> My Little Pony: Unmasked > by Horror Pro5555 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: Origins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Monsters will always exist. There's one inside each of us. But an angel lives there, too. There is no more important agenda than figuring out how to slay one and nurture the other. -by Jacqueline Novogratz (Erik) "That is all it took." The young Erik thought while sitting on the outside of the opera house with a bandage wrapped on the right side of his face. Recently something happened while he went to see one of those science experiments and something happened to said machine and that caused chemicals to spray half of his face and caused that side to be burned. In doing so is causing him to lose his mind. (Erik) "That's all it took for your life to flip upside down on your head and cause so much pain and suffering, if only I was fast enough." He stated out loud as he fluttered his wings, he is a pegasus and he has always been fascinated with the wings ever since he was born and when he figured out how to fly well, he couldn't have been happier. He still couldn't believe that all of pony kind was separated all the different races split up, they were supposed to hate each other and he didn't know why. He knew when he first learned of this he thought it was stupid and the unicorns always thought they were "perfect" while earth ponies just fascinate him, having nothing but your hooves and wits it was surprising that they lived that long with barely anything special. (Erik) "I-I have to hold on though, to keep going with my parents, my parents still care about me. I must show back the care of them they don't see me as a freak, they still see me as an angel. I will never forget that. I just now that with my parents by my side I will always be welcomed by society...." If only that was the truth, just a few years later his parents got into a terrible accident that ended both of their lives and caused him to be alone, even worse the others looked at him as a freak of nature, even the guests. So they kicked him out on the street with him having nothing. So one day he goes underneath the sewers and finds the area underneath making it his lair and he would get his revenge. The rest is history, Erik has grown up and has become a legend around the opera house they called him "The Phantom of the Opera" a title that he accepted. Later he falls in love with a unicorn named Elizabeth, and he begins to eliminate the competition sometimes via hanging by a noose, before finally he meets her and takes her to his lair where she grows the courage to take off his mask. Using her magic, she took off the mask as it surprised Erik as he sharply turned around revealing his face which caused her to faint right there on the spot. He looked in shock ran over and tried to wake her up. "Elizabeth, Elizabeth! Wake up please! I should have never brought you down here!" She shortly returned her and for some reason, the others thought she was dead due to jumping to conclusions when they spotted the phantom they chased him down as he was thrown into the river hoping that he drowned but he survived and swum to his lair where he planned to run to another opera and hide in the attic. But his sanity began to decrease even more now being obsessed about seeing her again and to make his face a little more... appealing. Meanwhile, while Erik was descending into madness, an area known as Notre Dame there was an earth pony by the name of Quasimodo he was abandoned as a filly before being found and raised in the bell tower where he began to talk to imaginary statues where in his mind they spoke and became his friends. He also begins to fall in love with a mare named Esmeralda who was also an earth pony after giving him water while he was humiliated in the town center while wearing a jester hat and being thrown tomatoes at him. Later there he committed multiple crimes for which his crush was blamed and was sentenced to death so she was via hanging, she was hung for the crimes and worse they killed her beloved goat, Djali. As a result, he gets his revenge on Frollo the pony responsible, and in the same room she has hanged a few moments ago he stretches out his feet or hooves which cause them to rip out and scream in agony as he bleeds out while Quasimodo would constantly scream out while pulling the lever. (Quasimodo) "You killed her!" After that, he would go into hiding and be known as The Hunchback of Notre Dame". In London, there were two unicorn scientists, one was named Dr. Henry Jekyll who through science was able to unlock his alternate personality which turned him into a monstrous alicorn and caused chaos, destruction, and bloodshed to the streets before turning back learning about the news and feeling guilty about it so as an attempt to fix it all he confronted his alter ego but in the end, it was all in vain. (Dr. Jekyll) "I'm Dr. Henry Jekyll! (x3) (Mr. Hyde) "It's time to face the music Jekyll! I'm in your body forever and soon I will be free again! HAHAHAHHAHA." Hyde wins and is stuck in Jekyll's body until he dies, so to avoid more death in his home he moves to Paris, Prance where he can begin new research into a cure, he still has the original serum so with that it is possible to make an antidote to his condition but he had to struggle from turning into Hyde as much as possible, no matter the cost. The second one was the name of Dr. Jack Griffin who after experiments without magic only using it to put the things needed, created an invisibility potion which he drank and when taking off the clothes he had on underneath he was completely invisible. So he used this through a life of crime traveling through and becoming sort of a robin hood figure as he gave goods to others but at the same time, he caused serious crime which he caused a train to crash causing multiple deaths! He was being chased down but he avoided the law and escaped to Paris, Prance staying invisible on the same transportation as Dr. Jekyll. So to the public eye he was known as “The Invisible Pony”. All four of them are in the same city, the same country three who are misunderstood, and one criminal, and little did they know that seven ponies and their dragon would be the one to "Unmask" the truth....... To be continued......