> The Darkest Hope > by LuckyStar7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Last Straw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle sat still at her desk, her head laying on it's hard surface. Staring silently outside the castle window in front of her, the moon giving off a soft glow. Her body was covered in bandages and her head was swirling with pain. All Twilight could think about was her time in captivity and the torture the changelings had brought upon her. She had been discharged from the Canterlot hospital a few hours or days ago. Twilight wasn't sure she was in too much pain. "Twilight...are you awake?" Twilight sighed and struggled to raise her head, Starlight was at her door once again. Starlight had entered her room holding a tray of food in her magic. All Twilight could do was blankly stare. She wanted to yell at Starlight for disturbing her so late, but the tray full of food and drinks had quelled her rage. Setting the tray down carefully on Twilight's desk, Starlight looked at her mentor with worry. "You need to keep up your strength." Starlight had told her mentor softly, concerned. Twilight sighed and picked up a sandwich, needing this if she was to get any better. "Thank you Starlight." was all Twilight could give muster. Twilight looked over at Starlight who was standing far away from her. She could tell what Starlight wanted to ask. "What else do you want?" Twilight asked as she took a bite. "I...um...wanted" Starlight stopped to breathe. She had no reason to worry, Twilight was not a monster. "Why did you you do that to Chrysalis? I mean she was horrible and was a major threat yes.. but I never thought that anypony was capable of something like that... especially somepony like you." Twilight's mind replayed that moment. Twilight had seen Chrysalis try to fly off and escape. Twilight had given chase and had shot a powerful blast of magic right at her kidnapper. Chrysalis's let out a agonized scream as her body slowly melted into black sludge that fell to ground. Twilight had just let out a power only alicorns were capable of. Twilight just sat there silently finishing her sandwich. "Doesn't matter now, Chrysalis is no longer a threat to Equestria. Now if you don't mind I would appreciate being left alone." Twilight had answered Starlight and was done with her presence, besides she was very busy. Starlight made her exit quickly, shutting Twilight's door quietly. Twilight felt a boiling anger towards Starlight for trying to convince her own tormenter to take her hoof in friendship. Plus Twilight had her failures to toil with. She failed to be the perfect protector, the perfect student of Celestia who had ascended, the perfect...perfect. Twilight grabbed a vase in her magic and smashed it full force into the wall. She was done trying to be everypony's perfect princess. Twilight was done, no more of this hell she was expected to just live in. Twilight stared at shattered vase and the gears in her head had clicked. She now knew what she was going to do. --- The next day Twilight made her way to ponyville's town hall, since she of course expected to be present. The area of the town was crowded with ponies waiting for Princess Twilight to give out a speech. As Twilight made her way to the podium, ponies whispered and pointed at the many bandages that she was warped in. Anger was taking hold of her once again, but Twilight knew that now was the time for it. She just had to get this over with before she could rest. Mayor mare stood in front of stairs leading up to the podium, looking down at the papers held in hooves. She looked up just in time to see Twilight approaching and bowed her head. Twilight paid her no mind as she made her way up the stage. Taking her place, she looked at the Mayor. Understanding what Twilight wanted she nodded, and turned the microphone on. She then waved her hoof for the crowd to silence themselves. Twilight took a moment to look the crowd over before she spoke. "Thank you all for coming. Celestia herself has requested that I give this announcement. Chrysalis has been defeated and destruction of her hive is underway." The crowd burst out into cheers celebrating this victory. Twilight raised her hoof up in a signal for everypony settle down so that she could continue. It took a few minutes longer than would've liked, but the crowd did quiet down. "In recognition of Thorax's bravery and his denouncing of his hive, Celestia has granted him a pardon and is now an official citizen of the Equestria. Please note that there are still a few rouge changelings roaming around, have no fear. Celestia believes that none of them will pose any threat." Twilight took a second to look at the crowd and sighed deeply. "As for me, I'm recovering just fine. I request that anypony who needs my assistance hold off unless it is an absolute emergency... At least until my wounds have fully healed...That is all Thank you." Twilight shut her eyes and prepared herself. As the thundering of cheers and hooves stomping on the ground invaded her ears. A stabbing pain growing in her head. Twilight rushed to make her way off the stage. Before taking off and flying away towards her castle. When Twilight had landed she had to drag herself all the way back to her room, finally she would able to get some rest. Climbing into her bed, she lay on her back among the several soft pillows and warm blankets. Sighing she sat herself on the edge of the bed waiting. "Twilight. I know you don't want to be bothered bu-" "Come on in spike." Spike opened the door and quickly rushed to Twilight's side. In his claws he held a bright sapphire potion prescribed to her for the pain. Twilight wasted no time. She snatched the potion from him and downing the potion so she could feel relief. The bitter taste stung her tongue and throat. It was the worst but the effects of the potion started to take ahold of her almost immediately. "I'll leave a tray of food for you on your desk. Do you want anything specific?" Spike asked as he waited patiently for a response. He watched as Twilight drank the entire potion. Spike didn't know how much pain she was currently in. Removing the bottle from her mouth, Twilight coughed a few times before turning her head towards spike "Bring me carrot soup and bowel of freshly cut fruit. DON'T wake me up." Twilight handed the empty bottle back to spike. "Also send in a triple order for the premium lavender tea." Twilight needed that for her nerves, knowing that patience was going to be the key to her plan. Spike simply nodded and left her side to making his exit. Before he shut the door he turned around and gave Twilight a soft smile. Watching as she let herself fall back into her bed, already drowsy from the medicine. Spike set the bottle down and rushed back to Twilight's side. Jumping up onto the bed to tuck her into the soft blankets. Once he was sure that she would comfortable, he stepped off the bed and tiptoed back to the door. Slowly shutting it so he would not to make any noise. Twilight felt her body drifting as she let her eyes close to take her into a deep, peaceful rest. knowing that she was going to need it for what she was planning next. > Chapter 2: Fly in a Web > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight was walking around the castle, checking every room. She was searching for Twilight who she hadn't seen in a few days. Starlight was about to give up when she ran into Spike. He was dusting off the shelves in the castle's library. "Hey Spike, have you seen Twilight?" Starlight asked as she trotted on over to him. "I saw her leave the castle early this morning, she seemed to be in a rush." Spike had answered Starlight without breaking his focus. "What! She's just gone again?" Starlight seemed disappointed, she was neglecting Starlight once more. Twilight had been disappearing everyday for unknown reasons. Starlight rolled her eyes and sighed. "Well what do I do now? Don't have anything to do since I expected Twilight to have some lesson planned out for me!" Starlight was frustrated, knowing it was going to another boring day. "Thorax is coming to Ponyville for a few days, wanna just hang out with us?" Spike had stopped dusting and was now walking towards the door, Starlight following right behind him. "Really? I haven't seen Thorax since the invasion!" Starlight said excitedly. "Well then we better get down to the train station, Thorax's train should be here soon." Spike had made it to the castle's front doors and starlight nodded. Both of them took off not knowing that Twilight had been there whole time. Twilight watched as the castle doors closed and waited to make sure they had left. when she was satisfied that she would not be disturbed, she turned around and made her way to an empty wall. Using her magic she reveled a secret door, one she had purposely hidden. Twilight walked inside, concealing the door behind her once again. The room was quite large and held a bunch of machinery at the back side. On the left wall were cages, only the door of the cage had the classic barred look. The other sides of the cages were just walls. The right of the room sat a desk and shelves. Twilight made her way over to the desk, grabbing a book in her magic. Setting the book down, her attention went over to the machine parts scattered on the floor. Twilight stared at it before returning her attention to the book she had grabbed. The book one of the many Twilight had retrieved from the castle of the two sisters, this book held the secrets of dark magic. "This better have something useful, it took forever to find it." Twilight had unknowingly whispered to herself annoyed. She carefully looked over each page, before stopping at one that had piqued her interest. The page held a spell that would allow her to move the corruption of one magic item to another. Twilight thought about this for awhile before she put a tab on the page and closing the book. Twilight got up and walked over to the machine and began work on each part. ---- "Wow. this place is huge!' Thoarx was already excited about being able to see friend and when Spike told him Starlight was joining them he was bursting of energy. "It sure is, let's get you settled before we-" Spike cut himself off when he noticed Twilight. She had come from seemingly out of nowhere. All three watched as Twilight stopped and glanced at them. She looked over at Thorax before speaking. "...I'm glad you found something to do Starlight, sorry I've been busy." Twilight had said that with fake concern. She didn't care anymore. "pfft, I understand. Being a princess must be very time consuming." Starlight motioned her hoof in a don't worry about gesture while she spoke. "I didn't know that Thorax was coming to visit...actually can I speak to you in private for a second?" Twilight had lied about what she knew, and now he was here. "Oh uh okay." Thorax sheepishly responded. Thorax followed behind Twilight into the throne room. once the doors closed Twilight looked over at him. "I'm sorry I had to ask for privacy, but I don't want to cause a panic." Thorax could tell that this was serious. He held his full attention towards her now. "Oh. don't worry about that, why did you want to talk about?" "Well I have been receiving reports of rouge changeling. We don't know who or why they are here, but I was wondering if you could keep a lookout for any strange or suspicious behavior. I figured since you are changeling, that you would know what to look out for." "Oh, okay..." Thorax didn't want to have to turn in his old hivemates, but he knew that they were a danger to the ponies. "Thank you Thorax. Please keep this information between us until the issue has been settled. You may leave now." Thorax bowed in respect before he making his leave. Twilight smiled as he left. There was no rouge changeling to worry about. She lied so that Thorax would be on edge. Twilight made her way to the throne room door and walked out. She saw the three make their way down one of the many hallways. Once they had left Twilight's sight she quickly trotted over to the castle's front doors, leaving without making a noise. Twilight wandered around ponyville for a bit, before making her way over to Sugarcube corner. Walking inside she smelled the many tasty sweets. Twilight walked up to the counter, before she could ring the bell on the counter. Pinkie pie suddenly jumped out from behind the counter. "Hiii Twilight, what can I get ya today." Twilight was not amused. "I'll have a large slice of the double cherry cake." She answered as she put ten bits on the counter. "ONE LARGE SLICE OF DOUBLE CHERRY CAKE!!" Pinkie yelled towards the kitchen. She then rang up the order and placed the bits in the register. Before running into the kitchen. Twilight walked over to the window looking outside. She noticed Zecora walking by. A light bulb went off in Twilight's mind, she would have to give Zecora a visit soon. "Here is your order Twilight!" Pinkie had walked up to Twilight, holding a box in her hoof. Twilight took the box in her magic. 0She then opened it to look over her cake. Satisfied she closed it once more. She was about to thank Pinkie when she saw that her friend had ran back into the kitchen. Twilight walked out and deciding where to go next. It was late into the evening, but Twilight had made her way over to Ponyville's schoolhouse. It was late so nopony but Cheerilee should be there. Twilight took a peek inside to make sure that Cheerilee was in fact alone. Cheerilee was at her desk, planning for tomorrow's test. Twilight made her way inside. "Twilight! How can I help you today?" Cheerilee looked up and had a bright smile. Twilight smiled back. before grabbing Cheerilee in her magic. "Twilight what is this?" Cheerilee was beginning to panic. Twilight walked over Cheerilee's desk and took a wooden ruler in her hoof. She looked it over for a second as she made her way to where Cheerilee was being held. "Twilight why are you doing to do?" Cheerilee shaking with fear. Twilight was standing in front of her now still looking at the ruler in her hoof. Twilight was swift in her movements, she struck Cheerilee with the ruler over and over. Cheerilee was now crying and screaming with each impact. It didn't take long for the ruler to break. Twilight didn't care, she just started using the broken ruler to stab at her victim's skin. Blood started leaking out as Cheerilee's bruised skin was pierced. Twilight stabbed Cheerilee's shoulder with so much power that the ruler was now stuck there. Twilight still holding Cheerilee in her magic, lifted her up into the air. She then slammed the earth pony into the ceiling before letting her fall to the floor. Cheerilee was screaming for help, she begin to crawl over to the door. Twilight paid her no mind and looked inside Cheerilee's desk, inside one of the draws held scalpels for safe keeping "You asked me why I'm doing this.." Twilight had said while lifted all the scalpels in her magic. Cheerilee tried to get up, but she was starting to become dizzy due to the beating and blood loss. Twilight walked in front of Cheerilee and looked her directly in the eyes. "Well I need somepony to die, and you just happen to be alone. That is why." Twilight stated in calm tone. She then pressed all the scalpels in a different part of Cheerilee's skin. Dragging them back and forth, slicing her skin into ribbons. Blood pouring out onto the floor. Cheerilee was screaming her lungs out now, tears filled her eyes and her body was convulsing due to the pain. Twilight stopped and dug the scalpels into Cheerilee's shredded skin. Twilight then sat at her desk and placed the cake box that she got earlier down. Twilight ate her cake while she watched the life drain from Cheerilee. She screamed then whimpered before going silent. Twilight waited a bit longer, making sure that her victim was indeed dead. Twilight took the empty box with her when she left and headed back to her castle, humming as she walked. She knew that she was going to have to prepare for the big discovery of Cheerilee's body. > Chapter 3: Tensions Heating Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was beginning to rise over ponyville. Fillies and Colts were making their way to the schoolhouse, everypony was waiting for Cheerilee to welcome them inside. Rarity was trotting alongside Sweetie Belle. "But Rarity, you promised to spend time with mee!" "That is enough Sweetie Belle! We have been arguing about this all morning and you are already late for school." Rarity turned to her sister who now held a sad pouty face. "Sigh...I will make it up to you Sweetie." Rarity couldn't help but give in a little "Pinkie promise?" "Cross my hoof and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." "YAAY!! Thank you Rarity" Sweetie yelled as she gave her big sister a hug. "Suure Sweetie..." Rarity hugged her sister back before looking up ahead. The front of the schoolhouse was bustling with ponies. As she looked around she saw Applejack standing idly waving towards them, Applebloom was next to her talking to scootaloo. Sweetie Belle spotted them too and ran to greet her friends. "Morin Rare." Applejack looked a bit concerned as she greeted her. "Good morning Applejack...shouldn't school have started already?" "Yep. Should've started about half an hour ago" Applejack was staring at the clock hanging above the schoolhouse doors. Rarity mumbled to herself as she walked to the doors, Applejack just shook her head. "Ms. Cheeril-..." Applejack looked at her friend and saw her just standing there frozen. Applejack rolled her eyes and made her way over to Rarity. "You okay sugarcube?" This brought Rarity back, she bolted past Applejack screaming. She grabbed Sweetie Belle and ran away. Applejack was confused, she brought her attention to the doors which were now swinging back and forth. She walked up pushing the doors in and there...she saw Cheerilee. ---- Twilight was in her room, a towel wrapped around her neck. She had showered and was now brushing her hair. It was going to be a busy day for her after all. Once Twilight finished drying and brushing herself, she walked out of her room and down the long hallways. She was making her way to the dining room hoping to get breakfast before the chaos. Though she was annoyed to see everypony else too. Starlight, Spike and Thorax were all there joking around as they ate pancakes. Twilight groaned before entering the room, grabbing their attention. "Hey Twilight. Let me get you some pancakes." Spike hopped up from his seat and hurried to the kitchen. "Thank you" Twilight took a seat at the crystal table, not looking at anypony. "Soooo Twilight..I was wondering if you wanted to do that magic practice you were talking about?" Starlight gave an awkward smile to her mentor. The room was silent for a moment as Twilight glanced at Starlight. "Well I don't see why not...It has been awhile." Twilight had to pretend to care when speaking her words. Spike bursted out of the kitchen and over to serve Twilight. She watched as a silver tray was placed in front of her. After breakfast Starlight was happily trotting to the castle front entrance, Twilight was behind her. She was thinking about how long it would take for somepony to bother her about Cheerilee. The two made it and took position. "Let's start with-" Twilight was cut off as several loud knocks came from behind her. Finally they were here, took them long enough she thought. Twilight used her magic to open the large doors, Starlight looked annoyed. "Hello, how can I help you." Standing at the door was a beige pegasus mare with pink eyes and reddish brown mane. Behind her stood Mayor mare. Both bowed towards Twilight before speaking. "I'm sorry to bother you but...this is quite urgent. Can we come in?" "Yes of course. I'm sorry Starlight, can we do this another time?" Looking back, Twilight saw Starlight wave her off as she walked away. She turned her head back and motioned for the two to enter. "Let's talk in the throne room." The two nodded following close behind Twilight. Once they had taken their seats Mayor mare laid out what was found at the schoolhouse. Twilight put on her best worried face. "And we have assigned Sparrow as the lead investigator for this case." Twilight was ignoring the Mayor until she heard that. "I see...this is quite serious. Sparrow I expect that you will do only your best. We need to figure this out immediately." Sparrow nodded. Twilight turned her attention to the Mayor. "I want you to put a curfew out. We don't know what we are dealing with." "Yes Princess, Thank you for your time." Mayor mare and Sparrow stood up and left. Twilight sat there a little longer, thinking about what her next move should be. The curfew would make sure everypony would be inside. A murder has never happened in ponyville. so the fear will be high, but so will awareness. Twilight needed to start experimenting soon too. But she didn't have all of the supplies that she needed. Who in ponyville would have magic supplies and be vulnerable....! Twilight knew who, all she had to do was wait for night to come. ---- Twilight put her saddlebags on her back before leaving. She emptied it out earlier since she was going to need it to be empty. Twilight went out onto the balcony and took flight towards the Everfree forest. Scanning the ground, she searched for light. She knew Zecora had lanterns she hung on the tree. Circling around she spotted the dim light sparkling. Twilight dove down and landed in a clearing nearby. She took her time and waited to see if anything happened, before quietly walking over to a window. Twilight peaked inside, she saw Zecora was in her bed sleeping. Smiling Twilight dropped her saddlebags when she made her way inside, now she was standing at the side of Zecora's bed. Taking a quick look around, Twilight saw some rope sitting on a shelf. She picked up the rope in her magic and placed it in her hooves. She pulled each side of it, testing the strength. Then thought for a minute. "hmm..I used my magic to restrain Cheerilee..hmph why did I do that? She was an Earth pony. Zecora is just a Zebra, almost an Earth pony." Twilight decided, she carefully guided Zecora's arms to her side. She used one hoof to lift her up a little, getting the rope underneath her. Zecora began to stir awake. Twilight constricted the rope tightly, Zecora shot awake. Twilight slammed her hoof into Zecora's face. She quickly wrapped the rope around Zecora tying it into a neat knot. "Wake up. You are going to give me what I want!" Twilight spoke with hate in her words. "Twilight! Please stop this madness." Twilight hit her again. "I didn't say that you could speak!...Now TELL ME, where is your hidden research!" "I do not know of what you mean." Angered Twilight grabbed zecora by her mane and dragged her over to where her cauldron sat. She then slammed Zecora's head into the side of the Cauldron. Twilight looked inside and saw it was full of...something, doesn't matter. Zecora was on the floor struggling in her binds, Twilight laughed at the thought of her escaping. She grabbed some wood from and nearby pile and set it next to the Cauldron. "Where is it!? Don't lie, I know Celestia gave you limited permission to research dark magic." "I will never say!" Zecora snapped back. Twilight lifted her by the head with one hoof holding her over the Cauldron. She began dunking her head into the liquid holding it there for a minute before bringing her up. "How dare you speak that way to me! Now I'll ask once again..where is it?!" Zecora just glared at Twilight, silent. "You don't think I could do worse do you.." Twilight kicked the wood under the cauldron, as her horned glowed a bright red. She sent an ember onto the wood bringing it into a flame. Then her horned glowed brighter and she shot a heated magic beam onto the metal. The liquid inside began to boil, Zecora realized what was happening. She was now in tears screaming out for help. The heat was already burning her face. Twilight powered her horn down, smoke coming out of it. "LAST chance Zecora! Where do you keep your research?" "In the wall behind the mask!" Zecora shouted the answer as loud as she could. Twilight smiled at Zecora for a second, before tossing her into the boiling liquid. Zecora's screams were ear piercing and her skin began to peel off. She thrashed around trying to get out of this agony. Zecora's movements slowed and her screams turned into groans. She fell onto the side of the cauldron her head hanging on the side. She gave one last twitch before letting herself go. "Thank you Zecora." Twilight hummed as she took the mask off the wall, revealing a small shelf. Twilight picked up her saddlebags and placed everything inside. There sat a few books and journals, but twilight noticed a locked wooden box sitting there. She was shocked, this box. "I thought you gave this to Celestia, Zecora." Twilight melted the lock off and opened it, Just as she thought. Inside was the Alicorn amulet. "Oh Trixie, I almost forgot about...Her." Closing the box she stashed it into her bag, she looked at the now empty shelf. Twilight placed the mask back in place. She made her way outside of the small hut smiling, she now had almost everything that she needed. Except for a test subject and...Twilight looked behind her into the forest. Her nighttime trip wasn't over yet. > Chapter 4: The Traitor Next to Us > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight had returned from her night trip and was now inside her secret lab. Putting the last piece of the machine in place. The machine had two seats, with a head piece hanging above it. Twilight was connecting tubes from the head piece to a crystal orb. Finally it was complete she would just need to te-. BOOM! A loud explosion had happened and shook the entire castle. Twilight quickly teleported herself outside and took to the air. She flew around the castle looking for the source. Twilight stopped as she saw a giant hole in the wall of her castle, there stood three annoyances. "Starlight! Look at what you did! How are we going to fix this!" "Yes how will you fix it?" Twilight was now hovering in front of them her face visibly angry. "Oooh hey, Twilight I umm." Twilight held an intense glare at Starlight. Starlight couldn't fix this mess with her magic. So Twilight landed inside the hole now standing on what was left of the floor. Twilight then uses her own magic gathering the debris and expanded the crystal. She does this until the crystal fully covered the hole. Twilight then connects it to the holes edges. She turns her attention to Starlight. "Library now." Starlight could feel the heat of Twilight's anger searing her skin. "Yes Twilight" Starlight followed behind her mentor, holding her head down. Twilight didn't say a word to her until the two had taken a seat in the the library. "Explain how you thought it was a good idea to blast a giant hole in my wall." "Well...I was..um practicing a new spell and I kinda..." Starlight went on but she didn't know that Twilight wasn't listening. Starlight was just an annoyance before, but now she saw her student as a liability. Starlight was a very powerful unicorn too, and Twilight remembered when she had to fight her to save the timeline. Twilight got up from her seat and moved towards Starlight, she put a hoof on her student's shoulder. Starlight expected Twilight to comfort her or a lecture her on magic. But before she could look at her mentor, Twilight touched her horn to Starlight's and sent a huge magic surge into her horn. This cracked Starlight's horn a bit and had completely knocked her out. She then took Starlight's tail in her magic and dragged her all the way to her secret lab. Twilight hooked Starlight to the machine, placing her in the seat and strapping her down. Then she put a horn restraint on Starlight before bringing the headpiece down. She connected Starlight's into the headpiece, checking it over to make sure that is was secure. Twilight wasn't going take any chances so she wrapped chains tightly around Starlight. While she was working on the chains, Starlight was beginning to wake up. She was dazed and very confused, all she could do was stare at the wall. Twilight took two wires from the head piece with a small spike at each end. She used all of her strength to stab them into Starlight's horn. This caused her new victim to scream her lungs out and she was now fully awake. "Shut up!" Twilight hit Starlight a couple of times to get her to stop. "Twilight?! What are you doing!" Starlight had tears coming out of her eyes and her body was shaking in fear. Twilight didn't answer her, she was busy checking over the machine. "Twilight..Please don't do this. It's me please don-" Starlight was cut off as Twilight had punched her in the gut, causing her to gag and cough. "I told you to shut up!" Twilight was done making sure every part was in place and pulled a lever. Immediately Starlight started to feel weak, she could barely move her head. Twilight walked in front of her watching as the machine started up, she looked at the crystal orb. The orb was beginning to glow a light teal. "It's working. good." "Twilight...what..." Starlight was having trouble speaking and could barely keep her head from spinning. "You are attached to a little experiment of mine. It will drain all of your magic and store it in the crystal above you." Starlight heard her but she was unable to process her words. "I'll come check on you later, this wouldn't have happened had you just controlled yourself." Twilight said as she walked out of the lab, she now had two other problems walking around. She searched around the castle, she was on the hunt for Spike and Thorax. "Twilight!" Spike was running up from behind her. Twilight didn't waste any time she turned around and sent a wave of magic at the dragon. She jumped on him and began beating him without mercy. She didn't stop until Spike was a bloody mess and severely bruised all over. The walls and floor were now covered in blood. Twilight looked at Spike's trembling body. She walked over to place her hoof on his head and she began to press down. She had to use every bit of her strength but she had caved his head in. Twilight looked at herself, she was covered head to hoof in blood. Sighing she teleported away to her room to shower, leaving Spike's body laying there. ---- "Ugh, I have to be more careful next time." Twilight was completely clean now, any evidence on her washed away. She sighed and took a seat at her desk. Thinking about what to do with Thorax. Twilight decided she should leave the castle and headed outside, she wanted to see her friend. She flew her way to the small tree hut where Fluttershy lived. Fluttershy was outside watering her garden, Twilight didn't see any of her animals around, perfect. Fluttershy was too late to notice Twilight and was knocked out by her. Twilight emptied a large bag of fertilizer and stuffed Fluttershy inside, before taking off once again. She rushed back to her secret lab and dumped Fluttershy out of the bag, she was still out cold. She opened one of the many cages and threw her inside. Using her magic to fasten the metal chains around her wings and neck. Twilight then went to the kitchen and brought back two bowls. One had fresh water and the other was filled with carrots, she had to make sure that Fluttershy didn't die. As she was leaving, she heard Fluttershy begin to wake but Twilight didn't care. "Oh, I still have to deal with spike..." She mumbled to herself, than a light bulb went off. Twilight made her way to where she had left Spike's body. She hid herself in one of the rooms that was facing in the direction of his body. Twilight was patient, she waited there for so long that the sun had long set. She didn't move an inch from her hiding place, Twilight needed the timing to be perfect. "Starlight! Spike! Where are you?" Twilight her Thorax's voice echoing in the halls, this was it. Twilight knocked a nearby vase over causing it to crash onto the ground. She heard hoofsteps rushing down the hallway, coming closer with each step. Thorax was now here, he saw the blood spatter on the wall. Shaking he looked down to see Spike's beaten body, cold on the floor. Thorax began crying and went up to Spike holding him, the blood from his body was getting on Thorax. This was it. "What is that noise?" Twilight walked out put a shocked face on. She looked at Spike's body and then at Thorax. "YOU!! You are the murderer! I should've known it was a Changeling!" Thorax got up and started to flee, running down the hall with Twilight in pursuit. He didn't know what to do, Twilight would never believe that it wasn't him. Thorax dashed into a open door and jumped out of the window. Breaking it as he took off and headed north. Twilight casually walked in, she could have easily captured Thorax had she wanted too. But she knew that if he was labeled as a murderer and traitor, that he would fly to the Crystal Empire for help. But she still needed to play her part too. ---- Twilight was now banging on Sparrow's front door. "Sparrow! Wake up something terrible has happened. Please wake up!" Twilight was pretending to be frantic and she had put fake tear drops in her eyes too. Sparrow opened her door to let Twilight in, she explained what she had seen. Telling Sparrow that she had saw Thorax covered in blood and how she saw him holding his body. Sparrow wrote everything down on paper, before she looked over and spoke to Twilight. "You don't mind letting me take a look at the crime scene do you?" Twilight nodded her head as the two made their way to the Castle. > Chapter 5: No More Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Celestia, It is with a heavy heart that I have to report the death of Spike and the disappearance of Starlight Glimmer. Last night was the worst night of my entire life. I saw Spike in a horrific state, Thorax was covered in his blood and is now on the run. Due to the circumstances Starlight Glimmer is believed to already be dead, but we still have hope and she is labeled as missing. As for me, I'm in fear for the safety of everypony living in Ponyville. I ask that you send some of the royal guards to help protect Ponyville, at Least until Thorax has been captured. Signed by Princess Twilight Sparkle. Twilight rolled up the letter and wrapped a royal seal onto it. She handed it over to a pegasus mail pony standing next to her. "Get this to Princess Celestia immediately." He bowed his head before leaving. Twilight had a long day and was extremely tired. Sparrow had gathered evidence and had interviewed her. Mayor Mare was being annoying and panicking over Thorax's escape, and Twilight had been awake all night. Twilight glanced down the hall where her secret lab was hidden, she had to check on Fluttershy and Starlight sometime. But decided against doing that now since ponies were still walking around her castle searching for clues. ---- A few hours later ---- "Princess Twilight" Twilight turned to see Sparrow walking over. Two ponies came from behind her pushing a rolling metal table, on it was a black body bag that covered spike. "I'm sorry for your loss." Twilight just sighed as Spike was wheeled past her and out the front doors. She felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She wouldn't have to worry about being constantly bothered or have her work be discovered. "I better get going. I'll drop by later to give you a copy of my report." Twilight nodded and followed Sparrow to the front doors. She used her magic to open it and saw there was a huge crowd of ponies. As Sparrow took off, Twilight saw her remaining friends standing on the steps. Twilight waved her hoof signaling to her friends to come inside. Each of them had a worried face and they kept checking their surroundings. "Let's talk in the throne room" Twilight closed the front door before walking down the corridor. Her friends were quiet and didn't speak until they had all taken their designated seats. Even then the room was quiet for a long time, Twilight guessed that nopony knew what to say. ".......Where is Fluttershy?" Twilight had asked to get the conversation going and over with. "I flew to her hut this morning to tell her the news...But she wasn't there." Rainbow Dash answered. "Last I saw her was when she came over to get some feed for her animals. I reckon that was about two or three days ago." "That's about the time I saw her last. She was shopping in the market." Applejack and Rarity quickly responded. Pinkie just sat there, she was obviously deflated. Her mane and tail were completely straight. Tears falling out of her eyes. Twilight looked at each pony and then spoke. "Can you all do me a favor and have a sleepover here tonight? It would help me feel better after everything that has happened..." "I think that is a good idea. You been through alot in the past couple of days" Applejack somberly looked away from everypony a tear going down her face. "Of course dear, these days have gotten....scary for me." "Yeah, I'll bring some.....something." Pinkie looked like she brighten up a bit. "Thank you, all of you...can somepony check around town for Fluttershy?" "I'll fly around to see if I can spot her." "And I'll stop by her hut later. See if she is hiding from all of this..." Applejack and Rainbow offered, while Rarity and pinkie just nodded their heads. "Alright then. You can all leave now, come back later tonight." "What abou-" "I really don't want to talk about it right now." Twilight turned her head away from her friends, forcing tears out of her eyes. Everypony seemed to silently agree. They all got up from their seats and patted Twilight's shoulders before leaving the room. Twilight listened carefully, waiting for the front doors to close. Once the doors had clicked shut she hurried over to the secret lab. Twilight entered the lab and walked over to the cage that Fluttershy was in, she was cowering in the corner and whimpering like a scared animal. Fluttershy was still wearing her element, but the gem was now digging into her skin. It seemed as if it was trying to implant itself into her and had broke through the back of the gold. Blood was dripping from the wound staining her fur. Twilight shifted her attention to Starlight, she was still hooked up to the machine. The orb was now shining brightly with Starlight's magic, Twilight checked her over. She looked as if she could be dead, but she was still breathing. Her cutie mark was gone, the first part of the experiment was a success. Twilight used her magic to remove the chains and headpiece from Starlight, before dragging her over to the cages. She was going to just throw her inside and leave her. But thought about it, Starlight was useless to her now and looked to be knocking at death's door. So Twilight dropped her and walked back over to the machine. She took a seat and brought the headpiece to her head. Twilight hooked herself up and then uses her magic to push the lever back down. She felt extremely dizzy as the machine pumped Starlight's magic into her body. ---- She couldn't tell how much time had passed. But the dizzy feeling left and a new sense of power flowed through Twilight's entire body. As she got up Twilight stumbled a bit, the process had been a bit harsh on her. She walked back over to where she left Starlight, standing over her. Starlight was still alive and crying on the floor. Twilight was upset that she was still alive so she decided to fix that. She used her magic to pry a bar off of one of the many cages. She saw that it wasn't sharp enough and molded one of the sides to a fine edge. Twilight turned it around satisfied at her work, she found it to be much easier than before. "You sure had a lot of magic Starlight. Can't have you running around with it when I could use it." Twilight was now melding the pole to stand upright from the floor. "Wh-why...Twilight?" Starlight managed to mumble out. "Oh well you were just to0 annoying." Starlight covered her face and sobbed into her hooves. Twilight had finished melding the pole onto the floor and stared at Starlight. "I'll give you something to really cry about." She lifted Starlight up into her magic. Twilight turned her upside down so that she would be facing the sharp pole. Starlight tried to struggle, kicking the air and screaming. Twilight held her like that for a good minute amused at her efforts to escape. She then forced Starlight's jaw open and began to lower her. The pole went into her mouth but didn't pierce her flesh yet. "Fluttershy open your eyes and watch as I murder my sad excuse of a student!" Fluttershy covered her eyes with her wings in defiance. "I said WATCH!! If you don't listen I'll rip your wings right off!! Fluttershy flinched and quickly folded her wings. Her entire body was trembling but she kept her gaze on Starlight. "Well at least you listen to threats..." She turned back to the still struggling Starlight. Twilight began laughing as she slammed Starlight down onto the pole. The sharp point went into Starlight's throat and all the way down her body. The pole exited at her rear covered in bits of flesh and blood. Starlight was still alive choking on the pole with blood pouring out of her mouth. Twilight let go of her and turned back to make sure that Fluttershy was watching. Fluttershy had given up and let the corruption take over her. Her once teal eyes were now a deep red and the element was leaking out a black liquid. Seeing this Twilight opened the cage and released Fluttershy from her chains. When Fluttershy realized that she was free, she ran out of the cage and up to Twilight, ready to obey her master. Twilight was pleased at how successful all of her experiments had been, she truly was a genius. Now she just had to do the same to the rest of the element bearers. > Chapter 6: Corruption of Hope > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia stood on the castle's balcony, looking over courtyard. It was there that many guards that had been selected to give aid to Ponyville. All of them were packing supplies or cleaning their armor. As Celestia watched, Luna came up behind her. "Tia. "Yes sister?" "We have received word Thorax's location." "Please tell me that he has been apprehend ." "Well...yes and no." "What do you mean by that Luna?" "Thorax traveled all the way to the Crystal Empire proclaiming his innocence. Cadence decided to assign him to be with at least two guards until further notice. Also Cadence wants to visit ponyville to discuss this with Twilight." Celestia didn't respond, she just stared at guards. "Tia?" "I've already sent Twilight a letter, I told her that the guards would arrive by morning..." "Do you want us to deliver the message?" "Please do" "We understand." ---- Twilight was in the castle kitchen watching the oven as it baked the cookies she had made. She planned to serve them to her friends. In the corner was Fluttershy sleeping on the floor like an animal. Ding! The timer went off and Fluttershy shot up as Twilight pulled the hot tray out. Twilight put the tray down and walked over to Fluttershy "Go decorate the cookies." Twilight dropped a small envelope in front of Fluttershy. Twilight walked out of the kitchen as Fluttershy got up and stumbled to the tray. She thought about how funny it would be to burn Fluttershy's fur with the hot tray, but she had over things to deal with. Twilight had received a letter from Celestia granting her request not to mention her friends that were coming back later tonight. Twilight set up the library to be comfortable earlier. Any pillows and blankets in castle were placed in the library, along with a box holding the rest of the corrupted elements. She had everything...except a victim to kill. Twilight would have to find somepony that was not cared about if she was going to kill again. Frustrated Twilight left the castle and flew around, searching for anypony that she could snatch. "GET YOUR FILTHY HOOVES OFF MY WARES!!" Twilight looked down in the direction of the yelling. She spotted the market area and there was an grouchy stallion yelling at two foals running away. She trailed behind the the two who ran into a dark alley, perfect. Twilight landed on a roof that looked over the alley as she watched. The two foals were dirty and skinny. She could tell that both were earth ponies, neither had a cutie mark. The two foals sat on the ground and dumped a bag, Out from the bag came a few fruits. At this time Twilight put a shield up to seal in the noise. She then jumped down and made her presence known to the two. "Princess!?" The two cowered into the corner, both fillies. "Why did you steal from the market?" The two foals didn't answer, but Twilight could hear their stomachs growling. "hmm...I could let this go as long as you do me a favor." "Come back to with me to the castle and allow me to clean and feed you." The two fillies looked at Twilight before whispering to each for a minute. "Okay...but why?" "As a princess it is my duty to make sure all of my subjects are properly cared for. No matter their status in life." Twilight gave her sweetest smile as she lied. The two fillies carefully walked up to Twilight. "What are your names?" Twilight said as she lowered herself for the two to get on her back. "What is a name?" The two got on her back. "Oh. I'll tell you two later." Twilight turned to them to check that they were secure before taking off. She couldn't believe her luck, two fillies with no name. Twilight made haste flying back to her, using her magic to hold the fillies on her back. She landed on the balcony on the top of the castle. "Here we are..Let's get you settled." Twilight led them down the many halls, there was only one place to put her new victims. She was annoyed as the two fillies kept asking questions, but she answered to each one without thought. The walk was longer than expected but she made it to the wall. Twilight opened the lab's door before turning the corner with the fillies running around behind her. Of course they both got curious about the strange room. While they were looking inside, Twilight snuck behind them. "What is this?" Twilight quickly grabbed the two in her magic. She inside the lab and locked the now screaming fillies inside a cage. She looked at them cry as they held each other. "Your new home, for now...Don't complain about it because you are not going to be here for long." Shocked the fillies cried out for help, hoping for anypony to hear them. "*sigh* FLUTTERSHY!! Get in here NOW!!" Twilight voice boomed out. Fluttershy rushed down the hall to meet her master. "Stay in here and make sure that these two don't make any noise!" Twilight pointed her hoof at the caged fillies. Fluttershy layed on the cage like an obedient dog. Twilight walked out and closed the door, giggling at the fillies. She walked over to the kitchen to see the finished cookies, but the tray wasn't there. Twilight was confused, where did that pegasus put them. She was about to go punish Fluttershy when a series of loud knocks came from her door. "Twilight!" Her friends were here for the sleepover. "Ugh..." Twilight teleported to front door to let her friends in. Everything was prepared except for those special cookies. All of her friends came in excited with their own blankets and pillows, each greeted Twilight. Twilight just went through the motions of talking and movements. She didn't want to spend her energy on ponies that would soon be her slaves. She led them to the library and inside on a table sat the cookies. Twilight was surprised how did Fluttershy know that she wanted to bring them here. "I'll be right back girls. Please help yourself." Twilight excused herself away from the group, she waited outside the library. She listened to friends move around and talk about useless things. She then heard them eat the cookies that she had drugged. Listening a bit longer, she heard as a wave of sleepiness took each them. "Sorry I took so long. Hope I didn't miss anything." Casually walking back in she went to a shelf to bring a box out. Behind her, she heard her friends fall to the passed out. Twilight opened the box and brought out four of the elements, placing each on the correct pony. Now she just had to wait, Twilight decided that sleep would be best. ---- Twilight was now dreaming and she could feel Luna's presence. "Princess Luna?" "Hello Twilight. I bring a message for you" "Really?" "Yes. It's from your brother" "My brother?" "He will be coming to ponyville...with Thorax" Twilight face turned to anger at that name. "I know of he did, but Thorax said that it was innocent." "So he's coming here to try and prove it." "Yes." "Sigh...Okay. When will they be here?" "Tomorrow evening at the latest" "Thank you for telling me.." The dream began to fade out and left Twilight to rest. Soon was her last thought.