> Ploomette: Fluttershys lost sister > by RainbowFucktory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ploomette's Backstory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy used to love her older sister more than anypony else in Equestria when she was young. Growing up together in the same tiny home located on the quiet side of Cloudsdale, Ploomette served as little Fluttershy's big role model. She taught her how to be kind to others, how to care for animals, and even how to fly. Fluttershy remembered how scared she was that day, standing on a floating cloud and trembling uncontrollably. "I-I don't think I can do it, sis, I want down! it's too high up, i've scared of h-heights..." the lanky yellow foal shivered, trying her best not to look down and see the nauseating array of clouds that spiraled down into endless trees and grass hundreds of metres away from where she and her sister were. Ploomette however, did not budge. She would get her sister to fly today, no matter what got in their way. Together, the two would watch older pegasi whisk past them on their way to flight-school everyday, and Fluttershy would always be startled, but expressed her desires to also be able to do the same thing. "Fluttershy, I believe in you, all you have to do is flap your wings really fast, here, ill even help you," she explained patiently, flying up to her little sister's level and gently landing on the cotton-shaped cloud. "Grab my hooves, I'll show you how to do it." trusting in her older sister, Fluttershy lifted her hooves out, squeezing onto Ploomette's light-pink ones as she hoisted her up high into the bright-blue sky. "See 'Shy? it's not so bad, can't you see all of Cloudsdale from up here?" Fluttershy closed her eyes, not wanting to get frightened and accidentally let go. She didn't think Ploomette would be fast enough if she fell, though she was older, she was still a filly capable of only going so fast, and pegasi weren't allowed to be taught nose-diving until they were a certain age. "I don't want to look! what if you drop me?" she squeaked. "Fluttershy!" Ploomette laughed. "Just open them, you're going to want to see this." her voice sounded farther away now, and it confused the yellow pegasus. "F-Fine!" Fluttershy gave in, removing her hooves from her face as she looked down. She realized Ploomette had let go of her, and she was flying in the air all by herself. "Wh-hey! I'm really doing it! I'm flying!" it may not have been that high up in the air, but for a beginner filly like her, it was an impressive feat. Ploomette flew up to her proudly. "You sure did! And you just finished telling me you weren't good enough at flying. Proves I'm always right!" "Hey! No, you aren't!" Fluttershy replied, sticking out her tongue. "I just like to play safe, that's all! if one of us got hurt it could've been really bad!" Ploomette giggled. "Oh Fluttershy, you and your excuses," her smile faded a little, her gaze meeting the petite cloudy house their family lived in eversince they were born. "Its uh, just a shame mom and dad couldn't have taught us more, their always too busy with work." Fluttershy flew up to her sister. Her mother and father always ignored them, no matter what issue they had. What Fluttershy found strange was, despite them always claiming to be busy, they never did anything, it was almost like they just didn't want their daughters around them at all. "Uhm..well," feeling somewhat mischievous that morning, Fluttershy lightly pushed her sister. "Race you over to that rainbow waterfall over there!" "You kidding? you just learned how to fly, you'll never beat me, hehe!" Ploomette replied, taking off as the light-yellow pony flapped harder to keep up. Afterward, the two fillies had a blast chasing each other around the clouds and playing games. Sometimes, Ploomette would even set her sister onto a cloud and pull it around with her front hooves. It was the best thing ever for little Fluttershy. She loved to fly under rainbows with her sister, they were the prettiest things she had ever seen, with there vibrant arrays of all color. "Hey Ploomette, how are rainbows made?" Fluttershy asked one day, snuggling up to her. Ploomette blinked at the sudden change of conversation, but smiled. "Oh...I heard, Celestia farts them out, and sticks them into clouds!" she raised her hooves to further emphasize her point, making a funny face. "Nuh uh, That's not how it works!" Fluttershy dismissed, but laughed anyway. Ploomette was always pulling her tail, but she was funny about it, so she couldn't be mad at her. Infact, Fluttershy couldn't remember a single time her and her older sister hadn't got along, as fillies, they were two peas in a pot. One wasn't complete without the other. Another thing the two sisters would get up to was pretend games. Ploomette always dreamed of being a princess, which got her a cutie mark with a heart-shaped crown on it. She had it before Fluttershy was born, so she never knew its true origin story. Ploomette would often tease her about it, making up tall tales about how Celestia said she was destined to become a princess, or how she had found a magical tiara that gave her it. "Come on Ploomette, how did you really get your cutie mark?" Fluttershy asked in her shy-whispery voice. Ploomette was digging through a big sparkling box, but it wasn't any ordinary box laying around in their play-room. The two had a massive dress-up box, and when they pulled it out of the closet Ploomette was always either the princess or queen. Fluttershy preferred to be the equerry, because she was never that good at roleplaying knight. They even had one of those giant pastel painted toy castles they'd play in. Most of the time, Fluttershy's parents ignored her even more then they did their eldest daughter, so her big sister was all she had. It made Fluttershy very sad, all her parents seemed to do was feed her, tell her when bed-time was, and run the bath for her when she needed it. Ploomette would aalways bring a light into her life she needed. Without her, Fluttershy would be lost. But the one thing the two loved most was singing together. It was a secret thing, they'd never do it in public where other ponies could hear. Ploomette was the first to introduce Fluttershy to it, but together the duo was like a miniature choir. They could even reach the high notes! "La, la la!" Fluttershy sung. "Am I getting better?" she asked shyly, blushing at the thought of another pony finding out about the two's secret activity. Ploomette clapped her hooves toegther. "Perfection! you belong on stage!" "Oh..I don''t know sis, I've never been seen by all the other ponies before," she hid behind her long mane. "I think i'd forget the words in the song and mess up." "No you won't, i'll be standing right next to you. When we get older, we're going to be famous stars! and everypony will love our music. We can sing about stuff we like most," Fluttershy beamed. "Really? like baby animals and rainbows?" those were her two favorite things. "Yep!" Ploomette said. They'd sing all kinds of songs and even planned to become world-renowned singers when they turned into adult ponies. As the two progressed through elementary school together, Fluttershy faced a lot of bullies. She was often picked on for being shy or not that good at flying, but her big sister always stood up to her. "Leave her alone!" Ploomette would always shout. She was big and scary enough to chase any meanie away. When Fluttershy got injured on the playground, Ploomette would scoop in and get out her trusty band-aid kit, she always carried it around incase of emergency. She remembered to keep the butterfly bandaids, because those made Fluttershy calm. She was the best big sister any pony could ever ask for, and they rarely ever argued. But sadly, Fluttershy's beloved sister was taken away by the changes that come with becoming a teenager. As they reached high school, Ploomette became insecure about her appearance and what other ponies thought of her. She started chasing stallions and leaving Fluttershy all alone. Eventually, they stopped flying home together. It devastated the pre-teen. "U-Uhm, Ploomette?" Fluttershy smiled, revealing her braces. "Is it okay if we fly home together again? we hadn't in a long time, and I don't feel safe flying through all the pegasi traffic alone...if it's okay with you of course." "Oh, sorry Flutters, I was actually going to fly my new friends home today, maybe tomorrow? you'll be fine on your own." Ploomette dismissed, turning away. She found a better group of ponies to hang out with, Fluttershy knew. Early on Ploomette befriended two ponies, one was named Diamond Rose. She was an all-white pegasus with a red and pink mane. Her blue eyes were always sparkling, and her cutie mark was a shiny pink crystal. She was popular for being friends with Princess Cadance before her graduation, right before she was transformed into an alicorn. The second girl, a lavender-colored pegasus with a pink mane almost the same color as Fluttershy's mane was called Sweetsong. She became loved by all the school for her ongoing music career. Fluttershy had always assumed she and her sister got along so well because they both shared a deep love for music. Their group became more cliche. They all styled their hair the same, like young Fluttershy's but shorter. Stallions would pass by the mares with hearts popping out of their eyes. Falling down the ranks of popularity more and more, Fluttershy became their group's biggest target. Ploomette, being jealous of how pretty Fluttershy was took it out on her in the school hallways. Knocking her over or insulting her little sister with the help of her friends. "Hey, Klutzershy! you're late again. Why are you so bad at flying? you're in your teens now!" Diamond rose asked, Sweetsong by her side. "Yeah Ploomette, why is so sister so weak?" "Because she's anti-social and never wants to help with anything!" Ploomette replied. "She'll never get a real job, just like Rainbine won't." Another pony who went to the same school was also ridiculed by them to the same extent, maybe even worse. Rainbine. They liked to make fun of her because she had black-colored earpieces she needed to hear properly, and she'd always come to school with a pitch-black duster on. Fluttershy felt bad for her, but never had the courage to talk to her before. She was shy, and worried she'd only make Rainbine's day worse if she brought it up. "Please just leave me alone, girls. I need to get to class," Fluttershy begged. "I'm not looking for trouble, I just want past," however, the trio blocked the way. "You think we're just going to let you go unscathed? pegasi like you act like earth ponies, we want strong pegasi, not weak frightened fillies like you!" Sweetsong pushed her down, scattering her books and pencils everywhere. "Oh my! how could you!" Fluttershy squeaked. Feeling humiliated, she started to cry. "See you after school, Fluttercry." Diamond Rose laughed, taking Ploomette and Sweetsong with her. "Oh those horrible ponies! now I have to pick all of this up by myself," Fluttershy sniffled as passing ponies stepped on her tail and wings. "Do you need any help?" someone asked. Fluttershy looked up to see Rarity's brother. "Oh! uhm..no, it's okay, I just tripped and fell." "No I can help." he said and fluttershy let him because he's a human so he picks everything up so fast. She thought it was weird that Rarity was a pony but her brother wasn't. As far as she knew he was the only human in Equestria. "Uhm valdroxx why does everyone hate me but not you if your a human." She asked picking up her school-bag and placing the books back into it. "Because im sexy." he said and FLUTTERSHY BLUSHED REALIZING HE WAS RIGHT. "And because my sister Rarity is popular. Want to be friends? she's looking for someone who can try on her new clothes." Fluttershy was awestruck, a popular kid, asking to be her friend? oh finally, someone was being kind to her! "Of course! i'd love to try on Rarity's new clothes." Ploomette was enraged the day she found out her little sister Fluttershy, a nobody in the school managed to win the heart of one of the school's most popular students siblings, Rarity's brother. This made her and Rarity closer to each other. Rarity was on top back then, ponies had caught wind of her latest taste in fashion and even copied her out of admiration. So imagine Fluttershy's surprise when Rarity's brother fell for her. Rumours spread around the school rapidly. Fluttershy felt the same and the two started dating. They loved each other more than anything, and now that she had a boyfriend the bullies left her alone because having a boyfriend makes you instantly awesome. Now they were focusing all their attention on Rainbine, but oh well, sucks to be her. They would meet up at the Ponyville Ice Cream Shake Parlor and talk. "I love you valdroxx." Fluttershy said he knows this. "THANKS FLUTTERSHY! wanna kiss me." "Ok" fluttershy said he start making out as Rarity watching approvingly in the back. "Just one pineapple blast, please," Ploomette said, handing over a five dollar bill to the clerk as she ordered her drink. Unaware Fluttershy was on a date, she trotted over to the booth and caught them in the act. "NOOO!! FLUTTERSHY IS MAKING OUT WITH VALDROXX" and she sees his buldge. "Bu-But I loved valdroxx! hes the only boy in all of Equestria and only human! so he's special! how could fluttershy steal him from me? doesn't she know I have a crush on him!" On the way home, Ploomette instantly started badgering her sister. "How is that fair? you're just dating him because his sister is the most popular girl in the school!" the pink pegasus argued. "That should be me! you don't deserve all that love and attention." Fluttershy didn't want to start a fight with her sister. Had she known her sister would be there, she wouldn't let things get so intimate. Plus, she didn't care about being popular, and until then she didn't even know how popular Rarity was! She wasn't in for her, she liked him for person he was. "Ploomette please, this is my boyfriend, I can spend as much time with him as I want. You have your own friend group, you don't even need me anymore!" Fluttershy shot back. Looking back Fluttershy regretted ever saying that, it might've been one of the harshest things she'd thrown at her sister, but that day she didn't care. She was fed up with all the bullying her school lent to her in her freshmen years. She was a senior now and wanted the drama to end. "Fine then! Whatever!" Ploomette retorted, snatching up her purple glittery backpack and swinging it over her shoulder. "I doubt your relationship will last before the School Prom." However, Ploomette proved to be very mistaken. Fluttershy and Rarity's brother valdroxx loved each other so much! They even had sex and Ploomette saw this! and he was famous so she was in all his videos making Fluttershy cool like he was. and now Fluttershys older sister was so mad. "GRRR! I just don't get it, Fluttershy was known as the quietest pony in school, nopony ever talked to her, then suddenly Rarity's brother comes in and falls head over heels for her? it makes no sense!" she complained to her friends. "Well we don't have anybody either, Ploomette. You should be happy for your sister even if she's the biggest punching bag in the school right now." Sweetsong interjected. "Are you serious? how can I? she's always with him and talking about how nice he is to her, not to mention she gets all the spotlight from Rarity who i've been trying to befriend since day one!" Ploomette ranted. Sweetsong and Diamond Rose exchanged uncertain looks. "Well, maybe we can do something to get back at Fluttershy, she doesn't deserve all this happiness." Diamond spoke. "Good idea, we'll trash her prom-date." Sweetsong laughed, rubbing her hooves together. Ploomette loved this idea, and couldn't wait to win the crown as prom-queen rightfully so as Fluttershy cried in the background. So the school prom begun. Ploomette, still enraged Fluttershy was living out the luxurious teenage dream decides to screw it all up today. Together, with her two friends Diamond Rose and Sweetsong they grab a giant bucket of water from outside and tie it up over the stage. Their plan was to dump the water all over Fluttershy's head before she and her boyfriend danced together. "Don't worry Ploomette, you'll be elected prom queen anyways, Fluttershy won't even see it coming." Diamond grinned. "Alright you two, I want you to stay behind the stage while I get that crown," Ploomette smirked with her flowy pink dress. Even as a teenager, she kept her dream to become a beautiful pony princess, so showing up to prom looking like one was mandatory. All the other high schoolers were in their seats, anticipating the winner. Everybody thought it was going to be one of the popular kids, like Rarity or Ploomette. "And the prom queen of this year's school prom is...Fluttershy!" the guy announced. Everybody was shocked, Fluttershy included as she slowly trotted up on stage. "I-wow! I was never expecting this! thank you so much, everyone!" Fluttershy smiled. Her dress was light blue with sparkles on it, Rarity made it just for her the week prior. Of course, Ploomette seethed. Because Rarity designed that dress, everyone loved it more than hers! she should've known. "Oh well...we'll see about your lovely prom show when you're drenched in water, Fluttercry!" Ploomette growled, both friends behind her as she was about to tug on the worn rope holding up the bucket of crystal-clear liquid. All she had to do was yank it ever so slightly and Fluttershy's prom night would be ruined...for good. Just then when everypony least expected it, the gym's doors burst open. Ploomette was stopped dead in her tracks with the rope still tightly grasped in her hoof as she caught a glimpse of Rainbine entering, something clasped in both her hooves. And good grief! She was still wearing that dreadful trench coat. It already looked terrible on any normal school day BUT AT THE PROM!? Rainbine raised them, and all of a sudden everyone started screaming. "What's going on!?" Sweetsong gasped. It wasn't until Ploomette caught sight of the gun she had aimed at the stage did it click. "RAINBINE'S SHOOTING UP THE PROM!" Ploomette exclaimed, abandoning the water bucket and splashing it everywhere. For some reason, all hatred for her sister vanished as she ran to grab her. The thought of Fluttershy being blown apart was too much for her mind to bear. "Fluttershy, forget the award, we have to get out of here!" she told her. "I-I don't know where to go!" Fluttershy cried, tears flowing down her soft yellow cheeks as Rainbine shot some of the jocks wearing the white caps and killed them all. Ploomette hugged her sister close. "We can escape through the fire exit, come on!" Dragging her sister from behind her, Ploomette raced down the stage. Blood splattered all over the gym as students were shot everywhere she turned. Screams echoed off of the walls as Rainbine cut off some of their heads and dunked them through the basket-ball hoops as Ploomette pushed her sister through the panicking crowd. "Come on, this way, run faster Fluttershy!" "But I don't understand, why are you helping me now? you hated me before!" Fluttershy called out to her sister. Ploomette stopped and flattened her ears, turning toward her little sister and meeting her turquoise eyes. "I don't hate you Fluttershy, I was just envious of how much better you were than me! my whole life I thought I was smarter than you were, and I had to teach you everything. I was supposed to be your idol! and when I found myself wishing to be more like you, I didn't know how to feel. But obviously, I don't want you to die either!" Fluttershy's poofy dress flapped up and down as she frowned. "I never meant to make you feel that way Ploomette, I love you. You're my one and only sister, and I forgive you for everything." Ploomette gave her a small smile, but it was wiped right off her face as Rainbine shot a bullet that nearly hit Ploomette in the head. "WATCH OUT!" Fluttershy cried as they both kneeled down on the floor. "So, you think you can just bully me the entire time I attend school and expect me not to be in the slightest PISSED OFF ABOUT IT!?" Rainbine demanded, pointing the massive firearm at both sisters. "P-Please Rainbine! don't you remember me? I'm Fluttershy! I was bullied like you were!" "Fluttershy?" Rainbine echoed, lowering her gun as explosions from the pipebombs sounded off in the background. "Hey wait, yeah, I know who you are. Same Fluttershy who was bullied as hard as I was?" her voice softened a little. It was obvious the shooter felt sympathetic for her. "Yes!" Fluttershy replied, her eyes wide and watery. "Please don't kill me!" "Well, I won't kill you, since you've been put through as much hell as I have, but that pink bitch sitting next to you is going to face natural selection for sure." Rainbine snarled, reloading her gun. It went cha-chink as she aimed for the throat. "Prepare to die!" "NO DONT! That's my sister!" Fluttershy begged, tugging on Rainbine's blood-soaked trench coat. "You can't kill her Rainbine, she's the only family member I have!" "But she bullied you, and she bullied me a fuck ton!" Rainbine protested. She lowered the weapon slightly but didn't seem fully convinced about whether she should spare the older pegasus's life or not. "I'm sorry! I was wrong about you and Fluttershy, I promise to never bully any pony ever again!" Ploomette was crying now, and cowering under the threatening shadow of Rainbine. "Fine. Scram, I got more jocks to blow up!" she ordered. Immediately, the two dashed out the school door as the entire beige and green school exploded. Fluttershy hugged her sister until the police cars showed up. "Oh Ploomette, I'm so glad you're alive!" Fluttershy breathed. Both of their hearts were beating fast from the adrenaline. "Yeah," Ploomette panted. "Look Fluttershy, I meant what I said to Rainbine. I realized I was wrong about everything. I don't want to be a bully anymore, and my friends were right, I should have been happy that you got a boyfriend. Hey, where is he anyways?" Fluttershy felt her stomach tighten. She hadn't seen him since they got into the limo. "I-I don't know! valdroxx where are you!?? I hope his sister is ok too." "Yeah I'm ok," he said because he actually dodged all the bullets! he was a human so the bullets couldn't touch him. But the police thought he caused the shooting because he had thumbs that could pull triggers. "ARREST HIM!" the police said and they throw him into the police car. "FUCK GUYS IT WASN'T ME!" he said but they drive off so fast. "NOOOO valdroxx" Fluttershy cries and Ploomette frowns. "I can't believe they thought your boyfriend did that! I mean, Rainbine has BINE in her name, you know, you'd think it would be obvious?" After that horrific night, Fluttershy's parents were desperate to move away. Her father took Ploomette whilst her mother moved her over to a safe place near the Everfree Forest. Both of them never got the chance to graduate, but who would ever want to return to a school building after that fiasco? I wouldn't. The day Ploomette had to pack her things and throw her suitcases into the Cloudsdale chariot broke Fluttershy's heart. "Goodbye Ploomette.." Fluttershy waved sadly. She didn't want her sister to go, she loved her so much! but it was too late, and it drove off, kicking up cloud dust as it flew past Fluttershy's face. "I hope I will be able to see her again," she whispered. She was disappointed they hadn't gotten time to catch up with each other after the shooting, but she knew deep down Ploomette loved her very much, and somehow, one day, they would be reunited, even if it took years. And years it did take, many, many years whisked by. Fluttershy was a mother now of three kids. Two furries, one pony. Her boyfriend got out of jail so she was married to him. Rarity was her sister-in-law now, and she owned her own house. She'd say her life turned out pretty well after becoming an adult, but Fluttershy never forgot about her sister either. On her bedroom wall, she hung up a picture of her and Ploomette as fillies their mother had painted, and constantly she'd stare at it. memorizing every strand in Ploomette's green, yellow, pink, and purple mane. "Oh Ploomette, where are you now?" Fluttershy asked with sadness. > Reunited > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "And that's the story of my sister, only Rarity knew about it for the longest time, I still feel uncomfortable talking about it, it was really traumatic for the both of us," Fluttershy finished, wiping a few pesky tears away from her misty eyes. "Aw, Fluttershy, i'm really sorry my sister shot up your highschool. She killed so many people and schools, it's hard to keep track. Im so sorry bolumcine high got destroyed like that." Rainbow Dash apologized, her voice sympathetic and full of compassion after hearing about the tragedy. Fluttershy looked away. "It's not your fault Dash, everypony knows your sister is apart of the Elements Of Insanity, they have insane in their name. I bet it was worse for you because they kept trying to drag you onto the news." "Psh, yeah, that also sucked. I really wish she'd just kill herself with one of her shotguns during another one of her massacres and get it over with, what a fucking pussy." Rainbow swore, she hated her sister Rainbine, and she was not afraid to express that fact infront of all her friends. "...That was the SADDEST STORY EVER!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, blowing her nose with a hankerchief as tears repeatedly fell down her light-pink cheeks. "I never knew you had a long-lost sister Fluttershy! everything you just told me was heart-breaking!" saying that, her poofy pink mane deflated. "Why do you think she didn't want to tell any of you about her sister?" Rarity sneered. "You're only making poor Fluttershy feel worse about herself, sometimes siblings drift apart darlings, it's a natural thing that happens in life." The unicorn scolded. "If everypony's family was perfect, the world would be a very boring place." "That's easy fer' you teh' say, Rarity! you an' yer brother are twins. You aint had a single problem in yer life revolving around him, despite the fact he's a human." Applejack interrupted, defensive of her friend. "Well the story isn't about you or your family problems, is it?" Rarity replied, eyeing Applejack coldly. "It wasn't about any of you besides me and Fluttershy, so I'd say I know all the facts. Ploomette used Fluttershy for her own gain, and wasn't a very good sister at all." Rarity complained. "H-Hey, Rarity, that isn't all true," Fluttershy spoke. "I know Ploomette was a little mean in highschool, but she was still figuring herself out by then. If it weren't for her saving me in that shooting I would be dead right now." Rarity scoffed. "Correction, If it weren't for you being friends with Rainbine you'd be dead right now. Ploomette had to be saved by you, didn't she?" Fluttershy's face fell. "I..don't know anymore. I just really miss her. I might have a new family and live with you now, but it doesn't mean I want to leave my old relatives in the dark. I wish I could see her one more time, I never got to give her an apology. Me and Valdroxx dating really upset her." "Ok but valdroxxes DICK could NEVER EVER be satisfied by ploomettes loose holes." Rarity boomed from across the table. "You don't want him to feel completely miserable, do you?" Because the mane six were having this discussion in the Sweet Sundae Diner, discomforted ponies quickly picked up their food and left, making the room feel extremely awkward. Earlier, they had travelled to the carnival. Twilight Sparkle was starting to feel hungry after going on all the rides, so they stopped for a quick snack. Somehow, the conversation lead them here, and now everypony was fighting about Rarity's arrogant attitude, split between defending Ploomette or Fluttershy's side of the story. "Girls, quit it!" Fluttershy argued. "Everypony was in the wrong, and I have no idea where Ploomette is, I don't even have her number anymore, and we lost all communication when my father took her away to another city. She could be all the way up in Las Pegasus for all I know." "Las Pegasus? TAKE ME WITH HER!" Pinkie cheered, her hair popping back into it's usual bubbly self. "If she's over there, you have nothing to worry about, she's shopping and eating those delicious glazed cinnamon-bun rolls they sell at that cafe, Mmmm...I tried them once, nothing could compare." "Argh..I'm so freaking hungry, when's the waiter going to get over here?" Rainbow Dash sighed, throwing her hooves onto the sundae-themed table as her stomach growled. "Oh, There she is," Twilight pointed as a pink pegasus with an apron and a notebook in her hoof came strolling over. "Hello ponies, what can I get for you today?" she spoke, a wide smile on her face. Pinkie Pie always hated those fake-workplace smiles, deep down she knew they were all suffering in agony but stayed quiet, distracted by the mouth-watering cupcakes featured on today's special menu. "PLOOMETTE!?" Fluttershy screamed in surprise, recognizing the pegasus immediately. "You worked at the amusement park this entire time!? I had no idea!" Dropping her pen, Ploomette and Fluttershy locked eyes for a good 10 seconds. "I-I just got the job, I didn't know you lived in Ponyville." she stammered. The rest of the mane five remained silent, unsure of what to say. What a surprising coincidence! nopony could've guessed Ploomette would've gotten a job at a popular fast-food place. "Good day, Ploomette," Rarity greeted, waving to the pegasus flatly. "It's been awhile, hasn't it?" "It has," Ploomette replied, before placing her items down to give fluttershy a warm hug. "Oh Fluttershy, I missed you so much! I never thought i'd see you again!" Fluttershy, unable to breath laughed and tried to pull away. "I cant believe it's the real you, when do you get off your shift? there's so much to say!" Ploomette looked down at her watch. "In an hour, i'll be out there lickety-split!” she winked. After handing the mane six their French fries doused in ketchup, and after Rainbow Dash devoured it making a huge mess, the six ponies got up and waited for Ploomette to throw off her apron and meet them at the back of the diner. "I'm a little nervous, I don't even know where to begin," Fluttershy trembled. "I mean, she's my sister, I don't know why i'm being so shy. I guess im llike that with everypony, but still. I feel like apart of our relationship is a little bit..fractured." "Of course it is, just start where you left off. That airhead probably doesn't even remember any of it, dear. You think I hold onto useless conflicts from highschool of all places? hah, everypony there was below me." Rarity bragged. "Yeah! I mean meeting your long lost sister is SUPER exciting, but treat her like you always have!" Pinkie bounced up and down. "Im sure in no time you'll be right back on track, don't you know how cool it is to have a sister that works at a DINER!? she can bring home all kinds of sweets!" "That is true," Fluttershy admitted. "Okay, i'll do my best." feeling confident, she strode out to the back of the building where she saw her older sister waiting for her. She was much older now, and unforunately for fluttershy, still taller than her. "You look so adorable," Ploomette cooed, pinching Fluttershy's cheeks. "Even now, you're still my littlest sister." "Ploomette, im sorry." Fluttershy huffed. "I'm really sorry for everything that happened back in highschool, I should've known you were bullying me because you were insecure, but because of those friends you hung out with, I never got the chance to reach out to you." Ploomette's smile creased slightly. "That's alright, besides, Diamond Rose and Sweetsong changed, they aren't like that anymore. Sweetsong presued her song-writing career and Diamond Rose helps Princess Cadence at the Crystal Empire, they’re good ponies now." Fluttershy fidgeted with her long pink mane. "Um..oh, that's good. So forgive and forget?" "Forgive and forget." Ploomette nodded, seeing the mane five approach. "Oh, are these your new friends? and Rarity?" "and Rarity?" Rarity repeated, extremely offended. "FUCKING BICTH PIECE OF SHIT ILL RAPE YOU IN YOUR FUCKING SLEEP AND MAKE IT PAINFUL oh yes and me darling." "Oh, I should introduce them to you.” Fluttershy smiled, feeling happier with her friends next to her side. "The pink pony is pinkie pie, her name is easy to remember, because she's pink from head to hoof. She plans parties and bakes really tasty cupcakes." "Hiya!" Pinkie waved. "It's great to meet another pink pony like me!" she said, pressing her nose against Ploomette's. "We're going to be besties!" "The purple alicorn is Princess twilight, but she likes to be called just Twilight." Fluttershy explained. Twilight smiled. "Hello Ploomette, I had no idea one of your friends knew Cadence. I'm good friends with her." "And I need no introduction, i'm Rainbow Dash, the coolest pony you'll ever meet," Rainbow winked. Ploomette's eyes widened. "Rain-wait, you sound familiar, didn't you shoot up my highschool?" Rainbow Dash's eye twitched. There was nothing more she hated then being mixed up with her school-terrorizing sister. "NO YOU STUPID-Argh! that was RAINBINE! BINE! i'm DASH! not hard to remember, plus, do I look like I have those weird black things on my ears?" she pointed to them unimpressed. "Well, I guess if you were Rainbine you'd have a trenchcoat on.” Ploomette continued, still uneasy. "Say, Rainbine doesn't still live around here, does she?" "N-NO! of course not!" Fluttershy lied, giving her friends a death glare that said, if Ploomette finds out about that... and laughed quickly. "She got arrested!" "Oh good, I still have nightmares about her…" Ploomette sighed in relief. "Ah guess mah Introduction doesn't matter, does it?" Applejack said, realizing everypony was walking away from her because SHES THE LAMEST MEMBER OF THE MANE 6. #replaceapplejackwithderpy. "it's a good thing it's still a bright and sunny day outside, we have so much to do!” Fluttershy smiled. "And so much to catch up on," Ploomette agreed. "Are you a famous singer yet, by any chance?" "Oh..well actually to tell you the truth Ploomette I gave up on singing, I mostly just take care of my family and animals now." she said sadly. "I didn't want to sing without you there, I would've never been good enough.” Ploomette gave her sister a bewildered look. "Are you serious? Fluttershy, you sing like an angel. Why would you ever think otherwise? come on, I know mom and dad ignored you, and your scared of having an audience, but we could make money, and it's been my dream from day one to become a musician with you." Fluttershy blushed, feeling uneasy. "I know, but our lives have changed alot since the..um..4/20. and I have my own family now," "Own family?" Ploomette sounded surprised. "With who?" she couldn't help but ask. "With me, darling.” Rarity piped in, walking between them. "Fluttershy is my sister-in-law now, so she moved into my new house. We burned her old cottage to the ground, that shabby old thing was getting moldy anyways." "You burned down your old cottage?" Ploomette frowned. "I thought it was your home," Fluttershy got upset at the memory, Rarity had lit it on fire without her permission, and now it was gone forever. "Well, it was Rarity's idea and-nevermind. But yes, me and Rarity are very close friends, so living together is great." Ploomette's teal eyes sparkled. "I'm sure it is!" she giggled. "Can you believe it, two friends from year-school moving in with one another? and all this time i've been stuck with my two pony friends who just talk about boys and makeup." Stopping to purchase some delicious cotton-candy with gumdrops on the top, Fluttershy bit into it, savoring the taste. "Oh, this is great Ploomette! I never knew gumdrops tasted so good." "Thanks, but Pinkie told me to order it.” she admitted. Pinkie nodded eagarly. "I have the best ideas, oh and by the way, me, Twilight and Applejack have to get home, so it'll just be you four, is that okie dokie?" "Already? well, alright," Fluttershy agreed. Rainbow Dash had just come back from a food stand, licking a fresh candy zap-apple, it dripped with coated sugar, and looked amazing. "Huh? oh yeah, that's fine." She dismissed, shoving the whole thing into her mouth and licking the sweetest parts. "Bye then!" Pinkie said, leaving with the other two. "What should we do now girls? me, Rarity, and Rainbow still have extra tickets left over." "Why not go on the super scary rollar-coaster? it might be fun," Rarity suggested. Fluttershy felt her muscles tighten up, "NO! not a good idea!" "HELL YEAH BEST IDEA EVER!!" Rainbow shouted. "Hey Ploomette, you ever been on the super squeezy coaster before? it's epic, it drops down a hundred feat and moves at super-sonic speed, faster then I do!" Ploomette seemed interested in this. "Oh, no, but it sounds fun, let's go on it right now!" Begrudgeingly, Fluttershy followed them, seeing the deadly-looking orange and white coaster, with teal and hot pink text that screamed it's name. She gulped, she hated all rollercoasters, but super squeezy was her biggest fear. "This better not ruin my mane," Rarity said, handing the ticket over to Cotton Candy, a pony who worked at the carnival. She was a pink pegasus with darker pink and neon blue hair, she was always fun to be around. "Oh it will, don't wreck my seaats when shit slips out!" everybody but Rarity laughed as they traversed onto the coaster, however, before Fluttershy could get on Ploomette stopped her. "Hey wait, you don't need to get on this ride Fluttershy if you don't want too, I know you're really scared of it." Ploomette said, feeling bad. "Why don't you sit out of this one." "But-we're supposed to spend time together, I can get over my fear if it means I can be next to you," Fluttershy responded. She felt bad for being scared of things all the time, and she felt as if she were letting down Ploomette by not going. "No, i'm still protective of you, Rainbow me and Rarity will just get on." Ploomette said. "Okay..." Fluttershy gave in, stepping away from the attraction and waiting outside for it to start. As the three ponies got in, the coaster sky-rocketed high into the air, doing loopy-loops that made Fluttershy greatful for not having to experience. The whole time, screams of laughter bursted out of the carts. "They look like they're having so much fun," Fluttershy observed. "Ploomette must really like spending time with Rainbow and Rarity. I guess she’s having more fun with them then she is me…" After they all got off, Ploomette was dizzy. "Augh, my head, that was so much fun! I want to do it again sometime, especially with you girls!" Rarity was checking her diamond purse to make sure no loose change fell out. "Hmph, what was that, dear?" she asked. "I need to re-comb my mane. It’s a disaster.” Rainbow was shaking with anticipation. “Nothing better then getting pumped with adrenaline! that was killer. Say Fluttershy, why don't we all do something you can participate in, we don't want any third-wheels. You up to bowl with us?" Fluttershy looked up at the cyan pegasus. "Oh, I like bowling." she smiled. Though her mind flashed with doubt. Rainbine also loved to bowl, especially on saturdays, she wouldn't turn up, would she? "Then what's the hold up? let's get going!" Dash encouraged, pushing Fluttershy onto all four of her hooves as she was dragged into the milkshake-themed building. "I haven't bowled in years," Rarity admitted, polishing a pretty blue ball. "My brother and I would always compete. He was the worst at tournaments. I always beat him.” "Psh, your brother, what a guy!" Ploomette joked. "I hate him, seriously. He was so weird, I mean, I can't believe I had a crush on him when I was still in school! I hope none of you got stuck with him." Fluttershy shrunk back. Ploomette hates valdroxx now!? but we have SEX everynight! and valdroxx always takes off his clothes in the house! revealing HIS MASSIVE PENIS EVERY TIME!!! if ploomette found out fluttershy married him she'd be livid. Oh great, another thing to hide from her sister! "I get to go first." Rainbow Dash announced, prepping the ball and preparing her shot. She eyed the runway clearly, trying to line up her shot with the bowling pins. Strutting back, she tossed it, and knocked them all out with one shot. STRIKE! "BOOYAH!" Rainbow Dash cheered. "Got it in one take!" Ploomette and Rarity clapped, but Fluttershy was distracted when Rainbine came out of the bathroom. "Oh no, Rainbine is here!"she gasped in horror, she needed to stop her from walking past her friends. Running away, she grabbed Rainbine and pinned her up against the wall. "You can't be here right now Rainbine, you have to go home!" "Why? the bowling place is the only place in town I could never shoot up. Why do you think I go here when i'm not blasting apart highschoolers?" she asked, a little annoyed. "You're going to be next if you don't let go." "Ploomette is here, you tried to kill her once, remember?" she explained. "I don't want her to see you, she'll freak-out." "Oh fuck off, as if I give a shit. I'll kill her again if I can bowl in peace without all of your worthless bullshit. You know, i've blasted apart funerals of all the victims of the highschools I destroyed, and nothing happened." dusting off her coat, she grabbed her bag and walked off. "WAIT! but Rainbow Dash is here, and you hate Rainbow!" Fluttershy called out. Rainbine, pissed the fuck off Rainbow dash decided to trash HER BOWLING NIGHT turned around seething in rage. "FUCK NO! not Rainbow DICK! you know what, fine, ill leave if it means I don't have to be trapped in a room with her." flying off, Rainbine disappeared into the daylight. Fluttershy wiped a sweat from her brow as she met back up with her friends. "Can I go next?" she asked politely, holding up the ball. Ploomette snatched it from her hooves and shook her head. "No! you could drop it and get hurt, and I don't want my little sister injured, it's a long way to Rarity's house." "Ploomette… “ Fluttershy whined. "Im not a filly anymore. I’ll be fine.” "It's too dangerous, and i'm only looking out for you. You cheer us on sitting on that bench over there, we'll finish up soon." she promised, leaving Fluttershy alone with her troubling thoughts. Finishing up soon was a lie, Fluttershy waited there sadly for two hours before they got bored and threw in their stuff. "Told you id kick your flank, Rarity," Rainbow snickered. Rarity grunted as a response, bitter she lost the bet. "Why didn't you play, Fluttershy?" Rarity asked. "You looked so bored." Fluttershy rubbed her hoof. "Uhm, Ploomette didn't want me too, I don't know." "Oh alright then." she replied. Rainbow turned to the pink pegasus. "Hey Ploomette, you got some sick looking wings, I mean, gradiants? that's awesome, let's fly around and test them out." "Oh, I can fly too," Fluttershy smiled. Rainbow and Ploomette were doing somersaults in the air, having a great old time. "We're doing stunts! watch this," Dash said, flipping around and barreling past Ploomette, nearly knocking her out of the air. "Oh I dunno Fluttershy, these sky-stunts are a little risky, maybe sit down on the ground with Rarity while we finish up." Ploomette said. "Okay.." Fluttershy said sadly as the two flew off having the thrill of their lives. "Rarity, I feel like Ploomette is enjoying hanging out with you and Rainbow more than me, I barely got to spend any meaningful time with her yet.” "Oh nonsense darling, everypony likes me and Rainbow Dash. you're mm..too quiet to have fun with. Speaking of which, when do we get to show her around my house? I want her to meet the kids." Fluttershy eyes widened. "Rarity, we can't have her over! you heard what she said at the bowling ally, she hates Valdroxx! and I never told her about the wolf sisters or Dragonfly yet.” "Fuck Dragonfly, kick that bitch out of my house already and send her back to milwaukee, the wolf sisters are my beautiful little nieces she must see. and if she hates valdroxx ill get him to fuck her IN ALL ORFICIES so she shuts up. EVERYBODY KNOWS the second he whips out his dick they cant say shit." "No! please don't get him to rape my sister, she won't like that." Fluttershy begged. "I don't feel like i'm ready to show her my new life yet, it'll be a shock for her. What do you think she'll think when I tell her two furries are my daughters?" "I don't care what she thinks, this isn't just your house. I own the property, and Ploomette is also MY friend, so I will show her everything whether you like it or not. Anyways darlings, once stupid Rainbow is gone we'll get back on topic," Fluttershy whimpered. "You aren't inviting Rainbine to your house when she's over, are you?" "YES I will." Rarity grinned. "I could give less of a fuck about the victims who died that day darling or if it triggers her. I was even at your school when it happened they deserved it all of them." "RARITY!" Fluttershy shouted. "All the jocks on the football team were killed!" "Good." Rarity smiled so sadistic getting very turned on imagining their painful demise. "I'm going to have fun with your sister...lots of fun." > Ploomette hates Fluttershys family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I rented a house right over there, I know it's a bit big for one pony, but I thought why not." Ploomette told the trio as night began to befell upon Ponyville. The shining stars sparkled brightly in the sky as most of Ponyville's residents were preparing to fall asleep, closing curtains and shutting off all lights in their homes. "Oh, it looks wonderful dear!" Rarity said gleefully as she saw the multi-colored bubblegum machine-themed home. "You have exquisite taste I must say, we'll see you tomorrow." "I got to work with the weather team in Cloudsdale all day tomorrow, sorry," Rainbow Dash said, feeling guilty. "But I can catch back up on the day after that, sound cool?" "Sounds good to me.” Ploomette beamed, bidding her farewells to both the unicorn and blue pegasus. "Hey Fluttershy, I just wanted to thank you for all the fun you've given me today, I appreciate it. You made my day, honest." Fluttershy turned back, feeling bad about being jealous earlier. She should've known Ploomette wasn't trying to exclude her from all the games they played, even if that's what it felt like. She was just trying to protect her from harm's way. If only Fluttershy could protect her sister from Ponyville's dreadful crime-rate. "I'm glad!” she hesitantly replied. "Rarity and I will meet you outside of her home, it’s just next-door.” "Goodnight, love you sis." Ploomette waved. "I love you too." Fluttershy called out, flying back to Rarity's home. Knowing better then to accidentally wake the unicorn who NEEDED her beauty sleep, Fluttershy lightly trotted up the lavender-colored staircases, feeling awful about all the lies she'd been hiding. “How am I going to explain any of this to her? she'll be mortified!” The Pegasus squeaked in horror. okay fluttershy, everything is going to be fine. We just need to introduce everything slowly, it'll be like getting into a warm bathtub for Ploomette. But how was she going to make the water cool down first? and what was Ploomette going to think of Rarity's crazy family? or why they were multi-species. It would never make any sense! Not even she knew why they were multi-species, Rarity got super defensive every time she asked why her brother was human! Laying down in her bed, she closed her eyes, hoping for the best. "Oh darling, what took so long? you were supposed to be here an hour ago.” Rarity scoffed, tapping her hoof impatiently aswell as looking at Fluttershy with disapproval. Having overslept, Fluttershy look away, feeling shy. She hoped the dark circles under her eyes didn’t give away the fact she hadn’t slept all night. "I'm sorry, Ploomette isn't already here, is she?" she was afraid to ask. oh dear Celestia, if Ploomette had to meet the Rarity Arguetas WITHOUT HER THERE! "No, she hasn't arrived yet," Rarity replied. "Come inside, I have tea brewing in the kitchen." Gesturing Fluttershy downstairs, the unicorn led the meek pegasus to the pink table, where the rest of her family was. Valdroxx, the wolf sisters, and Dragonfly were all seated and looked like the most embarrassing family to have to live with ever, as per usual. "We're having microwaved food for breakfeast, it's heating up currently, but i'll bring it out once I finish seasoning it.” Rarity explained, pulling out a chair for Fluttershy. "Oh good, I want this to be a good impression for my sister, she's very protective of me, so please be on your best behavior. I don't want her to think you guys are trouble.” Fluttershy breathed, shifting around in her chair. "Who would?" the pink wolf sister questioned. "Come on Fluttershy, Rarity rules the house, nobody is pulling you away from us, we're your daughters, you can trust us with anything." Yeah!" her blue twin said, drinking a glass of water and spilling it all over her yellow sweater. Fluttershy however, was sceptical. The wolf sisters were always up to no good, and hyperactive. One second they'd be doing their own thing, then, they'd be biting eachother's tails and pulling their other sisters ears over something miscellaneous. "I'll be good too, mommy." Dragonfly, the reincarnation of Jeffrey dahmer spoke, the aviator glasses visible and fogged up from her heavily breathing as she smelled cooked flesh in Rarity's kitchen. "Ugh! Valdroxx I told you to tell Rarity i'm on a vegan diet, you know I could never eat an innocent animal!” Fluttershy cried. "It's just not right!" "Speaking english is already enough of a chore I can barely put up with fuck off also I was too busy jerking off sorry." he said because he's a really nice person. "Just don't swear at the table or talk about rape while we're eating with my older sister, alright?" Fluttershy instructed. "This is important to me, and I want everypony and human...and wolf," she eyed her two step-daughters. "To have a good time." "Of course we will! we want to meet our auntie Ploomette.” pink wolf sister said. Blue wolf sister licked her lips, revealing her sharp fangs. "We promise we won't maul her like the last pony that came over." Fluttershy remembered the last pony to visit had been eaten alive by the wolf sisters. Helia, a member of the MLP cartel, stood no chance against the much taller wolf-girls. She died very painfully as she was ripped apart. envisioning her sister to have the same fate made Fluttershy feel queasy. Ding Dong "Oh good, Ploomette is here!" Fluttershy smiled, racing toward the door and opening it. "Hey Fluttershy, is breakfeast ready yet?" "Oh yes, but um, Ploomette wait..." Fluttershy whimpered. "I have family over, and they might be different from what you are expecting, like really different. I don't want to shock you.” Ploomette pushed Fluttershy aside. "Oh come on Fluttershy, whats going to make me shocked? it's your family, I'll put up with Rarity's dumb brother if I get to eat with you any day. I know my sister wouldn’t get stuck with horrible people. Rarity's a famous designer, I’m sure her family is just as posh.” "Well...okay," Fluttershy sighed, leading Ploomette over to the table. Rarity came back with a silver-tray. "Your breakfest, dears." she grinned evily. Oh no! Rarity only got that look on her face when she did something terrible! but what was it!? “Cooked Opal. Until she gets revived.” Rarity served the plate, slamming it down on the table as both wolf girls groaned in disappointment. “Again?” Fluttershys face contorted into a look of terror as she eyed Opals grilled corpse. She was practically charcoal, and looked extremely unappetizing. Ploomette never knew Rarity had a cat, so she didn’t notice the strangely-shaped meal presented to her. Grabbing a fork, she stabbed the over-cooked body and began to feast. “Not bad!” She munched, taking seconds. “Rarity! Why on earth did you kill Opal and COOK HER?!” Fluttershy whisper-shouted, staring down at the steaming cat cadaver, fresh out of the oven. Rarity rolled her eyes. “Darling, we all know Opal is a fucking bitch who must be tortured at all costs, we’re lucky to even have food on our plate at all since my family is gautemalen.” Crying now, Fluttershy ate Opals dead body parts. It tasted abhorrent, as expected. The flesh crunched in her mouth and tasted like nothing but burnt meat. “So who’s who?” Ploomette asked. “Uh..who are the wolf-girl things?” She said, staring at the wolf sisters. “Hi auntie Ploomette! We’re Fluttershy’s daughters!” They replied, revealing their sharp claws, though they were painted to match their hair. “Fluttershys-WHAT! You never said you had kids!” She stared at fluttershy accusingly. Fluttershy swallowed her disgusting food and wiped her lips. “Um, well it never came up in conversation, I didn’t think you’d mind.” *squee* “And why are they wolves? You didn’t marry a werewolf, did you?” She asked, her tone devolving into suspicion. “NO SHE MARRIED ME IDIOT.” Valdroxx said. “NO! Not valdroxx! anybody but him! Why did you actually go through with it and marry him?!” Ploomette gasped. “He’s a human, they're known to be naturally stupid and he’s not attractive at all.” “CALLING MY BROTHER UNATTRACTIVE IS CALLING ME UNATTRACTIVE DARLING!” Rarity screamed, throwing her plate and smashing it on Ploomettes face as glass shards cut her all over and grilled cat-meat splatters all over her face. “Me and valdroxx are exactly the same nobody say otherwise.” “Rarity stop it!” Fluttershy yelled, pulling the two away. “I married him because he’s a sweetheart and because Rarity is my best friend, so it sounded like a good idea.” Dragonfly blinked slowly at the pink pegasus. “Hi Ploomette. Are you into necrophilia? Just asking.” “WHAT-NO! What the fuck?! Okay, who’s this purple glasses-wearing freak, I don’t remember her at all.” Ploomette demanded, pointing at fluttershys least favourite daughter. “It’s Dragonfly, my other daughter who IS a pony. She’ll move out soon, don’t worry.” Fluttershy tried to explain, though she wasn’t sure how to get rid of her yet. Dragonfly was socially-awkward and never wanted to leave the home. It'd be impossible for her to get a job at this rate. “Dragonfly doesn’t count, she’s not my seed.” Valdroxx said pissed. “but I got to admit Ploomette you look so sexy and sensual.” “EWW! Fluttershy get this creep away from me, why is he hitting on me if he’s married?” She choked out. Fluttershy smiled. “Oh that’s just valdroxx noticing the true beauty in both of us, we’re sisters after all, he likes my family and wants to fuck us all and can because he’s the best.” Rarity threw the rest of Opals remains in the garbage disposal, discarding them like the putrid filth Opal was known as. “I should’ve known even while cooked alive Opal is fucking worthless.” She swore. “Ploomette dear, are you enjoying your stay?” “No, not really.” she sighed. "I didn't expect such a diverse family. I'm having trouble fitting in." "You'll get used to it." Rarity dismissed, leaving. Turning back toward her sister, Ploomette had a choice to make. She could either deal with Rarity's batshit insane household, or up and leave, abandoning her sister once again after all these years of yearning for her return. No, I can't do that. I love Fluttershy and even if she married someone I depise with every fibre of my being and has weird children I couldn't leave her alone. I need to keep her safe no matter what. "I'm not happy about Rarity's family, but I'll stay nontheless." she told the yellow pony. "For a month. If I can't get used to it by then, i'll figure out what I can do." grabbing a cloth and wiping her bloodied face, Fluttershy felt relieved. "Oh good! I'm so sorry about what happened back there, I should've known Rarity would've botched breakfeast..." luckily Ploomette was still unaware she consumed a cat. "The wolf sisters were very excited to meet you, and they're tame, you know I can handle any kind of animal." "Yeah, but furries? those are wolves and humans mixed-together, it's too weird for me. Plus, you still haven't explained to me how on earth they became your kids." she said. "It's completely illogical." "Someone sold them to valdroxx" Fluttershy told her. "Please don't say anything about it to them, they think im their biological mother and I don't want to crush their dreams." "Oh, alright. But you're going to keep that dragonfly pony away from me, right?" Ploomette said, worried. "She talks like a serial killer." "O-Of course!" Fluttershy grinned. "I won't let her hurt you in anyway." Ploomette rubbed Fluttershy's mane. "Hey, I play the over-protective sister role, you're the one who needs protecting from." For awhile, Ploomette tolerated Rarity Argueta's family! but as time progressed, her patience started to diminish rapidly. Dragonfly got on her nerves the most, mainly because she always brought un-processed meat into the house and refused to explain where she got it, or why she left the house in the middle of the night. The wolf sisters also creeped her out, they were sluts and Ploomette hated promiscuous people, no matter what species they were. They also fought too much and whined, despite being 16. Nothing was worse then TWO immature teenagers running around. Rarity herself lacked empathy, so she came off as uncaring or dismissive toward Ploomette's problems. Whenever she needed help, Rarity would say something mundane, and leave her to her own issues. Fluttershy had to explain to her that Rarity suffered anti-social personality disorder, but Ploom didn't buy it, there was no excuse in being an asshole. And worst of all, Fluttershy's husband drove her up the wall. He was too weird, and he was always talking about sex and walking around the house naked. Ploomette lost count on how many times he strode into the room bare-ass EXPOSED! "I'm starting to think he's doing that on purpose." Ploomette grunted, snapping her newspaper shut and throwing down onto the sofa. "Oh darling, that's just how my brother is. He's showing you he's comfortable with you around the house. I mean, we're ponies, we have no shame to cover." "YEAH BUT I HATE SEEING HIS DICK! and urghh! Fluttershy, your kids are bothering me. Dragonfly is started to give me intense heebie jeebies and the wolf sisters are wild animals! they aren't tame at all. When I moved in with you, I expected better." "B-But the month you've spent with me here isn't over yet!" Fluttershy protested. "Give it more time, you'll warm up to everybody and-" "Fluttershy, you live with a sociopath," Ploomette begun, pointing to Rarity on the couch, who smiled sadistically at being called what she was. "Your two daughters are rogues, and one of them probably kills ponies and stashes their remains under your floorboards, and worst of all your husband IS A RAPIST!" "But valdroxx has a good side when hes not horny!" Fluttershy frowned. Ploomette didn't care. "This house is too much! alright!? I liked it when it was just you and Rarity, these other people get on my nerves." "Oh ehm, well we can always get rid of the skin-tags, darling." Rarity whipping out a huge sharpened machete and decapitating Dragonfly she dies so fast. Blood splatters everywhere and Rarity kicks the carcass out of the house. "She reaked of death even when she was still alive." Rarity coughed. Ploomette, not seeing the bloodshed because she had walked into another room was started to reconsider moving in. She was loyal to Fluttershy, that was true, but she was starting to miss Rainbow Dash, she seemed like a better friend. "Maybe I should just bunk in with Dash, she seems like she has a quieter life." Deciding to leave the house, Ploomette flew up to Rainbow's cloud house, noticing how empty and desolate it was. Why was Ponyville so vacant? she remembered it being full of ponies. Flying past a sign warning town citizens of dangerous ponies to stay away from, Ploomette landed, eyeing a huge cloud home with Rainbow's cutie mark pasted onto the door. "Ah, there she is." > The Deal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh, What's up Ploomette?" Rainbow Dash greeted, smirking at the pink pegasus. "I didn't expect you to show up at my place. Aren't you supposed to be with Fluttershy?" Ploomette flattened her ears, she had flown all this way to forget about her sister and the Rarity Arguetas, but considering she'd need an explanation for begging to stay in Dashes house for the night, she hastily began to vent to the cyan pegasus about everything that had happened at the cursed Boutique. "Dash, I know your bestfriends with my little sister, but her husbands side of the family is TOO crazy! i'm telling you, there's something seriously wrong with that Rarity pony! her and her family have a lot of screws loose, and it's leaked into how Fluttershy's children have been raised. They act nothing like her in the slightest." Rainbow Dash blinked, forcing a smile. She had heard countless times about Rarity's change in behaviour as the mane six grew older, and hearing it from her new friend sparked a fear of losing her out of immense shame. Calling Rarity a friend at this rate was admitting you hung around convicted criminals for the hell of it. "You...actually stayed at Rarity's for more than a week?" Rainbow gasped. "huh, you beat me record. Everybody knows she's crazy Ploom, you can't expect her household to be normal, especially around guests." She leaned in and whispered into the pink pegasis ear. "Nobody goes over there anymore." "But why! Why would my sister AGREE to this? I don't care if Rarity is her long-time friend, she has GOT to go!" Ploomette yelled in hurt and dissapointment. She knew Fluttershy could be spineless, but even she knew better then to excuse Rarity for her incompetent behavior lately. "Why would my innocent, good-intentioned sister want to live with so many freaks? they don't care about her! I don't think her kids even care about her! it just doesn't make sense!" she cried out. Dash eyed her with sympathy, a soft side she usually didn't show, before pulling her inside of her house quickly, as she didn't want things getting personal outdoors. "Hey, I know you're upset about it. Rarity was my friend at one point too, and once my sister started hanging out with her more, I noticed how much it changed Rarity's attitude. Which is what I would've told you had I not realized Rarity was born a fucking sociopath and she was lying about who she was this entire time to me and the rest of the girls." "...So she's a pathological liar manipulating my sister?" Ploomette's teal eyes widened into saucers. "Dash, what am I going to do? I don't want to walk out on my sister, but I can't stay there either! I'll turn crazy just like them, and the dinner-food always tastes off, I don't even want to imagine what Rarity's sprinkling into it when nopony's looking." "Don't worry about it, I wouldn't let anypony harm Fluttershy. I'll break their legs off if they do, but you're right about up and leaving her. It'll smash her heart into millions of pieces, and Fluttershy's too vulnerable for that right now. Besides, ponies welcomed you into Ponyville and Celestia john un does not like people leaving Equestria. You could get beheaded." Ploomette tilted her head, preening her multi-colored wings in anticipation. She didn't have many choices, and all options felt grueling to her. "I might be able to move into a small house near Sugarcube Corner, but they're super pricey, when I came from Las Pegasus I only came with train money and purse coins, all which ive used up by now." She confessed. "Hmm, hey, I got an idea. How about we do this Ploomette," Dash started, reaching into her cloud closet and revealing a large briefcase full of fat stacks of cash and bits. "Stay with Fluttershy for another week, and Ill give you one thousand dollars. That way it'll feel less painful to adjust at Rarity's home if you have an end-goal in mind, sound cool?" "Would it?" Ploomette grinned happily, loving this idea. "You mean if I put up with her family for just another week I'll be rich? oh Dash, thank you so much!" she attempted to reach out and admire each and every green-papered bill, but Rainbow snapped it shut fast. "Nope! you aren't touching these until 7 days from now, AND that's only if you complete your side of the deal, got that?" She said, slamming her closet shut. Ploomette's smile creased a little, and she looked at the shiny floors of Dashes complex. "Uh, right Dash. I'll get going back to Carousel Boutique right now." "That's the spirit! remember, you're doing this for Fluttershy, and i'll be on your side no matter what. If you can, distance her from those weirdos, I can't stand Rarity or her rotten nieces myself." "I'll do my best! don't worry Fluttershy, big sister Ploomette is on her way!" Ploomette galloped, flying off as determination flooded her veins. Rainbow sighed with relief as she closed her door. It was a good thing Ploomette decided to leave when she did, as her school shooting sister Rainbine had returned home from the bowling alley after a long night of drinking vodka and throwing balls. "Wohoohoo! you missed it Dash, I KILLED it out there! Nopony stood a chance." "You do everynight." Rainbow replied, rolling her eyes as she picked up one of her Daring Do comics. "I just hope you didn't kill anypony this time." "And risk my only two bestfriends go-to bowling ally getting DESTROYED? I'll save that for anywhere else BUT THERE." Rainbine gasped, offended. "If they were still alive, we'd be laughing our asses off. I got kicked out early for cussing out somepony. Bunch of pussies." Rainbow felt a rush of adrenaline run down the tip of her wings down to her hooves. She knew that if Ploomette found out Rainbine was still around, she'd cut contact with her completely. If only Rainbine had gotten arrested like she said! but valdroxx killed all the police in retaliation against the my little pony government, so that wasn't happening anytime soon. "You aren't going to visit Rarity this week, are you Rainbine?" Rainbow asked nonchantly, trying her best not to come off as suspicious. Rainbine threw down her ENORMOUS guns near her smashed-up door and eyed her dubiously. "Yeah, why? Rarity's the only friend of yours I like." "U-Uh well," Dash looked around, desperate for an excuse. "You can't! Valdroxx is over and he has to help Rarity with a huge order of dresses this week, tough luck..heheh. I also heard something about a fashion show and-" "THATS BULLSHIT! you fucking faggot, Rarity invited me over just today, stop lying all the time, just because your pissy I stole her friendship from you." Whipping out her CARBINE GUN, SHE BLASTED THE BULLETS EVERYWHERE! trying to aim for Dashes head. "I HOPE THIS MAKES IT POP LIKE A BALLOON!" "WOAH, WOAH, STOP IT!" Rainbow Dash screamed, banging herself up against wall after wall as she fought to avoid the bullets spewing toward her. It was a good thing she was a fast flier, Oh Celestia, this week was going to suck for Ploomette! and losing another friend due to her insane sister was getting so TIRING AT THIS POINT! Ploomette felt nervous as she trailed quietly down the cobble-stone pathway leading to the supposed "boutique" which she now knew was a front for Rarity's exhausting insanity her family got involved in. Little droplets of rain began to pour from the sky, soaking her mane as she re-entered the establishment. The belle above the door rung, and Rarity and Fluttershy rushed downstairs. "Ugh, Darling! where were you? you're covered in mud! that won't do in MY HOUSE!" annoyed, she used her magic to retrieve a nearby towel and nearly suffocated Ploomette in it, intentionally or not. "Sorry Rarity." She mumbled, her eyes brightening as she turned toward Fluttershy. "I hope nothing happened while I was out." Fluttershy blushed a bright red. "O-Oh..nothing happened, not anything important anyway," She giggled. "Would you like to watch a movie with us? we put on Natural Born Killers and were wondering if you wanted some popcorn." "Natural born-wait.. isn't that a horror film? since when do you like horror?" Ploomette questioned, she knew Fluttershy better than that. Why was she viewing such a graphic movie? did Rarity force her to put it on? "Oh it's a classic Darling! and a great friend of mines favorite." She winked, leading her friends down the hallway and into her living room. Creepily Rarity's house was always scrubbed clean, and stunk of bleach and chemicals. "Ugh.." She groaned, staying behind Fluttershy protectively as she sat down on the sofa. "I'll get some more butter," Fluttershy smiled, leaving the room for a short period of time. Ploomette decided to make herself comfy on the sofa, trying her hardest to imagine the glowing dollar signs Rainbow had revealed to her, but more importantly, the hurt look on Fluttershy's face had she decided to leave. But wait...couldn't she just get the money, buy her own house, and leave? "No Ploomette! we can't abandon our sister...not yet." She reminded herself. "I spent all this time trying to get back in touch with her, I have to be stronger than this." her thoughts were stopped dead in their tracks as she felt something sit next to her. "Oh Back al-" Her warm tone evaporated from her throat when she saw FUCKING VALDROXX SIT DOWN SHIRTLESS NEXT TO HER extremely skinny as always! "My sister and me love this movie, but I prefer pornos." he said. "Ahem, MISTER! your WIFE was sitting here!" Ploomette grunted, trying to shield her eyes FROM HIS BROWN NIPPLES!!! "That is so gross.." she shuddered. "Blue wolf sister THATS MY PEPSI! go get another one I had it first!" Pink wolf sister argued, trying to grab back the beverage but failing as she was shorter. "No, I had it FIRST! you had the Cocoa-cola!" Ploomette knew another fight was about to break out, getting up from her chair she scolded them harshly. "You two! quiet DOWN! has your mother never taught you SHARING before? you know, like all children should learn in daycare?" "We're wolves! it's survival-URK,STOP IT!-of the fittest!" Pink wolf sister shot back, yanking the spilling can out of her sisters paws only to dump it all over her glossy hair. "TAKE THAT FOR STEALING MY STUFF! Now nobody GETS IT!" "DADDY!! PINK WOLF SISTER DESTROYED MY PERFECT BLUE HAIR!" she wailed, huge tears running down her swirly cheeks as brownish fizzy water dribbled down her hair and stained her yellow sweater. Just great. I have to listen to this all night. Ploomette slouched, pouting. She prayed Fluttershy would come back with the buttered popcorn soon, as Rarity was ignoring them and smiling at the death scenes, presumably TAKING NOTES! "Gore is the best turn-on dear." She stated proudly. But valdroxx he was sticking his hands down his boxers and just noticed. "Girls don't fight, or ill shove this dick down your throat and youll be drinking that instead." SAYING IT LUSTILY AND PLOOMETTE IS SO DONE WITH THIS SHIT. "I'm back!" Fluttershy said, only to return to all the chaos. "Oh-Oh my! Ploomette, why didn't you stop the wolf sisters? now poor Blue wolf sister is soaked!" "I tried," she gritted her teeth. "Your husband was no help." Fluttershy laughed. "Droxxy! there you are! nice abs." SHE SAID NOTICING. He then got a SUPER SADISTIC EVIL SMILE AND LEANED INTO PLOOMETTES EAR. "Hey cariño, I FUCKED YOUR SISTER while you were out IN ALL HOLES but I might rape you next when I feel like it, rarity needs a new sex tape to sell online and this DICK HAS NO LIMITS." "W-WHAT!?" tears flooded Ploomette, she could NOT BELIEVE THIS BETRAYAL! fluttershy had agreed to TAKE IN HIS PENIS into her asshole! mouth agape and struggling to speak, Ploomette abandoned the livingroom and rushed up to her bed, crying quietly into the pillow. "How could I let things get this carried away? I'll never fit into Fluttershy's family, I must be the worst sister and aunt ever!" she sobbed, IGNORING the cum stains on the bed fluttershy had sex in. It smelled like it too. "OH MY GOD MY LIFE IS OVER!" She laid down and wept for the entire night as the unwelcomed sunshine blasted through the window, stirring her awake. Ploomette moaned in annoyance as she threw the pillow over her head, huge bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep. "Another day..just six more days to go, I can do this." She told herself, getting up and deciding to go on a stroll near the Ponyville park to get ahold of herself. Traumatic flashes of noise from the light before flooded her head, the feeling of disgust for her sister all came back. "He was probably just lying, Fluttershy doesn't have sex..or DOES SHE!?" she gulped, scared. Realizing she had said this out-loud infront of everybody, she quickly ran away from the crowd of weirded-out ponies, and into town-sqaure. "I just need to get a refreshing drink, I'll feel much better after." As she slowed down, she caught sight of a few stands and a huge group of about 5 ponies talking to themselves. Well, she was new to Ponyville, maybe making some new friends wouldn't hurt. Feeling shy, she trotted up to them, trying to catch their attention. "U-Uhm hello there? my name is Ploomette," she started, though stopped as they immediately went silent. These weren't any ordinary ponies, they looked tougher, meaner, their bodies were doused in tattoos with flower designs all over them, and they wore these strange black vests..with white-green-and red printing on them? "I didn't mean to by a bother." She added quickly, eyeing the leader of the group, who looked dangerous from up close. "I can tell your new here," She breathed, towering over Ploomette as she shrunk to the ground. "U-Uh huh, I am..Fluttershy's sister.." Ploomette shook, terrified of this pony and her freinds. "Do you know who we are?" she grunted, staring deep into Ploomettes widened, fearful eyes. "No." She said, her teeth chattering. "I'm Roseluck, leader of the my little pony cartel." she said. MY LITTLE PONY CARTEL! OH SHIT! Ploomette leaped up in fear. "W-WHAT!? YOUR THE CARTEL!?" "Yes, and I'm Helia. You should know better then to think sneaking up on us and trying to be all nice is going to do you any good." A teal and yellow pegasus threatened. "We aren't here to make friends, we're here to sell drugs." "I bet she thinks she's higher class than us!" Lily Valley sneared. "Isn't that right, pretty pegasus? I see you got a crown for your cutie mark, you must've grown up spoiled." Ploomette felt her heart turn ice-cold. "No! I got it from a game I played when I was younger, I don't have any money! please don't hurt me!" "Why shouldn't we?" Sunshine petals laughed evily. "Come on amigos, let's BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF PLOOMETTE!" as they reached out their best sickels and knives Ploomette turned around and started galloping back toward Rarity's house, screaming bloody murder. "NO DONT KILL ME!" She begged, taking zigzags across ponyville to get away from the hoard of homicidal maniacs. Why were hispanic ponies so aggressive! of course with her bad luck she'd run into the cartel FIRST! Ducking under a few lonesone trash bins, Ploomette took to the sky, thankfully only Helia had wings, but because the alley-way was so dark and decrepit she made an escape down the route toward Ponyville hospital, a mile away from her house. Keeping up the pace, she soared down back into Rarity's front-door, and slammed it shut, hoping she had lost Helia. Panting for breath, she sat down, feeling her heart beat at an alarming rate, unable to speak. Rarity had rushed in, looking angry. "PLOOMETTE! you were supposed to help me do CHORES around the house, you free-loader, get back to work! NOW NOW NOW!!!" Nodding, Ploomette got up and returned to the laundry room, the memory of the terrifying gang of ponies right behind her tail burned into her head. "I think all of Ponyville is crazy!" she cried, reaching for the pile of clothes. "I'll never get used to this place!" Suddenly, she heard strange laughter come from the hallway. Curious, ploomette ditched the washing machine only to find everybody except her sat down in Raritys kitchen, and Rainbow Dash was with them? No..Rainbow's fur colors weren't that dull, and what were those black things on her ears? Wait.. THAT WAS THE PONY WHO BLASTED APART HER SCHOOL ALL THOSE YEARS AGO! W-With FLUTTERSHY BESIDE HER!?