The Phoenix Rising: The Pharanx Saga

by Xerzes01

First published

The God-Emperor of the Tyraxian Imperium finds himself in Equestria, yet he seeks not to return home, he seeks something new.

In the world of Elysium, the Tyraxian Imperium stands as the grandest empire ever to grace existence, presided over by the indomitable God-Emperor Pharanx. Despite his supreme rule and infinite power, he finds himself ensnared in ennui, longing for something more, something to rekindle the joy that has long since dwindled in his immortal existence.

An unexpected turn of events unfolds as the very gods Pharanx had vanquished millennia ago banish him from Elysium. His destination? The land of Equestria, a world brimming with harmony, friendship, and an unexplored magic unlike anything he's witnessed before. Seeing this not as a sentence but as an opportunity, Pharanx seizes the chance to experience joy anew.

However, beneath the tranquil facade of Equestria lurks a threat its peaceful inhabitants are ill-prepared to face. A millennium of peace has rendered it vulnerable, its defences untested for ages. Yet, surely no one would exploit such a situation to conquer Equestria—or would they?

Feedback is welcome and I do hope you enjoy!

New World, New Opportunities.

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The great halls of the Grand Citadel, the greatest work of engineering known to the citizens of the Tyraxian Imperium. The safest place to ever exist, the Grand Citadel was also the capital of the Tyraxian Imperium, the Grand Citadel itself stands as a symbol of strength, security, and grandiosity. Its fortified walls are impregnable, its defences unmatched, and its architecture a testament to the Tyraxian mastery of engineering and construction. The sheer scale of the citadel is awe-inspiring, with vast courtyards, soaring spires, and intricate masonry that speaks of the empire's wealth and power. At its heart, deep within its protective walls, lies the Blessed Throne. Carved from the rarest and most precious materials, the throne is a marvel of craftsmanship and artistry. It is said to be radiating divine energy, originating from its owner, the God-Emperor. As the seat of the God-Emperor, it is here that the ruler of the Tyraxian Imperium holds court, making decisions that shape the destiny of the empire.

Upon the throne he sat, Pharanx, bored as he always seemed to be, for while many sought out an audience with him he couldn’t find it in himself to find entertainment in it anymore. Pharanx had ruled since the origin of the primary species of the Imperium, the Tyraxians, Pharanx had found them some ten thousand years ago and gave them safety and prosperity. All he asked for in turn was their loyalty and devotion.

The weight of leadership and the burden of immortality had taken their toll on Pharanx. What once brought him purpose and fulfilment now felt like an unending cycle of duty and routine. The grandeur of the Grand Citadel and the magnificence of the Blessed Throne no longer held the same allure to him. The vast halls and soaring spires that once impressed him had become a backdrop to his ennui.

Despite his weariness, Pharanx knew of no conceivable way to once more find excitement.

Pharanx had witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations, the ebb and flow of power, and the passing of countless generations. The weight of history pressed upon him, a reminder of his immortality and the responsibility that came with it. He yearned for a connection, a spark of inspiration, or a purpose beyond the endless routine of governance.

As the God-Emperor, Pharanx had fostered safety and prosperity for his people, but he longed for something more. He wondered if there was still room for discovery, growth, and personal fulfilment in a realm where he had seemingly seen and experienced everything.

His thoughts were abruptly disrupted by a faint but unmistakable disturbance. It was a tremor in the fabric of reality, a ripple that sent a shiver down his spine. The God-Emperor's eyes widened as he snapped back to attention, his boredom swiftly replaced by mild curiosity. A portal opened in the middle of the great throne room, with only a singular being walking out. This being was a one winged individual with mismatched eyes, one of crimson red the other a deep blue. Pharanx could feel it instantly, whoever this was, he was the source of the disturbance.

Pharanx stood up before speaking, his voice while quiet, reverberated throughout the great hall, filling it with an air of authority. “Who are you to intrude upon the hall of the Blessed Throne?”

The one winged individual would take a step forwards, stopped by the royal guards of the Grand Citadel pointing their halberds at the intruder. The intruder, unfazed, would look up into the eyes of Pharanx before he spoke, “Your tyranny ends today, Pharanx! Aeons ago you usurped the heavenly throne, making all our fellows kneel before you! It ends now!” His coat fluttered in an unseen wind, his wing flaring out. “No longer will the gods fear you! In the name of the Heavenly Council I have been sent to exile you from this reality, never to return!” The intruder's crimson eye would light up before everything seemed to freeze.

Pharanx would look around, his interest piqued by the seemingly frozen time, before he felt another shiver run up his spine. Turning around he saw a great tear through dimensions behind himself. The tear would drag him in by some mystical force. Sneering, Pharanx turned back to the intruder, he felt his own powers draining as he was dragged closer to this new reality.

He felt the energy in the tear behind him. It was clear that this power was a combination of many of the heavenly council.

Pharanx said nothing as he was dragged inside, simply staring at the frozen intruder. Pharanx knew his Right Hand, his designated heir, and his Left Hand, his blade in the shadows, would be able to rule in his stead and take down this little rebellion, he had to have faith, they still held control over his throne and so long as they did, they couldn’t lose.

He got no farther in his thought before he passed through the tear, watching it snap shut, trapping him in a dimensional tunnel, leading to wherever the intruder meant… unless it was utter random, to which Pharanx didn’t seem to care whichever.

The dimensional tunnel stretched on, seemingly without end, as Pharanx was propelled forward, his surroundings shifting and twisting with each passing moment. It felt as though time and space were merging and converging, blending into a kaleidoscope of possibilities.

Pharanx's thoughts turned to his Right Hand and Left Hand, his trusted advisors and loyal companions who would assume the mantle of leadership in his absence. He had faith in their abilities to maintain the stability and prosperity of the Tyraxian Imperium, even in the face of this unexpected rebellion, even if it was led by gods.

The closer to his destination he got, the more of his power was stripped from him, though, he thought, this might bring more challenges as unlikely as that was.

As the tunnel finally began to dissolve, Pharanx found himself hurling through the air, instantly rupturing his ear drum, which healed just as fast. While falling through the sky, Pharanx watched the landscape beneath him, he saw a grand city sat on the side of a mountain, showing architecture not found anywhere within his Imperium.

“Tsk, enough.” Throughout all of this, Pharanx had at most shown mild curiosity, though mostly his usual bored expression. As if responding to his words, space would seemingly fold in on itself between himself and a dark forest he saw. Instantly he crashed into the ground at the edge of the forest, creating a massive crater around himself. Standing up, he was unharmed by the massive impact.

Dusting himself off he got a look of his surroundings, all the colours seemed more vibrant than what he was used to.

While getting an idea for his surroundings, he spotted a small cottage near the edge of the forest. It seemed to be part of a town which he hadn’t noticed during his fall. I must be getting sloppy missing that, he thought. He decided to walk towards the cottage, noting the many birdhouses and the grassy roof.

Walking up to the door, Pharanx knocked. He waited a moment, hearing nothing inside he went to try again when he heard speaking behind him. Turning around he had to do a double take, there stood six ponies, two with wings, two with horns and two with neither and a small purple dragon. All of them seemed to wear some sort of jewelry, all except the purple unicorn, wore a necklace with a gem of the same mark as what was on their flank. The purple one wore a crown with a gem of the mark on her flank. Never in his immortal life had he witnessed talking ponies, especially with those pastel colours. Even the dragon was quite weird, for it was not one of those massive fire breathing beasts his Imperium had tamed. Nor their offspring, the little whelps.

The purple one spoke again in a language he couldn’t understand. “Curious.” he stated, he reached out with his magic, attempting to enter their minds to ascertain their purpose here, as well as to learn their language. He watched the two unicorns recoil, the purple one got into a defensive stance, followed by the others, except for a light yellow pegasus who hid behind her pink mane and the orange one pony.

The purple one shouted something, before each of them suddenly lit up and floated off the ground. The light would intensen before a large rainbow laser would shoot out towards Pharanx. Pharanx meanwhile just stood, flabbergasted by the amount of… ridiculousness, a fucking rainbow laser? What is this… some sort of kids show? Was all Pharanx thought before it hit him.

Pharanx prepared for pain, instead he was met with searching, it seemed that whatever this power originated from searched within himself, trying to skim through his memories.

“How about we turn this around.” He spoke to the presence in his mind, before he pushed back, likewise skimming through their memories. First he learned the language, then as he was just about to skim their true memories the presence seemed to stop its search and disappear.

“Curious.” Yet as he felt it disappear, he too felt as if something was left behind… though he couldn’t be certain.

The rainbow laser would finally fade away, leaving the six tired ponies, who were slowly coming to.

“D-did it work?” The cyan pegasus spoke first, before she spotted me, her eyes widening in surprise, followed by the others.

“Ahem, please do not be alarmed, I mean no harm.” Pharanx explained, watching their surprised faces. The cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane didn’t seem to trust him. “Yeah, right! And who’s to say you won’t attack us the moment we lay down our guards?” She said, her forelegs crossed, staring at him full of distrust, flying once again.

Pharanx observed the cyan pegasus, with a rainbow mane, with a raised eyebrow. He understood that his sudden appearance and unfamiliarity had naturally led to their wariness, but he sought to assure them of his intentions.

"I assure you, I mean no harm," Pharanx replied, his voice calm and measured. "I understand your caution, but I am not here to attack or cause any strife. In fact, I am in need of assistance. Of course, I shall forgive this slight you have made as I can understand your caution."

The other ponies exchanged glances, their expressions still tinged with scepticism. The purple one, who seemed to be the leader, stepped forward, maintaining a cautious yet curious demeanour.

"Let's start over then, shall we? My name is Twilight Sparkle, student of Princess Celestia. These are my friends, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie-”, “Hi!” Pinkie waved excitedly, interrupting Twilight momentarily. “- Rarity and lastly, hiding behind her mane is Fluttershy.”

Before Pharanx responded in turn, he examined the artefacts that they had used against him just moments earlier. It almost seemed as if the glow within them had dimmed after they had used them against him.

Pharanx offered a small nod of acknowledgment after his observations. "I am known as Pharanx, God-Emperor of the Tyraxian Imperium. Pleased to make you all acquainted.”

Twilight’s eyes widened with surprise upon hearing Pharanx's introduction. She had never encountered someone who claimed the title of God-Emperor before and it piqued her scholarly mind. She exchanged a glance with her friends, then turned back to Pharanx.

“With introductions out of the way, I must ask to be brought before the rulers of… the land I find myself in. I have questions I need answered.”

Twilight nodded, “Of course, I am sure Princess Celestia and Princess Luna can answer any questions you may have! Oh! Equestria is what the kingdom is called!”

“Equestria… a kingdom ruled by talking Ponies, curious. Anyways, please lead the way I can already tell you wish to escort me before your rulers yourself. You may ask any questions you have on the way.”

Twilight Sparkle nodded eagerly, excited to learn more of this being before her eyes. The group started walking towards the train station with Pharanx and Twilight engaged in conversation.

"We have never encountered a being like you before. What exactly are you? And what of the Tyraxian Imperium!?.” She was practically beaming with the chance to learn even more, she summoned some paper and quills, four of each. “Can you tell me more about your Tyraxian Imperium and its origins?"

Pharanx listened to Twilight's question and smiled faintly. He appreciated her genuine curiosity and interest in his realm. "My species’ name is lost in the aether, lost even to myself. However we were many, we had just managed to begin colonization of another planet when we died out. I’ll leave out the extinction for another time.” He smirked at the look of disappointment Twilight gave. The train had arrived and they had their tickets. They sat down and Pharanx continued, the six ponies and dragon listening with rapt attention. “The Tyraxian Imperium, as it stands today, has existed for thousands of years. I discovered the primary species of the Imperium, the Tyraxians, some ten thousand years ago. They were a fledgling civilization in need of safety and prosperity, and I provided them with both. They quickly became my loyal subjects, though they didn’t know of my godhood yet, they offered me their unwavering loyalty and devotion. In return, I ensured their safety and granted them the means to flourish. Over time, the Imperium expanded, encompassing various races and cultures, all united under my rule and that of the Blessed Throne."

Twilight nodded, her curiosity growing. "And the Blessed Throne you mentioned, what significance does it hold in your Imp-..." Twilight froze and her eyes lit up. "W-wait did you say ten thousand?! How old are you?!" Twilight practically shouted.

Pharanx nodded, looking down upon Twilight. "Yes I did say ten thousand, although I don't remember my age, I do know that I am at least fifty thousand years old." Pharanx explained.

"B-buh... you're older than the princesses!" Twilight exclaimed.

Pharanx decided to ignore her outburst and answer her previous question, his expression turning thoughtful. "The Blessed Throne is the seat of my power, the heart of the Tyraxian Imperium. Carved from rare and precious materials, I provided it with a large amount of my power, making it practically glow. It is amongst the most holy objects within the Imperium. It is within the halls of the Grand Citadel, the capital, where I hold court and make decisions that shape the destiny of the empire."

The rest of the journey to canterlot was filled with more questions and answers, Twilight taking a little while to get over her shock. Pharanx learned about Equestria and how there were three tribes of ponies, the earth ponies, the pegasi and the Unicorns. Then there were the Alicorns, of which there were only two, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. All of the tribes were able to use magic in some way, with unicorns and Alicorns being able to form spells using their horns. So too did he learn of their cutie marks upon their flanks, a mark which indicated what the pony in question was proficient at.

The Group walked through the streets of canterlot, attracting many gazes from the ponies. Many looked at Pharanx in disdain or perhaps even fear, he thought. Though their walk to the castle remained undisturbed. Pharanx found it quite interesting when they were allowed to enter the castle without any checks or the like. Though he remembered that Twilight was the student of Princess Celestia. Walking the halls of the castle, Pharanx could feel almost everything radiate with the telltale signs of magic.

Pharanx inspected the halls they walked, noting how it showed not only the wealth of these ponies, but also a welcoming and peaceful style. Many times he had walked through a castle decorated by a warlike ruler, clearly the princesses of Equestria sought peace more than war and conquest.

They stopped in front of a set of grand double doors, the doors depicted what he could only guess was Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Celestia with her horn lit was moving the sun on the opposing door, while Luna, on the same door as the sun, was moving the moon on the door with Celestia.

The two guards standing at attention before the doors eyeed him warily, yet still like statues. Twilight walked up to them before speaking, though Pharanx didn’t listen, instead deciding to examine the halls further.

He turned his attention back once he heard the guards slowly opening the doors. The opening of the doors revealed the beautiful throne room, providing a much more welcoming tone than his own, if you don’t count his throne and its enchantments that is, which automatically made his throne room seem much more welcoming. At the end of the room, upon a dias sat two thrones, one made of silver with a crescent moon ornament and the other gold with a sun ornament atop. Upon the golden throne sat a tall alabaster mare that he guessed was Celestia.

He entered the throne room, followed by the six mares, hearing the doors close behind them as they walked closer to the dias, the group stopped before he did, bowing to the princess. Though he didn’t stop till he reached just a few metres away from the stairs. His eyes never left Celestia, who likewise watched him with rapt attention. Silence reigned in the throne room for a few seconds, Pharanx could feel Twilight’s eyes bore into his back, practically asking why he wasn’t bowing. Pharanx spoke. “I am God-Emperor Pharanx, ruler of the Tyraxian Imperium, god of Arcana as well as Subjugator of the Gods of Aetheria.”

Princess Celestia regarded Pharanx with a mix of curiosity and caution. She spoke with a calm and regal voice. "Greetings, Pharanx, God-Emperor of the Tyraxian Imperium," Celestia began, her voice carrying an air of authority. "I am Princess Celestia, my sister is currently absent, still sleeping as she rules the night. I welcome you to Equestria. Though I must ask, I have never heard of this, Tyraxian Imperium.”

Pharanx inclined his head respectfully, acknowledging the presence of the princess. "Understandably so, as it is not of this world. You see I come seeking answers. I find myself in a new realm, one that is unlike anything I have encountered before. For you see, I was banished. The gods rose up once more, and using their combined powers they banished me here."

Princess Celestia sat quietly for a few moments, before she turned to the six mares behind Pharanx, “I thank you for bringing him, if you would follow Feather Duster, you will be provided a guest room it seems I have things to discuss with God-Emperor Pharanx, alone.” Feather Duster, a castle maid, would enter through a side door, bowing her head to the group, before leading them out of the throne room.

The six mares glanced at one another in hesitation before following Feather Duster out of the throne room. The heavy doors closed with a soft thud behind them, leaving Pharanx alone with the princess.

Celestia's gaze never left Pharanx as she considered his words. The entire concept of a realm outside of Equestria and gods rising up, it was a lot to digest, but not entirely unbelievable. She thought of the mirror her previous student had crossed through.

"God-Emperor," she finally said, her voice echoing around the room. "I can't say I fully understand what has transpired in your realm, but I am willing to assist you as much as I can, within my abilities."

"However," she continued, a serious look in her eyes, "I must make it clear that Equestria is a peaceful land, governed by harmony. I will not allow any threat to that peace, even from a God-Emperor."

Pharanx acknowledged her words with a slight nod. "I understand your concerns, Princess Celestia, and I assure you, I have no intention of bringing harm to your realm."

Celestia gave him a small smile, her concern eased somewhat. "Very well," she said. I believe we may be able to find a way to send you home. Though I believe it would be best if we await my sister before we discuss further."

“That and it seems you have misunderstood something, though that may be because I never explained myself correctly, for you see I don’t seek to return to my home. I have complete faith in my heir-apparent, Instead I actually seek to learn of this land, and to seek a home here.” Pharanx corrected her cordially.

Celestia’s furrowed her brow. “You do not seek to return home?”

“No, I have faith in my people, while also having… grown bored of doing the same for millenia. Coming here might actually be a blessing in disguise… as much as my opposition might hope for otherwise." Pharanx explained.

“I see, before we continue further however, let us await my sister. She should soon be up for breakfast.” Celestia could see where Pharanx was getting at, listening to some of those idiotic nobles trying to destroy orphanages or schools, just to lessen the amount of noise in their vicinity. They were infuriating sometimes!

“I would be delighted to dine with one of such grace as yourself.” Pharanx bowed. Weird… I do not typically let out such… observations.

Celestia was surprised for but a second before her mask fell back into place. “Then let us be off, please, follow me.” Celestia stood up and walked out of the throne room through a side door.

Pharanx followed besides her. They walked in silence, the only sound was the strike of Celestia’s hooves upon the ground, pharanx making no sound with his steps. Eerily so.

The duo made their way to the private dining quarters, with Princess Celestia leading the way. It was a large, open room with a tall ceiling that allowed plenty of natural light in. It was tastefully decorated with elegant chandeliers and ornate paintings depicting various moments from Equestria’s history. A long, polished table dominated the room.

As they entered, another figure joined them. A beautiful dark blue alicorn with a flowing mane that shimmered with a celestial aura. Her cutie mark was that of a crescent moon.

"We see we have a guest," she remarked, her voice as soft as the rustle of leaves. She approached, extending her wing in greeting. "We are Princess Luna. We understand thou hast already met Our sister, Celestia. And thou art?"

"God-Emperor Pharanx, of the Tyraxian Imperium," Pharanx replied, offering a respectful nod. "A pleasure to meet you, Princess Luna. I have not heard the royal we spoken in millenia."

"Ah… yes we- I mean, I am trying to stop but it is… hard. Anyways, never have we-, I heard about this, Tyraxian Imperium," Luna remarked, her eyes reflecting the stars within her mane. "What is this Imperium and what brings the God-Emperor of It to Equestria?"

As Pharanx began to recount his story once more, a servant approached the table, a quill and parchment in hoof.

"May I take your order?" he asked. Celestia and Luna each requested their standard breakfast fare, a mix of fruits, vegetables, and breads.

"And for you, God-Emperor?" the servant asked, turning to Pharanx.

"I'll have the same," Pharanx decided, figuring that trying the local cuisine was a good way to familiarise himself with this new land.

With their orders taken, the servant retreated to the kitchens, and Luna listened attentively as Pharanx continued his story. A thought popped into his head, one he found confusing. How Luna’s beauty truly did her namesake justice. What he truly found confusing was when he spoke, almost forced.

"And I must say, Princess Luna," he interjected awkwardly into his narrative, almost as though he was battling against his own words. "Your beauty mirrors the splendour of the night sky itself."

The words felt strange in his mouth, as if he were reciting a script someone else had written. His cheeks warmed, an unusual sensation for the normally composed God-Emperor. Luna seemed taken aback for a moment but quickly regained her composure, offering a small, gracious nod in response.

"Thank you, God-Emperor," she replied, a glimmer of amusement in her eyes. "That's a compliment I seldom hear at breakfast. Now, please continue with your tale."

In the soft hum of anticipation for their meal, Pharanx reclaimed the narrative thread, though a lingering jolt from the unexpected compliment rippled under his composure. Shortly, the servant returned with a procession of dishes, dishes Pharanx noted to be completely lacking in meat. As they partook in their meal, the conversation naturally meandered towards the territories they ruled.

Throughout their discourse, an unexpected symmetry emerged - a collective yearning for peace and prosperity for their people. While Equestria flourished in tranquillity, the Imperium thrived on its martial prowess.

"In the Tyraxian Imperium," Pharanx began, with an air of solemnity shadowing his words, "strength and survival are inextricably woven into the fabric of our society. The universe, in its vast and unpredictable disposition, necessitates our military fortitude as a shield, safeguarding our citizenry from lurking dangers. Yet, our empire isn't solely the brute force it is often perceived as. We devote substantial resources to nurturing the intellect through education, advancing the frontier of knowledge with science, and sustaining our civilization with infrastructure. Our military power also embarks on voyages of exploration and scientific discovery."

Pausing his discourse, Pharanx sipped his drink, a brief intermission allowing Luna to digest the multi-faceted image of his realm he'd presented.

"Perhaps it seems our focus tilts heavily towards our military," he continued, his gaze steady, "but I assure you that the welfare of our people forms the crux of our governance. We strive daily to maintain a delicate balance. Power that isn't harnessed for the betterment of the people is not leadership — it's despotism."

Luna inclined her head, a silent nod of appreciation for his clarification. "A distinction of great importance, God-Emperor.”

“Indeed, Luna-”

“We wish to challenge thee.” Luna interjected, her gaze piercingly direct, the sudden shift arresting the flow of the conversation. She stared unwaveringly into Pharanx’s eyes. Luna was the more military oriented of the two sisters and having found someone with a likewise mindset, she wished to find out if he had the prowess to backup his words

Pharanx blinked. “What?” He inquired, furrowing his brows.

"Indeed, we wish to test thine physical prowess," Luna reiterated, her tone steady. "In my observation, most of Equestria's ponies have grown soft, their edges dulled in the comfort of peace whilst I was… indisposed."

Across the table, Celestia sat frozen, her fork hovering halfway to her mouth, the bite of food forgotten. Her eyes darted between her sister and Pharanx, the surprise etched in her widened eyes mirrored his own.

"Very well, Princess Luna," Pharanx answered, a touch of amusement lining his voice. It was a request he did not expect, but one he was certainly willing to oblige. It was an opportunity to understand the powers and abilities of the inhabitants of this land, after all. "Shall we determine the terms of our combat?"

Luna gave a single, decisive nod. "We propose a friendly match, one that pushes our abilities but ensures safety for all. We do not wish to harm you, God-Emperor, nor do we wish to be harmed ourselves. We merely wish to understand each other's capabilities."

Celestia finally found her voice, rising from her seat to object, "Luna, this is highly unusual—"

But Luna cut her off, her gaze fixed intently on Pharanx. "Unusual or not, Celestia, it is a request we have made of our guest. Unless, God-Emperor, you are unwilling?"

"Far from it," Pharanx chuckled, rising from his chair. "This is indeed an unexpected turn of events, but not an unwelcome one. A little exercise will do us good, I think. Your terms are acceptable, Princess Luna."

“Please, call me Luna.”

“The please call me Pharanx in turn.” Pharanx added.

“Very well, Pharanx.

With their meal finished and an unusual event planned, the trio left the dining quarters. Luna led the way towards the mountaintop, flying up after witnessing Pharanx seemingly walk through the air. The mountaintop was large enough for the two of them to spar without causing any damage to anything important. As they prepared for the match, it became clear that, despite her desire to spar, Luna held no ill will towards Pharanx. This was, indeed, a friendly match, meant to increase their understanding of each other.

Luna and Pharanx stood opposite eachother, Luna’s mane sparkling under the evening sun, while Pharanx stood tall and imposing, his hands folded behind his back.

With a nod the battle started, Luna immediately shot up into the air, her horn lighting up multiple sword shaped projections would appear around her, shooting towards Pharanx.

Unfazed, Pharanx conjured a protective shield, blocking Luna’s magically conjured swords. As the Princess’s spells shattered against his defenses, he retaliated not with a weapon, but with magic woven into the very fabric of existence.

With a subtle flourish of his hand, Pharanx manipulated the raw energy of the universe into the form of an intricate rune, suspended in the air between him and Luna. The rune glowed with a vibrant blue light before it shot a beam of concentrated arcane energy towards Luna.

The Night Princess swiftly rose into the air, the beam narrowly missing her as it streaked past, leaving a trail of pulsating energy. With a deft movement, Luna retaliated, her horn glowing brighter as she summoned a rain of star-shaped projectiles, hurling them towards Pharanx.

However, the God of Arcana remained unperturbed. With a wave of his hand, he conjured a runed below himself which lit up, summoning a vortex of arcane energy, which swirled around him, absorbing Luna’s attacks and rendering them harmless. He followed up by conjuring ethereal chains that shot towards Luna, aiming to entangle her in their binding spell. Luna's agility, however, served her well. She twisted and turned, avoiding the chains while preparing her next spell.

Luna, with a pop and a crack, teleported behind Pharanx, a sword already conjured in her magical grasp, swung at Pharanx’ back.

“Gagh!” Pharanx stumbled forwards, unprepared for the surprise attack. He grinned still. The rune, which had been used to summon the vortex from earlier was still there rearranged in but a moment. It lit up once more as more chains shot up from it, binding Luna in their grasp.

Celestia watched the match unfold from a safe distance, her usually serene face filled with apprehension and worry. While she understood Luna's intentions, the sight of her younger sister engaged in a magical duel with a being of such power was unnerving.

As the duel had started, Celestia observed Pharanx deflect Luna's sword-shaped projections with an impressive shield spell. Her heart pounded as she saw him retaliate with an intricate rune that shot a beam of concentrated energy at her sister. Relief washed over her when Luna skillfully dodged the attack, and for a moment, Celestia allowed herself to marvel at the display of magic and skill.

The powerful dance of arcana between Luna and Pharanx was like nothing she had seen before. Every counter, every attack, was answered with another, a dizzying display of magical ability and strategic ingenuity.

When Luna teleported behind Pharanx and landed a hit, Celestia couldn't help but gasp in surprise. The brief look of triumph on Luna's face brought a reluctant smile to her own. However, her worry quickly returned when Pharanx managed to bind Luna with chains summoned from his arcane rune.

Luna struggled against the chains for a moment, her eyes wide with surprise. Straining against the chains, Luna's horn glowed brighter than ever and a burst of magic radiated from her, severing the chains and freeing her.

She yelped, barely summoning her sword from her armoury to her side and blocking Pharanx’ conjured sword. Their swords locked together the two stared at each other, each with a smirk.

At that moment, the mountaintop was bathed in the vivid light of their magic. The sharp crack of magic meeting magic echoed through the night, a night which Celestia had summoned but moments earlier, their grinning faces illuminated by the intensity of their spells.

Luna, putting all her strength behind her, broke the deadlock, shoving Pharanx backwards. Simultaneously, she summoned an ethereal whip and lashed it towards him. Pharanx, recovering quickly, conjured a barrier just in time, the whip cracking harmlessly against it.

On the sideline, Celestia watched in awe as Luna held her own against Pharanx. The night sky seemed to dance with their magic, painting a tableau of power and grace. Her heart fluttered in her chest, a mixture of fear and excitement as Luna and Pharanx traded blows, their magic dancing and intertwining in the air.

Pharanx wasn't idle either. Gathering his magic, he formed a massive, intricate runic circle in the air in front of him. With a commanding sweep of his hand, the runes fired off, bolts of arcane energy streaking towards Luna, who deftly spun and weaved, avoiding each bolt.

Seeing an opening, Luna shot towards Pharanx with an impressive burst of speed, a long lance of starlight formed in her magical grasp. Pharanx, recognizing her intent, braced himself and summoned a staff, wreathed in eldritch energies to meet Luna's charge.

Their weapons collided with a thunderous crack, the energy unleashed sending out a wave that buffeted the surrounding air. Luna and Pharanx locked in this stance for a moment, before Luna, using her momentum, spun and caught Pharanx off guard, her lance knocking his staff out of his hand. She followed up with a swift bolt of energy, pushing Pharanx back.

At that moment Pharanx seemed to shimmer, before disappearing. Confused, Luna looked around, trying to figure out where he would strike from.

“Aagh!” Luna exclaimed as Pharanx reappeared above her, conjuring a beam of arcane energy which struck her back and sent her into the ground, creating a large spider web of cracks on the mountaintop.

As Pharanx settled down upon the ground once more, preparing to walk up to Luna’s crater, a beam of magic would shoot out of the crater, hitting Pharanx straight in the gut and up into the air and exploding creating a cover of smoke around him. Luna followed quickly behind, sword in her magical grasp she prepared to pierce Pharanx’ middle section before she suddenly froze in the air.

Pharanx walked out of the smoke, bloodied and battered, a rune conjured in front of his open hand. “What a glorious battle, I have not been able to go all out in millenia! But… you lose Luna.” He slackened his grasp upon the magical grasp, allowing Luna to move, if only slightly.

As Luna's head dropped, there was a spark in her eyes that had not been present before. "Indeed, Pharanx," she said, her voice resonating with a warmth and admiration that was unusual for a defeated opponent. "You have proven yourself to be a most extraordinary partner in this spar."

She dispelled her sword, watching as it dissolved into the cooling twilight air. "And yes, I concede defeat," she announced, her tone not carrying any bitterness, but rather a strange sense of fulfilment.

After Luna's admission of defeat, there was a moment of shared respect that hung in the air. Luna dispelled her weapon, looking directly at Pharanx as she admitted, "You've truly proven your prowess today, Pharanx."

Pharanx, taken by the spirit Luna exhibited, found himself appreciating her resilience and spirit. "And you, Princess Luna, have shown yourself to be a challenger worth my mettle," he replied, his words carrying an unexpected warmth.

From a distance, Celestia had been observing the duel, and as she approached them now, she could not ignore the undercurrents of change. Luna seemed to hold Pharanx in a new light, her eyes reflecting an admiration for his strength and composure. Pharanx, on the other hand, appeared unusually relaxed in Luna's company, his typically stoic features softened.

She couldn't help but chuckle softly at the sight, teasing, "Well, Luna, it seems your sparring partners are not only chosen for their physical strength."

Pharanx's gaze drifted back to Luna, his eyes reflecting a similar admiration. "Your sister has put up an impressive fight, Princess Celestia. The duel was... enlightening."

The implications of his words weren't lost on Luna, who cast a glance at Pharanx. The shared glance, though brief, held a depth of mutual respect and understanding that was new and slightly thrilling. Luna quickly turned her gaze back to her sister, concealing her smile.

As the trio made their way down the mountain, Pharanx was silent, his mind racing. A strange warmth seemed to envelop him whenever he was in the presence of the princesses. It was as though a gentle hand was guiding his actions, softening his words. It was a sensation he hadn't experienced in any other world he'd visited.

He kept his thoughts to himself as they journeyed back to the castle, the silence only broken by the occasional rustle of the leaves underhoof. The princesses exchanged glances, unsure of how to penetrate his thoughtful silence.

When they finally returned to the castle, Celestia turned to Pharanx. "We hope that you enjoyed your evening, Pharanx, despite its... unexpected turn of events."

Pharanx, lost in his thoughts, was brought back to the present by Celestia's voice. He nodded, smiling slightly. "Indeed. It was... different. The hospitality of Equestria is something to marvel at. I did enjoy myself, Celestia."

He turned to Luna, who was already making her way inside. "Princess Luna," he called out, making her pause and look back at him. "Our duel was indeed enlightening. You showed impressive skill and I look forward to any future duels we may have."

A small smile tugged at Luna's lips as she nodded. "Indeed, Pharanx. I look forward to them as well."

Luna bid them goodnight, as she had royal duties to attend to under the moon's watch. "I hope we will continue our discussions come morning, Pharanx," she added, casting a friendly smile his way.

“Of course, Luna. Have a good night.” Pharanx nodded, his eyes showing just a hint of kindness and comfort. Luna and Celestia said their farewells as well.

“Please let me show you to your room now, Lord Pharanx. I had some maids prepare it while you sparred.” Celestia explained, motioning with her wing for Pharanx to follow her as they walked the halls of the palace towards what would be Pharanx’s room.

Eventually, they arrived at an exquisitely appointed suite. The room was lavish, outfitted with fine linens, an extensive bookshelf, and a grand view of the moonlit kingdom.

"I trust these accommodations will meet your expectations, Lord Pharanx," Celestia said, maintaining a respectful distance. "Should you require anything further, please don't hesitate to ask."

Pharanx observed the room, his gaze impassive but appreciative. "These quarters are quite suitable, Princess Celestia. I am grateful for your hospitality."

After a few more formalities, Celestia withdrew, leaving Pharanx to the solitude of his new quarters. The stillness of the room seemed to echo his own thoughts. He was in a different world, far from his own, and yet there were so many similarities. The grandeur of the room reminded him of his own imperial chambers.

Pharanx prepared himself for sleep, looking forward to the respite it would offer. As he settled into the comfortable bed, he couldn't help but think about the events of the day, about the strange power he'd been hit with. He was curious about the magic that had been used, and looked forward to learning more.

As Pharanx drifted into the world of dreams, he found himself in an unfamiliar dreamscape. There was a presence there, an entity that seemed to reach out to him. It felt ancient, powerful, yet fragile. In the echoes of his dream, he thought he heard a whisper, a voice gentle and comforting.

Pharanx looked around in this unfamiliar dreamscape. “Show yourself!” He spoke aloud, his voice carrying an undertone of authority only a creature that had ruled for countless years could hold.

A tiny speck appeared in the distance in response to his words, and had it not been for Pharanx’s enhanced eyesight, he would not have been able to see the white alicorn in the distance, practically running towards him, yet never getting closer. She seemed to be shouting something, yet he did not hear her words however much he tried. The alicorn's red mane and tail were the first to begin to fade away as Pharanx stirred from his slumber.

How chaotically boring

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Pharanx awoke in his lavish quarters, the remnants of his dream still lingering in his mind. The room was bathed in the soft light of the moon, a reminder of the world he now found himself in.

As he sat up, stretching, the memory of the dream tugged at him. The presence – it had felt ancient and powerful, yet distant. But now, in the wake of wakefulness, it was slipping through his fingers like mist. He frowned slightly, his thoughts a labyrinth of contemplation.

Remembering the day that had passed, the duel with Princess Luna, and the discussions with Princess Celestia, he found himself intrigued by the enigmatic realm of Equestria. Despite the unexpected challenges and the strange camaraderie he had shared with the princesses, there was something that stirred within him, a curiosity that demanded satisfaction.

With a fluid motion, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood. His movements were unhurried, his demeanour the epitome of calm and poise. He walked to the large window, gazing out at the moonlit landscape of Equestria. It was a world so different from his own, yet it held a certain allure. His own world, while beautiful, was beautiful in its own way. While Equestria had incorporated the nature of the world into its way of living, the Tyraxian Imperium had instead seized nature and made it bend its knees. Made it Obey.

He stood before the window for a while longer, lost in thought as the moonlight bathed his imposing figure. He stood like that for a few minutes.

As he turned away from the window, a sudden burst of chaotic energy rippled through the room, shattering the tranquillity of the moment. Pharanx's eyes narrowed, his senses immediately alert to the foreign magic that had just intruded. Before he could react, the very fabric of space seemed to twist and contort, and in an instant, a figure appeared before him.

The newcomer was unlike anyone Pharanx had encountered before. Tall and lithe, with mismatched eyes and a twisted grin that bespoke a mischievous nature. He wore a chaotic ensemble of mismatched items, his appearance reflecting the very essence of disorder.

"Well, well, well! What have we here?" the newcomer chimed, his voice dripping with a playful tone that belied the potential danger he posed.

Pharanx regarded the figure with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. "And who might you be?" he inquired, his voice laced with an air of authority.

The figure's grin widened, his eyes sparkling with a strange gleam. "Oh, just a humble bringer of chaos, a master of mayhem," he paused dramatically, "-Discord, at your service!"

Pharanx's brows furrowed as he assessed the newcomer, his mind processing the information. "Discord? A fitting name for one who appears to thrive on disorder."

"Ah, I see we have an observer of character here!" Discord's grin only grew wider. "And what might I call you, grand ruler of... wherever you're from?"

"Pharanx," came the curt reply, the weight of millennia of rule evident in the single word.

"Pharanx, Pharanx, hmm, not a name that rings any bells," Discord mused, holding a bell with his clawed hands. Even as he shook it, it didn't chime. "Though that's not really your name, is it?" Discord leaned in closer, watching Pharanx' uncaring eyes for a moment before springing back, like a spring. "But that's not important right now! What is important is that you, my dear Pharanx, are now part of Equestria's little tale of chaos and friendship!"

Pharanx regarded Discord with an unimpressed expression. "Tales of chaos and friendship? Quite the combination."

Discord's grin faltered slightly, as if he hadn't expected his words to be taken seriously. "Well, of course! It's the essence of this world, you see. Harmony, chaos, friendship, magic, all intertwined like a delicate web."

"Harmony and chaos, two opposing forces," Pharanx mused, his gaze drifting back to the moonlit landscape beyond the window. "And yet, you claim they coexist in this realm."

Discord's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Oh, they do! That's what makes it so much fun! The Elements of Harmony, you know, the ones those mares represent. They're meant to keep me chaos in check, but it seems like they need a little nudge to remember their true purpose."

Pharanx raised an eyebrow at Discord's words. "Elements of Harmony, you say? A counterbalance to your chaos?"

"Exactly!" Discord exclaimed, snapping his fingers to conjure a scale and then placing a rubber chicken on one side and a slice of chocolate cake on the other. "A delicate balance that can easily tip in either direction. But don't you find it all a bit... predictable?"

Pharanx's gaze remained steady as he regarded Discord's antics. "Predictability and chaos are not synonymous. Chaos can take many forms, some of which are not entirely unpredictable. Though I assume you mean in regards to chaos always losing?"

Discord's eyes widened in mock surprise. "Well, aren't you a philosopher? But I digress! I heard you had quite the duel with Princess Luna. How did it feel to be on the receiving end of a little magic, Lord Pharanx?"

Pharanx's lips quivered in a faint smile, acknowledging the jest in Discord's words. "Princess Luna possesses considerable skill, there's no denying that. But it takes more than magic to challenge me. Especially with how inefficient her spells were… so much wasted magic."

Discord's grin turned sly. "Oh, I do love a bit of confidence! But it's not just about power, you know. It's about embracing the unexpected, the twists and turns that make life interesting."

Pharanx's expression returned to its impassive state, though a spark of curiosity glinted in his eyes. "Interesting, indeed. And what do you hope to achieve by introducing chaos to Equestria?"

Discord's posture shifted, his chaotic form swirling in a display of vivid colours. "A little shake-up, a reminder that life isn't just about following rules. It's about enjoying the ride, even when things don't go as planned."

Pharanx's gaze remained fixed on Discord, his own contemplative nature engaged. "Rules and order serve a purpose, just as chaos does. A world without structure can devolve into anarchy."

"Ah, but rules can also become stifling," Discord countered, his tone turning more serious. "And too much order can lead to stagnation. Balance, my dear Pharanx, that's the key."

Pharanx's thoughts churned as he considered Discord's words. "Balance... a concept I am well acquainted with. In my own world, maintaining balance between power and governance is essential."

Discord leaned closer, his tone conspiratorial. "But what about personal balance? Have you ever wondered what it's like to let loose, to embrace the unexpected?"

Pharanx's gaze flickered, his expression revealing a hint of something dark beneath his godly exterior. "I have known many forms of power and responsibility. But letting go, embracing chaos... it is a concept I have rarely entertained." There was an edge behind Pharanx' voice.

Discord's grin returned, triumphant. "Well, then, Lord Pharanx, perhaps it's time for a little change of pace. Embrace the chaos, even just for a moment. You might find it more liberating than you expect."

Pharanx's gaze held steady, his contemplation deepening. He countered Discord's argument. "I could also simply slay you where you stand, remove any evidence of it. It would be so easy.” Phranx had doubts he could actually do it, knowing that his powers were greatly diminished when he was thrust into this world.

"Oh, come on, where's the fun in that?" Discord retorted with a playful tone.

Pharanx's gaze remained fixed on Discord, the two of them locked in a silent battle of wits. The room seemed to hold its breath, the tension between them palpable.

Discord's eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Sure, you could erase me in an instant, remove all the chaos I bring. But think about it, Pharanx—wouldn't that be a tad bit... boring?"

A faint smile tugged at the corner of Pharanx's lips, the hint of a challenge in his expression. "Boring, perhaps. But predictability can have its advantages."

Discord's grin widened, and he waved his paw in the air as if conducting a grand symphony. "Ah, predictability, the steady rhythm of life. But don't you ever crave a little improvisation, a touch of the unexpected?"

Pharanx's gaze softened, a fleeting glimpse of longing crossing his features. "There is a certain allure to the unknown, I will not deny it. But chaos can be a double-edged sword, as unpredictable as it is enticing."

Discord's playful demeanour shifted, his voice taking on a more earnest tone. "You're right, chaos isn't all rainbows and cupcakes. It's messy, it's wild, it's like a tripple layered, double frosted, vanilla, brownie fudge cake!" Pharanx raised an eyebrow at Discord's antics. "-But that's what makes it so thrilling. It's like a splash of colour in a monochrome world."

Pharanx's gaze turned contemplative, his eyes wandering as he weighed Discord's words. "A splash of colour... an enticing proposition, even for someone who has stood as long as I have."

With a flourish, Discord conjured a canvas out of thin air, splashing vibrant hues across its surface. "Imagine it, Pharanx. Diving into the unknown, even if just for a moment. Liberating, exhilarating, and who knows what you might discover about yourself."

"I know why you came before me," Pharanx began, his tone steady and perceptive. "You fear me, fear that I will easily stop you, Discord. You are right to fear me, but I find your offer... enticing." He paused, his gaze piercing through the chaos around them. "However, in return, you must explain your magic to me. It is… different from the chaos magic I know.”

Discord's expression shifted, his eyes narrowing slightly as he regarded Pharanx. "Ah, the great ruler sees right through me," he said, his voice a mix of jest and sincerity. "You're not wrong. Your power is formidable, and I can sense the weight of your age and experience. But fear? Well, that's a complicated thing, isn't it?"

Pharanx inclined his head, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. "Indeed, fear is often entwined with understanding and respect."

Discord leaned against an imaginary wall, his chaotic form morphing as he assumed a more composed demeanour. "As for my magic, it's a bit like... conducting an orchestra of randomness. Chaos and creativity melded together. I twist, I turn, I bend reality just enough to shake things up."

Pharanx's brow furrowed in thought. "An orchestra of randomness... intriguing. It is a stark contrast to the structured spells and magic I have known. But tell me, what are its limitations? Every magic, even chaos, must have boundaries. I only know of one type that does not"

A wry grin played on Discord's lips as he tapped his chin. "Ah, you are absolutely right. Chaos may seem wild and limitless, but even it has its rules. It's like... controlled chaos, if you will. I can't just snap my fingers and make the sun rise in the west, you know? It might rise in the north or south! I give it a direction, and the magic does the rest."

Pharanx nodded, appreciating the explanation. "Controlled chaos... an oxymoron, yet it makes sense. And your appearance here, the disruptions you have caused, are they part of your orchestrated chaos?"

Discord's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Oh, absolutely! Think of it like a cosmic art project. I drop a splash of chaos here, a dash of mayhem there, and then step back to see what patterns emerge."

Pharanx's lips quivered in a rare moment of amusement. "A cosmic art project, indeed. And your interactions with the mares representing the Elements of Harmony, are they part of this project as well?"

Discord shrugged, a casual gesture that belied the significance of his actions. "You could say that. Those six represent the core concepts that keep Equestria in check, and they sometimes need a little... reminder, a gentle push to remember the importance of unpredictability."

Pharanx folded his arms, his demeanour contemplative. "And your role in this grand tapestry? What do you gain from tipping the scales of balance?"

Discord's expression grew thoughtful, his eyes gazing into the distant chaos as if contemplating his own motivations. "What do I gain? Well, for one, entertainment. Watching the drama unfold, seeing how characters react when their carefully constructed worlds get a little jolt. But there's also a sense of... purpose. Just like order needs a touch of chaos to thrive, chaos needs a hint of order to make sense."

Pharanx absorbed this information, his gaze turning inward as he pondered their conversation. "Entertainment and purpose, intertwined like a dance between two partners. Your philosophy certainly challenges the conventional." He walked back to the window, gazing out into the gardens, his gaze fell upon a statue depicting Discord, his gaze fearful and arms trying to protect himself.

“You are not even here and you have already come to make sure I do not do anything against you.” Pharanx noted, feeling the power emanating from Discord’s statue.

Pharanx barely noticed Discord flinch at the observation. Discord's voice, though still light and playful, carried a hint of self-awareness. "Ah, caught that, did you? A little artistic expression on the side, you know. Just to remind myself that even chaos has its moments of uncertainty."

"You lost to the ponies… the power encasing you in stone is similar to those gems and that rainbow laser… was that the elements then?" Pharanx's voice carried a note of intrigue, his eyes locked onto the statue before him.

The distorted voice seemed to resonate from within the statue, carrying an air of bemusement. "Ah, sharp observation, Lord Pharanx. Yes, indeed, those are the Elements of Harmony you're referring to. Wait, you’ve faced the elements? And nothing happened?” Discord was surprised to say the least.

Pharanx let out a chuckle. “They attempted to pry through my memories, no doubt trying to figure out whether I was a friend or foe… I turned that attempt against them, though they stopped before I could reach them.

Discord’s manifestation leaned back, the very essence of his form exuding intrigue. "Now that's a twist I didn't see coming. Quite the feat, my dear Pharanx, outfoxing the Elements of Harmony themselves."

Pharanx's gaze remained fixed on the statue, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Unconventional times call for unconventional measures, Discord."

Discord’s grin widened, his eyes gleaming. "Touché, Lord Pharanx. It seems this exchange is full of surprises on both ends."

“Indeed, though, back to matters at hand. Seeing as your explanation of your magic also has given me insight into this world's magic in general… I accept the deal. I will not attempt to stop you or your chaos once you free yourself. Of course, this deal only stands so long as no harm comes upon those I would call friends.”

Discord would stand up straight, doing a mock salute. “No harm shall befall them!” And thus, with a snap Discord’s manifestation disappeared.

Pharanx looked up, a runic symbol was carved into the very air above him, a rune which made sure anyone else would never see Discord or himself talking, all they would see was himself staring out into the night. Pharanx let the rune disappear before turning towards a corner.

“State your business, I know you reside within the shadows so you might as well reveal yourself.” A minute went by after he spoke, before a figure walked out of the enshadowed corner.

Before Pharanx stood a pony unlike any he had seen in Equestria. Her coat was a soft, light grey, and it appeared extra fluffy compared to the average pony. What truly set her apart were her distinctive features. She had bat-like wings neatly folded on her back, and a singular, tiny fang peeked through the right side of her mouth. Her eyes were slitted, reminiscent of a snake's, and tufted ears added to her unique appearance. Her mane and tail were both a striking dark blue, adorned with elegant light blue stripes running through them.

As she began to speak, her words were abruptly cut off as Pharanx, unable to contain himself, swiftly embraced her. The unknown thestral, her guard training instantly kicking in, attempted to squirm out of Pharanx's grasp, even attempting to reach for her weapons, though the tight embrace limited her movements.

"By the Arcane! You are the most adorable and most fluffy creature I have seen!" Pharanx exclaimed with genuine delight, his face buried in her chest fluff. He proceeded to rub his cheek affectionately against her fluffy chest, completely enamoured by her unusual appearance.

The thestral, caught off guard by this unexpected reaction, found herself in a rather unique situation. She had expected many things from this assignment, more discrimination which her fellow thestrals were prone to, some insults, maybe even a call to the other guards and that is if she even showed herself! She had never expected to be spotted, and even less so to now be handled like some kind of plushy.

To her further embarrassment, a knock came upon the door, quickly followed by a, “Come in” From Pharanx.

A guard proceeded to open the door, only to blink in surprise at what he saw. Captain Nightshade was held in the guest’s arms, though she tried glaring dangerously at the guard, it was ruined by the large blush on her muzzle as well as her embraced in his arms.

“What is it, guardsman?” Pharanx spoke, completely unfazed by what was happening.

“Th-the princesses invite you to breakfast with them and the element-bearers, sir!” The guard tapped into his training and stood at attention as he spoke.

“Great! Let's go.” Pharanx walked past the guard, Nightshade still in his arms.

Nightshade, still with a blush on her muzzle, decided to resign to her fate and simply let herself be embraced, not because it felt kind of nice to be embraced like this, nope, not at all.

Coming up to the princesses private dining, the two guards standing at either side of the door had to do a double take, as they witnessed Pharanx walking up with the captain of the night guard in his grasp.

“A word of this and you’ll be on latrine duty for a month!” Nightshade yelled at them, shame clear in her voice.

Pharanx ignored them and instead opened the door.

As he entered with Nightshade, he found the long table adorned with a lavish spread of breakfast food, and already seated were Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and the six bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Pharanx's presence was met with welcoming smiles and nods from those present.

These smiles and nods quickly became looks of confusion as they saw Nightshade still dangling in Pharanx’ grip.

“Pharanx, might I ask why is it that you have Captain Nightshade in your grasps like that?” Luna inquired, trying and failing to hide the amusement she saw in Nightshade’s predicament.

“She’s fluffy.” Was all Pharanx said in turn, finding a seat besides Princess Celestia, sitting down with Nightshade, who was even more beet red now..

They all then proceeded to eat, the elements speaking amongst each other, though Pharanx couldn’t miss the underlying attention they all had towards him and Nightshade, while he ate some eggs on bread. Some bacon was also placed on his plate, however he had offered those to Nightshade, so she was currently gnawing on them happily.

Putting down his cutlery, Pharanx folded his hands on the table before speaking. “I can practically feel it in the air, the amount of questions you all wish to ask me, so… please do ask away.”

The elements all looked at each other for a moment, deciding which of them were going to begin.

Luna decided she was going to ask the first question, “The magic you used during our duel, never before have I witnessed anything, nor felt anything like it, what sort of magic did you use?” Though Nightshade was still chomping on her bacon, which for some reason never seemed to dwindle, her ears perked up, indicating she was also listening.

Twilight Sparkle, the diligent scholar, was quick to prepare parchment and quills to document the response. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Pharanx regarded Luna curiously for a moment. “Truly? With your culture of magic I would have guessed you would have discovered Arcana.”

Twilight decided to join in this time. “Wait, are you saying that there’s a third type of magic?!” She exclaimed, her eyes wide, and her parchments momentarily forgotten.

“I thought there was only one type of magic?” Rainbow Dash asked, having finished her breakfast quickly.

Twilight shook her head, “There are two types of discovered magic, active magic and passive magic. While every creature has magic-" "Wrong.” Pharanx interjected, Twilights right eye twitching for a moment before continuing. “-While every discovered creature has magic, only unicorns are actually capable of using active magic, while for example, earth ponies and pegasi use passive magic, earth ponies use it to manipulate plant life while pegasi use it to fly and manipulate clouds.” Twilight had entered lecture mode.

“Not every creature has magic, while I am quite certain every creature on this planet holds magic… which I believe is due to theincredible amount of it all over the planet. Not every planet holds that amount, my subjects don’t all have access to magic for example. Next question?” Pharanx looked around at the others.

“Twilight, I am guessing you wish to know about Arcana?” Pharanx asked as he looked towards her raised hoof. His question was answered by an eager nod.

Pharanx closed his eyes and put a hand to his chin in thought. “Ok, think of magic as a state of matter. ‘Passive’ magic as you kindly put it, Twilight.” Pharanx opened his eyes and indicated to Twilight, who was currently using her magic to write on a notepad she had floating besides her. “‘Passive’ magic is a solid, it is hard to manipulate and takes the most amount of 'mass' to fill a room."

Looking around, Pharanx noticed only Twilight, Celestia and Luna were following. Though he noticed that the pink one, Pinkie if he wasn't wrong, was still bouncing in her seat and nodding along.

"It has one given function, and you can not change that so easily. Second, we have the liquid, or 'active' magic. 'Active' magic can change its shape and size and takes less mass to… fill in a room, as it were."

"Question!" Came Twilight, interjecting. "What do you mean, 'fill in a room'?" She asked, tilting her head as she wrote from her notes.

"Good question, it is a simplified way of saying it takes less amounts of mana for it to do the same function as 'passive' magic!"

Twilight made a small "Ah!" Before quickly writing in her notes.

"Lastly! We have Arcana, or arcanum, depending on who you ask. Arcana is the gas in this instance, it is easy to manipulate with the right tools and again, takes much less mass to fill in a room. Now that is not to say Arcana can do all that magic can and vice versa. Another way you can see it is that magic is a more polluted form of Arcana with its own quirks and improvements."

"Like what?" This one came from Luna.

"Magic can more easily be taught and is better at fine manipulation. Now I believe that is enough about Arcana, next?"

Looking about, Pharanx spotted Fluttershy, shyly having her hoof in the air.

Smiling reassuringly, Pharanx nodded , "Fluttershy?"

"Uhm, d-do you m-maybe have any p-pets? If you don't mind me asking." Though she was more at ease with all her friends, Fluttershy was still very shy around the self-proclaimed god.

"Why yes! I actually have two, a beautiful and majestic Phoenix-" Celestia perked up at that. "-and a dragon."

Twilight furrowed her brows at the prospect of having a dragon as a pet, thinking of Spike, who she saw more as a younger brother.

“Here, let me show you,” Pharanx stated, before tapping his hand on the table, a large arcane circle appearing on it. This was followed by yelps as Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity reared back from the breakfast they had been eating. The runes upon the arcane circle would spin around before locking in place, and two small beams of light would emerge from its center, from one of them came out a beautiful crimson red phoenix with tangerine tipped wing feathers. From the other came out an adorable black dragon, mid yawn, revealing a purple glow from within its maw. From the back of its head extended small spines with purple glowing spots.

Nightshade, who had been gnawing on some bacon which seemed to regrow everytime she took a bite, not that she was complaining, finally pulled her attention from her bacon and stared at the two creatures on the table.

The dragon looked around boredly, before fixing its gaze on Pharanx, raising an eyebrow when spotting the thestral. “Master, why did you summon me this early? Also, why are we surrounded by ponies? And why are you cuddling with one of them?.” The phoenix would land on Pharanx’ shoulder, nuzzling his cheek.

“Everyone, meet Xenia, ex-queen of dragons, and Yrelia, the phoenix king.”