Dragonfly's Revenge

by RainbowFucktory

First published

Fluttershy's daughter is reincarnated, and she wants revenge for how everybody treated her.

Fluttershy's daughter Butterfly had been killed, everyone knew that already. After a funeral goes horribly wrong, and Fluttershy regrets how she treated her daughter when she was alive, Butterfly's ghost comes back to haunt everyone who wronged her. She would let them know how much suffering she went through.

The Funeral

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Fluttershy felt her eyes redden as she entered the Ponyville church, head down. The gray skies made it all feel worse as trickles of rain sprinkled down onto her yellow hide. It had officially been a week since her daughter, Butterfly had been killed. She had no idea how to break the news to Discord, or if she even should've. He didn't even know she came back to Ponyville as an adult at all, the last time he saw her she was just a little filly.

Of course, this had been her fault. She had hired the MLP cartel to kill her, but it was her family who pressured her into it. She feared that what Discord said to her right before their divorce had been true, and her daughter's chaos magic would've devastated Ponyville. It was better she was killed before she did any more harm, even if her death had been painful.

Despite Butterfly's awful reputation, there was a good majority of solemn ponies squeezing their way through the doors and into the funeral home. Fluttershy ducked her head to avoid being trampled and found herself standing in front of the recently built coffin colored in bronze, where her daughter's body had been put into.

"Oh, Butterfly..." Fluttershy whispered. Even uttering her name made Fluttershy want to burst into tears. She had sacrificed her own daughter, who she had been upset with countless times in hopes of saving Ponyville from being destroyed. She remembered how badly Discord tarnished it, the first time he took over. Butterfly could've been heading down the same path, she didn't want to watch her daughter turn into a monster.

But now, she was the monster. Instead of banishing Butterfly back to the everfree forest, or sending her back to the foster home, or any other option, she hired a cartel to kill her. What in Equestria's name was she thinking? She couldn't justify this, she couldn't justify it at all!

Fluttershy felt sick as she opened up the casket, with permission to do so of course. Tears fell down her cheeks as she saw Butterfly's beaten and bloodied body, it was starting the bloating process of decomposition, her skin pale and eyes dull. The stench of death filled the room and ponies had to cover their nose. The MLP cartel took great pleasure in making the last minutes of her life excruciating.

"I can't look at her!" Fluttershy sobbed. Her friends, Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow, Twilight, and Rarity all rushed to her side with sad expressions on their faces, feeling sorry for the grief-stricken mother.
"Ah'm sorry for yer loss, sugar cube," Applejack whispered into her ear, placing a comforting hoof onto her shoulder. "Ah never even knew Butterfly that well, but losing yer own child...ah can't imagine."

Twilight shook her head. "Such a shame. She was a bright spirit, she just had a bad life." Rainbow followed suit, "Kid didn't stand a chance. I had a feeling something like this would happen if she came back to Ponyville, I could have told her to go back home but I didn't have the heart for it. I knew it would've crushed you if she came here and didn't see you after all these years."

"I don't need your sympathy!" Fluttershy cried. "It's not like you girls could have done anything about this. This is all my fault."

"Don't say that, Fluttershy! you tried your best. She was your first daughter, and you were young and stupid at that age, nopony urgh...this might hurt for you to hear but nobody liked Butterfly anyways." Twilight shuddered.

"I KNOW!" Fluttershy shouted, pushing the purple alicorn backward. "Nobody liked her! I didn't like her!" her voice fell weak, and she huddled over the coffin, refusing to move. Butterfly's step sisters, the wolf sisters sat down on their phones, bored.

"Ugh, everybody is still hating on our youtube channel!" the pink wolf sister said. "This is awful!" the blue one replied. Their channel seems to be more important than their deceased sister. Sperm Pie sat in the back, picking her pink nose.

"Man, I remember when my dad Spongebob died, he couldn't breathe on land so he didn't stand a chance, hahaha!" unable to contain their laughter, ponies in the back chuckled. Everybody remembered how dumb Spongebob's funeral had been. Fucker deserved it for coming to Ponyville.

Applejack was about to step onto the podium when Twilight dragged her backward. "Is..is that CIDER I SMELL ON YOUR BREATH, AJ!?" she demanded, tugging at the farmer's mane. Applejack let out a whine of annoyance. "Whad'ya think? ah couldn't show up here sober!"

"That's incredibly disrespectful Applejack." Twilight scolded. "I can't believe you drank when you knew Butterfly's funeral was today, you're too drunk to even be here, look how wobbly you are!"

"Ah'm fine, ya hear? now get yer hooves off me and let me do mah speech." Applejack groaned, staggering onto the podium in a drunken stupor. "Ah barely new Butterfly...but she was *Hic* ah good friend and all, she looked a lot like her mother."

Ponies exchanged awkward glances at each other, Twilight hadn't been the only one who noticed Applejack had a few drinks before showing up. It was hard for even Fluttershy to watch. Applejack leaned over the corpse, her face contorting into one of rage. "Yer fakin' it, Butterfly! ah know you ain't really dead, ya bitch!"

"Ohh no...here we go." Pinkie cringed as Applejack shouted profusely at the corpse. "THAT IS ENOUGH!" Twilight said, grabbing Applejack with her magic. "YOUR TOO DRUNK FOR THIS!"

Fluttershy knew by heart nobody really gave a shit about her daughter, not even Applejack cared, no wonder she drank before showing up, she could give less of a flying feather about Butterfly.

Suddenly, the doors opened once again, and everypony turned. "We're late, sorry!" a thick Spanish accent said. Fluttershy's ears flattened in fear when she realized it was the MLP cartel. "We wanted to see the funeral too because we killed her." they snickered saying it.

"N-no!" Fluttershy exclaimed and the funeral home fell into a frenzy. "Who on earth would invite a victim's murderer into their funeral, let alone ALL THEIR MURDERERS!" a horrified pony shouted. The mlp cartel didn't budge, staring at the coffin and saying things in Spanish, most likely jokes at Butterfly's expense Fluttershy couldn't understand.

"Get out, you can't be here!" Fluttershy begged, but they ignored her. Then the MLP cartel all surrounded the body and started laughing. "Serves her right! nobody likes Butterfly!"

They started dancing around it, singing Cinco de mayo songs as they jumped into the air with joy, all the other funeral attendees just standing there in disbelief. This funeral was turning into a total disaster!

Sperm Pie then rose out of her seat and pushed the cartel out of the way. "I was Butterfly's best friend! I remember that time when I threw that cum pie in her face, HEHEHE IT STILL CRACKS ME UP TO THIS DAY!" that made the crowd erupt into laughter once again. Butterfly's funeral turns into some sort of twisted celebration instead of a moment to mourn.

Sperm Pie then leaned down and gave Butterfly's corpse a wet willy. "Noponies gonna be missing you, bitchass!" she cackled. It was eery how similar her laugh was to her mother Pinkie Pies. Fluttershy felt anger for both of them now. Pinkie shrunk backward. "I wasn't a part of this," she whispered sinking into the hoards of ponies.

"Where's my husband, he needs to help me put an end to this!" Fluttershy looked around frantically, desperate to find his seat. Surely, there he was. Valdroxx fluttershy's husband was actually jerking off to the entire thing because death turns him on. Rainbine who was beside him went ballistic when she saw his dick with black pubes on it.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT'S GROSS!" Rainbine screamed and withdrew one of the biggest guns she owned and pointed it at him. "Omg don't rainbine im on edge let me finish," he said scared.

"NOPE! SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR PENIS!" Rainbine said aimed the rifle at his dick and blew it right off. It went flying across the room blood splattering on all the walls and Valdroxx cries because that hurt.

"NO JERKING OFF INFRONT OF ME WEIRDO!" Rainbine said. But her lust for shooting everybody around her came back full surge, Valdroxxes dick wasn't enough! EVERYBODY HAD TO BE SHOT!

"Hot take. Butterfly is ugly as shit." Sperm Pie said placidly. Rarity then walked over to the coffin, colorful flowers of all kinds wedged in between her hoof as she raised her arm to drop them onto Butterfly's chest.

"OH MY GOODNESS! did Butterfly wear aviator Glasses? THOSE ARE IN RIGHT NOW BECAUSE OF THE JEFFREY TV SHOW ON NETFLIX!" one pony exclaimed and everybody immediately snatched them and started fighting over who could keep them. somebody ended up dropping them and one of the frames smashed into a million pieces. "STOP! I LOOK BETTER IN THEM THAN YOU DO!"

"For you," Rarity said sadly, but she miscalculated her weight when she leaned onto the coffin, and it sent Butterfly's stinking, rotting, peeling corpse to the ground. Ponies screamed in horror as she broke apart on impact, now being in two halves.
"Oh...my bad." Rarity said in shock. "I hadn't meant to do that, darling." dropping the flowers and discarding them entirely as she let out an awkward cough. "THAT'S OK! LET'S JUST HAVE THE REST OF THE FUNERAL ON THE FLOOR! Butterfly deserves this." Sperm pie grinned in a demonic voice.

So they did, and Fluttershy caught the cartel kicking the corpse, trying to disfigure it even more. They blasted feliz navidad as the funeral music and now nobody was fucking taking it seriously. Fluttershy heard her husband's wails and turned to see blood pooling under his chair.

"Oh, my Celestia! W-What happened!?" she gasped in horror he clenched his balls in pain. "RAINBINE FUCKING SHOT MY DICK OFF!"
Sperm pie finds it on the floor and picks it up. "I found Valdroxxes dick on the floor." Sperm Pie grinned and stuffed it into Butterfly's corpse's mouth. "See guys? you can be dead and still take a good dick to the throat anytime ya want! hehe."

"OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT'S IT." Rainbine said. Fed up with everyone's bullshit. She had been habouring her wrath for years and now everybody needed to face natural selection. "EVERYBODY IN HERE DIES." with an evil grin, she reloaded her revolver with a clickchink sound and started firing in all directions. Everybody except the important characters was shot dead. Sorry Applejack!

"NOO RAINBINE IS SHOOTING UP THE FUNERAAL!" Fluttershy cried in anguish but the screams drowned her voice out. Blood sprayed everywhere as brain matter and fleshy bits painted the walls. Rarity smiled, her true sadistic killing side coming out, and started knifing the rest of the survivors. The cartel was still dancing, they did not give a damn.

"THIS FUNERAL IS FUCKING DEAAADD!!" Rainbine grinned shot valdroxx more times. Wolf sisters started crying and ran out. As the few survivors buried her body in a shallow dirt hole carelessly at the back of the church, Fluttershy, knowing she would never see Butterfly's face again grabbed her glasses and flew away, sobbing the whole way back to the cottage.

The memory of how unapologetic Ponyville was to her daughter's death was forever etched into her mind like a blade. "I should've known it was a bad idea..nobody loves Butterfly!"

"Nobody loves..me? well, that's just plain rude." a transparent figure grumbled, confused and dazed. She waved at Fluttershy, trying to catch her attention, but it was like she couldn't even see her. "Mommy, MOMMY! why did you get the mlp cartel to attack me, YOUR'E SICK! I'm hurt real bad, I was bleeding everywhere and I couldn't see straight!"

Fluttershy returned no reaction, rather cried on the worn sofa, alone. The confused pegasus stopped shouting. Clearly, Fluttershy wasn't going to listen to her, fine then, be that way. She thought, leaving angrily.

"If mommy ignores me, I'll find a pony who won't! Daddy yells at me all the time, he'll be shocked when he sees me back in one piece!" flying off, she found him laying on the floor, and stopped. "Wait, why is everybody in a funeral home? did somebody die?"

She could hear what they were saying too, and she came to a horrific realization, they were talking bad about her in here! and everybody was shot and dead on the ground. "Oh no! They're going to blame my chaos magic on this!"
"BURN IN HELL BITCHERFLY!" Sperm Pie shrieked, hitting a pan and throwing the casket at the wall. "Butterfly is dead! Butterfly is dead! join in with me guys!"

"I'm not dead you idiot! I'm behind you, hey! DON'T IGNORE ME!" Butterfly called but was shocked to find her hoof go through Sperm pie's shoulder completely. "Wait..no..I can't be.."

"She deserves to be cremated." Rarity smiled, and they uncovered the body and burned it in the fire. Butterfly knelt down and cried. "IM A GHOST NOW!"


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Butterfly couldn't believe it, she knew she had taken a rough beating when those scary gang ponies attacked her, but she didn't even realize she got killed! everything was spinning and really fuzzy, and then it was all dark. She woke up in the same place and found everybody gone. She remembered being distraught when Fluttershy's cottage was empty.

"I have to let them know I can tell watch them!" Butterfly said, her sad frown forming into one of pure rage. "My entire life I got nothing I ever wanted! everybody hated me because of my chaos magic! I wasn't going to turn evil, Discord was just trying to threaten Fluttershy so she'd stay with him! I never even got to see him again after returning, instead, I got some stupid human as my stepdad." her nostrils flared, and she kicked at the ground.

"I will make everyone pay! If they think I was going to be evil, so be it! I couldn't even stay in a normal loving home like the rest of the fillies my age back then, and even as an adult, I was constantly kicked down. This isn't fair, I shouldn't be dead, they should be!" storming into the house and walking through the door, she decided to spy on her family, knowing they didn't and wouldn't ever know she was there.

"No different than before, except now I can't even grab stuff," Butterfly muttered, blowing a loose pink and black strand out of her eyes. She eyed her stepdad who was reading a newspaper on the couch, completely untouched by the events that lead to her death.

"Of course, he doesn't care," Butterfly growled. She still remembered when he raped her as a punishment and Fluttershy was perfectly fine with it. Her stepsisters were chasing each other around, arguing. For a second a flicker of hope sparked inside Butterfly's IM SO FUCKING HOMICIDAL FUCK I CANT EVEN WRITE LIKE THIS!!! heart. Could they have been arguing over something about her?

"Sis, that's MY sweater! you only wear the yellow ones, give it BACK!" the pink wolf sister demanded, trying to pull it out of her blue sister's paws. "No! I want to try purple for once, HEY! you're going to tear it, let it go!"

Butterfly's hopeful face fell. "No...they don't even care I'm gone either." she had guessed they wouldn't get that attached to her, she was too different from them, and unlike her, they were both showered in love by Fluttershy and their stepdad. Turning away from the living room, she saw Fluttershy had put her ashes in a vase and left it on the mantle.

Flying to get a closer look at it, her eyes softened. Fluttershy had bought an extra special vase to keep her remains in, it was pink and yellow with butterfly designs all over it and was very beautiful. "Aw..Mom..WHY DID YOU BURN ME AND PUT ME IN A VASE WHEN I DIED!?"

Shaking her head, Butterfly bitterly stepped back, just in time for the fighting sisters to push one of them near the fireplace, where the vase was. "Oh no!" Butterfly gasped as it caused it to tilt and rock back and forth. The blue sister, the one who was pushed looked up as it broke apart on her head.

'OWW!" She cried. "Now there is ash all over me and shards of glass are on the carpet, I could step on ittt!" she started crying. Butterfly was not amused in the slightest. She should've known the only thing left in the house that reminded her family she existed at all had been ruined, too. "NOT MY FAULT!" the pink wolf sister said and rushed upstairs.

"GIRLS!" Butterfly's stepdad screamed. "GO TO YOUR ROOMS!" when he screamed it gave Butterfly PTSD. She might have been a ghost but that was her rapist and he's scary. "I JUST RECOVERED FROM GETTING MY FUCKING DICK BLOWN OFF BY SOME SCHOOL SHOOTER AND NOW YOU'RE DOING THIS!?"

"Sorry Daddy!" the pink wolf sister started crying too. Butterfly could not believe the insanity that went on in what was supposed to be HER household ever since she died. Maybe it was always like this, but since she was there they took all their anger out on her. Now they seemed to be attacking each other.

Fluttershy stomped downstairs and scolded both of them. "PINK WOLF SISTER, VALDROXX! how dare you! That was Butterfly's ashes you smashed onto Blue wolf sister's head, you should be ashamed of yourselves! you better sweep it up and throw it in the garbage right now or you're both grounded."

"FINE!" they said and cleaned it up. Butterfly watched, ticked off. "How could they just throw my ASHES in the trash? those are me, you know!" she waved her hooves up in the air again but knew they wouldn't see her, no matter what. Giving up, she eyed the old reading glasses Fluttershy displayed on her nightstand.

"My glasses! I felt like something on my face was missing." She was saddened she could never wear them again, and even more upset when she saw the cracked and shattered frame. "Who would break my glasses? ugh, this house is hopeless. They really need cleaning too, there's still blood on them."

Strangely enough though, because they were so dear to her Butterfly was able to go inside of them. "Hey! I can actually hide in these, maybe if I have enough energy I can move them around. Pushing herself, she made the glasses fall to the floor.

"This is perfect!" Butterfly grinned. "This way I can still communicate with Mommy!" her eyes glowed red and her smile turned evil-like. "This is a great time to get MY REVENGE!"

Following the next few weeks, Butterfly started off slowly. She would move the glasses to different places in the house, and usually in places they shouldn't have been in, like the bathroom. However, one-day valdroxx finds them. "Oh shit, there's my glasses! I never wear these because I'm embarrassed of wearing them in public." and he wiped the glasses on his ass and put them on.

"EWWW NOOO THESE AREN'T HIS!" Butterfly screamed. She suddenly didn't want to possess the glasses anymore. She knew his real ones were under his bed with all his other shit. Fluttershy came out of the kitchen and started telling him off. "VALDROXX THOSE ARE BUTTERFLY'S GLASSES! TAKE THEM OFF!"

"Nope they're mine also what's the difference," he said not caring at all. Fluttershy and him started fighting and Butterfly got sick of it. She made the glasses float and made them glow an evil red color with her ghostly chaos magic and they both screamed. "AHH! THE GLASSES ARE MOVING!"

"ILL HANDLE IT!!!" valdroxx SAID and grabbed a baseball bat whacking the glasses. They were destroyed instantly and Butterfly's ghost was forced out of them, dizzy, and beaten on the head multiple times. "OWCH! he manages to still beat me up when IM DEAD!" she yelled, rubbing her bruised head. "Now what on earth am I going to possess, that was all I had!" she whimpered, sad.

The only good thing was, since Fluttershy knew they were HERS maybe she would take the hint she was still around. Holding onto hope, Butterfly disappeared back into the eery shadows of the afterlife and continued to watch her family live on without her, as well as other ponies who hated her, just out of spite. "They're lucky I can't use my chaos magic, NOW!" she shouted.

However, it wouldn't stay that way forever. Butterfly was as shocked as Fluttershy was when she found out she was carrying a new foal. At first, Butterfly was furious, of course, she would try to replace her with another child! just like when she gave her up, however, she quickly got a sinister idea. "I can possess the fetus and take control of its mind so I can be reincarnated without knowing it!"

Forcing herself into Fluttershy's pregnant belly Butterfly took control of the fetus's brain and remained inside of it, slowly forming into a real evil being. It was dark inside the womb, and gross, but Butterfly didn't care. If this was the only way to get back into Fluttershy aswell as everybody's lives to destroy it, she would!


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Once again, Fluttershy held a bundled newborn filly in her hooves, tired from giving birth earlier. Valdroxx hated it instantly when he took one look at it. "Why is IT PURPLE? It should either have been my skin color or yellow." he complained. "It doesn't look like us at all."
Fluttershy quickly jumped in to defend the newborn. "Not true, she has your black hair, see?" he was still annoyed though. "She's ugly. What are you naming it?"

"Dragonfly." Fluttershy said flatly. Having been born, all of Butterfly's memories had been reset, but with time she would remember everything, anyone reincarnated had to face their other life at some point. "why the fuck would you name it after that cum tasting bitch Butterfly let the memory of her die." he said so mad.

"No! no-I-I'm not naming it after her directly, I just thought Dragonfly would be a cute name, they are my favorite bug besides..well, butterflies." Fluttershy lied. both of them stopped when baby Dragonfly opened her bright blue eyes, the exact deep-colored blue Butterfly used to have. What was odd, was she had strange lightning bolt markings running up and down all four of her legs. There were white ones, red ones, dark green ones and even blue.

"That's odd, I wonder what those are from..." Fluttershy pondered. Despite her odd appearance, Fluttershy couldn't have loved baby Dragonfly more. She was the perfect replacement and helped her get over her other daughter's death. Valdroxx then walked up to Dragonfly. "I will never love you fuckass. Im gonna abuse the shit out of you when you're older with my dick."
so then him and fluttershy make out and baby Dragonfly is left on the operating table shivering and cold. Nurse Redheart came in with an axe and chopped off the cord and now she was ready to be brought home to her family. For a while, baby Dragonfly was treated as equal to her older stepsisters, but problems started to form as she got older.

Now being a young filly, she had loved her mom Fluttershy dearly, just like in her past life. She would tag along with her constantly, helping her with her little critter friends and gardening, as before. But without Discord in her life, her new dad never played games with her. It was hard for her to feel connected to him when he was a human, and looked nothing like her at all, besides having black hair like she did. It made Dragonfly feel extremely lonely. She hadn't made friends at school either, they bullied her for not having a cutie mark.

"I wish somepony would be my friend besides mommy.." Dragonfly said, this loneliness felt strangely familiar, but she couldn't remember where. Instead of liking to help animals, Dragonfly took an interest in dissecting them. She found a dead squirrel on the porch one day and ripped it apart, curious to see its insides. The results were so interesting. It had recently rained, and there were rain puddles everywhere. Dragonfly looked into her reflection sadly. Fluttershy had styled her mane the Scootaloo-manestyle she used to do with Butterfly. She'd show Butterfly photo books and everything, saying how much she looked like her dead sister.

"I wish I could have met my dead sister...the wolf sisters don't like me." Dragonfly said, not knowing her dead sister was HER yet. Going back inside, she saw her parents arguing like they always did.

"I don't like Dragonfly's voice." Valdroxx said arms CROSSED! "she's got my high-pitched Spanish accent mixed in with your soft shy voice Fluttershy and it's weird to listen to."

"WELL, THAT'S JUST HOW SHE TALKS! NOT MY FAULT! it's impossible to change somebody's voice, especially a filly just because you don't like it!" Fluttershy yelled back. Dragonfly shrunk back near the door, worried they'd find her standing there eavesdropping. "They don't like my voice? but why?" she whispered to herself, confused.

"Also you need to get her some new glasses she keeps crashing into my computer chair when I'm making videos and it's pissing me off." he said and Fluttershy knew he was right. valdroxx is always right no matter what. "I will after she learns how to fly!" Fluttershy explained.

"She won't be able to fly by then if she can't see what's ahead of her. Also, you should style her hair like mine, it'd look so cool. Way better than that ugly-ass Scootaloo hairstyle you keep doing." he suggested. Fluttershy slapped him and they hit and smacked each other profusely. "IF YOU'D JUST STOP HAVING SEX WITH ME NONE OF THIS WOULD KEEP HAPPENING!!" he said.

Dragonfly didn't know what sex meant, but she didn't want to see them fight each other so she rushed in. "H-hey! Don't fight, please mommy and daddy. I want everyone to be happy." she pleaded, giving them the cutest puppy eyes she could muster. Both of them shocked each other with mean looks and walked off, leaving Dragonfly alone. "Oh...well at least they aren't yelling anymore," she whispered sadly.

Going back outside, she grabbed her favorite bucket and started dropping old animal bones into it. She liked the way they sounded when they hit the metal bottom. She was hoping to find more dead ones to add to her collection, something about decomposition and death fascinated her young mind, but she didn't understand why.

Humming to herself as she worked, Dragonfly tied some bones together and made a necklace. "This is so pretty!" she said, twirling around. She was so busy turning around she hadn't realized she was causing chaos sparks to light the grass weird colors.

Then her dad valdroxx shows up. "HEY DICKONFLY! I got a game we can play." and he grins so sadistic like his sister Rarity does. "Also for fucks sake stop taking apart animals and strewing their remains all OVER MY FUCKING HOUSE!" he said ripping the bone necklace off but secretly keeping it for himself.

"Hey! that was mine, give it back you jerk!" she said but valdroxx refuses. "No ok I promise it'll be fun." and Dragonfly forgets about the necklace because daddy never plays games with her so this is exciting. "Ok!" so he drags her into the room epicly.

"the game is called I RUIN YOUR VIRGINITY AND INNOCENCE." and he rapes dragonfly so much! blood comes out of her asshole! GASP and this is scary hes crushing her with his body weight. "NOO DADDY STOPP." Dragonfly screams but valdroxx than cums in her bad. "AH that was nice :)" valdroxx says. everybody wants to fuck valdroxx if you dont your lying to yourself and he knows this so he says. "What i did you should be grateful because im the only boy in ponyville left. Also your so fucking ugly Dragonfly, your lucky id even consider ejaculating into your worthless cunt."

Dragonfly cries on the bed when he fucks off and leaves the room like I did. "Nooo valdroxx raped me! my life is over." Dragonfly said. "Im going to kill something im so mad!" and she ran outside and killed some animals, mainly all the ones Fluttershy cared about. She wrapped the intestines all over the backyard fence and left, furious.

"OH MY CELESTIA!" Fluttershy cried, seeing her dead animal friends. "Who could have done this? a fox must've gotten into the pen!" she knelt down and sobbed and Dragonfly watched with no emotion whatsoever. Empathy is nonexistent. Something about feeding on pain made her feel good, something deep down in her head told her Fluttershy deserved this, that she had wronged her before but couldn't remember how. A small smile appeared on her face, and she walked away with her head down.


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Dragonfly sat in the corner, keeping to herself as she watched her older sisters play. It never came across as weird to her that they were a different species, furries instead of ponies. She wished she could be as pretty as they were, she didn't understand why she had to have drapey black and pink hair with a fur color that she could never decide was either purple or pink. One thing that made her stand out was her wings had a darker color to them than the rest of her body, it made Fluttershy secretly jealous, but she adored Dragonfly for it. Saying she was beautiful, no matter what any pony told her. She wanted to believe she was right.

"ARGHH!" someone suddenly growled, jumping at her and bowling her over. Dragonfly was sent tumbling across the room and found herself pinned to the ground by the blue wolf sister, her sharp teeth bared. For a second Dragonfly thought she was about to be eaten alive, but she perked her ears and laughed.

"Got you! you suck at playing hide and seek, Dragonfly, and that's coming from someone bigger than you hehe!" this made Dragonfly cry out for her mother. "Mama, mama!"

"Wolf sisters! come here AT ONCE!" she demanded. "Yes mama?" the pink wolf sister asked innocently, not caring if Dragonfly was hurt or not. "You shouldn't play so roughly with your sister, you are older and taller than she is, you could've scratched her by accident!"

Dragonfly's wings fell as she frowned. She didn't like being so small and weak compared to her siblings, she wanted to grow big and strong like everybody else her age, but it was hard. valdroxx on the couch grins loud because he fucked dragonfly so rough and she was ok.

"We were only playing! it's not my fault Dragonfly is too weak and is always whining. She always gives away where she is with that purple fur of hers!" the blue wolf sister mocked and her sister joined in laughing at Dragonfly, who looked at the floor in shame. She hated being purple. All she wanted was her sisters to like her.

"Fine, I guess we'll never play with her again if it's going to get us in trouble." They said, getting up to do something else. Never play with me again? Dragonfly thought, tearing up at the thought. She didn't want to be weak and boring! she handled worse, getting towered over by her sister wasn't all that bad...okay..no, she was terrified. But still!

"Aww shame well just know those daughters that I have will always be better than you in every way shape and form." valdroxx told dragonfly. "Ok raping you again." AND HE DID IT WORSE THIS TIME! "NOOOOO!!!!!!"

Some weeks past and Dragonfly was allowed to go outside to the park with her sisters, but they never let her play with them anymore. She sighed, feeling defeated. Fluttershy came with them and was encouraging their play-fighting. "Good job girls, very good! great work!"

"Mommy doesn't say it. But I think she likes the wolf sisters more than me.." Dragonfly concluded, feeling envious of them. Why couldn't anybody like HER for once in her life? and not sexually! "Hey, wolf sisters? can I play too?" Dragonfly asked.

"Forget it, Dickonfly!" they laughed in her face. "Can't catch me!" and they ran away from her like she had some sort of disease. "GIRLS!" Fluttershy said, grabbing both of them. "You better say sorry to Dragonfly right now!"

"No. We don't like her. I wish we didn't have another pony for a sister, we didn't like the last one. In fact, she asks just like the last one, like a pipsqueak!"

Dragonfly's eyes watered. She didn't understand why her sisters hated her so much! that all they cared about, was being stronger and better than her, just because they were wolves. She could be scary too! sometimes...

"Wait! I know! i'll try learning how to fly at school tomorrow!" Dragonfly smiled. "That'll get me liked!"

The next day at school Dragonfly couldn't wait. She had always liked the different-colored feathers, but she had never used them before. Having terrible coordination, she felt shakey and unstable on the highest part of the playground but persisted. "You can do this, Dragonfly!" she told herself confidently.

Crouching down, she smiled as she spread her wings. Leaping into the air she flapped them fast. "I'm doing it!" she gasped in delight. "Fluttershy will be so proud of me!" however as she was flying she crashed into a tree losing control. "Wooahhh OWW!!"

Falling to the ground, pain coursed through her body. "That really hurt!" she grunted, trying to pull herself up as all the fillies laughed at her. Sperm Pie, who was an adult but stalking Dragonfly nonetheless got a big shit-eating grin. "You remind me so much of Butterfly, you're probably as big of a failure as she is."

"Stop laughing at me, it wouldn't be funny if you crashed into a tree on your first try while flying!" she shouted but nobody cared what she had to say. Sperm pie leaned in close. "Kill yourself, before you turn into a teenager like me. I am not going to a highschool if you're in it." and left her I love clop shirt reflecting in the sun's rays.

"Kill myself?" Dragonfly burst out crying and ran away. As the belle rang for everybody to go back inside, Cheerilee was extremely stressed out. "This is the third time Rainbine has called me and threatened to shoot up my school!" she was so upset, fearing everybody was going to die, that when she called again, she lost her shit.

"lol your school is gonna be filled with pipbombs and my bullets spraying everyone including you in the head. I cant wait to kill everybody better be prepared." she laughed into the phone. Cheerilee picked it up during class and screamed. "FUCK OFF RAINBINE STOP THREATENING TO SHOOT UP THE FUCKING SCHOOL!"

"You will never know when I actually will and ill kill the fillies too, don't think I wont bitch." she said back. Cheerilee slammed the phone, breaking it apart as Dragonfly finally finished her homework. "Yay! now Cheerilee will like me because I finished my-"

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT DRAGONFLY!? IM MAD RIGHT NOW." Cheerilee screamed at her. Dragonfly was hurt by her words and squeezed her eyes shut. "I-u-uhm was just going to give you the math sheet I finished and-"

"GO DROWN IN A PUDDLE." Cheerilee said and smacked the paper right out of Dragonfly's hooves. "You are good for nothing."

"FINE! I WILL!" Dragonfly said crying all the way home, but like every fucking depressed person she doesn't follow through. Hiding up in her room she sobbed on her bed. "Not even my teacher likes me! I don't have a cutie mark, I can't even fly because I'm always so shakey."

so Dragonfly runs to the backyard looking for the nearest puddle to drown herself in, but is stopped by a confused Fluttershy. "Dragonfly?"

Crying into her mother's arms, Dragonfly told her everything. About her failed attempt at flying, what Cheerilee said, and what Sperm Pie told her. "They all hate me because of that Butterfly pony! I don't know what I did wrong to make them hate me!"

Fluttershy frowned. She was starting to catch on. "Dragonfly, you need to stop acting like her then! your just as whiny and pathetic as Butterfly was. Stop pretending you are her!"

"I don't even know her! how could I pretend to be someone I never knew?" but Fluttershy walked away.

Getting older

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Now that Dragonfly was old enough to be prescribed glasses, Fluttershy made sure to get the aviator ones she wanted. Dragonfly didn't know why, but they felt familiar to her and looked really pretty in the mirror. Giggling, she half-skipped and half-fluttered her wings, enough though she knew she could never get off the ground with them.

"I love my new glasses!" she sang, spinning around. The glasses would help her see properly when she was doing taxidermy on dead animals. Fluttershy didn't like her hobby but later excepted it because it had something to do with animals. The wolf sisters could've given less of a damn about those.

She had gotten quite good at it too, she had all kinds of animals hanging up on her wall. Chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, all sorts. She liked to take them apart and put them back together after removing the organs, she memorized each and every one of them inside of their bodies.

"I love dissecting animals!" Dragonfly grinned, readjusting her glasses. "This is so much fun!" but the wolf sisters became scared of her because they thought Dragonfly was going to kill them and turn THEM into some sort of weird project. "I wouldn't do that." but they never listened to her.

"You're a freak, Dragonfly!" they kept telling her. Dragonfly felt sad but presumed with her passion. This was the only thing that made her feel useful, and you can't hurt somebody if they're dead. Another thing that happened was she got her mane styled the way her stepdad wanted, only because he wouldn't stop asking. Now it was swept to the side of her face, and her hair was flat instead of spiky like Scootaloo's.

Dragonfly had a passion for science and curiosity, which made Fluttershy proud. She often asked if she could bleach the bones so they didn't look so dirty, and showed the results off much to her familys dismay. Now, the whole house stunk of chemicals, and they were pissed.

"FUCKING HELL DRAGONFLY! GET RID OF THIS BLEACH-er I don't know put it somewhere else!" the pink wolf sister said to her. Dragonfly stopped. "What? I didn't think it smelled that-"

"IT DOES! GET.RID.OF.IT! or I will myself!" and she left the room. Dragonfly sighed and threw it out, she had already cleaned all the bones anyway, and she had polished them so they were shiny and pretty like pearls.

The chemicals were so bad that Fluttershy then developed into a hypersensitive hypochondriac and refused to leave her bed after becoming extremely depressed by everything Dragonfly was doing. Dragonfly had tried to come and visit her countless times but Fluttershy would just tell her to get out and fuck off.

"Maybe your medication will help?" Dragonfly grinned guiltily in return Fluttershy throws the pill bottle at her face. "YOUR SUCH A FUCKING REMINDER OF BUTTERFLY! I WANT HER, NOT YOU! YOU EVEN SOUND LIKE HER!"

"Ugh! Why can't you like ME for once!" Dragonfly said mad and leaves. She always spoke in that monotone voice and stopped talking to everyone she knew around her because she was mad all the time. Having enough, she tried to practice flying since her parents kept neglecting her.

"I just have to try harder!" she promised herself, leaping off the ground and tumbling back onto her rump countless times. She realized she could get airborne, but couldn't fly straight. Before she knew it her face was down in a potted plant. "Why me," she says.

"OWWCHH!" the blue wolf sister cried. Dragonfly turned and saw she had fallen off her bike and hurt herself badly. There were cuts all over her fur. "Hahaha!" pink wolf sister said. "No really. Im hurt!"

"I'll help." Dragonfly offered, grabbing some bandages and wrapping them around her bloodied knees. They looked in bad shape, but she knew her parents wouldn't have cared, now they ignored all three of them, so Dragonfly had to help, even if they disliked her.

"Just don't move it so much when it hurts, ok?" she told them. "Thanks." the blue wolf sister sniffled. Suddenly, a glow appeared on Dragonfly's flank. "Huh?" she said in surprise. "Why is my flank glowing? Ahh it's getting bigger!" the shine pierced her eyes and for a second she couldn't see straight.

"What was all that about?" she blinked, turning to her flank which now had aa cutie mark. "WAIT! HELPING MY SISTERS GOT ME MY CUTIE MARK! YAY!" she jumped with joy, happily. It was the exact same one Butterfly had, the two blue hearts. "I have to show mommy and daddy!"

"They won't care, and it looks dumb." The pink wolf sister told her. "No, really, they've been hoping i'd get one now that im an older filly, I just got it late, but Im sure they wont mind!" bursting down the door she called out to her parents. "MOMMY, DADDY! I got my cutie mark!!"

Both of them rushed downstairs and both were equally disappointed. "Your kidding me, right? that's BUTTERFLYS!" her stepdad yelled at her. Fluttershy got furious. "ALL YOU DO IS REMIND ME OF HER AND NOW YOU HAVE HER SAME FUCKING CUTIE MARK TOO?"

"Bu-But I didn't know it was the same! I didn't think you COULD get the same cutie mark as someone else!" she protested. "Really I didn-"

"Yes you did you mischievous piece of shit. Also that cutie mark looks like shit and you kill animals why on earth would it be two hearts."


"THATS IT!" Dragonfly said enraged grabbed the baseball bat from before and started whacking the trees outside with it. "Stupid parents, hating me for NO reason! I am tired of this butterfly pony, they even named me after her! everybody SUCKS!"

The baseball bat then broke apart she whacked it that hard against the trees. Fed up, Dragonfly stormed back into her house. She was no longer a filly but something else. She didn't know what.

Fitting in

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It was Dragonfly's first day of high school, and already she was being avoided by everybody. All the students leaned back against the lockers when Dragonfly walked past like if she touched them it was the end of the world or something.

"I'm sad..." Dragonfly sighed. "All I want is a friend." Suddenly and seemingly out of nowhere Sperm pie bounced up to her, smiling. "Soo you really did come to high school after all! well, hello to you, Dragonfly!" she greeted. Dragonfly got uncomfortable, before this Sperm had been nasty toward her and told her to take her life, and now she was being friendly toward her for no reason.

"Um...hi I guess?" Dragonfly whispered shyly. Sperm Pie wrapped her hooves tightly around Dragonfly, attempting to hug her. The smell of dried cum and sweaty armpits filled Dragonfly's nose. No dead animal she picked up ever smelled as bad as this! "I'm all you have so you better not fuck up our friendship." Sperm told her menacingly.

"Okay. I promise I won't." she replied, avoiding her gaze. Sperm Pie then looked both ways with a devious smirk. "Hey, you know I like to be funny right? because I'm pinkies daughter and all that? well, I think you can be funny, too. You should fake having a seizure in the hallways to make everybody laugh at you."

"Why?" Dragonfly questioned. "I'll look like a fool." Sperm Pie slapped her hard in return. "FUCKER! DO IT AND ILL GIVE YOU MONEY!" Oh! Dragonfly liked the sound of that! so she dashed in front of everybody and pretended to jerk herself erratically, fake foaming from the lips as she convulsed violently. Sperm Pie wouldn't stop laughing but everybody else was weirded out and pretended she wasn't there.

"I think we found someone crazier than Rainbine." Someone said awkwardly, shifting past. Speaking of which, Rainbine was right there with her duster on, guns loaded and ready. "I KILL SCHOOLS EVERY DAY AND IM STILL BULLIED! WHAT THE FUCK!" she screamed.

Then Dragonfly and Rainbine get into a big fight. "hey fag, You look like you fuck fridges," she told Dragonfly. "What? ew! no! you're just some natural-born loser! get out of my way!"

This insult caused Rainbine to punch Dragonfly as hard as she could in the stomach, nearly breaking her aviator glasses as they fell off her face and onto the shiny school tiles. "Owch!!" she cried out in agony, clenching her swelling side. "THAT COULDVE BEEN A BULLET TO THE CHEST, REMEMBER THAT, DORK." with that done she left hooves bunched up into fists as her trench coat flowed in the air-conditioned building. It looked so awesome, Awesomer than Rainbow Dash herself.

"Meh. Forget about Rainbine, she's lame. Here's your 20 bucks." Sperm said, handing it to Dragonfly. "Oh..thanks Spermie." she said to her "friend" and left. Afterward, Sperm Pie kept making her do weird things in class to make everybody laugh in exchange for money. It was funny to them, but Dragonfly was bored of this already, and she didn't want to be roped into being the class clown all of the time.

As she went home she all the sudden got an urge to kill a random jogger and did with a purple chainsaw. "Oh no I just killed someone. That's what he gets for being THAT GOOD LOOKING!" she said scared and abandoned the body and ran home so fast. But the blood leaking out of him was so hot, she thinks. She wanted to lay next to his DEAD DECOMPOSING body for some reason.

"To forget I did that horrible crime I have to drink. heavily." She stole some of Sperm Pie's secret drinks and got super drunk. valdroxx and fluttershy get so mad but at that point Dragonfly did not care what they thought about her. For years they had neglected her and this was her final FUCK YOU to both of them for failing as parents. Massive cases of beer flooded the fridge and everyone was depressed because it was the only food in the house.

The hang over the next day was so awful, Dragonfly couldn't go to school. valdroxx runs up to the couch and said. "YOU CANT EVEN GET A FUCKING JOB DRAGONFLY LET ALONE GO TO SCHOOL LIKE SOMEONE NORMAL! NOTHING I ENLIST YOU IN EVER WORKS."

"I could work at the bath house." Dragonfly groaned. "YOU know what. whatever. yeah, bath house, work there. we'll be real proud of you if you do." he leaves. little did Dragonfly know, by not going to school today she missed out on Rainbine's epic school shooting! everybody there but sperm pie died! this was crazy whack shit.

"I guess I don't go to school anymore." Dragonfly sighed after hearing about the massacre on TV and dropped out because everyone was dead and going was pointless now. It wasn't liked she'd be missed there anyways. Rainbine was vandalizing all the victims graves with blood paint as she applied to the bath house feeling extremely lonely. "I hope I don't get random urges to kill people here." she thought worried. These intrusive thoughts were getting out of control!

So as the years go by as Dragonfly worked quietly at the bath house until she turned into an adult. One day while she was walking along the street she saw a green and white turtleneck shirt in the window, and it became the best thing ever. Dragonfly was desperate to buy it, and succeeded with all the money she made.

"I will never take this green shirt off!" she beamed. Now her look was complete. She looked so cool. Even rainbine was jealous. Fluttershy saw it and instantly hated it. She was never a fan of "kelly-green." "Green does not look good on you! take it off."

but the only person who took their shirt off was valdroxx and everyone cries when they see his brown nipples and I fall onto the ground sobbing. This was making Dragonfly fed up with her parents antics. "I'm going to buy myself an apartment all to myself!" and does.

"Room 213 here we go..." Dragonfly says clicking her key into the apartment. It looked empty and desolate just the way she liked it. "I always wanted to cook all by myself I should try to do that first now that im allowed." she smiled and bought lots of cooking tools. Being over at Sperm Pie's house a lot she saw how Pinkie Pie made her treats and wanted to be like her.

"Atleast now nobody can judge what I do." Dragonfly sung and made her room the exact way she wanted. Then she bought a massive vat of acid she didn't know why, but in the corner of the bedroom it looked kind of good. Feeling like she wanted to party Sperm Pie took her to one of the sick underground raves they had on the shady side of Ponyville.

"This is the LIFEE!!" Sperm Pie said, twerking. "Eugh..im getting a drink." Dragonfly told her. Everybody thought it was weird someone with a turtleneck and glasses would show up in a badass club and now Dragonfly was getting harrassed again. "YOU LOOK LIKE A TRYHARD FUCKIN NERD BROO!!" some guy mocked. "Ok but instead of making fun of me want to come to my house?" Dragonfly asked politely.

"Hmm well ok." the guy says. Dragonfly takes him back to the apartment kills him grabs a drill drills his head open pours acid into it and makes some blood smoothies. "I JUST HATE MY LIFE THIS MUCH!" Dragonfly cried, all her trauma coming out at once. So then she dismembered the body and ate it. She became addicted to the taste and does this 17 more times now 17 bodies are in her apartment rotting.

"I'm so good." Dragonfly said eating more boiled ass. The taste of pony flesh never got old. But dragonfly got a phone call saying valdroxx and fluttershy got killed by discord when he found out they tortured butterfly.

"I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS IM TURNING MYSELF IN!" dragonfly cried and did. Now she was in prison and was escorted to her cell. Once inside, the guard locked the door and left.

"Hey there roomie. What's your name?"

Dragonfly turned around to see her cellmate, a human woman staring at her, but this wasn't just any random woman. Dragonfly knows her very well. Thanks to the memories of her previous life as Butterfly. She now stood in the presence of her old foster Mom.

"Uh, I-m D-dragonfly!" She said fearfully.

"Dragonfly, huh!? You know you remind of a little filly I tried to rape years ago, but she got away." She looks at Dragonfly's flank. "You even have the exact same cutie mark and mane color and style. I heard on the news that she was killed by the cartel years ago." Foster mom took a moment to think before she figured out exactly who it really is standing in front of her.

"Ahh, I see so you reincarnated yourself." Foster mom chuckled wickedly. "It's a pleasure to meet you again.... Butterfly." She said with a wicked grin. As she took off her pants. Showing Dragonfly her huge, thick, 16-inch size futa cock. It was just as scary and intimidating as Dragonfly remembered.

"Now, how about you and I pick up from where we left off, BEFORE YOU BLASTED ME IN THE FACE!" She yelled angrily before grabbing Dragonfly and started dragging her towards the bed. "And this time, there's no hope for you to escape, you're going to be my personal cumdump for the rest of miserable life." She said before tossing Dragonfly on the bed and jumping on top of her and holding her down.

“Yes, now I can finally get my revenge on you, whore...” whispered foster Mom as Dragonfly's eyes filled with tears.

Foster mom licked Fly's chest and belly, all while positioning her huge cock at the entrance to her marehood.

Foster mom leaned downward, coming face-to-face with Dragonfly, who was now too terrified to speak.

“NOW to finish what I started.”

With that, Foster Mom thrust herself into Fly as hard as she could. The teenager screamed, as her tight young hole was stretched beyond its limits. Dragonfly convulsed in agony, thrashing back and forth, but Foster Mom held her fast, refusing to give the filly the slightest mercy. Dragonfly could see a look of ecstasy on foster mom's face as she began thrusting the huge weapon in and out of her. She did not ease herself in or attempt to work up any sort of rhythm. She simply raped Dragonfly savagely, pounding her giant cock into her hole over and over again. Fly's cries contained no words, only incoherent moans and shrieks of pain. Each thrust hurt more than the last.

“Yes, oh yes, cry as loud as you want slut. You already know that nobody gives a flying fuck about you.” moaned Foster Mom as she raped the teenager. “Such beautiful screams, such a tight, ruined little cunt! Oh, scream for me louder, dear! Let me hear you suffer!” Foster Mom began thrusting faster and faster, grinning with joy as she abused the filly beneath her.

Dragonfly could no longer speak or think. She felt as if her body was no longer her own. It had been violated, invaded, and all she could do anymore was scream, cry, and feel the excruciating pain of each thrust. This was her entire world and she had grown to accept it.