> Polo RPG > by MagicalPony2099 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue - Welcome To The World of Polo RPG! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun was shining through the windows of the tower in Canterlot of one purple unicorn mare and one male baby dragon by the names of Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Both age of 17 and 6. Twilight Sparkle is a unicorn mare that is a student to the sun princess of Princess Celestia and Spike is a male baby dragon that was hatched by Twilight Sparkle from her entrance exam to the School of Gifted Unicorns in Canterlot. While Spike was still asleep in his little bed, Twilight woke up from her sleep in her bed. Getting out of bed, she went to the bathroom to go washed up before beginning the day's activities. After she clean herself up from the shower, she dries herself, and went back to the main room of her tower, the library of her tower. She sighs to herself, today's activities would to be the same as everyday. Read everybook, feed Spike, report to her mentor/teacher, and stuff like that. But little did Twilight knew that her and Spike's day would be really different. So when Twilight was finding books to read, she found a book that she didn't recognized at all. Once getting this book with her magic, she found out that this book has no name on it. "What?! How has a book that got no name on it?!" She exclaimed to herself, agitated. She groans as this was going nowhere at all. Oh well, lets see what this nameless book has in store for me. She opened the book with her magic and discovers that it, like the name of the book, has nothing in it. But before she argues with herself from this blank book, she felt something trying to pull herself into this book. She didn't recognized what this something was. She even looked to where Spike is and the same was happening to him as well while he's still asleep. She let out a yelp before her and Spike got sucked right into the book. After both Twilight and Spike got sucked into the book, the book closes and reveals the name of the book. It shows the words "Polo RPG" written in fantasy font. Twilight Sparkle doesn't know how long she was out cold for, but she was slowly waking up. As she open her eyes, her eyes widen as she looks around and notices that she's not in her tower in Canterlot at all or anywhere in Equestria for that matter. She was about to have a panic attack before using what her foalsitter Cadence taught her to calm down. Once she calms herself down, she looked down to her side to notice her still sleeping dragon Spike. She smiles as she was glad Spike was safe and not hurt at all. But now she looks around for real this time as to get her surroundings. She looked ahead to herself to find that, what appears to be a house of some sort. But the look of this house doesn't appear to be Equestrian at all, but fantasy like. She remembers that her brother Shining Armor, let her play with him to a game of O&O, Ogres & Oubliettes. She did have fun with her character she created, a unicorn mage by the name of Jane Sands. Her character was also a romantic charmer as she was teasing her brother's character to no end and by the end of her first time playing the game, her character end up marrying her brother's character. Ever since her brother ended up joining the royal guards, she couldn't play O&O anymore. She also did remember that her foalsitter Cadence got to play the game as well and ended up with both her and Shining's characters into a harem because she's a princess of love from what Cadence told her. A couple of years ago, she found herself in what's know as the Crystal Caverns below Canterlot. She didn't know how she got there in the first place because she was drunk, but the next morning after that happened, she woke up with a hangover. Ever since then, she never got drunk ever again and one moment in her life she'll never do again. She saw the door to the house in front of her and Spike open to see that a griffon coming out, a male griffon at that. This male griffon began to speak. "Oh, its you two. I have been waiting for you." His voice was that of a male in his mid twenties. "Come on in, I'll get you something to drink and eat." After he said that, Twilight felt magic coming from the griffon, she felt herself being picked up by his magic and saw Spike being picked up as well. They both floated towards inside this house and upon inside the house, she saw stuff that doesn't even exist in Equestria at all. After she was put down by his magic, she saw him bringing out two cups and two plates of food and drinks. "I know who you two are, but before I tell you on how I know you, I'll introduce myself." He said. "My name is Willight Robinbine and welcome to the world of Polo RPG, a game I created for everyone to enjoy and you can see my name above me." She did see his name above him. Willight Robinbine Lvl. 9,999 The RPG Bronies The Ultimate Class Polo RPG's Game Creator "As you can see, my name is Willight Robinbine, I'm a level 9,999 player that has max stats, my class for this game is the only class that goes to me and I'm this game's creator. Why I'm a griffon, well I chose this race because they got fingers or what the griffons call it, claws like Spike has for his hands. Also I'm sorry." Twilight was confused as to what Willight was sorry for. "I was the one who brought you and Spike here to the world, the game I created. I also tell you on how to return back to your actual home, but before I do that. Right now, everyone who plays this game, their characters are immortal. They can die as many times they like and can respawn after being killed, but doesn't lose their progress. You and Spike are immortal right now, you'll age mentally, but physically don't age at all." Twilight was surprised that she's immortal like her teacher Princess Celestia. "Now, on how to return back to your world. You and Spike have to get to the max level of 9,999 in order to return back to your world. Right now, no time has passed in your world at all. Basically once you returned back, it was like no time has pass at all." Twilight was processing what he said. But then she looked at him. "What are you wearing?" He looked at himself. "Oh these clothes, well..." But before he continued, they both heard Spike waking up. "...it looks like Spike is waking up. I'll be right back, brb." Willight left the room, leaving only Twilight and Spike in there alone. Spike yawned as he was waking up from his nap. As he open his eyes, he saw Twilight. "Twilight, where are we and what is that delicious smell?" "Well Spike, after I woke up and got ready for today's list, I found a book that wasn't there at all and opened it. I'll just let Willight explain to you and the smell is the food and drinks he brought out for us to have." Spike was confused. "Willight?" A head popped out. "Yes Spike?" Spike screamed and jumped, landing on his butt. "Dude!" Willight chuckled. "Sorry, but I couldn't resist." Willight wasn't wearing anything now as he was flying as his wings is flapping. He just snaps his claws as his clothes were in front of Twilight. "There you go Twilight, you can look at my clothes and get to feel them as you see fit. Now for your info Spike, the world you and Twilight are at, is the world I created in the game called Polo RPG. A VRMMORPG, Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, where you create a character to defeat monsters and complete quests to level up your character and be anything of the races this game has to offer. You can even find love with multiple others. And right now you and Twilight are at level 0. The starting level for this game. You have the option to choose a class before your first quest of the game. There is no human and anthro races at all except for like the Diamond Dogs, Minotuars, Abyssinians, and Parrots. My class is all of them combined because I'm the creator of this game." While Willight was saying all of this, Spike began to eat. Willight gave him and Twilight a sandwich. Willight knew that Spike needs meat in his diet so he gave Spike a sapphire and ham sandwich and Twilight a daffodil and daisy sandwich. As for the drinks, he both gave them white jasmine tea. Uncle Iroh gave Willight the recipe for White Jasmine Tea while he was visiting that world. "I really hope you like the tea I gave you, it's calm and relaxing." After both Twilight and Spike were done with their food and tea, they both looked at him. Willight notice this and said. "Now that you are done, you can now choose a class. There are lots of classes to choose from. Ranging from mages to summoners. With the summoner class, you can tame monsters to become your familiars to help you battle monsters and as for mage, well..." He looked at Twilight. "...you looked like you have experienced in this class before." Twilight blushed as she does have experienced in the mage class before because of her O&O character and even have her character's outfit back home to pretend to be her character. "Also with the summoner class, you can have your familiars be your lovers as well regardless of gender. I can show you two my familiars later as right now, they're doing something for me. One of my familiars is a adult male dragon that was considered the final boss of this game, but I allowed him to lay a egg for the hatchling to the final boss. He's really nice as he recognizes me as his creator, because me being this game's creator. Also I got this player I want you two to meet, he was one of the beta players for this game after he was done with Sword Art Online. I allowed him to be his Spriggan character in this game because I was a huge fan of him from SAO and he can be allowed to dual wield his swords from SAO. But you have to wait until the both of you completed your first quest tomorrow." Twilight wants to know one thing from him. "How do you know me and Spike anyway Willight?" Spike agrees with Twilight. "Yeah, how do you know us?" "Follow me." Willight said before flying towards the living room of this house. Twilight and Spike followed him. "Sit on the couch and watch this." He turned on the TV and went to the recordings on his DVR and selected the first two episodes of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. "I know watching this will shock you as I know your home world and its story." He rented both episodes, so that means no ads. "I know you both will have questions after watching this. So right now just watch this." He just sighed as it has been awhile since seeing the series premiere of the show. So after 44 minutes has past since all three of them watched the first two episodes of the show, Willight looked at them. "I know you two got questions, so ask away." Twilight was the first one to ask. "So me and Spike are just characters from that?" Willight nodded. "Yes you two are, you two don't know how important you are in Equestria. As you two so just watched, this show was meant for little girls, but it has fans like me called bronies. Adult man that like ponies and stuff. I have been a fan ever since January 19, 2013 and today is July 12, 2068. Tomorrow after the both of you complete your first quest and my friend arrives to met you two, we are gonna watch something that was from a fan of the show. This show has a total of 9 seasons and other stuff like movies and things and stuff. Plus something that came out in late 2021. Now, I'll show you two something." He snap his claws to make two smartphones appear. "These smartphones are for you two to keep and bring back when you return back home in Equestria. Just make sure that Princess Celestia doesn't know about these phones yet until the time is right. Also those phones have unlimited data, unlimited battery life, unlimited space, phone service, and built-in wifi so you can contact me anytime. But right now, do you have to go to the bathroom? If yes, its the 3rd door on the right down that hall over there." He pointed to the hall on the right with his index claw. Both Spike and Twilight left the living room. "I guess they do have to use it." He waited until both Twilight and Spike were finished. It has been 10 minutes since both of his guests were in the bathroom. "How much longer are they gonna use it? I'll just have to wait longer." He waited for 50 minutes until both Twilight and Spike went out of the bathroom. He smelled them. He looked at them with a deadpan look on his griffon face. "Did you two had sex in there for 50 minutes?" "I was horny okay!?" Twilight exclaimed. "Me and Spike been having sex ever since I was old enough to take care of him. Me and him have this relationship with each other that my parents, my brother, and Princess Celestia doesn't know about. I have even casted a spell on myself for not getting pregnant until I was ready and that was years ago, even when my estrus hit, I wouldn't get pregnant from him cumming inside my womb. Maybe this year when my estrus hits, I'll remove the spell from myself and become pregnant if that's okay with you Spike?" Spike was blushing as he knows what Twilight did ever since Princess Celestia gave Spike back to Twilight when she was old enough to take care of him. That first time with Twilight was making his cock come out of his draconic slit even though he came in Twilight just 5 minutes ago. He was getting a erection. Willight saw Spike's erection, it was big for his age. "Well, look what you got. I'm impressed Spike. I'll take care of it. Also I wouldn't mind being a mother." "You're a male Willight." Twilight said. "Just look behind me." Willight said lifting his tail up. Twilight looked behind Willight and saw that he has both genitals, his green balls were there and above his balls were his vagina that his clit was winking. "Yeah, I have both genitals and even my dragon familiar was surprised from this as well." Willight said. "Now Spike I want you to lay down on your back on the floor in front of me." Spike did that and his erection was throbbing. "Good, now I hope you don't mind if I do this." Willight said before he grab Spike's hard throbbing dragon dick in his claw started moving his claw up and down on this dick. Spike was in heaven as he never felt somepony do this to him at all, to feel another one's claws on his penis. Twilight did use her magic to make hands appear before, but to actually feel it was breathtaking. He was moaning as Willight was using his claws to do a clawjob on his penis. Pre was coming out of Spike's dick as his heart quicken. He was about to cum as he felt his dick throb and Spike moan very loudly as cum was coming out of his dick. He never came this quck before in his life. Willight smiled as he felt Spike's hard meat throb and felt cum went blasting out of Spike's dragon dick. Cum went everywhere as blast after blast of Spike's cum was going everywhere, even Twilight was shocked and very surprised as she never saw Spike came this quick in her life at all and with this amount of cum from Spike. She guessed that Spike likes to have his dick being rubbed from claws or hands. After a moment, Spike calmed down and his dick went back inside his slit, making his crotch featureless again. He was still having a high after cumming like that. "I love you." Willight looked around to see that his living room was covered in cum, even the walls were stained with cum. He sighed and looked at Twilight. "Did you even know Spike had this amount of cum?" "No!" Twilight quickly exclaimed. "Neither did I." Willight agreed. "I'll let you guys sleep as its getting pretty late anyway. Night." He snaps his claws and went to bed. Twilight just used her magic to bring Spike on her back and teleported to a random bedroom, put Spike on the bed, covered him in a blanket, she did the same for herself. As when she closed her eyes, she was out like a light. > Epilogue - Thank You For Playing Polo RPG! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Spike cheered as they finally beaten the final boss of the game. It took them awhile to beat the boss, but at long last, they finally gotten to level 9,999. Twilight Sparkle and Spike reached level 9,999!!! Wilight walked towards them with a smile on his beak. "Congratz you two for beating the final boss and made it to level 9,999. I know you two could do it. Ever since you two arrived to this world 50 years ago, I knew that I sensed something in the both of you that had something special and now with max level and max stats, you both can finally go back home to your world with everything you gotten here." He said before snapping his claws to make a closed scroll appear. "Also, please give this to Celestia, she needs to read it with her eyes only. And as a added bonus for completing my game." He snaps his claws again to make two scrolls appear. "These scrolls are for you both to read when you get back, its the same scroll anyway." Twilight and Spike nodded. They're both in their forms from the series finale of MLPFIM, Twilight as an alicorn and the same height as Celestia and Spike with his wings and very tall and handsome as well as a gigachad, like these two images below. Willight snaps his claws again to make a portal to their home. "There, one portal to where the both of you were before arriving here, but before you both leave, I want to sing one final song because I can do all of these voices and after this song, you can say your goodbyes and leave to return back to Equestria." He clear his throat before he started to sing. When I started out, I was unsure I thought I knew all that I needed, didn't know what to expect But when my walls came down, I saw the truth All along something was missing And I think you'll see it, too This is where the magic happens This is where the magic lives Our friendships weave together stronger The bonds grow deeper, lasting longer And the greatest spell you'll know Is how the Magic of Friendship grows And no matter how much time goes by The party will still be here with some fun new games to try Big adventure's waiting obviously Long as we're still here together Long as we're still here together We'll be flying happily This is where the magic happens (where the magic happens) This is where the magic lives (where the magic lives) Our friendships weave together stronger The bonds grow deeper, lasting longer And the greatest spell there is What the Magic of Friendship gives And it's somethin' true to pass on down To generations yet to come And we'll never stop believing in The generosity of the friendships we've won And because the love that I feel For every single living creature is something that is real Friendship happens so naturally Oh, and how I used to wonder (Ahhh-ahhh-ahhh...) What friendship could be! This is where the magic happens (where the magic happens) This is where the magic lives (where the magic lives) Our friendships weave together stronger The bonds grow deeper, lasting longer And the greatest spell you'll know (you'll know) Is how the Magic of Friendship grows How the Magic of Friendship grows I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the friendships I've made with all of you. Each one of you taught me something about friendship, and for that, I will always be grateful. Thank you, friends. Thank you, everypony! (Ahhh-ahhh-ahhh...) What friendship could be! This is where the magic happens (where the magic happens) This is where the magic lives (where the magic lives) Our friendships weave together stronger The bonds grow deeper, lasting longer And the greatest spell you'll know (you'll know) Is how the Magic of Friendship grows ♡ Willight was smiling as he saw both Twilight and Spike hug each other. "Well, I hope you can improve Equestria with the knowledge you gotten here when you go through this portal. Goodbye you two and good luck. Thank you for playing the world of Polo RPG! Hope we can meet again next time." He said saying his goodbye with waving his claw in a goodbye motion. "Thank you Willight for this wonderful experience me and Spike had here." "Yeah, thank you for having us. Goodbye Willight Robinbine." Twilight and Spike nodded as they began to walk towards the portal, they both look back and saw Willight nod, they both went through the portal, leaving the world of Polo RPG and returning back to their home in Equestria. The portal disappeared as Willight sighed. "I'm gonna miss those two being here. These 50 years for them being here was the best. I really hope they can make Equestria a better place for other creatures to endure and enjoy. Kirito will miss those two the most." Right as he said that, the sound of a teleport crystal was heard and Kirito appeared. "I saw the notification of Twilight and Spike reaching the max level of 9,999 and used a teleport crystal to get here. Where are they?" Willigth turned towards Kirito and said. "They finally returned back to their world after defeating the final boss." "Oh." "But, if things in Equestria go right, they can return here with new players." "I hope so, because I just finished making them new clothes and weapons as to be the final reward for defeating the final boss. Its in my inventory right now." He said. "Can we go back to your house right now?" Willight nods. "Sure, get on my back and I can get us there." Kirito got on Willight's griffon back with his hands and arms wrapped around Willight's neck. "Let's go." Willight used his griffon wings as he jumped into the air and flapped them. He and Kirito flew towards his house that's on the first floor of the game. A minute pasted as the both of them arrived to Willight's house. Willight landed on a patch of grass in front of his own house. "We're here." Kirito got off of Willight's back and said. "Thank you." He then went inside of Willight's house, leaving Willight alone outside of his own house. Willight put his claw under his beak. "Hmmm, how long will Twilight and Spike take to return to this game? How much time will pass in their world before returning?" He then shrugged. "I will wait until they come back. But until then..." He looks at you, the reader. "...thank you for reading Polo RPG! See you in the sequel where Twilight and Spike improves Equestria to the point of having technology and magic combined into Magitech and maybe finally returning here to the world of Polo RPG." He snaps his claws to make the screen go black with a message saying this. THANK YOU FOR READING POLO RPG!!!