> Rainbine's Massacre > by RainbowFucktory > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Us or them > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sorry, Rainbine. But we can't trust you if you're in two groups. You're going to have to either choose us or them." The leader of the trench coat group said. Rainbine was devastated. How could she ever leave the trench coat gang? they were the only kids who understood her! Enraged, she tried to protest. "You guys are kidding, right? I'm loyal to BOTH of your groups! Have I ever betrayed any of you before?" Rainbine shot back. "Why can't I just coexist in both? I don't see the big deal." "Because once we're out of high school you won't be able to hang out with both of us anymore." the guy said. Rainbine's black ears shot up and her eyes widen. SHIT! HE HAD A POINT! "O-Ok. I'll talk to the Elements Of Insanity about it. You know I like you guys more." Flying off, she tried to come up with a good excuse for why she had to depart from her pony friends. "Hey, guys." Rainbine waved, landing on all four of her hooves as she eyed her other group. She felt bad for leaving, but the Trench coat group was right, they were way cooler. "Brutalight can I talk to you about something real quick?" she asked. Brutal turned to her. "Huh? yeah what?" she asked, polishing one of her swords. "Look, I know you're going to freak out once I tell you this, but I can't be in the Elements Of Insanity anymore. The trench coat kids said that I can only choose one group, so I stayed with them. I'm going to have to leave." At once, all five of the ponies shot up. "WHAT!" Penis Cupcake was the first to interject. "Y-You can't just leave us! You've been in our group for years!" Rarifruit piped in. "So you're betraying us!? well, it will not work. Everybody thinks of our group when they hear your name, not your dumb trench coat group!" "What makes them better than us? They aren't even run by ponies!" Fluttershout pleaded. "Rainbine you need to stay with us, it won't be the same without you!" "Sorry guys. I already made up my mind. I'm quitting." Rainbine shook her head. "Trust me, it's better this way." Apple Pills, the Mexican one got mad. "NO, IT IS NOT! you know this is the wrong choice, we need you 'Bine!" "Shut the fuck up Apple pills all you care about is pills! Since when did you care what I do? Or you, Rarity recolor?" Rainbine turned, referring to Rarifruit. "Don't you dare ever call me that again! I am very different from my sister Rarity! For one I have this cool bracelet nopony else could dream of owning." she smirked, showing it off. "Ugh, someone shoots me." Rainbine groaned. "You wonder why I don't wanna hang out with you guys anymore when there's somebody named Penis Cupcake in the group? the trenchcoat kids are superior I'm sorry to say." turning away and leaving the five angered ponies behind, Rainbine got into her car and drove away from her school. "Girls this is bad! we have to somehow make that dumb group Rainbine is replacing us for hate her! but how..." Brutalight thought. Fluttershout had an idea. "Oh! maybe we can bully the ever-living shit out of them and burn their trenchcoats? if they think Rainbine is still associated with us they'll start hating her." "Great idea darling!" Rarifruit beamed. "Alright, tomorrow let's do it." So after their grand plan to screw up Rainbine's relationship with the other high schoolers they bully them. As the trenchcoat boys walked past members of the elements of insanity would tug on their dusters and lift them or pull on them making them trip. Even the teachers started laughing at them! Rarifruit started to spread rumors that they were all edgy and tartus worshippers. Everybody believed her and everybody started to hate them. They were already unpopular for being humans. Fluttershout then broke all the school's green windows and blamed it on them, making them all get sent home. Over time, they started thinking Rainbine was in on it and banned her. "YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!" Rainbine swore, storming into the school hallways one day. "WHY WOULD YOU PURPOSELY GET ME BANNED FROM MY OTHER GROUP!?" she demanded, glaring at all her five friends with hatred. "Darling, it was the only way to make you stay with us!" "Yeah!" Fluttershout quickly chimed in with a guilty smirk. Rainbine however, did not look amused in the slightest. "Oh sure, because making me look like an extremist bully is so funny and what a real friend would do. I just wanted to stop by and congratulate you all. Thanks to what you did, I'm calling off all our friendships. I'd rather be a loner than stuck with you losers." At once, all of Rainbine's friends gasped in horror. "WHAT! b-but Rainbine!" Brutallight cried. "We were trying to make you like us more. You've always been in the Elements Of Insanity. We couldn't bare the thought of you leaving us forever!" "THAT'S IT! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS BULLSHIT! EVERYWHERE I GO IM BULLIED, I WAS CALLED BLACKEARS THE ENTIRE TIME I ATTENDED THIS STUPID HIGHSCHOOL, and now that I know ponies who I thought were my friends are also bullies, I want nothing to do with any of you! Tomorrow I'm getting my revenge. Let's see who will be laughing then. Tomorrow it'll be war. GOODBYE!" with that, she flew off. "Why is she in such a bad mood lately?" Penis asked innocently. "I don't get it. She used to love hanging out with us!" "I wouldn't worry about it, Penis," Fluttershout continued. "She knows she's nothing without us. Eventually she'll come crawling back and we'll laugh in her stupid face. She thinks she's the only pony here, a victim of bullying! I was mocked constantly for having two different colored eyes. All she has is funny cyborg ears. That's nothing." Apple Pills agreed. "Yeah, I'm sure she will apologize to us in the morning. Let's go to class, girls." The next day, Rainbine entered the school building with a massive gym bag swaying behind her. She had her trench coat on, despite being banned from the group, and her blood was boiling with rage. She couldn't wait to prove those fuckers wrong. She remembered the only way she could get back into her other group was if she killed every member of the Elements Of Insanity. If that was the only way, it was the only way. Derpigun was shot first. She aimed for her vertebrae and abdomen so if she survived the bullet, she'd be paralyzed from the waist down for life. "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR STEALING MY GUNS, BITCH!" Rainbine screamed as Derpigun fell to the floor. She was always trying to copy her! nobody was 120 percent cooler than Rainbine was! NOBODY! "I HATE YOU STUPID TEACHERS TOO!" Rainbine snarled, gunning down Cheerilee, who had been ready to start up her new class. "Oh my Celestia Rainbine, what do you think you're doing!? put that gun down or I'll call the Ponyville Police!" "Nope," Rainbine said and fired. The bullets struck Cheerilee right in the head, and it exploded, leaving brain splatter everywhere. Her dark pink body fell to the floor and Rainbine continued to fire at the corpse. She hated teachers that much. "Oh, mah! Rainbine, why would y'all do this!?" Apple Pills gasped in horror. But she was stupid because of what she was, so she did not run away. "DIE APPLEPILLS!" Rainbine screamed and shot her in the back of the neck. The bullet struck Apple pills immediately, and she fell to the floor in pain. "Rainbine, stop!" she begged, but Rainbine then flew off both her legs and they launched off of her body and to the other side of the school hallways, blood going everywhere. "So much for making our group diverse." Rainbine sighed and continued through the school. Apple Pills was so stupid, she didn't even know half the things she was saying! Just then, as Rainbine peered through a window, she caught sight of the Cutie Mark Creeps sitting out on the grass talking with each other. Grinning so sadistically SHE SHOT ALL THREE shattering all the green windows! they all died because the bullets were that massive and they were the youngest students there so they were easy targets. Rainbine had no remorse, even when Karateloo was shot and begging for her life. "Somebody help, there's somebody killing people in the school!" Rainbow Dash cried, hidden in a nearby locker. "Rainbine! Is that you? Oh thank god you're alright, my older sister, please, get me out of here!" "Sure, I can help you," Rainbine said and opened up the locker to face Dash eye-to-eye. "Wait-YOU'RE DOING THIS!?" Dash screamed in alarm as Rainbine aimed the firearm straight at her face. "Yep. NOW FUCK OFF AND DIE," she demanded and shot Rainbow Dash multiple times in the neck, then left so fast a middle-finger-shaped wing in the air. "Now where are the rest of the Elements Of Insanity.." Rainbine thought crazily as she entered the School Cafeteria. All students left screaming, leaving only one cowering pegasus behind. Rainbine recognized her immediately. It was Fluttershout. She was curled up under one of the tables as several bombs went off, exploding and killing the rest of the students trying to escape LEAVING BEHIND NO SURVIVORS! "Hey, Fluttershout." Rainbine greeted and crouched down to face her. Fluttershout, scared of her once best friend, pulled her striped top hat over her eyes. "P-Please Rainbine..don't kill me! I'm sorry for everything I did!" "Okay. But if you try to scream your way out of this ill, fire five shots into that mouth of yours, alright?" she threatened. Fluttershout stopped and looked into her eyes. "What are you doing?" "Oh, you know. Just like killing ponies," she said and fired a shot straight into Fluttershout's eye. Her eye exploded out of her skull, and Rainbine shot parts of her hooves and crotch. "OW OW!" she screamed and fell to the floor, dying. Rainbine then tore off her wings and taped them to her leather coat before running into the school library so fast. She knew Brutalight would hide there for sure! She always loved those books of hers. "ALRIGHT EVERYBODY IN HERE GET UP RIGHT NOW! I'm blowing this fucking place apart." Rainbine shouted at the top of her lungs, blowing apart tables and books. Several computers were shot, and they broke from the bullets! Rarifruit and Brutalight were both hiding behind the bookshelves. "Rarifruit, what the hell are we going to do? Rainbine has lost it!" she whispered to the white unicorn. Rarifruit threw off her purple pilot hat. "I do not know dear. Might as well sit here and accept death." "Wait, I might use my magic to distract her." Brutalight realized. "Ok, on the count of three, I need you to help me out. You run that direction, I run this direction, alright?" she explained. "Deal," Rarifruit replied, hearing Rainbine getting closer and reloading her gun. "Okay..one..two..three! RUN!" at once both of them departed from each other. "HEY! GET BACK HERE!" Rainbine screamed and locked the door from behind her. Brutalight hid under the library desk while Rarifruit escaped out the library door. Brutalight started crying and Rainbine found her and stuck bullets into her mouth. "Quit yer' bitching. Brutalight is more like BITCHLIGHT LOL!" Brutalight shook her head. "All this over some stupid ass group, are you kidding me?" "Hey brutality do you believe in god yes or no?" Rainbine asked fast with the gun at her head. Brutalight said no, but Rainbine didn't care and shot the gun aimed at her temple and blood sprayed everywhere. She groaned and leaned to her side, dying. Getting up, Rainbine counted the two ponies who hadn't died yet. "Oh right, Rarifruit and Penis Cupcake are still alive somewhere. I'll have to kill them next." Racing down the hallways and jumping over the other dead students, she caught sight of Penis Cupcake trying to play dead. "Yeah, actually, I memorized every face of every student I shot and I know who's dead and who isn't. Nice try, slut." Rainbine laughed and blew off Penis Cupcakes' limbs. "I HATE YOU RAINBINE!" she cried, but Rainbine stomped on her after shattering all her ribs and she died. "Penis Cupcake was a stupid name, anyway. Rainbine said. "RARIFRUIT COME OUT WHERE EVER YOU ARE! YOU KNOW I HATE HIDE AND SEEK!" Rainbine growled. Where the fuck was she? She had a teleporting advantage. Rainbine only had wings. lying low, she twitched both her robotic ears to catch a sign of any movement around the school. Then, she heard it. There, hiding behind one of the library desks, was Rarifruit. Then all the dead people in the library's ghosts tried to get up and leave. "Yeah, no, I don't think so," Rainbine said and KILLED THE GHOSTS TOO! "Do you want to die, Rarifruit?" Rainbine asked, pointing her massive gun at her throat. Rarifruit was quick to respond. "No darling, I don't! I have sisters and a brother, please don't shoot me. I have so much to live for!" she tried to reach into Rainbine but she's a sociopath like me in real life so it won't work. "Ok. It's too bad I don't care about any of that and also, everybody here is dead except you. Do you think I'm going to let everybody in this fucking school live after all the shit they've put me through since I got here? Sorry, but no." With that, she pulled the trigger and Rarifruit was shot in the chest 100 times. Once Rainbine stopped, Rarifruit was nothing but a bloody pulp. "FUCK YEAH EVERYBODY AT SCHOOL IS DEAD!" little did Rainbine know the trench coat kids were also shot by her. All of them were killed when the bombs exploded! they blended in with the crowd, so it was hard to tell who was who. Their decapitated heads rolled down the school gym floors like basketballs. Rainbine rushed in and dunked some of them. Hearing the police sirens from outside, Rainbine surrendered with her hooves up, dropping her gun. "Too late guys, everybody is dead!" she exclaimed. The many six sisters of the elements of insanity were all lined up near the school and crying their eyes out. "NOO!" Fluttershy said and fell to her knees. Applejack, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie were devastated to know their older sisters were all shot to death. Rarity was beside her brother Valdroxx and both of them were smiling so widely. "Oh Rainbine, you're a hero! We hated that bitch Rarifruit we are so happy you killed our sister like that! Let's be best friends." "Ok" Rainbine agreed and later on Rainbine became a serial school shooter. Nobody could catch her because she was that fast at flying! feeling so good about the shooting and how everybody died, she then destroyed all the elements of insanity's grave, taking big shits on all of them and then throwing bombs at them so they would break apart. "Hey Rainbine I hate to say this but you killed your trench coat friends in that shooting.." Twilight said. "WAIT..so you mean that's why they never contacted me after all this?" Rainbine teared up and screamed. "THIS IS WHY SCHOOL SHOOTINGS ARE BAD AND SHOULDN'T HAPPEN!" there I said it I don't promote gun violence. The end.