> Wild flowers and blackberry's > by skyway920 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Into the unkown feet first > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The winds howled, as glowing green snow fell in curtains. My Geiger counter tick, tick, ticking even in the basement of the house I've sheltered in. I'm running out of time. Muffled shouting draws my attention to the five Humans laying on the stone floor, that are tied up with ropes, chains and whatever else I could find. I circled Them, a bone Knife in one hand and a book that's writing made me motion sick. I double checked that the carved runes on the floor and walls were correct. Another muffed sound. one of the Humans was staring up at me; fear clear in her eyes, as she looked at me pleadingly. Another place, another time I would have felt my heart hurt in sympathy. But here and now I felt nothing. And all she saw was her own face reflected back at her by my gas mask. I read the book. Alien words that shifted, curled and bend in ways that the human brain was not designed to comprehend yet. My brain itched, as I chanted the words. One of the Humans' eyes widened in terror, as I raised the knife. They'll either die in the radioactive snow or die in this ritual. At least this way. We'll have a chance at survival; and maybe even happy ever after. I plunged The knife into one of the Humans. Blood filling the runes in pulls and tugs. My chanting grow in volume and force, as I moved on to the fourth Human. My lip dried and ripped, as I raised and plunged the knife. fourth. I felt, my skin start to peel. Second. My blood clouted in, My veins. Third. My teeth and bones rattled and cracked. First. The blood congealed into a sphere, that grow to the size of a beach ball. And grew. And grew. And grew until it was consuming the room like a black hole. My chanting now more of a bellow, my mind and body eaten by the sphere of void black and glowing red. Rain. That's what I heard when I came to. I opened my eyes to see trees and shrubs, with a clarity that I didn't have since I was a child. I carefully felt my body. Fingers numb, a long, thick tail, My legs in that stat of numb but still feeling, a protrusion on My forehead and a energy dancing along a half space between, My nerves and veins,. The ground under me was scorched. I just sat there letting my mind descramble. Deep breaths, in, out. I've always liked the rain. It gives life, feeds the rivers and washes away the old and dying, so that new life can have It's chance. Raindrops fall onto my back, the cold water soothing. After what felt like a hour I struggled to... my hooves? Yes! Hooves! I look over myself. purple scales, equine front legs and mechanical hind legs strapped to a fish tail with dying plant brown spines and black membrane. I look between my mechanical legs, seeing crotch boobs and no dick or sheath. Darn. I was hoping for being a herm, but a female is fine too. "Squidward shanked, Mister Krabs," I tested my mouth and voice. The movements strange from My old body but close enough to not be completely alien. My new voice was husky and smooth, with the slightest touch of gravel. I also found that I had two separate breaths. One where My old body had; down the throat and into the lungs. And another along My neck. Gills? I shook my head. Alright no more dodling. I took a step with a front leg. Bending My opposite hind leg and correcting when it bent the old way. Come on. Do, as all those Pony isekai protagonists do. One, four. Two, three. One, four. Two, three I slowly but surely trotted out of what, my eldritch fucked brain was just realizing was a clearing. Trees rolled past me, as I trotted further and further away from the clearing. If I was in the world I thought I was then I hit jackpot! the perfect place to start over! Plan. find a pony town, become part of the community, shack up with somepony preferably a herm, become a mother and raise a foal. With my life plan slated, I continue trotting through the forest. Getting more and more confident in using my new legs. After what felt like hours I found a river, It's waters frothing with the rain. I looked to ether side, noticing lights coming from up stream. Well Equestria, for better or for worse You have a new resident. I trotted up the bank of the river. The light growing until I came over a hill. A town in the middle of a field, framed by two mountains, cast in evening rays, dulled by the clouds. I just stood there, looking the town over. A tall cylinder building in the center and... A tree that looked like it been turned into a house, a building that looked like a Carousel. And right to my left, a cloud in the shape of house. I galloped to the town that I was now secretion was Ponyville. The homes growing closer and closer. I had to slow back down to a trot as my neck lungs started to burn. In Ponyville proper, I had to repress a squee, as I saw Ponies go about Their evening. Ponies like, I was now. I headed to the tall circular building that should have the Mayor's office. The rain was a light drizzle by the time I entered the building. A field of violet light flickered to life. Drying me, as I trotted in to a waiting room with a reception desk at the back. The air was stuffy and dry, My neck getting that feeling of a dry throat. "Excuse me Miss but can, You help Me," I asked in that way where you ask more from politeness then genuinely wondering because its their job. The Receptionist putted down a newspaper. Looking at me with a look of hostility. Wait hostility? "And why would I do that?" she asked in a nasally voice that I swear people and now ponies, do on propose to piss others off. Her tone one of condescension. "Because I'm a citizen that needs help? This is a government building correct?" did I miss judge. Was this less a minister office and more a community center? I give a embarrassed huff through my neck, my new tail swishing. "You? A citizen? Don't make me laugh," the Receptionist said, holding in said laughs. I felt my magic start to bubble and froth like the river outside of town. The floor boards creaking and crunching with frost. Both breaths fogging up. "And whats that suppose to mean?!" I growl out. Trying to push my anger into a cage for later use like my old life. "Well, You aren't a Pegasus or a Earth pony. And, You are only half Unicorn if even that," Bitch said with that tone reserved for toddlers and caboose level morons. Ah I see now. I ended up in a Equestria with some old world problems. "Radiant Greeter," a new voice said with that authority where you never have to yell or even raise your voice. Ponies just listen out of reflex. I turn my head to see a White Earth Pony with a pink mane, blue eyes, Red Heart. Blue, slit pupiled eyes, and ears that were larger, and fluffier then Radiant's directed at her. "Oh. Hey Red Heart, this isn't what it looks like," Radiant said nervously, looking anywhere but the sexiest nurse in all of Ponyville. "Am I gonna have to give you another talk, Radiant" Red Heart said, more of a statement then a question. Her stern stare turning into a glare. I wiped My mouth. Realizing that I was drooling ever since Red Heart showed up. "N-No Mas- I mean Mam," Radiant said. A blush growing on her face. I took note of the slip up,through the haze of meeting one of My pony crushes, and the scent that Radiant was starting to give off. "Careful. I think this one might enjoy the punishments," I stage whisper to Red Heart. She just gave a thoughtful hum, looking Radiant over. "SO! What can I help, You with miss," Radiant said. turning to me with the look of someone that is both dreading and anticipating a event. "I need to setup I.D," I said. Snapping my eyes away from Red Heart. "Right right. Somepony will be with You shortly," Radiant said. Disappearing behind the desk. So I've got a few hours to kill. I flop down onto a bench, me and my tail taking two seats. I let out a sigh as my body relaxed and closed my eyes. A field of heat and electricity touched my senses. The creaking of the seat to my other side and the scent of Red Heart telling me that she was siting next to Me. Oh all Gods. She is siting next to me. "Sorry about Radiant Greeter. She's from Manehatten you see," Red Heart said with a apologetic tone. To close! To close. Her scent was filling My nose and gills. The haze was growing with a vengeance. "First off. You are not the one that should be apologizing. Second; You say where She's from like that should matter to Me," I said shakily. Taking as much will, as I can muster to fight off the haze over my mind. "It's where the headquarters of the Bloody Moon are," Red Heart said. Looking at me incredulously. "I've been living in a sea trench for most of My life. So a history lesson would be appreciated," I said. Okay a part of Your cover story is You lived to adult years in a sea trench. Remember that. "Do You know who Nightmare Moon is?"- Red Heart asked. I give a nod, too enraptured in her scent and words to speak -"Most of the Pony Tribes outside of the big three sided with Nightmare on promises of being treated better. When she was sealed in the Moon though, Ponies started going on witch hunts against anypony that was not a Earth Pony, Pegasus or Unicorn." I found myself leaning against Red Hearts side, my muzzle in the crook of Her neck, my eyes glazing over as I put all of my will and brain power into listening, to what Red Heart is saying. "This was against Celestia's direct orders of course, but the damage was done. the next century was spent trying to rebuild relations. most were weary but ultimately joined back with Equestria. Some however felt it was too little too late. These Ponies formed a origination that would safe guard these tribes, in Their own words at least. In reality, They are terrorists that used Our plight to excuse their hate and cruelty," Red Heart finished with a bitter tone. "They used a sledgehammer when they needed a scalpel," I said. The haze lessening with time, I blinked the glaze out of my eyes. This Bloody Moon reminded me of the activists in my old life. Decent folks out numbered by bastards that used the plights of the marginalized for their own ends. " There are some problems that can only be solved with stabbing, something sharp in between somepony's eyes. But this Bloody Moon sounds like They just want revenge, for something that happened a thousand years ago," I continue. Getting off Red Heart. She looked at me in surprise, before smiling. "That's surprising. Most Ponies are generally adverse to true physical conflict," Red Heart said, Looking me over. "The nobility back home didn't give Us much of a choice," my tongue tasted ash, calling anywhere in my old life home. "I see,"- Red Heart blinked, looking confused -"I never got, Your name." "You may have a copy but the original is Mine and Mine alone,"- I said. Now that I was in a land of magic, I had to be careful with stuff like this -"It's Black Berry. Call Me Blake for short." "Well, Black Berry. I hope We meet again," Red Heart said with a laugh, nuzzling me. "Miss Black Berry. The mayor will see you now," Radiant came back. looking at the scene with trepidation. I sighed, taking one last whiff of Red Heart, before I pull away and follow Radiant. I look Radiant over. My attention no longer processing racist comments. She was a Pegasus with a yellowish white coat, and pearl mane, her cutie mark a horse shoe with motion lines. We trotted in silence. The wooden halls and stairs passing by us. I took slow, deep breaths through My gills. Now was the moment of truth. My name is Black Berry, I grow up in a unnamed sea trench, I moved to Equestria because the trench became toxic and I wanted to be away from it all. Radiant opened a door with two writings on it. One was the writing I recognized as English, the other in Pony hieroglyphics. inside was Mayor Mare behind a mahogany desk as I remember Her. "Ah come in, come in. I've setup some paperwork for, You to fill out," Mayor said. Pushing two stacks of papers. each in one of the two writing scripts. I pick the one in English. Mayor hoofed me a pen as I sat down. I just now realized that I had zero practice with My horn or my hooves. well shit. "Aren't, You... going to take it?" Mayor asked. tilting her head to the side. I-I-I. I don't know how," I amendment with a sigh. covering my face, with My fore hooves. "Don't you mereponies use your fins for most thing?" Mayor asked with a frown, Looking put off. Use my-. does she mean my tail? Cause that might be unwieldy, my hip fins that I just now started to feel or-. wait a minute. I look at my forelegs. A fin running along the calf. I feel around, muscles that I've already felt guiding me to ones I've haven't. With a flex of a muscle in My hooves. They unfurled into fins with four digits, three fingers and a thumb. "Oh," well don't I feel like a dumb ass. I take the pen and set to work. Name? Black Berry. Place of birth? A sea trench. Pony tribe? I look around the office. It was in a state of chaos. A mirror was off to one side. I had the same eyes and ears as Red Heart. The difference was that my ears had no fluff and my eyes were a light pink, framed by a mane of black with a streak of brown like my spinal fin. Thestral Unicorn/Merepony mix. Sex? Female. date of birth? Calendar on the other wall said March twenty first one thosend A.N. February twenty second nine hundred and eighty A.N. Place of residents? "That might be a problem," I mumble. worst come to worst. I could camp out in and by the lake until winter, when the water starts freezing though. After that. I don't know. "There is a shelter. Amethyst's Long house. You could Life there for now," Mayor offered. Looking at the papers. After that was mostly miscellaneous and medical questions. Allergy's, preexisting conditions, stuff like that. They didn't bring up preexisting I.D, so I didn't ask After the paperwork was finished. I was given directions to the long house. Out on the streets the rain was still going. The life fueling liquid soothing my gills, as I trotted to my hopefully new home. less and less Ponies were out and about, as the rain fell down with a vengeance. soaking me to the bone. Giggles filled the air as I approached the long house. Turning a corner I saw a yellow Pegasus mare with a sea foam green mane, Jumping and splashing in the front yard. Raindrops. one of my more recent Pony crushes, before the bombs fell. She skidded to to a stop, as she saw me approach. She cringed, looking at me like a puppy that was expecting to get kicked. "You've did a great job with this rain," I said. trying to give a easy smile with the rising blush, the rain leavening nothing to the imagination. Her ear perked up at the compliment, as I continued trotting. "Uh, thanks?" Raindrops said, more a question. I stopped. A few seconds of awkward silence filled the air, the only sound being the pitter patter of rain. "You look really pretty covered in rain," I blurt out. shoving a hoof over My mouth. Blush at full force, as what I said caught up with Me Stupid, stupid. At least get to first base before You make comments like that! Now She's going to go to the Police, say You raped Her and gouge You for all You're worth, and- and-. Calm Yourself. You foolish, silly little bitch. You are a mare, a female. She probably won't look too deep into it. secondly She's a Equestrian Pony. Most Equestrians are too pure for that kind of behavior. At least I hope. "You too," Raindrops squeaked out. Blushing neck to ears, Her wing ineffective in hiding it. "If, You two love birds are done floundering. Get inside, Pumpkin spice made dinner," a new voice said. Me and Raindrop will deny to Our graves, that We were blushing like over ripe tomatoes when We glared at the new comer. Mint green scales, silver and mint mane, amber eyes. Lyra Heartstrings. But a Fish Pony like Me. Unlike me. She had some strange collar on that was connected to a tank on her back. "Was that a double pun," Raindrops Asked accusingly. "Maaaabye" Lyra said with a smile. Dragging the word out in that way that meant yes. Raindrops gave a pout that was more cute then threatening. "Don't feed the trolls," I said. Looking at Raindrops as I trotted into the long house. "Whatever, You say Casanova," Lyra said leaning on the door frame, orange field keeping the falling water out. "Oh don't act like You don't fuck up expressing Your feelings for Bonnie," I bit back. seriously whats wrong with me. normally its my mouth that can't keep up with my brain. "H-H-How do, You know about that?" Lyra asked. a bit of fear leaking through. Great, just great. Show knowledge can be just as much of a curse, as a blessing. especially in a Equestria as different as this. "I saw, You giving Her Come fuck Me eyes," I lied. taking note of the mechanical hind legs that were similar to my own, as I entered the Long house. The first room was a mud room. Boots, shoes and other hoof wear lined up on ether side, a hoof mat in the center. Past that was a hotel lobby that was converted into a living room. Toys, cards and board games scattered on coffee tables and coaches. At the front desk was a bored looking, purple Thestral Unicorn with a darker purple mane. She perked up when she saw me enter. "Hello! I don't recognize you. Are you here for a room?" the pony that I can only assume was Amethyst Star asked. Looking at Me appraisionly. "I believe so yeah," I said. The musk of Pony affecting Me less then at the Mayor's office. Good. I don't to be a horny mess just by being in proximity of other Ponies. "Great! Just some rules while, You stay here," Amethyst said. Face turning stern. I give a nod for her to continue. "First rule. Clean up after yourself. You are sharing this space with others," I nod. Sounds reasonable enough. "Second. No alcohol or narcotics, that includes cigars and cigarettes. On long house propriety," a another nod. Now that is something I can get behind. "Third. No eating outside of the dining area," I hesitated at that. I was not sure how I'd act in a crowd. I always hated eating with others. So loud. So. Much. Talking. "And fourth. Keep all sexual activity in Your or Your partners room. There are foals that live here," Amethyst said with a Stern glare and raised hoof, as if she had to explain that one too many times. "I can work with that," I said. Amethyst smiled and extended a fore hoof. I took it, feeling a sensation like magnets locking as we shook hooves. So that's how they pick up and manipulate stuff without fingers. "Your room is three twelve on the second floor. We should get diner before going to bed," Amethyst said looking out the door window. I fallow Her gaze. Pitch over the glass. "Lead the way," I said. She trotted around the counter. Leading me, raindrops and Lyra. Who I saw in the corner of my eyes, To what must have been a restaurant. All the middle booths and tables, removed for long tables with booth benches. Ponies of various tribes sitting. Bat Ponies, Lamias, Merponies, Kirins, Draconies, Crystal Ponies, Plant Ponies. What looked like ponified Warforged. Spider Ponies! A shiver goes down my spine as a grey Spider Pony with a black mane skittered about. Serving a stew of some kind. A field of heat and electricity touched My back before a wing did. rubbing in slow, soothing circles. I looked to its owner. Seen Raindrops giving a strained smile. She smelled nice. I let Her guide me to the table, Sitting me down. I repressed another shiver as the Spider Pony that I was sure is Octavia, gave me a bowl of stew. Of all the Pony types. Why did the horse sized Spiders have to be real. Their hot in porn but just outright freaky in reality. I focused on the stew and away from arachnids. It had a thick broth, carrots, leeks, potatoes and... Beef? I look around the table. The Pony tribes I expected were unfazed. Bat Ponies, Lamias, Draconies and as I felt My teeth with My tongue, Merponies. Less expected were the rest. Crystal Ponies were eating gems instead of the stew. Two of the Plant Ponies were fighting over a extra large piece of meat roast. Even Raindrops seemed unfazed. eating happily. I let out a quite sigh, unfurl my hoof into a fin, pick up the spoon and digged in. I examine the Ponies at the table in between bites. Across from me was Derpy and Dinky, Thestral and Thestral Unicorn. Berry Punch and Ruby Pinch, Plant Ponies. Leaves for manes and moss for fur, eyes set in pools of onyx. and to My other side from Raindrops was... A plume Earth Pony with a white and Pink mane. Oh gods. It's Cheerilee! I snap back to my stew, as my face suffered attack of the blush hornyness strikes back. My heart was racing. Her scent invading my nose. Why do Ponies have to be so hot! I found myself stealing glances at Cheerilee from the Corner of my eye. She was much like Her appearance in the show, The only difference was reality resolution. And a sheath with a cock half out. Cheerilee scrunched Her nose and it took me a few second to realize that I was leaking on to the seat. I could feel Raindrop's wing tighten a little. I quickly eat the rest of my stew. Stood up and wiped down my mess, as best I could. "I'll be going to bed now," I said. a squeak coming out as I moved the wing off me, and galloped out of the dining room, The halls blurring past me. I found myself in a hallway. Lines of doors to ether side, with numbers on them. Their numbers in the two hundreds. My gills burned like my old body's lungs. The hall lacked the musk of Pony. I just... sat down. Back against the wall. Spinal fin smushed between my back and the wall. Ouch, ouch. Its like pressing a flag pole into Your spine. I forced myself to take deep breaths. My gills feeling less on fire and more of a dull ache. I knew I was gonna have to adopt to my new body. Hells I made plans for it in my head, but living it is a whole other beast. I've always found Equestrian Ponies more attractive, then any Human from my old life could ever hope to be, especially in the face. And I don't know how to describe it, but I felt something disgusting just below the surface for the majority of women. The sound of hooves pulled me out of my thoughts. Amethyst Star was trotting up the stairs that my frazzled mind only now noticed. "Hey. I saw You gallop off, before I could give the key to Your room," Amethyst levitated a steel key on a necklace, to me. "Sorry. don't like crowds. Felt... compressed," I half lied while standing up. if there is one thing I know for certain about myself, its that I'm like a cat when it comes to people. "Understandable," Amethyst said with a look of the same word as said. wrapping the key necklace on my neck. "I'll give You some space. Have a good night" I give a awkward wave goodbye as She trotted down the stairs. letting out a sigh after She disappeared completely. I trotted to my room. Thoughts trailing me all the while. Nice going idiot! This will probably be my new life's Seven Eleven incident. Get a hold of Yourself and stop being horny! Yeah like statements like that ever help the problem. On the bright side. Cheerilee's a herm! Now if only I could talk to Her without becoming a hormonal mess in the process. Unless She is into that kind of thing. Room three twelve. I have arrived. With a deep breathe I insert the key into the lock. It clicks open and with a push I trot into my home for the foreseeable future. To my left was a white tiled bathroom, fully stocked with toilet paper. To my right was a small closet with a bookshelf that had a few books in it. And at the center was a hatch. With a motion of my fin, I lock the door and examine the rooms more closely. The bathroom's sink and toilet was lower then expected. perhaps for when I took off My hind legs. Never in million years did I ever think that sentence would be part of my reality. It also had a shower, with the loweredness. A mirror sat above the sink. A face of purple scales stared back. pink iris' with slit pupils framed by a mane of black hair with a streak of brown, two bat like ears sticking out atop my head, gills spaced along my neck, flaring with every breath through them. I stick out my tongue. A thick, forked thing about a foot long without stretching. Gods I'd be giving Cheerilee amazing blowjobs if I somehow seduce Her. Also. How am I fitting this monster in my mouth? A question for another day. I slurp my tongue back into my mouth and examine my teeth. Pony flat molars that transition to those teeth Humans have between their molars and canines, long fangs for canines. I turn to the side to look at other parts of me. My tail took up another Pony's length, hind fins that were half the length of my forelegs, my spinal fin under a metal clamp at the belt that held my prosthetic hind legs in place, my tail fin one solid piece. This is fine. More then fine. I trotted out of the bathroom and poke around in the closet. hangers empty. Most of the books in hieroglyphic. Those I can read though. How to care for foals of the three tribes. Equish a primer. Basics of Unicorn magic. courtship rituals of the three tribes. It seems that someone was ignoring that there was more then three tribes out there. I let out a sigh. I'll read them later. Trotting out of the closet, I go over to the hatch. It was metal with a glass view port on the opposite side of the hinges. With unfurled fins I turn the valve to open it. with a snap and hiss It opened to another field like the ones in the doorways outside. I poke My head in. My gills gave a cry of relief as water flooded them. below the hatch was a room with a mattress looking thing set in one corner of the room, a desk set next to a window, what looked like a boxy radio, and another bookshelf that was filled with books made of crystal. I pull my head back. dry air. I lay down and fiddle with my prosthetic belt. thumbling with it until I find a buckle. With a yank I undo it. Feeling the shock of a well dragged carpet. I drag myself to the closet. Placing My hind legs inside. Then crawled back to the hatch and slipped down. The water was the same temperature, as the air, comfortably warm. It felt clean, going in and out of my gills. I look back up. Seen another valve on the lower end. I reach up and close the hatch. tension left my body in waves. Exhaustion from the days events catching up on me. I swam to the bed. Barely keeping my eyes open as I curled up on it. The hum of aquarium machinery acting ,as a white noise. My thoughts drifted To the five Humans I sacrificed to get here. "You five. wherever you are. I hope you're living in paradise like I am," I mumble. words foreign to my tongue that were coherent under the water. I slept without a lot of tossing and turning.