To Be Happy

by Zephon

First published

Scootaloo hears a voice that tells her all she has to do to to be happy is obey.

When Scootaloo starts to suffer from depression, she starts hearing Jeff. Jeff is the sick, twisted side of Scootaloo that wants her to give in to her fantasies. Will she be able to resist the temptations or will Jeff convince her that her happiness is above anypony's well-being.

I'll Do Anything

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Scootaloo cried as she slowly, but firmly cut into her flank underneath her cuts. She smiled as she felt the blood flow from the tiny cut, like a stream of her pain, down her hind leg. "What happened to me?" she thought as she turned her head around and lapped a little of the blood off her flank. She had always liked the taste of it, metallic like a coin, but also salty and... comforting.

She finished cleaning the cut with her tongue and wiped her tears away with the back of her hoof. She inspected the cut in the mirror making sure it wasn't deep enough to need stitches, "I'm not going through that again." she thought to herself. That was an embarrassing talk with Nurse Redheart, but she swore she wouldn't tell. Satisfied that it was alright she opened the bathroom door and went back to class.

Time went by slower then ever that day. As the other ponies talked or passed notes, Scootaloo sat quietly with her head on her desk and her eyes closed.

"Scootaloo? Scootaloo wake up, sweetie." said a voice that seemed far away.

"Huh? What?" said Scootaloo as she snapped her eyes open and looked up to see Cheerilee standing over her.

"You fell asleep and class is over, get your things and go home." Cheerilee said.

Scootaloo could tell that she wasn't happy about her falling asleep during her lecture but she didn't care. In fact, she didn't care about almost anything anymore. She hadn't talked to Applebloom or Sweetiebelle in weeks, she quit obsessing over Rainbow Dash, she just stopped caring about anything. She gathered her things in her backpack and left the school.


Nopony knew much about Scootaloo or her family. Her father is in the Canterlot Psychiatric Ward and her mother works very closely with Princess Celestia, so she never sees her. That meant that she was all on her own from dusk 'til dawn.

On her way home she heard a familiar voice coming from behind her.

"Scootaloo! Sweetiebelle ah found 'er."

The accent gave it away immediately and Scootaloo sighed. She turned around to see Applebloom with Sweetiebelle trotting up behind her.

"Hello, girls." said Scootaloo, forcing a smile.

"What's up, Scootaloo? Why have you been so mopey lately?" asked Sweetiebelle as she took her place next to Applebloom.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm fine." she replied. Lying wasn't something she liked to do, but they wouldn't understand.

"Scoots, we're your friends ya know ya can talk to us, right?" says Applebloom.

"I know, I know. I'm just feeling a little sick, I'll be better in no time." she assured them. Another lie of course, but it's what they need to hear.

"If you say so. Anyways, Applebloom and I are going to go break porch lights to try to get a vandalism cutiemark, do you want to come?" Sweetiebelle asked with a big, stupid smile on her face.

"Sounds fun, but I've got to go do homework." she lied. Another one, she might as well lie every other sentence.

"Oh, another time then?" asked Sweetiebelle.

"Yeah." Scootaloo muttered as she turned around and trotted off.

As much as she hated lying, she hated being judged more. She kept her head down on the way back to her house, not daring to even look at anypony. She caught Rainbow Dash out of the corner of her eye and looked up.

"Hey Scoots. Um, how're you feeling?" said Rainbow Dash with a look of concern.

"I'm fine." said Scootaloo. She couldn't lie to Rainbow Dash.

"Can I talk to you, Dash?" she asked.

"Well, duh. What do you want to talk about?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I'm just feeling depressed." she said. It's not like Rainbow Dash would know anything about depression, but she just wanted to tell somepony.

"I. Um. I don't know what to say." stuttered Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo looked deep into her magenta eyes. They held this stare for awhile until Rainbow Dash just flew off without warning. Scootaloo sighed and went home.

"Element of Loyalty my flank." she thought to herself.


She arrived at her small house and immediately went to her room to cry. She knew she shouldn't have told Rainbow Dash about her situation, she didn't understand. Her friends are too obsessed with getting their stupid cutiemarks to open their eyes and see what's really going on. To top it all off, she completely ruined her nice flank, riddling it with scars and half healed cuts.

"What have I done?" she cried.

It's not that bad.

"What? Who's there?" she said as she looked around her room for the source of the voice. "You better show yourself or I'll

Don't be silly, Scoots. I'm here to help.

"Seriously, where the buck are you?" she screamed.

I'm in your head. My name is Jeff.

"In my head? Are you serious? What am I thinking right now?" she asked, intrigued.

You're thinking that if you were dead, all of this pain would stop.

"Well... it would, right?" she asks, timidly.

No. But there's a way to make the pain stop and make you feel great. If you're willing to get your hooves dirty.

"I'll do anything to feel like I used to!" she said happily.

Would you do anything I tell you?

"What kind of a question is that?" she asked.

I'm in your head, Scootaloo. I know everything you've ever thought, and I have to say... You're a bucked up little filly.

The room went silent and the only noise was the sound of wind blowing through the open window.

You would never be able to do it on your own, but now you have me. This is what you want, Scootaloo. This is what you need to feel better.

"No matter how much I want to feel better, I'm not going to follow orders from a disembodied voice." she said with a tone of defiance.

Yes you will. You need me, Scootaloo. I'm the only thing keeping you from going completely insane and I want you to feel better. The only way to feel better is to listen to me, though.

Scootaloo lay on her back and staired at the ceiling, thinking. She did want to feel better... But would it be worth it? Yes.

"Alright, I'll do what you say." she said

Good. Now go to sleep, we've got a big day tomorrow.

Scootaloo nodded, closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

Wake up.

Scootaloo sat straight up in her, beads of sweat running down her face. She had a nightmare about Jeff. In the nightmare he had her tied up like a puppet and he was pulling the strings. Deciding it was nothing, she got out of bed and got ready for her day.


It was Saturday which meant she could do anything she wanted, too bad she didn't want to do anything. She left her house and closed the door behind her, ready to do whatever Jeff said.

Go to Sugarcube Corner and get a dozen cupcakes.

"What? Why?" she asked. This wasn't what she had expected at all.

You want to feel better, don't you?

"Alrighty, cupcakes it is, then." she sighed.

Scootaloo made her way to Sugarcube Corner and was immediately bombarded with questions about how she was feeling.

"Are you alright Scootaloo?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Rainbow told you, didn't she?" asked Scootaloo, with malice in her voice.

"Um. No. Well, I mean she..." Pinkie stammered.

"Just give me a dozen cupcakes and let me leave." she said, annoyed.

"One dozen cupcakes coming up faster then you can say molasses!" she said as she bounced to the kitchen.


"Here they are, one dozen cupcakes." said Pinkie as put them on the counter. "On the house for my favorite filly."

"Thanks." said Scootaloo, keeping her head down.

She put the box on her back and walked out the door.

It was like this for the rest of the day, rushing from destination to destination acquiring whatever Jeff told her to get.

That's everything we're going to need.

"What could we possibly be doing that requires rope, a hammer, nails, a knife, and a sleep potion?" she asked, intrigued.

We're going to make you feel better. Who is your least favorite pony in all of Equestria?

Scootaloo pondered this a moment, she had never really given it much though.

"Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon." she said.

Two ponies? Are you sure?

"Yes, I absolutely hate both of them." she had never really acknowledged how much she disliked those two.

Alright. It's getting late, Scootaloo. You should go home and get some rest.

"It's not even dark outside and-"

Go to sleep.

She decided it wasn't worth arguing about sleep, so she went home. Laying in her bed, Scootaloo tossed and turned for hours until she finally drifted off to sleep.


Scootaloo sat straight up in her bed again. "Wait, this isn't my bed." she thought. Looking around the room she saw that it was decorated with everything a spoiled little brat would need to be happy. Posters of Prince Blueblood and popular pony stars hung on the walls, and the bed was adorned with fluffy pillows and feathers.

She heard muffled cries coming from the closet. Opening it she saw a horrific sight, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon bound with rope and gagged with pillow cases, crying on the floor. When they saw her open the closet they backed up and their eyes nearly popped out of their skulls.

Scootaloo took out their gags and nearly exploded. Their shrieks were equivalent to that of a Dragon's roar in volume and power. She immediately shoved her hooves into their mouths to shut them up.

This is what you want, Scootaloo.

Scootaloo glanced from Diamond Tiara to Silver Spoon, then back to Diamond Tiara.

"Thank you." whispered Scootaloo.

The knife, hammer, and nails are on the kitchen table.

Scootaloo re-gagged the helpless fillies and shut the closet door. An internal debate was going on within Scootaloo over whether or not to go through with this. Jeff said this is what would make her happy, and she hated those two with a burning passion. "I'm going to do it." she thought. "I'm going to be happy."

She walked into the kitchen and saw Filthy Rich's body with his head caved in. She nudged it a little with her hoof, then left it alone. She gathered the tools and trotted back to the bedroom.

Once she was back in the room she spread the tools out on the floor and inspected them. There was some dried blood on the hammer and a few nails were missing, but other then that everything was perfect. She opened the closet and smiled at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. She dragged Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon out of the closet one at a time and shut the door.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do this." Scootaloo said through a wide smile. It was true, she did want to do this for a long time she just didn't know it.

She took a nail and the hammer in her mouth and walked them over to where the two fillies were laying. After carefully positioning the nail on top of Diamond Tiara's cutiemark, Scootaloo swung the hammer and hard. Muffled screams filled the room as blood flowed from the wound and tears flowed from her eyes. Scootaloo lapped up some blood to see if it tasted any different then her own.

"Mmmmmm." she moaned.

Scootaloo rolled Diamond Tiara over and put another nail in the other side. She repeated these actions to Silver Spoon and lapped up some of her blood, taking in her flavor.

"You taste better then Diamond Tiara." she said with a smile.

Scootaloo set down the hammer and replaced it with a knife, which she immediately cut her own flank with. The sting gave her a bigger thrill then it ever had before. She felt energetic, alive, good... Happy. Jeff was right.

I don't want to say I told you so but...

Scootaloo pressed the knife firmly against Silver Spoon's neck and whispered in her ear. "Be happy, you're dying first."

She slit her throat and watched as blood flowed like a river from the gash running from cheek to cheek. Blood splattering everywhere, staining everything.

Diamond Tiara couldn't handle it and she lost control of her bladder. Scootaloo looked over at Diamond Tiara, crying in a mixture of her own piss and Silver Spoon's blood. Scootaloo couldn't help herself, she grabbed Diamond Tiara's head and pushed her face into the puddle.

"How's it taste?" Scootaloo snarled.

Diamond Tiara replied, but Scootaloo couldn't understand it through the gag. Scootaloo stabbed the knife into Diamond Tiara's side and twisted it around, then did it again, and again, and again. She stabbed her over 34 times before she finally died.

Scootaloo sighed as she checked out her work. It was so beautiful that she started crying. She pulled herself into Diamond Tiara's bed and cried softly. Just before she drifted off to sleep, she heard a voice.

How do you feel?

"Happy." she sighed as she fell into a deep sleep.