> The Friendship Company > by KenDoStudios > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Life so far > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luster Dawn held the friendship journal in her hooves, its pages slightly worn from countless readings. For the hundredth time, she revisited the final entries that chronicled Princess Twilight Sparkle's journey of friendship. It was all there the lessons of friendship... and yet she was still in school. It was Twilight who had set her on this path, encouraging her to learn and grow just as she had once done. Luster couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as she contemplated the adventures that awaited her. The School of Friendship in Ponyville had seen remarkable changes since Luster's arrival. The once unassuming building now stood as a grand testament to the magic of friendship. It had expanded with new wings and towers, adorned with colorful banners depicting the Elements of Harmony. The school's garden flourished with vibrant flora, some of which Luster recognized from her lessons about the Elements. As she entered the school, she noticed groups of young ponies chatting and laughing, forming bonds that transcended their differences. The spirit of camaraderie and harmony filled the air, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Luster couldn't help but feel inspired and hopeful, yet still, empty. The interior of the school had undergone changes too. The classrooms were now more inviting, with large windows that allowed natural light to flood in, illuminating the walls decorated with friendship-themed artwork. The students' desks were arranged in a semi-circle, encouraging open discussions and active participation. Walking through the hallways, Luster Dawn spotted the familiar faces of the Student Six among the other young adult creature. Sandbar, Gallus, Yona, Silverstream, Smolder, and Ocellus were all present, chatting and catching up before their next classes. Luster felt a surge of gratitude towards her friends and classmates. She knew that their companionship would be invaluable on her journey to understanding the true essence of friendship. Luster Dawn couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversations from other students. Some were talking about their latest friendship lessons, while others shared stories of their adventures in different corners of Equestria. The sense of camaraderie and the bond they all shared was palpable, and Luster knew she was in the right place. but.. what was she really being taught here? As Luster Dawn continued to immerse herself in the lively atmosphere of the School of Friendship, she couldn't help but ponder the question that lingered in her mind. After all, she had grown up surrounded by the magical lessons of friendship detailed in the journal, the very same journal that Twilight Sparkle had adapted she first was Celestia's student Feeling a mix of curiosity and uncertainty, Luster decided to seek answers from her mentors and the school staff. She approached Sweetie Belle who happened to be next to her at the time. "Hey, Sweetie Belle," Luster said with a friendly smile as she approachedher. "Mind if I join in for a moment?" Sweetie Belle's face lit up with delight as she turned to greet her friend. "Luster Dawn! Of course, you're welcome to join me. What's on your mind?" As Luster Dawn blushed and prepared to take a deep breath to start her response, she noticed a small glimmer out of the corner of her eye. At first, she tried to ignore it, assuming it was just a trick of the light or a passing reflection. But the glimmer persisted, catching her attention once again. Curiosity getting the better of her, Luster turned her gaze toward the source of the flash. To her surprise, she saw a tiny, sparkling light hovering in the air in front of sweetie belle. Luster squinted "Sweetie belle what is that? What is glowing from your mouth? Luster Dawn's eyes widened as she focused on the tiny, sparkling light hovering in front of Sweetie Belle. The light seemed to emanate from her mouth, creating an enchanting glow around her. As Luster Dawn squinted and focused her eyes, she couldn't help but let out a surprised giggle when Sweetie Belle responded with a bright smile. The source of the mysterious glowing light was none other than Sweetie Belle's braces! Luster blinked in amazement. "Are those braces? Why are they glowing?" Sweetie Belle nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining with excitement. I'm pretty sure you you have a sister who is a fashion guru and a gem-a-holic. Even you would have a 16 karat smile! Sweetie Belle giggled, her braces adding to the enchanting ambiance around them. "Is it bothering you? I'm sorry!" Luster Dawn shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips. "Oh, no, not at all! It's actually quite magical and beautiful. I've just never seen glowing braces before!" Sweetie Belle blushed, feeling a little self-conscious. "Well, Rarity did say they were something special. She worked really hard on designing them for me. She said they were enchanted with a touch of unicorn magic to help with my dental alignment." "They're incredible!" Luster exclaimed. "And they suit you perfectly. They make you look even more radiant, like a true beacon of friendship!" Sweetie belle blushed. " Its a beacon alright. ponies have ben complementing them all day!" Luster nodded, "well, Rarity is right. just got to remember that your inner beauty shines through too, and those braces are like a reminder of the magic within each of us." Luster Dawn smiled warmly at Sweetie Belle. "Well, your glowing braces were a pleasant surprise, but that's not why I stopped you. I wanted to talk because I've been thinking about our journey at the School of Friendship. We've already learned so much sweetie belle, yet some how i worry if we are ever going to run out of material?" Sweetie belle tilted her head in confusion " run out of material like pinkie puns?" Luster chuckled' "well no... i mean... I've been thinking. The journal I have, it contains all the lessons about friendship, doesn't it? What more is there for me to learn here?" Sweetie Belle thought a moment before responding. " The journal does contain a wealth of knowledge about friendship, and it's a valuable resource that helped shape Equestria and the Mane 6. But the School of Friendship is not just about learning the fundamentals. It's about applying that knowledge to real-life situations, experiencing friendship firsthand, and growing together as a community." Luster Nodded' "i hear you. but Twilight Published a book about friendship to the world! remember that mess?" Sweetie Belle giggled, remembering the event Luster Dawn referred to. "Oh, yes! The Friendship Journal Fiasco! It was quite an adventure for all of us. But you know what they say, 'Friendship is Magic,' and even in the messiest of situations, we always come together and find a way to make things right." Luster grinned, amused by the memory. "That's true. We learned that friendship isn't always perfect, but it's about being there for each other through thick and thin, no matter what." "You got it!" Sweetie Belle said with a nod. "And that's exactly what the School of Friendship is all about. It's a place where we can learn, grow, and make mistakes, but also a place where we can find support and understanding from one another." Luster was turning the pages "yep all in this book... lets see... lesson 196! see its all written out! how can you learn something if its already here?" Sweetie Belle chuckled at Luster's bewilderment. "I get what you mean, Luster. It does seem like everything we need to know about friendship is already written in the journal." Luster nodded thoughtfully, flipping through the pages of the journal once again." So you agree with me? Is there really nothing left to be learned about friendship?" "The journal might have all the knowledge, but our experiences, our emotions, and our growth as individuals are what make the magic of friendship real." said Sweetie Belle Luster shook her head "so what? we all know each other so much we know our strengths and weaknesses. can you really say that we already don't know ourselves?" "But we do know about ourselves practically everything!" said Sweetie "Exactly. So there is nothing left to learn." Sweetie took a moment to digest this. then a revelation took her eyes "Oh my gosh, your bored of the friendship school!" Luster shook her head, emphasizing her point. "No, it's not that I'm bored of the Friendship School or that we know each other too well. It's just that sometimes I wonder if there's anything new to learn about friendship. We've been through so much together, faced challenges, and grown together. What else is there for us to discover?" Sweetie tilted her head up "Yeah.. it sound like this friendship school is boring you. not giving you the challenge you want." Luster Dawn took a moment to reflect on Sweetie Belle's observation. "You know, Sweetie Belle, maybe you're right. I hadn't thought about it that way before, but I do crave more challenges and opportunities to grow. It's not that I find the Friendship School boring, but I do wonder if there's more out there for me to explore." As they stepped into the classroom, Sweetie Belle continued her heartfelt conversation with Luster Dawn. "You know, Luster, the Friendship School may have brought us together, but it doesn't mean we have to follow the same journey forever. It's okay if you're feeling the need for more challenges and exploration. I understand if the familiarity makes you feel comfortable, but sometimes stepping out of our comfort zone is how we grow and discover new things." Luster Dawn smiled appreciatively at Sweetie Belle's understanding. "Thank you, Sweetie Belle. I truly value our friendship, and it's not about feeling too comfortable with you or the others. It's just that I sense there's something more out there for me, and I want to explore it." Sweetie Belle nodded in support. "That's perfectly okay, Luster. You should follow your heart and pursue what excites you. We'll always be friends, no matter where our paths lead us." Luster's heart warmed at Sweetie Belle's words. "And I'll cherish the memories and experiences we've shared here at the School of Friendship. Our bond is special, and it will remain in my heart, no matter where I go." Sweetie Belle gave her friend a reassuring hug. "I'm glad to hear that, Luster. And you're right; we should let the others know about your decision. They'll understand, just like I do." "Yona does NOT understand," Yona finally spoke up, her voice honest and straightforward. "What is happening? Why Luster Dawn leaving? Silverstream, always caring and gentle, gently placed a comforting claw on Yona's shoulder. "Yona, Luster Dawn is not leaving us forever. She just wants to explore new things and follow her own path for a while." Yona's eyes widened as she tried to comprehend the explanation. "So, Luster Dawn going on adventure? Yona wants to come with!" "Can you even leave school?" Sandbar asked Luster Dawn nodded, understanding her friend's concern. "Yes, I can leave the School of Friendship. The school was designed to teach and prepare us for our future paths, but no offence to the school. I feel like I have already learned everything already Ocellus, the changeling with a caring and empathetic nature, added, "It's not uncommon for students to explore beyond the school grounds. Princess Twilight encourages us to follow our hearts and discover our own destinies." Smolder, the tough and cool dragon, raised an eyebrow. "Sounds pretty adventurous. But what if you face challenges or dangerous situations out there?" Luster's determination shone in her eyes. "I'll be careful, and I won't take unnecessary risks. I know I can rely on all of you and the lessons we've learned together to help guide me." Yona, still trying to understand, asked, "I don't want luster to go, is it Yonas fault?!" Luster chuckled, appreciating Yona's simplicity. "no its just... it feels too placid here, everywhere Ponyville these days are as friendly as you meet them. I want to deepen my understanding of friendship and learn how it takes shape in different cultures and places... I want a challenge!" Silverstream, the joyful and bubbly hippogriff, wrapped her wings around Luster in a hug. "We'll miss you, Luster, but we support you in your quest! And you better come back with lots of stories to tell! uh if you don't mind when are you going?" A purple figure caught Lusters attention out of the corner of her eye. "Luster?" it asked. Luster turned to the purple alicorn "TWILIGHT SPARKLE! WHAT THE GRIFF ARE YOU DOING HERE?" said Luster in total surprise. The student six stood as well stood in shock, seeing the princess of friendship. Luster looked down And saw Sweetie Belle next to her. Did Sweetie really tell Twilight about it? Luster just had the notion of not knowing what to do. Why did she bring Twilight? Twilight just looked stern "Well it would seem my number one student is quitting the school of friendship." Luster's surprise turned into a mix of embarrassment and guilt. She hadn't expected to see Princess Twilight at all today. "I-I'm sorry, Princess Twilight. Its not that... And I... I didn't mean to cause any concern." Twilight's expression softened as she looked at Luster with understanding. "Please explain why you want to leave the school I sent you to Dawn." she said in a stern voice. Luster took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. "Princess Twilight, it's not that I don't value everything I've learned here or the friendships I've made. I do, and they mean so much to me. But I feel like there's still more out there for me to explore, more to learn about friendship beyond the school." As Luster explained her feelings to Princess Twilight, her friends stood by her side, offering their silent support. Twilight raised her wings in unbelief "what this cant be!! I'm not prepared for this! I thought you would be happy here!" Luster replied, "i am happy here, I love work. but, I don't think i have anything left to work on." "I remember when I first met you" Twilight began, her voice filled with reminiscence. "You were so eager to learn about friendship and magic, and I saw in her the same spark and determination I once had. I sent you to the School of Friendship..." The memories of her own time as Princess Celestia's student flashed before her eyes, and Twilight knew the weight of responsibility that came with mentoring a young pony. She continued, "As your mentor and Princess of Equestria, I wanted to ensure that you had the best education and experiences possible. I wanted her to be surrounded by friends who would support and guide you, just as my friends had done for me." A sense of vulnerability crept into Twilight's voice as she admitted, "I was also worried about how you would handle the challenges and responsibilities that come with friendship. but never in a thousand years would I think you would be BORED." Luster Dawn looked taken aback by Princess Twilight's straightforward comment. Her ears drooped slightly, feeling a mixture of surprise and guilt. "I... I'm sorry, Princess Twilight. I didn't mean to come across as bored. It's just that... well, I feel like there's so much more to learn and explore out there." She pointed a hoof out the window. Twilight's expression softened, understanding the young unicorn's perspective. "I know, Luster, and I didn't mean to sound harsh. I can see the curiosity and eagerness in your eyes..." Sweetie Belle, standing by Luster's side, spoke up in her friend's defense. "Princess Twilight, It doesn't mean Luster is bored here; it's about wanting to grow and learn even more. and... maybe be like you! a Teacher!" Princess Twilight's eyes widened slightly at Sweetie Belle's words, her surprise evident. "Be like me? A teacher?" she repeated, her voice tinged with both pride and humility. Luster Dawn glanced at Sweetie Belle, grateful for her friend's support, before turning her attention back to Princess Twilight. "I'm not sure yet.. i just want to experience the newness of learning again. Princess Twilight nodded, understanding Luster Dawn's desire for new experiences and growth. "I completely understand, Luster. Sometimes, stepping into the unknown can be the most rewarding journey. Learning and experiencing new things can bring a sense of wonder and excitement that reignites our passion for knowledge." Sweetie Belle smiled encouragingly. "And you never know, Luster. Along the way, you might discover your true calling or what you're really passionate about. It's all part of the adventure!" Luster Dawn's uncertainty began to wane, replaced by a newfound sense of curiosity and determination. "You're right. I want to keep learning and growing, and maybe through this journey, I'll find my own path." Twilight's pride in her student was evident in her eyes. "That's the spirit, Luster. Embrace the journey, and remember that the magic of friendship will always guide you." Luster chuckled, grateful for her friends' lightheartedness. "I promise I'll be careful, and I'll definitely stay in touch." Silverstream's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Oh, I can't wait to hear all about your adventures! It's going to be so much fun!" Yona sniffed "Yona not want luster to go!" Luster Dawn turned to her friend, her eyes soft with understanding and affection. "Oh, Yona, I'll miss you too. How about this ill come back next week and tell you where ive been ok? that way we never are really apart." Yona's eyes welled up with tears, and she tried to hold back her emotions. "But Yona will be so lonely without you! Who will listen to Yona's best stories and adventures?" Smolder with a smirk but a hint of warmth in his voice, teased, "Yeah, who's going to listen to her stories about how she defeated a whole mountain of gems with her bare hooves?" The mention of her famous gem avalanche adventure made Yona giggle through her tears, but she quickly returned to her emotional state. "But Yona will still miss Luster!" Yona's eyes brightened a bit after a while. "Will luster really come back in a week and does she have to leave now?" Luster Dawn gently placed a hoof on Yona's shoulder, looking into her eyes with sincerity. "if not now, when? I wont improve if i don't search for it." "You right, Luster," Yona finally said, a hint of sadness in her voice. "Yona just going to miss you so much." Luster smiled warmly, pulling Yona into another tight hug. "I'm going to miss you too, Yona. But we'll stay connected, I promise. And I'll come back with so many stories to share with you!" Twilight looked behind her "Gallus! "she called out A griffon dressing in royal attire met her "Yes your majesty?... oh HEY GUYS! Silverstream wrapped her wings around Gallus in a big hug. "OHMYGOSH GALLUS!!!!! You look so official in that royal guard outfit!" Smolder smirked, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder. "I can't believe our tough griffon is now serving in the royal guard. You must be really important." Gallus chuckled, rubbing his shoulder. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. It's been an exciting journey, and I've learned a lot." Sweetie Belle beamed with pride. "We always knew you were destined for greatness!" "Ok Gallus you can chat with your friends later, but can you make a notation please?" said Twilight Gallus straightened up, putting on his best professional demeanor. "Yes, Princess Twilight. I'm always ready for duty." Yona giggles at seeing his mood suddenly change in an instant. "I hereby decree that luster dawn go on a journey to find others, to share friendship and the magic of Equestria with new lands and creatures," Princess Twilight continued, a sense of determination in her voice. "She will carry the lessons of the School of Friendship with her and spread the spirit of harmony wherever she goes." Gallus nodded, taking out a quill and parchment to make the official notation. "Consider it done, Princess. The decree has been recorded." Luster Dawn looked at Princess Twilight with surprise and gratitude. "Thank you, Princess Twilight. I'm honored by your decree, and I promise to carry the spirit of friendship with me wherever I go." Princess Twilight smiled warmly, "I have full faith in you, Luster. Your journey will be filled with challenges and new discoveries, but I know you will make a difference in the lives of many." Sweetie Belle's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Just wait, Luster. One day, you can be a princess like Twilight!" Luster Dawn grinned playfully, rising to the challenge. "Oh, you think so, huh? Well, I won't deny that it's a tempting idea!" She giggled, sharing the light-hearted moment with her friends. Princess Twilight joined in the fun, adding with a chuckle, "Who knows, Luster? With your dedication to friendship and your thirst for knowledge, you might just surprise us all!" Luster Dawn stood tall, her eyes filled with determination and sincerity. With her friends gathered around her, she spoke from the depths of her heart, "I promise you all, I won't fail any of you. No matter where this journey takes me or what challenges I face, I'll carry the spirit of friendship with me, and I'll make you proud." Luster Dawn's eyes shone with eagerness as she asked, "When do I start?" Princess Twilight smiled warmly, proud of her student's enthusiasm. "Your journey begins right now, Luster. There's a whole world out there waiting for you to explore and share the magic of friendship." Luster took a deep breath, her heart pounding with excitement. "I can't wait to see what's out there and make new friends!" Sweetie Belle hugged her friend, "We believe in you, Luster. You're going to do amazing things!" Silverstream added with a bubbly grin, "And don't forget to bring back lots of seashells from your adventures!" Smolder smirked, "Yeah, and maybe a dragon scale or two!" Gallus teased, "Just make sure to stay out of trouble, okay?" Luster laughed, feeling a mix of emotions, but most of all, she felt ready. Ready to embark on her journey, ready to learn and grow, and ready to represent the spirit of friendship to the world. And so, with her friends occupying her heart and Princess Twilight's guidance, Luster Dawn set forth into the unknown, eager to embrace the wonders and challenges that awaited her. In all honesty Luster Dawn had no idea where she was going. She just picked a direction and walked. As she ventured into the world outside the School of Friendship, she felt a mix of excitement and uncertainty. She had no particular destination in mind; she simply followed her instincts and picked a direction to walk. The road ahead was unknown, but she embraced the thrill of exploration. The landscape of Equestria unfolded before her, revealing its breathtaking beauty and diversity. Each step she took filled her with wonder, and she marveled at the wonders of nature surrounding her. The warmth of the sun, the rustling of leaves in the breeze, and the songs of birds overhead became her companions on this solo journey. As she walked, she encountered various ponies, creatures, and places, each offering its own unique charm. Luster greeted every new encounter with an open heart, eager to learn and understand the different aspects of friendship in every corner of Equestria. She shared stories with kind-hearted farmers, learned about teamwork from a group of industrious ponies in a bustling city, and even exchanged friendship advice with a wise old pony living in the woods. Every interaction left her with new insights and a deeper appreciation for the magic of friendship. Days turned into weeks, as Luster kept going wondering why she was walking, she had already seen it all and had no idea why she was heading the direction she was. eventually there were no landmarks left and she walked into a wood not marked by any map. As Luster Dawn walked deeper into the mysterious wood, she felt a sense of trepidation mixed with curiosity. The trees loomed tall and ancient, their branches intertwined to create a canopy that filtered the sunlight, casting dancing shadows on the forest floor. There was an enchanting aura in the air, and the woods seemed to hum with a magical energy she had never encountered before. Despite the absence of familiar landmarks, Luster couldn't shake the feeling that this was where she was meant to be. Her heart told her that there was something special about this place, and her instincts urged her to keep moving forward. Luster Dawn's ears perked up as she heard the faint cry coming from within the wood. Her instincts kicked in, and without hesitation, she followed the sound, weaving through the dense trees and undergrowth. As she ventured deeper, the cries grew louder and more desperate. Luster's heart raced with concern, and she quickened her pace, pushing forward through the foliage. As Luster Dawn approached she came into a clearing where she first saw it a creature not yet documented by any book. It stood tall and proud, with a shimmering azure coat that sparkled under the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees. Its eyes were large and wise and wet with how it cried. twinkling with an ancient wisdom that seemed to hold secrets of the ages. Long, elegant tusks curled gracefully from its powerful jaw, gleaming with a hint of magic. Its ears were broad and adorned with delicate patterns that seemed to tell tales of forgotten lands and mythical journeys. and an elongated nose that stretched as 2 hoof-lengths The being's movements were slow and deliberate, with a sense of calm and tranquility emanating from its very essence. It exuded an aura of ancient wisdom and spiritual guidance, as if it had witnessed the passage of time and the ebb and flow of the cosmos. The being had four sturdy legs, each one adorned with intricate patterns that seemed to evoke the beauty of underwater coral reefs. Its feet were delicate and agile, gliding gracefully over the forest floor. As Luster took a cautious step closer, she noticed that the creature's cry had softened into soft sobs, its vulnerability now apparent. "I won't hurt you," she said gently, speaking in a soothing tone. "I'm Luster Dawn, and I promise to help you." The creature lifted its head to look at her, uncertainty still clouding its beautiful eyes. "huh?" obviously taken aback by this pony creature. Luster nodded earnestly, her heart filled with compassion. "Yes, I promise. I am here to help, not to harm." With a deep breath, the creature mustered the courage to take a hesitant step towards Luster, the magical appendage quivering with uncertainty. "I don't know what you are or where you come from," it said, " I've never seen anyone like you before... and... really despite me not knowing you, you should probably stay away" Luster smiled reassuringly. "And I've never seen anyone like you either. But that doesn't mean we can't be friends." The creature blinked, its curiosity piqued by the idea of friendship. "Friends ship? What is that?" As Luster Dawn looked at her new friend with excitement, she realized that this encounter was exactly what she needed to quench her thirst for adventure and purpose. Teaching the mysterious creature about friendship was a thrilling challenge she hadn't expected, and it filled her heart with joy. Luster smiled widely. She was going to enjoy this.