> The Vanhoover's Filly > by Altia Sky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 : The end of Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The little filly was playing quietly in the garden of her house in early autumn. She was having fun jumping into the piles of leaves her mother had picked up the day before. She was also having fun climbing trees, from where she had an unobstructed view of the fields not far from home, but also of the town of Vanhoover in the north-west of Equestria. The area was quiet, and many ponies lived in the town, making their living from trade and the port on the edge of town. The town was often visited by pony tourists from the central regions of Equestria, notably Canterlot, Ponyville and Cloudsdale, or from the east, such as Manehattan and Baltimare. However, they weren't the only ones: there were also crystal ponies from Crystal City or Rainbow Falls, but above all, there were many deers from the neighboring country of Olenia. Life was happy and many exchanges between ponies and other creatures were commonplace, but a dark image tarnished this idyllic picture: the other neighbors, the Changelings, came straight from the Changeling Lands. Recently, there was some border friction between the Changeling Lands and Equestria, but Vanhoover was relatively far from the border and it was the Acornage ponies who were most at risk. A community of changelings also lived there, and despite their willingness to integrate and flee the reign of Queen Chrysalis, who had recently succeeded in unifying the various Changeling Hives, they were badly perceived by the local ponies. All these stories were far removed from the concerns of the little filly playing innocently in her garden. Her mother called out to her as it was time to go home and take her bath before supper, as tomorrow was a school day. The next day, she travelled to school by train to Vanhoover, sitting with friends of hers in a carriage, talking about their weekends and what they'd be doing at school or when the next vacation was. The colts and fillies, however, were the only ones to have any joy in this dull, gloomy carriage. In the seats next to the little ponies, two other ponies were talking about the news, one of them reading a newspaper. "They're becoming a real threat, I don't understand why Princess Celestia doesn't see the danger" said the first pony. The second pony replied provocatively, "The Canterlot government is far too far away to take anything into consideration in this part of Equestria". "Keep your voice down, didn't you see those soldiers boarding in the next carriage? I think something serious is afoot" replied the first pony. "It's going to take a lot more than a few soldiers garrisoned in the area to contain these enraged Changeling, since Chrysalis has taken power over all their Hives, the threat they represent is growing ever greater" said the second pony. "In any case, in view of Queen Chrysalis' defeat in the Canterlot attack, I don't think she'll be risking another attack any time soon" replied the second pony. "You're far too confident" said the first pony. The train bell interrupted the many discussions between the passengers, and a ticket inspector arrived in the carriage, announcing "Vanhoover station, 15 minutes stop". The little ponies grabbed their bags and climbed out of the carriage, exiting the station animated by the many ponies present and making their way through the crowds before arriving in the central street just outside the station, their school was just two blocks away. They made their way to school and so began their back-to-school week. On leaving school, the colts and fillies were happy that school was over, and eager to go home. The little filly took the train home. The suburban station was a 10-minute walk from her house, and she continued her journey home, seeing her mother already hard at work preparing the evening meal. A little later, a noise was heard: her father had just returned from work, he was a civil servant at the Town Hall in the suburb where the family lived. He kissed his daughter and wife before getting ready for dinner. The family sat down to dinner, and the little filly recounted her day at school, the start of the new school year, the reunion with her friends, and some of her friends who were no longer there. She asked her mother why they had left, as no one at school knew, but the little filly had quickly noticed that the adults seemed preoccupied by something, something they didn't want to say. Her mother, with a serious expression on her face, replied, "They must have gone to see some relatives". "Come on, we know they've run away" said the father. The mother turned angrily to her husband, "Don't add to it, it's hard enough as it is". The father looked at his daughter, who looked both sad and appalled. "Don't worry my filly, everything's fine, some people just need time to get back to work, that's how it is, and some people just want to travel" said the father, shaving his daughter. "Unpack your table and go brush your teeth, it's time for bed" said the mother. While the filly was putting her plate and cutlery in the kitchen sink, she heard her parents engaged in a serious-looking discussion. "Do you know what's going on?" said the mother. "Look, we're all in the dark, and if our superiors don't know what's going on, then we Town Hall employees know even less" replied the father. "Today I saw the neighbors down the street take their things and leave" said the mother. "Rumors aren't truth, none of those about us are true as far as I know" replied the father. "Maybe we should think about leaving too" said the mother. "And go where? This is our home, but if it's any consolation, I've got a friend in the army and I'll try to contact him to see what he can tell me about the current situation" said the father. The filly who had been listening to the conversation behind the kitchen door had gone back up to her room. She didn't know what her parents were referring to, but it was clear that it was something serious. A few weeks later, the filly was playing in the garden when a loud crash was heard in the house. She rushed in, seeing a broken plate on the floor. Seeing her daughter come over looking worried, the mother said to her "Don't worry darling, it's nothing serious, I just dropped a plate", and she grabbed a broom to clean up the floor. The filly turned back towards the garden, only to be stopped short by the sound of the radio playing in the background, a voice could be heard talking about the news. "...from the first reports from the border it would seem that the attack is confirmed, our reporter in Hjortland the capital of Olenia will be able to tell us more." "Indeed" replied a voice of poor quality seems to come from afar "The situation in the major cities of the country is alarming, mobilization has been decreed and Olenian troops are on their way to the border but the declaration of war has caught King Johan off guard, for recall the King was already facing an internal rebellion movement of the Harmonists led by Queen Velvet claiming the Olenian throne". The voice continued, "Wait, I've just been told that Vaverfront has fallen and that the invaders are starting to arrive in the plains north of the capital. Reconnaissance units have just been spotted near the capital in the neighboring region. We're leaving the country now". "Following these events, the Princess will be addressing Equestria later today, a government statement to this effect has just reached us and..." The radio cut out, the mother had just turned it off. "Go back to playing," said the mother in a distressed tone. The filly returned to the garden, but she couldn't help thinking about what she'd heard, and it didn't take her long to understand. She lived in Vanhoover near Olenia, and if the Changeling, known to any pony as a serious threat, really did invade the country, then it might just be a prelude to something more serious, a conflict on a much larger scale. There had been conflict on the continent of Equus, between Yayakistan and Jakistan and between Stalliongrad and the Republic of Nova Griffonia, but never anything so close to home. The day passed, she remembered the event all day long. She couldn't help feeling anxious, perhaps her mother was right and we should flee before the Changeling arrived. After a month, Olenia's defeat and capitulation had been recorded, and it had become a puppet state of the Changelings. The Equestrian media kept repeating that it was a territorial dispute between the two nations, and that once the conflict was over, peace would return to western Equus. But events were not going to be good news. Indeed, the events that followed weren't much better. The radio was transmitting the latest news. The Polar Bears communities had just submitted to the Changeling as a result of military pressure. Now that the Changelings had taken control of their neighbors to the north and west, their next target would be their eastern neighbor, Equestria. Border tensions had already been observed as events unfolded over the last few months, but nothing like this until now. The little filly watched planes pass over her house from her window, and although the first passes were distressing, she found comfort in seeing the symbol of the Sun and Moon on the wings of the planes, which are representations of the Cutie Marks of the Princesses of Equestria, symbolizing that the planes belonged to the Equestrian army. More and more convoys, both motorized and by rail, came and went, often stopping off at Vanhoover before heading north towards the border. It was clear that Equestria was preparing for war with the Changeling, and that it would be nothing like the threats Equestria had already faced. In her speech to the ponies, Princess Celestia had said, "This threat will not be solved by a few ponies, but only by mobilizing the nation in a common effort to defend our home and Harmony." Peace was now hanging by a thread, and both sides were now facing each other, ready to fight at the slightest opportunity. There was still time for the nations to renounce the escalation of tensions, but each feeling threatened by the other, none would be prepared to lower their weapons in this context. The Princess ended her speech by saying, "We won't be the ones to fire the first shot, but we'll know how to defend ourselves. If the Changelings attack, they will be met with the hard fire of our soldiers and the fury of our weapons." Princess Celestia had always been able to reassure her subjects, but now, faced with an unprecedented threat, it may be time to unite the ponies against a common enemy in what will surely be an all-out war on a scale never seen before. A Great War. > Chapter 2 : Great War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Changelings had consolidated their positions in the north, and were turning towards Equestria with increasing determination. The geopolitical map of Equus was being redrawn, and for the first time in a long time, Equestria was not in a position of strength. Border towns like Vanhoover were particularly vulnerable. Fortifications and trenches were dug around the town, and Equestria's army increased its presence in the region. Rumors of imminent conscription were rife, and many ponies young and old volunteered to defend their homeland. In the midst of this chaos, the little filly's family was trying to make a crucial decision: to stay and fight, or to flee to a safer place. Father, with his contacts in the army, learned that the first skirmishes had already taken place on the border. The Changelings had a numerical advantage, but Equestria had magic, history and determination on its side. One evening, over a tense dinner, the mother told her family: "We have to leave. Vanhoover is no longer safe. I've heard of a refugee camp near Canterlot. That's where we should go." The father, worried about their home and life in Vanhoover, asked, "What if we stay and fight? Equestria needs us." The mother, with tears in her eyes, replied: "I don't want to put our daughter in danger. If we stay, we risk everything. But if we leave, at least we'll have a chance of surviving and coming back one day." Despite the ordeal, the family remained united. The little filly, though terrified, found comfort in the joys of everyday life and in her parents. It was clear that staying was dangerous, and leaving would become just as dangerous. The decision must be made before the inevitable happens. In the days that followed, the filly returned from school to hear ponies shouting in the street, holding newspapers in their hooves. Posters had appeared all over the town of Vanhoover. The filly approached one of them and read : General Mobilization Order Equestria Army, Navy and Air Force By decree of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and the government, the mobilization of land, air and sea armies is ordered, as well as the requisition of civilian equipment needed to supplement these armies. The first day of mobilization is : Sunday, August 2, 1011 -- All Equestrians subject to military obligations must, on penalty of being punished to the full extent of the law, obey the prescriptions of the MOBILIZATION BOOKLET. This order applies to ALL PONES not on active military service and belonging to : I: LAND ARMY including NEW MARELAND COLONIAL TROOPS AND AUXILIARIES. II: AIR ARMY including CIVIL AIR MAINTENANCE SERVICES. III: SEA ARMY, including CIVIL MARINES and MARINE ARMURERS. -- The civil and military authorities are responsible for implementing the present decree. The Ministry of the Armed Forces --- The Ministry of the Interior It was clear that Equestria was preparing for war, and that it was now inevitable. Last week, Changeling troops, including tanks and military aircraft in large numbers, had been spotted on the border, with the Changeling authorities declaring it to be a classic military exercise. However, the various analysts and specialists were not fooled: such a concentration of troops on the border means a full-scale invasion. The little filly was on her way home, curious not to see her father, who didn't normally work today. A knocking sounded in the entrance hall of the house, and the filly walked in to see her father in a strange uniform. Her mother stood behind her, tearfully saying. "So that's how it is?" "Yes", replied the father, "they've mobilized all the ponies fit for duty". The little filly's mother was not concerned by the mobilization, in fact, although the Equestrian army also incorporated mares, those with children or specific and important civilian jobs were not mobilized, for the time being. The little filly approached her father and asked, "Why are you dressed as a soldier?" Her father replied, "I'm leaving for the fatherland, it's a duty where all the dads go, give me a kiss my little darling, I'll be home soon". Her father took his things and left for the train station. Although still young, the little filly wasn't fooled; she knew what it meant, that war was about to break out. A heavy silence settled over dinner, and the filly cleared her table and went gently to brush her teeth before going to bed. She told herself that this was no time to upset her mother, who looked lost in thought, her face flushed from crying earlier. The day after. Alarms sounded throughout the city, Changeling bombers flew over Vanhoover dropping bombs on the town, the panicking ponies tried to barricade themselves where they could or fled the city center or industrial sites, priority targets for the Changelings. The flak opened fire on the planes in flight, and many were shot down. Attacking from the air during the day was not a good strategy, but it confirmed the Changeling's state of mind, believing themselves powerful enough to allow themselves this kind of action. In truth, the damage was less than they'd hoped for, but it had a major psychological impact on the population, who had hardly ever experienced armed conflict on this scale. In the afternoon, the radio announced the declaration of war that the Changeling had delivered to Equestria this morning, as well as Equestria's declaration of war delivered to the Changeling ambassador to Equestria. Diplomatic relations between the two nations were quickly broken off, and the Changeling in Equestrian territory were arrested and put away from areas of importance in reception camps or moved to other regions away from the border, the aim being to avoid potential hostile Changeling in the country or spies. At the end of the day, the radio announced serious news: the town of Acornage, Equestria's closest town to the border, had fallen to the Changeling hooves, and a breakthrough indicated that they were on the offensive where Equestria was on the defensive. he news was nevertheless counterbalanced by a number of announcements: at 2:15 pm Princess Cadance of the Crystal Empire announced the Empire's entry into the war against the Changeling alongside Equestria. at 3:21 pm: The Republic of Puerto Caballo announced its entry into the war against the Changeling, followed a few minutes later by the government of the autonomous buffalo regions. at 5:48 pm: The last declaration was made: the Commonwealth of New Mareland announced its entry into war against the Changeling, adding the dispatch of a hundred thousand soldiers to Equestria and the dispatch of military equipment. The little filly stood by her mother's side during the announcements. She was frightened, but her mother was there to reassure her. But she herself was having trouble keeping calm, and she hold her daughter close to her, praying in her mind that the situation wouldn't get any worse. By evening, the situation was as follows: Acornage had fallen to a Changeling blitzkrieg, and Changeling units specializing in infiltration had succeeded in creating hostile pockets and ambushes behind the Equestrian lines, notably one near the town of Vanhoover. The Changeling marines had also landed from occupied Olenia and had succeeded in taking the town of Arcadia. The opening of a front in the Crystal Empire and the imminent arrival of New Mareland troops, however, forced the Changeling to slow down the offensive to avoid being surrounded by pockets of resistance. The Great War had begun. > Chapter 3 : That cursed day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two months after the conflict, the Changeling had managed to advance into central Equestria and the Crystal Empire. The little filly no longer went to school during this time of conflict, and she and her mother stayed at home in their small town on the outskirts of Vanhoover, reassuring themselves that this area was insignificant for the Changeling, and that if they arrived, they'd get through without stopping. Apart from the anxious climate, life wasn't too bad for wartime, supplies were holding out and food and basic necessities were still available. But all that didn't prevent a few scares. One day, a Changeling bomber passed right over their home, but fortunately its target was not the small town but an industrial plant further away. Flak and artillery fire could be heard in the distance, and the front was getting dangerously close to home. The Equestrian and Crystal armies were struggling to contain the rapidly advancing Changelings. But it wasn't all bad news: many countries were directly or indirectly supporting Equestria. On Equestria's own continent, Yayakistan, which had rearmed and modernized since the civil war with the Jak clan, had just declared war on the Changelings, entering in the Equestrian alliance known as the United Pony Alliance. As a result, the Changelings were forced to divert troops to the north of the continent to support their northern possessions annexed earlier this year. Other nations supported Equestria without entering the conflict: Hippogriffia, the nation of hippogriffs, led by Queen Novo, who sent many military and medical supplies to Equestria. Followed by some of the nations of the Griffonia continent, the land of griffins. One of the countries most involved in this aid to Equestria was the new republic of Aquilea, which had just declared a second republic after a revolution against their monarchy. Other good news was short-lived. In fact, within a week, New Mareland marines had launched a daring assault on Hjortland, the capital of occupied Olenia, without encountering any outright resistance, but the assault was repulsed in the following weeks by a Changeling Kommando and Olenian militias. The conflict continued unabated in Equestria, which was only retreating, Arcadia had fallen and the city was in the neighboring region to the west of Vanhoover, and to the east, Arconage had fallen. For the Changeling, it was clear that the objective was Vanhoover and its harbor, to enable supply by sea. In the town, the military authorities had prepared defenses in advance of the war, and Equestrian troops were arriving in increasing numbers every day before and during the invasion. The Equestrian high command knew that if Vanhoover fell, the entire north-west would be lost, as there were no major defensive towns to block the advance towards Canterlot to the east and Las Pegasus to the south. Between the west, where Vanhoover was located, and the Bales and Canterlot regions, there was a wide open plain, perfect for Changeling blitzkrieg. The most dangerous thing for Vanhoover at the moment is the Changeling air threat, which frequently bombs the area around the town, particularly the industrial zones. Despite fierce defense by the Equestrian flak and the few Equestrian air forces in the area, they alone cannot counter the entire Changeling air force, the main air force being mobilized on the central and northern fronts. Since the beginning of the invasion, it has been impossible to calculate the exact figures, but civilian losses have been piling up, the result of aggressive Changeling tactics aimed at paralyzing the entire civil war effort in aeras near of the conflict zone. The Equestrian government hasn't quite got used to the idea, and neither have the princesses, but the Changeling have made up their minds that the war will be total and merciless. Ready to take their ultimate revenge on Equestria, ready to make any sacrifice, their philosophy and fanaticism is simple: win or die. Another war was going on in parallel with the other, the propaganda war on both sides. On the Changeling side, fanatical nationalist slogans about Queen Chryslis appeared: "One people, One Hegemony, One Queen" could be read on propaganda posters in Vesalipolis, the Changeling capital. On the Equestrian side, there was anti-changeling propaganda like posters showing Queen Chrysalis standing in the shadows above Equestria with large text saying: "She watching you" "Beware of changeling spies". There were posters to reassure the pony population, including a series aimed at countries involved in the conflict in addition to Equestria. A poster showing a pony wearing an Eqestrian uniform recognizable by the sun and moon symbol on it, with the text: "This creature fights for harmony". Still with the same text, different portraits could be seen, in particular: - A pony in a light-brown uniform more suited to a warm climate, with a flag on the uniform - the Equestrian flag with horizontal purple lines, the flag of New Mareland. - A griffon wearing a sky-blue uniform with a fleur-de-lys symbol and a red-and-blue flag, representing a griffon soldier of the Republic of Aquilea. - A yak wearing a horned helmet with an almost medieval armor, representing a soldier from Yakyakistan - A pony in a very light blue-purple uniform with a huge heart surrounded by stars as a symbol on the uniform, this time representing a crystal pony One afternoon, a pegasus rang the doorbell of the young filly's house, who had just celebrated her first wartime birthday. The young pegasus was a postmistress who delivered the mail, but the unusual hour of the visit intrigued the filly's mother. A feeling of anguish suddenly overtook her when on the pegasus' bag she saw the logo of the Equestrian armed forces. The pegasus handed her a letter accompanied by a medal, a medal encircled in gold with a sun and moon in relief at its center, one overlapping the other and vice versa from top to bottom. After handing over her mail, the pegasus flew off and disappeared into thin air. The mother returned to her house, opened the letter and began to read. The intrigued little filly went downstairs from her room and into the kitchen where her mother was, and saw her mother in tears, a letter in front of her and a medal on the table. She asked, "What medal and letter did the letter carrier bring? Why are you crying, Mom?". The mother said nothing, taking her filly in her arms. The filly said in a thin voice marked by growing sadness, "Did they kill Daddy?". The mother sobbed back, "Yes, my child, they killed your father". The sun set, marking the end of that fateful day, Friday October 13, 1011. What an atrocious war that made the mothers tears and killed fathers of little angels. > Chapter 4 : Hope and repressions (Warning Mature) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A month had passed since the tragic events, and the situation had evolved considerably over the last month. A decisive Changeling breakthrough forced the Equestrian troops to retreat as far as Las Pegasus and Cloudsdale. The Crystal Empire was in no better shape: the Changeling had managed to reach the outskirts of Crystal City and control the entire western region known as Crystal Farmland. The Changeling had an aggressive occupation policy, arresting all ponies of fighting age according to their criteria, i.e. from 12 to 50 years of age, i.e. practically the entire population. To avoid nests of resistance, the Changeling moved a huge number of ponies to other occupied regions, notably Olenia and Polar North. As the war wore on, an enormous sense of patriotism, unprecedented in Equestria, began to emerge, and desperate measures were taken. At a concert in Canterlot by the Canterlot National Orchestra, directed by Octavia Melody, a song specially written for this conflict was performed: "Equestria is calling us" Singing victory opens the gate; Freedom guides our steps; And from north to south the war trumpet; Has sounded the hour of battle; Tremble, enemies of Equestria Changeling drunk with blood and pride; The sovereign ponies advance; Equestria calls us; Win or perish; A pony must live for Equestria; For Equestria, a pony must die; A patriotic song taken up by many ponies around the continent and in the Crystal Empire where crystal ponies changing the term "Equestria" to "Crystal Empire". In New Mareland, a famous patriotic song also emerged during the conflict, inspired by "Equestria is calling us", called "The song of the Marelanders" We were in the heart of Griffonia; Jealous guardians of our land; When under a magnificent sun; Sounded those victorious cries; Shouting, singing, onward; It's us Marelanders who've come from afar; We've come from the colonies to save the land; We've left everything, our parents, our friends; And our hearts are full of invincible ardor; For we want to carry high and proud; This beautiful flag of our whole Equestria; And if somepony should touch it; We'll be there to die at his feet; Beat the drums; To our love; For the country; For the fatherland; To die far away; We are the Marelanders! In the months before the arrival of the Changeling, many ponies formed volunteer militias to swell the ranks of the routed regular army. The real breath of fresh air for Equestria came when Stalliongrad entered the war and sent its equalist pony army, known as the "Red Army" to the Equestria front, while a second army, joined by troops from the egalitarian Republic of Nova Griffonia, joined the armies of Yakyakistan to the north against the Changelings. Meanwhile, in Vanhoover, the town was under Changeling occupation, with summary executions and arrests a daily occurrence. Worst of all for the population was the "Love Tax", a tax imposed by the Reichkomissariat of Changeling occupation with the aim of extracting love from the ponies in the area. Extraction is a painful and exhausting process, adding to the famine caused by the Changeling requisition of food and consumer goods. The little filly's daily life has been severely affected by the occupation, and many of her friends have either disappeared, left with their families or been killed. Last week, it was her friend from down the street who was executed by the Changeling for treason and rebellion. The Changeling took sadistic pleasure in executing their prisoners by forcing the extraction of love to the point of no return, or more simply, to the victim's death. A long and painful method. The Changeling adapters of this practice were often the most fanatical of the Changelings, those who belonged to the VOPS, the Changeling intelligence and political police service. Repression intensified all too soon, as the regular troops of the Changelings' Grand Army left for the front, making way for VOPS fanatics and occupying forces. Meanwhile, the Equestrian resistance movements quickly took shape, and before long each region had its own movement and network of resistance fighters. A famous resistance song was born in Vanhoover: "The song of the free ponies" Friend, can you hear the black flight of the Changelings on our plains? Friend, can you hear the muffled cries of the country in chains? Resistance fighters, workers and peasants, the alarm is sounding! Tonight the enemy will know the price of blood and tears! Come up from the mines, come down from the hills, comrades! Rifles and grenades out of the straw! Murderers with pistols and knives, kill quickly! Saboteur, watch your pack, dynamite! A vicious circle of ever-increasing, violent resistance and ever-bloodier repression was set in motion. In all this chaos, some took advantage of the situation, some of the ponies known as BSC for Butter, Straw and Cheese, because they were the goods that sold best on the black market. The Changelings rationed the entire civilian population, a sad end to the year 1011. But in the midst of this spiral of torment and pain, an event occurred that could have become a myth, a legend so much so that it was hard to believe. At the end of the year, in the midst of the year-end festivities at the front, Changeling soldiers began to sing from their positions, followed by ponies. Intrigued, the soldiers of both armies stopped fighting and began singing together from their respective positions, the changelings starting with a song from home, then the Equestrians singing a song of their own, following the changelings' rhythm. This kind of evening ceasefire spread to certain parts of the front from north to south. Most surprisingly, in the north near Bales, a Changeling unit had agreed a ceasefire with an Equestrian unit and the Crystal Empire unit, for an evening to rest, bury the dead and gather in their honor. What followed the next day was that neither side wanted to resume the battle, and the enemy soldiers had even played an Equestrian sport together the night before. An event reported in all the Equestrian Alliance press, but censored and denounced as propaganda by the Changelings. On the other hoove, the reactions of the various high commanders on both sides were terrible for the troops who had taken part in these "reconciliations". On the Changelings' side, the commander and his men were sent to the north of the continent to keep them away from Equestria and prevent them from rebelling or deserting. On the Equestria side, the commander was demoted and sent to a training camp for new recruits far from the front, and his soldiers were dispersed to garrison posts outside the combat zone in south-eastern Equestria or on the continent of Griffonia. In the face of death, we are all equal. > Final Chapter : Tragic destinies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A year later, the filly was sitting in front of her house on the eve of hearts and hooves day. She waited in the cold and wind on her doorstep, staring into nothing, seemingly waiting for something or someone. Distant noises could be heard, ponies scampering down the village street, others going about their business. Life had resumed since the dark events of last year. A year had gone by to the day, and everything seemed to be gradually returning to normal. But there was one big difference since last year. At the village hall, a white flag with a translucent light-blue insect-wing symbol was flying underneath, rather than a sky-blue, star-spangled flag with a sun and moon inside. It had been a year since the changelings had occupied her village and the neighboring town, as well as much of the equestrian territory. The filly was not fooled, having lost her innocence long ago, this year would not be a day of celebration. Civilian activity on the surrounding ponies was abruptly slowed by the arrival of a changeling patrol flying in a squadron over the village. The squad descended to the ground and then began to walk up the street, looking around them, scanning the ponies. Watching for the slightest gesture or suspicious activity. And although none of the ponies in the village were openly hostile to the changelings, and there had been no signs of resistance or insurbodination in the village since the beginning of the occupation, cohabitation was tense. The chief of the changelings was quick to notice; none of the ponies posed a threat, but their angry stares left no doubt as to their opinion of him and his fellows changelings. Continuing his patrol, the chief changeling noticed the filly as he passed her house, wondering what a filly was doing out in the cold of winter and not inside of what appeared to be her home. The patrol stopped in front of her house, and the filly looked up to see a changeling standing in front of her, probably an officer by the look of his uniform, cap and medals, all details absent from the uniforms of the other changelings slightly behind him, who were wearing helmets and had no medals. She quickly realized that she wasn't dealing with an ordinary changeling, or at least an ordinary soldier. What reassured her, however, was the absence of a trident symbol on the officer's uniform, and instead the presence of two horizontal silver bars. The two horizontal silver bars were the sign that the changeling belonged to the officers of the Heer (the changelings' army) and not to the VOPS (the secret police). The Heer, the changelings' regular army, had a better reputation than the VOPS fanatics: more disciplined, traditionalist and respectful, they were trained professional soldiers, not stupid fanatics given guns and power like those VOPS savages. It was then that the changeling handed the filly a gold coin, which stunned the ponies around them. The filly saw this and didn't understand, "What does that damned insect want?" she asked herself. The hatred and anger was too deep and the feeling too great. The filly then stood up and said to the changeling in front of her. "Keep your gold, I'll keep my power. Soldier changeling, go your way. I'm a child of Equestria and I don't hold out my hoof to the enemy". With these words, the filly picked up her belongings and set off in the direction of the station where the train for the city was due to leave, leaving the changelings in front of her speechless. A voice shouted, "Halt, wait a minute, you!" It was one of the changeling soldiers who tried to call out to the filly trotting away from them. "That's enough!" ordered a second voice, this time that of the officer, "That's enough, soldier, we're off". The soldier replied, "Jawohl, Generalmajor Jach", before filing back into the reformed ranks to continue the patrol. The Generalmajor turned one last time to look at the filly and realized that she had stopped and turned around too. The two looked straight into each other's eyes, one glance enough before a tear rolled down the filly's cheek as she did her best to hide her anger and sadness. But as astonishing as it may seem, the officer was also dropping tears very lightly. In one look and without a word, the filly and this changeling had shared the pain and sadness of a life with a tragic destiny that had brought these two lifelong strangers to understand each other for just one day. Getting off the train at the station of Vanhoover, She headed for the main avenue, where the city was a shadow of its pre-war self. Ponies who'd lost all joy walked in the streets, some drinking hot chocolates in the city's bars. For the end of the year, the changeling military governor had authorized the consumption of foodstuffs such as chocolate, which were rare in these troubled times. Despite this, the mood wasn't upbeat: where once there was life and joy, now there was only sadness, gloom and depression. As she walked, the filly saw a number of buildings and businesses marked with a green cross, a highly distinctive sign that struck terror into the hearts of the inhabitants. This sign was the secret police's VOPS to mark the businesses or homes of ponies who had resisted the changelings during the occupation. Some buildings had been emptied of their inhabitants and sent to the land of the changelings to serve as forced labor, others summarily executed. Of all the shopkeepers on the street, only a few survived the restrictions and systematic searches carried out by the changelings. The filly took an adjacent street, crossing several neighborhoods where the same desolate scene was repeated tirelessly. She arrived at a rather innocuous building, larger than the others. It was in ruins and falling apart, yet this building had seen better days, it was several thousand years old and still standing, witness to the first age of the city and of Equestria. A unique style no longer found today, a work of architectural art. Today, it's a shadow of its former self, abandoned, decrepit and falling into ruin. This building was an important place for the ponies, it was here that ponies gathered to give tribute to their Princesses, past and present. It was like a place of worship without being one, it had been made in homage to the Alicorn princesses, a place of shared friendship and hope in the past. today it's a place of torment, pain and suffering. The filly entered the building, access to which had been condemned by the changelings, but she managed to squeeze inside. As she approached the building's altar, it was snowing inside, with much of the roof and walls missing. She lit several candles with matches, then placed flowers on the snow-covered altar. Then she sat down in front of it and closed her eyes, as if reciting a text, or rather a prayer. A prayer addressed to the many souls lost in this place, whose suffering seemed almost palpable in the air. A prayer for the victims of the "Vanhoover's massacre". In the midst of the changeling army's second defeat at Canterlot and Stalliongrad's invasion of the northern territories of the continent, the changelings were becoming increasingly tense, with the war clearly turning against them. Equestria strengthened and regained ground, while the changelings lost soldiers and were unable to reverse the trend. Against this backdrop, a number of resistance groups in occupied Equestrian territories became involved in large-scale insurrections, many of which were bloodily suppressed by the changelings, including the Vanhoover uprising. Galvanized by recent changeling defeats and equestrian avnace, the resistant ponies, comprising several groups, banded together to launch their insurrection and the liberation of Vanhoover. The insurrection got off to a good start and the changeling garrison retreated to the outskirts of the town, but it was there that everything changed: several changeling air squadrons and bombers swept through the resistance, destroying everything in their path. At the same time, some changelings landed in the port of Vanhoover, while others arrived overland from Olenia. The resistance fighters were encircled in the town center, unable to escape. Many civilians had taken refuge in symbolic places, including this one dedicated to the Alicorn princesses, but this didn't matter to the changelings. Wanting to set an example, the general in charge of "containing" the resistance ordered the bombardment of the building by artillery and bombers, with fighters finishing the job by strafing the area from the air, finishing off any civilians who survived the bombardment - a veritable massacre. Lost in thought, the filly dropped a tear and stood up, placing her hoof on the flowers she had laid down earlier, she said: "I brought you some camellias, your favorite winter flower. I wish I could have brought them in your favorite flowerpot but I couldn't find it. I hope you're well where you are. I've got to go, I've got a lot to do at home, but I'll be back soon to see you." "I love you Mom." The filly picked up her belongings and left the building, disappearing into the rising evening mist, leaving the place empty with only the wind blowing through the ruined walls like a pained whistle, leaving behind only three white candles lit in the yellow glow reflecting off the red petals of the flowers laid on the snow-white altar. *END*