> Age of Technology > by Alto Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Cozy Glow has stuff to do > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I woke up yawning and stretching in my bed my wonderful secretary Diamond Tiara came up to me with some coffee. She is the only other pony who I trust the most since working with me for so many years. “Ah good morning Tiara, did you sleep well?” I asked her. Hehe even though we’re kind of friends, she still speaks formally. Then again it’s always nice to have somepony who respects you without judgement, especially in these times. “Yes ma’am, of course I did.” Diamond said enthusiastically. As I drink my coffee I can’t help but giggle for a few moments. Ever since I destroyed all magic in equestria, everypony started to panic. Then years after that ponies, griffons, changelings, and every other creature started rebuilding themselves, creating organizations, and the best part “upgrading” themselves. The other best part is watching the news seeing somepony or creature suffer because they were different, it’s so pathetic. “Alright Tiara, what’s on today’s schedule?” I asked her. She uses her cybernetic eyes to look into the media while smiling to me. “Well first, you have an appointment with Miss Rarity. Second of course is the monthly deal with Miss Polomare. And lastly is to wait for the right pony.” Tiara said happily. Good good everything is fine, I’m sure Rarity hasn’t done anything drastic. She is the CEO of Pony Robotics but has not contacted me for updates in a while. I finally finished my coffee and headed outside towards the balcony. It’s where I go to think back on the good old days with Chrysalis and Tirek. I sigh everytime because they disappeared in 2069, even though I have the most eyes and ears everywhere and the most connections I couldn’t find them. Maybe they’re in the same boat as me but I just really miss them. “Tiara call her will you?” I asked emotionlessly. She was lucky enough to hear me and after a few minutes, Rarity’s hologram pops up from inside my system. Hmph I could see the disappointment on her face as we both looked at each other. Though it was pointless since I can basically cause chaos without even trying. “What do you want darling? I’m a very busy mare.” Rarity said bluntly. “Oh nothing it’s just that you haven’t told me in a while about how the project is going.” I said while glaring at her. “Ah that, well you see I have my suspicions that the EBI is onto me. And I have to constantly make up a lie or two that nothing is going on. But rest assured that the project will be done in a couple of days.” Rarity said slightly angry. I also got a little angry myself, that organization is always nosy when it comes to technology. And the project is hopefully my state of the art mark 3 sweetie bot guards, you can never have too much security. “Hmm I see, well that certainly is a problem. Please be careful and keep me updated will you?” I said. Rarity gave me a nod and a short bow after she disconnected. I then headed back inside and to the kitchen where Diamond Tiara started setting up breakfast, she saw the little angry look I had and was curious. “Something went wrong didn’t it?” She asked. “You could say that, but it’s not a problem as long as she keeps her lips tight.” I said with concern. After I sat down in my seat I used my remote to turn on the tv to watch the news. Of course something terrible happens, but one of them caught my attention. The news reporter says that Starlight Glimmer, a cybernetic pony, has been found guilty for killing a few OPs for “being inconsiderate”. I don’t know that mare very much but I’ve talked to her in secret a few times and she’s very pleasant to be around with. “Should I help her out while you go to deal with Miss Polomare?” Tiara said almost reading my mind. Hmm maybe I’ll help her out later if she’s still ok. “No it’s fine, I’ll go see Suri and get it over with. Thank you though.” I said smiling at Diamond. I hurriedly ate my breakfast and headed for Manehattan. Although it’s not cybernetic friendly, there are a few ponies and creatures who treat upgraded ones with respect. Plus it’s still a good city. After a long train ride I finally made it to the Manehattan station. A while after I got off I was stopped by an armored stallion guard, with an armored mare guard with him. “Oh great another one of you plastic dolls, alright stand still.” He said disgustingly while he started scanning me. I couldn’t see their faces since they have secured helmets on but I already knew the faces they were making. After he was done scanning me and nodding his partner started to chimed in. “Alright tin can you’re clean, welcome to Manehattan. Don’t start anything unless you want to be filled with bullets.” The armored mare guard said threateningly. Even though I’m half organic, they still treat those that are upgraded like dogs. Though I don’t really care since they don’t know exactly who I am. I already knew where me and Suri were meeting up, it was at a private hotel not too far away. As I made my way there, being stopped by more armored guards occasionally, I finally made it. After I went inside and reserved a room I quietly waited for my client. Within 20 minutes Suri arrived with two guards of her own with a smile on her face, once she saw me then went closer to me she bowed gracefully. “Miss Glow it’s so good to see you again, you’ll have to excuse my tardiness. I was getting carried away at my favorite coffee shop.” Suri said happily. “It’s quite alright Miss Polomare, now I believe we have a deal to settle.” I said impatiently. I didn’t want to waste time as the last thing on my schedule was going to be unpredictable. “Of course, please stand by here ok?” She said to her guards that both saluted and stood by the entrance of the hotel. After a quick elevator to our private room Suri opened the door for us and closed it, automatically locking it. “Alright Suri, what do you have for me?” I asked her curiously. She winked at me and uploaded some information about the Solar Empire into my system. It was bits and pieces of how advanced their guards are, what their allies were, and bits of blueprints of something I couldn’t quite figure out. And it certainly will be useful to my advantage sometime later. As I smiled and nodded to her she made a smile of her own. “Well I’m waiting.” Suri said expectantly. Of course how could I forget. “Yeah yeah, here’s your data.” I said as I uploaded some data containing a location she requested so many times to me. I don’t really care about it as long as I can get what I want. “Mmm a pleasure as always.” She said politely. Once our deal was over we both went our separate ways again. After being hassled by armored guards again, I finally made it back to the train station and back home waiting for the third thing on my schedule to arrive. > Paranoia, suspicions, and infiltration > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was having a peaceful dream, having a good time just basking in the stars eating some candy. But I already knew sooner or later that it would be over soon. Just then a familiar voice popped in my head. “Agent Sweetie Drops, get up or you’re going to be late.” Said my boss Twilight Sparkle of the EBI. I reluctantly got up, had some coffee, and headed to the castle which wasn’t very far away. I couldn’t help but be disappointed at my boss, she apparently thinks Rarity is up to something. My opinion is that she’s paranoid about her but I’ll just keep my thoughts to myself. Once I was there I’m met with some EBI guards at the entrance, after a few checks I was clear to head inside. I can’t help but chuckle at how much security this place has. Security cameras at every corner, armored EBI guards everywhere, and even a few sentry turrets built into the ceilings. As I was getting closer to the meeting room I could already hear Twilight and her friends debating about something. “For the last time Twilight, I’m not fucking involved with anypony!” Said a high pitched angry voice as Pinkie Pie. I was pretty shocked as I haven’t heard her curse before. “Oh really? Then tell me why Starlight killed over 5 OPs huh?! For all I know you probably sent her there just to do that!” Twilight said yelling at Pinkie. As amusing as it was to hear my boss and her colleague, argue I decided to go into the meeting room where they both calmed down. The others Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash just simply watched. Although Rarity seemed like the only one being very amused. “Ahem, well Miss Sparkle I’m here. What’s happening?” I asked curiously. My boss was going to answer but Pinkie beat her to it. “Oh just how Twilight here thinks I’m planning something outrageously big, even though I keep telling her that I’m not involved!” She said angrily. “Involved in what exactly?” I asked. Everypony is apart of something but it must be pretty serious if Pinkie Pie is this upset about it. “Apparently Twilight is accusing Pinkie of smuggling CPs in Manehattan.” Rainbow said casually. Huh I guess I understand why my boss would be suspicious but the problem is that Pinkie is an ambassador of Yakyakistan, so I highly doubt it’s possible. “Well if y’all are done tearing each other’s throats out, can we get back to business please?” Applejack said while pulling out a cigar and started smoking. “Fine fine, Fluttershy do you have anything to report?” Twilight said glancing to the bored Pegasus. It’s unknown to me what Fluttershy actually does, since she’s skilled in a lot of things. “Eh well I did hear from somepony that Princess Celestia has some new toys.” Fluttershy said with a slight grin. Toys? She probably means CPs or RPs. “Huh now that’s interesting, do you perhaps know what those toys are by any chance?” Twilight said curiously. “Unfortunately no, but from what I’ve heard they seemed to be highly dangerous and efficient.” Fluttershy said. My boss nodded then started to glare in Rarity’s way. “I don’t mean to be troublesome Rarity but besides Pinkie Pie, you seem to be the most suspicious one here.” She said while her generous friend just shrugged. “Oh please darling, no matter how many questions you keep trying to ask me. You won’t know anything.” Rarity said unamused. “Uh huh we’ll see about that.” Twilight said unconvinced. “Well as for me there’s nothing going on in CloudsDale, except some usual crimes here and there.” Rainbow said casually while laying back in her chair. “Heh well business is booming as usual, there’s nothing really significant to report.” Applejack said finishing her cigar and putting it in the trash. “Alright everypony, thank you all again for coming and stay safe out there.” Twilight said concluding the meeting while her friends left. Pinkie and Rarity were the only ones who left annoyed and angry. I can’t blame them the EBI really is nosy when it comes to upgraded and robotic ponies, and I’m a CP myself. “Well that sure could’ve gone better.” I said concerned. “Indeed, however I believe that you’re going on a trip agent.” My boss said happily. Of course by “trip” she means a covert mission. Goodness me I’m probably going to have to infiltrate or spy on somepony. “And where exactly am I going?” I asked cautiously. If it’s one of her friends then It might be difficult. But I’ve been training for the past few years so I should be okay. “If at all possible I need you to find some information about Rarity, even if it’s only a little bit. Every little detail will be helpful regardless.” Twilight said while waving me off. She didn’t answer my question but I think I’ll check Ponyville first. Instead of taking transportation I decided to use teleportation since my boss installed that implant in me years back. After a few seconds of focusing and a bright flash, I made it to my destination. “Was that really necessary citizen?” A stallion guard asked me as I made my way to a certain boutique. “What? Ain’t nobody got time to use a vehicle. Besides I’m in a hurry.” I said. The guard chuckled, it seems that he found it pretty funny. “Lazy ass bitch, well have a good day then.” The guard said as he walked away. I was going to knock him out for that insult but decided to be the better pony and ignore it. As I made it in front of the boutique, I’m met with a problem because there seems to be a camera and a voice recognition device with a small intercom beside them. Oh boy, well I guess I can try. “Unidentified pony on the premises, please use your voice for recognition.” Said a robotic voice from the intercom. “Uhhh it’s me Bon Bon.” I said nervously. “Access denied, you have 30 seconds to leave. Failure to do so will result in calling the authorities. Well shit looks like I’ll have to find some info the hard way. So I did leave but I’ll soon find a way. > In and out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another day for being with my wonderful sister, however today she still seems mad as she arrives home with another angry face. Which probably means that her friends are giving her a hard time, since she’s mostly responsible for everything robot related. My other sisters tried to calm her down a little and cheer her up but it only lasted for a little bit. Once my sister Rarity entered her office she sat down and started to relax a bit. “Sorry Sweetie Belle, it’s just the usual tantrum of mine so nothing to worry about.” She said sadly. “It’s alright sis, just say the word and I’ll silence them myself.” I said stoically. My sister raised an eyebrow at that, but smiled a little bit though. “Oh trust me Sweetie Belle, I’ll certainly let you know.” Rarity said. I nodded once she understood, then out on the table appeared a hologram of Miss Cozy Glow who was staring at us. “I’m sorry to interrupt Rarity, but I’d like to request a big favor from you.” Cozy Glow said with a slight frown on her face. “I’m not in a really good mood but fine darling, what is it?” Rarity said irritated. Hopefully whatever favor Cozy Glow asks is something good. “Well I’m sure you’re familiar with Starlight Glimmer who was found guilty right? Basically I want you to head over to Trottingham and break her out of there.” Cozy Glow said with a smirk. Me and my sister were shocked, not only because of breaking somepony out of prison but also because the prison there is heavily guarded and dangerous. “Well I suppose I can do that, I already have somepony for backup if things go south.” My sister said regaining her calm demeanor back. Wait backup? I wonder who that would be. “Excellent! Please let me know as soon as she’s secured.” Cozy Glow said finally as the hologram disappeared. “So sis, care to tell me who this “backup” is?” I asked curiously. But my sister just smirked at me. “Oh you’ll see eventually darling, you’ll see.” Rarity said giggling. If that’s the case then it must be somepony I’m not expecting at all. Once I was in the VTOL gunship making sure my weapons were good to go, I spotted a familiar yellow Pegasus pony wearing the same kind of armored suit the guards in Manehattan were wearing. “Fluttershy? Are you seriously the backup?” I asked her shockingly. “Yep Sweetie bot, I’m your backup. Now where did I put my honeycomb at?” Fluttershy said as she looked for her “honeycomb” which was the name of a very powerful equestrian sniper rifle. Once Fluttershy found it she stuck it onto her back and sat down in one of the seats. “Okay then, hey sweetie bot 77 let’s move!” I yelled at the pilot who is one of my sisters. “Affirmative, heading there now.” 77 said taking us in the air and off to our destination. After a long distance away I decided to talk to Fluttershy about what she’s doing. “So Fluttershy, if it’s not too much please tell me what or who you’re working for.” I demanded. I couldn’t see her face though because of her helmet, I can use my scanner to see through it but I don’t want to bother doing that. “Hmm well I suppose you could call me a freelancer. I’ll work for anypony for whatever he or she needs. Whether I’ll be an assassin, smuggler, merchant, mechanic, you name it and I’ll get it done.” Fluttershy said confidently. And of course I was shocked again, it’s no wonder my sister’s friends didn’t know what she did. Except for Rarity, I’m sure she already knew. After a couple of more hours, I finally hear my sister 77 speak up. “Alright girls we’re here, stay down and be careful out there.” 77 said as me and Fluttershy hopped out of the gunship and landed as quietly as possible. After a few moments of making sure we were okay, my sister flew the gunship back home. “You can head towards the location ahead of me Sweetie bot, I’ll find a vantage point and look out for you and spot any opportunities that may come up.” Fluttershy said as we made our way towards the prison. Well prison isn’t the word I would use, it’s more like a military base with all of the security. Once I made it to the edge of the prison I spotted an opening near the west entrance, only problem is that it’s guarded by an armored guard with a LMG. Just as luck would have it Fluttershy spoke up in my system through her suit. “Alright Sweetie bot I’m in position, I’ve also hacked into the enemy’s comms so we’ll know what they’re doing. And feel free to check out the opportunities.” Fluttershy said after cutting off. Hmm let’s see here… “Hey private, have you gotten those turrets back online in the cell area.” Said a stallion guard with a thick accent. “Not yet sir, we might need to hire somepony or something to do it because I sure as hell can’t.” Replied a mare guard. Hmm this must be what Fluttershy meant by “opportunities”. “Don’t worry I got them.” Fluttershy said as I heard a very silent shot from somewhere, and after 3 seconds the armored guard that was at the entrance I was trying to get in fell to the ground. I then decided on a good idea. I touched the dead armored guard’s body and disguised myself as well as mimicking their voice. The door to the west entrance has a keypad next to it, I used my scanner and hacked it giving me access to it. Once the door was opened I went inside and closed it. The inside of it looks like a maze, but thanks to my eyes I’ll be able to navigate easily. Thankfully I spotted the cell area just below my position. I spotted an elevator up ahead and walked towards it, just then two armored guards stepped out and noticed me. “Hey High Spec, you’re supposed to be guarding the entrance over there. Did something happen?” The mare guard asked curiously. The other guard wasn’t as fooled and spoke up. “Yeah what she said, you know we can’t just abandon our duties like that.” The stallion guard said unamused. Of course I could come up with some lame excuse but then it would be too obvious. So with my left wrist I took out my blade and stabbed the mare guard in the heart. The stallion guard tried to shoot me but I was too quick as I hopped on the ceiling, ran behind him, and snapped his neck. I eventually thought about hiding the bodies but I didn’t really care to do so. “Fluttershy how are things going out there?” I asked worriedly as I got into the elevator and touched on the cell area button. “Smoothly so far but you better hurry though, I’m sure they’ll notice something eventually.” She said cutting off again. Once the elevator stopped and opened I spotted a some kind of booth nearby. I opened the door to it and I see a security console that was blinking on and off. When I immediately went to it I hear a voice from it. “Welcome High Spec, security turrets are offline, please reboot now.” The security console said. I almost forgot that I still have the disguise on. I did something even better, I used my scanner to reboot and hacked it. Once that was done, the computer spoke up again. “Security turrets are online, friendly fire online, preparing for elimination of targets.” The computer said as I heard gunshots fired throughout the prison. “Damn now that’s just cruel.” Fluttershy said to me snickering before cutting off again. After that I exited the booth and went straight inside the cell area. The turrets turned to me and stopped with green lights, letting me know that I’m on their side. Other than that there were some terrified prisoners and several dead guards everywhere. However there is one prison cell at the end of the hall that was very quiet. As I went in front of it I see Starlight Glimmer smiling and shaking her head. “Good grief, I wake up from hearing gunshots and the next thing I know I see dead guards everywhere. So let me guess you’re here to get me out of here?” Starlight said curiously. “Indeed Miss Glimmer, let’s move out.” I said as I used my hands this time to break open the door. Just then Fluttershy spoke up again. “Sweetie bot please hurry I’m a little pinned down over here, I hope you and the VIP are safe.” She said cutting off. Since we’re running out of time I teleported me and Starlight to where Fluttershy is. And indeed she was being overwhelmed by armored guards with Heavy miniguns. Though it’s a good thing I have something else up my sleeve. “Fluttershy look at me!” I said as I yelled at her. Once she looked I used my scanner to turn her, me, and Starlight temporarily invisible. After that all of the guards surrounding the area were looking everywhere yelling where the intruder went. Once all of us were out of sight I sent a signal telling Rarity that we’re ready to head home. “On my way sis, sit tight.” 77 said to me through my system. After hours of staying out of sight, our gunship arrived. Then I grabbed Fluttershy and Starlight then activated my thrusters and we both got inside the ship safely. Once we safely landed at my home my sisters including my sister Rarity welcomed us. “Thank goodness you’re all alright darlings!” Rarity said relieved. “Yeah it was pretty fun, too bad I couldn’t get more kills.” Fluttershy said giggling. “Fun for you maybe I almost had a heart attack getting out of there.” Starlight said wryly. “Well in any case, I’ll let Cozy Glow know that our special pony is secured. Good work you two.” Rarity said smiling to me and Fluttershy. Hmm I wonder if Rarity is done with her “project” yet. > Tension, discussions, and a secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “This is insane, my own city has been infiltrated by some sort of group. There must be something you can do Miss Raven.” Said Mayor StarStruck of Trottingham. Since I’m Celestia’s secretary I have to make sure that everything goes smoothly, including national affairs like this one. Though Canterlot has rather changed a lot since advanced technology was introduced. “I’m terribly sorry Mr Starstruck, but the SE isn’t particularly interested in this matter at the moment. So you’ll just have to wait or maybe tighten your security a little more.” I said bluntly. Hopefully we’ll be able to know what happened there whenever the SE has time. “Oh is that so? Well then maybe this picture of one the ponies that one of my soldiers took will interest you.” Starstruck said as he handed me a picture of a pony that looked really familiar. After getting a good look at it I was a little shocked, because the pony in the picture looked exactly like Fluttershy. “Hmm well Mr Starstruck, it seems you have our attention. I’ll be sure to notify Princess Celestia immediately.” I said wryly. Of course nopony even knew what job Fluttershy had, but judging by this picture she’s definitely doing something. After showing Mr Starstruck out of the room I had to take a deep breath. Trottingham barely keeps in touch with other major cities in equestria, but for somepony important like Fluttershy to get involved seems pretty strange. Then after I calmed down a little I went straight towards the throne room. After only a few moments I reached my destination, of course the highly advanced guards noticed me but didn’t bother since they already knew me. But right after that there were some shouts on the other side, it seems like someponies aren’t satisfied. “Listen here your highness, I don’t care what you say. You have to do something about the EBI, they’re way too nosy and can’t mind their own damn business!” Said somepony behind the throne room doors. Oh dear it looks like something happened. With that I finally entered the throne room to see Rarity of PR, Filthy Rich, Fancypants, and Princess Celestia. “Forgive me your highness, but I have some news that I think you should know.” I said after giving a bow and went to Celestia’s side. Everypony else looked either sad or angry, which I suppose is understandable. “Ah it’s quite alright Raven, you can tell me about it after Mr Rich stops having a tantrum.” Celestia said tiredly. Fancypants couldn’t help but giggle a little bit at what Celestia said. “Oh please you probably have tantrums too! Anyway is there anything you can do about it your highness?” Filthy Rich said sadly. “Hmm well I suppose I’ll think of doing something about it but until then you just have to be patient.” Celestia said calmly. Since Mr Rich calmed down I decided to whisper the news in her ear. Once I told her it she shot her eyes right at Rarity. “Is something wrong your majesty?” Fancypants said worriedly. “Well I suppose there is.” Celestia said as the two guards at the door came into the room and shut it with their weapons at the ready. “Um Celestia please forgive me but what’s going on?” Said Rarity worriedly. “Rarity, My secretary says that Fluttershy may be involved with a small incident in Trottingham. Do you perhaps know anything about that?” Celestia said sternly. As she said that Rarity started to panic and dart her eyes around a little bit. “Your highness I don’t even know what occupation Fluttershy is in so of course I have no clue myself.” Rarity said worriedly. However she made a mistake by trying to get away with a subtle answer like that, as both of the guards started aiming their guns at her. “Nice try Rarity, I highly advise that you tell me the truth or something might happen.” Celestia said sternly again. “O-Okay well the problem is that Fluttershy is more or less of a freelancer. She’s capable of almost anything that anypony needs.” Rarity said sadly. Huh so that explains why nopony knows what she does, until now. “Ah so that’s why. Well although you didn’t give me a complete answer, I will let it go just this once.” Celestia said as the guards lowered their weapons and went back outside the doors. “T-Thank you your majesty.” Rarity said with relief. “Well now on to different matters, Fancypants I assume you have something to tell me as well?” Celestia asked. “Right well I’m not sure what’s happening but one of my associates has informed me that some of our data in Canterlot have gone missing. And I’m sure why or who would do this.” Fancypants said with concern. “Are you serious!? Hmph I see, well then it seems I’ll have to take some measures to ensure that it doesn’t happen again.” Celestia said angrily. “Oh goodness gracious, as if things couldn’t get any more crazier.” Filthy Rich said while shaking his head. “Well Rarity, I’m sure you have something to tell me as well. And I hope it’s nothing too dire.” Celestia said tiredly. “Yes indeed darling, it’s about somepony in Manehattan that has been taking a lot of shady deals. I’m not certain if it’s arms dealing, drugs or what but it seems rather strange.” Rarity said with mild concern. “Hmm I see, well as long as there are guards there then it should be fine.” Celestia said calmly. “I suppose I’ll take my leave then.” I said as I left the room. After that I headed straight for my room. Once I was at my room I quickly opened and locked it shut. Then I went to the living room to talk with a certain somepony who was waiting for me. “There you are Miss Raven, I’m guessing things are going smoothly?” Cozy Glow’s hologram said calmly. “Well there is a slight problem Miss Glow, it’s about certain pieces of data that I think you have. And Princess Celestia may or may not do something about it.” I said concerned. “Hmm that is a problem, but it’s alright I’ll take care of it. Anyway do you mind erasing Starlight’s identity?” Cozy Glow asked. “Of course not Miss Glow, I’ll make sure there isn’t a trace left in her profile.” I said. “Good good, well then let me know if anything comes up again. Until next time.” Cozy Glow said as her hologram disappeared again.