> Equestria Girls Alternate short stories and unused ideas > by Ron Jeremy Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Post > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Post Shaky hands hovered above the keyboard. The words were there, right there, but how to get them to come out was the problem. She never believed that she would do this. She was a third wave feminist, someone that believed in true equality, and of course sexual freedom came with that. The problem was that she also believed in trust and honesty. both of which had been brutally shattered. Tears rolled from the corners of her eyes, down her cheeks, and dropping to her lap. Slowly she began what she believed was going to be somewhat therapeutic. D/ Relationship Advice Dear Readers of Debbit. I (39 F) recently cheated on my (40 M) husband. I know that the cliché of saying that it wasn't intentional is in every cheater's handbook. I also know that saying it won't be believed, but I am saying it. I'm saying it because I wasn't looking to cheat. She felt the tears welling up, and she didn't attempt to stop them. She needed this. She needed to confess everything. My husband and I have been married for the last fourteen years. Our marriage wasn't just a good one, but I'd dare say that it was a great one. I'm pushy, arrogant, and all too often I can be domineering and controlling. Somehow my beloved husband saw past that, and he saw a girl that he absolutely adored and loved. We have a beautiful daughter together, and this is what breaks my heart. I've ruined her relationship with him. To understand what happened we need to go back at least six months ago. Our life together hadn't gotten stale, it wasn't merely going through the motions, but instead it was beautiful. Our love language is more than sex. It's spending time together, being together, having sex, making love, watching crappy b movies and laughing at them. He's always, always been there for me. Even when I was at my worst he was there for me. So, I was surprised at myself when six months ago I was going to the gym for my normal yoga classes. I happened to meet my affair partner there. I'm going to call her Soft touch. Soft Touch was someone that knew what she was. She never claimed to be anything other than a woman interested in other women. She explained that to me when we met. She also explained that while she was a woman, in her view, that nature had decided that she should have different equipment. I've never even considered being with anyone other than my husband. Yet, what started as just talking grew into competitive one upping. She was the kind of competitive spirit that usually either brought out the best or the worst in me. We tried to get into more intense positions, we flaunted families, and finally our last straw was our bodies. She sniffed and wiped her eyes. She wasn't worried about anyone hearing her, and how she wished that she could be worried about someone hearing her. Instead she went back to the words on the screen. The first time was at the gym. It was the shower, and I walked in to see Soft Touch washing herself. Immediately I turned around, said that I would wait until she done, but then she chastised me saying that if I was prude I should have just said so. Taking the bait I walked in, and proceeded to undress and shower. My husband had never failed to compliment my looks. He's never had anything negative to say about me. Yet, it was Soft Touch's eyes that told me more than I could have ever believed. She looked at me like a starving man looked at the first burger he's come across in ages. She commented on my hips, breasts, and how it looked like I should have had any kids. I explained that it was just working out, and then I commented on the fact that her body was equally nice. That's when I finally saw it. If you're looking for me to say that it was the single biggest that I've ever seen then I'm afraid that you've waited in vain. It was a little below average. My husband's is decently sized, perfect for me, and something I was absolutely happy with. This one was just shy of four inches. It was completely erect, and I tried to look away. I tried, but Soft Touch explained that she never expected to be turned on by me. From there, things began to escalate. It was so thrilling, so exciting, and I found myself giving into suggestions and ideas. I also began following the cheater's handbook. I got distant from my husband. I stayed on my phone constantly, I sent dirty pictures, saved pictures of us together, and unfortunately my precious daughter walked in on her mother with another person. I had to explain what happened, explain to her what was going on, and I tried to put it into words. I managed to get her to agree not to tell her father, that I would address it, and that I would stop the affair. I'm sorry to say that I did neither, or at least I didn't then. The affair went on for another four months before my husband happened to look at my cellphone when I was in the shower. I had forgotten to take it with me, and he saw the messages. He saw the pictures, the messages from my daughter telling me that I need to stop. That I need to tell him, and then her promise that she wouldn't say anything. For an entire month he stopped being affectionate, and I felt that something was wrong. Oh, I wish that I could say that I wasn't with Soft Touch anymore, but we were still going at it. Instead, I found myself realizing how far I had fallen. I began to separate myself from Soft Touch, I tried to be more affection with my husband, but he distanced himself from me even more. I knew that he knew. I knew it, and I wanted to fix things. The confirmation came with me being served divorced papers at the family practice I work at. I was in shock, and I tried to call him, but I got nothing. My daughter called in hysterics because her daddy wasn't answering her calls. He knew that I had made her promise. I tried texting him, and I let Soft Touch know that we were done. It was too little too late, and I knew it. I traded this wonderful marriage, my soul mate, and everything that made me happy for some dick. I traded it all, and now readers, I ask you what should I do? how do I go forward from here? Can I even begin to salvage things between my soon to be exhusband and myself? Can I heal his relationship with our daughter? She was always a daddy's girl, and now she's so lost without him. I... I don't know what to do anymore. > Visit from a Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visit from a Friend Everything was off, it was wrong, and it more than bothered her. She felt them around her. The strange things that crawled from the walls, the creatures that formed from shadows, and all of it seemed to focus in on her. She shivered as she sat on her bed, her knees pulled up to her chest. The soft sobs were so quiet that none could possibly hear them, but all of the creatures crawling from her mind took delight in them. "Weak," a raspy voice said, "So weak, so frail, how could anyone love you?" She shook her head, trying to keep from seeing the thing anymore. It was like something was trying to crawl into her head. She wanted to scream out in absolute insane terror, but she didn't want to make things worse. Her mama, her own mom, had began looking at her in a way that made her heart hurt. It was something that she didn't want her mama to do. She cried when she saw it. Was she not loved anymore? "No one could love you, how could they, you're weak and useless." The raspy voice laughed, the sound of it was like a thousand spiders speaking at once. But then she heard another sound. It was loud, impossibly so, and she saw the shadow explode into a million pieces. She watched as another figure stepped closer. "Takagi san?" She knew the voice. She knew it because she'd heard it on an app before. Moshi-Bun, the anime streaming app. She'd heard it, and then one of the girls she was friends with let her borrow the manga it was based on. Highschool of the Dead, the story of highschool students caught in the zombie apocalypse. "Kohta san?" she asked her voice small and frightened, "Is that you?" The figure moved near her, and she saw him. He looked exactly like he had in the last issue she'd read. He was wearing the vest with the ammo around it, carrying his rifle, and he had a haunted look in his eye. "Where am I?" he asked before he studied her, "Wait, Bitter san?" She smiled, "You know me?" He grinned, "I do, you read about me. You read about all of my friends, and you were there with us the entire time, right?" She nodded, and he stepped near her bed, "What's wrong?" She looked toward the walls, "Things are here, and they're saying things, things like I'm weak." He shook his head, "You were with us when we battled them. You didn't leave, you never put the book down, that's not weak." He took his rifle and checked it, "I'll stay here, and I sit guard, rest Bitter san, I'll not leave you." She looked at him, glad to have someone that wanted to be with her and be her friend, "Kohta san, arigato." Her eyes closed, and when she opened them again she saw her mother. She watched as her mother looked at her, and then looked at the door, "Bitter, honey, we're going to go to the doctor, okay?" She nodded, and she started to get up. When she did she heard them again, the raspy voices, but then she heard the sound of Kohta and they were all quiet. She smiled, her friend was there to protect her. He was standing guard for her. She followed her mother, and together they moved toward the car. Things felt weird, but when the sounds of the others appeared she heard Kohta. Somehow he quieted them. "It's because he's awesome," she said, her voice low, "He keeps them away because he's awesome." The phrase would mean nothing to anyone that didn't understand, but to Sour Sweet it meant everything. She knew that her daughter was currently suffering from hallucinations, and she hated herself for it. If there was one of them that was protecting her, keeping her from slipping completely, then she was glad for it. They arrived at the doctor's office, and she walked her daughter inside. Once there things progressed the way that Sour had been afraid of. It was something she feared, and it was something she hated. She could never hate Bitter, but she hated that she passed this on to her. Slowly the doctor explained that if she was not dangerous to herself, or other others, that they could begin chemical therapy and it would slowly help relieve the symptoms. For Bitter, she listened and she worried. She didn't like the others, but she liked Kohta san. He'd helped her, protected her, and she didn't want him to go away. Traveling home her mother told her that it would be okay, that she would be okay. She looked at the pill she was supposed to take, and she took it. She swallowed it, and she walked upstairs. Getting up there she moved toward her bed and sat on it. Sitting alone she listened to the sound of nothing. Everything was wrong. She couldn't understand the things happening to her, and a look up she saw him again. It wasn't the first time, and she assumed it wouldn't be the last time. "Ah, Bitter San," he said with a cheery smile, "It is nice to see you." The chubby otaku removed his glasses and cleaned them, "I was with the others, and suddenly I am here," he said as he neared her bed, "That must mean that my friend needs me." She shivered and pulled her knees up to her chest, "Kohta San," she said, "Something is wrong. It feels wrong, it isn't... I don't know how to explain. I see things. You are the most normal." He grinned, "Normal, well normal for a character from a Manga you weren't supposed to read, right Bitter San?" She nodded, "How is Takagi san?" He rubbed his shoulder, "Good, we're together, like you imagined," he said with a grin, "But it isn't Takagi you want to talk about eh?" She looked at her legs, "I'm scared," she said, "It feels like I'm losing myself. You lost yourself, right?" He nodded, "Yes, I did," he said, "And my friends helped pull me back." He touched her cheek, "Bitter San, I will always be here when you call. I am you," he said, "But, like how my friends pulled me back, you need your friends. Trust them, know that they have your best interest at heart." She shivered, "If I take the medicine, then you won't be here, will you?" He smiled, "I'll always be here," he said, "Like I said, I am you, but I may not be here like this. Trust me, talk to your friends, to your parents. Life is too short. And be thankful you're not dealing with Them." She wanted to cry, she wanted to tell him not to leave, and he took a seat beside her. The Chubby Otaku put an arm around her, and she hugged him for all she was worth. She held onto the one normal thing she saw. Normal, the fact that he was a gun otaku, one that killed zombies, and came to talk her was more normal than everything else. She hated her brain, and she hated how it made her feel. She sometimes almost wished that she had the courage to go to the top of the house, jump, and let it all end. "No," he said, his voice soft, "No Bitter san, do not do that. You are special to those around you, you know that." She looked at him, "I can't trust myself, How do I know that I won't lash out at daddy or mama?" She looked at him, "Because Bitter san, you know that they want to help you, and you know that they will do all they can. They and your friends. Let your friends bring you back." She nodded, "Will you stay with me until after?" He ginned, "Hai, I will keep the other heluations away. I promise." > New Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Life An Adagio and Passive Voice Unused Chapter She woke up feeling sick. Tiny feet had decided to kick her kidneys most of the night, Her bladder had become a punching bag, and to make things worse she felt incredibly horny most of the time. It wasn't that Passive wasn't scratching her itch. No, far from it. He was a very willing partner to some of her more carnal desires, but it didn't help that he was at work for at least ten hours a day. Ten hours that she simply existed in pure pregnant hell. She groaned as she stood, determined to at least help around the house a little, and walked toward the kitchen. There she found Sonata happily singing some stupid little song about breakfast burritos. "Sonata," she said as she moved toward the kitchen, "What are you doing?" Sonata smiled at her and rushed toward her. She felt the hug, and did her best to not expel the contents of her stomach, "Dagi!" she shouted happily, "How's the babies?!" She wanted to glare daggers at her, "They're taking up room inside of me," she groaned, "I hated this the first time, and I don't like it now." Sonata looked at her, "Oh, right, I remember now, that one noble dude, right?" She nodded, "Yes Sonata, that one noble dude, the same one that gave us a large house, land, and a portion of the taxes. All I had to do was bend over and take... Never mind," she replied as she stood there, "At least these are mine and Passive's, and I'm ready to get them outside instead of in." She breathed out, "So, what are you doing in here?" Sonata grinned at her, "Fixing Breakfast Burritos!" The excited sound was enough to make her pause for a moment, "Okay, so breakfast burritos. That actually sounds good, but can you put some extra salsa on mine, maybe throw on some relish?" She watched as Sonata studied her, "Is this a pregnancy thing?" She groaned again, "Yes, it is," she replied, "Where's Aria?" Sonata shrugged, "There's some dude that she's dating that works at a burger joint. The two of them seem to like each other, and I think that he's into letting her be the dude, so whatevs right?" Adagio studied her, "And your boyfriend?" She grinned, "oh, we're good, but we don't want babies yet, so either a rubber or you know, in the place where babies don't grow. Won't forget the rubbers again... I couldn't sit right for a couple of days." Adagio looked at her, shook her head, "I don't need to know about that." Sonata raised an eyebrow at her, "Well, I didn't need to see you riding Passive, but I did, and so we're even!" Adagio hung her head, "The door was fucking closed Sonata, it was closed, you opened the damned door!"