> The Rainbow Pony and the Demon King > by Big Imagination E > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Arrival of the Demon King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You were relaxing on the beach outside your house. You needed a break from all that church work you were doing and your hands couldn’t take it anymore. You gazed at the night sky and saw all the stars twinkling their light. Then you saw one shining bright than the others. “Well I’ll be. A bright star. Think I’ll make a wish on that.” You said as you closed your eyes. In your mind pictured yourself having the powers of the Demon King. Sure he’s deadly but learn how to control the Demon and you’re fighting for good. You finished the wish and opened your eyes seeing the star twinkle. You smiled knowing that it was a cool wish to make even if it wasn’t coming true. You got up and head inside and went straight to bed. While you were sleeping a ball of magic swirled in and landed on your chest leaving a demon symbol. The glowing stopped and there it was. Then a portal opened up above you and instantly woke you up. It sucked you in and you were screaming your head off and when you reached the end you fell unconscious and all you see is darkness. <> A good 30 minutes when by til you finally woke up seeing you were in a cave. You didn’t know what cave you were in but decided to go look around anyway. You clutched your head meaning you got a pounding headache from the landing. “Ow man. Where am I? And more importantly when did I get this on my chest?” You said. Suddenly you heard something behind the wall. You could tell it was a female behind there. You wanted to know how to get behind there but there was nothing for you to use. Suddenly the symbol glowed and you felt your heart beating. You clutched it and yelled in pain which started the transformation. Your skin became a sickly white, your eyes glowed a hellish red, horns grew on your head, demon writing appearing on your shoulders, your teeth sharpened, you grew a tail and demon wings, and finally your hands and feet grew claws. You let out a demonic roar when the transformation was complete. You transformed into a demon!! More likely a demon king. You then smashed the wall with your fists. Once you got through the wall you see 2 humanoid ponies looking at you in fear. One was pink and the other was purple. One is a unicorn and the other is a ailicorn. Both were female and they were scared. By the minute the symbol glowed again the transformation was undone and you returned to normal falling into the ground in front of the girls. “Oh my. It’s a human. Is he okay Cadence?” One girl said. “I’ll see about that Twilight. Hey sweetie. Are you okay?” Cadence said. You got up and answered. “Yeah I’m ok. But fuck that hurts!!” You said as you double checked. “ Wait. Why am I talking to ponies?” You said. “I take it you haven’t seen talking ponies before have you?” Twilight said. “Nope. Can’t say I have. The only times I’ve seen ponies were when they carried crops. And only go in a set of browns. But you two look a lot different.” You said. “You’re in another world sweetie. I’m Cadance and this is Twilight Sparkle. I used to babysit her when she was little.” Cadence said. “No kidding. Well how did you two get down here?” You said. “The Cadence that brought Twilight into the cave was an imposter. We tried looking for a way out but couldn’t. We need help. My wedding is starting and the imposter is going to take my husband away!” Cadence said. “Her husband also happens to be my brother! He’s my BBBFF! And I don’t want anything bad to happen to him!!” Twilight said worried. “Oh shit!! Then we gotta get out of here!! Come on girls! I’ll get us out!” You said leading them out. You and the girls ran fast to find the exit. When suddenly you were blocked by 3 bridesmaids who seem to be mind controlled. “You’re not going anywhere.” They all said in monotone. Suddenly you had an idea. You shot red lightning and shocked the 3. They screamed in agony and you then stopped. The 3 fell down unconscious and the girls looked with surprised reactions from what you did. You were also surprised by this. “Uh sir? How in the name of Equestria did you do that?!” Twilight said. “Honestly im surprised about this as you are. Since I got this symbol on my chest some weird shit’s been happening lately. “Well can you please tell us about this when we’re done with the job?” Cadence said. “Yes. But right now we gotta get out! And don’t worry about the bridesmaids. They ain’t dead.” You said. “Good. I was worried that the red lightning would kill them.” Twilight said. “Well it didn’t. Now let’s get out of the cave.” You said leading them out. You and the girls looked all around the cave for an exit. A good 2 hours went by and you were exhausted. They all looked high and low but no one could find a way out of the cave. Then they heard some music coming from above. That could only mean one thing. “Oh no. The wedding is starting! We’ll never get out in time to save my brother!” Twilight said. “Or will we? Watch this Sparkle!” You said as you conjured some red lightning. You then blasted the lightning at a spot in the cave. The crystals couldn’t hold much longer as the lightning exploded a hole on the ceiling. Now there was a way out of the cave. “Why didn’t I think of that?” Twilight said. “Now follow me out of here and off we go to save your brother!” You said summoning your demon wings and flew out. The girls followed behind and then you were all out of the cave. “Ok so where do we need to go to stop this wedding? Cause I have no clue at all girls.” You said. “We head for Canterlot! That’s where the wedding is! Come on!” Cadence said. The trio made their way to Canterlot to stop the wedding and save Twilight’s brother. What will happen when they get there? Find out next time when the Demon King faces the Changeling Queen! > Battle at The Wedding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the castle in Canterlot we see everyone ready to see the newly couple. The main ruler of Equestria herself: Celestia is ready for the ceremony as she came down. Once she did everyone sat down thus began the ceremony. "Mares and gentlecolts. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Cadence and Shining Armor. And now with the power invested in me it is my greatest pleasure to pronounce you....." Celestia said but got interrupted. "STOP!!" Twilight said. Everyone was annoyed by that. Why did she have to ruin the occasion? "Grr. Why does she have to be so possessed of her brother?!" The imposter said. That received some confused looks from everyone. Quickly she pretended to be sad. "Why does she have to ruin my special day?!" The imposter said crying fake. "Because it's not your special day! It's mine!" Cadence said. Everyone was shocked that 2 Cadences are in the room. "What?! But how did you escape my bridesmaids?!" The imposter said. "Well we had a little help to do that. Come on out sweetie." Cadence said. You walked through the door and when you came in everyone was shocked that a human with a demon symbol on the chest was in the castle. You stopped and looked at the imposter with hate in your eyes. "Him?! Ha! What did he do to stop my bridesmaids?!" The imposter said. "You mean besides shocking them with red lightning? Yeah not really smart goons to send out." You said. The imposter's smile vanished when she heard that. "Your kidding right? Please tell me your joking." The imposter said. "Im not. And now this wedding is over!" You said. "Clever. But your still too late." The imposter said. "Oh yeah?" You said as you jumped high in the air and landed in front of her. Everyone was shocked by that. You then conjured some red lightning and zapped the imposter. She screamed in agony as everyone saw that and gasped. While she was shocked she began losing her disguise and was no longer Cadence but rather a bug humanoid ailcorn and smoked up. She was Chrysalis. She then got up. "Did that look that I was joking now bug breath?" You said. "Ok. I seriously did not expect that. But as Queen of the Changlings is was up to me to find food for my subjects. I've been feeding off Shining Armor's love and he's growing weaker by the minute. Soon i'll be taking Canterlot then all of Equestria!!" Chrysalis said. "Not if I take you out first bitch!! I took out your bridesmaids and now im gonna take you out too!" You said. "Oh really? And how you gonna do that?" Chrysalis said. "Bug brain. I would consider some conserve. You see I've always been a guy who knows how marriages work. I also have...... demons." You said as everyone gasped. "And now Chrysalis. THIS demon will be your nightmare. Prepare for the wrath of the Demon King!!" You said. The symbol glowed again and began the transformation. Your eyes became a hellish red, your skin turned a sickly white, your muscles flexed a little, your teeth sharpen, demonic writing appeared on your shoulders, a tail and demon wings grew from your back, horns grew on your head and finally claws grew on your hands and feet. The transformation was complete and you rose above Chrysalis who was scared out of her pants. Everyone gasped in terror when they saw you turned into a demon. Even Twilight's friends were scared. "Oh for Celestia's sake!!" Rarity said. "Holy mother of Wonderbolt! He's turned into a demon!! This should be good!" Rainbow said. "A demon?! Oh I can't look!" Fluttershy said as she hid behind Rarity. You walked towards Chrysalis who was still scared. In rage you released a demonic roar in the room causing everyone to scream and run out the door. The only ones who didn't leave were the Mane 5 and Spike. You then started to speak in a demonic voice. "HAHAHAHAHA!! So Chrysalis? Still have the chuckles now? Or you gonna face me The Demon King?" He said. "Okay that's new. But even so my army will be victorious!" Chrysalis said. "Really now? Okay. Then let's see the Changling Queen try and stop the Demon King!!" He said. Chrysalis blasted some magic at you but you were unfazed. She tried again but you still remained unfazed. Then you summoned a demon head and it blasted some dark magic right at Chrysalis shocking her real badly. You flew at her but she tried to escape. You chased her down and she couldn't lose you. You grabbed her and slammed her into the ground. She got up and blasted you but dodged. You then breathed red fire at Chrysalis causing her to fall back in shock. Even the others were shocked. "He can breathe fire?! This demon is tougher than I thought!" Spike said. Chrysalis blasted her magic again. But the Demon King was starting to get annoyed with that. He conjured some red lightning and zapped Chrysalis. She screamed in agony as the lightning hit her. He stopped and Chrysalis fell to the ground all shocked. "HAHAHAHAHA!! Is that all you got bug brain!? Im gonna show you what I can do!!" The Demon King said as he flashed his eyes causing the room to turn into a nightmare realm. Chrysalis who recovered saw everything was a living nightmare. She had never been more scared than right now. Suddenly she heard giant footsteps coming to her. She looked behind and saw a giant version of the Demon King is running to her. "HERE I COME!!" The Demon King said. She screamed and ran as fast as she can to get away from him. But no matter how fast she ran The Demon King was still on her trail. He breathed red fireballs and summoned some red lightning at Chrysalis. She tried to dodge but it was too much for her. She got burned and shocked a few times but still kept running. 3 hours passed and she couldn't keep up any longer. Then she slammed her face into a wall which bruised her face and brought her back to the real world. She fell down all exhausted. "You monster!! You think you can scare me? I won't be defeated by the likes of you!! Guess I better get my Changlings in here a little earlier!" Chrysalis said. "Monster? That's a good one! Im unstoppable!! And if you think a pathetic army of bugs will save you then wait till you see MY army!! The Demon King said. The Demon King then summoned a portal which brought out millions of demons. At the same time the Changlings came in but when they saw all the demons they were scared out of their wits. "What the fuck is that?!" A Changling said. "I don't know but their monsters! Let's get out of here!!" Another Changling said. They were about to leave until 2 demons closed the doors and trapped them. "You ain't going anywhere today bugs! So demons! One and all! Get those bugs and exterminate them dead!!" The Demon King said. The demons obeyed his command and attacked the Changling army. They were killing them real good. Some were eating their souls out. Others were slashing them til they bleed to death. Even one demon ate a Changling's head right off! When they finished the demons disappeared back into underworld. Chrysalis saw her now dead army and looked at the Demon King in fear. "You really are a demon!! You couldn't possibly defeated my army so easily!! HOW IS THE CHANGLING QUEEN LOSING BY THE LIKES OF YOU?!" Chrysalis said crying. "HAHAHAHAHA!! I told you I was unstoppable!! And now you paid for it! But im not done with you yet!! Time for some real fun!!" The Demon King said. He took the opportunity to fly towards Celestia and possess her body. Once inside she had her eyes shut. Everyone was worried. "Umm. Princess? Are you okay?" Applejack said. She opened her eyes and they glowed the same red color. Then she flew towards Chrysalis and prepared to fight. "Now let's see how you like facing a demon possessed ailcorn!!" The possessed Celestia said. She blasted a combined magic beam of yellow and red at Chrysalis. She screamed in agony as the magic shocked her. She got out and blasted a magic beam at her causing the Demon King to leave her body. The Demon King was not fazed by that. Celestia however was unconscious. "Oh you just made a big mistake bug lady. Now you'll really know TRUE fear from me!!" The Demon King said. He went to Chrysalis and grabbed her by the throat as she struggled to get out but was no good. "Look into my eyes." The Demon King said as Chrysalis was really in fear. "No! You cannot do this!!" Chrysalis said. "Oh yes I can! Now gaze into my eyes. Your soul is stained by all the sins you committed. Now feel their pain and DIE IN THE HELL RAIN!!" The Demon King said as he performed the Death Stare. His eyes glowed and into Chrysalis's soul. She screamed in fear as she saw all those people she hurt in her visions. Then she felt a burning sensation coming from her guts and her body started to light on fire. It continued til her body was completely burned to ashes. Then her skull you carried. You threw it on the ground and crushed it with your foot. Thus ended the battle and the Demon King merged victorious! The spell Shining was under is broken. He was finally himself again. "Wha? What happened? Is the wedding over?" Shining said. "Im afraid it is. For the moment of course." The Demon King said. The symbol glowed again and you returned back to normal. The reverse transformation was a bit painful but you couldn't deny that it still hurts to you. "Ow! Fuck that hurts! Man im not gonna get used to that!" You said. "Who cares?! How the hay did you do all that awesome stuff as a demon?!" Rainbow said. "Girls, girls. Let him explain the situation and he'll tell you. Go ahead sweetie." Cadence said. "Umm actually how about I tell you somewhere that's less destroyed. Cause this is a real wreck." You said pointing to all the damage caused during the fight. "Yes. You really didn't have to wreck a beautiful wedding hall like that." Rarity said. "And the cake's ruined!!" Pinkie said. The others gave her confused looks. "Okay first of all no one cares about the cake. Second of all it wasn't my fault that the Demon King powers I possess can't be controlled all the time." You said. "Demon King? That's what you became fighting Chrysalis hon?" Applejack said. "Yes. Plus I had to kill that bug. She had that guy under a spell and I wasn't going to let that slide." You said pointing at Shining. "Well he has a point. But all you did was pretty hardcore." Shining said. "So could you tell us how you got those cool demon powers?! Please?!" Rainbow said. "Okay, okay!! Don't get all up in my face! Come with me and i'll explain everything." You said. "But what about Celestia? Will she be okay?" Twilight said. "Put her in bed. She'll wake up. But may have a few memories lost as a side effect after I possessed her body." You said. "Well I least she'll be okay." Twilight said as she carried Celestia to her room. After she did she returned to the group and decided to take you to her place. "Come with me to my library. You can tell us there." Twilight said. "Okay. Better than nothing I suppose." You said. Everyone left the castle as they saw all the damage caused by you during your fight against Chrysalis. But if you were gonna stay here than the ponies needed answers from you. > Origin of the Demon King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the events of the Canterlot wedding you decided to tell everyone how you got the powers of the Demon King. But first you and everyone had to clean up the mess in the throne room. It was a complete wreck after your battle against Chrysalis. Then once it was clean you then headed to where Twilight was taking you. It was a tree in Ponyville. Now you were confused cause you don't know why Twilight would live in a tree. But decided not to question it. Once inside you sat down on a comfy chair and everyone sat down as well. "Ok. Now tell us. How did you get the powers of this Demon King?" Twilight said. "Alright. Look all I know is this. I was resting back home looking at the stars after my job at a church, then I decided to make a wish that I would be granted with the powers of the Demon King. Then suddenly after I went to sleep a demon symbol appeared on my chest and a portal opened bringing me here. As for the demon form I took..well you all saw what happened in the throne room." You said. "You made a wish on a star granting you the power?" Twilight said. "Yes. I know it sounded like a bunch of crap and I don't expect you to believe that anyways." You said. "Actually this has happened before. A couple of times but I can't remember what they were about." Twilight said. "I have a question. During your battle you possessed Celestia. Why is that?" Cadence said. "Ok that was one of my abilities being the Demon King. It's call body possession. Lots of demons do that. It makes anyone stronger but the demon's in control. But once they leave the victim's body he or she falls unconscious and they wake up they'll be normal again. Except for some memory loss which is a side effect of the possession." You said. "That explains why Celestia fell down back there." Cadence said. "Mind if I ask you one?" Shining said. "Yeah man. What is it?" You said. "Whenever that symbol glows on your chest do you always go through a transformation to become the Demon King?" Shining said. "Unfortunately yes. And lemme tell you that is painful as a bitch! I feel like I got hit by a ton of bricks." You said. "Ok. Now I have one. You flashed your eyes making Chrysalis seeing nightmares. What was that about?" Rarity said. "Oh that one. Okay that was my Nightmare Reality Flash. Now that one can make anyone go into my nightmare realm scared as shit. They spend hours running away from me but they can't get away from me. That was a fun ability to use. And before I forget lemme tell you that demons have different abilities to use." You said. "Noted. Now tell us this. What exactly is the Demon King like?" Twilight said. "Well. Many years ago the demons have ruled the underworld. Many have powerful skills. Especially Chernabog. He's the ruler of darkness. He controls it and the souls of lost people. Some other demons can do that too. But most of them are very vicious to it's victims. And the one demon that controls it all is the ruler of all demons himself: The Demon King. He controls all the powers of the underworld. He can even destroy planets with one glare of his evil eye that opens up. And demons can be defeated by use the light power of the relics to vanquish the demon your trying to stop. But others may be tougher to stop. So yeah." You said. "Whoa. That's cool man. Hey how come when you open your eye our world doesn't get destroyed?" Rainbow said. "Umm. I dont have that ability. I can be called the Demon King for the other abilities I used but that one? Yeah I don't have that. That could be bad if I did." You said. "I guess it's better that you don't have that world destroying ability." Applejack said. "Yeah. But he still ruined the cake!! I don't like that when he ruins cake!!" Pinkie said. "Just shut up!! Get over that candy brain! It's just cake! It wasn't even that important anyway." You said. "Dude. Pinkie doesn't like it when sweets get ruined. She's A little crazy sometimes. You'll get used to it." Spike said. "Yeah im sure about that." You said sarcastically. "Ok now I know your being sarcastic." Spike said. "Honestly darling! How do you even think that the Demon King is even a good guy?!" Rarity said. "I got rid of Chrysalis didn't I?! You really should be thankful that she didn't succeed or all lives would be taken!" You said. "He's right Rarity. If it weren't for him we would have been done for. Besides I actually like having him around." Rainbow said. "Thank you Rainbow. At least someone gets it." You said. "So if you are going to stay then will you only hurt bad ponies?" Twilight said. "Sure. I needed someway to control the Demon anyways. Alright i'll stick to killing only bad ponies. But no promises on the body possession stuff. That I need to use him or her against their own gang." You said. "Well at least that's a start. Okay you can stay." Twilight said. "But can we call you by your nickname the Demon King?" Pinkie said. "Maybe stick with Demon. But other than that sure you can." You said accepting your nickname Demon. "Okay. And if we need anything I will call you to help. Sounds good?" Cadence said. "Yeah that works." Demon said. "But where will he stay Twily? The castle's no good anymore and since we needed to reschedule our wedding." Shining said. "Well he's not staying with me thank you very much!" Rarity said. "I didn't ask for your permission anyway bossy pants." Demon said. "He can stay with me. I'll keep him company. He's actually not bad to hang around with." Rainbow said hugging him pushing her rack into his back making him blush. "Well Rainbow likes him. So it's official. He's staying with Rainbow Dash." Cadence said. "Um. Okay. If you say so." Demon said. Everyone left Twilight's place and Demon went with Rainbow to stay at her place. He was beginning to develop some connection with Rainbow but didn't see it yet. Was he beginning to have feelings? Guess he'll find out later. > Desires for a Demon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was night time in Equestria. We cut to Cloudsdale where in a house we see Demon sleeping after a long day he had. When he first arrived he helped Twilight and Cadence escape the cave that Chrysalis trapped her in the first place. Then you fought her as the Demon King and won victorious by killing the Changling Queen. Yep it was a long exhausting day for him. We cut deep inside his mind where in the dream realm we see him resting on the clouds. He woke up wondering where we was now. "Ugh. Where am I now? This is gotta be some kind of dream." Demon said. "It's only your dream." A voice said. "Who said that?!" Demon said as he saw someone come out of the portal. She was a blue ailcorn and has a moon cutie mark. "Who are you?" Demon asked. "I am Luna. The princess of the night. Plus it's my duty to visit your dreams." Luna said. "Well that explains it. So is there like any nightmares to rid of?" Demon said. "Not really. I heard that you defeated Chrysalis as the Demon King correct?" Luna said. "Yes Luna. It's true. I did defeat the Changling Queen as the Demon King." Demon said. "Well im impressed that you possess that strong power. But did you have to possess my sister's body?" Luna said. "Oh that. I honestly couldn't have. But I wanted to scare Chrysalis bad. Sorry about that." Demon said. "It's fine. Just be careful about who you possess. Anyways i'll leave you be. Just this dream is something only you want to see." Luna said as she left Demon all confused. "What does she mean by that?" Demon said. "Oh I wouldn't worry about that my king." Another voice said. Demon turned around and saw someone walking towards him in a sexy way. The being got closer and relieved to be Rainbow Dash. She was wearing a rainbow bra and panties. Her body looked a lot different than back in the real world. Her body was a perfect hourglass figure, her rack was huge, her thighs were wide, and her booty was even bigger. She stopped in front of Demon giving him the sultry eyes. "Whoa. Rainbow you look...uh different." Demon said. She giggled sexy. "You like? I always look my best for you." She said coming closer and twirling her finger on his chest. "What do you say me and you have a little fun my king?" She said. "King huh? I like where your going. Okay let's have some fun here." Demon said. "I knew you want to have some fun. Now start off by holding me close. I want you to get a good feel of my body." Rainbow said hugging him. Demon hugged her back and he couldn't believe how soft her body was. He rubbed her back as she moaned softly. Then she placed her mouth into his ear. "I take it your enjoying this?" Rainbow whispered. "You bet. I can't believe how soft your body is." Demon said. He then tried to place one of his hands onto her butt. But Rainbow gently swatted it away. "Uh uh uh. No touching my butt yet. I promise we'll get to that later." Rainbow said. "Aw man." Demon pouted. "I really like how soft the body is though." Demon said. "Oh you be surprised how soft my whole body is. Now come here and kiss me." Rainbow said planting her lips on yours. You surprisingly returned the kiss and passionately made out with Rainbow. She came closer pressing her rack into your chest and deepening the kiss. You felt her tongue poking and you granted access to your mouth. The kiss became more heated and the tougues battled in each other's mouths. It lasted for a good 15 minutes til the both of you separated. "Wow. You were a great kisser my king." Rainbow said. "Same can be said for you." Demon said. "Now here's something that I know your gonna love." Rainbow said as she unhooked her bra and showed her D-cup breasts to him. "Whoa mama! Those are quite nice. I wonder how they feel?" Demon said. "Touch them and find out stud." Rainbow said. You gently placed your hands on her chest and she moaned softly. You then rubbed her left breast while squeezing her right one. You were loving this and she moaned a little louder. But since it was the dream realm no one can hear you two. This when on for 30 minutes of switching giving her chest the attention and then you stopped. "Aww I was really enjoying that." Rainbow pouted. "But I have a way for the fun to continue." She said taking your head and pulled it into her bosom. "Ah. That's much better. How do my girls feel? Pretty soft huh?" You were too comfortable to answer. But you gave Rainbow the answer she need by taking her hard left nipple and started sucking and kissing it gently. She moaned softly and she enjoyed that the most. You switched to the right and back making sure they both got equal attention. This lasted for 30 minutes til Rainbow brought your face up to look at her. "Looks like that answered my question. You really liked my big girls." Rainbow said. "How could I not? They were really soft and plump. I was surprised how your whole body is soft." Demon said. "See? I knew you like it. Now how about this?" Rainbow said taking her panties off relieving her wet flower. You stared at it hungrily and went in. You were licking her flower and she moaned loud. She was liking the treatment you were giving her. It went on for 20 minutes til she felt something in her nethers. "Oh that's so good! Oh I think im gonna..." Rainbow said as she blew her load. You licked up all the juices and looked at Rainbow. "Wow. That was great. Now im gonna make you blow." Rainbow said. You showed her your beefsicle and she got licking. She did that for a good 15 minutes til you felt something building up. Then you blew your load into her mouth as she got all the juices. "Mmm. That was good. Now we get to your favorite part of our fun." Rainbow said. She got up and placed Demon down gently. He knew what his favorite part was. He saw Rainbow's big butt above him and was slowly coming down to him. Then he felt his whole face covered by her butt. He then placed both hands on her cheeks. "I knew you wanted to get your hands on my butt for a while. Well now's time to claim it as yours." Rainbow said. You needed no more information and squeezed her cheeks. You also licked in between the crack tickling her as she giggled from that. "Oh my that hehe! That tickles!" Rainbow said liking it. Your fun with Rainbow lasted for 3 hours til you both were cuddling and relaxing in the clouds panting. "Wow. That was the best fun I had my king." Rainbow said. "Yeah I agree. That was fun. We should definitely do this again sometime." Demon said. "Definitely." Rainbow said as you both puckered for one last kiss. But something woke you up bringing you back to the real world. You were all sweaty and panting heavy. You looked around seeing you were back in the bedroom. "Man that was one crazy dream. Me and Rainbow doing it. Man I gotta stop thinking about that. I know Rainbow ain't the romantic type." Demon said. You shook it off and went back to sleep. What you didn't know is that Rainbow watched the whole time and she blushed knowing she has feelings for him too. "He had the same dream. I really do love him. But I don't know how to tell him." Rainbow said. She went back to bed and tried to think of a way to confess. What might happen next time? > The Grand Gala/ 2nd Demon Fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You woke up the next morning and needed a walk. After that hot dream you had last night you really needed some time to clear your head. You began wondering if you were starting a connection with Rainbow. I mean she liked having you around with the powers of the Demon King. But you don't know the whole picture yet. You walked around seeing ponies giving you looks that made you uncomfortable. Since you turned into a demon back at the wedding you didn't blame them. Then you saw Rainbow coming to you. "Hey dude. They giving you a hard time?" Rainbow said. "Yes. They all saw the Demon King. I really don't blame them for this." Demon said. "Relax. It's okay. It will take some time for them to accept that you're the Demon King. I mean me and my friends accept you." Rainbow said. "Because you know me better Rainbow. The others? Not so much." Demon said. "Right. Well anyways I have something to ask you. The Grand Galloping Gala's is in a week and me, my friends, Cadence, and Shining Armor are all going. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me as my date." Rainbow said. "Uh. What's the Gala?" Demon said. "It's an event that occurs every year. But I should tell you this. It gets a little boring there. So do you wanna come with me?" Rainbow said. "Sure i'll be glad to join you." Demon said. "Oh im so glad!! So promise me you'll wait for us if you arrive at the Gala earlier please?" Rainbow said. "Sure Rainbow. I'll be waiting." Demon said. "Excellent! I'll see you there my demon king." Rainbow said leaving a kiss on your cheek and flew off. You were shocked! That was what she kept saying in your dream last night! You needed to ask Cadence what is going on with Rainbow. But that can wait till later tonight. <> A week went by and we see you waiting for the gang in a nice tux. It was a red shirt in a black jacket and pants. Since you promised to wait for Rainbow you intended not to break it. The night was pretty and after waiting for 20 minutes you saw a carriage landing. The door opened all out came Twilight, Spike, her friends, Cadence and Shining Armor all dressed nice for the occasion. Rainbow saw you and went to you hugging you gently. "Thanks for waiting. I was worried you broke the promise. And Pinkie wouldn't like that at all." Rainbow said. "I wasn't going to do that. I promised and I meant it." Demon said. "Im glad your here. Now let's get this party started." Twilight said as everyone went inside the castle. <> Once inside the castle the gang went there separate ways to enjoy. Except for Cadence. She decided to stay with you but you needed to ask her what is going on with Rainbow. "Hey Cadence? Can I ask you something? Can you tell me what is going on with Rainbow? She ain't acting like her usual self." Demon said. "Yeah I seen this before. I think Rainbow is really taking a liking to you. I think she's been hit by Cupid's arrow." Cadence said. "You mean she has a crush on me?" Demon said. "Yes sweetie. But I understand that you don't wanna rush things. But sooner or later you may need to confess to Rainbow." Cadence said. "Yeah. I had a crazy dream about her last night. So that's a sign. Alright thanks Cadence." Demon said. "Your welcome. Now enjoy the Gala." Cadence said taking her leave. <> You walked out to the balcony seeing many ponies enjoying the night. You felt a little bored cause Rainbow was right. It wasn't so much of an exciting event. You took a seat on the bench and sighed. If there was anything you can do to make it better than you would definitely do just that. "Excuse us sir? Are you okay?" A male voice said. You saw a couple coming towards you both were unicorns in fancy clothing. One was a male unicorn in a tux, the other was a female in a lovely light pink dress. Not wanting to be rude you answered them back. "Im fine. Im just a little bored is all." Demon said. "I know what you mean. The Grand Gala is not always exciting but what can you do about it? Oh where are my manners? I haven't introduced myself. Im Fancy Pants and this is Fleur De Lis." He said. "Charmed darling. What's your name?" Fleur said as you kissed her hand. "I go by my nickname: Demon. I know it sounds scary but I like that nickname." You said. "Oh totally understandable. So Demon tell us this. Was it true that you turned into an actual demon back at the wedding?" Fancy said. "Yes Fancy. I don't want to draw too much attention but yes. I have powers of the Demon King." Demon said. "Really now? That's quite impressive. You know if I had those I could have used them to stop that selfish jerk Blueblood." Fleur said pointing at a male unicorn with dirty blonde hair groomed nice. "That guy? What did he do?" Demon said. "I saw him use Rarity as a shield when the cake came flying and splattered her in the face. Or when he refused to give her the red rose. And he wasn't letting her go first in entrance. That's last year's stunts he did." Fancy said. "Ok that is just plain rude. I'll keep an eye on him. If he tries to do that shit again then guess what? He's gonna find out that I got something he'll be scared of for life." Demon said. "Ok do that if you really need to. Well nice meeting you. Hope we see you again soon." Fancy said as he and Fleur left and Demon waved goodbye. You then went back inside the castle. <> In the castle you heard some music playing. But it wasn't the music you wanted to dance to. How could this be any more boring? Then you had an idea. You quietly summoned 2 radios and placed them on the stage when no one is looking. Then you took a microphone and a CD and placed it in the speaker. You then got the microphone all ready and spoke into it gathering everyone's attention. "Ladies and gentlemen. I apologize for interrupting this party. But I have something I think you'll all enjoy. Now here's A song that will get this party sky high! Enough of the classical music cause it's time to crank up the volume and rock!! Now get ready cause im gonna burn it to the ground!!" Demon said as the music begin playing. When the music started going louder you ripped off the shirt and jacket showing them the demon symbol and started to sing! At first the ponies were confused by this but after listening to the song they started finding it pretty good. Then to the surprise they started dancing!! You continued singing and ended it with a pose! Everyone cheered and even Rainbow was so happy that you turned up the party level. "Ugh! What kind of horrible singing was that?!" A snobby voice said interrupting the cheering. It was Blueblood that Fleur told you about. "What did you say punk?" Demon said as you walked to him. "I couldn't believe that I heard the most uncouthful song ever! In fact im surprised that these 6 allowed you in the party. If it was me I wouldn't let you join any events." Blueblood said. "Watch your mouth asswipe. Or I would gladly kick your ass right here right now!" Demon said. "Oh please. You don't know how to fight. Like Rarity who made a fool out of me by getting cake on me when I just had myself groomed!" Blueblood said. Your eyes then glowed hellish red and you spoke demonic scaring Blueblood. "You really wanna test me? Also it was your fault that you were selfish and rude not Rarity! Now im giving you one last chance. You gonna watch your mouth? Or do you need the Demon King to do that for you?" Demon said. "Whoa. Okay I wasn't expecting that. But the Demon King? Is that what your called? Your more like the hairless monkey who that rainbow peasant likes." Blueblood said as he pointed to Rainbow. That really pissed you off. "No one talks about Rainbow like that! Ok that's it! You gonna die tonight bitch!!" Demon said. The symbol glowed and you transformed into the Demon King. Everyone saw you in the form in terror but Blueblood was even more scared than ever. You slowly went to him and released a demonic roar. He screamed and ran off with you chasing him down. When Rainbow saw you she needed to do something. "Why did Blueblood had to piss him off?! I gotta calm him down before things get worse!" Rainbow said flying after you. <> Everyone in the main hall was enjoying the gala. Even Twilight and her friends. But when they saw Blueblood screaming his head off and closing the door he panted while everyone glared at him. "Ponies! There's A demon!! He's trying to kill me!! Don't let him get to me!!" Blueblood said. No one believed him. Then suddenly the door broke down and out from the smoke came the Demon King. Everyone gasped as they saw him. Blueblood looked at him in fear. "Ok im sorry I made you mad! Im sure we can work something out!" Blueblood said. "Nice try asshole! But your not fooling me with that act! Now feel my wrath!! The Demon King said. You conjured some red lightning and zapped Blueblood. He screamed in pain as everyone saw what you were doing. Twilight saw you and tried to calm you down. "Hey Demon! Calm down! He was trying to get in your head!" Twilight said. "Well he asked for it! Now he's gonna pay!!" The Demon King said. Rainbow found you zapping Blueblood and went to her friends. "Blueblood pissed him off! How do we get him to calm down?!" Rainbow said. "I tried talking to him! He won't calm down!" Twilight said. "Twily! Maybe whenever he turns into the Demon King he won't revert back to normal til he wins the battle!" Shining said. "So let him fight Blueblood. Maybe that way he'll get it out of his system." Cadence said. "You insane?! He's gonna wreck the gala!!" Rarity said. "Rarity!! Get a hold of yourself! Let's see if that will work." Applejack said. Back with you in demon form. You were still zapping Blueblood. Then you had enough and stopped. "Ok ok! You made your point! Now please stop!" Blueblood said crying. "No. I think you need a little more punishment!! Lemme show you what fear is like!! The Demon King said flashing his eyes making the Gala the nightmare realm. Blueblood looked around more scared than ever. He was in a living hell. Suddenly the roof was ripped off by the giant Demon King. He looked at Blueblood with hate in his eyes. "Are you enjoying the punishment little fool?" The Demon King said. "No! Please I beg you!! Have mercy on me!!" Blueblood said still crying. "Sorry. Im all out of mercy." The Demon King said. You breathe red fire on Blueblood as he screamed in agony getting third degree burns. This lasted for a good 10 minutes til you stopped returning him to the real world. You then went to Blueblood who struggled trying to get up. "Ok bitch. Im not gonna tell you again. Are you gonna watch your mouth and respect other girls? Or do you want the Demon King to give you more punishment than ever? " The Demon King said. "Alright please no more! I won't be an arrogant selfish jerk to everyone anymore! Just please don't kill me!!" Blueblood said crying. "Alright. Now get the hell out. Before I change my mind." The Demon King said as Blueblood ran out of the castle crying. The symbol glowed and you transformed back to normal. Everyone saw all the stuff you did. You lowered your head in guilt realizing you might have ruined the gala. "Im so sorry folks. He said some stuff that got in my head and I snapped. I should leave. Im sorry for ruining your night." Demon said as he was about to leave. "Wait!" A female voice said. You stopped and saw a unicorn mare. "I have something to confess. I was actually glad you faced Blueblood. I just wanted to enjoy the Gala without having him speak that fancy crap all the time." She admitted. "I hated the fact that he didn't like my choice of clothes. So what?! But since you dealt with him I don't have to worry about that anymore." A male pony said. Soon everyone else admitted what they hate about Blueblood and gave you praise for stopping him. "Wow. I never realized that a lot of you hate him. Well your all welcome for ridding you of him. Now you can enjoy the Gala. But I should leave. I feel guilty for destroying the place." Demon said. "Don't leave darling. It's still okay. Besides someone wanted to talk to you." Fleur said showing you that Rainbow wanted to talk to you. "Dude. Why didn't you tell me about Blueblood? Why didn't you say anything?" Rainbow said. "I didn't think you would help me. I mean the fact is that im the Demon King. And I will definitely try to be more careful. But im always gonna try not to cause much destruction. But it's not always the case. So im sorry for ruining your date Rainbow. Guess you don't want me around anymore." Demon said. "Don't say that! I do want you around! In fact im glad you didn't kill that guy." Rainbow said. You looked into her eyes showing that she is telling the truth. You then looked around and everyone had smiled showing no hate for you. You looked back at Rainbow. "So Demon. After we fix up the place I want to ask you this. You would like to dance with me?" Rainbow said. "I would be honored. But we should fix it up first." Demon said. "And no worries. Were here to help you!" Pinkie said. Soon everyone has got together and fixed up all the destruction you accidentally made while stopping Blueblood. Soon after 3 hours everything was all fixed and continued to enjoy the Gala. Rarity got your shirt and jacket and you took them and placed them back on. During a slow song you and Rainbow were waltzing on the dance floor. You never took your eyes off of Rainbow. "So Demon. You feeling a little better?" Rainbow said. "Actually yes Rainbow. And sorry for not telling you earlier. This could have saved us from a lot of tro..." Demon said but Rainbow put her finger on his lips shushing him. "Shh. Don't worry about that anymore. What's done is done. Now just relax and enjoy the Gala my king." Rainbow said. So you and Rainbow enjoyed the Gala for the rest of the night. You smiled knowing that this was a good night. Even if you became the Demon King to stop a snobby pony. But you weren't going to keep that guilt in your head. You hoped what the future holds in store for you. > Learning the Abilities > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 weeks passed after the events of the Grand Galloping Gala. You were walking around the town seeing ponies giving you more friendly looks. Since you stopped Blueblood they started opening up to you a whole lot more. You admitted that you thought you ruined their night but it was the exact opposite. But while you were walking around somebody was watching you. After an hour of walking you got hit with a magic beam and screamed, you fell down and turned around seeing 2 guards in yellow armor. "What the hell was that for?!" Demon said. "Silence! You are under arrest for destruction of Canterlot property and hurting one of our subjects." One guard said. "That wasn't my fault! Also we fixed all the damage at the Gala!" Demon said but the guards refused to listen and placed him in cuffs. "You're going to jail criminal! Now march!" The other said. "Hey!! What is going on out here?!" Twilight said coming to them. "Twilight Sparkle. We caught this criminal snooping around. So were taking him where he belongs: Tartarus." The guard said. "He's not a criminal!! He just needed time to control the power he has! Now let him go!" Rainbow said. "What's your proof that he isn't a criminal?" The second guard said. "I stopped Chrysalis at the wedding a few weeks ago!! If I didn't then she would have been continuing to feed off the love and hurt innocent people! Is that enough proof for you?!" Demon said. "Likely story." The guard said. "Hey!! We were all there when that happened!! Now let him go now! Or i'll bash your skulls open!!" Rainbow said. The guards saw Rainbow with anger in her eyes and they looked a little scared on the inside but didn’t show. "Okay fine! But were keeping an eye on him." The guard said releasing you. “And for your information you do not threaten us by saying such things. So you will watch him and if we catch him doing evil he’s going to be in jail.” The other guard said. The guards walked away. You were pissed that they wouldn't believe you. So you conjured some red lightning and zapped them. They both screamed in agony and you raised both your hands and sent them flying to the unknown while they were screaming their heads off. Twilight gave you an annoyed look. "Was that really necessary?" Twilight said. "Umm they were gonna put me in jail for the wrong reasons. So yeah it was necessary. Plus I didn't kill Blueblood. He just got some burn marks that's it. But I really hate people like those assholes!!!" Demon said. "Hey, hey buddy. Calm down. Relax. It's ok. Deep breath." Rainbow said calming you down. "Im calm. Thanks Rainbow." Demon said. "Ok hon. We said you can hurt bad ponies. Not attack Celestia's guards." Applejack said. "Sorry. I was pissed cause those fuckers didn't believe a single word I said." Demon said. "And darling can you please stop using that dirty language?" Rarity said. "Umm girls? Maybe we shouldn't keep pushing him like that. I don't want him getting angry again." Fluttershy said. "Yeah we don't want him losing his mind again. We have to keep him under control." Rainbow said. "Rainbow. Im surprised you weren't judging him the whole time. That's really a first time you did that." Twilight said. Suddenly Spike came to the girls with a note for them. "Girls! It's a note! It's from Princess Celestia! She wants to meet the Demon King!" Spike said. "Oh brother. I really hope she isn't still bothered by me possessing her body." Demon said. "Don't worry. She's my mentor. She's the nicest pony I've ever known." Twilight said leading the group to Canterlot Castle. <> Once everyone arrived they entered the castle. Of course Demon had been here since he fought Chrysalis. But he didn't see those color stained windows. They represent legends of Equestria from long ago. He liked with there was to offer. Soon everyone got to the throne room and saw Celestia. She stood tall at our heroes with a smile. "Twilight Sparkle. Im glad you and the girls are here." Celestia said. "We all are princess." Twilight said as Celestia noticed you. "And im guessing you are the Demon King?" Celestia said. "Yes. Your Highness im sorry about possessing your body. It was one of my abilities as the Demon King and I feel bad. I tried controlling the Demon King to fight for good." Demon said. "Don't worry. Your good. I actually brought you here because im curious to know what abilities you have as the Demon King. No one has ever possess such raw power like this before." Celestia said. "Oh that. Well since you are the princess I guess I could show you." Demon said. "But before we do I need you to answer this. Did you really shock 2 of my guards and sent them flying?" Celestia said. "Okay yes that was me. Sorry about that. I snapped cause those idiots didn't believe a single word I was saying about stopping Chrysalis." Demon said. "Ugh. Those 2 still haven't learned not to judge others. I really need to smack some sense into those thick skulls of theirs." Celestia said. "Yeah. You probably should." Demon said. "Anyways. Take the form of the Demon King and we can get started." Celestia said. You let the symbol glowed and you transformed into the Demon King. But while the transformation was going you couldn't help but yell in pain a little. But it was complete and the pain stopped. "I take it the transformation was a bit painful? Cause the symbol on your chest glowed?" Celestia said. "Yes Celestia. This was not the first time that's happened." The Demon King said. "Clearly. Ok now let us begin." Celestia said as her horn glowed. She shot some magic beams at you but you were unfazed by that. Then another blast you grabbed it and turned into a ball of red lightning. Celestia stopped as she was surprised. "Incredible. You seem to be immune to magic blasts. And you can grab the magic turning it into your own magic and using it against your opponent." Celestia said. "Yeah. When I fought Chrysalis her magic didn't seem to faze me." The Demon King said. "I can tell. Now let us see what other abilities you have." Celestia said. You demonstrated by conjuring red lightning from your hands. You then zapped Celestia but not too bad. After 5 minutes you stopped. "So that's the lightning. Deadly but useful. Please continue." Celestia said. You summoned a demon head and it shot some dark magic at her but she dodged. Then you took a deep breath and spread red fire at her but she quickly summoned a shield before the flames could touch her. 3 minutes passed and you stopped. "So you can summon demon heads and breathe fire. That's not bad." Celestia said. "Thank you. Now lemme show you a more scary ability I use." The Demon King said as she flashed his eyes and turned the room into the nightmare realm. Celestia looked around seeing the place was demonic and evil looking. She then saw the giant Demon King coming towards her and stopped. "Well this is quite the ability. Making the location your at into a nightmare realm." Celestia said. "Yes. One of my greatest tricks I ever used." The Demon King said as he turned the room back to normal. "So far all the abilities you have are quite useful. I can see why you defeated Chrysalis so easily." Celestia said. "Yes they are. But I couldn't have done it myself. Even a Demon King knows when to call in his army." The Demon King said as he summoned a portal bringing out his demon minions. "Oh. So you also can summon actual demons when you need to. Clever." Celestia said. "Yes. And we'll bring down any asshole that gets in our way!!" One demon said. "Now, now demons. I like where your heads are at. But let's save that for when we need to fight an evil being." The Demon King said as his minions returned to the underworld. "Well I have to say. Those abilities you possess are possibly the most powerful ones I've seen in years. No one has ever been able to control such demonic powers in ages." Celestia said. The symbol glowed returning you to normal. You looked at Celestia and answered her question. "Well not many people can control demons. But maybe I was the only one that can." Demon said. Suddenly the doors open and everyone saw Shining Armor and Luna running towards them. They both looked very scared and tired from running. "Sister! We should have terrible news!" Luna said. "What is it Luna? Is Ponyville under attack?" Celestia said. "Well yes it is. But there's something else! Nightmare Moon has returned." Luna said. Everyone gasped hearing that. Nightmare Moon was the most evil being that wanted to cover the land in eternal night forever. How she returned was bad news. "Nightmare Moon's back?! I thought we stopped her months ago!" Twilight said. "Umm. Who the hell is Nightmare Moon?" Demon said. "Only the most evil being in all of Equestria. She was Luna's demonic ego. Years ago when they were first crowned the ponies liked Celestia a lot more than Luna. That left her jealous because they only slept on her night. Which made her turn into Nightmare Moon. We fought out to stop her and succeed. But I don't know how she returned!" Twilight said. "I know how. After you defeated her some magic from the dark armor has been building up and once it had enough she gained her own form. Now she runs among us all." Luna said. "And not only did she attack Ponyville but she kidnapped Cadence!!" Shining said. "WHAT?!" Everyone said. "Where did she take her?" Celestia said. "To our old castle in the Everfree Forest. Twilight you must rescue her. Bring the Demon King with you. He'll need all the help he can get." Luna said. "Don't worry princess. We'll stop Nightmare Moon and save Cadence!" Twilight said. "Oh this is gonna be sweet! The Demon King vs The Dark Princess! Let's see how she can handle against me!!" Demon said. "Come on gang! Let's save her!" Twilight said as she lead everyone out of the castle. Cadence was kidnapped by Nightmare Moon! Can the Demon King stop her? Only time will tell. > The Demon King vs The Dark Princess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone went outside and saw all the chaos Nightmare Moon had been causing. The skies were swirling vortexes up high summoning ponies in nightmare form. Most of the buildings were destroyed, everyone was screaming in fear, and purple fire was burning the ground up. Some of the nightmare ponies were possessing others forcing them to kill the members of their families. Needless to say it was pure terrifying. "Hot damn!! This Nightmare Moon witch ain't kidding around here!" Demon said. "She must have been busy. We gotta stop her and save Cadence!" Twilight said. "Im coming too! She's my marefriend and I won't let her get tortured by Nightmare Moon!" Shining said. "Well Shining. Im glad you are. Now let's go find that wicked witch!!" Demon said summoning his wings and flying to the castle while the others followed behind. <> Our heroes arrived at the castle of the two sisters. It was rebuilt into something that even would outdo Dracula's castle in Transylvania. There was banners of a skull covered in stars representing her logo, the walls were painted a midnight blue, the towers have been remodeled into defense towers with cannons that can shoot blue firework cannonballs, and there were guards in nightmare armor all around. Our heroes needed a plan to get inside and fast. Cadence wasn't gonna survive in there for any longer. "Nightmare Moon was busy with the repairs on the castle. She's got guards all over the place." Twilight said. "Oh I hate to think of Cadence in there. We got to get her out!" Fluttershy said crying. "Don't cry darling. We'll get her out I promise you. We just need a plan to get inside the castle." Rarity said. "So Demon. Do you have a plan to break in?" Shining said. "Well I do have one plan. Shining you and the others need to distract the guards long enough for me to sneak inside the castle and find Cadence. When I find her i'll give you the signal by shooting some red lightning in the sky. When you see it you guys jump in and blast any guard in your way and keeping going til you find me. Got it?" Demon said. "Got it. But how will we distract the guards?" Shining said. "Yeah and where's Pinkie?" Twilight said. "Um does that answer your question?" Demon said pointing at Pinkie with her party cannon heading to the guards. "Yeah that does. Alright Demon we'll distract them. Get in there and find Cadence." Twilight said. "And Demon. Don't stop til Nightmare Moon is done for." Rainbow said running with her friends to distract the guards. "Oh she won't know what hit her. Cadence never fear! The Demon King will be there!" Demon said summoning his wings and flew into the castle while the ponies were fighting them. <> Inside the castle Demon went into ninja mode and quietly snuck around to see where Nightmare Moon was keeping Cadence. He searched high and low seeing all the windows with many nightmares to scare anyone, but it's doesn't seem to scare Demon. He heard some guards marching coming his way and hid behind one of the pillars. The guards passed and Demon came out of his hiding place. "Whew. That was a close call." Demon said as continued looking around for Cadence. He continued for 3 hours til he reached the throne room. He figured if there was anyplace that Cadence could be it's there. He quietly opened the door and snuck in closing it softly so it wouldn't draw too much attention. Demon saw the throne room was all scary looking and to his surprise he saw Cadence. She was chained up and wearing a starry slave outfit. Cadence saw Demon and smiled. "Demon? Is that you?" Cadence said. "Yes Cadence. Now don't worry. Im gonna get you out of here. Lemme call the others." Demon said as he summoned some red lightning signaling the others that he found her. The ponies saw that and went straight to the source. "Now lemme get you out of those chains." Demon said. "Oh I dont think so." A voice said. Demon saw some purple mist coming into view and started forming into a black vampire like ailcorn. She was without a doubt the demonic ego of Luna: Nightmare Moon. "Nightmare Moon. I should have known you were coming to stop us." Demon said. "Yes. And im surprised that you were able to sneak inside my castle without my guards noticing you." Nightmare Moon said. "Well don't flatterer yourself." Demon said. "Oh I saw you signaling your pony friends to stop me. Im afraid I can't have that." Nightmare Moon said using her magic to shut the doors before Twilight and her friends could get in. "Now your in here all by yourself. How will you ever get out of this?" Nightmare Moon said but Demon smirked. "You think im scared of you? Bitch please I do the scary stuff around here. Now hear this. Let Cadence go or i'll give you something to be REALLY scared about." Demon said. "Ha! You must be a real fool. Do you really think you can stop the most powerful being in all of Equestria?" Nightmare Moon said. "Moonbutt you have no idea who you're dealing with. Luna had her demons in the past. But now that you're out and all by your lonesome you'll now find out.....that I got my demons too." Demon said. The symbol glowed on your chest and your eyes glowed a hellish red and began the transformation. Your skin is a sickly white, demonic writing appeared on your shoulders, the muscles flexed a little, demon tail and wings appeared on your back, your teeth sharpen, horns grew on your head, and finally claws grew on your hands and feet. The transformation was complete and you stared at Nightmare Moon ready to fight. Nightmare Moon was surprised. "Well. That's something. You know what? We dont have to fight. Lemme offer you a deal. You and me together. We will rule Equestria and be king and queen." Nightmare Moon said. "Your kidding right? I would never agree to that. I already have a place as king. Now come at me and suffer in hell!!!" The Demon King said shooting red lightning as Nightmare Moon and dodged. "So be it then. You will know you're place where you belong!!" Nightmare Moon said. The both charged into battle and began to fight. The two threw some punches at each other, then flew into the sky and went punching again. This lasted for 15 minutes til The Demon King injured both of Nightmare Moon's wing by squeezing them real hard and breaking the bones in them causing her to scream in pain. He threw her down to the ground and she crashed hard. He conjured some red lightning and zapped her as she screamed in agony. He flew down and landed in front of her. "HAHAHAHAHA!! How low you fallen Moonbutt! Now I wonder something. What exactly is the dark princess scared of?" The Demon King said. Nightmare Moon got up. "Me? Scared? What a joke! It should be you that's scared!" Nightmare Moon said blasting her magic at him. But he remained unfazed. "What?" Nightmare Moon said trying again but got the same result. "How can this be?! No one's ever immune to my magic before!" Nightmare Moon said. "Yeah your facing a demon king bitch. Now lemme show you some dark magic you'll never counter!!"The Demon King said. He conjured more red lightning and zapped Nightmare Moon again. She screamed in agony and fell in pain. She looked at the Demon King and for the first time cowered in fear. "Aww would you look at that. The dark princess is actually feeling scared. Now that's something you don't see every day." The Demon King said. "Ok that hurt a little bit. But even so you won't stop me from covering the land in eternal night!" Nightmare Moon said. "Oh please. You gotta be dumber than I thought. Eternal night? Pathetic." The Demon King said. "You dare mock me?!" Nightmare Moon said blasting her magic at him. But he grabbed it and tossed the red lightning ball at her. She got shocked and fell to the ground. "Wow. Trying to blast me a third time? You never learn do you? Now let's see what nightmares you will have for years." The Demon King said flashing his eyes turning her castle into the nightmare realm. She looked around and seeing all sorts of demonic nightmares. Then she heard the footsteps of the giant demon king coming towards her. "HERE I COME MOONBUTT!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" The Demon King said. She screamed and ran as fast as she could. But no matter how fast she went she couldn't lose The Demon King. He conjured some red lightning and breathing red fire balls at Nightmare Moon. He got a few on lucky hits on her but she still kept running. 4 hours passed and her legs were aching bad. Suddenly she ran into a wall breaking her face and bringing her back to the real world. She fell down in exhaustion. "Ok. Your pretty good." Nightmare Moon said trying to get up. "But even with your demonic strength I won't be defeated by the likes of you!!" Nightmare Moon said. "Really now? Cause with the state your in I would say otherwise. Now this wouldn't be fun if I didn't bring some friends to the party. Let's bring them here shall we?" The Demon King said. He summon a portal and out came thousands of demons all growling at Nightmare Moon. She was now even more scared. "A demon army?! Just how powerful are you?!" Nightmare Moon said. "Uh hello? Im The Demon King Moonbutt. You wanted to vanquish the day? Not today. Now you're gonna pay. Scary demons of the night attack Nightmare Moon and win the fight!!!" The Demon King said. The demons obeyed his command and charged at Nightmare Moon. They all jumped at Nightmare Moon and attacked her. She tried to use her magic but the demons outnumbered her. The demons breathed fire, bite bits of her skin right off, use lightning attacks of their own, and use their claws to make her bleed. She screamed in pain and after 50 minutes the demons stopped and returned to the underworld. Nightmare Moon struggled to get up but The Demon King grabbed her by the throat. "Oh no you don't!! You ain't going nowhere Moonbutt!! I told you that you can't stop The Demon King! And now your gonna pay! This is the end Moonbutt!!" The Demon King said dropping Nightmare Moon. He summoned a demon head and blasted dark magic at Nightmare Moon shocking her real bad. She screamed with every blast she took. One blast hit her in the face and she fell down out cold. The Demon King flew up and prepared a giant ball of red fire. Nightmare Moon who just covered was still weak to use magic but saw what the Demon King was doing. "No!! You can't possibly stop me this easily!! You can't do this!!" Nightmare Moon said scared. "HAHAHAHAHA!!! SO LONG MOONBUTT!!" The Demon King said. He threw the giant ball of red fire at Nightmare Moon and when she saw it she freaked out knowing her time has come. "NOOOO!!!" Nightmare Moon screamed. The fire balls hit Nightmare Moon burning her skin off. She screamed in pain as her flesh was starting to melt off her face. It continued til she was nothing but a pile of boiled blood and bones. Then the skull of Nightmare Moon that was laying there was crushed by the Demon King's foot. Finally he unleashed a demonic roar knowing he was victorious. The transformation was undone and you returned to normal. Then you went to Cadence and got her out of those chains. She wrapped her arms around you crying happy tears. You returned the hug as you tried to calm Cadence down. "Oh thank you Demon for saving me! I wasn't sure how longer I could be in here." Cadence said. "Well it won't be any longer now." Demon said. Suddenly they saw the castle starting to crumble down. Demon got out his wings and grabbed Cadence and took to the skies escaping the castle. Twilight and her friends saw the castle crumbling and Shining led them out of here before they all got crushed. <> Our heroes escaped the crumbling castle as they watched it come to the ground. Then the vortexes in the sky vanished and the night returned to normal. Nightmare Moon was defeated but our heroes lowered their heads in sadness thinking that Demon and Cadence didn't get out in time. Even Shining cried a few tears. His mare and soon to be wife was long gone. "Cadence. She's gone. I dont know what to do now." Shining said. "We should have broke the door down so we could have helped Demon stop Nightmare Moon." Applejack said. "Yeah. Now he's gone too. I never got to tell Demon how I feel about him." Rainbow said. "Rainbow. You actually love him?" Fluttershy said. "Yes Fluttershy. The minute he came here I felt a connection towards him. But he's gone. I never thought that the Demon King could been defeated." Rainbow said crying. "Should have saved them when we had the chance." Rarity said. Then suddenly they saw two beings coming down which brought smiles to everyone's face: Demon and Cadence! They landed and Demon gently put Cadence down. "Demon! Cadence!" Everyone said as Shining ran and hugged Cadence while Rainbow hugged Demon. "Im so glad to see you!! I thought you were done for in there!" Shining said. "I would have been. If it wasn't for Demon stopping Nightmare Moon." Cadence said. Shining went to you and looked you in the eye. "Demon. You really showed us that even a human with demonic powers can be a hero. Thank you so much for saving Cadence from Nightmare Moon. As a reward you will be the guest of honor at my wedding in 2 months." Shining said. "Thanks Shining. That means a lot. And I knew you be devastated if I didn't save her. So im glad that you two will be getting married for real." Demon said. "Me too. Again thank you for saving her." Shining said. He hugged Demon and went back to Cadence. Rainbow went to Demon next knowing it was time to confess her feelings for him. "Demon. There's something I really wanted to tell you. From the day you came to Equestria I felt a connection between us. The way you turned into the Demon King and fight any evil really made me feel safe. What im trying to say is....I love you Demon." Rainbow said. "Wow. You know Rainbow there's something you should know too. I kept having those dreams about you every night. I couldn't stop thinking about you since we met. So I feel the same way." Demon said. Rainbow started to cry happy tears from hearing those words. "Does this mean you'll be?" Rainbow said. "Yes. I would love to be your boyfriend. Now come here you!" Demon said opening his arms. Rainbow ran to him as he caught her in his arms twirling her around. He then put her down and shared a passionate kiss. It lasted for 5 minutes and they separated. Cadence smiled seeing the two so happy together. "I knew you be able to confess to Rainbow about your feelings. I say from here on out you are part of our family. You'll never be alone again." Cadence said. "Thanks Cadence. Now I know why you are called the Princess of Love. I couldn't have done it without you." Demon smiled. "Your welcome. And here's a little something for saving me." Cadence said kissing him on the cheek. After that she went off to catch up with the others leaving Demon and Rainbow alone. "Im glad you stopped Nightmare Moon. Now she won't be causing anymore problems." Rainbow said hugging him. "Me too Rainbow. No evil can get passed The Demon King. Let's head home Rainbows." Demon said. "Yes my king. And went we get home I have a special treat for you in the dream realm. You're gonna love it." Rainbow said. "I bet I will Rainbow. Now let's head home." Demon said. The two headed off leaving the forest. The Demon King defeated Nightmare Moon and saved Equestria once more. Now all that's left is the wedding. But after they left something or somebody was watching Demon. > Old Enemies Return/Power Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that night in Cloudsdale we see Rainbow and Demon sleeping in the same bed cuddling each other. We then cut inside their minds to the dream realm. In there we see both of them making out. Rainbow in her rainbow bra and panties and Demon all shirtless. They continued to kiss for 10 minutes til they separated. They stared in each other's eyes and never broken eye contact. "Wow. Still the best kisser and demonic fighter." Rainbow said. "What can I say? Im the Demon King for a reason." Demon said. Suddenly they heard a rumbling sound. They looked around til they saw it was coming from Rainbow's belly. Something was moving in there and Rainbow groaned a little a broke a little wind. "Oh no. I think I got a case of the love poots again." Rainbow said as her belly rumbled. "Love poots? Don't think I heard about that." Demon said. But he got the answer when she broke wind really loudly. That made Demon wake up coughing needing some air to breathe. "Ack! Ack! Man! What is that smell?! It stinks!" Demon said. "Sorry babe. The love poots is a condition I have when I got really close to someone and love him so much that my tummy had nervous gas bubbles inside." Rainbow said. "Well that explains it. And the smell. Babe I gotta head out for some fresh air. Lemme know when the smells gone." Demon said. "Ok babe. Again I'm sorry about that." Rainbow said. Demon went outside and left the door open to let the house air out for a bit. But suddenly he heard some laughing coming from the sky. He looked up but no one was there. Then to his surprise he saw purple mist coming down and formed into the same black vampire ailcorn he killed: Nightmare Moon! "Nightmare Moon?! How is this possible?! I killed you!" Demon said. "So you think. You actually killed a fake clone I made to distract you. And I ain't the only one you gotta worry about." Nightmare Moon said. Then the bug humanoid ailcorn came flying down. Demon couldn't believe that Queen Chrysalis is back when he clearly killed her. "Demon King. We meet again." Chrysalis said. "Chrysalis! How are you two still alive?! I literally crushed your skulls!!" Demon said. "That's what you thought. After our last encounter Nightmare Moon here had I chance to resurrect me. She also distracted you by fighting a fake version of her buying us time to plan our revenge." Chrysalis said. "You really haven't learned anything from last time have you? You can't stop the Demon King." Demon said. "Oh but we will. Cause when morning rises we will take Canterlot and then all of Equestria!! And you can't stop us." Chrysalis said. "I kicked your asses once and I'll do it again!" Demon said. "Funny. But it will be a pity you won't be around to save everyone. Ta ta Demon." Nightmare Moon said. Then they combined their magic and blasted him far away while he was screaming his head off. The evil royals smirked and prepared their revenge plan. Demon kept flying til he landed straight into a cave. He rolled on the ground til he hit his head on the crystal stand which hold a ruby skull knocking him out cold. <> He was unconscious for hours til a voice woke him up. "Hey kid. Wake up." The voice said. Demon woke up groaning and holding his head. He looked around seeing who talked to him. "Hello? Who said that?" Demon said. "I did. Turn around and I'll relieve myself." The voice said. He turned seeing the ruby skull. Then it glowed brightly and started to take a form of a wrestler he watched back home. He was the spirit of a man with black hair and beard. He was originally the first Demon King in NXT. That was Finn Balor. He looked at Demon as he was surprised. "Hello Demon King." Finn said. "You. You're Finn Balor! The real Demon King from back in the day!" Demon said. "Indeed I am. I saw you knocked out next to the Raging Ruby Skull. You were unconscious for a few hours." Finn said. "So that's what it is?" Demon said. "Yes. Now I need to tell you about Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis that attacked you." Finn said. "Yeah Finn. Somehow they tricked me into fighting a fake version of Nightmare Moon just to plan revenge against me. Now their gonna hurt everyone in Canterlot and all of Equestria." Demon said. "Ahh I see you're caught up then. Well they tricked you last time because they knew they die instantly by the Demon King. But this time you WILL kill them for real." Finn said. "Yeah I do. Wait how do you know about Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis?" Demon said. "Lemme tell you a tale. Many eons ago I was the original Demon King. I used the power to stop any forces of evil and restore peace. But it was all taken away when the evil Chrysalis attacked. I tried to stop her but thanks to her mom she overpowered me and I lost my power. And when i heard that Nightmare Moon returned she tried to cover the land in eternal night. I stopped her with the help of Celestia but came at a grave cost. Before i lost my power i placed a curse on the star. And it seems that you got the power now." Finn said. "So your curse is the real reason why I have the power. But what are you doing now Finn?" Demon said. "Nowadays I wrestle. Sometimes face painted like the Demon." Finn said. "Cool. But anyways how to do I stop Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis?" Demon said. "Easy. You have the power of the Demon King. All you need to do his take the Raging Ruby Skull and boost your power up." Finn said. "You sure it will help me stop those two for real?" Demon said. "Yes. The Raging Ruby Skull will give you new abilities to use against them. You must use all your strength to stop the evil royal duo." Finn said. "Well ok Finn. I've gotta to kill them for real making sure they never return." Demon said. "Yes you do. Take the Raging Ruby Skull and boost your power. Equestria needs the Demon King." Finn said as he vanished into thin air. Demon slowly went to the Raging Ruby Skull and grabbed it. He looked at the skull and if it granted him more power than ever it might be his only chance to stop Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis for real. He took it, went outside the cave, summoned his demon wings got ready for takeoff. "Nightmare Moon! Queen Chrysalis! You just made a fatal mistake! Now get ready to suffer cause the Demon King is coming for your souls!! Ponies I'll save you and everyone in Equestria if it's the last thing I do!! Canterlot! Here I come. And I'll be more powerful than ever!" Demon said as he took off into the sky heading for Canterlot. The final showdown is approaching! Demon King vs Queen Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon! Will he save everyone in Equestria? Or will the duo get away with revenge? Find out next time! > The Final Showdown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Canterlot we see everyone trapped in coccoons while Cadence and Shining Armor were chained to the wall. They tried to break free but there was no success. Even Twilight and her friends were chained. Spike was the only one not chained but instead he was in a coccoon. Meanwhile we see Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis looking at the window seeing all the chaos they made throughout Equestria. "Ah. Lovely chaos. Just the thing we need for revenge." Nightmare Moon said. "Yes. And now that the Demon King is not around we can focus our business of taking the throne." Queen Chrysalis said. "You won't get away with this! Demon will find his way back and stop you two!" Cadence said. "Oh really? Cause from the looks of it we merge victorious! And Demon will have no choice but to bow before us!" Chrysalis said. The two began laughing. Suddenly they heard a crash in the roof. Out from a hole he made Demon landed and stared at Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis with hate and vengeance in his eyes. This shocked the both of them as they turned around seeing him. "You were saying?" Cadence said smirking. "Oh you two just made a grave mistake blasting me away!! And now it will cost you you're souls! So let the ponies and Spike go! Or the Demon King is going to make you." Demon said. "Ok we didn't expect you showing up again. But we are never letting them go! Besides even now you're facing the real deals and you'll never stop us!!" Nightmare Moon said. "Then you'll both die for real in the hands of the Demon King!!" Demon said as he held the Raging Ruby Skull up high. "I need power, I need a lot, so lend me your strength to make their bodies rot!!" Demon shouted as the skull glowed brightly. The symbol and the ruby skull glowed brightly and began the transformation. Your skin still a sickly white, yours eyes a hellish red, teeth sharpen, demon wings and tail on the back, horns on the head, demonic writing on the shoulders, muscles growing bigger, claws on the hands and feet, and finally a new addition to the transformation which is armor appearing on your face, arms, chest, legs, and knees all made of bones. And red lightning was shocking all around your body meaning you were more powerful than ever. Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis were definitely looking in fear now. "They're all yours man. Take them down!" Shining said. "No! This can't be! You shouldn't have that much power! WE BLASTED YOU OUT OF THERE WITH NO HOPE LEFT!!" Nightmare Moon said. "I think you clearly don't know what you two fuckers are up against." The Demon King said. He conjured some red lightning and shocked the two. They screamed in agony and after 10 minutes he stopped. He got in a fighting stance and prepared for battle as the evil duo got up. "This is it for you two. And now you're going to be sent to Hell when im done! Prepare for the wrath of the new and improved Demon King!" The Demon King said. "So be it. But you have no chance of beating us!" Chrysalis said as they flew towards the Demon King. He summoned two giant skulls on fire and they laughed evily at Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon. They stopped and looked at them in fear. Then they breathed red fire at them making them scream and run around the castle while the skulls chased them. The skulls got a few lucky hits breathing fireballs at them. But the duo tried using their magic but had no effect. They continued running til they got back in the throne room and the skulls blasted one more fireball each and burned their skins. Then they disappeared. "Ok we certainly didn't know about that. But let's see you dodge this!" Nightmare Moon said. They combined their magic and blasted him but unlike last time he grabbed the beam and turned it into a ball of red lightning. He threw it back at them and they screamed in pain once shocked. The ball exploded and Queen Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon were all smoked and fell. Then they struggled trying to get up. "How? How is this possible to dodge our powerful attack?" Chrysalis said. "HAHAHAHAHA!!! You call that powerful?! I say that attack is pathetic!! Now lemme show you both a real powerful attack!!" The Demon King said as he flashed his eyes turning the castle into the nightmare realm. The duo looked around since it was always scary when they come here. Suddenly they heard the sound of a motorcycle coming towards them. The Demon King was riding one til he stopped in front of them. "Welcome to my nightmare realm. Where all nightmares roam free and scare you at night." The Demon King said. "How is you on a demonic motorcycle suppose to scare us? Cause it isn't!" Chrysalis said. "Oh foolish little Chrysalis. I didn't say it was only me. Time for you to meet some new friends. Come on out Ghost Riders!!" The Demon King said. Then right on cue we see lots of skeletons in black leather jackets, their heads on red fire, dressed like bikers, riding their motorcycles til they stopped behind the Demon King giving Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon the most demonic stares ever. Needless to say that the Demon King always finds a way to scare them. "Oh. That's why. RUN!!!" Chrysalis said as the two ran off. "HAHAHAHAHA!! You can run! But you can't hide pussies!! Let's get them boys!" The Demon King said as he and the Ghost Riders chased after them. The duo ran as fast as they could. But two Ghost Riders were behind them and threw giant balls of hellfire at them. The duo got burned but they kept on running. "How did the Demon King get so much power like that?!" Nightmare Moon said. "I don't know! But we gotta lose these creeps!" Chrysalis said. But they another Ghost Rider came out and got a rocket launcher in his hand. He then shot a rocket at them but they dodged. "What the hell?! He's got a rocket launcher?!" Chrysalis said. The Ghost Rider laughed demonic and continued shooting more rockets at them while the others and the Demon King were on their tails. 4 hours went by and Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis were still running but getting extremely tired and couldn't lose them. The Ghost Riders were throwing fireballs and using weapons of their own to catch the duo. They kept going til they reached the edge of the cliff. "Oh no! Were trapped!" Nightmare Moon said. "Indeed you are!!"The Demon King said as he and the Ghost Riders stopped in front of them. "You thought you could escape us? You could never escape your fears! And now boss will make sure of it!" One of the Ghost Riders said. "Thank you very much. Now let's give them another nightmare to feel!!" The Demon King said as he flashed his eyes again. This time it became a nightmarish gladiator pit. The duo looked around seeing the Ghost Riders in their seats booing Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon. Suddenly they heard giant footsteps coming there way. "Don't tell me that the giant Demon King is coming!" Nightmare Moon said. "Im afraid he is." Chrysalis said. Then right on cue the doors busted open and out came The Demon King all giant. He ran to the duo and grabbed them in the palm of his hand. "Gotcha!! Now time for you two to suffer!! Rather chilly in here. Mind if I turn the heat up?" The Demon King said. He breathed red fire at the duo as they screamed in pain and brought back to the real world. But they were smoked again from the flames. "Ok, ok! Please no more!! You win! Just spare us!!" Chrysalis said begging. "And fool me again? That shit's not happening Chrysalis!!" The Demon King said. Then he summoned some giant ruby knifes and used mind control to make them go in the direction of Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis. They screamed and ran for it. But knives wouldn't let them leave the castle. They chased them around for 10 minutes and gave them nasty cuts. The knives disappeared and they cried in pain. "Owie!! Ok please stop! You gave us another pain! Now please let us go!" Nightmare Moon said crying. "Hmm lemme think. No. Cause im not done with you two yet! How bout some raining thunder?" The Demon King said. He conjured red lightning and shot up in the sky. That made multiple lightning strikes come down as Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon tried dodging them. But they had no success and got shocked everytime. The duo fell again and laid there trying to get up but can't. "Ow. Chrysalis he's too strong." Nightmare Moon said. "Come on! We have to try to stop him! We need our revenge!!" Chrysalis said. "Chrysalis! He is a psychopath!! He's gonna keep hurting us til we die!! We gotta stop or were dead!" Nightmare Moon said. "HAHAHAHAHA!!! You ain't wrong Moonbutt!! Now how's about I bring some more friends to play with you two?" The Demon King said. He opened up a portal and thousands of demons came out and started growling at Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon. "Oh no. Not these guys again!" Chrysalis said. "HAHA!! Yes it's them again!! Now demons free the ponies and Spike!! As for Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis... RIP THEM TO PIECES!!" The Demon King said. The demons obeyed his command and ran to them. While many of them attacked Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon two of them broke the chains off of Cadence and Shining Armor while others threw mini fireballs at the coccons freeing the ponies and Spike. A good 30 minutes went by and Nightmare Moon and Queen Chrysalis had bite marks every where missing some skin. They laid in pain as the demons disappeared into the underworld. "Ok. I give up! We can't even get one attack on you! Please spare us and we won't hurt everyone again!" Chrysalis said. "HAHAHAHAHA!! I still ain't sparing you asswipes!! I told you that you make a grave mistake and now you're paying for it! This is the end for real fuckers!" The Demon King said. He conjured a huge ball of fire and got ready to aim. "No!! You can't do this!! Not again!" Nightmare Moon said. "HAHAHAHAHA!! SEE YOU IN HELL FUCKERS!!" The Demon King said. He threw the ball of red fire at and burned them alive. They screamed in agony as the flesh began melting off their bodies til they were nothing but piles of boiled blood and bones. Then the skulls that laid right there were crushed by the Demon King's feet. He let out a demonic roar knowing he won the battle. Then the transformation was undone and you returned to normal with the Raging Ruby Skull in your hand. Everyone cheered and ran to you. Even Rainbow hugged you for a victorious battle. "You did it Demon! You stopped Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon!" Rainbow said. "Well there was no way I was gonna let everyone suffer. And it was all thanks to the Raging Ruby Skull. Hey Celestia. Take this and put it in the Vault. You never know when I might need it in the future." Demon said handing Celestia the relic. "Yes Demon. And thank you for stopping those two. I didn't know they were still alive." Celestia said. "Long story short they tricked me last time. But not THIS time. This time they are really dead." Demon said. "Yeah they sure are." Rarity said. "Hey Demon. I have something to confess. Can we take it outside?" Rainbow said. "Sure Rainbow." Demon said as the two headed outside of the castle. "Ok you know how I said that I had the love poots? Well I actually made that up. It wasn't a real condition. It was only gas problems. Sorry for lying to you." Rainbow said. "Well. I forgive you. Plus I knew that it wasn't a real condition. I knew you were playing that so we could have fun last night." Demon said. "Well after the real wedding we will have some fun. No gas. I promise." Rainbow said. "Glad to hear it. That is something I don't ever wanna smell again. Now come here." Demon said. Rainbow went to him and they shared a passionate kiss. It lasted for 5 minutes til Spike and Twilight came out. "Come on you two. Twilight needs our help fixing everything for the wedding." Spike said. "Coming Spike." Demon and Rainbow said. They both held hands and went inside the castle to prepare a real wedding. After everything that happened they truly deserve this. > The Real Wedding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After all that happened with Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon everyone needed this time to relax. A month passed and you were with your girlfriend Rainbow getting the throne room of Canterlot Castle all ready for the wedding. It was decorated with white and pink flowers, streamers, and balloons. Some of them were a light blue making it nice. Everyone else was still getting ready. Fluttershy training her birds to sing, Pinkie baking a cake, Applejack bringing apple cider, Rarity make the tux and dress for Shining and Cadence, and finally Twilight making sure that everything is ready with her assistant Spike. After all that was well and done we cut to the real wedding starting where everyone was in the audience and awaiting the new couple. Even you were wearing a red dress shirt and tux. Then the bride herself came in the room while everyone stand up and saw her and she started walking down the aisle all the way to the podium while the birds were singing. Once Cadence was on the podium next to Shining, Celestia came to the stand and everyone sat down. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Shining Armor and the real Cadence. All thanks to our new hero who stopped Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon from causing havoc: The Demon King. The couple have shown true love to each other and now will present that now by placing the rings as a sign of marriage." Celestia said. Spike carried the rings to them as they took one each and Celestia said the vows. "Do you Shining Armor take Cadence to be your lawful wedded wife? To love, cherish, and honor in the days for the rest of your life?" Celestia said as Shining placed the ring on her horn. "I do." Shining said. "And do you Cadence take Shining Armor to be your lawful wedded husband? To love, cherish, and honor in the days for the rest of your life?" Celestia said as Cadence placed the ring on his horn. "I do." Cadence said. "Then by the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. Shining you may kiss the bride." Celestia said. The two then sealed their everlasting love with a kiss and the crowd cheered knowing that they got married for real. But before they left for the honeymoon they had a few things to say. "Before we leave. We got something for our new hero. Demon. Could you come up here please?" Cadence said. Demon got off his seat and walked to the podium stopping in front of Cadence. "Demon. Since the day you arrived you have been a great hero defeating Chrysalis and Nightmare Moon. So for your bravery and saving Equestria I present you this." Cadence said holding a crown. The crown was silver with rubies decorated on it. There was even a mini ruby skull in the center. Demon looked at it in wonder. It was an amazing crown. "Wow. It's a lovely crown. How did you get the time to make this?" Demon said. "Well Celestia informed me that the Raging Ruby Skull was far to powerful to be in the Vault. So I took the time to use it and reconstruct it into a crown just for you. You have earned the right to be the Demon King." Cadence said. Demon smiled as he kneed down and Cadence placed the crown on his head. He rose up and everyone cheered and chanted "Demon King!" "I hereby give you our hero: The Demon King!!" Cadence said. The crowd cheered as Demon raised his hands in the air and smiled. Then the new couple walked down and out the door for their honeymoon. After the wedding Demon came out with his new crown on his head with Rainbow who hugged him and looked into his eyes. "Oh babe. Im so happy for you. But your what? Every king needs a queen. So for real let's have some fun in the bedroom with no distractions whatsoever." Rainbow said. "Oh Im down for that Rainbows. Let's head back baby." Demon said as he picked her up in his arms and summoned his demon wings and flew to Cloudsdale. The two were so happy that tonight is gonna be the greatest night ever. > A Demon's Future > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Night time came in and we cut to Cloudsdale. Inside the house we see Rainbow and Demon getting it on in the bedroom. They started off by making out and holding each other close. While they were kissing Demon couldn't help but squeeze her buttcheek. They were battling in each other's mouths til they separated. "Well stud. That was something to love." Rainbow said. "Yeah. Especially since nothing is distracting us now. Your king will make you feel more like a queen for sure." Demon said. "I can tell if the hand on my butt is anything to talk about. Now how's about you fuck my ass? And don't worry. I took a pill so that way you don't impregnate me." Rainbow said. Demon needed no more encouragement and stuffed his cock into her butt. She screamed in pain when her cherry popped but was calmed down by Demon. He started off slowly and Rainbow moaned softly. Then he picked up the pace and started going faster. She moaned a little louder when that happened. Then he went as fast as he can thrusting inside her. This went on til he reached his climax and blew his load into her butt. The both moaned in pure pleasure and laid down on the bed. "Oh wow. You really are something Demon. Now I think my butt is sore again. Could you be a dear and massage it?" Rainbow said. "Sure Rainbow. Lemme massage you." Demon said. Rainbow got up as Demon still laid down on the bed. Then he saw Rainbow's big plump butt coming down slowly to his face. After a few minutes he was covered in Rainbow's butt. He placed his hands on her cheeks and got ready to massage. "Ok stud. Make me feel so good by squeezing my butt." Rainbow said. Demon started to bury his hands in her massive butt and squeezing her cheeks. She moaned in pleasure from the treatment her boyfriend was giving her. He then started to lick the crack as she giggled cause that was tickling her. "Hehehe. Ok that tickles stud. But keep going okay?" Rainbow said. He continued that for a good 30 minutes til Rainbow blew her load all over Demon's face and laid next to him. She cuddled up close to Demon and hugged him. "Oh sweetie. You really made me feel good. Thank you for everything. Though im curious. Why is Cadence giving you kisses?" Rainbow said. "Honestly. She only did that cause she was thanking me for stopping those 2 baddies." Demon said. "Oh. Well that's good I guess. I thought you were cheating on me." Rainbow said. "Rainbow don't say that. I would never cheat on you. Now let's get some sleep babe." Demon said. "Ok. Night baby." Rainbow said. The two fell fast asleep and embraced a loving cuddle. Demon knew his future was bright ahead. No matter what evil comes this way they would feel the wrath of the Demon King.