evening with Discussions of the Future > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I then had a thought within myself and let out a slight smile. Bolin then smiled as he knows me. “Does Chika want a bath.” He asked with glee as he does know me quite well.  “You do know me quite well don’t you.” I said with a smile/ “Well go on then you deserve a break.” Bolin stated. And so I headed to the luxurious tub that was full of the most beautiful reds, golden colors, and greens. And the water felt warm and soaking upon my coat and the shampoo as well as the body wash helped to provide me with soothness and calmness as well as providing myself with a pleasant clean scent of lavender. It has been a while since I last had a seven hour bubble bath, not since my tenth birthday. I was only allowed during special occasions and this technically counts as a special occasion. So I should take advantage of such a calming and blissful experience. And it did allow for joy as well as reflection. I then heard a knock at the door. “Chika what are you doing?” I recognized it was the voice of mother. I was a bit startled but still glad that she finally maintained the negotiations with her fellow leaders alongside father. “Oh hi mom you’re back I was just taking a bath.” I said  “For how long it’s eleven pm.”mom stated “Uhm since four.” I said with a bit of nervousness and embarrassment. “Really Chika you’ve been bathing for seven hours.” Mom said a bit annoyed but not surprised. “Well I haven’t done this since my tenth birthday.” I protested but still felt pleasantness at the bath.  “I shouldn’t be surprised you have always been one to enjoy a lovely bath. Come get ready your father and I still need to discuss of today's events and of the future.” Mom stated.  This interested me dearly as I wish to know certain aspects of any certain ideas of my parents to better the country as well as the certain adjustments me along with they would have to make. “Alright.” I stated.  I began to get ready and then went to sit on the bed I will be resting on for the night alongside mother and father. “Chika, your mother and I had to become the leaders that idiot simply wouldn’t have made a good ruler.” Dad stated with care ad logic he is a scientist after all “Yes I am aware he is not exactly the most fitting ruler at the moment.” I stated the truth.  “Exactly, we simply couldn’t allow our progress over the last few years to be undone.” dad said. I do hold much passion and admiration towards my parents and am aware of the truth of my father's words and how it is simply right if I do what I can to help. “Oh What can I do to help? I'm sure there'll be plenty of ideas I can pass as well as … organization.” I said with a light glow upon those last words.  Mother and father simply smiled and gave out a light hearted chuckle at that.  “You have not changed very much have you Chika.” Father said with a gentle warmth. “Very true, well there will be much you can do but you don’t need to worry about that right now you are still young and need to learn and discover joys. Not to mention the empire is far more stable than it was and so we do not wish for you to overwork yourself.” Dad said of great care and of deep love and commitment towards me.  “Especially in regards towards any sorts of… adjusting that may be of necessary.” Mom said with much care. This caused me to feel a bit uneasy as I recognized the commitment in that tone. When mother and father care very deeply about my safety they tend to make certain… precautions that may be a bit overprotective to some including myself and so I went to ask more about this as I know it is of importance but it would not exactly be easy during these years to hide any sort of concern. “What do you mean exactly?” I asked with a hint of concern.  “Well it would be wise if you are to retain a few body guards while you are out within public. There are criminal scum who would wish to harm you as your father and I now run the nation.” Mom said with a sort of care she’s always shown for years as well as the seriousness of her words as she has always cared for me even if they may be a bit too overprotective at times. Though they’ve always had a tendency to overdue their levels of security towards me. But I knew of its importance and knew better than to address this to them unless it becomes too serious or of an over extensive level of strictness as I do require that of freedom as well as. “Yes I am aware of this it would be best to avoid any dangers such as the followers of Zaheer from bridging harm towards myself.” I said a logical fact. “And your father and I will never allow this, such bastards have no right to bring harm to you. No matter what they say or the lies they tell themselves, order is necessary.” Mom stated with logic and care.  “I am aware of this Zaheer is quite the… unnerving type in regards to the destruction he and his followers brought to the country over the corrupt beliefs of destroying that of order in order to return to a more natural path of beings of sentimental emotion and of chaos. It is… disturbing to know that he may do this again with how lenient President Raiko was to his sentencing they could have at least allowed Korra to take his bending.” I stated with logic and care towards the harms and destruction those of the red lotus may bring to us all.  “In that I agree but we can’t change the past, we can only look to the future.” Mom stated Very true though I must admit I am a little bit concerned about these “necessary” changes.  “Though I will admit you may not agree with some of the necessary changes in the future but they are necessary nevertheless.” Dad added on. I was a bit… concerned with any possible adjustments they may wish for me to make, this one does make sense at least to an extent. Though I should discuss with my parents the “necessary” changes this I knew even all those years ago. “ I mean to ask what sort of changes you’ll be making. I do not wish to be rude in any way. I just wish to know.” I said with a hint of concern. “No I’m glad you asked your father and I have been talking and we believe it may not exactly be very wise if you are to… socialize within public unless it is needed.” Mom said with sympathy and care though I did notice a hint of nervousness in her words. I didn't realize why until I remembered my friends in Zaofu. You can’t be serious.” I said with a bit of sorrow and anger towards such a decision. “Chika, please hear us out.” Mom said with care and a bit of guilt. “So what just because I’m a part of “high” society I can’t even see my friends its been years you promised you wouldn’t do this.” I said with a bit of resentment and sorrow. “Yes we remember we just need to keep you safe.” Dad said of care and a bit of sorrow.  “But I also need to have some amount of freedom in how I will learn without making mistakes whether good or bad.” I stated. “Yes but such mistakes could get you killed.” Mom said rasing her voice with firmness yet care. She then softened her eyes. “This is for the best Chika. Your father and I aren’t changing our mind about this. If you just accept this, it will be better for you.” Mother said of care, consideration, and a bit of guilt. “But what of friendship is is of much importance and I really have none.” I said. “Yes this is true but… safety must come first. Your mother and I both know there is an acceptable proportion of people your age who are high ranks and such.” Dad stated adding another variable. “Yes I suppose that is true.” I will admit the idea provided some joy within myself. “There’s that smile.” Mom said. “Well I will admit it will be quite lovely getting closer to Haiku.” I said with warmth as I remembered the few pleasant encounters I’ve had with the son of Commander Guan of the southern forces. A very decent intellectual and cunning man it was no surprise why mother and father chose him as he clearly exceeded their expectations. I did love the idea of getting close to his son Haiku. He was very charming, polite and quite smart for his age. He reminded me of myself. We both really enjoyed pieces of literature from quite wonderful and famous authors such as the Davarna Kalanda and we both did love researching and discussing theories of my being. Much like I do with mother and father when they had more time for such things we still do but not as much as they were quite busy. It was nice to have a friend besides Bolin.Haiku was the only other friend I made over the years. He was quite the lovely and wonderful friend and I was to him and so we enjoyed our time together and it was worth befriending him. And I would enjoy going closer and I knew he would to so this would make these adjustments easier. But I will not deny any sorrows or fears towards my parent’s decision to deny any sort of visitation of my friends from Zaofu. But it still gave me great joy to know I still had friends regardless and it did at least allow for a peaceful sumpter.  This was quite helpful as I knew I would be in need of rest come the morning as the day we would leave. I was not sure where the travels upon the train would lead us to that of goodness or that of darkness and destruction but there is still going to be good this at the very least provided I with some hope and bliss though there is no telling what will occur in the future for anyone. > Ch 7 Doubts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I learned not long after mother and father were planning on heading to my hometown of Zaofu to obtain the lands and the city for the Earth Empire. This filled me with a sense of dread and fear as I knew Grandmother Suyin would not turn over power easily. And I do not wish for conflict or bloodshed. But I knew to remain quiet over such matters as it was not good to create any sorts of conflicts with my parents. I was far too aware of the sort of …. Punishments mother along with father would bring open those who defy them. They did state of crushing anyone who stood in their way. I still know my parents and was well aware they would never bring I harm over such small and insignificant matters, but I was still frightened by the words and of such horrid ideas still I was well aware that it’d still be best to focus upon other sorts of matters.  And so I went to visit with Varick and his assistant Zhu Li Moon. I’d never liked Varrick. He is far too selfish and arrogant, but I will not deny his brains. He's invented quite a lot of wonderful things, the mover camera being my most favorite. As it is very much like watching a book itself like magic and some of my favorite books have been movers. I love watching something of value and know they’re going to work on something with quite a lot of uses from that of a new clean source of energy from that of the mysterious spirit vines and this will provide others with a great kindness as their will be much goodness that will be provided to the commoner and mother and father do wish to learn dearly about such matters of importance. It provides my heart with much warmth and joy to learn of this especially in regard to topics of intellect and of importance.  I also do love the time I get to have lovely peaceful conversations with his assistant miss Zhu Li Moon. She is very kind and I do enjoy the time I get to spend with her. I don’t get much time as she is quite busy as Varrick can be selfish with her and his demands and all. But I still have some time where we may have a lovely little chat. It is quite nice having a sort of warm acquaintance, especially during these troublesome times. As friendship is of much importance and this is of the grandest of realities. As people are in much need of others to care for and to feel joy for. Not to mention it was a most wonderful educational experience of wonder as such technology would be of much benefit to the earth empire. And I am aware of how I may help, of how sorts of currents of electricity help to transport any sort of energy from the vines to a battery.  But unfortunately, things did not turn out as planned as the sort of technology grew unstable as the alarms began to blare and glass of the machine began to break. Varrick as well as Zhu Li went to shut it down, but it did not work as the machine was far too damaged. And this sort of pure purple energy formed and let out a giant hole as it tore through the trains rear. I rushed over to aid as I saw Zhu Li dangling from the train's edge. As she is a very good person who deserves life, I felt obligated to save her. I along with Varrick managed to rescue the life of Zhu Li Moon. Mother and father rushed in a few seconds later “What happened where we attacked.” Mom asked with authority and care.  Varrick explained what happened and told them not to worry because he was going to end the project. But my mother said he was not too quiet and stated if he realized what they could do with this sort of power. This was… startling to say the least. I was very much aware of the certain misuses of the power when brought in the wrong hands and was Varrick. Dad stated that since when did that matter to you. Varrick said that he knew and that it wasn’t like him and that he recently had these feelings of concern for others and a nagging voice in his head constantly telling him what’s right from wrong. Miss Zhu Li Moon then stated that she believed that was his conscience. Mother responded that she was the only voice in his head and that she was telling him he would continue on the project. But Varrick stood his ground and to my horror mother began to metal bend the metal around his uniform and held him with her metal bender over the tracks and said with much cruelty and a sickening seriousness that she had a voice in her head telling him to drop him off the tracks and should she listen. He panickily responded that head voices were liars and that he’d work on the project and pleaded with her not to drop him. And I felt fear at mom’s cruel smirk.  She then metal bended and slammed him against the train floor. I was frozen in place. I’ve never seen such cruelty from mom and dad before. I then felt deep care and commitment towards helping Varrick and Zhu Li, but dad told me to go with him and mom. So, I listened. I saw much sympathy upon their faces “We’re really sorry you had to see that we do not wish for you to become too frightened. it’s just as leaders we have to make hard choices sometimes.” dad said. I just nodded my head and went along with it. But this was… regretfully only the beginning. The next day mother along with father went to negotiate with Grandmother Suyin along with my grandfather Bataar in regard towards giving them the city but grandmother refused, and mother stated that they left them no choice and that they’d have 24 hours to hand over the city otherwise she’d be forced to take over the city it by force.  The news was horrifying as I wished for no harm or of war, but mother and father assured me they would make sure the guards treated the citizens with care as they should not be harmed. Which did calm my nerves some as I recognized the genuine kindness and care of those words.  So, I simply smiled and sat down on the couch while we held lovely conversations of all the joy we would have in the coming years to the preparations for the wedding of my parents. I can’t wait until the wedding. It will be quite the celebration as they will finally get married. Well, this did end when Bolin arrived as he and I found the approach to be a bit extreme and asked if they truly meant to attack Zaofu. The words were very… discerning to say the least when she said when people don’t cooperate other ways must be found to “convince” them to join. Bolin asked of how many times these other ways were used by them in the past and mother stated that it wasn't for him to worry about. Bolin then said of how he never checked those towns and villages to see how they were, and mother responded that their royal subjects and who contribute to the empire however they see fit by them meaning her along with father. She also stated that if he wanted to be in their inner circle that he would have to accept some tough truths. He then suggested that the city could be left free, and the empire would be united mother then walked up to him with harshness and stated that Zaofu would join and that the only thing she was second guessing was the decision to bring him along and that maybe he needed to spend some time in a reeducation camp. Bolin stated that he thought that was where we send people to learn new trade skills. Father responded with hard truths Bolin and mother stated that Bolin’s loyalty appeared to be wavering. Bolin stated that he was 100% loyal and even saluted them but there was still fear amongst those eyes.  I could not help but feel that of sympathy and care upon my face. Fortunately, my mother and father simply sent him off and this calmed my mind as he did not deserve to go to those camps. Mother and father stated with much sympathy and care within their hearts that it would be best if I cut ties with Bolin for my safety. I did say that I understood of this as safety is of importance, but I still held that of sorrow and even a slight resent in my tone. But I still hold that of care and understanding towards my parents and they did apologize for such a regretful situation. But they did help by reminding me of the friends I would make such as Haiku and this did allow for joy and that of a smile upon myself and there’s. However, the conflict within those of the rest of my family did not help as Grandmother Suyin along with her son’s Uncle Wing and Wei went to attack mother while she slept but it foiled. Mother then stated that Grandmother Suyin was afraid in regard to bringing stability and peace to the nation and how she was afraid of a fair fight. And mother stated she was always a coward before she had her men take them away. I knew nought of what was to become of them, but I was afraid. She then sent an income to all the members of the city and assured them that she would not take revenge on the peaceful citizens of Zaofu so long as they remained representatives and to meet her in the city center for the full and unconditional surrender of the city. This unfortunately did not turn out as expected as the avatar herself came to try and prevent this. She has been a dear friend to the Beifongs even in her previous life as Avatar Aang as well as the fact that she cared dearly for freedom it was clear she would not have negotiation in regards towards mother having control of the city as she did not believe Zaofu should be forcefully taken.  Not to mention Zaofu wasn’t under full earth kingdom or earth empire control due to the conflict and injustice of when the queen tried to make I into a pet. This just didn’t seem right so long as they met trade dues to the country. It would be best if they remained free otherwise to avoid any sort of conflict. Not to mention their legislation leeway was reasonable and just. Then again a majority of the legislation is now the sorts of mother’s and fathers. I will admit the sorts of legislation towards that of loyalty as well as the “avoidance” of conflicts is a bit… discerning but I knew better than to say anything.  It was not surprising of the battle between the avatar and mother. I was fearful for mother’s safety. It did appear that Korra would of killed her should guilt and care not of prevented this. But I did not expect mother to attempt to kill her nor of mother’s forcing of the innocent civilians of Zaofu to bow to ensure their fair treatment as well as the obtaining of their freedom. Not to mention of the unjust arrests of Grandpa Bataar and Uncle Haun this filled me with some level of doubt, but I knew I definitely couldn’t say anything.