> Don't Mess With Giants > by DragonFireRider > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > They should have seen it coming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, anything new with you guys?" Rainbow Dash proclaimed as she sat down at her usual seat at the table. "Sides from Pinkie coming down with a mighty bad cold, day's gone as usual," Applejack said before biting into an apple. Dash turned to the fair skinned girl across from her, "What about you, Shy?" Fluttershy combed her hair nervously, "Nothing." "And you Rarity?" "The same old boring schoolwork," The pale girl yawned, "You'd think Mr.Doodle had run out of ways to bore you only for him to blindside you with another." Rainbow groaned, "I have him next period. Damn it!" "Well, prepare for an hour-long lecture on Greek Philosophers, then," Rarity warned. "Anyone have any plans for this weekend? I was wondering since we could use some hands at the shelter." Fluttershy quietly inquired. "Sorry Shy," Rainbow Dash said, "There's a big game this Saturday. I already skipped that one time to help you, so they're not gonna let me do it again." The farmer tipped her hat, "Ah go to work the fields this week. No time for much else, sorry." "Oh I would love to help Darling," Rarity tried to explain, "But I have to do some shopping for a client of mine. I've been putting it off for a while now. I also need to buy some new toys for-" Applejack stifled a laugh, "Like you need anymore toys Rarity. We've all seen your collection." Minus one heavily blushing fashionista, the entire group burst into laughter. Their mirth was interrupted as the shadow of a towering figure was cast over them. A small shockwave rippled across the counter, the shadow's owner taking a seat on a nearby chair, much larger then the others stationed around the table, causing the group of girls to shake violently. "Sunset! Be careful, will ya?" Rainbow called out to the hulking woman at the end of the table, "You almost knocked us over!" "Sorry," The fiery girl said sheepishly, flashing a massive but genuine smile that loomed over the rest of the group, "Still not used to the gentle thing yet." The former unicorn stood at an impressive 18 feet tall, looming high above her human friends. She belonged to the colloquially named 'giant' human subspecies. Aside from being, well, giant, and usually possessing a bit of a chubby belly, they weren't all that different from the average human. Despite her intimidating shadow and all the horrible things the giant had done to them in the past, the girls before her had been willing to accept her as a friend and allowed her to become a much better person then she ever had been. "Rainbow Dash!" Rarity said, scandalized at her friend's words, "Apologize this instant!" "What?" The athlete exclaimed, "What did I do?" Her friend bore into her with a burning scowl, "You insult a lady's weight and you think that's alright?" "I was just asking her not to crush us! How is that rude?" "Crush us? Are you even listening to yourself?" Dash hurriedly looked around , "Applejack back me up!" The farmer was at somewhat of a loss, " I'm -" Her words were drowned out by a loud rumbling from their giant friend's stomach, who had just been about to interject anyways. Sunset blushed, "Sorry!" "Darling, I'm not usually one to comment on diets, but you really ought to eat something! If you're short on funds I'd be more than happy to buy you something," Rarity proposed. The giant waved her off, "No thanks. I'm staying empty for a reason." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes "You've been saying that the last two days! You need to tell us why! It's concerning!" "Ah have to agree with Dash on this one. Ya'll can't just go starving yourself and expect us to not be worried." Sunset waved them off, "It's fine. You guys have nothing to worry about." "But-" "I said it's fine!" Her voice boomed across the room. Silence filled the air as the girls focused on their meals, excluding the giant. The cafeteria doors loudly slammed open. Three girls in outfits that looked like they had stolen straight from out of the 90s menacingly entered the room. Each one of them possessed a ridiculous amount of hair. They made their way to an empty table while singing a magically entrancing tune. An eerie green fog began to fill the room, students started glaring angrily at each other. "We still need to do something about that." Rainbow Dash said, pointing in the direction of the Dazzlings. "Ah don't know what we can do, Dash," Applejack shook her head, "We've tried just about everything. We even asked the Princess ta help with Sunset's book, but she's in a bit of a spot herself and can't." Rarity scowled, "Well I'm NOT going to let them keep galloping about in those ghastly outfits!" The group of girls began to bicker over their sirenic problem. "Enough!" Everyone, ears slightly ringing, turned to face Sunset. Sunset gave her friends a sincere smile, "You guys don't have to worry about them. Not after today. I already have a plan to deal with them." "And what might that be?" Rarity asked incredulously. "You know how I haven't eaten anything today?" Her belly loosed a hungry, ominous groan, "Well..." Everyone else tensed up, instantly recognizing what the giantess meant. The implication of her words sent silence throughout the group. Tense air was draped across the table while the four other girls wrestled with their thoughts. Rarity broke the tension, "Sunset, darling, don't you think that's a little... Harsh? Surely we can solve this in a much more civilized fashion?" The giant shook her head, "We've already tried to reason with them multiple times and I'm extremely fed up with this whole thing. It's time we settle this." "There has to be another way! Ah refuse ta that this course of action! There has ta be a way to-" "Sunset's right," Fluttershy said defiantly with unusual firmness "They've had their chance. Besides, the battle of the bands final is coming up soon and we can't let them win and gain any more power. They've left us no choice." "I gotta agree with Fluttershy here. We've given them too many chances that they've all turned down. This might be our only option at this point," Rainbow Dash said. Their farmer friend shook her head, "I can't agree to this! Are y'all plum crazy? They're people too!" "I also think we shouldn't do that. As darling as it would be to rid ourselves of the Dazzlings, this is cruel and unusual, even for them!" Rarity concurred. This conversation went on all the way until the school bell rang and signaled the end of their shared lunch period. The group each collected their things and headed out to their next classes, all of them still refusing to yield on their opinion on the matter. Sunset stayed at the table, as she had to wait with her fellow giants for the second bell to avoid unwanted 'accidents'. The all clear sounded and the fiery titan packed her things and headed for the door. But just as she was about to leave the room. . . "Shimmer," The woman turned to find Applejack looking up at her with worry, "Promise me ya won't go through with that plan yet, least not 'til we agree on it?" "Of course I won't," She lied, "You have nothing to worry about." She turned and headed for her class. Applejack called out one more time, "Ah really hope so." Sunset smirked to herself once her friend was far enough away, "I wasn't asking for permission." Later That Night. . . "Everything needs to be perfect!" Standing within the spacious and only very recently built pre-show building stationed behind the school and next to the show stage were Adagio, Aria, and Sonata. The three girls were discussing their plans. More importantly, discussing what could put an end to their scheme. "With that Sunset Shimmer girl being an equestrian," Adagio continued, "She could find a way to access her innate magic and ruin our plans!" Aria raised an eyebrow as she leaned against the wall, "Wait. That's really all you're worried about?" "Why of course!" The way Adagio spoke , "What else would they use to defeat us?" "I can think of a few other ways Sunset might be able to defeat us. And all of them involve her being 10 feet taller than us," The dark skinned siren stated flatly. Adagio laughed, "She doesn't have the guts! She'll sooner join us then use force against us!" Her sister was still unconvinced, "I wouldn't be so sure. She does have a temper." "Maybe so. But that doesn't mean anything. She's too soft," The lead siren insisted. "Adagio, we should be preparing for every possibility here. If there's even a slight chance she might-" Adagio growled, "For the last time, the only thing we have to worry about is their magic. We don't have time to argue about this nonsense!" "But she could just-" the punk girl tried to protest. "One more word and I'll tie your hair to a moose!" Aria flinched, "Fine. No need to get your panties in a bunch." "Now," The large haired siren said after a moment, "If we're finally done bickering, let's get on with the plan. Every moment we waste is more time that equestrian and her friends have to stop us." "So what shall we do, o all powerful leader?" Adagio chose to ignore that comment, "I want you to set up the trapdoor," Her eyes bore down on her sister, "That way, we can force the Rainbooms to fight out of hopelessness and even take their power for ourselves!" The dark siren rolled her eyes, "If it gets me away from you, sure." Aria made her way to the stage, leaving Adagio with the youngest siren. She turned to Sonata, finding her to be blankly staring at a wall. An exasperated sigh flew from her lips as the realization that she had been doing... whatever this was for that entire discussion. "Sonata." The woman remained dormant. "SONATA!" "Huh? Oh, hiya Dagi!" It was as if she only just now noticed her. Adagio messaged her templates. At least she could give her the simple task, "I need you to set up the stage lights and effects. Now." "Okey-dokey!" Sonata replied before she started heading over to the room's exit. Adagio watched her younger sister leave, hoping beyond hope that the ditzy woman wouldn't mess this up. Once the door shut behind her, the siren leader started working on the list of chores she had set out for herself. It was mostly mechanical work on the stage effects for their show. Simple as it was, she did not trust either Aria or Sonata with this level of skilled labor, as they would no doubt be incompetent and ruin everything. While the effects weren't exactly a requirement for their plan to succeed, she still wanted to take over the world with flair. While Adagio hated this near magicless world and everyone in it, the hundred of years the siren had spent here had given her a deep appreciation of their arts. Pathetic as they were, Humans knew how to put on a show a thousand times better than anyone in Equestria. Not that she would admit this to anyone. The siren lost herself as she carried out the mundane tasks. It was oddly calming to tighten screws and hammer nails in near complete silence. At one point she very nearly nailed her plentiful hair onto a board. So focused on her work that she didn't notice the slight shaking of the earth as heavy footsteps approached her. "Ah hem." Adagio turned around to find a familiar giantess glaring at her, arms crossed. A confident smirk spread across her features all the same, "Why, if it isn't the lard ass herself. Come to prepare for your defeat?" "No. I'm just here to pick up my dinner." Sunset stated. The out-of-date 90's fashion model let herself grin, "The salad bar's down a few blocks, horse. Or would you be content with the grass?" "Can't say that I'm in the market for leafy greens at the minute. I was thinking of more along the lines of a three course seafood platter," Sunset chuckled darkly. Adagio had been a human for so long that the equestrian's 'subtle' hint flew right over her, "Seaweed? Really? And here I thought you ponies couldn't be any more pathetic!" The siren cackled, "Try looking in the mirror! You're the only weed around her- HEY!" Without warning or care, the fiery giantess leaned down and plucked Adagio from the ground, lifting the helpless woman to her face, "Think I've had enough playing around." "LET GO OF ME AT ONCE YOU COW!" Adagio screamed, much more upset at having been touched without consent than losing contact with the floor. Sunset glared down at the helpless woman struggling futilely in her grip, hunger in her eyes, "Oh I will in a moment. But you're not going to like where I'll put you~" The titan giggled. "What are you-!" The pieces finally clicked within the siren's mind, "Oh fuck me sid-" The rest of her expletive disappeared along with her head behind a thick layer of skin and flesh. It was amazing how the lead siren hadn't prepared for an outcome like this. Having lived as Humans on Earth for over a thousand years, she above anyone else should have expected something like this, given the history of giants that she had lived through. A Brief History Lesson Alongside being giant, the Mego-Sapiens species evolved as a direct predator to the various incarnations of the human gene line. They developed a biology designed to swallow humans and other larger mammals whole with ease, plus an efficient digestive system focused on meat with much larger stomachs to hold more prey. Despite their huge size, giants had the same average intellect as a normal person. Once civilization came into being, the once fearsome predators had to attempt to make peace with humanity lest be killed off. While powerful, their massive size made them far fewer in number and with weapons such as the ballista proving effective giant killers coming about it was becoming impossible to survive without that peace. People had wanted to just kill them all as they were seen as horrible monsters. But then several rulers discovered how remarkably effective they were in war. The cries of the common people meant nothing as more and more kingdoms were forced to adopt giants into their armies to compete with rivals. As it proved too hard to resist their primal hunger, giants were allowed to consume members of the lower class, such as beggars and peasants. They were also used as an execution method in many cases. To this day giants were permitted to eat any of the less important, meaning no politicians, public service workers, or public figures. The practice of scarfing down random people on the street has become heavily frowned upon in modern times, even if most people would applaud one for eating a criminal. This ire still didn't stop most Mego-Sapiens from the occasional morsel. In the past giants barely even followed those rules. There was no way to really tell if a missing diplomat had ended up on some giant's waistline or not. But now every sewer system was outfitted with analysis devices able to find out which person had taken a ride through which giant. In recent years there had been some protests because of the seemingly ever increasing numbers of innocent people who made just one bad decision and wound up in the sewer system. Those fears weren't entirely misplaced, unfortunately. Just a few weeks ago, Sunset had been hanging out with Octavia, a fellow giantess, after school. The two ladies had been chatting about their favorite musicians when the bi cellist's ex-girlfriend, a human girl named Vinyl Scratch, approached them. She wanted to apologize and be given one more chance to prove herself to the raven haired giant. However, Octavia made it clear she wanted nothing to do with the girl. Vinyl refused to leave until Octavia took her back. Eventually, the pale giantess couldn't take any more of her ex's pleading and crammed the girl down her gullet. Her gulps and moans echoed across the empty school as Vinyl's frame bulged down the cellist's neck. And that was the end of that. End Of Lesson Adagio's struggling because feverish. The intense fighting did very little to interfere with her captivator's titan grip. Said captivator hummed in delight, enjoying how the fruity tang from her body wash mixed wonderfully with the unique flavors of human flesh. Using her free hand, Sunset started to tear off her meal's flashy outfit. She wasn't a fan of how most clothes tasted, even if passing them through her system did feel pretty nice. Adagio's wiggling granted a slight obstacle, but Sunset managed to undress the girl. Her meal now free from her wrapper, Adagio was dragged inside right up to her belly button. Soft vibrations echoed across her body as she was roughly tasted by an uncaring tongue that tossed her about with complete disregard for her safety. Sunset's soft lips pinned her arms to her sides, making the siren's fight options limited to flailing her legs wildly. In desperation she tried to scream for help only to start gagging on saliva. While she would have liked to savor Adagio a bit more, she had two whole other people she needed to eat standing just in the next room. So she slurped up the siren all the way to her knees. Sunset giggled as she felt her meal's ridiculous hair tickle the back of her throat. The way the woman's screams echoed down the tunnel that was her esophagus provided another layer of enjoyment as well. Her first gulp was loud, wet, and sucked Adagio's head and shoulders into her gullet. With another the siren began to create a rounded bulge in her neck that moved slightly from her struggling. Her teeth clicked shut, cutting off the woman's screams while the giantess licked over her lower legs and feet. She dragged more of Adagio into her throat, feeling the siren's feet sticking just outside of the entrance. Sunset caressed her neck, enjoying the way Adagio stretched it all while futilely trying to struggle against its near bone-crushing pressure. A final roll of her tongue sent the siren on her way. She loosed a low moan as the pale girl was forcefully shoved past the stomach sphincter and into the digestive sack. It always felt so good when she went from an empty tank to having a nice squirming treat fill the void. She HAD skipped lunch for a reason, after all. The towering girl looked around, surprised neither of the remaining sirens had rushed in to save their leader. She hadn't gone down too quietly, so at least one of them should have come to check things out. Then again, they might have just fled. Despite being so powerful together, the trio didn't seem to get along very well. After exiting the pre-show shack, Sunset headed over to the nearby stage. Surprisingly, both Sonata and Aria were still there. The two women were still preparing the stage as they had been when the giantess had sneaked by earlier. They hadn't heard their leader's screams when she was being turned into little more than sushi. This was about to be a fun night for the fiery titan. As for the two remaining sirens, not so much. Aria felt something touch her back, "Sonata I swear if this is another one of your jokes I'll-" She cut herself off with a scream as she was lifted into the sky by her feet. The sudden displacement disoriented her. When the dark skinned woman regained her composer, she was face to face with a freckled giant. Normally this would be unexpected. But unlike her former sister, Aria had been expecting Sunset to try to use the raw power being a giant gave her against them, even since the beginning. She tried countless times that this might happen, but all she cared about was the equestrian magic. "So," Aria bluntly deadpanned, "What humiliation am I to be subjected to today?" The bacon-haired giant corked an eyebrow, "You really don't seem all that worried about this." Her captive smirked, "Be afraid of a goody-two-shoes like you? Nah. I doubt there's anything you could do that I haven't already seen. Do your worst." "You would be very surprised with what I'm willing to do." Aria rolled her eyes, "Sure. Just hurry up. I need to go see Adagio so we can figure out how to stop you from barging in on us again." It was the giant's turn to smirk, "I have a feeling you'll be seeing her pretty soon alright." Something about the way her captor said that brought a hint of concern to the siren, "What do you mean by tha-" "Hold that thought. Before we continue," Sunset said pointedly, "I need to make you decent." The titan now faced a dilemma. She wanted to disrobe the dark woman but couldn't without dropping Sonata and risking her fleeing. The giant looked around for a moment for a place she could put her without letting her run off and escape. Then an idea sprouted in her brain. Sunset stuffed Sonata into her cleavage. This proved effective at restraining the girl, allowing the giantess to effectively unwrap her chocolate colored snack. Muffled complaints emanated from the trapped siren while she vainly attempted to wiggle out of her soft prison. Aria just let the fiery giant rip her outfit off. Embarrassing as it was, fighting back in that situation was liable to end with arms bending ways they shouldn't or even limbs getting torn off outright. Despite her newfound nudity, Aria was unfazed, "If this is your idea of embarrassing me, you're going to have to try much harder. I'm a siren." Sunset chuckled darkly, "If you think that's how I'm planning on stopping you, you might be more of an airhead than Sonata." Aria smirked, "Oh, so you're gonna take us to jail then? We'll just enchant the guards like we have dozens of times before." "I suppose, " Sunset elided, "the place you're going to is sort of like a jail, in a way. But there's not gonna be any guards for you to control." Already, the siren had enough of this humiliating teasing, "Let go of me now. You've had your fun." "Hmmmmm," Sunset mocked pondered, "I don't think so." "If you won't let me go, We'll just have to play this card early. Adagio!" she began to call out. "Adagio!" Aria cried out. "ADAGIO!" No response. "ADAGIO! GET YOUR FLAT ASS OUT HERE AND HELP US!" And still no one came. "Where the fuck did that bitch go?" Aria hadn't meant to say that one out loud. "Oh, she's reallllly close by. Me and her spent some time to 'bound' a few minutes ago," The titan of a woman said with glee, "You know, for sirens you sure don't taste like fish." The pigtailed woman's eyes near instantly dilated to pinpricks, "You. You ate her?" "Is that what they call it?" Sunset held the helpless girl up to her mouth, where let out another belch, one heavily scented with Adagio's perfume, "Then yes. I did. And you're about to join her." The black siren was in shock. The possibility of the giantess eating them had passed her mind before. But with how the equestrian behaved, the chance of Sunset just straight up murdering them seemed so absurd that it was laughable. But here she was, doing exactly that. And so Aria was sent screaming into the mouth of the beast. The fiery woman moaned thunderously at Aria's flavor. It was akin to eating a chocolate and caramel bar with a soft outer shell. She found the girl's texture delightfully soft and smooth, something she hadn't quite expected from someone so combative and moody. Sunset licked her over as she enjoyed how Aria's ass violently wobbled from her pitiful attempts to struggle. Her plump rump disappeared behind her soft lips. The softness of the siren's tush paired well with her flavor, giving Sunset the impression of eternally melting chocolate. However, there was a new flavor mixed in now that she wasn't able to place. It was sweet like nectar. She prodded about for the source, which she found to be from right between the girl's legs. Sunset was quick to connect the dots after that. Despite her previous terror, Aria had just{/i] discovered she had a prey kink. An extremely intense and overwhelming one at that. The thought made the giant giggle with ideas of tormenting the poor siren. It had been awhile since she ate anyone with With her free hand, she pulled Aria out of her. The dark girl dripped with drool and coughed heavily for a moment while Sunset dangled her in front of her face. Her now shiny skin was making it tempting to just chuck her back into her hungry maw, but Sunset managed to resist the urge. "W-what are you doing?" Stammered out the siren, her face beat red. Sunset smirked, "I've decided to let you off the hook. Adagio was the real bitch anyways." Aria began to panic remarkably fast, all her fear replaced with raw lust for being eaten alive, "NO- I-I mean, I've done much worse! I'll show you!" The sight of the 'tough' girl 'convincing' her to eat her was extremely amusing. She must have had the kink bad for her lust to override all sense of survival, "I don't know. She was pretty filling~" "Bullshit. That stick wouldn't satisfy an ant." "Yeah. That was terrible," The giantess giggled, "I'm usually better at playing with food than that. Though it's been awhile." The siren crossed her arms, "Just fucking eat me. I'm too horny for this shit." Sunset pouted, "Damn. You're no fun. Really tasty though." Aria blushed, but said nothing else. The fiery giant slipped the dark woman back into her mouth. This time, the girl was notably touching herself, one hand fondling her tits and the other between her legs. She went back to savoring her human chocolate bar as Aria furiously masturbated. Her juices leaked onto the hungry giant's tongue and mixed with her salvia which the rough, slimy organ laddered all over her, soaking her in her own fluids. Sunset continued to suck on the dark skinned woman until she felt her shudder and go limp. She took a moment to lap up the rest of Aria's nectar before pulling the girl to the back so she could scarf her down. Loud gulps filled the air while the siren was compressed into her throat. Her lips soon sealed over Aria's toes as she swiftly became a bulge in her giant neck. A light belch escaped Sunset once her body had reunited her meals. The addition of Aria made the giantess's belly expand slightly. With the punk siren taken care of, her attention turned to the woman still buried inside the valley that was her cleavage. Sunset reached into them, pulling her next mark out. All the sweat her clothes soaked up made them stick to the skin of her tits, causing the light fabric to tear off her captive, saving the titan the effort and leaving the doomed woman completely nude. Sonata sat limply in her grip. It would seem that the girl fainted at some point, likely due to heat. The giantess just held her for a moment. Seeing the siren so helpless sent thoughts of doubt through her. Should she eat Sonata? Sure, she had helped to take over the school. But it didn't really seem like she was all that interested in helping them, more so just happy to be with them at all. Perhaps, with the others gone, she could be redeem- Her belly let loose an echoing growl to let her know that it was really keen on turning the ditzy siren into little more than a protein-rich slop. If she was just happy to be with them, then why split them up? The titan tossed her into the air. The motionless siren briefly soared before landing feet first into the giant's mouth, her descent only halted by the curves of her enviable bubble butt. Sunset moaned when the woman's skin hit her tongue. Unlike the other Dazzlings, Sonata tasted of pure, delicious, human flesh. An incredibly rare flavor thanks to most soaps and body washes suppressing that natural taste. Even though they added their own unique seasoning, nothing delighted a Mego-Sapien platelet more than raw human meat. Sunset was going to make sure she properly savored this rare morsel. With a loud slurp, Sonata's juicy, jiggling ass slid into her devourer's mouth. An eager tongue greedily assaulted it within seconds. The noisy approval from the organ's owner made the trapped woman's curves ripple from the sheer power of the vocalizations. Sunset soon let her toes slip down her throat with a harsh grulk. This brought Sonata all the way up to her shoulders, leaving only her head and arms jutting from between her lips. Her meal's chubby belly was swiftly soaked in a deluge of drool and spit gave the girl's skin a shine. The fat on Sonata's middle was uniquely flavorful. However, there was something else that caught her interest much more. The siren's hulking tits were amazing. As soon as her tongue made contact with their malleable flesh Sunset was thrown into culinary bliss! That raw human flavor was so intense that the giant's entire body quaked in delight! Thundering moans sounded throughout the night air, the ground beneath her trembling with the raw force of her vocal enjoyment. She spent minutes upon minutes poking and prodding, laddering the sleeping siren's tits with hot saliva. The giantess sloshed them around her mouth. She sucked on them, the simulation forcing milk to leak from her meal which quickly spread over her own skin, adding even more flavor to her meal. She lightly chewed on the siren's boobs, tenderizing them to harvest as much juicy deliciousness as she could. Her lips puckered, momentarily framing the unconscious Sonata before her face vanished between them. She was pulled to the back of the cavernous mouth, a massive tongue rolling her right to the entrance of the throat. Sunset hummed one final time in delight, before, in one fluid motion, she sucked the siren down with a deafening gulp. Sonata's larger figure made her slide down much slower than her sisters. Sunset tranced her descent with a finger. She briefly stopped her meal's final fall to enjoy the sensation of a full throat, the feeling pleasing primal desires within the giant. She swallowed again, making the bulge of the woman disappear behind her collarbone. Soon her last morsel was cast into her fiery belly, the feeling of that large morsel settling in her gut delightful. A small but satisfied burp escaped her lips, freeing some hair from her teeth. She looked down at her notably distended belly, "Compliments to the chief! You three made far better meals than musicians! Hope you're ready for a lifetime pass on my hips!" Sunset laid down across the empty stage. She chose to rest on her back so her engorged middle could jut into the air. Her massive body took up most of the platform, its weight making the wood creak and groan. A random assortment of props and wood boards served as her pillow. The contented giantess turned to her growling belly. Even through the veil of her shirt, the garment having been designed to survive a giant's eating habits, the entangled outline of the three girls could be seen. Her squirming meals made her middle around the size of a small bowling ball. It had been awhile since Sunset had eaten this many people at once, so the three course dinner was making her feel a little bloated. The most she ever had was 7 at the same time, so she was very confident the Dazzlings weren't making it out of her alive. Her stomach took no issues with the sizable morsels it had been gifted with, already eagerly (and noisily) getting to work on the brutal digestion process. It was no doubt going to be painful for the would-be world conquerors. But they were little more than food in the giant's eyes now, doomed to be absorbed. She smiled and gave her swollen gut a hearty slap. The jostling caused the titan to let loose a long, loud belch. If anyone had been around to hear it, they would notice feminine panicked cries hiding within the terrible sound. She blushed, "Excuse me," she said only to be further embarrassed by the lacking audience. Sunset yawned, suddenly finding her eyelids to be very heavy. The onset of a food coma fell upon her as her stomach was eager to make short work of her dinner. She closed her eyes, letting sleep overtake her. Some Time Later "Yo, Earth to Shimmer!" "Wha...?" Sunset opened her eyes to find herself surrounded by her friends, "What are you guys doing here?" "We, umm, wanted to know if you did that 'thing'," Rainbow Dash nervously explained. "And I want to know why you're sleeping on the streets again!" Rarity demanded, "If something happened to the deal we had with the hotel I'll-!" "It's fine!" The giant cut her friend off quickly, not wanting her to devolve into another angry rant regarding her housing situation, "I just took a nap and lost track of time is all. Don't worry." "I hope you didn't go through with that reckless idea of yours, Shimmer," Her farmer friend sternly stated. The bacon-haired titan put on an innocent smile, "Of course not! I'd never do anything like that! Perish the thought!" Applejack breathed a sigh of relief, completely missing the sarcasm in her friend's voice, "That's mighty good to hear! Ah don't care for the Dazzlings, but Ah'm not looking to see them dead neither." Rarity "Say, where are those trouble makers anyways? They were quite touchy about building this stage themselves." Sunset giggled, "Oh, They're right here. I don't think those three will be causing anyone any trouble anytime soon." She emphasized her statement by patting her belly a few times. The sudden movement caused the skinless women to shift inside the gory sack. This caused bile of the siren's own liquidized flesh to splash over them. A trio of anguished screams tried their best to escape their tomb, only to become little more than muffled whimpers emanating from Sunset's stomach. The giant burped, "Got to hand it to them, they tasted pretty great." Her smaller friends each had a unique reaction to that information. Mostly varying degrees of disgust. "That's... Ah..." Applejack tried to string her words together, "It's not the ideal outcome to all this. But ah suppose we really had no other option at this point. Still, seems so wrong for you to... well... kill them just cause they were causing some trouble. Ya weren't that different from them all too long ago, Sunset." "That's a fair point," The towering girl contemplated, "But we tried our best to talk them down and they kept at it. It would have been nice to befriend them and all, but we couldn't let them regain their power. They refused to listen to reason, so now they'll be retiring to my hips." "They made their bed," Fluttershy said, the words uncharacteristically dark coming from the normally meek woman, "It's their own fault for with giants." "Anyways," Sunset stated warily, slightly unnerved by the animal lover's menacing tone, "I need to head back to my apartment. Landlord's probably wondering where I am. I'll see you guys on Monday. We can talk more about everything then, alright?" The giant waved goodbye to the girls, then began to make her way home. The Next Day (Disposal/Scat Warning!) Sunset's stomach growled loudly, interrupting the show she was watching. Yesterday's dinner was finally knocking on her back door. She hit pause on the remote and headed over to the bathroom. She slid her panties off and plopped down onto the porcelain throne. The three women were already eager to escape, so all the giant had to do was relax and the girls came flooding out. Sunset's body had done quite a number on them, transforming the trio from beautiful human women into solid brown logs of shit devoid of all worth. The digestive system of giants had a long time to learn how suck humans corpses dry, allowing Sunset to syphon every last drop of nutrition from their forms, leaving not as much as a tooth, or even a single hair behind in the mound of waste. One after the other, logs of former siren landed in the water below. Some bits of water splashed against the giantess's plump ass as the waste plunked into the toilet bowl which caused some irritation. But apart from that, the Dazzlings left Sunset's rectum smoothly. Disposing of a human meal was always a satisfying affair, having her full colon slowly empty out was such a good feeling, although it was rarely eventful aside from the occasional indigestible tickling her anus on the way out. There wasn't anything unmulched in the Siren logs, allowing them to flow out smoothly. The last chunk of shit plopped into the bowl, the Dazzlings making their final splash in the music scene. Sunset got up and admired her handiwork. A once powerful trio, responsible for terrorizing Equestria a thousand years ago, were now little more than a steaming pile of giantess waste. They sowed chaos, misery, and destruction for eons. But now they were just a brown mass, indistinguishable from each other. Soon to be sent off to join the remains of all the giant woman's countless other meals. After she had finished revealing in her victory, the fiery woman reached over to push the lever. She watched as the Dazzlings were sucked into the gross abyss of the sewers. "Well. That takes care of them." The giantess suddenly felt the sides of her thighs dampen. She wasn't normally the type to be aroused from eating people, but the fact she had just shat out the once dreaded and powerful sirens was making her extremely horny. Sunset bit her lip, "I wonder if Flash is available. . ."