> Fluttershy The Vampony Hunter > by ReModeledCupcake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Celestia's Letter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia's bright morning sun came into contact with Fluttershy's pale eyes.She blinked away the glossiness of her beautiful almost teal eyes. As she pulled out a mirror and Angel combed her hair, just like her name, very angelicly. After throughly brushing the shy pegasi's long dim pink hair, she waltz into her kitchen, feeling even more of the beautiful flaming ball of heat on her pale fur. Fluttershy opened her mouth and sung a loud graceful note, and almost at the start of the note, the animals were lined up in neats rows. She made there breakfest, ever so slowly, tempting the animals with its tasteful smell of herbs and spices. Fluttershy herself even winced at maybe taking a small nibble out of the savory breakfest, but instead of pouring herself onto the pan of frying herbs, she took a deep breath and tried to ignore the smell. Somehow, the smell of freshly baked, ooey, goeey Cookies always caved in her naustrals. What is that smell?Must Be Dreaming! I need more sleep Fluttershy thought, licking her dry lips. She spun around to a large bang and saw Pinkie Pie smiling with a basket of the cookies Fluttershy thought she had drempt up. "wewewwewewewewew!!"Pinkie smiled.After giggling, she tried to detect any english words she finally gave up after a few attempts.Suddenly, her other 4 friends walked through her doorway. Twilight levitated the basket out of Pinkie's mouth, wiping it with a pink cloth. Fluttershy blinked at that action. That cloth was her blanky and it now had Pinkie spit coating it. shivering at the sight of the goopy mess on her blanky, Rarity interupted. "My dear Twilight! That's Fluttershy's blanket! Have you no common sense?!" Rarity stared at Twilight, giving her a stink eye and then peering down at the wet and old fabric. Twilight looked at Fluttershy, a sense of guilt in her eyes. Rarity then picked up the poor ushed fabric and used her magic and put it into her saddle bag carefully as if it was radio-active. Using her mystic blue hue, Rarity pulled out a magazine with her on cover. "Anways,..." Twilight started, the guilt still glued onto her pupils. " We all thought ya worked to hard on takin' care of da' animals sowe whooped up a batch of these babies!" Applejack proudly annouced. "I kinda helped!" Dash annoucned, breathing heavily and landing on the ground, her wings showing signs of relief. "So we went to Sugarcube corner and made some! I wanted to make cupcakes but the whole fanfic thing about my cupcakes it wouldnt really make sense! But then again it didn't really happen what if I was cloned? Oh my gosh! If I was cloned i could have triple the fun! no wait, quadruple? I really don't know but-" Pinkie suddenly stopped when all eyes were on her. Her cheeks flashed a bright pink and her head quickly lowered. "Sorry about your blanket...." Twilight faked a smile. Although Fluttershy saw right through her apoligy, she still smiled, trying to act as if she didn't see her fake apoligy. "THIS IS THE...WORST....POSSIBLE...THING!!" Rarity screamed as she fell backwards dramatically. "What?" Dash said, slowing her breathing. "Photo Finish gave my new backwards stich amazing silver lining, teal-yellow dress, 3 STARS!" she purposfully then stood up again and fell backwards, landing on her luxury diamond flank. As everypony began to scold Rarity about not being selfish and 3 Stars was a great number, A smell of gross burnt herbs filled her muzzle. "THE BREAKFAST!!!" Fluttershy squeaked, getting everypony's attetion.A pit of fire had formed over the small pan, and the animals heads began to droop and they walked back to there homes. Trying to calm the animals and convince them it they would be fed, was quite hard considering she had to put out a pile of flaming herbs. Fluttershy then covered her face withher hooves. "Stop!" she quietly yelled, making everypony's eyes lock on her. As she removed her hooves from tearfilled eyes, the ponies still stared at her in awe. "Fluttersh-" Rainbow started as she trotted over to her best pal. "Get out...please..." Fluttershy ignored her instincts of saying "If you want." These ponies had just ignored her, hadn't helped her put out the fire, ruined her blanky, and they still haven't said Sorry yet. The ponies, shell-shocked, began to back out of the little cottage. "Were Sorry..." Pinkie started but was stopped by a consending yellow hoof pointing behind her. "Fluttershy!" Fluttershy heard spike's voice from a distance. "Spike?" Fluttershy wondered. He never paid attetion to her, considering she was a rather shy pegasus and didn't get out that often. "Flutter-*Huuh* Shy!" Spike's voice began to have a loud cough to it as he entered her cottage as the rest of her "friends" were just leaving due to there mistakes. "Celestia gave me this letter for you!" he dropped it on her table when he saw the other mares return to slowly retreating. "Oh....My....thank you...umm..,Spike." Fluttershy ushed out a smile, ignoring the feelings of guilt from yelling at her poor mare friends. "I-Im sorry..." Fluttershy tried to start. The guilt began to chip her away. "Its okay, sugarcube." Apple Jack motioned the others to join her. All in unison, the mare-BPFF hugged in a circle of hate, betrayel, and love. "Let's geta' going." Apple Jack suggested. They all agreed and began to trot out of the cabin quite quickly, as if Fluttershy was going to beat them. All but Spike. "Spike, what is this letter about?" Fluttershy unlatched the poorly put on hook which flung open, causing her to flee to a nearby corner. She then again, noticed the fire-wretched herbs. And then put them out. She sighed, throwing away the once perfect breakfast. Spike picked up the letter. "It says here-" Spike suddenly dropped the letter and gasped, his scales standing on end. "What?" Fluttershy anoxiosly. She then picked up the letter and read aloud: Dear Fluttershy, I must say your dealings with other ponies and animals is quite remarkable, being a pegasus! Although, I am not here to discuss your well-being. Equestria is in a state of pure madeness. Vamponies are showing up everywhere!- Fluttershy stopped reading and dropped the parchment. Vamponies?What are Vamponies?!Shakign in fear, Fluttershy closed her eyes.A tear almost escaped her cyan eyes, but she sucked it up and kept on reading. "V-Vamponies are devious creatures which suck on other pony's blood and take there body's for slumber bags.Please stop this maddness. I have included a list of items and your teacher to help you defeat these Vamponies. Yours Truly, Celestia What?! Why Me? What about Rainbow or Applejack! questions raced through Fluttershy's mind. as she gripped closly on the letter, she continued reading the list. "Spike?!" Fluttershy squeaked dropping the paper as it fluttered down, waving from side to side against the soft air. "Y-Your my Vampony Teacher?!" Fluttershy squelled. This was Unreal! Spike, the poor baby dragon who was a slave to Twilight. is her Vampony Hunter teacher! Spike pulled out a long staff with a shiny medal rod and swung it around in a strangly attractive manner. "Yep!" He jerked the sword towards her face, making her flee to her precious corner. He then pulled out a Pink and yellow staff, longer then his but gracefully beautiful, the texture of the sword made Fluttershy want to lick it. "This is yours." Spike walked over to the terrifed Fluttershy and handed her the abnormally long sword. "Get out of this cottage! Practice starts now!" > Begin Training > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning Fluttershy awoke to spike's gleaming eyes right in her face, his lips only millimeters away. Fluttershy jerked up, afraid of her consequences if she remained down. "Get up." Spike said firmly, grabbing fluttershy's long graceful hair. She moaned as her hairs were pulled from its scalp. " I don't think I can do this...." Fluttershy mumbled, as they headed out into the bright morning sun. "Celestia's orders." he replied, still haviing no actual voice in his sentence. "Please...Spike..." she begged. She did not want to hurt anypony or creature, let alone;kill. Spike never answered Fluttershy's plee, so she didn't try again, not wanting to anger her etacher who had a sharp sword ready to attack he at any given moment. Gently throwing Fluttershy's staff onto the floor, Spike pulled out a large blacktable with a small piece of cheese on it. Puzzled, Fluttershy picked up her staff and swung it around. She felt powerful as if she was went to destroy everything. Feeling Spike's presence, Fluttershy stopped swinging and looked around. He disappeared. Fluttershy began to panic.Was I supposed to wait? Is he mad at me? Thoughts cooked through Fluttershy's brain. She heard a rustle in a nearby bush and she huddled into a small ball, retracting her limbs far enough she looked like a small yellow lump with pink flowing hair. "Come on!" Spike pat Fluttershy's back, his hand almost sliding back and touching her cutiemark. She squeed and tucked in harder. Annoyed, Spike pinched her cutiemark. Fluttershy then sprung up and blushed. "Im sorry..." she whimpered, sounding like a crying filly. Spike smiled, trying to exspress emotion he had tried so hard to conceal. "Its okay. Your just nervous. Now look." He began to take large steps while swinging his long "sword" back and forth in a "windshield" motion. Trying to mirror his movements, Fluttershy fumbled with her glimmering staff. Then, she toppled over head first. Skidding into the grass, she began to cry once again. It wasn't pain that had made her cry, no, it was fear. Fear by being rejected by Spike. Glaring at Fluttershy, he helped her up but she became wobbly again and fell to the wet grass. Spike chucked his sword down. "I'm DONE!" He screeched, yanking the staff from Fluttershy's hooves. She welled up with tears but she withdrew the saddness and tried to reason. "Please spike! I was just egtting good at it!" Fluttershy tried to confidently state, but her words were shaky showing she never wanted to do this. "Stop lying. I know you never wanted to do this, but why cant you try?!" His words began firmer, a new shade of spike came into view. "I-I I did-" Fluttershy could feel the wet mess about to emplode out of her eyes. "No. You didn't." Spike picked up the table and began to walk away, taking long strides. Fluttershy, instead of filling with tears, she filled with anger. Anger raged through her blood like steriods and she began to march towards Spike. "Now you listen here! I did try! Im just not good at this!-" Fluttershy screamed in his face. Surprised by her own magnatude, she continued. "I'm just starting so why are you exspecting me to be perfect?!" Fluttershy then stopped. She almost apoligized, but saw the impressive look on Spike's baby dragon face. He dropped the stuff once more. "I want you to be able to fight- That's why Im pushing you" He blinked. Fluttershy's pink colored brain processed the knew found info and began to smile. She then began to laugh. Spike, ignoring the shimmering yellow pegasi's cute laughter, started the training again. "Grab the staff by its waist band, Andpush foward like your blocking." Spike explained. He spread his small legs and pushed his arms foward as if he was pushing a cart. His staff was darker and looked alot lighter then Fluttershy's but she tried to do the same. Aches formed in Fluttershy's arms as she held it up. Heavily breathing, she dropping the staff and it made a loud clang on the dirt. dusting off her staff, Fluttershy tried again. A bead of sweat dripped down her forehead and landed on her shoulder. As she began to feel hot, the cool morning complimented her. Spike the placed the slice of cheese on the table. "Cut it." he pointed at the cheese. Confused, she tried to poke the cheese and felt a magnet push her entire sword back. Her body flung backwards and she landed on her flank. Looking at Spike, she tried once again but it had the same outcome. no matter how hard she pushed, she couldn't even get a small mark on the seminormal cheddar. "What's with the cheese?" Fluttershy asked spike as she once again pushed back onto her cutiemark. He poked it with his hand. "Magnetic." he smiled, trying to tease Fluttershy. Fluttershy then dropped her staff and breathed in large amounts of oxygyn. "Chill your breathing!" Spike commented, his arms crossed. Fluttershy stared him down, wondering why he had told her to chilll when #1: Shes been flung back about 20 times and #2: She just tried to cut magnetic cheese with a piece of medal! How does this even do anything? "Strength." Spike smirked, almost reading Fluttershy's mind and looking away from her "stare." Calming down. Fluttershy picked up her staff. Spike then knocked it out of her hooves. "Your tail is flexable." Spike combed his claws through her wet tail and placed the staff in it. Fluttershy's tail drooped in exahaustion. Spike tried to lift it up, but Fluttershy's tail was heavy, not the wetness or even the staff, her hair was just thick. "Cut that, Okay?" Spike kicked her hair, dirt splitting her pink mess. Gasping Fluttershy pet her precious tail. "Your like Rarity!" Spike rolled his eyes.Didn't Spike like Rarity? Fluttershy thought to herself. She shook the thought and waved goodbye to Spike as she entered her cottage. The heat felt nice on her wet fur. Angel came pouncing in with scissors and a comb. Crying like a baby, Angel cut fluttershy's thick tail and began to stroke it, trying to calm the pegasus. Her tears soaking into her fur, Angel smiled and hugged Fluttershy. "Thanks Angel." Fluttershy cuddled the bunny. There was then a knock at the door. It was Celestia herself.