> The Hearth's Warming Deal > by Tower of 0 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Deal Made in Pink > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fall in Equestria is a special time for a lot of ponies. The weather gets colder, the leaves start to change color, warmer foods come out, and seasonal style changes. Today is like other for the somewhat quiet little hamlet that is Ponyville. Ponies mill about in the streets, talking among themselves or in groups. A steady flow of them have been coming and going from the popular pastry shop in town. Sugar Cube Corner has been flowing with customers all morning. A steady flow of orders ranging from fresh cinnamon buns to warm bear claws. The Cakes could have easily been overwhelmed with their weekend rush if not for the high energy ball of a pink blur known as Pinkie Pie. She was easily keeping up with oven duties along side the Cakes and getting orders out to such a degree that all seems normal to any pony that's been around long enough to know. She just so happens to be on her way back when her ears feel like their on fire! A pony was talking about one of her friends! Just to make sure it's nothing bad she swivels her ears in all directions until she hears something. "What do you think the Prince's Hearth's Warming decorations will be this year?" A rather excited mare seems to ask. "No idea! He has all that space in the castle to work with now. Maybe even Princess Twilight will lend a hoof!" A new train of thought enters the chaotic brain of the pink party mare. While it is true that Justin loves to go all-in for the one holiday in question. It's also true that he now has more space in the castle to decorate for his favorite holiday. An idea started to form in that he might come to her to ask for her party cannon to decorate with. Then it hit her with a audible gasp that any pony in the immediate are just glances at her before she disappears again in a pink blur of activity. It doesn't take too long for every pony to resume a normal standard. Some weeks later. All through Ponyville a blanket of white covers the town. The sun still hasn't risen yet, leaving the town streets quiet and void of its residents. A gentle breeze rolls through some streets, kicking up some flakes of snow in its wake. Ponyville Castle fairs the same treatment as the rest of the town, the spire rooftops are covered in a light layer of powdery crystal. Its hall lay silent as all of the occupants are fast asleep. Well, almost all of them. The door to Twilight's bedroom swings open and the groggy mare steps out with a bad case of bed head. Her mane sticks up in all directions while some parts curl over. Her wings are snugly tucked against her back while she's making her way down the hall in one of her husband's shirts, a few sizes too big for her but Twilight finds them comfortable to sleep in. She brings a hand up to her muzzle as a hearty yawn leaves her mouth that's followed by a few smacks of her lips. They both have been gone for quite some time for delegations abroad, with Gryphons of all things. It was trying for her but it would seem Justin took things in stride. Sure the delegates were grumpy and snarky, but taking her human along proved to be a good decision since he got snarky right back at them. Thankfully this earned the two some respect and boons for Equestria. She's hoping for a good, long friendship between nations. Apparently he walked away with some new friends thanks to a few of them wanting to arm wrestle. Twilight slowly walks into the kitchen as another yawn escapes her. She walks over to the fridge and opens it, she is in the mood for some warm to drink on this early morning but not in the mood for coffee. She closes it once she spots the box of cocoa mix on the counter with the perfect idea. Twilight fills the coffee maker with water, pressing the button to brew. As she waits, another presence enters the kitchen, walking right up behind and laying their chin on top of her head. She lets out a contented hum and leans into the body now against her. "Morning, love." She says just loud enough for her significant other a he's groggily rubbing his eyes. "Morning." Justin mumbles back before planting a small kiss on her mane. Something he has been prone to doing as of late. "Are you getting taller? Pretty soon I won't be able to rest against you." Twilight smirks, then lets out a giggle. "Pretty early to get snarky, isn't it?" "Never." He quickly fires back while his arms snake around her waist. "Whatcha making?" "Cocoa." She looks over her shoulder at him. "Want some?" "Sounds good, I'll get started on breakfast then." He grins at her as he moves away to the stove top. "Figured something special is in order after the weeks we've had." The breakfast he has in mind is meant to feed more than just the two. Justin has gone out of his way to cook up several large platters consisting of pancakes, toast, eggs that are both scrambled and sunny side up, and lastly his somewhat famous hay bacon that Twilight loves. A sentiment also shared among the rest of their friends. By the time everything was ready, the aroma of delicious food being cooked fills the halls, rousing the other two from the slumber and drawing them to the kitchen. They see the spread of food and plates at the ready on a table. Both Spike and Starlight eagerly join the couple, all four then start to fill their plates. Soon talk starts to fill the room with the usual questions of how their trip went and if they enjoyed their stay. Of course both the unicorn and dragon are surprised to hear that Justin managed to skid by his part of negotiations on snark alone, managing to impress some of the delegates they were meeting. Eventually everything becomes calm with small talk. Breakfast passes with some relative silence of the comfortable kind. After reassuring both unicorn and dragon that they got it handled, the alicorn and human were tag teaming the dishes. Twilight has taken up to washing off their plates and utensils while Justin has a cloth and dries off whatever she hands him. If it's something these to always have done is work together on even the smallest of chores. Quiet dominates the current time until a question comes to Justin's mind. "What is today again?" "The first of winter I believe. Why?" Before she even registered it, he is gone. The next collection of sounds to meet her waiting ears is a bare foot booting open the front doors followed by his voice. "IT'S HEARTH WARMING SEASON!" He announces to no soul in particular. His efforts are rewarded with a blast of cold air that makes him shiver followed by the giggle of his mare. "You do know we aren't tying to heat the outside, right?" Late morning comes and the two are getting ready to start their day. Both have showered, wings are preened, clothes are on and now all that's left is the brushing of the teeth. Twilight stands at the sink and scrubs her enamel clean while Justin is pacing around the shared bedroom. He doesn't know why he does it, he just does it. After several minutes of their ears being filled with nothing but the scratching of bristle against teeth and some pacing had comes them rinsing their mouths out. An idea starts to crawl its way into his brain, tendrils wrapping its way until it seizes and finds purchase. Justin finishes rinsing toothpaste from his mouth and stands up. "I wanna decorate the castle." He says without missing a beat. Twilight looks up at him. "We'll decorate together." "Yeah, but.." She can see the spark in his eyes of some form of an idea, "... This year is going to be our first Hearth's Warming as a couple. I wanna make it special." That spark she was seeing suddenly became clear. This was the beginning of a potentially dangerous idea. "I wanna try decorating with Pinkie's cannon. All the space in the castle? I can see it working." There it is. Twilight opens her mouth to protest but soon finds herself quickly closing it. In all her years of knowing the human she come to fall in love with and now call her husband, he wasn't going to be talked down from this or any idea. Instead she chooses to let him find out. Sure he might consider her concerns against it, he has in the past. Something did seem different about this one. It was Pinkie Pie's own Party Cannon and she has witnessed being used multiple times with great success. What could possibly go wrong? With a smile, Twilight stares at him. "Sure. I think I can trust you enough with it." Early afternoon hits and the couple have taken to the streets of Ponyville much like how their journey started, side by side. Thankfully more by choice than by magical tether. They're bundled up in their best winter attire, palms flat against one another with fingers interwoven in a tight grip. They are keeping their pace slow, almost methodical to an extent. Just enjoying the weather together, waving at familiar faces as they pass, the little things they haven't gotten to enjoy in some weeks. Twilight is thankful to be home, she was starting to feel homesick, missing her friends. She did get her quiet nights with Justin while away. Some of them spent reading together or just laying on the bed in each other's arms. Her quiet contemplation comes to one conclusion. "Justin?" "Yes, love?" He turns to her with a small grin. "Can we have a day inside?" He hums out as if he's mulling it over, acting like she's not going to know what his answer is. "Sure." The chime above Sugar Cube Corner's entrance goes off to signal new ponies coming in. The dining area is filled with plenty of ponies that don't seem to bat an eye at the odd couple that just walked in. It feels nice to not be stared in such an uncomfortable way. This is home. Twilight and Justin both let out a contented sigh for the brief moment of peace in public. A moment so brief that a high-pitched squeal shatters that peace that they brace themselves with the very same infectious excitement that is about to come crashing back down into their world, or something close to it. Then again, nothing could truly ever prepare them for the pink ball of energy currently bounding her way towards them. "Twilight! Justin!" A shrill voices calls out their name and before the two even knows it, both are taken up in a stronger than normal bear hug. "It's so good to see you two! It's been forever!" "It's good to see you too, Pinkie, but it's only been a month." Twilight giggles as she returns the bear hug with one arm. "Kinda feels like forever." The pink mare beams at the two before letting them go. "Oh! I should throw you both a Welcome Home party!" "I'm sure that can wait, Pinks." Justin chuckles at her enthusiasm. "We actually came to ask you for a favor." "Oh? A flash of intrigue passes through her bright blue eyes. "Wat can lil ol' Pinkie Pie do for the Bestest Human in all of Equestria?" "I'm sure he's the only one, Pinkie." Twilight tries to correct her. "And that's what makes him the best!" Pinkie beams at her friend. "Easy to be numero uno when there's no competition!" "If ya say so." The man just shrugs. "Anyway, I was maybe wondering if I could borrow your party cannon to decorate the castle for Hearth's Warming this year." The usual happy and excited grin on Pinkie turns in to something more akin to a Cheshire Cat, almost like she has been expecting this question for a long time. "Sure! I'll let you borrow it!" Twilight instantly becomes baffled at how easy her friend just agreed to his request. "Under one condition!" Now it's Justin's turn to look confused. "You throw a Hearth's Warming Party for Ponyville even I could be proud of!" Pinkie pauses just long enough for them to slow blink at her with mildly confused faces. "If its an absolute blast, I'll let you borrow my Party Cannon any time!" Justin stares at her. "If I don't?" "Then you don't!" She proudly states with her hand out. Justin just stares at her for the few moments before grinning, letting go of his wife's hand to give his pink party friend a firm shake. "I like a challenge." With that, Pinkie bounds off while the two watch, Twilight eventually leans over to whisper in his ear. "Are you sure you're up for this?" "I have no idea." > Motions of a Party Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of their little outing ends with not much fanfare. When they did remember that a time wasn't set to pick up Pinkie's Party Cannon, turns out the mare was a few steps ahead of them and had already dropped it off. They went back home. They found Starlight and Spike in the library playing a board game. The two snuck off, what that means is that Twilight grabbed Justin by his shirt and pulled him back to their bedroom. Wherein a whole month's of arousal has manifested. Now the man finds himself buried deep in his mare. He wasn't complaining, in fact he is relishing in the feel of her walls clamping down on his shaft. As of right now, their lips are locked in a passionate kiss while Twilight is rolling her hips against his. The position itself is much like the mare, unorthodox in a manner. They both were sitting up with legs wrapped around one another. The man has an arm snaked around her lower back to keep her close to him. He thinks she got the idea from a book to heard about it somewhere, he really doesn't remember. Everything is just a pleasant haze up until the alicorn breaks the kiss to let out a rather loud scream while she shudders and clings to her husband. Thankfully the room has a soundproof enchantment. Unfortunately not so for his ears. This was only to beginning to a long night. Sunlight invades the bedroom, somehow managing to nail the human right in his eyes and rudely rousing him from his sleep. He groggily and quietly groans out while coming out of a stupor laden with stick groins, a layer of sweat, and the smell of sex just infesting the room. Blankets and sheets barely cling to the bed as a result of his battle with alicorn libido. They have definitely seen better days. Justin rubs the sleep out of his eyes after sitting up and gazes at the rest of the room, finding everything still in place since they didn't leave the bed last night. Satisfied to find everything mostly in order, he leans over to kiss his sleeping wife on the cheek and gently rolls out of bed to start his day. He has a cannon he gets to fire! Twilight wakes up to an empty, but half made bed with a spare pillow and bunched up bundle of blankets in her grasp. She takes a moment to bury her face into the soft masses, taking in the scent they hold. Then a rumble shook the room around her along with the bed she laid on. Despite the interruption, Twilight still slowly opens her eyes with a smile. Almost impressed he managed to find the energy after last night. Getting an early start? Always. And good morning. Twilight makes her way into the kitchen as another distant boom reaches her ears. Justin's been blasting the larger rooms of the castle first, slowly making his way towards the front door. The alicorn made herself a small breakfast to eat and takes it with her to the study. She hasn't seen Spike or Starlight yet, though she has a hunch she knows where that unicorn is. She takes a seat with a book and her breakfast in hand. She figures he's going to be at it for a few hours before he finds her. Not that he needs to find her since their shared bond makes them able to go right where the other is no matter what. Her plate is empty and he's still going at it. The once distant ka-booms are now closer and louder. Twilight sighs and get up, taking her plate with her back to the kitchen. As if waiting for her to deposit her dishes in to the sink, knocking starts at the door. Her ears perk up and head swivels with laden curiosity at who could be knocking at this hour. A quick check of the clock yields that it's almost noon. She promptly makes her way to the double doors. On the other side is Rainbow Dash, that's kind of surprising for the athlete to just drop by. "Heya Twilight." She begins. "I heard ya both are back from your guys' trip. Have you seen the Big Guy?" "Oh, yes. He's-" *KRAKOOM* Another boom, this time close and loud enough to shake the very foundation of the foyer to the point that a vase fall of its' table. Twilight absently and swiftly catches the vase, placing it back on the surface. it belongs to. Dash's eye widen while the alicorn doesn't even seem phased. Instead she just smiles at her. "Would you like to come in?" Twilight sweetly asks. Some Hours Earlier Justin is tapping the pads of his fingers together as he stares at the borrowed Party Cannon in the main room. He is thankful Pinkie plans way ahead for things, even if they might not happen. She went as far as to load him up with plenty of Hearth's Warming decorations (something he isn't going to question.) and a note that reads 'PULL ME' in bold crayon taped next to the drawstring. Man, does he adore that lovable pink pony of parties. He was more than ready to fire this thing, but he felt like he should share it with someone. Twilight wasn't a huge fan of loud noises, so a different pony comes to mind. "Psst. Starlight." A low whisper reaches her ears. The unicorn lets out a low groan while she turns over away from the voice. Keeping her eyes tightly shut while trying to bury herself more in to the warm comfort of her covers. She's been up for longer than she'd care to admit and has been trying to get back to sleep. Then comes a gentle nip to the ear with some sharp teeth that causes a small smile to cross her lips. Only one pony she knows would use his canines in a way she likes. Starlight turns back over with a groggy look in her eyes as she spies the man kneeling next to her bed. "Hey you." "Hey, wanna go fire the Party Cannon with me?" He simply asks. If she wasn't awake before, Starlight is now. The unicorn's smile grow while she sits up, her blanket shift down to reveal that she is sleeping in the nude. Justin isn't too phased by this as he just stands up with his own grin. Starlight wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to spend time with her favorite human. She moves to the edge of the bed and stands into a large stretch. It was part show for the man and part to get her more awake as some joints pop. He was sure to enjoy the eye candy she offered. "I'll wait for you in the hall, Star." Justin informs her before walking out. "Sure thing, babe." Once Starlight and Justin meet back up, they stand at the door to one of larger rooms. Both are pretty sure it's an office seems as how they both never have really explored the entire castle yet. They did waste no time in loading up the party cannon and get it aimed at the door. Starlight is ready to open the door, but she seems a bit hesitant. Her eyes meet his as he stands there, ready to pull the rope and fire. "Are you sure this won't wake anypony else up?" Starlight shifts her eight on her hooves. "Well, I had breakfast with Spike and he's doing something with Gabby today and Twi's room is soundproofed to hell n back." A casual reply, almost too casual. "I'd say no." "Why is Twilight's room soundproof?" Justin just gave her an expectant look. "Ever had an alicorn almost blow your eardrums out?" The unicorn shakes her head a small blush forming on her cheeks. "Good. You don't want to." Starlight's blush only grows darker at the startling revelation that one of her own herd mates has a kinky side deeper than she wanted to think about. She already knew that once that alicorn was in the mood, the man often disappeared with her. Also often times would find her friend in a daze or maybe walking a bit strange for a while. Sometimes she'd find Justin out of it or burned somewhere, but now she knows why sometimes he couldn't hear anything. Whether she wanted to or not. She shakes herself out of the shellshock she finds herself in to look at the man, "Ready?" "Ready!" He exclaims. The unicorn whips the door open and the following explosion as a result of the man pulling the rope. The sound wasn't as loud as they were expecting, but the kick was more than enough to knock Justin on his ass. Starlight didn't see it since she was hiding behind the door, mostly to protect herself from getting blasted. The man, however, finds himself on the floor with his chest pinned between a cannon and the wall. Getting an early start? Always. And good morning. "Fuck me, that has some kick to it." Justin groans out as he slowly pushes the cannon away to get up. "Oh goodness!" Starlight finally looks beyond the door after hearing his comment and moves to help him up. "Are you alright?" "Yeah, been through a lot worse than a cannon knocking me over like a bowling pin." He takes her hand to be pulled up by her. "I wanna look at that room." Starlight just nods and joins him in gazing at the room. The wonderous marvel of an item they possessed has impeccable aim when it comes to decorating. Paper snowflakes adorn the walls while streamers in the form of icicles hang from the ceiling, even a few knick-knacks adorn empty spaces on surfaces. Somehow there was even a snowglobe on the desk in the perfect position. Justin lets out a whistle while placing a palm on the small of the unicorn's back. "Pinkie really knows how to build a good cannon." He comments, still impressed with the room. "I mean, look at this room!" Starlight nods in agreement before a thought catches her. "Say, how did you get Pinkie to let you borrow her cannon?" "I made a deal with her to throw a Pinkie-level party for Hearth's Warming." The answer is almost too casual that it makes Starlight a little suspicious. "And you think you can do it?" She hazards. "Absolutely not." Now that takes her off guard. "But I'm going to have fun putting it together." The two spend longer than a good few hours just blasting rooms, halls, and whatever space they can get the cannon to reach. Starlight also took some opportunities for privacy in between some of the rooms to give her human some more eye candy which in turn scores her some long-awaited rutting. After a particular nasty shot as a result of them maybe sort of overloading the Party Cannon and maybe sort of nearly blowing their eardrums out, the entire dining room their in rumbles to the very foundation. Nothing says they couldn't and nothing says it didn't handle it well. As it turns out, the cannon handled it better then expected and still got the entire room decorated. Rainbow is here to see you Twilight's voice rings out in his head. Damn, is the entire Harmony Herd coming out to see lil ol me? Please don't call it that. Why? It has a ring to it. Just... get over here please. Be there in a few, love. Justin sighs a bit in content, he feels that he's seen way more the castle than he originally knows. He also got to decorate more rooms than he expected to while at it. They both learned that their home is way larger than they thought, despite how it looks form the outside it feels bigger on the inside. The man places his hands on his hips with a small smile and looks over at Starlight, whom of which was firing the cannon this time around. She just grins back at him. "The bookworm says we got a visitor. We should probably go say hi." Justin tells her as he walks up. "Get this thing put away too." "Well, Big Guy, how about one more round for the road?" Whatever deity above better help this man. Twilight and Rainbow are both sitting in the castle's study, sipping on hot cocoa while they wait for their human. The girls made small talk with some catching up on what happened while the couple was abroad. Rainbow did try to coerce Twilight to divulge if the princess did the deed on foreign soil. The alicorn did deny it, but the pegasus wasn't buying it. Because the Wonderbolt mare wasn't buying it, she continues to push for answers. "Oh, c'mon egghead!" Rainbow starts as she sets her mug on the table next to the couch. "You can tell me if you two got down n dirty in Griffonstone! You know most us had our shot with him!" "We didn't, that isn't something I'd lie about!" Twilight tries to defend herself. "But you would tell us if you did get a good fucking from him, right?" The turning of the statement causes Twilight to go crimson in the face as years of his lingo bubbles up in the athlete. "Oh come on, Hotshot, hasn't she had enough?" Twilights savior comes in the form of said human who had apparently been listening to them. A smirk on his lips as he leans against the door. "Twily is telling the truth, we both were on our best behavior." "Lame." Rainbow grunts and points at Justin. "Anyway, you, me, let's go jogging." "Right now?" The cyan mare just nods at him. "That's all you wanted?" "Of course not, dude! I ain't seen ya in forever! Might as well spend some time with ya." > Special Guests > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two Weeks Later The man stirs awake in this early winter morning to an empty bed, the same doesn't go for the room. He spies Twilight sitting at her desk looking over some papers. If he had to guess, the guest list and menu or Fudge's letter. Yes, Fudge has wrote home to her dad letting her know that her last day of school was today, a few days ago. She wants him to meet her at the station in Ponyville, but he has some business to attend at Canterlot. A majority of the castle is now decorated, the only space not touched is the main room. His mare wanting to decorate that one as a family. He was down for the idea and gladly agreed with her. Justin starts to shift a bit, having yet to draw Twilight from her ruminations. "Good Morning, Equestria." He murmurs just loud enough for her to hear. She looks over and smiles at what is now their greeting in the mornings. "Morning." The man gets to his feet, following with a stretch before he wanders over to the desk and gives his wife a morning kiss. "Whathca looking at." "You're rather large guest list. This is most of the town." She confirms his suspicions. "Are you sure we can make enough food for this in time?" He makes a noise with his mouth and waves his hand in a dismissive manner. "Of course we will! Pinkie is gonna help us cook." Twilight found a sudden ease she wasn't looking for. The alicorn wasn't much of a cook compared to her human or her bombastic friend. Yet when it comes to baking with speed, Pinkie certainly dominates that corner. The smile soon grows wider as she looks back to the desk, setting the papers down then grabbing hold of a letter. Fudge' letter addressed to them telling them when her school will let out for the holidays and that she wants to meet them at the station. It's been a little while since Twilight last her, not since their wedding, and it warms her heart knowing how just as eager she is to see them. Soon her gaze turns up towards her husband. "Do you think she's going to like us just showing up?" Twilight sounds a bit nervous. Still unsure how to be a real mother to a filly, let alone her own stepdaughter. "Of course she will! IT may not be the station like she wants." His arms fall around her seated body in a warm embrace. "I know my girl and she'll be happy to see us either way." Twilight just smiles and leans into him, knowing she can trust his words. Man and pony walk down the snow-covered streets of Ponyville, making their way to the train station. The two intend to catch the early ride to Canterlot, surprise Fudge, then hand out their personal invitations. As it turns out, Justin also made a list of 'Honored Guests' that is mainly made up of all their friends. A majority of he list being taken up by Twilight's friends and fellow herd mates while the other was made up of strange selection of creatures Justin knows. Celestia and Luna are a given, Ember she could see since they got along rather infamously. She just wasn't expecting there to be one for the pirate that human-napped him. Then it dawns on her why he left for Manehattan by himself last week. Probably didn't know how the alicorn would react to meeting his captor for a brief time. She finds it way too interesting that he now gets along with the pony that took him hostage. And almost threw Fudge overboard. And almost sold him on a black market somewhere. Twilight shakes her head, deciding not too focus too much on what could've happened if he didn't let himself loose and start causing problems. Instead just deciding to look ahead while on their way. It isn't an uncommon thing for the couple to walk at a reasonably slow pace on while they take their strolls. Both of them tend to make it rather obvious that one enjoys the other's company and the feeling is always mutual. They do arrive at the station with some rather impeccable timing as the train to Canterlot just pulled in. They give one another a smirk at the supposed arrival, going on to getting their tickets and being seated. Twilight is feeling a bit uncomfortable at the fact they were given a private car all to themselves, still not used to to royal treatment that comes with her Princess status. Thankfully she doesn't have to be alone, her human was sitting nearby, looking over the two invitations he had kept stashed in his coat pocket. She can see the smile on his face and feel his excitement for seeing both his friends and his daughter, but a slight doubt lingers in his brain. Twilight leans forwards, placing a hand on his knee. "If I know Celestia and Luna, they're going to say yes." "I'm a little worried about catching them at a bad time." He looks up at her, his smile persisting. "When haven't they made time for you or me?" She simply responds with a smile back at him. "Yeah. You're right." Justin finally relents and slides the envelopes back into his coat pocket. The streets of Canterlot are alive with the hoof traffic of the holidays. Ponies rushing to and fro in an attempt to get their gift shopping done. Shop windows have tinsel, paper snowflakes, and trees set up in them while the street lanterns all have wreaths hanging from them. Snow is gently falling down upon the crowded streets. The ponies running about seem to pay the odd couple no mind, but when one would happen to run across them, they would always bow to Twilight. Justin seemingly goes forgotten as he chuckles a little to himself at his wife's slight dismay, she's being respectful to them but he knows he's going to get a look every time the ponies left. They meander on however right up to their first destination: Fudge's school. The minutes tick on by as Fudge bounces her leg in excitement. Her anticipation is palpable as she waits for the las bell to ring for the day. This was the school's last calls for the rest of the holidays and the unicorn filly is more than ready to head home and see her parents. Well, foster parents but they're family to her nonetheless. She won't treat them any less since they've always treated her as one of their own. Especially her unique creature of a father. Fudge has long stopped paying attention, a smile crossing her lips from behind her balled up hand as she stares out the window. She is ready to go meet her folks at the station in Ponyville and spend a good long Hearth's Warming with them. They didn't have to wait for very long as the bell rings out. The front doors burst open with all manner of fillies and colts running out. Cheering and excited chatter about their release for the holidays. The two were just chit-chatting away on a nearby bench while children just rush on by them like a horde. A few stopped to gawk at either Twilight because a real-life princess was outside of their school or Justin since they've never seen a human. None approached being too scared to talk to either. Until one certain white-maned, chocolate coated unicorn with the brightest blues eyes stops by them. "Dad?" Fudge's confusions soon turns in to happiness. "Dad!" The filly is quick to jump up on the man as soon as he stand up and hugs him tight. He gladly returns it with the same enthusiasm. "Heya, kiddo! How ya been?" "Good." Her eyes shift to the alicorn not far. "Mom!" She lets go and hugs Twilight as tight as Justin. The two look at each other with a growing warmth in their hearts a the unexpected. Neither of them thought it would happen so soon, or at all in reality. Fudge soon lets go of the alicorn to look at both of them a question hanging on her lips. "Wait, why are you both here?" Justin in about to answer, but Twilight is faster. "Your dad and I have some business here in Canterlot, so we decided to pick you up instead." "What kinda business?" Fudge asks. "We're giving Celestia and Luna party invitations." Justin responds. "Oh, you're visiting Aunt Tia and Lulu?" Fudges asks with more excitement. Someone's been spending time with Celestia. Jealous? "Yeah! C'mon, kiddo, I'll tell out all about what happened on the way." He tells her. So he did. Justin told Fudge all about the upcoming Hearth's Warming party thanks to a deal he made with Pinkie. Fudge shakes her head with a bit of a smirk at not only her dad's antic's, but also Pinkie's. As they continue to walk down the street in the direction of the castle, the brown unicorn filly comes to find herself between them both. Fudge would tell them about her week, and soon all of them were chatting and joking with one another. They hadn't even realized they were upon the gate to Canterlot Castle. The guards looking at them with some recognition. "Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Justin!" One guard greets with a bow. "Welcome back." "Always good to be back." Justin bows back, mostly out of respect. "It's just a casual visit today." The guard seems to nod. "I shall let her know. If you would like, I can arrange an escort for you all." "Much appreciated, Sterling. We won't need an escort, we know where to wait." Justin responds with a knowing smirk. Sterling just nods. "Very well." Justin takes his family in to a side room, sitting with them and chatting while waiting. Mostly just about recent events, recipe idea between the three, magic nerding out with Justin and Twilight, and many miscellaneous topics of the like. They don't really know how much time has passed when the door to the room opens right up to both Celestia with a Luna in tow. They must've gathered that Celestia got her sister, but don't dwell on it for too long as the night sister lets out an excited squeal towards her long-time friend. She rushes over before any words could be said and take the man up in a big alicorn hug, term he coined for being a lot stronger than bear hugs. Greetings are exchanged and all five of them start to catch up just a bit. Celestia taking the time to dote on Fudge's work ethic and grades, much to the filly's embarrassment and her father's great pride. It doesn't take long for Justin to get around to giving the two their invitations to his party, both of which do accept and promise to attend. Luna a little more excited about it than her dear solar sister. Twilight and Justin now finds themselves home, in the private lounge room long after everyone else has gone to bed. Both take up space on the loveseat with mugs of fresh cocoa. A lavender alicorn is leaning in to the side of one human man as they both watch the fireplace crackle with light. They both were enjoying the warmth and sounds of the mostly quiet room they occupied. Twilight gets an idea in her head and sits up to look at her husband. "Honey, can you tell me about the human equivalent to Hearth's Warming?" She asks while moving off the seat and moving behind him, lacing her hands on his shoulders. He looks up at her with a semi-smirk. "Again?" She just nods, sealing their lips with a kiss. and he relents. Justin starts telling her about the human holiday that is Christmas for the umpteenth time. Honestly, she could never tire of hearing him tell his take on the holiday and why he loves it so. It was always that twinkle in his eyes he got when he started talking about something he shows passion for, that slight inflection in his tone that would shift ever so slightly that engages her, a lopsided smile that plasters itself on his face that she always found adorable. The more he talks about his love for both holidays and what they mean to him, his ears pick up the distinct chime of magic that precedes the locking of the door. "It's just good to " He muses as she ever so subtly slides back around to the front of the loveseat and straddle his lap. Twilight just gives him an inquisitive hum while softly planting kisses on his neck. "Are all unicorns nymphos or is it just the ones I know?" The question causes he stop for a moment and stare at him. His smirk meets her gaze. "You know I'm not a unicorn anymore, right?" "You were one." He states, leaning in a bit closer. "Between you, Rarity, and Starlight being some of the horniest mares I've ever come across, I'd say that's a legit question." Twilight let's out a giggle while pressing her palms against his chest. "Hm, maybe." The response is coy with her own smirk to match his. "I'd say mine is a lot worse since ascending." "True that." He just chuckles and gives her a quick peck to the lips. "I'm up to challenge alciorn libido again." Morning light pours in to the bedroom of the couple. The shower is going strong with hot water with moans leaving the slightly ajar door. Twilight is happily getting drilled into by her ever dutiful husband. They've been at it since shortly before sunrise and the alicorn is enjoying the way he always seems to satisfy her. Right now Justin has her back pinned up against the shower wall, her legs wrapped tightly around his hips, her lips being dominated by his, and his tool buried deep inside on her canal. Water cascades down over both of their bodies as he dumps another load into her. This is nothing like her heat, she lasts way longer now but he s slowly adjust to keep pace with her needs. Also kind of doesn't help that their little bond makes to where when she's horny, he also gets in the mood with her. Probably vice versa for her when he's with the other girls and they decide they want their fun. He grunts as he starts to pick up his thrusting again since his alicorn is yet to be satisfied. "Who's... next... on your... list?" Twilight manages between her own moans and squeals of delight. "I believe.... Ember." He responds, he usually love it when she tries to talk their business during sex. He couldn't really explain why it made him harder than diamonds. Twilight lets out a high-pitched yell of pleasure, signaling that she's crossed her own finish line. Her walls clamp down around his shaft with the vice grip of what he describes as an Olympian. Then again, how many mortal men can say that they fucked a nigh immortal goddess and married them in the process? After Twilight comes down from her sexual high, they finish up actually washing up, getting ready, and head into the kitchen to start on breakfast since noone else in the castle is up quite yet. The two work like one well-oiled machine of man and pony as they go about the kitchen space preparing and cooking food. The smells of which they made sure were to reach as far into the halls as it would allow. It works wonders as the first two to walk into the kitchen after they started cook is Spike and Fudge. Both taking in a big whiff of what's on the menu; eggs, toast, pancakes, and special dish. "Mm. Smells like dad's making his hay bacon again." Fudge comments, taking a seat at the table. Justin looks over his shoulder with a smile. "What? Have my girl's first day home from school not be special?" His accent suddenly changes to something that reminds them of a Manehattenite. "Get outta here!" Both mares chuckle, Twilight busy setting the table with the help of Spike as the man finishes the final touches of his signature breakfast dish. Starlight is next to groggily trudge into the room, a big yawn leaving her as she wishes everyone a good morning that gets returned rather quickly. Justin turns around with a big plate of his hay-based food and gets to work balancing the other platters along his arms. "Long night, Star?" Justin asks upon seeing her, setting the plates of food down in the center. Starlight nods a little. "Yeah, couldn't sleep." "Nightmares?" She shakes her head. "Got to catch up on some reading though." Starlight states with a tired smile. Twilight sets a bowl of fresh fruit out on the table and they two remaining beings take their seats at the table. Everyone starts to pass around the various breakfast items while idly talking amongst one another. Starlight taking the time to chat with Fudge while Spike and Twilight talk. Justin just collects a plate full of food, minus the bacon since humans can't really digest it. What he does notice near him is Fudge not really eating much. "Fudge, you may wanna eat more than that." Justin waves a fork at her plate. "Why?" Fudge looks at her father with some confusion. "Cuz we going to the Dragon Lands today, and I know if Ember hears ya stomach, she gonna give me crap." He explains. She still looks at him confused. "Okays?" "Ember is getting an invitation to the party." The comment makes almost everyone else stare at him, except Twilight. He takes a brief moment to look at the other surprised and confused looks. "She's going to be there, that dragoness absolutely loves me for some reason." You know why. Shush you. There's a visible smirk on Twilight now as she silently eats her breakfast. The rest of breakfast went over just fine, dishes are washed, and what little in terms of leftovers are put away. Justin, Twilight, and Fudge are getting ready to travel to the Dragon Lands. By what means you may ask? Teleportation of course. They couple had decided it would be the fastest since no railways went all the out there, and flying in a balloon would take way too long. The man is holding on to a bucket while they all gather in the foyer. Twilight places her hand on his shoulder, he looks over and nods at her, signaling him being ready. The alicorn charges a teleport spell and her magic encases all three of them, a pop rings out in the room and the three disappear in magenta light. There's a scant few seconds of just nothing before Justin and his party pop back into a barren landscape and a scathing hot climate. Dragons gaze upon the trio with mild curiosity and a certain regard for their very existence. Fudge, however, has never been to the Dragons Lands and thus is her first visit. She starts to look around with her eyes wide with both wonder and fear as the creatures bigger than her are look down at her with her parents. Her excitement is cut short by the horrific sound of a man violently vomiting into his bucket. She had forgotten her dad's 'quirk' as he put it. Kneeling down over the bucket with her mom by his side, rubbing his back. She looks over as he's taking a second hurl into the bucket, effectively filling it to brim with rainbow bile. "Rainbows, always rainbows." Justin mutters. "Can you even eat those?" "You can drink them." Twilight replies. "Though, they're rather spicy." "Wild. More you know." Twilight magics away his bucket while he recovers. They al are looking around at the dragons keeping their distance, but still knowing those looks are not the welcoming kind. None of the larger than life creatures make a move on the new intruders mostly due to the Dragon Lord's orders that ponies are friends. Doesn't mean they have to like it, which means that works for the trio since they're only here for one. They don't have to wait long before Ember shows herself by means of tackling the human from and wrestling him to the ground. A short time is taken for him to release himself from the pin, bringing them his their feet and locked in a stalemate of dominance. He eventually pushes her back only for her wings to spread, charging at him by way of a spear tackle before taking him to the sky. "Dad!" Fudge calls out. Twilight lays a hand on her shoulder. "He's fine, this is how they greet one another." As Ember carries the man up high, her death squeeze lights to a bear hug. She peeks down at he human while she coves to a hover just above a canyon wall before setting him down. Justin takes a few moments to straighten out his windswept clothes before looking at the dragoness with a smirk. "Hey." She says. "Hey yourself." He responds. "How ya been, stranger?" "Me the stranger?!" Ember has an incredulous look. "You're the one who doesn't visit!" Justin makes a snort that's both dismissive and gets under her scales. "Ain't my fault you live in a hotter-than-fuck hellhole that's a hazard to any other living being other than you dragons." "Isn't my fault you're a pussy." Her expanded vocabulary courtesy of one human. "Ain't my fault you're just a bitch." He retorts with a knowing smirk. Then they both just start laughing, sure they may insult one another but to them it's always in good fun. "Hey, you should meet my kid." He tells her as soon as he recovers from their laughing fit. "You'd love her." As if on que, Twilight teleports to them with a Fudge in tow. In an uncharacteristic turn of events, the unicorn is peeking out from behind the alicorn with wide eyes and fear. Her bravery towards Justin when they first met was more of child-like curiosity, this was a living, breathing dragon. Those tales are vastly different, usually containing them eating ponies whole, burning villages to the ground, and viscously guarding hoards of treasure. Yet, this one is just looking at her with friendly eyes and a small smile. Ember raises a brow at the unicorn filly and jokingly scoffs at the human. "That quirt yours?" "Yup." "Well," Ember starts as she walks up to Twilight, who steps to the side a little while the dragon kneels down to be eye-level with the unicorn. "If she's a chip off the old block, she must be one tough nut. What's your name, squirt?" "Fudge." She meekly replies. "Ember, nice to meet ya." She puts her palm up. "I want you to hit my hand." Fudge takes a moment to flick her gaze up to her dad, who was smiling. Justin gives her a subtle nod with a thumbs up. Now Ember made one error in this situation: giving a challenge of strength to the unicorn daughter of the one creature she considers her equal. She isn't expecting a unicorn of all ponies to hit all that hard so she felt there is no reason to brace. Fudge got into position and threw a punch into the open dragon palm with all her strength. Ember let's out more of a yelp in surprise than pain, though the hit does sting a little. "Definitely been taking after your old man." Ember admits with more pride in her tone than she intended. "Glad you think so." Justin chuckles as we walks over and presents the Dragon Lord with an envelope. "What's this?" She asks, taking it. "An invitation to a party I'm throwing." Ember looks at him with some worry. "Trust me, you'll do fine. I'll be there." > Magical Effects and a Tree > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight, Justin, and Starlight are all decorating the main room for the castle, while Spike and Fudge were outside playing in the snow. The alicorn and human are working like a well-oiled machine to an uncanny degree with the occasional stare from the unicorn. Starlight more or less watches out of wonder at their Bond, watching the two work around, under, and over one another like it was second nature to them. They seem to move in opposite directions now as noises of excitement can be heard outside the window. Starlight soon goes back to decorating, letting the two work in tandem to one another. Twi? Yes? You know quite a library of tricks. Do you think you could make it look like it snowing from the ceiling? I think I can manage that. Thanks, love. After about an hour the room is all decorated and everyone is sitting down for some lunch. Happily chatting amongst one another for one topic or another. Spike and Fudge are discussing what they want to do after lunch, a smirk crossing the couple's faces that they hide behind cups. The next tradition is a favorite for the man that shares the same sentiment with his daughter. Once they put their cups down, he clears his throat. "So! Now that the decorations are up, how does anyone feel about getting a tree?" He sees his filly's face light up at the mention for getting a tree. "Can we get Aunt Applejack's help too?!" Fudge pipes up. "Of course." Twilight wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to catch up with one of friends. A group of four are wandering among a forest of evergreens with Fudge running forward, leaving the most of the adults behind. Justin sort of zoned out while Twilight and AJ talk amongst each other. His eyes are keeping a keen track on the unicorn filly while his gears get working in his brain. He's getting an idea that a certain fashionista may be able to help him with. A gloved hand lightly punches his arm and pulls him back to the present before applejack's voice reaches his ears. "Any other reason ya pullin' me out here 'sides the kid, Stud?" "Oh ya know, Jackie, figured an Apple like yourself could knock a tree clean out of the ground." He coolly responds, giving her shoulder a light punch in turn. "Could?" AJ looks at him with a raised brow. "Well ah reckon ah sure can!" "Aight." Justin smirks at her and nods his head towards Fudge. "Let her pick the tree and we shall see about that." It doesn't take long for them to follow the chocolate unicorn filly out into a small clearing of the forest where she begins to circle a tree with stars in her eyes. The tree is probably the largest in the forest with the thickest trunk Justin and Fudge have seen. The man nudges Applejack with his shoulder and points his thumb towards the tree with a smirk and raised brow. The apple farmer just smirks back at him and rolls her eyes, obviously not going to back down from a challenge. "Watch n' learn." Is all she says to him before leaving them behind. Fudge run back over to her parents when the man calls for her and all three watch as Applejack walks her way up to the tree. The farm mare limbers up a bit, stretching her legs some before getting ready. Then she moves in and kicks tree close to the base that causes it to shake a bit but that's about it. She follows it up with a second, third and fourth strike only to barely make a dent in the tree's trunk. This doesn't deter the stubborn earth mare as she ups the ante and starts to kick harder. Five, six, seven, eight more strikes later and the tree's bark is giving way in chunks, forming a noticeable dent. Applejack stops for a moment to look over her shoulder. "Heya Twi!" She yells from the distance. "Why don't ya send her husband over here so he can help me!" The two look at one another for a moment and shrug before Justin walks on over to her. "Not ta brag but," Applejack looks at him with a smirk before landing the final blow on the tree, all the while not breaking eye contact. "in yer face." The tree starts to fall with a mighty groan before starts to splinter apart the closer it gets to no longer standing. The once proud evergreen slams into the snow, kicking up large clouds of white that start to cover them both. Justin just nods at her, giving her a respectful clapping of his hands. "I'll take that loss." They trek through the forest with their prize in hands. Twilight leading at the front, holding the top of the tree with her gloved hands and using her alicorn strength to hold it up. Next in line was Justin, who had the center of the tree up on his shoulder. Applejack is easily carrying the base of the tree, though even she won't admit it's really to help the human. Fudge is off running ahead, excited about their haul. "Heya, stud." Justin hears from behind. "Bet it'd be easier if you brought them fancy gauntlet Ember made fer ya." "No, those are for special occasions and emergencies." He tells her. "It'd help ya pick up some slack." She teases. "Heya, Jackie?" He turns his head to loo at her over his shoulder. "Get fucked." They do manage to haul their tree all the way back from the woods, across town, and into the castle with little problems. Maybe a few stops here and there thanks to Fudge. Now the tree is up on a base, however it's just Justin, Fudge, and Applejack decorating since Twilight ran off to do something else. What it is, they don't know, the three just continue to chip way at tree decorations. They started at the bottom, placing ornaments in a manner that was both evenly spaced, pleasant to look at, and still left enough tree to see. As they work up, Justin found himself having to lift Fudge up to reach higher up the tree and eventually the tables turn as the farm mare starts to lift the man up on her own shoulders so he can get near the top of the tree. They all were figuring out a way to get the star topper on the tree to finish out. Sure, magic could be used, but Fudge ad Justin have been decorating their trees without it for years, mostly at her insistence. "Justin! Can you come here a moment, please?" "Well, ladies." Justin starts as he turns to the two mares. "I gotta go check on Twilight, you two got this?" "Sure thing, sugar cube." Applejack nods along side Fudge. "Go do what ya need ta." With that taken care of, he leaves the two girls to their own devices while he goes find Twilight. Which doesn't take long thanks to their bond telling him where she is, the party room. He stand in front of the door with his hand hovering over the handle. Justin turns the knob to open the door and the sight he is met with is mesmerizing. When he asked Twilight about the illusion, he was expecting something simple. Instead he got something more along of Twilight levels of magic. Clouds of dark gray cling to the ceiling that look so real, they look like she brought some from outside. Flakes of white move in a delicate dance down to the floor, disappearing just before they collided with anything below. The man holds out a hand as one lands in his palm before quickly dissolving. Standing in the middle of the room with a grin as wide as can be is Twilight, watching his reaction as he steps further into the room, staring around him. "Do you like it?" Her tone comes of as more sheepish than she anticipated. "Like it? Babe, this is amazing!" Justin exclaims as he walks up to her. "You've outdone yourself as usual." With a smile, she meets his cheek with a short kiss. "I was worried I overdid it." A giggle erupts from her lips as he plants a kiss of his own at the base of her horn. "Overdo? Never." The bell to Rarity's boutique rings out to signal her that she has a customer. Her current task is going to take a minute until it's done. The pale unicorn is trying to organize her craft room, sorting colored fabrics, spools of string, mannequins placed out of the way. Before she continues, she figures it wouldn't hurt to call out to her guest. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique! Make yourself comfortable and I shall be down in a moment!" "Take your time, Rare!" An all-too familiar male voice calls back. "Just little ol me with a favor." Rarity pauses and decides to put her chore on hold to head downstairs. Once she gets to the last step of the stairs, she's met with Justin taking off some of his winter attire while wiping his boots on the mat. "Oh, darling!" She all but squeals as she very quickly saunters up to him, squishing his face between her palms while planting a kiss on his lips. "It's been so long!" A nervous chuckle leaves the man after returning the kiss. "Only a month, maybe a little over. Woulda seen ya sooner but I've been busy." Rarity lowers her hands to his and clasp them in hers. "Oh do tell me al about your trip, darling! Come, come! I'll make us some tea!" After she led him upstairs, made them some tea, and sat him down, she listened to him tell her about his time in the Griffon Lands. What Twilight and he did to ensure a lasting alliance and peace. She takes a long sip of tea while he continues to ramble and she attentively listens. He idly strokes her hoof with a foot while recounting the past events of his time abroad. Rarity slowly sets down her cup on the saucer in front of her. "So, If I have this right." She begins. "You managed to make some friends of griffons by... arm wrestling them?" "Yup." Justin takes a sip, the second one since he started talking. "You always did have a unique approach to certain problems, darling." Rarity nods as she leans forward. "Eris with a broom, that wrestling move you pull on Ember all the time." "A suplex? She loves that." "Yes, yes. All those ruffians who would try their hand at an easy win in your matches and cheat." "I think of it more as 'hard lessons learned'." His response did elicit a lady-like giggle from the unicorn. The she remember why he came here in the first place. "Oh, before we get too caught up in our talk, darling. What's that favor you wanted to ask?" "Huh? Oh right, that." Justin takes a moment to gather his thoughts. "Do you possibly have any fabric that changes color with, like I dunno, a command or spell or somethin'?" Rarity hums out, tapping the pads on her fingers against her chin as she tries to remember if she does have such an item. While it's no unheard of for performers to use articles of clothing like that while on stage that change before ponies' very eyes as an alternative for costume changes. As well as adding spectacle to their already moving performance. She does recall working on something of the like, but it's far from being ready. "I think I do but I must ask." Her pools of sapphire meet his. "Why do you want them?" "I have an idea for the party I'm planning." He tells her. She gives him a small nod before getting up from the table and motions for him to follow. He does so with out much of a question as she leads him. To her almost organized craft room Rarity brings him where she looks around for a few moments and spots her unfinished project. Justin watches as she walks over to a covered mannequin and pulls off the cover to reveal an unfinished suit. The suit itself is made of a strange material the human hasn't seen before, it was this silver-like texture that looks to be a cross between fabric and liquid. Though it isn't finished, it does catch his eye. He starts to step closer, examining it just that much closer. He does take a pinch of part of the suit and is surprised to feel how smooth it really is. "I had an idea for a collection based on the raw elements of nature, but I simply couldn't quite figure out how to make it form." Rarity admits with a hand rubbing the back of her head. "I figured I'd shelf the idea or scrap it all together." Justin stands tall and looks to her. "Have you asked Twilight to help, or Starlight? Those two are pretty nifty with magic." "I wouldn't have it ready in time, darling." "Not by yourself, no." He just smiles at her. "Tell you what, I'll ask Twi or Star, hell even both, to see if they can help. I'll compensate you if it turns out you all can get this working by the time of the party." "What kind of compensation?" "Anything you want or need." As soon as those words left his mouth, his ears pick up the chimes of magic and the door lock. Justin, for his part, is really starting to wonder if all unicorns are just nymphos. He's willing to bet some bits they are between his experiences with Starlight, Rarity, and Twilight at this point. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, and right now that's about to be pleasing this mare of his. > Party Like it's Pink > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hearth's Warming Eve Today is the big day for everyone in the castle. It started with Justin waking up early to get a head start on baking. Wherein he found a surprise guest in Pinkie Pie already in the kitchen way before she was needed. His reaction to finding the pink mare already in his kitchen was just to shake his head and chuckle. The two had spent all morning getting all kinds of sweets made. Soon they were joined by Fudge and by the time noon rolls around the rest of the family shows up to split off into teams and tackle various other dishes on the menu. Now, with the party just on the horizon, Justin is making last-minute checks, adjustments, and primping so he looks somewhat presentable. He's made sure any doors are locked to keep snooping ponies out, that the food is nice warm (while thanking both Twilight and Starlight for spells that kept them that way), that decorations are straightened out, tables are set, and stage at the ready. Twilight does round the corner with a warm smile on her face as she approaches him. Delicately placing her hands on his suit to straighten out some creases in his jacket. Her touch alone does wonders to quell the fires of his anticipation. "You feeling all right?" She looks up at him. "Just nervous." He says while placing his hands over hers. "Pretty damn sure everyone is gonna have a good time." Twilight chuckles and boops his nose with her snout, she always found him adorable when he was nervous about something. "I know they will." Justin smiles at the action, giving her hands a gentle squeeze. "Yeah, you're right." The time is now upon everyone as the couple are standing near the doors, ready to greet their guests. Twilight uses her magic to open the large double doors to a sea of ponies. Excited chatter and multitudes of color in all shades quickly fill the room. Quite frankly, Justin and Twilight are thankful that Pinkie and Starlight ae helping direct their guests to the main room. It takes a good forty minutes for the crowd to thin out a bit and the last of the guests to arrive. More of the ones Justin invited personally. The first on that list to show up being Caramel, whom of which he greeted by locking their hands together and pulling one another in for a one-armed hug. The two caught up for little bit before the stallion decided to continue on to the party. The next one to show up is Derpy, who gives the human a crushing bear hug. After her in Vinyl where the two perform a very complicated handshake that even has Twilight confused. The seemingly last two are Priccess Celestia and Princess Luna, both of whom show their fondness for the couple with the sun alicorn greeting Twilight and he moon alicorn almost crushing Justin's lungs in a second time. Then they wait just a bit longer and no Ember. "Maybe she's running late." Twilight suggests as she closes the doors. "We should attend our own party until then." Justin is a little saddened but nods. "Yeah. Sounds good." As seen as the two enter the room where the larger party is being held, they break away from one another to go mingle with their own friends. Twilight mainly stays with her group of friends and sometimes the princesses. Justin stops to chat with a few ponies he knows or has seen around town. He does lose track of time for a bit until he happens to glance Twilight's way and notices a very distinctly blue and familiar character talking with the mare: Ember. He watches the dragoness take an unsure look around, either looking for him or still not quite comfortable being among so many ponies. She doesn't notice him this sweep and it works for him. Justin says his goodbyes before disappearing into the crowd, wading his way through the sea of ponies until he reaches his target. Thankfully still unaware, he slinks right up behind her with a quick glance from Twilight. His arms soon lock around Ember's waist before hoisting her into the air, and crashing her head into the floor. Ember gets up with a snarl, ready to tear apart whichever of these ponies that have the gull to suplex her. Fortunately she's meet with the smirking gaze of Justin and her features soften to a playful glare paired with a smirk. Of course she should've known that it was him since he is the only one willing to rough house with a dragon while armed with the information she can take the blow. What she doesn't see is Twilight smiling at the man and waving for him to run while a crowd of surprised onlookers just stare with wide eyes. Ember is getting ready to wrestle by lowering her stance a bit. "Oh, you are so on." Ember mutters to him. "Well, you better start chasing, Imma make you work for it!" Justin tells her before running into the sea of ponies and somehow disappearing into them. Ember is dumbfounded for a full minute minute. Never in the time that she's known him to just run from her, usually taking her head-on like she does him. The change in strategy and demeanor does activate something more primal inside of her. Without much of a thought, she unfurls her wings and thanks to the high ceiling is able to take flight. The full minute stun may have given him a bit of a head start on putting distance between with what's to come, but she's about to close it, and fast. Ember quickly picks his hairless patooty out of the sea of multicolored madness, going in for the dive. Justin, for his part, takes the hint when ponies make way, for not only him, but for the diving dragon too. With a large enough space cleared, the human turns around just in time for the head of a dragoness to crash right against his chest. The combination of her weight and speed is enough to knock the wind out of him and right on to the ground. Once he cracks open an eye and sees that she is victoriously smiling down at him. "Feeling better?" Justin asks between breathes. "Yeah." Ember replies. "Told ya you'll be fine." He chuckles as she gets off of him then helps him back to his feet. "Thanks for that." "Fillies and Gentlecolts," An announcer from somewhere near the stage begins as the lights in the room start to get low, "please turn your attention to the stage for a special performance by the Prince and his special guest!" Just as the announcer finishes, a spotlight hits the stage to light up Justin and Pinkie in similar suits. Almost unsurprising that the pink mare has an instrument, what's perplexing to any onlookers is that fact that the human had time for a wardrobe change and has a microphone in his hand. He has his head tilted down with a wide brim fedora covering his eyes from the world and a smile that sends a chill up certain mares in the crowd. Then he speaks. "Hit it, Pinks!" Right on cue, Pinkie starts the tempo. As the beat continues, Justin's suit looks like it's starting to freeze over with ice, snow accumulating on his shoulders, his skin starts to change color from its normal shade to a light blue. He reaches up and throw his hat behind him as his hair starts to turn to ice an his eyes go white. Soon he starts to sing in tune with the music, his movements keeping in time as he moves across the stage, his voice having changed to something a bit higher pitched that what it is normally. His hand raches out as if to grasp something and what looks like a snowball forms in his palm before he chuckles out and pelts Pinkie with it. She only giggles as the illusion harmlessly falls off her. Then he repeats the motions with some background voices instead of his own, repeating the same motions until he picks up the main chorus again. Then the middle of the song hits, the tempo and timing change to something a little more fast paced. Almost as quick does his suit and hair ignite in a fiery blaze in a spectacle that calls for an applause from the audience. Flames harmlessly lick at the suit and his body while his skin tone has changed back to its normal shade, maybe a little darker. This time he does go through his motions a little faster to match the pace, with the difference being that when he reaches his palm out, it also ignites into a ball of fire for a short time before he lobs it over the crowd and it bursts like a firework. Many in the crowd 'ooh' and are put in awe at his display. One thing is going through his mind at this moment: Rarity, Twilight, an Starlight have really outdone themselves. The crowd is in an uproar by the time the performance ends with the spotlight going right out and lights coming back in full, leaving an empty stage. After the Party Justin sits in the living room surrounded by those closest to him; Caramel, Ember, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Starlight Glimmer, the Crusaders, Fudge Dipp, and last but not least, his wife, Twilight Sparkle. He had them gather around for a smaller get together, Photo for his collection, and gift exchange. Thankfully he got the photo while Celestia and Luna were still here before they left back for Canterlot. Running a country and all that jazz. Right now though, he's looking around the room at all the torn up wrapping paper, a group of sleeping fillies laying around and off a loveseat. Caramel is out cold on a sitting with his new joke mug in hand. Rares, Dash, AJ, and Flutters all sit close to the fire with their gifts neatly organized in a pile. Ember leans against the back of the couch, idly chewing of a gem he got her, but she also got him something or made him something rather. His eyes drift towards the floor in front of him where his new chest armor lays at his feet. He'd move his head to look at it but Twilight is leaning right up against his side with her head on his should and his cheek against her head. Ember said something about his armor almost being complete. What else is there? She made him gauntlets first, then boots, now a chest plate. He doesn't get to dwell on those thoughts for too log as a pink hand lays itself on his other shoulder, causing him to look up at Pinkie. "You done good, Aunt Pinkie is proud." "I'm pretty sure I'm older than you, but thanks." He nods his thanks to her, but what happens next is less than expected. "THIS WAS THE BEST HEARTH'S WARMING PARTY EVER!" Pinkie all but screams, waking everypony else that isn't and nearly blowing out the human's eardrums. "Pinkie!" Both Twilight and Justin yell back at her.