Rarity The Sociopath

by RainbowFucktory

First published

The only way to get away from Rarity is by the means of an heroing.

Rarity's got a dirty secret she's hiding from her friends. She suffers from an antisocial personality disorder, which means she has no feelings of remorse for any bad thing she does, even if it hurts her friends. When Rainbow, Twilight, and Fluttershy grow concerned for her health, they decide to check up on her. Rarity ends up snapping and taking all her rage out on them, leading to Rainbow Dash making a huge mistake in means to protect herself.

Lack of empathy

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Rarity got a sadistic grin on her face when she watched all three of her friends walk into her home. Now that they were inside and on her property, she could do whatever she wanted to completely break their minds. The process would be beautiful, seeing the trust they once had in her completely drain as she tortured and humiliated each and every one of them at a time, slowing the process to make it everlasting. She hated every one of them, the act she would have to put on just to appear nice was tiring. Only in the comfort of her home could she reveal her true colors. She and her family all suffered from the same disorder, so it never bothered them.

Except of course Sweetie Belle, but earlier Rarity had taken care of her. Now it was just her, and her playthings. "Well hello, darlings!" Rarity greeted. "It's great to have you. You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to arrive. I'm pretty sure since this morning."

"Sorry, I'm late Rarity, I had to take care of my little animal friends," Fluttershy explained, voice soft and quiet as usual. Rarity was so fucking tired of Fluttershy whispering all of the time, she couldn't wait to hear that pussy's screams as she dug a sharpened blade through her chest and watch the blood squirt out of it like red cum. The thought was so arousing. She wanted fresh blood all over her floors again so she could roll around in it and turn her white fur red. The thought by itself turned her on.

"Well maybe instead of caring about woodland creatures who mean nothing at all you should be focusing on me, dear." Rarity said rather coldly. This set her friends back, the Rarity they knew usually wasn't so passive-aggressive. But they didn't know Rarity was also a zoo sadist yet.

"Well anyways, what are we here for, Rarity?" Dash asked, flying. Rarity had certain rules in her house about that. "Darling! In my home you aren't allowed to be flying around and knocking things over, you have hooves, use them like anyone else! you pegasi think you're so special, well, not in my house you aren't!"

"Woah, woah, alright, alright!" Rainbow said, landing back onto the ground with a semi-offended expression. "Jeez..is Rarity feeling okay today? She isn't usually...I dunno, this snappy."

"Maybe she's just been overworked on her dress-making Rainbow," Twilight said. "Rarity is our friend and she loves us. She would never do anything bad to us ever and I know that because me and her are really close. I don't know a friend I like more than Rarity." Twilight said. Rarity was her favorite. Rainbow rolled her eyes and turned back toward Rarity, who had turned on her coffee machine and was preparing coffee for them.

"Extra sugar?" Rarity asked. Rainbow shook her head in response, so Rarity grabbed all three steaming cups of hot brown liquid and left them for her friends to sip. Rarity's ears buzzed and her heart quickened as she watched the trio drink the tampered-with tea. She had snuck a whole bottle of Halcion into it, which was a sleeping sedative taken off the market years ago. Luckily for Rarity, her brother worked in the military so he had tons of it laying around the house.

"Ugh..this stuff tastes weird." Dash groaned as she clenched her stomach in pain. Rarity put on a fake face of concern as she saw Rainbow heave and punch her chest for more air. "I feel really tired all of a sudden." She said, dropping her cup as she fell to the floor. The Halcion kicked in faster than Rarity had thought! Fluttershy and Twilight also got super tired, barely able to keep their eyes open as they fell to the floor. Rarity wished they would've been in more pain as ALL THE HALCION entered their systems.

"Shame. I love it when I give ponies panic attacks over being poisoned." Rarity frowned as she dragged all three of the unconscious bodies into her bedroom. She tied Twilight to the bed with massive black straps, then she grabbed a hammer and nailed Rainbow Dashe's wings to the wall. Rainbow stirred in her sleep crying out in pain, but because she had overdosed on Halcion her body couldn't struggle hard enough to wake her. Finally, Rarity grabbed a nearby chair and taped Fluttershy to it, keeping her in place.

After a few hours, the drug finally wore off, and the three woke up with Rarity standing over them with a huge kitchen knife. "Hello, you fucking idiots. I tricked you. Now I will torture you all for my masochistic pleasures until you're either dead or paralyzed from the waist down by how much I'll be raping and torturing you all."

"WHAT!" Twilight screamed, trying to get out of the bonds. But they were made out of steel metal so it was too hard. Fluttershy broke down crying which pissed off Rarity. "SHUT UP YOU STUPID BITCH!" she screamed, digging the knife straight into Fluttershy's throat. Fluttershy tried to turn her head away, but by then Rarity already had the blade submerged into the back of her tongue. With a swift slice, she cut into it and ripped it out. Blood started to foam out of Fluttershy's mouth as she choked and spat it everywhere.

"Damn it, I forgot if I do that it'll make them choke on their blood." Rarity said and reached into a nearby drawer to grab a plastic container full of cotton. Reaching in she grabbed a hoof-full before stuffing it all into the back of Fluttershy's throat to slow the bleeding, or at the least block it.

"Rarity WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!??" Rainbow Dash gasped with widened, frightened eyes. Rarity turned back and grinned at her. "Because I love to see you all in pain. I love having the power. Rape and murder are the only things that make me happy."

"Oh, it's probably a trauma response lol," Rainbow responded. THIS PISSED RARITY OFF SO FUCKING MUCH. SHE WAS NOT TRAUMATIZED SHE WAS BORN THAT WAY. "Darling you better shut the fuck up and quit laughing at me this instant. You have angered me beyond levels I can describe so now you will be punished."

Furious, Rarity stabbed the blade straight into Rainbow Dashe's flanks, slicing the cutie mark in half. "OWWW! STOP I PROBABLY WAS JUST PROJECTING ON YOU, RARITY! IT WAS A SELF-OWN ON MYSELF!!!" Rainbow cried but Rarity didn't stop. It was too late to apologize now. She sliced off both Rainbow's cutie marks and started tearing them apart right in front of her eyes. "NOW YOU'RE TALENTLESS!" she laughed as Rainbow's eyes watered seeing both lightning bolt cutie marks be torn to shreds. After that, she grabbed a massive chainsaw and sawed off both of Rainbow Dashe's wings.

It made Rarity feel so good to see the blood splutter out of the severed stems and onto the floor. A huge pool of scarlet appeared under Rainbow Dash as the sounds of blood hitting the floor, nearly the exact same sound as a shower running filled everyone's ears. Rarity then knelt down and rubbed the blood all over her fur and face, even drinking some of it. The pleasure attack she got from this sent her into a raging orgasm.

Twilight was terrified of Rarity as she moaned with blood still dripping from her face. "Oh no! my bestfriend is a pyscopath!" Rarity went ballistic when Twilight got the mental illnesses mixed up. "NO. SOCIOPATH." she corrected, before grabbing the 90-inch lamp hiding in the corner of the room and shoving it so far up Twilight's tight purple asshole that it came back out of her mouth. Blood sprayed everywhere and got all over Twilight as she gurgled. Rarity kept fucking her with it until she got bored and threw the metal pole to the side of the room before grabbing the hot bulb it was attached to and burning Twilight's eyelids off with it.

"THIS IS FOR ALL THE SHIT YOU IDIOTS PUT ME THROUGH." Rarity laughed so evilly. She then tore off one of Fluttershy's wings slowly watching the yellow cartilage break apart strand after strand. The bones snapped making Fluttershy scream, however, it was muffled by a large amount of cotton stuffed into her mouth. Fluttershy was so scared she sucked in one of the cotton balls and it got wedged into her throat. The second it hit her gastrointestinal tract it wedged itself in there causing huge sharp pains for the pegasus. Twilight cried having lost her virginity to Rarity's lamp. Rainbow was nearly bleeding out but this torture wasn't sexy enough for Rarity. IT NEEDED TO BE WORSE! THERE NEEDED TO BE CUM, PISS, SHIT, AND BLOOD MIXED ON THE FLOORS FOR HER TO BE SATISFIED.

"Hmm. No, the pain must be worse!" she exclaimed as she walked away to grab more torture tools. Suddenly, the doors burst open and a blue pegasus with black earpieces, almost identical to Rainbow Dash walked into the house. "Rainbine!" Rainbow gasped in pain. Rainbine turned to her with a gun in her hooves.

"What the fuck happened in here. Is this some weird-ass kinky shit Rarity roped you into?" She said nonchalantly, not even caring they were being tortured to death. "YES!" Rainbow shouted back. "You have to get us out of here, dude! I know you could care less but Fluttershy's tongue was cut out! She can't even scream for help anymore."

"Aw, such a shame. Hey, Rainbow do you like this new automatic shotgun I just bought? I think it looks killer." Rainbine said, shoving the black weapon right in Rainbow's face. "No, it looks like fucking shit. Guns are so lame, and I already told you to STOP BUYING MORE GUNS YOU HAVE ENOUGH! RAINBITCH!"

Rainbine reloaded it and pointed it at Dash. "If you ever tell me guns are lame again I will fricking kill you. Im going to pull out a goddamn shotgun and BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF. Do you understand me, you worthless piece of crap!?"

Rainbow Dash groaned in annoyance. knowing exactly where that quote came from. "IT BEEN 20 YEARS RAINBINE GET OVER THE COLOBINE THING!" but rainbine refused. "No." it was the mention of the best school in all of America CHS that Rainbine remembered today was 4/20! THAT WAS THE SHOOTINGS 24th ANNIVERSARY!

"OH SHIT! IT'S APRIL 20th I GOTTA SHOOT UP A SCHOOL RIGHT NOW!" But Rainbow was so excited to do it, that when she raced out of the house she had forgotten to even bring her gun with her. "WAIT! Rainbine you forgot your gun!" But Rainbine was already gone. "Well, I guess she's just going to shoot it up with that gym bag empty. Rainbine is good for nothing, can't even help her own FUCKING SISTER!"

Having enough, Rainbow Dash pulled both nails out of the broken-off wing-pieces. Falling to the floor, she untied Twilight and Fluttershy, who were still alive. "Okay, Okay.." Dash said, bending down to pick up the shotgun Rainbine had left behind. "The second Rarity comes back, I'll use this to protect us, alright?"

Both Twilight and Fluttershy nodded as Rainbow propped the front of it to her face. "Wait, what's the front and back of this thing again? I forgot how these things work." Dash asked, pointing it straight at her forehead. "NO DASH, DON'T PULL THE TRIGGER!" Twilight screamed but Rainbow already had. At that moment, Rarity had stormed back into the room. "Wha-"


"NOOO! RAINBOW DASH IS DEAD!" Twilight cried as the smoke from the blast clouded her sight. As it cleared, she realized that Rainbow Dash was still standing. "No, I'm not, oh SHIT BUT RARITY IS!" Dash cried out seeing the bloodied body of the white unicorn curled up on the blood-stained floors.

"ARGHHHH!!" Rarity screamed as she held the bullet wound on her chest. "YOU SHOT ME RAINBOW!" she yelled falling to her knees and screaming in anguish. "Well boo fucking hoo that's what you get for trying to kill me first you crazy bitch!" Rainbow retorted. "NEVER MIND THAT! get me to a hospital, call an ambulance, ANYTHING!" Rarity pleaded.

Fluttershy remained still but Twilight ran to Rarity's smartphone and dialed 911. "Help my friend has been shot!" Twilight said. "Come as fast as you can, I think she's losing a lot of blood!"

"TWILIGHT YOU FUCKRAG WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? RARITY IS A KIDNAPPER! I'm not saving her damn life!" in rage, Rainbow shot her two extra times. One in the leg and one in the vertebrae. Rapeity wailed out in agony as Twilight pulled the gun away from Dash. "Stop! we'll be no better than she is if we kill her!"

After that, Rainbow Dash and Twilight argued the entire time about whether they should finish Rarity off or not before the emergency pony arrived. Nurse Redheart rushed in and saw the torture room. "Wh-you look more injured than she is! what happened!?"

"Rarity is a serial killer and you should euthanize her the second she arrives at the hospital," Rainbow said to the nurse. "No! she's a pony and she has rights too!" Twilight begged. Nurse Redheart stared down at Rarity, who was still fully conscious. "Well? what the fuck is the hold-up darling? IM ABOUT TO DIE!" Rarity demanded.

So Nurse Redheart strapped Rarity to the stretcher and loaded her into the vehicle. She would've taken the three other hurt ponies but there was room for only one and Twilight made it seem like Rarity's life was more important than the others. Furious, Rainbow turned around and punched Twilight straight in the jaw, nearly breaking it. "Thanks a bunch, ya fuckin' Autassassinophiliac, Feeling bad for a serial rapist instead of ME!"

"Rarity is still our friend Rainbow! don't be selfish like that, I was just worried about her!" Twilight said, crying because she was so worried about Rarity. Turning away, Rainbow Dash frowned. "We need to get to the hospital ourselves now, I guess we're walking all the way there."


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After Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight had been treated for their severe injuries, they all were discharged and free to visit Rarity. Rainbow walked down the hospital hallways, bloodied bandages over her semi-torn wings and mutilated flank sides. "I can't believe we have to fucking visit her. She doesn't deserve anybody in her hospital bed after what she did to us. She doesn't even deserve to be treated at all! if I were the doctor I would've unhooked that IV machine straight away! why do they even agree to treat criminals?"

"RAINBOW!" Twilight yelled. Rainbow turned to her. Fed up with Twilight's abuse fetish. "YOU WERE RAPED. I WAS ACTUALLY CUT APART! sorry she made you feel so good inside while I have to forever carry the scars she caused me in that house."

"I was as hurt as you were, but the magic of friendship is more important than you Rainbow! a true friend would stick to Rarity's side and see what's wrong with her. She's clearly suffering from some sort of mental condition that's making her act this way. Before she was as normal as anyone else. Don't you see why I feel bad?"

"She didn't feel bad about hurting you, so no, seems pretty pointless to me," Dash replied, pushing open the hospital room door rather harshly. "I don't even want to look at her, so make it quick."

As the three entered, they saw a breathing mask on Rarity's face hooked up to the machines. The beeping of the heart monitor went off every few minutes. Nurse Redheart left the room to get more blood supply while Rainbow scrunched up her face in distaste. "Serves her right. I'm glad I put her in a coma. Also, it wasn't like a even meant to shoot her! it was an accident. It was either me or her!"

"Oh, Rarity I hope you're ok. I'll let you abuse me whenever you want and my friends." Twilight said holding onto Rarity's hoof. Rainbow smacked it away and unhooked the machines connected to her abuser. "BURN IN HELL RARITY!" she screamed, flipping Rarity's hospital bed over as the vegetated mare crashed to the floor.

"When's she going to wake up?" Twilight asked sad as the nurse came back in. Fluttershy wanted to say something too, but hated Rarity as much as Rainbow did for cutting out her tongue. Luckily, she had surgery to remove the cotton ball trapped in her digestive tract, so atleast that problem was dealt with.

"2 days. The coma isn't as bad as some other ponies. She's very lucky." Redheart said. "Hey, wait- WHY DID YOU GUYS TRASH THE HOSPITAL ROOM!??

Scared, they all dash off so fast back to Rarity's house. None of them felt comfortable returning to their houses with their families after what happened. If they found out about what Rarity did to them, they'd try to sue her family, and then they would be stuck with Rarity in court. Luckily Fluttershy's tongue grew back so she could talk again in fluent English.

"All my animals probably starved to death," Fluttershy said. She was right and their rotting bodies filled her cottage, decomposing rapidly. So they all get very sad as they return to Rarity's bedroom. Twilight started masturbating thinking about Rarity breaking out the whip and violently hitting her for being a bad pony but Fluttershy had a panic attack as her PTSD kicked in and Rainbow stares at the gun on the floor bored.

"So. I guess nobody is going to clean up this room and this blood is just going to rot here. Man, rotting blood smells bad." Rainbow said. "This sucks. I need to kill something to feel better about myself." She then caught sight of Opal, Rarity's spoiled cat who was grooming herself in Rarity's kitchen. Rainbow got a sadistic grin on her face as she chased it.

"FUCK YOU OPAL! NOBODY LIKES YOU!" Rainbow said picking up the white cat by the tail and swinging her around. "AHH STOP!" Opal cried but her annoying voice only made Rainbow persist. Hurrying over to the electronic Pizza machine Rarity owned, Rainbow turned it on to the hottest temperature and slammed Opal onto it over and over. Her body started to melt away and the cat hissed and scratched as it fought for its useless life. Rainbow then sliced off the vagina and pulled out the uterus, framing it on the bedroom wall.

"CRY FOR ME OPAL! BEG FOR ME TO STOP YOU STUPID SLUT!" But the cat was dying. "NOO RAINBOW DASH PLEASE!" Opal choked out but Rainbow then grabbed the pizza roller and slashed her throat with it, before cutting her up into little pieces and jamming her into the pizza machine parts. "There, that's a good final fuck you to Rarity. We jammed her pizza machine full of Opal's dead body parts."

And white fur chunks and blood were wedged in between all the gears and sticking out out the machine slightly. Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash all celebrated, so gleeful that Opal was finally dead. They then grabbed a hammer and smashed her bones apart, refusing to stop until they were nothing but white dust.

"Well, now what. I guess we get this house all to ourselves now that Rarity's cat is dead." Rainbow said, tired from their efforts to destroy all remnants of the feline. "Well no, Rarity's brother still lives here and so do the wolf sisters," Twilight said. She loved the Rarity arguetas, so she knew them all by name.


But Twilight got even more horny, because Rarity's brother had a dick. It was the most glorious torture-device she knew of, and wanted it tearing her anus apart that instant. Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash ran around trying to look for the gun used to shoot Rarity Argueta with. "Dash, I found it!" Fluttershy said, pulling it from under the bed.

"Damn it I don't know where to hide it! let's just leave it on the kitchen counter, I don't think he'll see it there." Fluttershy thought this was a great idea. "Okay, Rainbow." So they do. Twilight had started cleaning so when Rarity got back she would be proud of her and tell her what a good girl she was.

"Twilight what are you doing?" Fluttershy asked, seeing how good Twilight was at scrubbing all the windows and doing all the dishes. "I want Rarity to be happy with me when she comes home to a nice house. I think it'll make her less mad at us. I don't want Rarity to be upset, we need to be easy on her now that she's finished recovering."

"FUCK THAT SHIT!" Rainbow screamed and grabbed the dish soap, squeezing the opened bottle in rage as green, slimy soapy water sprayed all over her floors. Dash then reached into the sink, pulled out every one of Rarity's dishes, and smashed them on the floor, the plates broke apart instantly as she stomped on them.

"STOP!" Twilight begged but Rainbow wouldn't. Then, she ran into the bedroom, dipped her hooves into the drying, brownish blood, and smeared it all over every wall she could find. "SERVES HER RIGHT! SHE LOVES BLOOD!" Dash laughed. She couldn't wait for Rarity's reaction when she found out she fucked up her home.

"Not all over her walls, she doesn't!" Twilight cried. The smell was attracting flies and now the house looked worse than ever. Fluttershy was trembling. "Please stop fighting! I don't want anybody to be mad when they come home, not Rainbow nor Rarity!"

But it was too late because rarity's brother Valdroxx went into the house and noticed his sister was missing. "Hey where did Rarity go," he said worried and they all turn to him. "Okay, you know what, I'll tell him everything," Rainbow said, but Fluttershy and Twilight tried to pull her back. "No Rainbow, he'll be so mad at us!!"

"IN A COMA. She tortured us and I got pissed so I grabbed a gun Rainbine left behind and shot her about. uh, I'd say three times respectfully." Rainbow Dash prepared herself for his response, she knew he was going to be so angry. He and Rarity were twins after all even though they looked nothing like each other in the slightest.

"WHAT! Oh ok well hide the evidence about anybody getting shot in this house then," he said and found the gun and slammed it into the toilet trying to flush it. But the AK 47 was so long and massive it didn't work and it got jammed halfway. Toilet water rose around it and spilled out onto Rarity's carpeted bathroom floors, destroying them and soaking the ceiling from underneath.

"Well that didn't work," he said and Rainbow got so frustrated. "YOU DIDN'T TRY HARD ENOUGH! try to- I don't know snap it in half or something!"

"Tried. Didn't work," he said back and everybody started panicking. Tears streamed down Fluttershy's eyes. "I never want to see Rarity ever again, I'm tired of stressing over what she'll do when she gets out of the hospital! I just want to die!"

Rainbow's ears flattened. "Yeah, same here Flutters. I don't think we have a reason to live now that we live in fear of Rarity getting her revenge on us. Plus, I also got to hide myself from my sister or she was going to be really mad if I touched her gun. She had a whole rack of them in her room once, and I knocked it over trying to reach for something, she nearly blew me apart with one and said I COULD DAMAGE HER GUNNS!!"

"Oh no, Rarity and Rainbine are so scary! wait, LETS JUST SHOOT OURSELVES. If we can't get rid of Rarity herself, we can just get rid of ourselves! it's the perfect plan. Then she'll come home and find us dead, she can't punish us if we're dead. Even if she tears our dead bodies apart or rapes them we won't feel it." Twilight gasped. She always had the greatest ideas. Rarity may have been a necrophile aswell, they couldn't be sure.

"GREAT IDEA! you guys should kill yourselves." rarity's brother said, encouraging them. He liked death so much like Rarity, he dyed the dip of his hair red like blood. But Fluttershy and Rainbow weren't so sure about the extreme idea Twilight conjured. "I don't think I could pull the trigger..." Fluttershy whispered nervously and backed away. Rainbow looked equally as uneasy but tried to hide it. "Yeah I'm still in shock from Rarity cutting me up I think someone should pull it for me."

"But who?" Twilight asked frowning. "I don't have it in myself to shoot my two best friends!"

"Ok ill shoot you guys." Rarity's brother offered. "I've always wanted to kill myself the most." so everybody thinks this is the only way and they all line up ready to be shot. so valdroxx shot rainbow dash first and her brains splattered all over the walls. "NOO RAINBOW!" Fluttershy cried and he feels bad about shooting Flutters next but does so she's safe from his sister. Twilight is last to get shot and they're all on the floor dead.

"Ok my turn," he said and brought it to his face and shot himself. It was so painful. But Valdroxx was bad at shooting the bullets so everybody was actually still alive! but nobody knew that yet.

Rarity stormed back into her sexual torture chamber furious. "I cannot believe that Rainbow Dick sent me into a coma! SHE WILL PAY!" enraged, she trotted into the open living room area where the two bedrooms were and saw all their limp bodies on the floor.

"OH MY CELESTIA! WHO DID THIS!?" Rarity screamed in shock. How dare they! She wanted to kill them. Looking for some clues, she stepped over their corpses and found the gun in her brother's hand. "I knew Valdroxx killed himself. he wanted to so bad BUT WHY DID HE KILL EVERYONE ELSE."

just then both of the wolf sisters rushed downstairs. "He didn't! we heard from upstairs Auntie Rarity, they didn't want to see you come out of the hospital so they resorted to suicide. Sorry, they hated you that much."

"WHAT! THIS WON'T DO DARLINGS!" Rarity screamed. "THEY WILL ONLY DIE AT MY HOOVES!" so with her magic and her greatest healing spell, Rarity accessed their memories and saw that her brother couldn't shoot the bullets very well. There was a chance she could revive them! Grinning, Rarity used her magic to sew up the bullet holes and bring them back to life.

valdroxx is so mad his suicide attempt didn't work. "FUCK!" he said and the other three are disappointed too but horrified when they see Rarity's sex-obsessed face in front of them. "I know what you did," she muttered, eyes darkened with malice. "AS PUNISHMENT VALDROXX HAS TO FUCK ALL OF YOU."

SO HE HAS TO! But he doesn't mind because he's a clopper. He loves fluttershy the most and all of them get raped so brutally hes THAT ROUGH. he was a sexual sadist like Rarity and they didn't know until now. Rainbow Dash then grabs a knife and cuts her arms vertically because once you see his dick you don't go back. sorry, once his dick is IN YOU ITS OVER.

so valdroxx doesn't understand why they didn't like fucking him and Rarity the rapist then thinks of more evil torture methods. "I WILL MAKE THEM ALL SUFFER!" just then, Rainbine came back. "YOU SABOTAGED MY 4/20 SHOOTING DASH! I KNOW IT WAS YOU!"

"No Rainbine, you left it here because you're a dumbass now fuck off! I just had the worst thing happen to me and I'm not in the mood." when Rainbine saw the stitched up bullet-wound it triggers her. "IF I CANT SHOOT UP A SCHOOL I'LL SHOOT UP THIS FUCKING HOUSE INSTEAD!" and she whipped out the scariest gun of them all. It was so threatening, it even had Vodka and Reb's initials carved on it. Before they died they were Rainbines BFFS.

"PREPARE TO DIE!" Rainbine laughed and blew off Rainbow's head. Unlike Rarity's brother, Rainbine was very experienced and knew what blows could be fatal. She was so happy to finally kill her loser sister, that when she did she kept shooting her more and more until Rainbow was nothing but a bloody carcass of blue and red on the ground.

"NOO! NOT ME NEXT!" Twilight cried, holding her hooves up in defense. Rainbine shoots both of them blowing off Twilight's limbs. She died then. "I WAS BULLIED AS MUCH AS YOU WERE IN SCHOOL RAINBINE!" Fluttershy yelled.

"Ok, but you said my duster was scary." and shot Fluttershy in the chest multiple times killing her. "RAINBINE! THOSE WERE MY VICTIMS, NOT YOURS YOU INCONSIDERATE MANIAC!"

"Fuck you shooters are better than serial killers," Rainbine screamed and shot Rarity before decapitating her head and kicking it around like the coolest football. It rolled all over the floors and Rainbine then ripped off the face and turned it into a new sick trench coat.

"WOOHOO!" she cheered, before setting Rarity's house on fire. Everybody died but Valdroxx because he dodged all the bullets he's that cool. THE END