> Interdimensional > by DarkShadowSpark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Dragon and Mare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ahhh! Yes! YEEEES! deeper!” Spyro was still not quite sure what to make of all this. Today was supposed to be his day off and he wanted to spend it in peace with a good book, as he always had enjoyed doing. Suddenly, however, the air in front of him had begun to crackle and pop and, being well versed in magic, he had quickly noticed that a foreign portal was about to form in front of him. Still cautious from the last involuntary adventure in which he had to save his world once again, he had moved into his fighting and defensive position. Body tense and tilted to the ground for better footing, eyes alert and teeth bared, he had waited to see who or what would show itself. He knew he wasn't by far the biggest and most dangerous dragon male around but still he hopped that whatever was about to come through the portal would be frightened. Or at least momentarily stunned, giving him enough time to react. Spyro had expected many things, but definitely not THIS. As the portal had fully formed with a loud crack and intense pulse of magic, he had winced slightly in shock, but quickly regained his composure. More cautious now, he had been staring more intensely into the purple swirling vortex and what he began to slowly make out quite confused him. The outline of a tall creature was slowly becoming clearer and was also nearly as large as he was as the creature made its way to the exit of the portal. Spyro couldn't make out anything specific yet, but it was easy for him to see that the creature was as much a quadruped as he was, and certainly not a dragon. What swung slowly back and forth behind the creature was in no way reminiscent of a dragon's tail, more like a bushy appendage. His fighting posture relaxed a little - but only slightly - for now he was curious. A few seconds later and he could now see the creature clearly as it began to step - or better trot, for what he saw reminded him strongly of a horse - out of the magic vortex it had quite certainly created by itself. Well, at least in body form it reminded him of a horse, for he had never seen an equine like that before. Sporting short and fluffy lavender fur at her chest, a dark blue mane and tail broken by a pink and purple streak on the right side of its horn. In addition, the creature had a long linear horn in the middle of his forehead and two very large wings on his sides. The latter were even larger than his own, he was sure of it. For although they were folded against its sides, they reached far further along the creatures body than his did. Moreover, he was sure that the equine was a mare. Although he had not seen many examples of this species, the narrow and long muzzle was a giving away clue. Also she was cute and very handsome to look at. Like incredibly. While still lost in his thoughts, he had almost completely abandoned his fighting stance and neglected it completely as the lavender equine creature opposite him began to speak. Her voice was kind, hushed and sweet, but above all accompanied by a solid undertone of intense desire. "Finally...a male...I thought I'd never find one suitable enough. And it's so well build too..." Without further words, the mare began to turn and face away as the portal closed behind her with a pop of dispelling magic. Spyro watched, perplexed and with a raised eyebrow, as the strange mare made her way swiftly to his desk and propped her front hooves on it. She also placed one of her hind hooves on a small pile of books still left for him to read next to his desk and then turned her head and friendly gaze to him. With a kind and seductive grin, she swung her tail to the side, exposing all of her bare equine femininity to him. "Princess Twilight Amiticia Aurora Sparkle orders you to pleasure her as best you can with all of your body, start now!" Spyro was still speechless. That was unexpected and quite blunt. He had seen many crazy things before happening in his world, but never a very horny and talkative horse from an interdimensional world looking for a male to satisfy her sexually. But still, what was he to say against it? The mare before him was genuinely gorgeous and graceful, surrounded by an aura of immense arcane power and if she wasn't so intensely driven by her lust, he would probably also come to the conclusion that she was quite smart. Not everyone opened an interdimensional portal just like that with some random magic, that took some smarts. While Spyro got lost in his thoughts, he seemed to have taken too long, for the unfamiliar lavender mare frustratedly snorted strongly through her nostrils and turned to face him rearward. Narrowing her eyes the mare's voice was still very friendly and lusty but now also commanding and strict. "Have I not made myself clear enough? My universal translation spell should enable you to understand me easily - at least I hope so. As long as you are at least somewhat intelligent, you should know what I want from you." Spyro was confused for a moment but then regained his voice even if it was stuttering. "N-no, don't worry - Twilight was it?”, he slowly voiced. Twilight nodded. “I can understand you, fine actually." That seemed to please the mare as she smiled in cute manner, "good, then you should know what I would like you to do now my dear draconic friend." To make it clearer, she swung her ample hips to the side, arched her back and rocketed her tail as high as possible over her back while giving him a long drawn out wink with her nether regions, matched by a low seductive moan on her part. Her mare pussy also ejected quite a good deal of its milky-clear, viscous secretions from her depths that ran over her drenched, pink, heart-shaped clit; down her rear and coated her inner haunches and fur. Spyro's eyes grew wide and he had to admit, he might have been a dragon and thus found his fellow dragons the most attractive, but he couldn't help but acknowledge that this apparent princess in front of him was also beginning to thrill quite something in his nether regions. Or rather a certain deep purple, moist and arousal swollen part of her did. Twilight may have been a completely different species than him and they had nothing in common apart from their almost perfectly matching body color and the fact that they both walked on all fours. She was a mammal and he was a reptile, after all. Yet pussy was still pussy - equine or not - and he would be foolish and quite dishonorable to the mare not to accept this sexy invitation of her's. Especially when it seemed to be helping this very cute and charming mare hunched over his desk so much in releasing her pent up need. With slow clawed steps he approached the equine, thinking that she could still pass for a pony, if only barely. The mare herself had turned her head forward again as she saw Spyro beginning to move, waiting to see what he would do. He could hear her breathing coming out of her nostrils in shallow puffs. This Twilight Princess was truly very excited and aroused. Two seconds later he was now only about a meter away from the furry backside of his interdimensional visitor and from that distance he perceived something that was natural for a creature of her kind. Whereas that was probably true for any female or male in conscience. It was her strong distinct scent that her marehood radiated with its swift twitches to draw potential mates close. Obviously Spyro found the musky, female equine odor emanating from Twilight's wet genital less appealing than another pony would. But he could bear it, and found that it wasn't as bad as one might have imagined. The scent drifting from Twilight's moist crotch was kind of sweet yet spicy. So maybe it was because this mare was from another dimension? Spyro didn't know, but he also had far more important other thoughts running through his head at the moment anyway. His draconic cock also seemed to have the same idea as his brain did, for it began to gradually slide out from between his scales and slowly expand under his belly. Soon slapping against his purple scales with throbs and dripping some of his precum onto the wooden floor of his small apartment as it hardened. Spyro lazily shrugged his shoulders. If even his dragon dick was of the same opinion as his brain, then it could only mean one thing. He was making the right decision with wet, delicious looking dark-lavender horse pussy. He therefore positioned himself directly behind Twilight's backside and began to extend his right hand. As his claws carefully approached Twilight's buttocks and the vast, wet and glistening marehood lying in the middle of the mare's butt cheeks, he felt an intense heat radiating towards him from within her tight but winking mare slit. Spreading more of her pungent equine smell into his room and up to his nose with more of her wetness trickling down her rear. But even that didn’t dissuade Spyro and soon his hand made first contact with Twilight's soft equine rump. Her fur was even softer than he had imagined it to be, but there were noticeable steel-hard muscles underneath the mare's coat and slowly he began to ran his scaly hand over both of Twilight's silky ass cheeks. The mare itself began to sigh in pleasure at his touch and lowered her head further down. After a minute he'd had enough and Spyro's claws eagerly sought out the real prize hidden on Twilight's fuzzy backside. They soon found her damp, aroused prize and Spyro's claws were now right at the lower entrance to the mare's aching pussy, tips already slightly brushing the moist and warm insides of her vulva. That light touch to her sensitive lower folds alone was enough to make Twilight moan lustfully and cute again in pleasure before him, the mare laying her head down onto the shelf with a satisfied sigh. Not wanting to disappoint the princess in any way, Spyro pinned her buttocks firmly with his thumb and gradually drove his hand deeper into Twilight's moist pussy. "Ahhh! Ahhh! Yeeeeeesssss!" He forced his fingers slowly between her dark-lavender lower lips as he spread them and heard as well as felt Twilight's marehood give a wet squelch as his hand slid into her equine depths. Her entire pussy had a very warm, silky smooth feeling with multiple tiny ripples all along the insides of her narrow birth canal that brushed his scaly fingers just right. But above all, the mare's vagina was dripping wet and with each lustful twitch of her pussy Twilight's very powerful inner core muscles tried to pull his hand deeper. Forcing more of her sweet-spicy wetness out along his hand and down her inner thighs. His fingers now wrist deep inside Twilight's heated equine cunt, he began to extend his other claw and placed it at the right base of her wing as he gently started to crawl the mare in that area. Careful not to hurt her with his spiky claws as he tightened his grip on the inside of Twilight's moist depths. Twilight herself seemed to appreciate it, for her needy moans were now repeatedly punctuated by sweet, thankful purrs. Grinning, Spyro steadily worked his fingers in and out of Twilight's wet mare slit in a constant, powerful rhythm to fight her vigorous clenching vaginal muscles. All the while lifting the hindquarters of the pegacorn - or whatever kind of creature she truly was - up off the wooden floor with his sheer muscular dragon strength. As he lifted his eyes and looked up at Princess Twilight's head, he couldn't see into the mare's face, but her long horn was illuminated in a bright raspberry glow of her magic. Little hearts of the same hue rose along its conical shape and popped a few inches above the tip of her horn. For him, that was far enough to know that Twilight found his sexual pleasuring service more than satisfying, and it immediately made him feel just a little more special himself. His draconic cock had by now grown to its full length from between his scales and was throbbing needfully while it could hardly wait to fulfill his intended task. Spyo, however, was determined to keep himself from granting his cock that desire. He was still a dragon and she a pony, neither of them were meant to have sexual intercourse. Also the lavender mare said she was a princess and he dared not to mess with royalty by any means. While also considering her probably very potent magical powers and skill. Well at least as long as Twilight didn't ask him specially to fuck her. Should she ask nicely, he would be a good Gentledragon and only be too happy to oblige her desire. Who would have thought? From having a free, relaxing day with a good book, to the fact that he might have sexual intercourse with an powerful, interdimensional being of a completely different race before the end of the day... Life truly had crazy surprises in store.