> The Soles of a Study Buddy > by barefoot_introvert > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Girl With No Shoes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "RING RING RING RING RING!" "Oh, knock it off..." You angrily slam your alarm clock off and sit up in bed. You didn't sleep very well last night. The next morning was to be your first day of classes after all, and that fear of not waking up in time ironically kept you up for more hours than you had planned to be. Or was it your insomnia again? Whatever, that doesn't matter at this point. What does matter is that you need to get ready for class. Oh, but that dream you just had... why did that cruel clock wake you up from it? It was... quite the weird dream, actually. And not a weird dream in the sense of your food talking to you or having a robot for a father. No, this was another one of your weird wet fantasies. Sex was never something you particularly cared about, even now. So what was it about, if not sex? Feet. It's always feet. You've had a foot fetish for as long as you can remember, and sometimes that manifests itself into your dreams. You dreamed that you were in a mystical realm, with fog completely surrounding you... and this bathtub. And in this bathtub was a girl just your age. She wasn't anyone you knew, in fact she definitely wasn't real, but in the moment she felt so real. I mean, she looked real... except for one weird detail. ... Her feet were rainbow colored. Why did she have rainbow feet? Well, that's just how your weird dream went. And you wanted nothing more than to lick those colorful soles of hers. And of course, you went at them with no hesitation. 'Mmm... tastes like Skittles,' you thought. But naturally, the dream ended right when it was getting to the good part. The alarm woke you up, and now you're faced with reality: It's the first day of classes, you're on your own at college for the first time, and you know absolutely nobody. ... Well, except for your roommate, Kai. They're cool, but you don't have a lot in common. Speaking of which... you woke them up. "Dang Anon... I'm trying to sleep here," Kai said with a yawn. "Don't you have class coming up too?" "Not until 10... Wait, you have class at 8? That's rough." "Tell me about it." It's your first day of college, yet you're already aware that 8 a.m. college classes will be way harder to wake up for than 8 a.m. classes in high school. And the worst part is, it's College Algebra. And you hate math. Kai rolls back into bed and dozes off. You check your phone to see what time it is, and... you only have fifteen minutes until class starts?! How did that happen?! ... Oh yeah. You got caught up thinking about your weird "rainbow feet" dream. In a rush, you quickly throw on your clothes, brush your teeth, and run out the door. But for a quick moment, you think about your dream some more. 'Skittles, huh... I need to stop eating snacks before bed... Wait, where's my backpack?!" After darting back into your room and grabbing your backpack, you run as fast as you can to your first class. Unfortunately, it's on the complete opposite side of campus, and by the time you get there the damage has already been done. You show up to class five minutes late, and everyone stares at you as you open the door. "Sorry I'm late..." "It's the first day, don't worry about it," your professor assures you. "There's an open desk near the back." Relieved by the professor's understanding, you head over to your desk. 'Hopefully the rest of today is smooth sailing from here...' The professor passes out the syllabus to each student in the class. "Here is the syllabus for College Algebra. Please read it and sign your name on the last page. I will count your signature as your attendance for today. After that, you're free to leave." The syllabus is quite a bore, and the longer you read the worse you feel about the class. 'I've always sucked at math... How in the world am I gonna pass this class?' Well, at least you're done for the day. All you need to do is sign your name and you're outta here. You pull at pencil out of your backpack but... Of course. Butterfingers. No, not the candy. The pencil slipped out of your hand and fell beneath your desk. 'Today is just not my day...' You get on the floor and search for that cursed writing utensil. But it isn't underneath your desk anymore. No, it rolled under the seat of the girl in front of you. You reach over and grab it without disturbing her (eureka)! But as you glance up, you notice something particularly odd about this girl. 'She's... barefoot?' Of course you of all people would notice. Her pale, yellow soles were crossed underneath her seat, very close to your face. You look around the floor around her. No shoes, no socks, not even a sandal in site. Her feet were just... bare. You blush in confusion. Her feet are so beautiful... but why is she even going barefoot in the first place? You have so many questions. But you know you need to snap out of it. You can't just keep staring at her soles like a creep! Besides, you have a syllabus to sign! You quickly try to get back up... only to forget that you're still under your desk. "Bang!" Ouch. Everyone looks around to see that you hit your head underneath your desk. Your face is red with embarrassment, so you quickly get back up and sit in your desk. The other students soon get back to reading their syllabus... except for one. "Are you okay?" It was the girl with no shoes, looking back at you. You realize that not only are her feet beautiful, but the rest of her is as well. Her aqua eyes are enchanting, as is her swirly pink hair. But again, you gotta snap out of it! "Oh! Y-yeah, thanks. I just dropped my pencil." "Oh, I see. Butterfingers?" she lightly giggles. "Well, I'm glad you're okay." The girl with no shoes reaches out her hand. "My name's Fluttershy. Nice to meet you." You blush as you shake her hand. "I'm A-anon..." "Well Anon, I'm glad to have a nice desk neighbor. I'm really bad at math, so I'll need all the help I can get!" Fluttershy giggles at her little comment. That laugh is already so infectious to you. "Well, I'm actually bad at math too. But hopefully we'll still be able to help each other?" "Oh definitely," Fluttershy replies. "People like us will need to stick together!" Fluttershy signs her syllabus, and hands it to the professor. She puts on her backpack and heads for the door. "I'll see you around, Anon!" You watch as she exits the classroom, paying special attention to her bare soles with each step as they walk out the door. Even after she leaves, you continue to think about this mysterious girl that you just met. 'That girl... Fluttershy, was it? She's really cute... but why was she barefoot?' Theories start to circle in your head. Did she forget her shoes at her dorm? No, that can't possibly be it. Maybe they got ruined somehow? Or maybe she took them off for a second and then lost them? Perhaps. Or maybe... she's choosing to go barefoot? But why would anyone do that? "RING RING RING RING RING!" "Anon, class is over. Your signature, please." > Chapter 2: Research > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of your day was... odd, to say the least. Your remaining classes that day seemed to be promising (although a syllabus can only tell you so much), but you couldn't stop thinking about Fluttershy. Just who is she, really? And why was she barefoot in class? Surely there had to be a rule somewhere against bare feet. Did she realize that you were enchanted by her soles? And most importantly... how are you gonna act the next time you see her? You had hoped that Fluttershy was going to be in one of your other classes, but... nope. Seems like you only have her for College Algebra. At least, for Tuesdays and Thursdays that is. Maybe she would be in one of your Monday/Wednesday/Friday classes? That evening, you finally head back to your dorm after dinner. Kai hasn't returned yet, so you have time to think about this mysterious barefoot girl. What are you going to do about it? An idea forms into your head... ... What? No, not masturbate! Research. You flip through the student handbook and turn to the dress code. It was pretty standard fare; cover your genitals, cover your breasts, nothing depicting hate speech, yada yada yada. But... where's the section on footwear? Apparently there isn't one. 'Okay, so there's no rule against bare feet...' In that case, you figure, it's much more likely that Fluttershy went barefoot today on purpose. But you still don't know for sure. No matter how ridiculous the idea is, it's still technically possible that she simply forgot or lost her shoes that day. It's definitely a stretch, but you suppose it's not impossible. Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure is if she's barefoot the next time you see her. But that brings a new problem. Today is Thursday, and if Fluttershy isn't in any of your classes tomorrow, you might not see her again until next week. And you know that will drive you crazy all through the weekend. You need to know tomorrow... for research, of course! You log onto Canvas to look at all your classes for tomorrow, clicking on each one to take a look at the student lists. 'Is she in Biology? Nope.' 'How about Health & Wellness? Negative.' You're beginning to lose hope. But then you click on the student list for English Comp, and... "EUREKA! Found her!" "... Found who?" Shit. Kai's back. You quickly close your laptop. "Oh, uh... just my... mom... on... Facebook..." Did they buy it? "... You're strange, Anon." They bought it. Phew. The next morning rolls around, and you surprisingly feel well-rested. You really thought you were gonna have a wet dream about Fluttershy and her feet, but... apparently not! See? Your curiosity is strictly research. Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Because the first two classes were beyond torture for you. Like yesterday, they were just about reading the syllabi, but you really couldn't focus on reading them. All you could think about was Fluttershy and her pale yellow soles. They were so close to your face yesterday, and reliving that moment in your head makes you blush... Unfortunately, your horniness is really costing you. Your fantasies keep you past the bell for both classes and each professor had to snap you out of it for your signature. But that's okay, because it's time for English Comp! You're ten minutes early, so all you gotta do is wait for Fluttershy to get to class and (preferably) sit next to her. This will be easy! One minute goes by... not here yet, but that's understandable. Five minutes... half the class has shown up, but no Fluttershy. Guess she'll arrive soon. Nine minutes... okay, where is she?! Ten minutes. Bell rings. The professor closes the door. "Welcome to English Comp, class. Please take a seat so we can get started." Damn it. It seems like Fluttershy won't be showing up after all. In defeat, you head to a desk in the back. As the professor passes out the syllabus, you reflect on this supposed "research" that you keep trying to convince yourself of. 'I think I've gotten a little too creepy. I mean, I'm obsessed with a girl I barely know, just because she was barefoot! Has my fetish really driven me to this kind of behavior? I really need to tighten my focus. Just pay attention in class, make friends where I can, and—' "KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!" "Excuse me, class," the professor says as he heads for the door. Once he opens it, in comes a familiar yellow face. "Ah, you must be Fluttershy. Welcome, please take a seat." "Thank you, Mr. Midas," Fluttershy replies as she heads for her desk. "Sorry again for being late." "It's no trouble at all," Mr. Midas assures. "Thank you for emailing me in advance." So she was just late... Wait, your professor's name is Mr. Midas?! You really need to pay more attention. You're relieved that Fluttershy made it to class, but now you have a new problem. She's seated all the way in the front, meanwhile you're stuck in the back. The other students' heads were blocking your view, so you were only able to get a glimpse of her head when she came in. And now that she's sat down, you can't see her at all. So how in the world are you gonna be able to see if she's wearing shoes or not? Sure, you could wait until class is over, but what if Fluttershy leaves so fast that you miss her? You need to find a way to see her feet now... for research? No, fuck it; it's because of your damn foot fetish. Well, what are your options? It's gotta be a convincing excuse to get up in front of the class. You can't just throw your pencil to the other side of the room. Maybe ask to go to the restroom? No, that would give you too much attention. Then maybe you could ask to switch desks so you can sit in the front; that way, the attention would fade away once you're seated. But you would need a good excuse for that... maybe you can't see the board from the back? Yeah, that's it! You totally need glasses, but for now you'll need to sit up front. Good plan! Now time to put it into action and— "That's it for the syllabus!" Mr. Midas exclaims as he interrupts your clever plan. "Now, before you all sign and leave, I want each of you to go to the whiteboard and write the title of your favorite book. When we meet on Monday, we'll take a look at what everybody wrote and discuss why each book was your favorite. Form a line starting with the back row, please!" Well, so much for your plan. But this is still great! You'll definitely be able to take a look at Fluttershy's feet now. You join the back row as they start the line, but once you get to the whiteboard you make an unfortunate realization: you don't know what your favorite book is! So instead you write the first book that popped into your head: Life of Pi. You actually hated that book, but Mr. Midas doesn't need to know that. Now that you've written on the board, you head back toward your desk, searching for Fluttershy in the process. Since she was seated in the front, you know she's got to be in the back of the line, so you keep your eyes peeled to look for her. In fact, your eyes are locked on to the line a little too much, and before you know it... you trip over the leg of a chair and fall to the floor. Ouch. As you process your own clumsiness however, you look up, and... there they are. A beautiful pair of bare yellow feet, standing next to your face. This is the first time you've gotten a good look at her toes, and not only are they perfectly round and wiggly... but they're painted a beautiful shade of sea-foam green. You stare at her lovely feet for what feels like forever, until a soft voice snaps you out of it. "Oh my goodness, Anon! Are you okay?" You look up. Fluttershy reaches out her hand to help you up. "Oh! H-hey Fluttershy. Yeah, I'm alright. I guess I wasn't looking where I was going." "Well, please be careful," Fluttershy says as you get back up. "I've already seen you hurt twice, and we only met yesterday." Oh, how sweet it is of her to care about you. She seems like a very kind person. You just hope she didn't realize you were staring at her feet... again. You walk with Fluttershy to the board, where she writes the title of her own favorite book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit. "I just love this book. It reminds me of the cutest little bunny back home!" "Oh, you have a pet bunny?" you ask, with genuine curiosity. "Mm hmm. I take care of a lot of animals back home. I really miss them, but pets aren't allowed on campus." '... But being barefoot is? At least she's following the rules, I'll give her that.' You and Fluttershy both sign your syllabi and hand them to Mr. Midas. And now classes are done for the day! Of course, now you know that Fluttershy is actively choosing to go barefoot. If she wasn't, she definitely wouldn't have left her shoes behind two days in a row. And while you are glad that she's showing off her beautiful feet, the question remains... why? Does she hate shoes? Does she have a medical condition? Does she... have a foot fetish herself? Okay, don't be ridiculous. The point is that you now know that she's barefoot on purpose. Maybe you'll find out why, or maybe you won't. But at least you have a friend at college besides Kai. Now you should just go back to your dorm and get some rest. There's not much else you can— "Um, Anon?" Hold that thought. "Now that class is over, do you wanna get dinner with me?" > Chapter 3: Your New Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now that class is over, do you wanna get dinner with me?" Dinner? She asked you to dinner? Is this a date? No. Calm yourself. She barely knows you. You try to keep your cool. "Oh, y-yeah! Sure. Where do you wanna go?" Fluttershy giggles. "The food court, silly. It's not as lonely with a friend." Oh yeah. Way to keep your cool. You and Fluttershy head over to the food court. The food isn't very good there, but what you're going to eat is the last thing on your mind right now. You are spending alone time with Fluttershy and you gotta make the most of it. She's really cute, and besides, maybe you'll be able to figure out why she goes barefoot. Just remember that if you ask, you have to try your best not to sound like a creep. You've stared at her feet plenty as you've walked to the food court... Needless to say, your appetite has increased, but not for the cardboard chicken sandwich you're about to eat. When you grab your meal and sit down, you notice that Fluttershy has only a bowl of noodles. "Only noodles?" you ask. "Mmm hmm." "Aren't you hungry?" "Definitely. But there aren't too many vegetarian options today." Hold up. She's a vegetarian? And you're eating a chicken sandwich right in front of her?! You quickly apologize. "Oh my gosh! I'm sorry, I shouldn't be eating meat in front of you then." "No, it's okay, really," Fluttershy assures you. "I just love my animal friends so much. It would feel wrong of me to eat an animal, especially if it turned out to be one of their own friends." One of their own friends? She definitely cares about animals, that's for sure. Oh, and you're definitely blowing it. No pressure. You throw away your sandwich and stick to your side of potatoes. All the while, you watch Fluttershy as she happily slurps up some more noodles. "Mmm... so good," Fluttershy says as she happily stuffs her face. "I wish I could go back for seconds." Damn, that was cute. But don't get too distracted. This is a good opportunity to ask about her bare feet... probably. "So Fluttershy..." you sheepishly begin, trying not to blush while asking. Fluttershy stops her adorable slurping. "Hmm?" You try to continue. "I've been meaning to ask, just because I noticed earlier, but..." You struggle to find the right words. 'Come on! Just ask! It's not weird to ask! She's the one going barefoot, that's the weird part!' Fluttershy looks at you intently, waiting for you to blurt out your question. "I just wanted to know, uh..." After some more stammering on your part, the aqua-eyed girl picks up on your inquiry. "You want to know why I'm barefoot, don't you?" Fluttershy asks with a small smirk. "Yeah... Wait, how did you know?" "I get that question every now and then," she responds. "And I'm sure you noticed when we first met." You try to keep your composure. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I noticed that yesterday." Pretty sure, huh? Liar. Fluttershy gives another infectious giggle. "You don't have to pretend, I know I stick out." "So why do you go barefoot, then?" you ask, hoping to push just a little bit. "Why don't you?" Fluttershy asks jokingly. "But if you really wanna know... hmm..." An idea is forming on her face, you can tell. "How about I show you sometime? Let's plan a day at the park!" "The park?" "Yeah, it would be fun!" Fluttershy replies, with one last heap of noodles in her mouth. Fun? Does this mean a date?! "O-okay," you stammer once more. "Are you free this weekend?" The yellow cutie shakes her head. "Wish I was. But I promised Angel I'd go back home to visit this weekend. He already misses me!" "Angel?" Is that her boyfriend?! "My pet bunny." "... Oh." Once dinner is over, you and Fluttershy throw away your trash and head out. "Thanks for eating with me," Fluttershy peeps. "I'm glad I've made a new friend so quickly." "Who wouldn't want to be your friend?" you reply. "You're so nice." Fluttershy blushes at your compliment. "Thank you. It's just that I used to be so shy. I've only really started to come out of my shell a few years ago." 'Shy? Her? I can't even imagine it!' You walk with Fluttershy all the way to her dormitory, mostly in silence. Your new friend is clearly enjoying the subtle autumn breeze, but meanwhile all you can seem to enjoy are her yellow bare feet. Every step she takes looks... majestic. You watch intently as she lifts one foot up and gently lays it back down. Look at those cute toes... and her soles, stained by the dirty pavement but looking so lovely all the same... ... Aw shit. You're sweating just thinking about her amazing tootsies. "Looks like we're here," Fluttershy says, interrupting your trance. At least she didn't notice your sweat. "So... I guess I won't see you 'til Monday?" you ask, with a hint of disappointment in your voice. "Seems like it," she responds. "But hey, we have class together every day. We'll be seeing each other plenty!" That thought makes you feel better. "Yeah, I guess so," you reply with a blush. "I'll see you later, Anon!" You watch as Fluttershy walks into the building, entranced yet again by the each step of her bare soles. But the trance is cut short by the realization that you'll have to wait two whole days before you can see her again. '... Fuck.' But hey, at least things are going well! Sure, you still don't know why Fluttershy goes barefoot, but she promised to show you why sometime... Wait, what does that even mean?! You head back to your own dorm. Kai pays no mind to you, reading some novel for a class. Speaking of reading, you should probably do that too... ugh. You try to work on your Algebra assignment, but you can't stop thinking about the time you spent with Fluttershy today. Not only did you get to see her beautiful feet again, but she's becoming your friend, too! You're so lucky... And then it hits you. She's been so kind to you, and yet all you can think about are her bare feet. Some friend you are. 'Does my foot fetish really have that much power over me? Why can't I just be a normal person?!' By the time you know it, it's already past midnight, and Kai's fast asleep. Clearly you've been thinking about your new friend too much. Maybe some sleep is all you need... Except it wasn't what you needed. You find yourself back in the mystical realm, fog all around you once more. And just like last time, there's a bathtub sitting in the middle of it all. A girl just your age is laying inside of it, whispering for you to come closer. "I'm right here, Anon..." 'That voice, sounds so familiar...' You approach the girl, and as the fog clears you can make out her face. She has majestic aqua eyes, smooth yellow skin, and flowing pink hair... ... Wait, this is Fluttershy. "Closer, Anon..." Fluttershy whispers seductively. Once you reach the far end of the tub, your "new friend" lifts her legs out of the bubbles, revealing her leathery, scrumptious soles. And just as your dream from before, they are painted with the colors of the rainbow. "Lick them, Anon..." She whispers once again. "Don't make me wait..." You stick out your tongue and begin to taste every last inch of Fluttershy's rainbow soles, savoring every last second. 'Mmm... tastes like Skittles...' Fluttershy pets your head while you continue to feed on her tootsies. "Good slave..." She coos. You moan with pleasure as you start sucking her multicolored toes, taking great care not to miss an inch. As you keep going, your mistress grabs your legs and pulls them up to her chest. "Join me, Anon..." Fluttershy taunts, slowly removing your shoes. Tossing your old sneakers to the side, she begins to peel your socks away, as if she wants your own feet to be bare too. You submit to your mistress' will, but just before the final sock is pulled off— "RING RING RING RING RING!" Damn it. Another wet dream. > Chapter 4: Accidental Stalking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that your first weekend at college was a torturous one. Every few hours started an annoying cycle; you would try to study a bit more, thoughts of Fluttershy pop up, you fixate on your perverted dreams, and then you snap out of it and realize that you haven't done much of anything. By Sunday evening, you've barely scraped by finishing your Algebra assignment. And you're pretty sure you got every single problem wrong. But hey, at least it's over! 'Wait... Sunday evening? That means...' "Fluttershy may be back!" "... Who's Fluttershy?" Oh shit. You said that last part out loud, in front of Kai. "Uh... my study buddy?" Kai would buy that, right? "Uh huh..." Kai did not buy that. "Ugh, fine. She's this girl that I met in Algebra class. She's also in my English Comp class, so I'll be seeing her every day. But she left this weekend, and--" "Ah, I get it," Kai interrupts. "That's why you kept zoning out." Was it really that obvious? Apparently so. "Well she should be back any time now," you continue, attempting to brush off Kai's rude (but true) observation. "Should I try to find her?" "Sounds like stalking to me," Kai responds. "You really like this Fluttershy, huh?" Your face turns bright red, and you nod. It's a little embarrassing to admit, but at least Kai doesn't know about your foot fetish. Kai softens their tone a bit. "Just try to keep it cool, Anon. Maybe she likes you back, or maybe she doesn't, but you gotta give her some space. Besides, you'll see her tomorrow, right?" "R-right. Thanks, Kai." Your roommate's right. You don't wanna be a stalker. But at the same time, it's been over forty-eight hours since you've seen those captivating yellow soles. And besides, you still don't know why Fluttershy goes barefoot, and it'll drive you crazy until you do! 'Maybe some fresh air will help.' Your stomach growls. 'And some snacks, too...' You head to the local grocery store, hoping that the trip will give you the headspace you need. Sometimes even the most mundane task can help you focus, just as long as you're not cooped up inside your room. 'Perhaps I am fixating on Fluttershy too much...' You head toward the snack aisle, and you know exactly what you're gonna get: some spicy chips! Those always put you into a good mood. You reach for the bag, but your trademark butterfingers fumble it onto the ground. As you bend down to reach it, you spot a familiar set of green-painted yellow toes right in front of you. 'It can't be...' "Is that you, Anon?" 'It is!' "Fluttershy! What are you doing here?" "Um... shopping?" Fluttershy responds with a giggle. ... Yeah, that was a stupid question. "Oh yeah, right. Well uh, how was your weekend?" "It was alright," Fluttershy replies. "It was great to see Angel and my other animal friends... but I really wish I had stayed on campus instead. I want to get used to being at college, y'know?" She wanted to stay on campus this weekend? Well, that makes two of you. You stare down at Fluttershy's lovely toes again. They're just as perfectly round and cute as you last saw them... But wait, is she barefoot inside of the store?! "Doesn't this store require shoes?" Fluttershy giggles once more. "I knew you'd ask that. Well, there's no sign anywhere saying so. Besides, I don't actually own shoes anymore." Hold up, she's doesn't have any shoes? Your curiosity is higher than its ever been... and if you're being honest, your horniness too. But forget that, curiosity comes first! You and Fluttershy continue to shop and share a cart. As you browse the store, you take another peek at Fluttershy's soles. They've became incredibly black, no doubt soiled by the dirty floor of the building. With every step, they seem to become more and more filthy. "Don't you worry about your feet getting dirty?" Your barefooted friend shakes her head. "Not really. I can always clean them pretty easily. And besides, it's kinda fun getting my soles dirty. It's sorta like a badge of confidence!" 'Confidence, huh? I mean, she's gotta have a lot of confidence to go barefoot everywhere.' The final stop is the freezer aisle, and immediately you start to shiver a bit. Surely the cold has to bother Fluttershy, right? Her poor feet can't be shielded from the frigid temperatures, after all. "Ok, but it's freezing here!" You exclaim proudly, thinking that you've found a weakness. "You gotta admit that shoes would help here, right?" Fluttershy gives a small smirk, knowing that she's won the debate. "You'd think so, but I actually like how it feels. It's very refreshing!" '... Well damn, I guess she doesn't need shoes to go shopping!' After checking out, the two of you head towards the parking lot. Before you head to your car, you decide to pry just a teeny bit more. "Sorry I asked you so many questions, Fluttershy. I'm just... Uh..." "Curious?" Fluttershy asks with another cute smirk. "That's okay, Anon. I mean, we did talk about me going barefoot last time we hung out. And I'm sure you still have a lot of questions." You start to sweat and become a bit flustered. "Y-Yeah, I guess I do..." As you and Fluttershy approach your car, your barefooted crush remembers her previous proposal. "Hey, I know! Why don't we go to the park tomorrow after class? Then I can answer all your questions." Tomorrow?! That was quicker than you thought. Then again, the sooner you know why she goes barefoot, the sooner you can put this all behind you... Hopefully. "Y-yeah! Sure!" Fluttershy smiles with the tiniest blush on her cute little cheeks. "Ok, then it's a date! See you tomorrow, Anon!" You watch Fluttershy as she walks toward her own car. Her soles are even more black and dirty than they were earlier. You hate to admit it, but something about her feet being so filthy arouses you. Before you fall under another horny spell however, you wake back up to the reality at what she just said. 'Hold on, a DATE?!' Does that mean she likes you? Or was she just joking? It's hard for you to tell, really. All you know is you really need to sleep well tomorrow. Whatever you find out on this "date" may change your perception on Fluttershy forever. You try to get plenty of rest, but... "Join me, Anon..." ... Yeah. It's gonna be a long night.