by Denstetsu

First published

"Sometimes who we wish we were, what we wish we could do, is just not meant to be." - Nicole scherzinger 'Sina'

Magic and Technology coexisted within a matriarchal monarchy where Anon resided. Everything shifted when he was kidnapped and compelled to serve a secret society. Subsequently, he gained his freedom before encountering six girls who truly transformed his life.

Canceled continuing this type of story isn't my type so I MADE a new one check it out Here

(Importantly everyone is a human but holds the characteristic of being an earth pony, Pegasi, unicorn, alicorn, etc and more details will be explained later in the story as part of the "plot")

<{Warning: This story contains sex scenes, drugs, Strong Language, Gore, Adobo, mentions of forcing, alcohol, Violence and everything pg-18}>

[Also don't be discouraged this story is going to be light for you readers.]

Hi I'm this story's author brother, I'm sad to disclose that my brother passed away on Jan 5, 2024. I don't want my brother's work to be forgotten, so I promised to myself to continue his story even if the story's direction is not the way he intended it to be.

Rest in paradise joseph, you were the kindest brother one could have.

Chapter 0

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"Maid puff,"

"Yes, little master?" the maid replied with gentle warmth.

"Why can they use magic while I cannot?" the child wondered.

Maid puff gazed into her young master's eyes, her smile filled with innocence, and answered, "Because yours is dangerous"
(First Person)
I live in a wealthy household, and when I say "wealthy," I mean the presence of butlers, maids, and extravagant parties, among other luxuries. Many might kill for my situation, but it's not as desirable as it may seem. I always find myself confined to my room in the second floor, with my only companions being the butlers and maids who bring me meals and vitamins. To an extent, I've come to view my helpers as my parents because they were the one that came when I needed someone. Now would you still kill for a life like mine?

When I entered this world, my parents were overjoyed, celebrating the arrival of their precious child. However, their joy quickly turned to concern when I unintentionally unleashed a mana of such immense power that it nearly cost a maid her life. Fearing that society might exploit me or use me as a test subject, my mother and father decided to hide me away, leading to my current situation.

Despite the seclusion, I am fortunate that my parents cared enough to arrange for a tutor. My tutor, Lumina Stardust, is a beacon of kindness. She supports and encourages me at my best, and she perseveres in teaching me even during my most challenging moments. In short, she is the best tutor one could ask for.

I asked Lumina for magic lessons, but she started with the basics. It's important to mention that Lumina graduated from Starswirl's School for Gifted Mages, and she's still learning herself.

I wore an anti-magic collar, but it didn't stop me from learning. This routine continued until I was six. And at that time I couldn't help but envy other kids my age playing outside and having fun with their friends. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I knew that the butlers and maids in the mansion acted kindly, but they were mostly motivated by their own interests, hoping for promotions or pay raises. Lumina, my tutor, was different. Even though she couldn't openly teach me everything, she found ways to share her knowledge with me, and she even brought me snacks from the outside world. She was a source of comfort in my isolated year.

My escape plan began with a determined effort to remove that wretched collar, with the goal of completing every step before the break of dawn.

The collar proved incredibly resilient to knives and sharp scissors. Nonetheless, my determination remained. I knew there was no future for me in this room, and that motivated me to focus on a brighter future. Just the previous day, I had asked Lumina to teach me how to tie knots, and now I was putting that knowledge to use, fashioning a rope from clothes, sheets, and anything I could find.

With my plan in place, it was the dead of night, a time when I could work undisturbed. I securely fastened one end of the rope to the leg of my bed, using it as an anchor. As I opened the window, revealing the empty city streets with a distant metal fence blocking my path to my dreams, I began to silently pray for a successful descent.

I succeeded in escaping, experiencing the sensation of grass under my toes for the first time. It was a strange yet incredibly satisfying feeling. Surprisingly, even with my anti-magic collar, I managed to use my magic. Perhaps it was a faulty or ineffective collar, but it allowed me to create a mana scissors in mid-air, cleanly severing the end of the rope for reuse.

With a satisfying "plomp," the rope dropped to the ground, and I swiftly retrieved it. I made a dash for the fence, my symbol of freedom. Exerting all my energy, I used my magic to levitate the end of the rope mid-air, securing it to a pole just below the sharp edge. I almost fell to my knees once I ceased using my magic, but I steadied my breathing, summoning every ounce of determination to begin my climb

I had reached the top of the fence and with caution I jumped down, aware of my frail body. When I hit the pavement, the impact left me heavily bruised, rendering me nearly limp with pain.

Suddenly, a shout from inside the mansion pierced the night "Young master is gone!" I was taken aback and hobbled away, trying to blend into the darkness. I moved through the first, second, and third streets until I found refuge in an alleyway, believing I was finally safe.

My legs felt numb, and the frigid wind sent shivers down my spine. I settled near a dumpster, hugging my legs to find warmth, my body trembling in the biting cold. My vision began to blur, and my eyelids slowly drooped, despite my efforts to keep them open. Just as my eyes were on the verge of closing shut, I heard approaching footsteps and the voices of men.

"Looks like we've got another bum here," a younger voice remarked.

"Young." a gruffer voice replied. Their voices seemed to grow fainter and fainter as my consciousness slipped away.

"ᴾᶦᶜᵏ ʰᶦᵐ ᵘᵖ, ʰᵉ ᵐᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵇᵉ ᵘˢᵉᶠᵘˡ ᶦⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘᵗᵘʳᵉ."
My awakening took place in a stark white cell, surrounded by other kids my age. We were all gripped by fear and confusion until the moment the door swung open, revealing a group of heavily armored men whose tinted visors reflected our trepidation.

"Wakey, wakey. It's time to get up," the foremost man declared.

"W-where are we?" one of the children dared to ask.

"You'll soon find out," the man replied, stepping back and making way for a contingent of equally well-armored soldiers. They advanced with an almost wall-like precision, compelling each child to exit their cells and follow the spokesperson.

We have no choice but to follow and after turning reveals the whole of the-
"Welcome to the institution."

The underground complex a city like base buzzed with activity. People of various types populated the area, some wore collars around their necks, while others appeared to be ordinary mercenaries. Yet, it was the heavily armored soldiers, like the one guiding us, that truly stood out as they patrolled the premises.

"Listen, kids," the leader began, addressing our group, "mercenaries, soldiers, and hunters all find their home here. Our shared mission is to track down and secure the dimensional gates that periodically manifest throughout Equestria.

Amid the inquisitive gazes of the children, one of them couldn't help but ask, "What about those people with the collars?"

The man's expression grew as he replied, "Those are dangerous criminals, given a chance to redeem themselves by serving Equestria. If they complete their service without fail, their death sentences are commuted."

(Third Person)


Inside the room lay a massive circular table, encompassed by seven chairs, each occupied by a shadowy figure. The table's center was devoid of any obstructions, providing a solitary walkway where one person could stand beneath the feeble, central light source.

Whispers, barely audible, reverberated throughout the room, their origin obscured by the darkness. The air was thick with anticipation until, suddenly, a door creaked open, allowing a solitary figure to enter. With the door closing behind them, the room plunged back into its darkness.

The individual stepped forward, reaching the center of the room. They cleared their throat in an attempt to speak.

"Good eve-" but before they could continue, a stern male voice interjected.

"Get to the point," the voice demanded.

Stammering slightly, the spokesperson continued, "O-okay. A day ago, a child went missing, and the clearing operations only usually take in children who have been completely abandoned."

"And?" the voice inquired, its tone unforgiving.

"Y-your attention, please," the spokesperson urged. "We've taken a child from a prominent political figure's family. If any news leaks that the institute is linked to the child's disappearance w-" The spokesperson's words were cut off once more.

"What is the child's name?" inquired the enigmatic figure, his tone unwaveringly serious.

"A-anon Laire," the spokesperson replied, a tremor of anxiety in their voice.

The room erupted into chaos as the name "Laire" reverberated through the discussion. The sound of a forceful palm striking the table signaled the leader's presence, a stern expression on his face.

"The princess will not be made aware of this... I have already formulated a plan to alter the child's identity. All in favor?" The man sat, and one by one, green buttons illuminated as they were pressed, outnumbering those who dissented.

"Very well. Henceforth, the child's name shall be Ace Starfire. His background will be crafted by our experts, should the princess launch an investigation. I now declare this meeting concluded." With that, the man rose and exited through the door.
(First Person)

How long has it been since I arrived here? The days have stretched endlessly, filled with the ceaseless torment of training, relentless bullying, and what they termed as "torture," all in the pursuit of molding us into their so called hunters.

I could have chosen to remain within the confines of that crappy mansion, but here I stand, haunted by the memory of taking a life unintentionally.

I used to get a lot of attention from the trainer, which made some other kids jealous, but that's pretty normal for kids my age, I suppose. This jealousy led to them pushing me and throwing things at me. Two days later, while I was alone in the shower, I heard footsteps, and they stopped right around me. When I turned around, I saw five of my classmates. They didn't say anything, one threw a hand at my face, causing me to fall down. They insulted me and then started kicking me. That's when something strange happened. My magic suddenly burst out, and it sent everyone around me flying. Unfortunately, one of my classmates hit his head on a hard surface, and he ended up with a serious head injury until it was too late.

As a consequence, I received a warning, and my destiny shifted dramatically. I was relocated to an entirely new division of hunters, one bearing the name {SMU}, an abbreviation for {Special Magi Unit}.

Due to my exceptional abilities, I endured a relentless training, marked by sloppy meals and minimal sleep which was worse than the previous. The focus remained firmly on magic and tactical combat training, honing my expertise in dagger handling and the swift casting of instantaneous spells.

Six cruel years passed under this unrelenting regime, leading up to the ultimate test. The division was entrusted with an S-class mission, tasked with closing a Dimensional Gate concealed deep within Big Bear Mountain. The journey spanned four hours by ground vehicle, our presence concealed behind cargo, inside darkness, patiently awaiting the moment of release.

As the cargo door swung open, the abrupt movement of one of my supposedly teammates triggered something. In an instant, their head violently exploded, sending brain matter splattering across the surroundings, and leaving their lifeless body crumpled on the floor. The stark reason for this tragic demise: desertion.

A voice from within the cargo compartment chimed ominously, "That collar around your neck serves as a bomb. Engage in any act contrary to the mission, and it will activate."

We cautiously stepped out of the cargo hold, allowing the sounds of the wilderness to wash over us. The vibrant shades of green that surrounded us were a rarity, unseen during the training. The scent of the fresh air filled my nostrils, almost bringing me to tears.

However, there was no choice but to follow the SMU leader, who guided us toward the gate. The presence of the Dimensional gate casted a sense of dread over some of our hearts, but we pressed on.

And so, my first mission began.

It was long till I was surrounded by lifeless bodies, I found myself drenched in the blood of my fallen comrades. I was the sole survivor of my group. The classification of the gate had been a disastrous error, and it cost the lives of everyone in my team. My luck had allowed me to survive, but only by killing the boss monster within.

A static voice blared into my ears, urgently calling my name, "Ace!! The Gate is closing, hurry!"

As I stood and made my way toward the gate leading back to my world, I couldn't help but pause and glance back, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Exiting the gate, I found myself the sole survivor of my division. This marked a turning point in my life, as a tattoo was etched onto my arm to symbolize my accomplishments.

As the years passed, I completed countless missions, earning recognition and privilege, but also carrying a heavy burden. The weight of my responsibilities grew grew, and after another eight years.

On this mission, my squad and I had to deal with a Dimensional gate hidden in Mount Everhoof. It was a snowy wasteland with no signs of life. The gate was concealed inside a cave that looked like it was about to collapse, but we still ventured in. To our surprise, the inside of the Dimensional wasn't what we had anticipated. After defeating all the monsters within, a voice echoed from all directions, warning that only one of us could leave. We didn't take it seriously until one of my teammates tried to step out of the Dimensional Gate and was instantly turned into dust.

The atmosphere became tense, and the realization hit us that we all desired a chance at a normal life. One by one, we made our moves, and soon everyone was drawn into a desperate struggle. In the end, I was the sole survivor who managed to escape the portal alive.

Ultimately, my choice led me to the Continental, a place where I would be judged for my actions and the consequences of my decisions.

(Third Person)
"Ace Starfire, you took the life of all your squad members for your own personal gain rather than the welfare of Equestria. Can you explain yourself?" the leader inquired.

After a moment of hesitation, Ace responded, "I yearned for freedom... I've been trapped in this place for fourteen long years, and I just wanted a chance at a normal life."

"In your defense, you craved a life of your choosing and were willing to go to great lengths to attain it," the man stated.

Various voices from the seats expressed their discontent, but everything fell silent when the leader raised a single hand, signifying his decision.

"Ace Starfire, by all accounts, your actions could have merited a lifetime in prison or even a death sentence. However, considering the extensive service you've rendered outweighs your missteps, I have made a decision. All in favor?" The man scanned the room, his gaze intense.

Green buttons illuminated, and the verdict was clear.

The circular marble floor under Ace's feet started to shape a magic circle. The leader spoke, "Ace Starfire, in this magic contract, you are bound not to harm innocent people, get involved with the institution, reveal its secrets, or betray Equestria. If the magic detects any violation, it will result in a fatal heart attack. Do you accept this contract?"

Ace replied, "I agree to this contract."

A green aura enveloped Ace, and after ten seconds, it disappeared.

"Ace Starfire, you are hereby retired, your leadership title revoked. You will be exiled from the institution. When you are released into the outside world, you will carry the status of an ordinary person... This meeting is now concluded." With that, the lights were extinguished.

(First Person)

The tires screeched to a sudden halt, and I found myself at my drop off point. A small city lay in the distance, but a primal instinct urged me to run for the nearest mountain and take refuge there, finally listening to no one's order.

Without a second thought, I turned and sprinted into the forest, ascending the mountain until I reached a clearing. There, I discarded my shoes and raced to the center of the clearing with a radiant smile. It was adorned with vibrant flowers and teeming with tiny insects. Without hesitation, I let out a gleeful laugh and plopped down, the softness of the flowers cradling my landing. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath feeling the grass and flowers hugging my skin, savoring the exhilarating sensation of freedom.

I made a decision, before I reintegrated into society, I needed to feel what true freedom is.
(Third Person)

Two years drifted by, and in a remote river, a figure emerged from the waters. As he stepped onto the riverbank, his hair swung back, sending droplets of water cascading in every direction, conjuring a miniature rainbow in the morning light.

In the soft morning glow, his entire form was unveiled, and his body bore the traces of battles fought. Here and there, tiny scars marked his skin, a history to his journey and body transformation.

The individual made his way into a cave, and inside, he unlocked a metallic case, revealing a sleek black suit and a bold red necktie. Nearby, a collection of folders and documents lay in organized disarray.

Donning the suit, along with black slacks, he gently tied the red necktie. The sleeve of the suit nearly concealed the tattoo on his arm. Letting out a sigh, he closed the case, picked it up, and stepped out of the cave.

Determination etched across his face, he used his magical abilities and levitated himself into the air. Guiding himself toward the nearest street, he landed and waited, hoping to flag down a taxi or find someone willing to offer him a ride to [] [] [] [] .

Once more, a new journey began.

"Sir, you going to [] [] [] [] ?"

"No need for formalities. You can call me Ace. And yes I am heading towards-"


______On to the next chapter

Chapter 1

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Once upon a time, there existed a couple, Cosmos and Galaxia. Together, they embarked on a quest to establish a village in the heart of of a mountain called Canterlot. Their benevolence knew no bounds, when the people thirsted for water, they provided; when hunger struck, they offered sustenance, and when shelter was sought, they extended their own. In the eyes of the villagers, Cosmos and Galaxia were seen as divine beings, their kindness likened to that of a God.

As time flew, so did the village expand, growing into a thriving kingdom. It flourished until a rift in the fabric of reality birthed a Dimensional Gate. This portal unleashed a horde of nightmarish monsters, wreaking havoc throughout Equestria. Six heroes emerged from the shadows, their valor unmatched. Together, they defeated the monsters, but when they entered the gate to seal it shut, none returned. The Dimensional Gate shut tight, leaving them forever somewhere in another world.

The aftermath was disastrous. The damage extended to every corner of Equestria, impacting magic users, aerialists, and terrestrials . Amidst the chaos, Queen Galaxia perished while giving birth, and King Cosmos vanished into obscurity, thus starting the great depression.

Once upon a time in the magical land of equestria there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land, to do this the eldest used her magical powers to raise the sun at dawn.

The youngest brought out the moon to begin the night, thus the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of humans.

But as time went on the younger sister became resentful, the human relished and played in the day her eldest sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night.

One fateful day the younger princess refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn, the elder sister tried to reason with her, but the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into a wicked woman of darkness, {Nightmare moon}.

She vowed that she will shroud the land in eternal night, reluctantly the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to mankind the {Elements of Harmony}.

Using the elements of harmony, she defeated her younger sister and banished her permanently in the moon.

The elder sister took on responsibility for both sun and moon, and harmony has been maintained in equestria for generations since.

"The elements of harmony, why do I still lack details of it." pondered the young woman, seated near the tree by the gentle river. She had navy blue hair with stripes of pink and purple, the straight ends falling gracefully. Wearing a violet sweater vest over a shirt with a long, white sleeve and a violet necktie, she completed her ensemble with a violet skirt and black stockings, leaving no skin exposed.

*Bam!* The black luxurious door swung open.

"Spike, Spike!" called out the young woman, met with a young voice responding, "Coming, coming. Sheesh Twilight, do you have to shout my name every time you enter? And please, stop barging inside like that." From a corner emerged a boy, appearing barely 14, with green hair. He was dressed in a white T-shirt and orange pants, reaching just above his knees.

Spike shot Twilight an unsatisfied glare, prompting her to smile apologetically, her expression tinged with embarrassment.

"S-sorry, hehe. But I'm in a hurry."

She quickly walked past Spike and into the next room, resembling a small library with a giant hourglass in the middle.

"I swear I read that book." Twilight whispered to herself.

"Twilight?" Spike asked.

Somehow, Twilight ignored Spike's words and gave him an order. "Quick, find me that old book of predictions and prophecies."

But Twilight noticed a gift box in Spike's hand. "What's that for?"

"Well, it's a gift for Moon Dancer that I'll deliver later," Spike answered.

"You can deliver it later when we're done," Twilight said.

"B-but Twilight, you always take forever when you're doing your-" Spike was cut off.

"I'll be quick, so find me that old book of predictions and prophecies now." Twilight sounded like she's in a rush, so Spike put the box near a table and rolled his eyes, finding what Twilight had recently asked.

Twilight closed her eyes, and in a burst of magic, a horn appeared on her forehead, her hands beginning to illuminate a violet glow. Books began levitating and moving in front of her face so she could identify them, and after a minute of searching, she began to get irritated.

"Spike!" Twilight shouted!

"It's over here." Spike tossed the book to Twilight, and it began levitating towards her in a violet glow. All the previous books that were floating fell on the ground, making Spike groan.

"Really? I just organized." But however Twilight once again ignored him.

Walking up to a lectern, Twilight placed the book on top of it and started searching for a specific page, muttering 'E' repeatedly until she found what she was looking for.

"Ha, Elements of Harmony. Woman in the Moon."

"Woman in the moon? But that's just an old fairy tale," Spike remarked, organizing the books.

Twilight flipped through the pages until finally, she began reading it aloud.

"The woman in the moon myth from old and times, a powerful person who wanted to rule equestria. Defeated by the elements of harmony and imprisoned in the moon, legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year the stars will aid in her escape and she will bring about night time eternal."

She gasped, taking a few steps back, and turned around to look at Spike by the bookshelf.

"Spike, do you know what this means?" questioned Twilight, but Spike was nowhere in her peripheral vision. A voice replied from the door leading outside, and it was Spike.

"Yeah, that means I'm giving this present to Moon Dancer. Bye!" Spike replied happily, and with that, the door closed with a loud thud.

Twilight was left flabbergasted, but she couldn't deny that she had been a bit commanding to young Spike lately, and perhaps she deserved this treatment.

Twilight groaned and pulled out a scroll along with a pen mid air and began writing.

[My dearest teacher my continuing studies of magic had left me to discover that we are on the very brink of disaster. In the story the woman in the moon is in fact Nightmare moon and she's about to return to equestria and bring eternal night. Something must be done to make sure this terrible prophecy does not come true. I await your faithful response. -Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle]

Having finished her letter, Twilight began rolling the scroll, taking a moment to inhale and exhale, trying to relax.

"The day after tomorrow is the thousandth year of the Summer Sun Celebration. I hope she doesn't ignore this," Twilight worried, looking at the hourglass in front of her.

The scroll started glowing in a violet hue, her hands radiating brightly. Gradually, the brightness engulfed the scroll until it began burning in a violet fire, ultimately disappearing.

It didn't take long before a bright light suddenly erupted in front of Twilight, and a scroll fell to the ground. She picked it up and began reading it.

[My dearest most faithful student Twilight, you know that I value your diligence and that I trust you completely. But you must stop reading those books. My dear Twilight there is more to a young person's life than studying. So I'm sending you to supervise the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration in this year's location, the small city of Ponyville. Plus your not going alone with dear spike so I'm sending one guard to look after you. And as a final, please make some friends.]

After reading the scroll, Twilight's face became neutral. She walked to the kitchen, placed the scroll on a nearby table, and randomly took a tea from the shelves.

"It's going to be a long day."

Ace took a bite of a pastry, relishing the satisfying bite. His face suddenly lit up, and he inspected the pastry in his hand.

"Oh my Celestia!" He enthusiastically put the whole thing in his mouth, savoring the flavors before swallowing. "A crepe. Hmmm." His eyes began to close in pleasure, and amidst his moment of enjoyment, collective whispers could be heard.

A group of girls watched Ace indulging in his crepe, their faces slowly lit with pink as they observed his content expression.

As Ace took his last bite, one of the girls in the group walked up to him, extending a kind offer.

"U-umm, do you want more, mister?"

Dumbfounded by such kindness, Ace, not accustomed to such offers, simply smiled and nodded. The girl jumped in joy and ordered two more crepes. As Ace observed the girl making the order, two bold girls suddenly clung onto his unoccupied arms.

"Your arm is empty, so someone needs to fill it up," the girl on his right confidently declared.


"Are you a model? Can I have your Instaglam?" the one on the left shyly asked.

"Umm what's an Instaglam?"

The girl who ordered now had crepes in both her hands. She confronted Ace, looking at his face with a determined expression.

"Say 'aaa.'" The girl slowly neared the food to Ace's mouth, and left without choice, Ace took a bite and closed his eyes in pure delight. "Hmm."

The girls all shrieked in joy when Ace adorned a satisfied expression.
The girls proved to be quite kind, taking the time to teach him a few things about the internet and highlighting its relevance in everyone's daily life. Eventually, their interaction ended with a friendly goodbye.

Now, Ace wanders through the city, acquainting himself with every street he can traverse. However, an uneasy awareness creeps over him as he senses the curious stares from passersby. Stares that he's unfamiliar too.

"Is there something wrong with my suit?" His mind churns with thoughts.

Back in the constitution, where staring meant either someone means business or someone's has business with the person their staring, Ace couldn't shake off the paranoia triggered by the glances. Seeking refuge, he spotted Sugarcube Corner just around the corner of the street. Without a second thought he walked toward the shop and entered.

Ring The shopkeeper's bell chimed as Ace opened the door. Stepping inside, he felt the cool embrace of the air conditioner against his skin. The atmosphere was calming, and he headed towards an empty seat, surveying the eye-catching surroundings from well-placed furniture to the inviting pink cushioned sofas. He slowlt closed his eyes, engaging in a breathing exercise to regain composure.

Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Ace repeated the sequence until his concentration was interrupted by a voice.

"In and out, did I do it correctly?" A female voice questioned.

Ace's eyes snapped open, and he found himself face to face with two shining light blue eyes. The person before him sported pink curly hair and wore a denim and pink T-shirt adorned with a picture of three balloons; light blue on the sides and yellow in the middle.

Surprised by the unexpected encounter, Ace instinctively shifted a bit to his left, creating some distance.

"The name's {Pinkamena Diane Pie} , but everyone calls me {Pinkiepie} !" she cheerfully introduced herself.

"How did I not sense her incoming presence?" Ace pondered. "Umm, my name's Ace. What are you doing on my seat, Miss Pinkiepie?" Ace inquired.

"To take your order, silly! So, what do you want?" Pinkiepie pulled out a notepad and an ink ballpen.

"Uhh, a crepe?"

"Got that!" She stood up, walking to the back while giggling. As Ace contemplated how she managed to get so close without him noticing, he groaned and began rubbing his forehead.

"Here's your order!" The energetic girl returned with a plastic tray in hand, placing it on the table, revealing three crepes. Ace regarded her with questioning eyes, as if seeking answers.

"You're a first-time customer, so you get an extra." Pinkiepie added.

Ace, already having eaten four crepes before entering the shop, realized he couldn't consume all the scrumptious crepes before him. "I can't eat all this. Want some?" he offered.

Pinkiepie gasped happily and quickly sat next to Ace. "Don't mind if I do." She took one and enthusiastically took a bite.

Ace observed Pinkiepie enjoying her share. Despite her slightly invasive manner in terms of personal space, there was a warmth in her ways. Encouraged by her enjoyment, Ace took a bite and was pleasantly surprised. The taste surpassed the previous crepes he had eaten. It didn't take long before he devoured the whole thing in his hand.


"Delicious right? There's more of where that came from." Pinkiepie smiled, Ace took the second crepe and began taking a bite.

Pinkiepie simply stared at Ace, watching him enjoying his crepe. Ace doesn't look ultra handsome, he's just at the above average handsome and as pinkiepie thinks there's more to this man that meets the eye.

Suddenly, Ace turned his head towards Pinkiepie.

"Boop." Pinkiepie unexpectedly booped Ace's nose and then glanced at the clock on the wall.

"You can put the money at the counter, I trust you, Ace Starfire," said Pinkie Pie with a smile on her face. She stood up and walked out the glass door, the shopkeeper's bell chiming once again.

"How did she know my last name?" Ace pondered.

Ace remained frozen, though outwardly immobile, a fire blazed in his stomach. An unknown feeling grew stronger as his heart pounded.

He was confused, baffled, and flabbergasted, but deep inside, it was more than that.

First Person
After settling my bill with the nice middle-aged lady, I set out to find a place to stay and found myself a hotel named Ixtar Hotel. Usually, I prefer to avoid overly luxurious establishments, but this one seemed just right, normal-looking, with a well-designed and modern interior. The cleanliness and friendliness of the staff were additional perks.

Having secured a room, I casually tossed my briefcase onto the edge of the bed before following suit myself. I forgot to mention earlier that the room is fully equipped with a kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom. The space is surprisingly spacious, which is quite nice actually.

But after that strange encounter, me being alone in this room somehow felt empty. I'm used to being alone, but why this? Why does this moment feel 'different.'

Third Person
Ace's mind is filled with questions that he can't answer and answers that he can't fit with, after some time he slowly closed his eyes and succumb to a sleep on the dusk of sunset.


"My love, please wait for me, everything will go accordingly." Said a voice, the tone sad and unforgiving.


My child. Here's a story.

Theres two being who love each other so much no matter the rules they always try to avoid it. This beings aren't physical... They're Gods.

But even to an all powerful God, love has to end some way or another.

In result the other one has no choice but to follow orders and leave the one that they love.

The other, shattered and fueled by both heartbreak and rage, rebels against the divine order and faces banishment as the consequence.

They slowly regained their strength and began building an army of their own an army that physical beings cannot comprehend.

Hoping they can see the one who they loyally loved, once again.


Ace instantly opened his eyes, a sense of danger and a chill filling his spine. He could discern an energy, one that he was familiar with.

"A Dimensional Gate."

The strength of this energy overwhelmed his senses, sending them into overdrive. Swiftly getting out of bed, Ace moved to the window, opened it, and closed his eyes to pinpoint the exact location of the energy.

In the darkness of his mind, he could see a light just around the city block. As he opened his eyes, shock washed over him the light was precisely where the auditorium stood.

"That's where the Summer Sun Celebration is held."

Without hesitation, Ace jumped out of the window and levitated towards the auditorium, reaching the building within a minute. Upon arrival, all that remained was a chaotic scene, the floor strewn with piles of concrete, metal, and glass from the destroyed ceiling, revealing the stars above.

The strong energy Ace felt had dissipated, but traces of it lingered. His investigation was cut short as footsteps echoed from the entrance.

Quickly leaving the scene, Ace evaded the approaching royal guards. "I swear I noticed someone here," one of the guards thought.

Now at a distance from the building, Ace followed the trail of dissipating energy, which led him to the entrance of the Everfree Forest, the cold wind hitting his skin but he couldn't care less. Just as he was about to proceed, he spotted seven figures on the ground running toward the thick forest.

Sensing that these figures knew what they were doing, Ace planned to stealthily stalk them from behind, remaining unnoticed and invisible. Gradually lowering his altitude, their appearances became clearer, and he realized all of them are girls. Notably, one of them is Pinkiepie.

====== On the next chapter.

I apologize for the long delay, fckton of personal sht in my life. Boxing, school and piano lessons.

Chapter 2

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[First Person]

Although they now have entered the forest, my vision of them never wavered until eventually, all of them stopped near a cliff. Now, I'm interested in what they're going to do. The group has 2 [], 2 [], and 2 []. How will they cross the cliff safely? Will the two [] lift one up in the air and fly them down until the last, or will they think of something smarter?

The answer to my question is disappointment. The one with the rainbow colored hair began scaring the other three, which I can identify by their body movements.

As the word "out" echoed, the cliff below them crumbled, and they all began sliding down the steep hill, leading to a dangerous fall.

Noticing the ground beneath them giving way, I quickly observed the [Dimensional Energy] leaving just as the cliff broke apart. It moved in a single direction. Before I followed it, I took one last glance at the girls.

I spat in disgust. "Never thought I sacrificed so much for people like this."

Following the energy, leaving the six girls, invoked a peculiar feeling, similar to the sensation when faced with a difficult decision and choosing the wrong one. It's regret. Nevertheless, it's a preferable outcome to potentially losing countless lives.

The energy stopped, my eyes never leaved the energy until it got closer to the ground. I was surprised when it turned into a blinding light temporarily incapacitating me blind, all I could see is a blurry mess of white. Caught off guard I felt an arrow hit my left chest exactly where my heart is, I lost control to levitate myself mid air, I felt the wind hug me until impact.

As I lay there, unable to feel my legs, a terrible pain surged up my throat, and I began choking on my own blood. Just when everything was about to fade into darkness, all my injuries slowly disappeared. A wave of satisfaction washed over me as the wounds healed, but it came at a cost of half my energy. I pulled out the arrow from my chest, feeling the hole close itself. I squinted and rubbed my eyes.

How did you think I survived my first Gate?

"Well, there goes half my energy," I grumbled.

I stood up, gazing ahead at the castle. I sensed more of the energy now compressed. My vision haven't cleared yet. As I rubbed my eyes, a blurred figure appeared in front of me. It swung an object at me, I stepped to the side to avoid it. Instantly conjuring a mana sword in my right hand, I swung back. The figure parried my counter and swiftly retreated.

As my eyes finally recovered, I saw 8 armors in a phalanx position. Four in front with a shield on their left, carrying a sword. Behind them, four more held their spears pointed at me from the small open spaces.

After all that had happened, I wasn't pleased. "you should have stayed where you all belong," I muttered. I used a high-tier spell and teleported behind them. Raising both my hands, I took an offensive stance.

Connecting my hand to my energy vessels, my hands glowed in a reddish hue. Utilizing my telekinesis, I swung down, slowly crushing the armors. Despite their durability, the armor remained undented. The sound of metal screeching filled the surrounding silence. I increased my mana, intensifying the pressure on the armors. The screeching continued on until the armors turned into a disc.

The energy in the armor quickly dissipated into thin air. I looked behind, towards the castle and continued forward, feeling the dirt floor turn into stone.

[Third Person]

She opened her eyes, anger quickly etching across her expression. "Who dares!" Her cyan eyes burned with an aura of nebulous stars. The woman stood up from her throne, looking ahead, anticipating someone.

Footsteps echoed outside the throne room until they abruptly stopped. In the entrance stood a man wearing a black suit with a red necktie. "I'm impressed. A space magic is still active, but it's too dark."

The woman shouted across the room, "Identify yourself, commoner, or you will not see the end of this!" Her hair of nebulous stars stood like a fiery blaze.

The man stood in confusion, as if searching for something. "I see no Dimensional Gate here. Are you really the source?" he asked.

The woman wore an elegant metallic blue armor that protected her vital parts. Her armor had a versatile look, with a half crescent moon symbol embedded on her chest plate.

"How dare you ignore my question! I, Nightmare Moon, will be your demise!" She charged towards the man at a blinding speed. The castle shook as she hit the wall, dust scattering on impact. As it settled, Nightmare Moon embedded her sword in a wall.

"Sorry for being rude. But-" Ace teleported behind Nightmare Moon and kicked her to the left, throwing her right at the wall. "That's for almost killing me!" A blue glow covered Ace's figure, propelling him to the opposite side of the room at a speed too fast for the eyes to follow.

Ace was thrown throughout the room, hitting the throne and the wall behind. However, the wall didn't break, as if fortified by magic. Nightmare Moon instantly appeared in front of her throne, wearing a dissatisfied expression.

"Is that all a mortal at this level and generation can muster?" she spat. "Pathetic."

Unexpectedly, a voice replied to her words from behind. "That was painful." Nightmare Moon tried to teleport, but with no result, as a hand touched her back.

Pain surged through Nightmare Moon's entire body. She attempted to use her magic to escape but found herself unable to. The agony intensified, and her screams grew louder.

"S-stop right now!" A bright light slowly encompassed her body.

"Huh?" Ace was confused, but his confusion turned into worry. "Oh shi-"



Most of the girls shrieked and covered their ears as the sound of the deafening explosion reached them. As the sound died down, one of the girls shouted, "It's coming from behind the bridge! Hurry up, girls!"

[Back in the Ruined Castle]

Ace's body is a charcoal mess, and the throne room though affected by the explosion remained standing. Ace lay on the floor, his suit burned, and his skin turned into a black charcoal. A finger on his left hand twitched, followed by his whole body glowing in a reddish hue, slowly levitating. All his life threatening injuries quickly healed until he was back to his previous condition.

He dropped down on his knees, hands on the floor, gasping for air as he made his recovery. *cough*

After coughing ashes, Ace tried to mutter a word. "P-Princess Luna."

[Previously First Person]

I learned by myself that Dimensional energy is somehow a renewable type that can be absorbed into your body. However, it comes with a risk—the energy contains a poison that quickens the aging process of the human body.

For me, I found my own ways to get rid of the poison. By closing my eyes, I can feel what's happening in my body, knowing where all my energy is stored. I locate the poison and turn it into a reusable energy by using my internal energy to contain and stabilize it. The second process involves using my external energy to attack the poison and neutralize its toxicity, converting it into a reusable form stored in my own energy pool.

I was suicidal that day, experimenting on my own body like that. At least, I have another source of energy to use.

And that's in front of me right now. This Nightmare Moon, whoever she is, has tons of it. I put my right hand on her back and begin transferring her energy to mine. Her screams fill my ears, but I couldn't care less as she's a Dimensional entity, my natural enemy.

Satisfyingly, through filling my energy pool, Nightmare Moon began glowing.

"Huh?" I could feel her compressed energy start to decompress itself, and as I sensed her energy becoming chaotic, I realized one thing... She's about to fucking explode.

"Oh shi-"


I was suddenly engulfed in a warm light. Everything turned into darkness, but light somehow found its way through my eyes once again.

I opened my eyes and saw that I am, in fact, not myself anymore. I now have the body of a woman, wearing a beautiful dress, and I could see the skin of my feminine body is dark blue. Uncannily, everything felt like a dream. I couldn't move or control my body or even speak the words I wanted. It's like I'm watching a memory, experiencing the perspective of somebody.

I'm on a balcony somewhere, looking over the city at daylight. Everything is busy as always. You can see kids smiling, men and women talking, and shops bustling. But everything looked like it's the 10th century.

(But how?)

I heard a sigh come out of the woman. She turned around and entered back into her room. There, a mirror stood, and she walked up to it, revealing Princess Luna.

I'm absolutely confused right now as I continue to watch. Darkness took over once again, and there everything changed. Now I'm in front of a table, drinking what seems like green tea—a good taste.

"Sister," called out a soothing, motherly voice.

Footsteps got closer until on the opposite side of the table stood Princess Celestia. She took a seat and poured her own cup of tea.

"Shouldst thou know why thou brought me hither" Princess Celestia questioned.

"Sister, I beseech thee to alter the sunrise to 8 a.m," replied Luna.

"But why, sister? Thou knowest a delay so long will disrupt the internal clock of most living beings," Princess Celestia answered with concern.

"I desire that when they wake, they shall take notice of my stars more," replied Princess Luna.

"But, sister, such a prolonged delay will upset the balance of all things," Princess Celestia replied anxiously.

(Somehow, an unfamiliar and sinister force seems to be at play.)

"Sister, I entreat thee, I wish them to see what I toil for. They always slumber through my night; it's unjust," Princess Luna said, almost in a somber tone.

Celestia's visage is filled with regret.

"I cannot, Luna. 'Tis too perilous," rejected Princess Celestia, a hint of regret in her voice.

(I felt an odd sensation, unfamiliar to me.)

Princess Luna slammed her hand on the table and rose abruptly. She swiftly retreated to her chamber, slamming the door shut. She sat on her bed, letting tears fall onto her lap.

(It's darkness again.)

Now, observing from a different perspective, a shadowy figure stands before Princess Luna, communicating with her. However, I cannot discern the words. Princess Luna began to murmur the same phrase repeatedly, "He's near."

Suddenly, a knock on the door leading outside her chamber interrupted the quiet. A guard called out, "Princess Luna, art thou well? 'Tis 7 a.m. Princess Celestia bids thee lower the moon."

No reply came from within. The guard persisted with more knocks until he desisted. "Alert Princess Celestia." The other guard stationed at Princess Luna's door nodded, rushing to find Princess Celestia.

The guard waited until Princess Celestia arrived. "Report on thy situation."

"Your highness, Princess Luna hath not responded, despite repeated knocks on the door."

"Thank thee. Stand back." Princess Celestia stood before Luna's door and knocked. "Sister, art thou well? I warned thee to curb thine intake of those cakes," said Celestia with a playful tone.

She opened the door, revealing a room engulfed in darkness. In the center, all she could discern was Luna's back. A sinister and chilling feeling crawled up her spine, signaling that something was wrong with her sister. "Guards, be on high alert."

The guards behind her formed a defensive stance and prepared their weapons. Celestia's hair transformed into flames, and her eyes burned with a fiery blaze.

"Reveal thyself! What art thou doing in my sister's form?"

Her words echoed through the room, but only silence responded.

"Speak, entity! What art thou doing in my sister's body?"

Her inquiry was met with maniacal giggles that, with each passing moment, escalated into laughter.

And then, everything descended into darkness.

[Present First Person]

"P-princess Luna." I summoned my remaining energy, flicking my finger to restore my suit. The force had thrown me a considerable distance, and as I ran to find her, I spotted a figure seated on the ground. A part of me felt sadness as I watch the dust settle.

As the lingering dust settled, I saw her sitting there, her hand drooping. Just as she was about to drop on the floor, unable to maintain her sitting position, I caught her. I cradled her head on my lap, gently wiping her face with my sleeve.

She looked ethereal, akin to a shining star. Slowly, her bluish green eyes opened, capturing mine. Her soothing but hoarse voice reached my ears. "P-please l-leave before she r-recovers."

Princess Luna lifted her arm, placing her soft, smooth hand on my face. "M-may I k-know thy n-name?" she weakly inquired.

Faint footsteps echoed outside the throne room, indicating that time was running out. I faced another challenging decision: either reveal my identity and depart or leave without disclosing anything. The contract's rules loomed in my mind, I'm not sure if it's them or not I don't want to die yet.

Time is ticking.

"Your highness, please keep this a secret between us if you are still fine after meeting them." I gently lowered her hand from my cheek. "My name is Anon Laire, first child of the Laire family."

She smiled weakly, "T-thank you, I will never forget thy name."

As I slowly stood up, I carefully arranged her into a more comfortable position on the hard floor. Levitating myself out through a broken, tinted window, I flew back to the hotel. My vision began to distort as I used the last of my energy to fly as fast as possible. Weakly entering my window, I dropped down on the floor, and there everything slowly turned black.

[3rd Person Back at the Ruined Castle]

Right before Ace departed, six girls appeared in the entrance of the throne room. At the forefront stood Twilight Sparkle, her horn activated, and six orbs levitated around her.

"Look, there she is!" Twilight pointed towards Nightmare Moon, who was near the throne, in the midst of standing up. Her nebulous hair flowed weakly in the air, and her armor showed signs of a previous battle.

As Nightmare Moon stood upright, laughter echoed, and she lifted her hand with an open palm towards them. Right next to Rarity, Nightmare Moon's sword, embedded on the wall, began shaking and extending. Rarity, noticing it, quickly alerted Rainbow Dash.

"Behind you!"

"Huh?" She looked behind to see the sword fly towards her. Quickly, she jumped to the side and avoided it. "Shoot!"

The sword returned to Nightmare Moon's hand, and she took on a mischievous smile, pointing the weapon at the girls.

"This is gonna be easy."

The rest of the girls felt intimidated by her confidence. Twilight's hands glowed in a violet hue as she spoke, rallying the team.

"Girls, do not be afraid. With teamwork, we can win this," she called out their names one by one.

"Yeah, y'all!"

"I'm here, darling."

"Rainbow Dash."
"Let's kick her butt!"

"Pinkie Pie."
"I'm ready!"

"I-I-I'm ready!"

"Focus, girls. Distract her, and I will activate the Elements of Harmony."

All the girls nodded, and the fight began. They ran towards Nightmare Moon, who did the same. With Twilight leading, she confronted Nightmare Moon head-on. Nightmare Moon swung her sword, only to miss as Twilight teleported behind her and kept running.

Looking behind, Rainbow Dash kicked Nightmare Moon in the face and quickly created a safe distance. Nightmare Moon shifted her attention from Rainbow Dash towards the others, seeing Pinkie Pie right in front of her face.

"Boo," Pinkie Pie taunted, whacking Nightmare Moon's face with a frying pan. Nightmare Moon swung horizontally and vertically, but Pinkie Pie dodged with ease. Nightmare Moon feigned a slash and delivered a front kick to her stomach, causing her to stumble a good distance.

After a few stumbles, she was caught by Rarity and Fluttershy. Nightmare Moon, fueled with anger, rushed towards the three. As she was about to get close, a rope caught her neck and pulled her away.

"No can do, Sugar!" grunted Applejack.

At that moment, she felt her energy come back. Her eyes glowed white, and her body emitted a radiant glow.

"Enough!" she shouted.

A force field propelled everyone in her vicinity. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were, while Nightmare Moon looked behind towards Twilight, who was activating the crystal orbs.

Nightmare Moon forced her energy and teleported behind Twilight, sword ready to slash down.

"Twilight, move out!" called out Rainbow Dash.

"Huh?" Twilight didn't look behind; after hearing Rainbow Dash's words, she teleported randomly in a panic. Nightmare Moon missed her target, tripping in the middle of the orbs, which began to glow and connect with sparks of electricity.


But the efforts everyone drew bore fruitless as the orbs lost their glow. Noticing this, Nightmare Moon smirked and quickly stood up.

Fear and confusion etched itself into Twilight's face. "N-no, it can't be. It misses an element."

Nightmare Moon laughed and smashed her feet against the ground, destroying all the orbs into millions of pieces.

"You fools! Thinking you can defeat me! Now you will never see your princess and your sun!" Nightmare Moon took a step forward.

"I'll slice all of you into a million pieces. After that, I'll find him and skin him alive!"

The hair of Nightmare Moon flowed more vigorously, extending itself further, spiraling up and covering the ceiling. The room was now filled with a maniacal laugh.

Amidst all that, just behind Twilight, Applejack's voice echoed.

"We're not done yet, y'all told us to never give up, don't y'all turn back on your words!"

Rainbow Dash's voice chimed in.

"Yeah, that was just a warmup!"

Pinkie Pie's voice joined in.

"After the main course is dessert!"

The rest joined in.

"We can still go, dear!"


The sadness on Twilight's face disappeared, and she looked back to see the girls standing together. A spark glowed in her eyes. She looked back to Nightmare Moon with confidence evident on her face.

"You think you can destroy the Elements of Harmony just like that?" She took a step back.

"Well, you're wrong," Another.

"Because the spirits of the Elements of Harmony," and another.

She teleported in front of the girls.

"Are right here!"

The crystals on Nightmare Moon's ground levitated, each having its own color of glow. Confusion etched itself on Nightmare Moon's face as she looked at the crystals. "W-what?"

Twilight smiled and looked at Applejack. "Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the spirit of Harmony." Applejack tipped her hat at Twilight, and unexpectedly, the crystals flew at her and began circling her.

Next was Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, who tamed an animal wronged with her compassion, represents the spirit of Kindness." Fluttershy blushed in the air at Twilight's words, and the crystals circled her next.

Then came Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by laughing in the face of danger, represents the spirit of Laughter." Pinkie Pie jumped excitedly, and the crystals circled her next resulting in her bumping her fist in the air.

Following was Rarity. "Rarity, who calmed down a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of Generosity." Rarity fixed her short hair in an elegant fashion before the crystals flew to her.

Next was Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own desire. Representing the spirit of Loyalty." With her chest up and her hands crossed, she stood strong in the air, and the crystals flew to her as well.

Now everyone, except Twilight, had crystals encircling them. "With the spirits of my friends, we got through every challenge you threw at us," Twilight said with confidence in her voice.

Nightmare Moon stood strongly, but her face betrayed her true emotions. "But you still don't have the sixth element. Which, as happened earlier, you stupid child."

"But it did." Twilight turned around and faced all her friends.

She directed her words to her friends. "I felt a different kind of spark, and at that very moment, I realized how happy I was to care, see, and hear about you." She turned around back at Nightmare Moon. "I felt the spark ignite inside me." She took a deep breath and relaxed her body. "And that's the moment where I realized that they are my beloved friends."

The light flashed above Twilight, and instead of crystals, it's an orb, slowly lowering down on top of Twilight's horn.

"And when the rest of the Elements of Harmony are combined, it creates the Element of Magic!"

The glow on the orb brightened until the room was filled with a white light, and all the girls on the ground levitated up. Their bodies relaxed, eyes closed. All the crystals surrounding them mixed into one, forming a necklace symbolizing their unity. As for Twilight, the orb transformed into a beautiful crown.

The levitation brought them close together, and the light around them compressed and released a spiraling rainbow towards the ceiling. It dropped down, aiming itself at Nightmare Moon.

The rainbow swirled around Nightmare Moon until it engulfed her entire body. The light on the girls intensified as they held hands. The room filled with a radiant energy, and you know what they say, 'No one is faster than light.'


There on the ground were six unconscious girls. One opened her eyes and sat up, followed by another until the rest.

"Ugh, my head," muttered Rainbow Dash.

Applejack looked at everyone with a worried face. "Everyone, okay?"

The rest reassured her.

"Oh my, magnificent," said Rarity, looking at her hair.

"Why Rarity, it's so lovely," complimented Fluttershy.

"I know, right? I'll never part with it again."

"No, Rarity, your necklace."

Rarity looked at her necklace. "Oh my, indeed, even yours." She pointed at Fluttershy's necklace.

And now everyone is enjoying their new necklace. Or let's say, crown.

"Gee Twilight, I thought you were spouting a lot of hooey. I reckon we really do represent the elements of harmony."

After her words, the windows on their left lit up. The sunlight streamed inside, transforming from a yellowish hue to a bright white, illuminating the room as the sun rose.

A bright, big orb of light appeared at one of the windows, taking the figure of a person. The light vanished, revealing a beautiful woman wearing an elegant dress, her rainbow like hair flowing in the nonexistent wind. She stretched her beautiful giant white wings.

As the girls saw who the person was, they all bowed on one knee, except for Twilight. She came running to Princess Celestia and hugged her. Celestia, caught off guard, hugged her back. Mid-hug, Twilight opened her eyes, her face turning pink. She instantly stopped hugging and faced the ground. "I-I'm sorry."

"There's no need to apologize, my dear student," reassured Celestia.

As Twilight opened her mouth to speak, a cough interrupted her. There, near the wrecked throne, lay Princess Luna on the floor.

"Sister." Celestia lifted her silhouette and fast walked towards Luna. She dropped down on her knees and put her right hand on the back of her sister's head, her left grasping Luna's hand.

Luna spoke. "F-forsooth, sister, I apologize for the mistakes I brought."

"Nay, dear sister, it was not thy fault," Celestia said, a tear sliding down her cheeks.

A warm smile graced Luna's face. She slowly rose and embraced her sister, tears streaming down her face. The room filled with the sound of two sisters reuniting after a millennium.

"I miss you."


After saying goodbye to her friends and getting back home, Twilight laid on her bed. But with all her efforts to sleep, she can't. She began contemplating the myriad of unanswered questions swirling in her mind.

How did Luna succumb to Nightmare Moon's influence?
What bestowed upon them the role of the Elements of Harmony?
Why does the castle lack a trace in history?
Who were the individuals that forced them to leave the castle?
And who was the stranger that weakened Nightmare Moon?

As she stared at the ceiling, everything that previously happened replayed in her mind.

"It's like someone is guiding us."

_____On the next chapter.

My finger's tired, welp see ya again in another 4 days or earlier or more. Happy new year brothers and sisters!

A: Anon's gonna be sleeping for a whole day because of what previously happened. Also what was the sinister energy?

+I'm not going to explain on how the necklaces and crown look like sooo *Slaps you with image.*

Chapter 3

View Online

In the hushed echoes of silence, I find myself adrift in an abyss of eternal darkness. Uncertain of my existence, I remain immobilized, unable to move or utter a single word. I don't even know if I'm even alive at this point.

Yearning for oblivion, I crave to forget. Each encounter with those 'things' forces me to confront the pain embedded deep within my heart, a reminder of the comrades I lost. It's exhausting, leaving me yearning for solitude. After grappling with these overwhelming emotions, all I desire is to hide myself in the confines of my room and release the pent-up sorrow through tears.

A chill envelops my form as tears cascade down my cheeks. Despite being taught not to show vulnerability, I ponder if it's not deserved; if shedding tears is a tribute to the ones I've lost.

Abruptly, I find myself descending onto a soft surface, greeted by an intrusion of light. Slowly, I open my eyes to a familiar room, its floor adorned with scattered toys – a whimsical chaos reminiscent of my childhood toys.

Surveying the array of toys, memories flood back. I glance to the right, where a multitude of toys lies in disarray. "Seems I've forgotten how unorganized my room used to be."

I discerned a familiar voice from the left side of my room. As I turned my gaze toward the source there Princess Luna graced my window perch, legs elegantly crossed. She donned a regal ensemble - a navy blue short skirt dress adorned with a black transparent, off-the-shoulder puffy sleeve. Complementing the attire was a darker navy blue underbust corset, beneath which cascaded a series of gracefully folded feathers. These feathers, seamlessly connected, led to a high-low hemline skirt, leaving only her front legs exposed.

"Art thou not taught the virtue of keeping thy room tidy?"


"Hello," She waved

Ace kept frozen on his bed, staring wide-eyed at Luna. Meanwhile, Luna, with her arms crossed, stood there looking at Ace, expecting a feedback.

After an awkward silence that seemed to stretch for seconds, Luna decided to break it. "Art thou supposed to say something?"

Ace snapped back to reality, standing up and slowly walking towards Luna. "Princess Luna? Feels like I'm talking to the real deal." He stopped in front of Luna, placing his hand on his chin and examining her entire appearance.

A subtle shade of pink appeared on Luna's face. "Rude," she remarked, lifting her left palm to slap Ace. He swiftly caught her wrist with his right hand, maintaining his gaze.

Luna attempted to pull her arm back, but Ace's grip was firm as a rock. "Release me!" Luna shouted, anger evident on her face.

"My dream managed to make you look even more beautiful," Ace said, releasing Princess Luna's hand and walking back to his bed to sit.

"Unimpressed," Ace transitioned from a sitting to a lying position, gazing at the ceiling with no discernible emotion. "I could have done more."

Luna's anger slowly subsided, and she approached Ace with curiosity. "What art thou talking about?"

Still fixated on the ceiling, Ace replied, "I'm unimpressed with myself, could have done more."

Silence enveloped the room.

"I don't know what the continental might be doing to you right now... Nevermind," Ace took a pillow from beside him and used it to cover his face.

Regret drawn itself on Luna's face, she sat on the bed beside Ace. Luna looked at her own hand and transition to Ace.
"I'm fine Ace, the continental can't involve itself with me and my sister. Plus I had modern English lessons yesterday."

Ace threw the pillow aside and looked at Luna, extremely confused. "Am I really talking to the real Princess herself?"

Now everyone is Confused, Luna looked at ace with his other eyebrow raised. "Are thou really thinking that till now, I'm a fabricated version of your mind?" Luna stood up and looked Infront of Ace her hand glowing in a dark bluish hue.

She closed her left hand and the walls fell down revealing their now in an open grass area by a tree. Ace sat up looking at the surroundings in awe.

"Magnificent." Ace whispered, His attention quickly moved towards Luna. "So your really fine." Ace hastily stood up and ran towards Luna embracing her in a tight hug.

Luna's face turned pink she put her hand on Ace's chest and pushed.
"Release me!"

Realization quickly drew on Ace's face, he instantly released Luna and kneeled down taking interest at the floor with sudden embarrassment. "I-I apologize, I'm just glad that your fine."

Luna looked at him with a bit of surprise, a hint of pink chalked up on her face, she cleared her throat and calm down.
"I'm fine"

Ace smiled at her but something sparked in his mind.

"So. Whenever you enter a dream the dreamer will gain consciousness?"

"Thou are correct."

"Astonishing." Ace whispered to himself but then added. "Records said you appeared at numerous dreams, is your dream walk that advanced?"

Luna sighed and sat next to Ace.

"It's not just a mere dream walk. This gift was gifted upon me by my mother, shall I protect the dreams and give rest those that slumber in my night. An ability that define me entirety."

"Why the somber tone?" Ace asked.

"You see Ace, this gift of mine is terrifying in itself. When I enter a dream I'm Duplicated."


"To protect all dreams, I must split my subconscious into thousands or even millions and enter the dreams that are in a state of nightmare, I face thousands of dreams that one must not see." Luna said her hands mildly trembling. "I'm afraid of my responsibility."

Ace slowly acknowledgely shook his head in response. He can't fathom how big of a responsibility princess Luna have, facing nightmares so that her subjects can sleep happily. He took Luna's hand and held it with his, calming Luna down.

"But you have never lose to a nightmare have you? never gave up, and stopped?" Ace said with a soft grin on his face. "Your strong princess, your the only one capable of such thing."

Princess Luna gazed deeply into Ace's enigmatic black eyes, with her own glittering bluish green eyes. Ace, wearing a quizzical expression, observed Luna's half-smile as she took his hand with both of hers. Raising his hand, Luna closed her eyes and began chanting in an ancient tongue, a soft glow emanating from her grasp and intensifying with each passing second.

Ace hissed in discomfort when the light dissipated, pulling back his hand to rub away the lingering sensation. A serene touch on his left cheek made him shift his focus to Luna's right arm, extended gracefully with her hand still resting on his cheek, a subtle grin playing on her lips.

"You are hereby invited to the grand gala."

Confusion crossed Ace's face at the unexpected invitation. Before he could utter a response, Luna gestured with her left hand, index finger extended. She directed it towards Ace's forehead until it made contact, a purple glow enveloping the room.

First Person

I Slowly open my eyes to the soft hues of the rising sun, I found my face pressed against the cold floor. As I lifted myself up, wiping away the remnants of drool, I got on my knees and stretched, savoring the satisfying cracks.

Approaching a nearby mirror, I assessed myself—messed-up hair and a reddened face from the prolonged contact with the floor. Groaning in disappointment, I wiped my face, comforting myself that it was temporary. However, my attention was drawn to a golden triangle on my palm. Focusing on it, I felt a hint of magic, instantly recalling the dream from the previous night.

Clenching my fist, I turned toward the bathroom, undressing completely. Stepping into the shower, I adjusted the water to the colder side, hissing as the shiver-inducing water hit my skin. Grabbing the nearest soap, I shrugged and started with my hair, moving on to my whole body.

After applying cologne and perfume, I faced the mirror again. Rolling up my sleeve to emphasize my tattooed forearm, I picked a new outfit for the day—donning a plain white sleeve, black trousers, and shiny black formal shoes.

"I should visit sugarcube corner to see if they got breakfast options."


Stepping out of the hotel, I took a single stride onto the sidewalk, only to be abruptly pushed aside by a girl exclaiming, "Sorry!" She swiftly turned a corner, and as I glanced from her direction, a small crowd of people seemed to be chasing her. Curious, I moved out of their way, watching as they too turned around the corner.


Turning in the opposite direction, I resumed my stroll. After a few steps, an unexpected halt overcame me, and I found myself gazing at the ground in silent regret.

[Third Person]

Hiding in an alleyway, Twilight and Spike, now clad in casual attire, sought refuge behind a dumpster to evade their pursuers both of them gasping for air. Spike wiped his face and sighed in relief. "I-I think we lost them."

Before Twilight could respond, a male voice interrupted. "It seems." The voice came from behind them, and just as they turned to identify the speaker, their bodies glowed with a red hue, rendering them immobile.

"Release us!" Twilight demanded. Outside the alley, a voice hinted that their position had been exposed. Ace snapped his fingers, and suddenly, they found themselves on the rooftop of a nearby building. The red glow faded, allowing Twilight and Spike to regain control of their bodies. Turning around, they faced the stranger who had captured them.

Ace stood before them, arms crossed, his eyes looking down on them as if their now in a world of scolding . Twilight groaned and, with a sudden burst of emotion, exclaimed, "Fine! You want this ticket, then take it!" She dropped the ticket to the ground and leaned against a wall, hugging her knees as muffled sobs escaped her.

"Looks like you two stole something that ain't yours," Ace remarked.

"N-No! We didn't steal this ticket! It was given to us by the princess, but news spread, and here we are," Spike reassured nervously while looking back at Twilight with worry.

"What?" Ace inquired.

Spike glanced back at Ace with confusion. "You don't know? That there on the ground is the ticket to the gala!"

Ace picked it up, examined it, smirked, and handed the ticket back to Spike.

"You don't want it?" Spike questioned with the ticket in his hand.

"Don't need it." Ace replied.

Spike looked at Twilight and rushed to her with the ticket. Ace turned around, walked to a railing, and leaned against it, enjoying the view of the city. Though small, he loved it. He closed his eyes with a soft smile, feeling the breeze caress his skin and the wind's gentle melody in his ears.

After what seemed like a moment, Ace felt a tap on his back. He turned around and looked at the two in front of him.

"Mind introducing yourselves first?" Ace asked.

Twilight took a good look at Ace's face before answering his question. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, and here is... is my adopted little brother, Spike-"

~hey!" >:

"And the reason wh-"

"Cut it. Your brother already explained. I apologize for taking you two here," Ace said, his expression still as blank as ever.

"You haven't introduced yourself yet, mister," Spike said.

"I apologize, Name's Ace."

But then a thousand questions came to Twilight's mind. "Can I ask a few questions before you leave?"


She opened her purse and took out a note and pen, preparing herself as she looked at Ace with full attention. "Your name is Ace correct? How do you know instant teleportation? Only highly trained magic users know how to use it, or even master it with precision. Are you part of the E.A.R.T? What age did you start learning magic? How old are you?" Questions kept flooding in until Twilight stopped.

"Sorry." Ace popped his neck, lifted his right hand, snapped his fingers, and instantly disappeared, leaving the two alone on the rooftop, staring frozen at the horizon.

"Told ya Twilight, you should stop asking multiple questions at once," Spike nudged with his elbow, almost on the verge of laughing.

But Twilight didn't even respond to Spike's words; she stood stiff, frozen. An eyebrow slowly raised on Spike's face, he waved a hand in front of Twilight, to see no response.



The shopkeeper's bell rang as Ace entered through the glass door, finding the place occupied by several customers. Unfazed, he moved forward, taking an empty seat and patiently waiting for a waiter.

Whispers among a group of women at the next table caught Ace's attention. One of them discreetly pointed towards him, alerting her friends.

"Oh my Faust," one of them exclaimed.

As Ace perused the menu, the women couldn't resist capturing the moment, sneaking pictures with their phones. Aware of their attention, Ace looked directly at the camera, prompting the girls to hastily divert their gaze.

A middle-aged woman in a hair net and apron approached Ace with a note and pen, and the girls seized the moment to focus on their phones, eager to post their findings.

(Tattooed Daddy.)


"Let's go, we might miss the others." The friend of the girl said, both of them stood up and left.

[First Person]

As I perused the breakfast menu, I noticed the two girls taking pictures of me. Feeling their stare, I was about to address the situation when a middle-aged woman approached with a warm smile.

"Already decided, dear?" she inquired.

Returning the smile, I nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I'd love the choco cup and potato croquettes, and please add a sourdough bread on the side."

After noting down my order, the woman headed back to the kitchen. I relaxed, observing the girls leaving with giggles. Slumping back in my seat, I reflected on the fast passage of time, realizing I was still searching for breakfast in the middle of the day.

Soon enough, my order arrived. The lady placed a plastic tray with my breakfast on the table, cautioning me, "Be careful, it's hot."

With a genuine smile, she left me to enjoy my meal in privacy. I examined the presented food, each item on its own plate. My attention then shifted to the choco cup. I slid my finger into the handle, carefully lifting it up.


The room was enveloped in an eerie silence, dominated by a massive circular table where seven figures remained shrouded in darkness. Finally, one of them spoke, breaking the oppressive silence.

"How's Ace?" the heavy voice questioned.

Another figure responded, "Ace, or 445. recent reports say he's been quite active... The latest involves his interaction with Princess Luna's entity."

A paper was sent across the table, landing in front of the one who had asked the question. His eyes glowed with a bluish hue as he read the contents before placing it back on the table.

"An unexpected move from Ace. He's not known for taking matters into his own hands, unless ordered." the heavy voice commented.

Someone else chimed in, "He remains a valuable asset. A talent like him arises once in centuries. In the future, he could still be of use. The real question is, will he remain loyal enough to willingly follow our orders?"

The heavy voice responded grimly, "Ace agreed to the contract. He knows the consequences if he opposes it."

A feminine voice disagreed, "Using the contract to ensure loyalty won't work."

The heavy voice asserted, "In the institution, freedom doesn't come for free, Quiver. One must be willing to do whatever it takes to seize freedom."

Rising from the table, the figure's eyes glowed green, emphasizing, "Even if it means killing everyone you once bonded with." Resuming his seat, the glow in his eyes faded, leaving behind a heavy, contemplative silence in the room. Eventually, he broke it with a chilling statement: "With the contract, fear always works."

The lights in the room illuminated the vast space, with white walls and floor revealing an expansive area. In the center stood a circular table surrounded by seven seats, occupied by figures of various races. One seat, however, stood out – a woman seated with five men behind her, all equipped with night vision goggles and light armor.

The woman looked back, fear creeping onto her face. "W-what is this?"

The source of the heavy voice identified himself as a middle-aged man with white hair. "That there behind you is the 26th sect troops. I also want to address your rogue-like actions from previous days, Quiver."

Fear deepened on the woman's face. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

The man continued speaking. "Selling information to outside forces, making information disappear out of mid air. Your getting out of neck here."

Before the woman could protest, a knife pressed against her throat, silencing her. The man raised his hand to signify his intent to continue.

Tears streamed down the woman's cheeks as she closed her eyes, bracing herself for the inevitable. However, what she anticipated did not unfold. Opening her left eye slightly, she saw the man with his hand raised, palm open in the air.

The man behind her hastily retreated, and a glimmer of hope flickered in her eyes. The man abruptly closed his hands, and a sickening crack reverberated through the room. Attempting to move her head, she found herself unable to, her vision descending as her neck swung back and forth. The lifeless body slumped onto the floor with a resounding thud.

A person in the room rose, staring at the man in disbelief. "W-why?"

The man met the gaze with an emotionless expression, he simply took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and took a puff.



This is the end of his draft, The next chapter is my continuation of the story.

Chapter 4

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Sorry for the long delay, I was depressed but I finally got out of that zone. Now I spent 2 weeks reading a good fanfiction and learning from it. I'm new to this mlp stuff that my brother likes, writing also.

I'm using grammarly, this writing stuff is tiring me and I don't have time second proof reading it.

Please enjoy the story.


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-I think something just snapped inside of me

-Never knew I have daddy issues

till now

-What's his Insta?
-I searched for 2 hours now, and

girl I'm disappointed to find


-Me and my besties talked with him, he absolutely loves crepes. He's such a cutie
-Your kidding
-Nope, here's a picture


-What city you live in?


-See you in ponyville

-he'll be my mine the time you step foot on ponyville.

"Boy howdy, I got the work cut out for me tomorrow. That there is the biggest bumper crop I ever laid eyes on."

Applejack remarked, her eyes scanning the vast horizon adorned with rows of apple trees laden with ripe, bright red apples.

"Eeyup. Are you sure you don't need help? I'm fine as a mighty bu-"

Before he could finish his sentence applejack straight up cut him.

"Come on Big Mac you better rest up and get yourself better. I haven't met an apple orchard yet that I can't handle! I'll take a bite out of this job by tomorrow day's end." Applejack said proudly.

Big Mac kept his gaze unwavering on the endless rows of apple trees. He casually spat out the piece of straw clenched between his teeth and said. "Biting off more than you can chew is just what I'm afraid of."

"I'm sorry big brother but I can't let you help, you have three broken ribs remember? Be with granny Smith while I-" She looks at the fields of apple trees and swallow a spit. "Harvest all dem apples."
Rainbowdash descended in the midst of the street, provoking a symphony of honks from the cars around her, capturing the attention of the nearby people.

"Stampede!" she shouted.

Initially, not a single person moved, but as the ground began to vibrate, panic swiftly consumed everyone.

Ace stared at the edge of the town, observing the approaching cow stampede. His senses heightened as the massive threat became clearer, and he felt compelled to intervene.

"I don't get paid for this!"

With a snap of his fingers, he instantly teleported himself to the front of the town, facing the oncoming stampede from above. Waiting for the right moment, he saw a girl on horseback attempting to halt the stampede's progress. seizing the opportunity, Ace clenched his jaws, his hands glowing red.

Bringing his open palm down and then lifting his arms in the air with tightly shut fists, a transparent L-shaped wall materialized in front of the stampede. The cows collided with the barrier, causing the stampede to change direction, now no longer headed towards Ponyville. Ace could only hope that the girl on horseback could successfully stop the stampede before it caused further destruction, even if it wasn't headed directly for Ponyville.

"So tired."

Ace began whispering in a runic language, and gradually, from bottom to top, his body began to turn transparent. Nearly invisible to the naked eye, he flew back to the hotel and spent the day sleeping.


But before he did, Twilight noticed a small figure in the air in the far distance, the figure slowly disappearing into thin air, leaving her confused.

"Who... was that?"

Her voice was met with another response, "What you're seeing right now is Applejack riding a horse, that's who that was. Look at her go!"

Applejack was surprised when the Stampede suddenly turned left, and she had no time to assess what happened in front. Her main focus is to stop the Stampede before someone could possibly get hurt. She used the bridle in her hand to speed up the horse she was riding. "Come on, girl! Yeehaw!"

She slowly gained distance on the front cow. As the cow got closer to Applejack, she pulled out a lasso beside the horse and began twirling it in the air. The cow kept moving side to side but stayed in one place when a dog barked at it. There! Applejack saw the opportunity to throw the lasso around the cow's head, successfully binding it.

She patted her horse and pulled the bridle, making the horse stop in an effort to halt the cow. But it was fruitless as the cow didn't budge much. Applejack cursed, and along with it, she jumped down from her ride with her left arm tightly wrapped around her horse. Grunting hard, she used all her strength to plant her feet as deep as possible on the ground, creating a long line of earth behind them. The speed of the front cow slowly subsided until it finally stopped.

She dropped on her butt, followed by her horse. She smiled at her horse and, of course, her dog that approached. "Good girl," she huffed and patted Winona's head.

Hoofsteps came closer behind Applejack, a small group of people riding horses came in front of her. All of them dismounted and ran toward Applejack. A particular woman with a large bust size put her hand on Applejack's shoulder. "Are you hurt anywhere, Applejack? Oh my, I apologize for all that happened today. I'll take responsibility."

Applejack stood up, fixed her hat, and kindly smiled at them, tipping her hat. "It's fine, it's fine. How did the cows escape yall"

"This why!" A feminine voice came from behind the woman Applejack was speaking with. Another woman with a bigger breast size was pulling a young teen's ear; the boy was crying in pain.


"No buts!"

"Fine. Dem snakes got inside the pen, all the cows was riled up at the exact moment I opened the gate."

"I completely understand, just be careful next time." Applejack nodded then rubs the teen's hair making it all messy.

"Thanks faust the Cows didn't entered the city." Said the woman.

Applejack then adds. "Miss dairy and dairyela. Please add counter measures next time to ensure this never happens again. Thank you." Applejack tips her hat and mounts her horse. "I'll be on my way!"

She rides back to ponyville, where everyone cheered for her.

Anon/Ace opens his eyes as his alarm blurred loudly. He turned off his alarm and get out the bed, It's very early in the morning as it is 4 am. He changed his clothes to a more agile and breathable one, next he put on a hoodie. He drinks a cup of water before leaving the hotel. The air is cold and the cement floor is wet, he look left and right to see the streets to be empty, what do you expect at 4 in the morning a time where mostly everyone is asleep? Ace does some light stretches before beginning his jog, his source of light only the street lights.

He kept his breathing steady and paced, 20 minutes pass he have already circled ponyville. He began increasing his pace following the street leaving ponyville. 5 am already reached he began increasing his pace even more, though quite punishing for his body he never stopped. He kept going at it till the sun peeked at him, it's beautiful light and beauty looking at him while it's gentle warmth hugged him, casting a shadow beside him copying every movements he creates.

And at that last 10 minute he began increasing his pace till he's now fully sprinting. His brain begging for him to stop as his legs began to feel like it's being churned with hot charcoal and his lungs burning like fire, Ace stopped and put his hand on his knees while gasping for air.

Ace heard a whistle from behind, alerted he turned around to see a girl who almost look like his age. Her rainbow like hair tied in a ponytail, she's wearing a flexible black shorts along with a light blue breathable T-shirt.

"Not bad!" She said in an almost tomboyish voice, something about her radiates pride.

"Thank you." Ace said.

Rainbowdash praised. "I was behind you the whole time, Thought you would rest. But you didn't! You got mad stamina to also include a ten minute sprint."

"That means you got mad stamina too." Ace replied filling her ego.

Rainbowdash the proudly huffed her chest, closed her eyes and put his hand on her hips. "Of course! It's because I'm the best speedster of ponyville. Rainbowdash! Memorize that."

"Funny" Ace thinks he before complimenting her. "Your full of confidence. Name's Ace, thank you for your presence miss Rainbowdash."

Rainbowdash looked at him as if trying to say something.

Ace smiled. "I'm going back. It's nice talking with you."

Ace walked pass her but is stopped when Rainbowdash called out his name. Ace turned around and instinctively catched a bottle of water.

Rainbowdash is whispering to herself while looking down at the floor, she seems embarrassed and flustered at the same time.

Ace tilts his head and asked, "Can you repeat that?"

"Nothing!" Rainbowdash then spreads her wings and flew a large distance in a matter of seconds.

Ace looked up and kept his eyes on her till she disappeared. "Strange," He unlid the cap off the water bottle in his hand and quenched his thirst. Before ultimately going back home to take a shower and change.


"98, 99, 100."

Ace stood up on his feet, he took the towel right beside him and wipe all his sweat. He walks to a mirror nearby and looks at himself, he admires his well built muscle before taking a cold shower shower. Finished he stepped out with just a towel on his waists, after drying himself he wore his black suit with a red necktie.

First person

It's been a week since the Stampede, the boredom is slowly devouring me as I have nothing to do but eat, walk, exercise and sleep.

I looked down from the window, observing the passing people, this kid however caught my attention. Walking with no care, giving all his attention on the device on his hand.

But then I remembered, in the past there's this two girls asking for my Instaglam, they showed me the app with their cellphones before leaving me.

"Maybe I should buy a phone."

After buying a phone near a shop I teleported myself on a building rooftop resting my hand on the rails. I observe a gathering Infront a building with a made up stage decorated with all colors, and it's just the time where the supposedly event will begin.

"Tch, annoying."

Mid talk Ace lost interest and walk back inside, taking his time to fiddle with the contents of his phone.
"Hmm, perhaps it's time to stop teleporting back to my room," Ace pondered. With determination, he rode the elevator down to the first floor and stepped out of the building, making his way back to his hotel. As he strolled, a lingering sense of being watched crept into his awareness.

Ace encountered two girls around his age. One of them halted her friend and pointed excitedly at Ace. "Isn't that the guy who became famous overnight?"

The other girl gasped. "Oh my gosh, it's him!"

Excitedly, the pair approached Ace and tapped him on the back. Surprised, Ace turned to face them, unsure of what to expect. "Can I help you?" he asked.

One of the girls stood with her mouth agape, staring at Ace in disbelief. Meanwhile, her friend attempted to snap her out of it, waving her hand in front of her face to no avail. Taking matters into her own hands, she stepped forward to address Ace directly.

"I think we do need some help." She said in a seducing tone, she put both her arm behind her back making her breast appear more bigger.

NOTE: (Not that big though! I'm setting up realistic standards here!)

Ace's eyes darted to the side, briefly catching a glimpse of her cleavage. Uncomfortably, he smiled and took a step back. "I-I don't think I can help you with that," he stammered.

Suddenly, Ace was yanked away by a tall woman, slightly older but still youthful. She pulled him away from the two girls and enveloped his head in a hug against her chest. With a stern gaze, she scolded the girls, "Can't you see he's uncomfortable?"

"Are you alright, dear?" she asked, peering down to find that the person she was holding had transformed into a human-sized doll. Startled, she dropped it to the ground and turned around, only to see her captive fleeing.

(W-what was that?!) I thought, my heart racing as I turned around abruptly to avoid colliding with the person in front of me. "Sorry," I quickly apologized.

The girl in front of me was clutching an envelope, using it as a shield of sorts. She lowered her hands and glanced up at me. "It's fine, I—" Her words trailed off as her expression shifted into one of pure delight. "Oh my gosh, it's Tattooed Daddy!"

The surrounding people seemed to freeze in their tracks, their attention now solely focused on me. "Oh my goodness, it really is!" someone exclaimed, amplifying the feeling of being the center of attention in a suddenly crowded space.

"Are you free today?" the girl in front of me asked, her voice barely audible over the growing crowd that had surrounded us. I felt overwhelmed, unable to decipher a single word amidst the chaos. Clenching my jaw, I summoned my magic and teleported back to my room.

Finally, silence enveloped me as I returned to the familiar comfort of my hotel room. Collapsing onto the floor, I leaned against the wall beside the bed, trying to make sense of the whirlwind encounter.

"Where in Tartarus did the name 'Tattooed Daddy' come from?!" I exclaimed in frustration, rising to my feet and kicking the bed in irritation, only to recoil as pain shot through my curled toes.

Breaking news: Applejack and her friends stopped a rabbit Stampede from causing more damage.

Ace stepped out of his hotel room, his mind already bracing for another encounter with curious onlookers. As he descended to the first floor and exited the hotel, the first girl recognized him and approached with a barrage of peculiar questions. Ignoring her, Ace remained silent, waiting until a crowd had gathered before him.

"Ehem!" he cleared his throat loudly, causing the chatter to gradually fade, granting him a moment to address them. "Everyone, please go back to your business or whatever it is you were doing. I am not inter—"

Before he could finish, a girl threw herself at him, followed by others embracing him tightly. Anger surged through him, his jaw locking and his fists clenched so tightly that his veins bulged.

[Kill them]

Ace put aside his rage as he teleported a safe distance away from the crowd. "There he is!" he heard someone shout, prompting him to sprint without looking back. After minutes of running, he spotted SugarCube Corner out of the corner of his eye and dashed towards it. Though closed, the lights were on. He hurried inside, swiftly blocking the glass door and pulling down the blinds with his magic.

He also pulled down the blind on the glass door and cautiously stepped back, watching as the people outside clamored for his attention, attempting to snap photos of him.

"May I help ya, sugarcube?" a western accent broke the tension behind him. Ace turned around to find six girls staring back at him.

"I remember you!" Ace exclaimed, his gaze focusing on Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash in the group.

"You know this feller, Twilight?" Applejack asked, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Yeah, he helped me," Twilight confirmed, nodding in recognition.

"He's the dude I've been telling you about!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, pointing at Ace, before quickly composing herself and clearing her throat. "A fan of mine," she added, trying to downplay the excitement.

Pinkie Pie stepped forward towards Ace, her smile warm and friendly. "Good evening, Ace! So you took refuge here to escape the growing crowd because someone posted a picture of you on Instaglam?" she asked.

"Huhhh?" Ace replied, puzzled by the sudden turn of events.

"Don't think of it or you'll end up with a headache,"

Rarity quickly pulled out her phone from behind her back and scrolled through it until she found the picture Pinkie mentioned. It depicted Ace wearing a rolled-up long sleeve, revealing his tattooed and muscular forearm, with sunlight streaming in through the window beside him, casting a flattering glow on his face.

Ace pleaded, "Please, I need your help. Those crazy people won't stop following me!"

A smirk played on Twilight's lips, catching Applejack's attention. Concerned, Applejack questioned Twilight's intentions. "You ain't taking advantage of someone in need, are ya?"

"Applejack, he took me to a random rooftop without my consent," Twilight explained, her tone slightly frantic before regaining her composure. "But don't worry, no need to be concerned."

Relieved, Applejack nodded and allowed Twilight to proceed. Twilight took a step forward and extended her hand towards Ace. "I promise to help you, but on one condition... You must answer some of our questions."

Applejack nudged Twilight's shoulder firmly, giving her a stern look before turning her gaze to Ace. "You can decline a question if you feel uncomfortable answering it," she added, emphasizing Ace's autonomy in the situation.

Ace took a deep breath and exhaled. "Okay, I accept."

Twilight's face lit up with determination, and she clapped her hands together. "Excellent! Come on, Applejack, let's teach them a valuable lesson about privacy and respect!"

Humming happily, Twilight strode towards the door, followed by Applejack, who placed a reassuring hand on Ace's shoulder. "Sorry about her, sugarcube. Her brain just loves to eat up information, but she means no harm," she explained with a chuckle.

Ace couldn't help but chuckle slightly in response, nodding with a grin. Applejack tipped her hat to him before catching up to Twilight.

Feeling a sense of relief as the problem began to be resolved, Ace turned his attention to the group of four girls remaining, which included Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. The others were unfamiliar to him.

Before he could say anything, Rarity stepped forward, her arms crossed as she inspected Ace with a critical eye. Despite her casual outfit, her beauty remained striking. She scrutinized Ace from head to toe before finally meeting his gaze.

Pink crept it's way to Rarity's cheek. Her eyes gazing softly at his "Darling..."

But before she could continue, Rainbow Dash pushed her aside and stepped forward "Hey, I didn't forget the first time we met."

Ace raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "The time you just suddenly flew away with no reason whatsoever?" he questioned, a hint of amusement in his tone.

Rainbow Dash's face flushed with embarrassment. "Hey!" she protested. "I-I was late for my training!" she hastily explained, trying to justify her actions.

Regaining her composure, Rainbow Dash shifted the conversation. "What sports do you play anyway?" she asked curiously in

"I think that's for later..." Ace replied cryptically.

Glancing behind Rainbow Dash, Ace noticed Fluttershy peeking at him from behind Rarity. Their eyes met briefly, and Fluttershy quickly hid behind Rarity, offering Ace a shy smile.

The shopkeeper's bell rang, signaling that Twilight and Applejack had finished their lesson with the crowd. Ace turned to them, remarking, "That was quick."

Twilight grinned. "Quite easy, actually. Knowing that the majority of your 'fans' are females, it's easy to understand them and use the right words."

Applejack chimed in, "And with me beside Twilight, hooey, the problem is easily solved."

"So, about the deal we made?" Twilight reminded with a cheeky grin.

Ace sighed and nodded, but before Twilight could speak, Pinkie Pie interrupted, stepping in front of Ace with a smile. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-two," Ace replied easily.

"Ohhhh~" Pinkie nodded in satisfaction before heading towards the door to the kitchen.

Before Twilight could continue, Rainbow Dash jumped in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "So what sports are you into?" she asked cheerfully.

Ace hesitated at first but answered, "Mixed martial arts, but I won't say exactly which ones."

Rainbow Dash's face fell slightly. "Cool, I guess... I bet I can defeat you," she said confidently. Applejack then stepped forward with her own question.

"So, sugarcube... You use magic, and um, what's your occupation?" she inquired.

"Occupation? As in a job?" Ace clarified.


"Well, actually..." Ace nervously smiled. "I'm currently unemployed."

Rarity's face brightened up, and she quickly approached Ace, taking his hand. "Oh, you poor man! I have a boutique just blocks away from here, and I am in need of help."

"But didn't you say earlier that you don't need—" Twilight began, but Rarity cut her off. "Hush now!"

Ace gently withdrew his hand from Rarity's grasp and leaned back slightly. "I don't need a job right now, but I'll consider it," he replied.

Rarity's smile faltered, and she walked over to a nearby chair, taking out her phone and swiping through it while stealing glances at Ace. "I'm done, darling," she announced.

"Finally," Twilight said, locking eyes with Ace. "How old were you when you started learning how to use your magic?"

Ace paused for a moment before answering, "Hmm, my memory is a bit foggy, but I remember starting around the age of six."

Twilight was surprised but then remembered witnessing Ace's teleportation abilities. Tilting her head, she asked the question that could shed light on Ace's past. "Who was your teacher?"

"My... Teacher?"

As deep memories of Lumina Stardust flooded Ace's mind, he felt his jaw trembling and his hands shaking slightly. Her soft features, voice, kind smile, and loving personality replayed vividly in his thoughts.



Suddenly, Ace snapped out of his trance, realizing that everyone in the room was looking at him, most of them with expressions of concern.

"S-sorry," Ace stammered, his voice trembling. "B-but I gotta go." With that, he bolted past Twilight and Applejack towards the entrance door.

"W-wait!" Twilight called out, attempting to reach Ace, but her efforts were in vain as he disappeared out the door.


As Ace stepped out of the shop, he teleported back to his room and sank to the floor. With his hands covering his face, tears streamed down from between his fingers.

"L-lumina... Y-you're the only family I remember... I miss you," Ace sobbed in whispered breaths, his voice choked with emotion. "How could I be so w-weak."

Pinkie Pie walked out of the kitchen door, carrying a one-layer chocolate cake with icing that read "Ace Starfire 22nd Cake Anniversary" on top.

However, the smile on Pinkie Pie's face turned neutral as she observed everyone's expressions. "Did I miss something?" she asked, puzzled.

"Ugh! We're the Elements of Harmony, for darn sake," Applejack exclaimed in frustration. She slumped onto a chair and added, "Now I feel like cow dung for that s-s-shit we've done!"

Almost everyone gasped in shock. Fluttershy hid behind Rarity, her body trembling, while Pinkie Pie's puffy hair deflated, becoming straight and bland.

Rainbow Dash pushed Applejack with her right hand, giving her a cold gaze. "Not cool," she said firmly.

Twilight suddenly stood in between of Applejack and Rainbowdash. "R-Rainbowdash that is not how you treat a friend."

Rainbowdash then looked at Twilight's face with a hint of anger. "This is your idea in the first place." She put her finger on Twilight's chest. "I was just going along knowing that nothing will go wrong... Oh how wrong I was to learn that digging in someone's past could go wrong." Rainbowdash said in a somber tone.

Twilight looked aside in regret. What Rainbowdash said is right. she's supposed to learn not bite more of what you can chew.

"Hey!" Pinkiepie shouted with tears rolling down her cheeks. "It's everyone's fault that not one even think of the consequences of the 'little' deal." She then walked to the group. "Next time we see him. We apologize, got it?!" She looked at applejack, Rainbowdash and mainly Twilight.

On the next chapter