> Brony convention > by bowsero3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > How it Started > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hear my alarm clock go off. I'm about to hit the snooze button when I remember its a special day. "Brony convention!" I say. My name is Zyon. Yes strange name. It's like Zion. As you can probably tell I'm a brony. Today is a special day for 13 year old bronies, Which are my friends Eric, Josh, and Joey and I. It was the day we get together for 3 nights and watch all of the My Little Pony episodes. I mean all. From old before I was born My Little Pony to Friendship is Magic My Little Pony. I picked up my phone and called Eric, my best friend, first. It rang twice, then I herd a click. "Hello?" Eric said. "Hey, Zyon here, you ready?" "It's today?! Shoot it's 7:37, why can't you wake me up earlier?" "Calm down." I said "NO! I can't calm down it's the BIG day." He yelled at me some more and got bored so then went and got dressed. We all eventually got to our meeting spot: my dark, huge, smelly basement. It's not me that smells, it's my grandma's stupid cat, Tipsy. I was getting ready to tell them the big news. "Hey guys! I got something that may be of interest to bronies everywhere." They all crowded around me and asked simultaneously, "What?" > The book > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I always have a big red and white backpack with me to carry books. I shifted through my book bag for a minute and found it. A big, brown, heavy book that had a cover with a marking of a unicorn's head in gold. They all pushed and shoved to see it. "So what? You got a girly diary. The big deal is?" Josh asked seeming disappointed. "The big deal is that it's not just any book," I started. "It's the diary of the maker of My Little Pony when she started the show!" "No way, where did you get it?" Joey asked. "Ya, and how much?" Josh asked, not seeming convinced. "On... eBay," I started, realizing it might not be real. "Ha, he admits!" Josh exclaimed. "Have you looked at it yet?" Joey asked trying not to give up hope. "Not yet." I said. "Then lets take a look!" Eric said enthusiastically. I grabbed it, opened it slowly, and then a giant flash of light shined on us. "AHH!" We all screamed and started falling. > We're not in Utah Anymore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up about five minutes after I hit the ground. I got up and started walking. It felt weird walking though. I looked around. "Every thing's so cartoony," I said to myself. I walked a little more when I saw a shiny rock... Sparkly, I would even say. "It must be a gem," I said out loud. I wanted to keep it. I started running toward it... faster... Faster... FASTER! I felt like a speeding bullet! I was about to pick it up when something ran into me. I went flying through the air and hit the ground hard. I got up and said "Hey whats the big ide-" Then I saw what hit me. A pony! but not just any pony... a My Little Pony! "A m...my lil...Pp..pony! We both said shocked. He was a brown pony with a black mane, tail, and brown eyes. He had no cutie mark though. "Wait a second." I started. "Josh?!" "wh...who are you?" He asked scared. "Its me, Zyon. Who else looks like me? But Josh, you're a pony! Go look in the river!" He looked confused. He turned around and looked in the river. He started shivering. "Z..Zyon you should look too," He said, sounding shocked. I felt confused then scared. I knew what was coming but when I looked in the river I was still shocked. Their in the river looking back up at me was a red pony with a dirty blonde mane and tail... and hazel eyes. I turned a pale pink. We have to find Joey and Eric! > Eric and Zyon Take to the Skies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eric wasn't that hard to find. He was still asleep when we found him. Snoring my ears off. He was green with blackish brownish hair, and probably blue eyes. What surprised me most was...he was a pegasus. 'Hey, Earth to snorezilla... WAKE UP!!!" I shouted. I learned last brony convention you can't be gentle with him when you wake him up. He snapped awake right away. "Who you calling snorezilla, dumbo?" He asked with his eyes still closed. "Wow, good comeback," I said sarcastically. He got up and stretched his hooves then opened his eyes and looked around. 'Wow, how much My Little Pony did we watch? Everything is so cartoo-" He shut when he looked at me. "Zyon? Your a m-" I cut him off saying: "You are too," I told him as I got the gem I secretly picked up earlier out of my backpack. "Hey! That's my diamond!" Josh said angrily. "Its not a diamond, its a gem, rock head and it's mine now" I snapped. Rock head shut him right up. It always does. Eric admired himself in the mirror and said: "Hey I'm a pegasus! Wait a second..." He said looking me over. "You're a Unicorn and a pegusus!" he said shocked. I looked at my hips and right there were a pair of red feathery wings. Then I touched the top of my head and sure enough... their was a horn. "W...wh...Whats going on what am I?" I cried out in shock. "I seen this episode before." I forgot what its called." Eric said trying to comfort me. "Right lets find Joey first" Josh chimed in. I was a little shocked but I managed to choke out "O.K." "Hey me and you are pegusus, right Zyon? So why don't we fly and find him?" Eric suggested. "Wait, so you're a flying expert now?" Josh asked. "Well, no, but it can't be that hard," Eric said as he got in a flying position. He started running, then flapping his wings. Then he took off. "Cmon Zyon, you try" Eric said. And soon enough I was flying with Eric. "You stay here Josh. We will be back when we find Joey," I said and Eric and I flew off... unaware we had just begun our quest. > Joey Makes a Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me tell you, first of all, Eric was a terrible flyer. He crashed in thirty-two trees. Yes, I counted because I was bored. "I found him," I said to Eric as he bounced off a tree. "Where is he?" Eric asked anxiously. "Right there by... a pink girl pony," I exclaimed. "That's Joey for you, we aren't here for an hour and he's hitting on ponies," Eric said non-surprised. He was a yellow pony with a blonde tail, mane and green eyes. "Hey he has a horn... is he a unicorn?" Eric asked looking at my horn. "Wouldn't surprise me," I said trying to ignore his staring. But I thought only girls could be unicorns," "No, not necessarily, you see guy unicorns in background sometimes. Its just uncommon," I answered. We started going down. I landed perfectly but Eric crash landed and his face was in the dirt. "Hey hey what's that funny guys face in the ground for Ha-ha-ha," the pink pony said very fast without taking a breath. "Because I like the way it feels on my face," Eric said sarcastically, his face still in the dirt. He got up and there was a dent in the dirt in shape of his face. We all laughed except for Eric. "That hurt you know," He said angrily. "Calm down, your as green as a toad," I said still laughing. Then the least expected thing happened. Josh came trotting out of the woods. "Josh, how did you find us?" I asked surprised. I followed Eric's crash sites!" Josh said cracking up. Eric was getting mad. "Hey, guys, this is my friend," Joey said pointing a hoof toward the pink pony. "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!" "Pp..Pinkie pie?" Josh, Eric, and I sputtered out simultaneously. > Pinkie Pie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We all stared Pinkie Pie over for a second to see if it was really her. Sure enough she had three balloons and confetti as a cutie mark, pink hair, and big blue eyes. "Hi how are you my name's pinkiepie what's your name do you want to come with me to Ponyville? It will be so much fun!" She said really fast without a breath. I didn't even get to answer one question. "Yes please take us to Ponyville" Eric said still surprised. "O.K. follow me!" She said enthusiastically and turned around and ran. Me, Eric, and Josh had a hard time keeping up, but Joey kept up just fine. "Hey guys, wait up," I said exhausted. Pinkie Pie and Joey stopped immediately. We ran right in to them and everything went black. I don't know how long I was out, but next thing I know Eric's big green head was in my face saying, "Zyon, wake up we're just about there!" I got up and said, "Joey, I really hate you!" "Hey, you told us to wait up," he said laughing. I look forward and I see that we are on top of a hill. I look down the hill and see an amazing village. I stammered "I..is that-" "Ponyville," Josh finished for me. "Lets go," Pinkie Pie said happily. "O.K." > Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We ran down the hill, again having trouble keeping up with Pinkie Pie and Joey. "Guys slow do-" I started then Josh interupted. "Don't tell them to stop again, because I swear if I have to carry you another hoof, I'm going to freak out!" He said seriously. "I'd rather you carry me then walk," I said to myself. "Wait, we are going too fast! With the wind rushing this fast and us going this fast then we will cra-" Eric tried to finish but we all ran into a tree. Josh got up and said "Please don't tell me I have to carry Zyon again." I was irritated at what he said, so I said, "Ya, I'm fine Josh, thanks for asking! Is every body else O.K.?" "Ya, I'm fine I'm fantastic I'm amazing I'm supercalifragilisticexpialidocious I went fast fast fast then fwoosh I feel good. Let's do it again that was so much fun!" Pinkie Pie said happily. "Ya, I'm O.K. too. I'm tired because somebody woke me up though," Eric said looking at me aggressively. "I'm sorry, Eric, go back to sleep, Josh will carry you," I said looking at Josh. "I'm going to get you," Josh said, starting to chase me. "Ohh, I know I'll give him a ponyback ride, hop on Eric," Joey said enthusiastically, and proceeded to pick Eric up and start running with Pinkie Pie. "More running, always running, the running never ends," Josh said sounding tired. Eventually we got to Ponyville. "Yay, we are here," Josh said huffing and puffing. Eric was fast asleep on Joey's back. Pinkie Pie went up to his ear and shouted "HEY, WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" Eric shot up, fell off of Joey, and hit his head. We all laughed. He rubbed his head and said, "I'm not that hard to wake up." "Let's go see Twilight, she knows everything," Pinkie Pie said excitedly. "Oh, and you can call me Pinkie for short!" "O.K. Pinkie, but do you mean Twilight...Sparkle?" I asked kind of surprised. "Yep, that's her let's go!" > Twilight Sparkle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We were walking now. Josh was pleased to stop running. We past a whole bunch of colorful houses, and I even think some of them were made out of candy. I think Josh thought that too because he was looking at a house that looked suspiciously like gingerbread, and he was drooling ready to bite it even if it were made out of brick. We finally got to a huge house... a tree house. I don't mean a house in a tree, I mean a actual house inside of a tree. "Twilight is going be so happy that we have visitors," Pinkie Pie said excitedly. She hoofed at the door three times, and then it opened by itself! Pinkie Pie must have seen my expression because she laughed and said "Don't worry, the door is enfanted or endated or umm... what does Twilight call it?" She asked herself. "Enchanted?" Eric chimed in. "Ya, that's right. You knock on it three times and it opens itself," Pinkie Pie finished. "Coooool," Josh purred. "I want to try, I want to try," Joey started, and he closed the door and knocked. It opened right away. "Pinkie, how many times do I have to tell you? The door is not a toy," A voice said from inside the house. "Sorry, Twilight, I'm coming in," Pinkie Pie said to the voice which was apparently Twilight Sparkle. "Go ahead, but please don't go through my books, I just finished organizing them again," Twilight said, coming out from a door by a purple wooden bookshelf. "Oh, and who are your friends?" Twilight asked curiously. "Hi Twilight Sparkle, I am Zyon. My friends are Eric, Josh, and Joey. We came here from another dimension. Our planet is called Earth, and our galaxy is called the Milky way." "Ohh, I love milk, milk is my absolutely positively fav-" Pinkie was try to finish but Twilight spoke over her. "Ohh, wow, I am... well you already know I am, I'm Twilight Sparkle. You can just call us ponies by our first name, so Twilight will do. We must get you to the princess at once!" > We go to the Castle in Canterlot... Eventually > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- And so, I, Zyon, went running off with Joey, Josh, Eric, Twilight and Pinkie, heading straight for Canterlot. After we start running, Eric says, "Hey, Zyon, why don't you and I fly our way ther-" "NOO!" I interrupt, "Um- I mean no, because I.. uh.. don't want us to get ahead of the other ponies because of our amazing flying skills and speed." "Well, if you put it that way, O.K. then," he replied. After a few minutes of running, Twilight shouts "STOP!", and we all tumble into a big mess. "What did you do that for, Twilight?" I said. "If we are going to tell the princess about you four, we should probably get the others to go with us," Twilight said. "What others?" Josh asked. "The mane six, you moron," replied Joey. "Who are you calling a moron, moron?" Josh said back, and they start arguing and throwing insults at each other. "Hey, what's a moron? Oh I guess Joey and Josh are 'cause that's what they are calling each other but what does it mean? What does it mean? What does it mean?" PInkie Pie said very quickly. "A moron is a person who is acting silly or stupid, Pinkie," I said. "Now break it up, you two!" Twilight shouted. "Now, let's go back to Ponyville, and find Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack. We should probably take Spike too just for good measure. Now move it everypony!" We started running back immediately... after taking a break. Wow, being a pony is going to take some getting used to. **************************************************************************************** After Twilight rounded everypony up, she explained the situation to them. "So, they come from a different dimension, on a planet called... called... what was it called again?" Twilight asked. "Earth," I answered. "So they come from a place called Earth, where apparently, we are famous, and on a magic box of moving pictures that show some of our adventures. So, they apparently watch all of these "episodes", along with others shown in the distant past." "Wow, I want a magic moving picture box, so I could look for the latest styles in Canterlot, and all without leaving my home!" Rarity comments. "Sooo, how do these people know what we do anyway? Are you some kind of spy, sent to tell them all of our secrets to put on the magic picture box? What happened to the last ones, did they quit?" asked Rainbow Dash. "No, Rainbow, they ain't no spies, they don't seem to have been expectin' this visit to Equestria," Applejack said. "But what if they are just trying to make us think that? What if they are using reverse reverse psychology?" "I know you don't trust us, but you will just have to take our word for it, until we can somehow prove it," I said. "Oooooh, ooooh, I know, we can make them Pinkie Promise that they are telling the truth!" Pinkie said excitedly. "But still, how can we tell that they are really telling the truth about promising? Huh? Huh?" Rainbow Dash said. "Girls! We can't dawdle around like this! We don't have time! Let's just make them Pinkie Promise, and hope they are telling the truth. Pinkie, now!" Twilight yelled over the clamor. "Oooookay. So you do this: cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! Now your turn!" Pinkie Pie said. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," We all said monotonously. "Good, now let's hurry and leave for Canterlot," Twilight finished. **************************************************************************************** > The journey to Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We all clopped our way to Canterlot which was tiring." I hate walking", said Josh. "I do to, a lot!" Exclaimed Joey. "Will both a yall Please stop complaining, your making my ears hurt!" Exclaimed Apple Jack. "That's exactly what they're trying to do!" Accused Rainbow Dash, "They'll make us go deaf then hypnotize us and make us do things for their magic box!" "Ohh I can finally use this word now!" Exclaimed Pinkie Pie. "You'r a.. a " She was giggling like crazy. " A Moron Bla hahaha!" I started laughing and rainbow dash looked at me and dashed toward me. "Don't you dare put that on your magic box! commanded Rainbow Dash. Pinkie pie was dancing while walking and then she started to open her mouth.Don't you dare start singing! Yelled Rainbow Dash. They don't deserve a song for their magic box! It's not a magic box its a television nothing magical about it, Eric said. How do we know that? Asked rainbow dash. Umm their are umm pictures that umm move and umm ... my brain hurts! Whined Josh. Aww it's a squirrel how cute, isn't it Angel? Flutter shy asked her pet bunny, Angel. Angel just looked at her and shook his head viciously. Why did you have to bring that, "dirty animal" with you? asked Rarity. Flutter shy looked at the dirt stained bunny. Well I guess you are due for a bath arent you. Angel again loooked at her then shook his head even more viciously. "Hey how much further is Canterlot?" asked Josh, "My feet are getting tired!" "Feet?" asked the main six in unison. "I mean my... err, hooves." "Oh!" said Twilight, " Well if you look forward youll see it right over the-" Twilight stopped mid sentence, because right in front of us was Canterlot... on fire!