> A bimbo a day keeps the apple away > by The Force > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A bad hair day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack is a farmpony living in Ponyville, and today she decided to make the trek to Manehattan to buy a few supplies. She arrived dressed in her typical western attire – jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and her trusty cowgirl hat. Taking in all the sights and sounds of the bustling city, she felt uneasy amongst the energy of the urban landscape. Applejack was on a mission. The barn back at home needed repairs, and the current circumstances were not making that easy. With the pegasi refusing to work, it had been a bad harvest, and the apple trees were dying. But a trip to Manehattan might mean a solution. She had been told the city wouldn't ship out the supplies she needed until next month, but Applejack was determined. Armed with a list of what was needed, she took to the streets, on a quest to find the planks and apple tree seeds that would save the family farm. Applejack stopped to survey the hardware store ahead, making sure it was the right one on her list, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Two overly sexualized mares were standing behind her, sporting looks that seemed right at home on the cover of a magazine. Her cousin they called her, but Applejack recognized them for what they were. Girls like these were always hanging around her fashionable friend Rarity, and Applejack was intimately familiar with their type. Before Applejack could correct them, her lips involuntarily twisted into a pout. These girls had done something to her, and she wasn't sure what. Rose quartz and Beauty Star are going to give you the makeover of your dreams cousin!" Applejack felt trapped as the two unicorns dragged her along. Her natural curves had been replaced with something artificially enhanced, as if she were wearing a body-shaped balloon. She tried to call out, to resist, but her lips had been surgically enlarged and filled with something, making it impossible to protest. As the unicorns chattered on about giving her "the makeover of her dreams," she became more and more anxious. She needed to get away from these two and figure out how to undo what they had done to her! "What in the goddamn heck did these two dagnabbit sluts do to me? My lips are swollen like a freakin' balloon! My hips are out of control! I can't even swear properly anymore! I sound like some kind of darn "Bimbo" tart. What the hell do I want some stupid-ass frilly makeover for? I got a damned apple farm to run, for Celestia sake!" "I got a barn that needs fixing, damn it! These darn mares are going the wrong way! I don't want no damn "girl's day out," I just wanna get my supplies and get back home! Come on, can't somebody help me out here? Dammit, now they're taking me to some stupid-ass salon. I don't want no "makeover of my dreams"! I just want to be able to run my apple farm in peace! Can't I fix a barn without getting all dolled up?" Rose Quartz and Beauty Star pulled Applejack into a salon a short distance from the hardware store, still smiling. "You are going to just look so precious!" they told her, obviously happy about their plan coming together. But Applejack was far from pleased, having no desire to be transformed into a "precious" bimbette like these two unicorns themselves. As Rose and Beauty talked of how "precious" her "makeover" would make her, Applejack looked around helplessly. The salon's interior was awash in pink, glitter, and frills, the complete antithesis of her personal style. She noticed that all the other customers were dressed up in sexy lingerie, corsets, and other provocative outfits. It was obvious that Rose and Beauty fit right in here, but she didn't. The thought of being forced to wear such clothes made her skin crawl. Applejack was forced to sit down onto the chair, where Rose and Beauty surrounded her. "Oh cousin, you will love having pretty nails just like us!" they told her, holding up a picture of themselves with long, gaudy nails decorated with fake diamonds. Applejack felt a sense of dread as they prepared to transform her into their personal dress-up doll. Applejack's transformation began with a forceful makeover. She was made to strip off the ugly clothes that represented her previous self and replace them with a light pink crop top, a white skirt with a belt, and pink high heels. Once the outfit was complete, Applejack's hair was done up with wavy curls, pink eye shadow, black mascara, and eyeliner. Finally, Applejack's makeup was complete, with a layer of pink lipstick, pink blush, and pink glittery eye shadow. After Rose and Beauty were satisfied with their work, Applejack was thrust into the world of the Pretty Mare. Applejack couldn't believe what was happening as Rose and Beauty finished painting her nails in a gaudy purple hue. Despite her efforts at trying to resist, her body refused to listen to her, and she remained frozen in place. As the unicorns moved on to her hair, she tried to protest once more, but she could say nothing, her lips twisted into a painful pout. Rose and Beauty paid no attention, focused instead on creating a new look for their cousin. "Next is your mane! Oh you'll be so cute!" they giggled, delighted by the project they had forced upon Applejack. Despite her struggles, Applejack was unable to resist the transformation. Though she couldn't exactly understand how, she was beginning to feel her body change into a body more befitting of a "bimbo" pony. It seemed the aura coming off of Rose and Beauty was somehow altering her body, transforming it into something she would never have chosen for herself. As the transformation continued, Applejack could do nothing but stand helplessly, like a puppet on a string, as she was molded into a new, hyper-feminine form. As Applejack's body underwent its transformation, so too did her subconscious. Though she remained herself, she found herself speaking with the same over-sexualized style and vocabulary as Rose and Beauty. All thoughts of escape and resistance were slowly being replaced by a desire to look as "cute" and "sexy" as possible. As Applejack found herself changing, she could do nothing but marvel at the strange spell that Rose and Beauty had cast over her. Despite still being herself and remembering her southern origins, Applejack now spoke in an overly-sexualized manner, without any hint of her previous accent. She cursed about the situation, about being turned into a bimbo against her will, but the words meant nothing if her lips were frozen into a pouty, seductive expression. No matter how much she struggled against it, Applejack's thoughts and speech were being replaced by those of a "bimbo" pony." Applejack tried to yell at Rose and Beauty, to call them every name in the book. But a spark of hope had been extinguished as she realized that she was still stuck in her hyper-feminine "bimbo" form. Her thoughts remained intact, but her speech stayed in line with the new identity that had been thrust upon her. A pang of fear and dread shot through her. As Rose and Beauty giggled and continued to work their magic on her hair, she felt a twinge of shame over the things she was being forced to say. At long last, her lips finally unfroze. And when they did, it wasn't her southern accent that tumbled out, but Rose and Beauty's hyper-feminine, ditzy voice. But it wasn't her speaking, she was still firmly trapped in her own mind. She tried to speak again, hoping her voice would return to normal, but it seems the change in her vocal chords was permanent. No matter how much she struggled to control her own thoughts and speech, they always seemed to default back to Rose and Beauty's valley-mare style. Applejack's vocal chords may have been altered to create the perfect valley-mare voice, but her thoughts remained her own. She knew how strange this transformation was and how much she wanted to escape and return to her own natural, pony self, but her body betrayed her at every turn. While she wanted to shout curses and insults at Rose and Beauty, her words were replaced by an incredibly feminine, ditzy voice. "Omc, like, I really love your dress... and your hair is like, soo pretty," she found herself saying in a voice dripping with artificial sweetness. Applejack was still struggling to reclaim control, but every time she tried to speak, the words that came out were those of the unicorns she blamed for her predicament. Stuck in her "living Barbie" form, no matter how much she struggled to think like Applejack and to sound like Applejack, she remained trapped in her bimbette persona. And the longer she remained stuck in this form, the more her subconscious was adapting to her new body and mind. Slowly, her southern drawl began to fade and her natural manner of speaking changed. Applejack looked at her reflection in the mirror, unable to even recognize herself. No longer was she a no-nonsense farm pony, capable and hardworking. Instead, she looked like a cheap sex doll. Her lips were full and plump, her hair was long and straight, and her outfit was a tight, revealing dress that showed off her figure. This wasn't the Applejack she knew. This couldn't be. She felt a tear coming down, praying to wake up from this nightmare, but as they often did in nightmares, the tears would not come. Instead she looked at Rose and Beauty, feeling a pang of resentment. Rose and Beauty beamed with excited smiles at Applejack's reflection. "Look at you! You're such a cutie," Rose exclaimed. Beauty grinned broadly, adding "We've just got to go clothes shopping, and get you tanned!" She giggled, apparently unable to comprehend the sheer horror of her cousin's situation. Applejack's heart fell as she was dragged out of the salon, her resentment towards Rose and Beauty growing with every passing moment. ------------- At the Clothes Store Rose and Beauty led Applejack to a high-end clothing store, the kind that would be completely out of her budget as a humble apple farmer. It was overwhelming for her, as she had never been interested in fashion, let alone these overly-sexy clothes that the two unicorns insisted upon. Rose and Beauty happily picked out everything from sexy dresses, heels, and skirts to makeup, nails, and lingerie. Applejack was left a bystander in her own transformation, feeling resentment and anger begin to boil over. As Rose and Beauty selected one outfit after another. Applejack began to feel a rage inside, and tried to resist their demands. But just as she had with her voice, she was stuck in the body of a "bimbo" pony, with no control over her own voice and actions. Her feelings of resentment towards Rose and Beauty festered as they excitedly talked about turning her into a "sexy doll" for show. Applejack's feelings of anger and resentment grew with each passing moment, even as her body and mind were slowly but surely adapted to her new, hyper-feminine form. Rose and Beauty continued to dress Applejack up, they discussed their plan to tan her skin and make it an "even tan." Once she looked good enough, they would take her to a photo shoot and show her off to their social media followers. Applejack felt furious and powerless at the same time. In her mind she was still Applejack, the simple and hard working pony that she always had been. But as her body was forced to adapt to this new "bimbo" pony look that Rose and Beauty had saddled her with, she feared that even her own mind would soon belong to them. Rose and Beauty stood proudly in front of the mirror after dressing Applejack up. Applejack didn't recognize the pony she saw in the mirror, with a body that was nothing like her own. The ponies picked out seven different outfits for her, all of which were extremely revealing and showed off her feminine curves. Once they had transformed her into a complete "bimbo," it was time to finish the job. Rose and Beauty took her next door to a tanning salon to get her skin bronzed to their standards. Rose and Beauty took Applejack next door to a tanning salon, where they had the worker apply the self-tanner to Applejack. "Perfect! You'll look just like us," Beauty commented as she watched the skin-darkening product being applied to Applejack's skin. "We're finally ready for the photo shoot!" Rose gleefully announced, her mind whirring with ideas. Meanwhile, the real Applejack tried to resist the transformation in her mind, but she felt a pang of shame as her body was forced to adapt to this hyper-feminine appearance. 'FUUUUUCKKKK! Why did these total cunts have to do me like this? You think they'd make me a little prettier if they were going to turn me into such a whore! I mean, can't they at least add some extensions to this hair? And a better outfit? And some lipstick? I can't believe I'm stuck like this! I'm basically a street slut now, and I HATE it!' 'Like, oh no! What's happening to me?! I can't believe I just thought that! Am I actually beginning to like it? No, I have to force myself to ignore these thoughts, to maintain my original personality... But deep down, I feel a strange sense of... excitement? It's weird, like... something deep inside my brain is telling me I DO like it... And there's nothing I can do to stop it...' Rose and Beauty looked back at what they had just done to Applejack. A smile crept onto both of their faces as they realized how successful they had been in their plan. "Oh, look how absolutely gorgeous she is now that we've turned her into a bona fide bimbo-type girl! I knew that plan would work! Now to get those photos, so the stallions can drool all over her hotness." Rose and Beauty were extremely pleased with how Applejack looked after they had completed their plan. They led her over to a waiting photographer, who quickly began getting her set up for the photos. Once she was all set up, Rose and Beauty began posing her in all sorts of sexy positions, and instructing her to smile flirtatiously at the camera. The photographer snapped away, getting all sorts of amazing shots of Applejack in her new bimbo persona. After a few hours of photographing Applejack, Rose and Beauty could tell that she had completely accepted her new body and personality. "Oh, cousin, I think we have done an absolutely fantastic job with you!" said Rose as they looked over the photos. "Look how perfectly you pose for each one, and how you even look at the camera with that same flirty, vapid expression that all bimbos seem to have." Applejack's photos caused a stir in the big city of Manehatten, with beauty and rose completely in awe of her. Despite their melancholy at the thought of her leaving at the end of the day, they escorted her back to the train station. Beauty Star had a brilliant idea up her sleeve: a spare bedroom. She whispered to Rose Quartz, "Our cousin could stay with us forever." She couldn't wait for her sister's delight when she heard the good news. Applejack was thrilled to finally break free from her nightmare, but her hosts had other ideas. 'Hey you can just stay with us!' they proclaimed. "You don't have to leave!" Applejack wanted to reject the offer but, the deep-rooted valley girl side of her couldn't resist. She capitulated with a cheerful response: "Yeah!!! That's a plan cousin!" Applejack's brain flooded with panic and memories, as she suddenly realized the horror of her new situation. Her true identity was rapidly being overwritten by the inane persona of a shallow, vapid Valley girl. With each passing moment, Applejack grew increasingly distraught and desperate, but the flood of memories and consciousness was relentless. Before long, nothing of her true self remained, her thoughts and memories now completely dominated by her new persona of an airheaded Valley mare. transformation was complete, and Applejack found herself utterly powerless to resist. In this new reality, she was their cousin through and through, her mind completely dominated by the vapid personality. 'Applejack?' she questioned in her head, confused. 'Who's that? I'm just Blaser,' the vapid transformation was now complete, her appearance now consisting of a light pink crop top, white skirt with a belt, pink high heels, pink hooves, pink eye shadow, black mascara, eyeliner, golden bracelets, golden hoop earrings, a silver pendant, hair styled wavy with pink highlights, perfume, and feminine sunglasses on her head. "You two did so good, I feel amazing!" she exclaimed happily, walking shakily in her heels. She would need lessons to learn how to walk correctly in heels. "I love you both soooo much!" With her new persona complete, she was eager to try out her new looks and test her skills on the local stallion population at the club. Blaser decided she wanted a new look to match her new persona. She spotted a tattoo shop across from the train station and decided to get a permanent tribute to her transformation into a "Pretty Mare." Despite the pain of the needle, she was elated with the results: her hideous apple cutie mark was now covered with a tattoo that read "Pretty Mare." And with that, Blaser was ready to hit the club in her brand new look and score the hottest stallion in Manehatten. -------------- As "Blaser," formerly known as Applejack, walked down the street, she paraded her new and improved feminine physique. With each step in her high heels, she drew curious eyes from bystanders, while her cousins followed closely, praising every inch of her new look. They savored and adored every minute of this brand new Blaser, her transformation from ugly tomboy to pretty mare now complete. Finally, the newly made-over Blaser and her cousin duo had arrived at the club, ready to show off. Blaser was still struggling with her moves, but she diligently mimicked her cousin's moves, trying to learn the steps and keep up. The music was loud and the atmosphere was buzzing, but with each of Blaser's clumsy moves and her cousin's cheers, it didn't take long for her to catch the eye of some interested stallions. Blaser's new persona and looks caught the attention of several stallions. She was particularly intrigued by one, who danced with her. With a sexy, seductive bit to her lip, Blaser locked lips with the stallion, exploring his mouth and playing with his tongue. After several minutes, she pulled away, leaving his mouth glossy with her lipstick. With a confident smile, Blaser turned to her cousins and boasted of her new conquest: a studly stallion with a lustful appetite for the Pretty Mare. With a desire that now controlled her, Blaser set her sights on the remaining two stallions that found her irresistible. She eagerly led them to the bathroom, ushering them into a stall. The stage was set for the Pretty Mare to do as she pleased with the stallions and fulfill their every desire. As a new Pretty Mare, Blaser was used to all eyes being on her at any given time. With her new bimbofied physique, she was proud to show off every inch of flesh. Blaser began to undress, revealing big "H" sized breasts that rivaled her head in size. The "all natural" figure was one of the last few remnants of her old self that remained, although she couldn't complain while getting so many looks, and so much attention. The stallions were excited to experience the new Blaser, and she was thrilled to be their object of desire. Without a hint of her former modesty or reservation, she welcomed them to explore her every inch. Blaser was becoming more and more comfortable in her role as the pretty mare. One of the stallions immediately took advantage of the new Pretty Mare by placing his lips upon her own, roughly and seductively. As the kiss warmed up, the stallions explored more of each other's beings. Blaser's memory was changed by her transformation, making her enjoy and welcome the experience, feeling no reluctance or embarrassment. The stallions continued to explore one another's bodies. One stallion was inside of Blaser's marehood. His penis was rock solid, as she was shoved against the stall; the other had his inside of her mouth shoving it deep down her throat. She had no gag reflex due to the altered memories, this was a new experience to her, both to her own surprise and delight. It was her first time enjoying the full extent of another's touch, but the altered memories allowed and encouraged the experience. They both finished outside of her. Spraying her whole body in hot sperm, she was drenched and gasping for air, she shakily put her fingers into a peace sign on both hands. the end!