Beaches Over Books

by Owlfonsu

First published

In Griffonia, the Crown Prince of Wingbardy finds his scheduled reading gets replaced something more spontaneous than he imagined.

This takes place in the Equestria at War setting, and I'm writing it for the The Sixth Annual Equestria at War Writing Contest

I am writing this in particular because I've come really like the idea of Vivienne and Gumberto, two characters in the mod, interacting even if it's not for the purpose of shipping. So I made up something of a chance encounter. If I find the will I might want to make more stories set in this particular setting I've headcanonned within the mod so I want to see how this goes.

Chapter 1

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Soarento, Kingdom of Wingbardy, 1008 AB

‘Damn it Father. Why did you need to be so harsh with me about my life I'm the Crown Prince, don’t we have ministers for everything? The things I do to keep you off my back, AlthoughI’ve learned to appreciate cars and racing more.’

A lone Griffon was walking outside the grounds of the Pallazo delle’Albicocche, or Pallazo ‘e Ccrisommola as it was known to the locals. It was a small palace near the sea where he was supposed to be meeting up with a group of his ‘new friends’ his father ‘encouraged’ him to visit. Here he was supposed to meet up with Gulliame Descrit, a pretender to the County of Tarrin all to discuss a book with some othergriffs.

However, instead, all he could see with some female griffoness near the gate, with distinct blond hair and wearing clothes that marked her as someone with wealth. [1]

‘Was she a relative of Gulliame?’ The griffon didn’t have to think too much about it as the Griffoness was making her way over.

“Excuse me, I was given an invitation to a reading session, here in the Palais-.” The griff stopped, with a slightly annoyed look on her face. She spoke with a distinctly Aquellian accent.

“Sorry, I meant to say Pallazo, Wingbardian is not my first language.”The male griff nodded

“It’s fine. I take it you are a relative of Gulliame Descrit?”

“Yes, I am his cousin Vivienne, you know of him?”

“We are acquaintances, although it was more over wine than anything else.” The blonde-haired griff couldn’t help herself but sigh. “I am Gumberto.”

“Let me guess we are going to read excerpts of ‘great’ works like ‘Amoruous in Appleloosia’.” Viviene had a small smile on her face, Gumberto had heard of the book and it was bad by many accounts.

“No, Apparently it is on Wingbardian Art, I think it’s Beakio Del Bianco’s ‘La Historia dell’arte Wingbardiano’.” Gumberto saw the Aquleian’s eyes were wide with excitement, as they walked into the palace. [2]

“I loved his biography of Clawavaggio. This won’t be some boring social call after all.” [3]

“You seem to enjoy reading quite. It seems kind of odd for a noble to be enthusiastically bookish, no offense.” Vivienne did not seem offended, in-fact she seemed almost proud.

“Hmm, I can thank my father for some of that. He made sure I got the best tutors, but no amount of tutors can give anycreatre that enthusiasm to want to learn.”

“Hmph, all my father does is interfere in my life these days, what will he want me to do next collect stamps?.” The Aquelian frowned a little in response.

“Your father at least seems interested in how you turn out, it’s probably more than what I could say for mine, May Boreas preserve him.” Gumberto irritation was replaced with a look of sympathy

“I am sorry. May the Trinity give him peace.” Gumberto made a sign of the triangle to represent the main trinity of Griffonian gods. “Who was he?”

“His name was Moriset.” Gumberto’s eyes widened.

‘Moriset Descrit?‘ Gumberto was talking to a princess, no a Queen.

“The late king of Aquelia?” Vivene only nodded as Gumbero gave a quick bow.

“Please do not do that, I would not want you to do that if I were a queen. It is unnecessary here. So who is your father?”

“King Garibald Talounel di Almieri, the Third, Your Majesty.” It was Viviene’s turn to be shocked and quickly bowed. “Do you have to do that?”

Both griffs had shared a chuckle.

“I guess we do look kind of foolish, Your Highness, but I suppose our parents would want us to be formal. Although, it as not as if we were aware too much of our status before this. Should I keep calling you, Your Highness?”

“No, it feels awkward. I felt like some regular griff before we found out who we are, and it was nice there was none of these dumb social pressures.”

“Fine, Gumberto.”

“Alright, then Viviene. I apologize if this is an awkward question, but how is Wingbardy treating you since the exile?”

“Better than I had hoped I found a nice place in Wrobert. Although the cuisine takes some getting used to, especially around here with some the dishes with tomato.”

“So what are you going to do now?”

“I do not know.” For the first time, Gumberto saw doubt creep on Vivienne’s face “While I am a pretender to the throne, but I am not that eager to try and claim it. I cannot exactly blame anyone for wanting my father dead.” The prince swore he saw her eyes slightly narrowed in frustration.

“How can you say such a thing, he is your father?” Sure Gumberto has his issues with his father, but he would still hate anyone who wanted to kill him. Vivienne’s wings rose slightly high in annoyance

“He is and I loved him, but he was also a king and a foolish one.” The griffoness’ tone became harsher almost furious. “The Second Revolution happened because he did not want to change, but wanted to keep things the same when times have clearly changed and people want more rights. The world changes with or without us, and we’d be foolish not to take note of them!” Vivienne’s wings slumped.

“Now he is dead. There was no more anger in her voice, just resignation. “The funny thing is for all of the grief his legacy causes me I would want nothing more than to at least see him again.”

Gumberto lightly put the tip of his wing on Vivenne’s shoulder.

“Thank you, but it is fine. It honestly feels nice to talk about this without having to hide some of my feelings from most of the emgres here.”

“Why, are they not supportive?

“No. They have their sympathies toward me. Yet if they are not two-faced sycophants for the most part then they seem to downplay the revolution or don’t even want to see that some people believed it justified.”

“You think they had a point?” The prince usually heard different from most Aquelians he had met.

“In a way. The monarchy was an antiquated system, power concentrated entirely in the monarch was foolish without a functioning government, and even if Aquelia is my home it was backward in some ways.

A look of fire appeared in the griffonesses brown eyes. ”I had plans for a royal parliament, I wanted to revise the laws, and even wanted to expand education to all creatures in Aquelia.” As soon as it came, the fire in her eyes had went away. "Well, I can only hope the Republicans now do not waste their chance.”

“If it wasn’t for your hopes for the Republic, I’d almost wonder if you’ve read Beakolini, an old friend always wanted me to read it.”

“Hmph, Like there is anything to read about Beakolini, I’ve heard that Geovanni Gentaloni has done most of the writing, and at least Marks was simple and not as overly flowery which is rich for a Wingbardian.” Vivienne smirked for a moment before a look of horror crossed her face. “Um, no offense.” [4]

Gumberto laughed.

“Complaining about something being too flowery is funny coming from an Aquelian.” Vivienne had laughed as well.

“It is, so what do you like to read?”

“Mainly True Crime fiction, but a few other works here and there.”

“Anything like ‘Il Padre Consacrato” [5]

“No, that’s too typical I prefer ‘Mi so Fra Demonessio’.” Vivenne was confused by the name. [6]

“Demonessio.” The word rolled off of her tongue unsure. “Like Demone?”

“Yes, it is.” Gumberto said matter of factly. “It is Faclorian, and is about a freedom fighter and a bandit around the capital of Falcor who growing disillusioned with his cause becomes an infamous bandit devoid of all morals.”

“Isn’t that banned?” Vienne knew it as a controversial book that was often criticized in many circles as glorifying banditry defaming ideals or states of any kind.

“Yes, but I don’t care about that, especially when you have mafia stories still being printed, and those might as well be as realistic as Daring Do. Then again, assuming those wild rumors from Southeastern Equestria are true Daring Do might be more realistic than them.”

Vivienne and Gumberto soon went into the main hall of the palace, which had fine artwork and statues on display, only to meet an older griff.

“Hello Sir and Madam, are either of you here the reading of Beakio’s Da Historia?”

“Yes.” The griff seemed to slightly frown at their response.

“Then unfortunately you are the only two to have shown up. We have all but canceled the event.”

Thank you for telling us sir.” Both griffs turned around and began to walk back outside of the palace. Vivene frowned, but Gumberto seemed only slightly disappointed in comparison.

“What a pity. I was hoping to hear what other perspectives people had to bring. Although I guess I can ask why you think mafia stories are fanciful.”

“Some of my old friends were either Cagiochi from up north or affiliated with them, what’s in Il Padre Consacrato is the stuff you would see in some Nova Griffonian cities. The Cagioco and Mafia are more a series of clans than families.” [7] Gumberto explained matter of factly as they left the Pallazo

“Why were they old friends?” Vienne saw the Prince’s expression change to that of irritation

“My father did not want me to see them, he forced me to leave them, to go to these other social events, not the parties I used to have. He even made me give up wine, among other things.” Vivienne could barely make out those last three words, but her concerned expression did not change.

“You are your father’s future, he wants what he feels is best for you.”

“Yet, why should I care, why can’t I think about myself, wouldn’t the Kingdom be in the claws of others?” Gumberto waved a claw dismissively, only to be met by serious look from Vivienne.

“Even if it is, you still are a symbol to your people, you don’t have to be perfect but you at least have to care.” The prince dropped his flippant attitude.

“Then why exactly do you care?” The Griffoness just gave a sigh.

“I suppose I am envious of what Wingbardy has, and I feel you don’t appreciate it as much as you should.”

“You’re serious, An Aquelian jealous of Wingbardy?

“Oui.” Vivienne said with a nod.

“You are one strange Aquelian.”

“It’s not that strange Wingbardy looks to be a nation with enormous potential and the House of di Almeri looks to be led by people who actually care to rule, and at least has an assembly for the commongriff to express himself.”

“We here in Wingbardy have our problems too, some of my old friends talked about poverty, scars from the Falcor war even if they didn’t fight in it. I wouldn’t be too quick to praise places that might be new to you.”

“Perhaps, but Aqueila will always be my home even if I was not born there nor I may not even die there. Yet I felt like I had to make up for the mistakes of the past. The mistakes of my father and those who came before him.”

“That sounds unfair.”

“It is. Foals, Chicks, Cubs, and Hatchlings all have to deal with their families' legacies. Most legacies for most creatures aren’t the fate of nations but some of us are unlucky.” Viven pointed a claw at Gumberto and then herself. “Although for as unlucky as we are least we have the chance steer our lives with our own claws, unlike like that poor chick forced to be an emperor so young.”

“You sound like you really wanted to be a Queen, or at the very least sound like the kind of chick my father wishes he had instead of me.” Vienne slightly blushed.

“Stop. although my father would have liked your taste for parties and did enjoy his mystery novels.”

“Heh, you almost make it sound like we had the wrong parents.” Both griffs laughed.

“I miss them despite everything.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“No, I still remember how my mother actually loved Saddle Arabia’s beaches, while my father constantly complained about them, and the heat. No matter what nogriff could replace my mother.”

“Say. There is a beach not too far from here, if you have nothing else to do, would you like to go see it?” Gumberto wasn’t expecting the conversation to become so sad, the beach wasn't his thing but maybe it could brighten the mood.

“Why not, at least today is not too hot.” Vivenne frowned a little. “Although I wish I had picked less nicer clothing to wear.”

“It's not as if I said we were going on the beach. I know of a good cliffside not too far from here where we can get a great view of everything.”

“And if we stumble on a strong-creature competition?”

“Well, then I suppose I should remember to bring the royal binoculars next time or should I go down and give royal praise to the fit and attractive creatures of the beach?” The blonde-haired griff laughed.

“Yes! make it an award, the Order of the Sand Rose.”

“It sounds like something out of those Abissni novels.” Gumberto stopped in realization and then grinned. “It is something from an Abissni novel.” [8]

“I did enjoy the Il Pugile d’Pantera. it feels so magical the places books can take you.”The griffoness paused as a realization struck her. [9] “I think I know what I might want to be if I am to stay here.”

“And what is that?” Gumberto asked as they looked out across the beach.

“A teacher." She said it as if it was the most sure thing in the world. "If I cannot help the younger generation back home as I would have liked, then I can at least do something here.”

“You certainly seem like somegriff able to do anything if you put your mind to it.”

“Thank you. “What is that out over there? Vivien pointed a claw toward a lighthouse in the distance

“That is Capo Soarento lighthouse.” Gumberto noticed an oddly mischievous look on her face. “What is with that look?”

“Oh, nothing.” Vivian then jumped off the cliff shocking Gumberto, but just he reach the cliff. She then flew back up laughing.

“Do you want to race to that lighthouse?” Vivian said already flying off toward the lighthouse, before the prince could respond.

Gumberto shook his head. ‘Can I really judge her if I like racing cars?’

The Prince of Wingbardy jumped off the cliff to get some acceleration. He managed to catch up to Viviene.

‘I guess I should thank Father for encouraging me to kick those habits, or at least force me off them.’

“You are a mad griffoness. You wish you brought nicer clothing for going on the beach, and here we are racing above the beach.” Gumberto’s words were met with laughter.

“You make it sound as if we are trying out for the Wonderbolts of Equestria.” Vivien had one of her claws on her chin. “Although, now that you mention it I think we would look good in the uniform.”

“Funny, I’ll ask a tailor.” Gumberto’s thoughts weren’t that bright ‘I hope they and others survive the war, it seems impossible to believe just months ago things seemed fine over in Equestria.’

Both griffs were soaring across the sea with the lighthouse not too far from them, with Vivene slightly ahead. With both of their wings beating frantically as they landed on the island.”

“Are you happy now, Your Majesty?”

“Oh, don’t tell me you didn’t have fun.” The prince crossed his arms for a moment before a small smile crossed his face

“I did, but it would have been nice to have some warning first.

“And let you win?” Both griffs chuckled. “Although even if you did win, it wouldn’t change that it is still a lovely day out.”

“When we go back to the mainland, I’d rather we not race back this time, even if I’m in better health these days.” Vivienne only gave an exaggerated pout, Gumberto sighed and then puffed out his chest. “I Crown Prince Gumberto di Almeri decree by right of the Trinty and Parliment of Wingbardy that you may frolic on the beach.”

Viviene gave an exaggeratedly deep bow “I am honored, Your Majesty.”

Both griffs had taken flight, this time at a much slower pace.

“You know it feels nice, just being out and about in the sun as if we were young chicks.”

“It almost makes you forget things are horrible elsewhere, or it seems that way. Word back home is optimistic about Donna Gaudraeu running the country back home.”

“Donna? You use Donna for a republican, and one of the people who drove you into exile?” [10]

“Yes, she came from nobility, rejected it, and leads with conviction. Say you want about her politics she believes in what she feels is right.”

“At least somewhere sounds hopeful. Zebrica went to Tartarus, a Cult takes over Hippogriffa, and Colthage suffered three civil wars, With that cult joining in on the third one and defeating all of the other sides. All of Equus is ablaze in war now.”

Unwanted thoughts entered Gumberto’s head, he didn’t want to remember all those times he heard his father crying from coming back from the frontlines of the Falcor War when he was young, and sometimes about when he talked about Grandfather. He knew his father visited the frontlines, and some of his old Blackwing friends were either veterans or children of veterans from that same war. [11]

“Are you alright?” Gumberto was broken out of his thoughts

No, I am worried. Dark days are ahead, my father faced war and before I was born, the assassination of my grandfather. Will I have to face terrible things as king myself? Can I face such things?” Both griffs had just landed on the beach.

“Perhaps. I was born after one revolution only to face another one, it was not as bloody as the last. But we shouldn’t worry about that now, or at least we can’t. If you always think about the storm clouds of tomorrow, you can never appreciate the sunshine of today.”

“Where is that from?”

“This might sound silly, but Dour Blizzard’s Treasured Tales of Fun and Friendship. It was something I remember my father reading to me when we were in exile.”

“Sounds Equestrian." Vivienne just gave a small nod. "Words of wisdom from a storybook for foals.”

Viviene and Gumberto looked out the beach and saw a bunch of creatures gathered near two teams of creatures around two separate masses of dug-up sand making what appeared to be sculptures out of the sand. Some of these creatures were griffons, but a few others weren’t.

There were two pairs of creatures on each side each with what appeared to be their own sandcastles. One was a Griffon with white feathers and a Unicorn with a blue mane and white coat, the other a Zebra with a brown main and a Hippogriff with a mix of red and blue feathers.

The first team saw the griffon digging up sand with her claws, with the unicorn using his magic to get it into shape, and even moving some of the sand around to try and create small towers. The second team built their castle with both the Hippogriff and Zebra gathering sand, but the Zebra used her hooves to flatten down a layer of sand from each layer they were building up.

The first Castle was a three-storied castle with several turrets and a moat, it looked similar to a typical castle. The second castle looked unusual it seemed to be a descending pyramid, but it was sloped, and around its sides were four large seashells

“And time is up!” The speaker was another grip button. And our winner is the fine Hippogriff and mare. Cheers had run out from the small crowd and even their competition offered claws and hoof shakes. There appeared to be a bunch more ponies, zebras, and hippogriffs. However, the hippogriff on stage got a good look in the two griff’s direction and his beak had dropped.

“is that the Prince?”

The crowd had turned to look at both Griffons. With some of them bowing, even a few non-griffs.

“Please do not mind me and my friend here.” Gumberto stepped back and gestured toward Vivienne

“Hello my name is Vivi-Vivianna.” Apparently, she thought it best not to say her real name.

“We only wished to see what had brought the fine people out to the beach on a day like today.” If I may ask her how exactly do you know me Mr?.” Gumberto asked extending a claw in the direction of the Hippogriff

“I’m Scarlet Shoals, from Wingggarden. I remember the pictures in the paper that made their way back home a few years ago when Crack Lightning made his tour of Wingbardy.”

“When he raced Gitalo Galbo from Wrobert to Katharin?” The hippogriff nodded. [12]

Gumberto recalled that Galbo narrowly won. He turned to look at the other three contestants. “I would like to know your names.”

“Ziempsal Adir, from Hippone, uh your majesty.” The speaker was the Zebra mare, she seemed to have some scars across her body. The Storm King’s invasion wasn’t that long ago but several crises saw some desperate refugees come here, it was especially furious in the last year.

“I am Ioana Temsoaranu.” The griffoness offered no other formalities, she seemed uneasy almost angry around him. Gumberto recognized her accent as somewhere from the East, probably Brodfield. There was Civil War there that was ended by an invasion of bandits.

“Steadyhooves of Fillydellphia” The last to introduce themselves was a unicorn with a mark on his flank. A cutie mark as the Equestrians had called it, it looked like a rolling pin.

“It is nice to meet all of you, I hope you have found Wingbardy and its people hospitable.”

“The pizza takes some getting used to, uh your majesty.” Steadyhooves had managed to get several griffs glaring at him. “Hey I’m from Fillydelphia, it’s not our fault pizza is different there.” [13]

“Leave the stallion be, there are worse choices one can make in food.” The crowd seemed to back down, but Ioana just shot the prince a glare.

“Ah yes, All praise to his gracious highness, here to greet the commoners.” The words had come from Ioana, Steadyhooves gasped.

“Ioana relax, it’s all right. I’m not offended. we don’t need to risk offending these folks.”

“What we don’t need the sympathy of some reactionary noblegriff.”

“Crack always did say you commies, tended to react to reactionaries quite a bit.” Scarlet said with a mix of amusement and disdain.

“Hey!” Zeimpsal shouted in response. ”Ioana and her friends helped bring our groups together, and not just for this event. You can talk all about Aris First, but we all are in the same situation now.” Scarlet just shrugged.

“I apologize.” Gumberto interjected holding up his claws hoping to defuse the situation. “I only wished to observe this competition, not cause a scene. Is there anything I can do to help your communities?”

“What royal charity from up high?” Ioana was slightly less hostile.

“No, have any concerns addressed with Parliament.” It was his best guess, he wasn’t expecting anything this difficult to come up. His father seemed to give Don Guturzo and Gaspwingi a chance to make things better. Gumberto hoped he was right to back them. [14]

The Brodfieldiian only scoffed, but the unicorn approached the prince anyway.

“I’m not sure about how this whole royalty deal works I only saw the Princesses once or twice, so I’m sorry if it’s blunt, your Majesty.”

“It’s fine.” Gumberto gave a small nod.

“Folks here are worried about jobs, and housing like any other creature, but they fear discrimination against them. Some less savory creatures formed their own criminal gangs. We're not lookin for much just the chance to live life in our new home.”

“I understand, I will talk to my father and several key leaders in parliament, who I know would listen to your plight. Unfortunately, I cannot make any promises as to what action will be taken, but you will at least be heard. I am sorry if I have ruined the occasion.”

“Only way it would be ruined is if the beaches were terrible.” Zeimpisal replied with a small smile on her face.

“I wouldn’t know. I never went to one until I arrived here.”

“You’ve missed out, especially on sailing and swimming. That is a problem and we need to solve it.” Scarlet said only shaking his head, while Zempisal seemed to nod in agreement.

“It’s easy for you to say Scarlet. The Griffion pointed her claw at the Hippogriff “You can turn into a seapony.”

“And? Knowing how to swim in your hippogriff form is encouraged when you’re a Hippogriff marine.”

“Before I go want to congratulate not just the winners, but all of you for your skills, they are certainly better than mine.” A few creatures in the crowd had laughed, but Gumberto took on a slightly somber tone. “I also hope that for you Wingbardy becomes a new home worth living in.”

“We hope so too.”

The prince had given a once last wave to the crowd of beachgoers and the two griffs walked away from the crowd turning to Vivienne. “Are you alright? You did not speak that much.”

“I just didn’t want to draw too much attention, especially if word reaches home, and if the people have grievances to be addressed. Although I have the same concerns as them.”

“What did you think of the sand sculptures?”

“They were wonderful. It reminded me of all those times I snuck away to go see Marsellette la Magnificique, a unicorn magician. One of her best tricks was to rapidly teleport herself while juggling a bunch of bottles of wine with her hooves, usually some othercreatre’s wine.”

“Did she prefer any vintages to use in particular?”

“I am not sure.”

“I think my wine-drinking days are behind me, but always did like Vinovian White the best.”

“Oh An Wingbardian liking Aquelian wine better?” Vivienne’s tone was exaggeratedly scandalous. “You are one strange Wingbardian.”

Gumberto laughed. “Says the strange Aquelian who likes books, and Wingbardian parliaments.”

“And being in good company.” Vivene added. “Truth be told, I was slightly worried that when you said you knew Gulliame. I was worried you would be little more than some noble-griff interested in wine and the company of griffonesses.” Gumberto gave her an understanding look.

“Although he at least talked to a mare or two, or so he says.”

“Ah broadening his horizons. Not that I disapprove of that. Still, it’s nice to have some kind of thoughtful conversations with somecreatures.”

“You sound like you would have been bored with courtly life.”

“It had its charms. I loved listening to debates, but I think could find more meaningful conversation as a schoolteacher.”

“Although if you’re looking for meaningful conversation can you really find it as a teacher?”

“Well nobles and children can be spoiled, lazy, and a handful, but the children are at least cuter. It still is a shame we could Not read La Historia dell’arte.”

“There's always next time.”

“I suppose I can pester Guiilame to get me an invitation, it should not be that hard. This cliffside is lovely.”

“You know what else is lovely?” Vivienne noticed Gumberto had a small smile on his face.

“What?” Vivenne was wondering where this was going.

Gumberto suddenly jumped up into the air and took flight. “The face of a griff who is too slow!”

Gumberto had paced himself, not wanting to be too exhausted. Another set of wingbeats soon took off from behind Gumberto and gained in speed.

“Of course, you need to cheat to win.” The shouting came from behind but was slowly gaining speed.

“Says the griff who cheated last time.” Gumberto said almost near the cliff, he felt his front claws touch the solid ground as he heard some steadily rising laughter.

Vivienne soon landed. “I suppose we are even. This wasn’t the time I was expecting but it was an enjoyable time nonetheless. I must get going I have a train to go catch back home." Vivienne stopped. "That is an odd word these days.”

“What word?”

“Home. It seems so secure, yet inconsistent at the time. Saddle Arabia, Aquelia, now here. I was a princess, yet here I’m just another tempest-tossed creature, like those creatures back there too even if my situation is not as bad as theirs.”

“My hopes for them are the same for you, that you find this place to be your home.”

“Thank you.” The griffoness gave a wave and walked toward a local train station.

Gumberto walked back to where he knew a car was waiting with two bodyguards.

‘Maybe Father, had the right idea, trying to help. I should pay him a visit and talk about this crisis with the refugees, maybe more.’

The car drove away from the Palace of went off into the countryside.

[1] The Palace of Apricots, but the first name is standard Italian, while the second is Neapolitan, which because it is a feminine word and plural has its consonant doubled so it’s Ccrisomnoa vs Crisomnoa. I’m using other dialects or languages of Italian to represent other parts of Wingbardian culture. Just because I kind of wish more of the diversity of the Italian peninsula was used in people’s fantasy Italys even if it’s World War II fantasy Italy but with Griffons.

[2] This a pun of Luigi Baccio Del Biano (1604-1657), an Italian Artist

[3] Another artist pun, this time Caravaggio (1571-1610)

[4] Apparently, one of Mussolini’s works was ghostwritten, so Beakolini being a Mussolini stand-in I felt it would be fitting.

[5] Sacred father, or the sacred father in standard Italian, it’s meant to be a Godfather analog even if the complexities might be not there. As Godfather has roots in Christian baptism, I didn’t think it would really fit.

[6] Mi so Fra Demonessio, or I am Brother Demon in Venetian. They are meant to be a Fra Diavolo analog. Fra Diavolo, or Brother Devil was the nom de guerre of Michele Pezza who was a Neapolitan (Roughly, it’s kind of complicated) bandit/guerilla fighter when the French invaded the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Here it’s when Wingbardy invaded Falcor, so it’s more 20th-century Fra Diavolo which isn’t that bad if you basically have19th-20th century Robin Hood in Adelart.

[7] Cagioco is meant to be a translation of the German Haputmann der Spiel or Captian del Gioco, because the organization I’m basing it on, the Camorra roughly comes from the same meaning Capo de morra, or head of the game. As for the Mafia being in clans, it breaks some canon, but I wish more was done to make the mafia less stereotypically Godfather-inspired American mafia.

Especially when the American and Italian Mafia have their differences. The American Mafia is roughly split between five familes that have their own territory and even jurisdiction of sorts over smaller groups. As for why it's from German, well I wanted it to be from the more remote parts of Wingbardy, to fit the Mafia being from the remote parts of what we know as Italy

[8] Abyssinian, it’s meant to be a genre of stories set in Wingbardian-controlled Abyssinia which is meant to be a stand-in for the Italian colonies in East Africa.

[9] The fighter or Boxer of Panterra

[10] Donna is meant to be equivalent to Madam, and a sign of respect.

[11] Gumberto hasn’t been given an exact birthday in-game, but if we take the Falcor War as something of Wingbardy’s WW 1 Analogue. When WW 1 happened when IRL Umberto II was just a child then I place Gumberto’s birthday between 979-981. So 29-27 is the age range I’m ballparking for his current age.

[12] A Wingbardian Air Force Minister in Equestria at War, and a pun off Italo Balbo, Marhsall of the Italian Airforce. (1896-1940)

[13] I’m having a little bit of fun with Pizza, as a concept. What we know as the usual circular pie with dough, tomato gravy/ or sauce was more an Italian-American take on the food, while traditional it was made in a variety of styles and forms.

[14] These are two political leaders who can serve as Harmonists. One is a pun of Alcide de Gasperi (1881-1954), and Luigi Sturzo (1871-1959) Both Italian politicians. However the path for picking them, in-game, I believe precludes any chance to make Gumberto a better leader. Here I’m taking the liberty of having both happen.