> A Song of Love > by Big Imagination E > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Performance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the peaceful land of Equestria we see a full grown dragon that was purple with green scales on him. His name is Spike but right now he's not feeling happy. Reason why is because his heart was broken. You see he used to be with a mare named Sweetie Belle but when he heard that she was moving away to Manehattan she told him that they had to break up. Spike was left devastated after that and hasn't been the same since. But his good friend Twilight invited him to go see a concert that the three show mare were doing in Las Pegasus. He smiled at that and Twilight gave him a VIP backstage pass to go see them in person. They both arrived in Las Pegasus and made their way to the arena where the show was happening. They got to their seats and waited for the show to start. "Ok Spike you ready to see them sing tonight?" Twilight said. “I guess so Twilight.” Spike said. The minute he said that the lights went dim and the audience cheered as the curtains opened up relieving three show mares. The first was purple wearing blue feather clothing, the second was aquamarine wearing green feather clothing, and the third was cream colored wearing red feather clothing. They were the show mares Twilight was talking about and were humanoid ponies. They started some music and began playing and they started singing. When they started singing to Spike he hears the voices of angels singing from the heavens above. They continued singing and Spike felt mesmerized by the voices. Twilight could see this and she can tell that Spike was loving it. By the time the song ended the crowd went wild and after 3 hours the show ended. But the announcer said that anyone who had a VIP pass can go see the show mares backstage. Spike was one and went in the back. “Oh boy. I’m about to meet the famous singers in all of Equestria. I better make this count.” Spike said. He continued walking down the hall and searching for their room. Then he found it. But to his surprise he didn’t find anyone else who wanted to see the singers. “That’s weird. Why isn’t anyone else wanting to meet them?” Spike said. He kept thinking about that but decided to think later. He knocked on the door and heard a voice. “If you have a VIP pass you can’t get in.” A female voice said. “Um I do miss. I’m not a trespasser.” Spike said. “Oh. Good to know. Come on in sir.” The voice said as the door was unlocked. Spike entered the room and looked all around. It was pretty nice. But what caught his attention was the three mares that were performing earlier. “Well hello cutie. What’s your name?” One of them said. “My name is Spike.” He said. “Well nice to meet you Spike. I’m Sunset Circus.” “I’m Emerald Shine.” “And I’m Sapphire Sephins.” “Well ladies. I’m flattered to meet all of you. But to be honest I’m still kinda sad right now.” Spike said. “You are? Tell us what’s wrong Spike.” Emerald said. “Well if you must know my heart is broken. Reason why is because the last girl I had moved away to Manehattan and I never got a chance to say goodbye. Sometimes I wish that my next lover would not move away from me.” Spike said. “Oh you poor thing. You must been very upset when that happened.” Sapphire said. “Oh I was. And I still have loneliness in me.” Spike said. “You know Spike. None of us have lovers either. Even though we have our fans sometimes we feel lonely too.” Sunset said. “Really? Wow I never knew that.” Spike said. “Oh yes. Hey Spike. If this makes you feel better how would you like to hangout with us and maybe heal your heart?” Sapphire said. “Sure. I got nothing better to do. I like to get to know you three better.” Spike said. “Then it’s settled. You’re going on dates with us.” Sunset said. So the three girls were all making Spike feel much better and he started realizing if maybe they like to be more than just friends. But he didn’t know yet and had to wait until later on. > Triple and Regular Dates/ Marriage. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We begin a montage with Spike going on many dates with the show mares. The first date was with Sunset Circus and they were in the park walking around enjoying the sunlight. The second date was with Emerald Shine and they were at a hot spring relaxing in the warm water relieving all the stress out. The third date was with Sapphire Sephins. They were at a fancy restaurant enjoying dinner on the balcony under the stars. The forth date was with all three girls and they were at a movie. Spike picked out Elvis cause that movie showed all of us how he became the king of rock and roll and claimed the throne of the music world. Many dates went by through the weeks and Spike decided to rest up. But before he could the three girls give him a kiss on the lips and he felt flustered. By then he went home to relax. The girls watched him leave through their window of their house. "Oh girls. He is so dreamy." Sunset said. "And handsome." Sapphire said. "And very sweet." Emerald said. "Im beginning to develop feelings for the young drake. I can't resist it any longer." Sunset said. "Us too." The other two said. "But girls. He can't date all three of us. Unless we ask him if he's ok with that." Sapphire said. "The next time we see him we can ask." Emerald said. <> Two years later We see Spike after two years and heading out for a walk. But before he could he got a message for the show mares saying that they want to meet him at the park at night to discuss something. Spike agreed to meet them and as night rolled in he grabbed three rings that he'll need later. It's something special that will happen. He arrived at the park and found the girls waiting for him. "Hey girls." Spike said. "Hey Spike. Listen we got something to tell you." Emerald said. "What a coincidence. I have something to tell you too. But you ladies go first." Spike said. "Thanks Spike. Now after all the dates we went on with you we developed feelings for you. As a matter of fact you knew that from the kisses we gave you." Emerald said. "Yes. I did. Im flattered that you all have feelings for me." Spike said. "Good. Now Spike we wanted to ask you if you're ok with all of us as your marefriends." Sunset said. "After all the dates we went on and the love you showed me I say yes im ok with all of you as my marefriends. In fact I have something to tell you as well." Spike said. "Then please tell us dear Spike." Sapphire said. Spike got on one knee and began. "My dear singers. You all are like songs to me. Songs that I cannot stop hearing. You made me happy and rid all the gloom. You shined like the stars you are and now together we'll write a song of love. So ladies?" Spike said relieving all three rings as they gasped. "Will you marry me?" "OH SPIKE YES!! YES WE WILL MARRY YOU!!" The mares shouted. Spike placed the rings on their fingers and the mares all embraced him in a hug and their cozy bosoms. Spike felt all of them but didn't mind. Then after 4 months the wedding was starting as the new couple made their way down the hall as the gentleman was playing the organ. The ponies in the audience rose up all watched them. When they all got to the podium Princess Celestia floated down to the stand and everyone sat down. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Spike Drake, Sunset Circus, Emerald Shine, and Sapphire Sephins. They have written their vows before we pronounce them. Ladies you may go first." Celestia said. Then they spoke to Spike. "Spike. From the moment you saw our show we all felt a spark between us." Sunset started. "A spark we cannot extinguish. You shined on us like the moon above and together we'll be writing about love." Emerald continued. "We swear to you on this day we will make you very happy." Sapphire finished. Spike cried tears of joy as well as the audience. Now it was his turn. "Ladies. You three are the most beautiful and talented singers a dragon as ever met. After my last lover moved away I thought all hope was gone. But you three filled my heart with all the love you have and healed me. Now I promise you three that I will make sure that you get all the respect from me every day." Spike said. Then Celestia said the vows to the couple. "Do you Spike Drake take these ladies to be your lawful wedded wives? To love and cherish them for the rest of your life?" Celestia said. "Yes I do." Spike said. "And do you ladies take Spike to be your lawful wedded husband to love and cherish him for the rest of your lives?" Celestia said. "We do." They all said. "Then by the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wives. Spike you may kiss them." Celestia said. Then they all sealed their love with 3 kisses. The audience cheered long a d hard for the new couple as wedding bells were ringing. Then off they went for their honeymoon. > Spike's Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the events of the wedding we see the new couple in a suite of a hotel in Manehattan. The room is very expensive and lovely to stay in for a visit. But for Spike and his new wives this was gonna be more than a visit. To him it's gonna be a night he'll never forget. "Ok Spikey. Me and the girls are gonna prepare something very special for you. Wait right here ok?" Sunset said as she and the others went to the closet. 5 minutes later and the three came out in the most sexy ways possible. Sunset was wearing a red bra and panties decorated with rubies. Emerald was wearing a green bra and panties decorated with actual emeralds. And Sapphire was wearing a blue bra and panties decorated with actual sapphires. To Spike that is the most sexist thing he's seen. "Whoa ladies. You are so beautiful. Those eyes are glowing stars, your voices are symphonies, and your hair is luscious as it can be." Spike said as the ladies blushed. "Oh Spike. You are a poet. Now kiss us you fool." Sapphire said. Spike needed no more encouragement as he went to his ladies and they smothered his chest in their racks. Sapphire and Emerald kissed him on the cheek while Sunset kissed him on the lips. He felt her tongue poking and granted her access into his mouth. Then they battled for dominance in a French kiss. That lasted for 30 til they all separated. "Mmm Spike. You are an expert kisser." Sunset said. "Thank you Sunny." Spike said. "Ooh calling me Sunny now huh? Girls. I think he deserves a reward for being sweet. Let's have him please our chests." Sunset said. So each of them took off their bras showing their F-cup breasts to Spike and smothered his face in them. Spike loved feeling their cozy pillows on him. He then decided to take his hands and placed them on Sunset's and Sapphire's butts and squeezed them as they moaned. He then sucked on their tits and they loved it. Spike did that on all three girls making sure they all got equal attention. That lasted for an hour til they separated. "Thank you dear. Our chests needed some love." Emerald said. "Anything for you girls." Spike said. "Now let us please you." Sapphire said. They all took their breasts and placed them around Spike's cock and started giving him a triple titfuck. Spike moaned loud as he can from that. The girls all licked the tip making him twitch. Then after 20 minutes Spike felt something burning and blew his load as they licked up the juices. Then they separated their breasts from his cock. "Did you like that sweetie?" Sapphire said. "Oh I did. Now it's only fair that I please you girls." Spike said. They gave him the answer by taking their panties off showing him their dripping flowers. Spike shoved his face into Emerald's pussy first and began licking away. She moaned loud from that as Spike took his hands and squeezed her butt. He continued licking away and after 30 minutes she sprayed her cum all over his face and some got on the bed. Then he repeated the process with Sapphire and Sunset. Each got 30 minutes and after that Spike's face and the bed was covered in cum. They all laid down panting and sweaty. "Wow Spike. You always have enough love for all of us." Sunset said. "Hey. I don't plan on leaving one of you out of the fun." Spike said. "Oh you are the sweetest dragon ever. Say Spike? Can you give our butts a massage? They are sore again." Sunset said. "Sure. Lemme work my magic on your booties." Spike said. The girls got up and sat down on Spike's face. Now he was covered in each of their butts. He placed his hands on Sunset's cheeks first and squeezed them hard enough to make her squeak. Then he licked her crack tickling her and after 40 minutes she sprayed more cum on Spike. Then he repeated the same process with Sapphire and Emerald and boy did they love it. Each got 40 minutes and sprayed even more cum staining the bed and all laid down next to Spike cuddling him. "Spike. That was the best night we ever had. Thank you." Sapphire said. "You're welcome girls. That was like music to my ears." Spike said. "Oh you jokester. Now let's all rest up for the night." Sunset said as she turned off the light. "Goodnight girls." Spike said. "Goodnight Spikey." The girls said. And like that they all fell fast asleep and they dreamed of what the future held in store. But one way or another they will live in a great life.