> Diving Deep > by TheKing2001 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoeshine gave a sigh as she hoisted the backpack onto her shoulders. She ignored the angry glares she was receiving. She was used to being disliked, so this was nothing new to her. She survived being hated back then in middle school, she would survive this. Approaching her locker, she rolled her eyes at the graffiti on. She was used to the words like "bitch" or "cunt" being wrote on it. She knew Sunset, Sea Swirl and Berry were getting similar treatment. It pissed her off beyond words could describe. At least she was getting it worse than Berry and Sea Swirl, she mused. Berry only had words like "jerk" or "meanie" wrote on her locker, but it still affected her pretty heavily she knew. She put the combination into her locker and slung her backpack into it. She grabbed her book from the top shelf needed for environmental science and tucked it under her arm. She slammed her locker shut and turned the lock so no one could know the last number of her combination. "I'm really sorry." She turned her head to where she heard a voice coming from and strained to listen. "We didn't mean for it to go that far." She recognized the voice and growled softly. She quietly walked over around the corner where she heard the voice and glared. A girl with purple hair and green skin who she vaguely recognized as Starlight was standing over a slumped down Sea Swirl. "You guys are awful. You enslaved the whole school!" Starlight snapped. Shoeshine's blood boiled as she watched Sea Swirl lower her head. She marched up to Starlight and tapped her on the shoulder. Starlight turned around and when Shoeshine saw the opportunity, she punched her in the face. Starlight staggered backwards into a locker and put her hand up to her nose and pulled it back, staring in shock at the blood on her fingers. "Y-you can't do that." The girl stammered out. Shoeshine folded her arms and glared at the girl coldly. "Yet I just did it, didn't I?" She said coldly. "Now get out of here. If you have a issue, bring it up with me. Don't go after Sea Swirl." Starlight rolled her eyes and stomped off, holding her hand to her nose to stop the bleeding. Shoeshine held her hand out. "Want a hand?" She asked coolly. Sea Swirl gave a nod as she accepted it and was pulled to her feet. "You didn't have to do that, you know?" Sea Swirl mumbled. Shoeshine rolled her eyes. "What kind of girlfriend would I be if I just watched and let it happen?" She retorted. "You have such a martyr complex." Sea Swirl chuckled. "I was thinking, do you wanna go out on a date this Saturday? If you're free that is." Shoeshine nodded. "Sure." She answered. Sea Swirl smiled and gave her a hug. Shoeshine froze for a second before cautiously returning it. She usually hated physical contact and being hugged. Giving out hugs for everyone didn't really give off a cruel and strict vibe to people. Sea Swirl let go and gave her a wave. "Gotta get to class, see ya. Try not to hit anyone else today." She walked down the hall, bouncing as she entered her tech class. She reminded Shoeshine of Pinkie Pie somedays, with how energetic she got. Nothing like Pinkie levels, thank god. She gave a grimace as she thought about the new group she and the others now associated with. In a way, her and Rainbow Dash were the most alike and got along the best. Both were fiercely loyal to their friends, just went about showing that loyalty in different ways. Rainbow stood up for her friends with words, whereas Shoeshine used violence to demonstrate her loyalty. Berry mainly got along with Fluttershy, both shy and soft-spoken until they absolutely needed to step up. Sunset really enjoyed hanging out with Rarity, which had honestly surprised her. She didn't take Sunset for the fashion type. And Sea Swirl regularly helped Pinkie plan parties and hung out with her. Shoeshine was grateful that even though they had a new group of friends and more people to associate with, the original friends spent most of their time together. In a way, she was disgusted. In her eyes, the school never really got what they deserved for bullying Berry and not many standing up for her. At first, she was completely against being friends with the ones she had fought so hard to tear apart. Felt like a downgrade from their previous position in the school. She walked through the door to her first hour class when the bell rang. She typically sat in the front of the class. Sitting in the front gave a strong appearance that she didn't give a flying fuck what the other classmates thought. She saw her normal seat and noticed Sunset from the back waving to her. Sunset went the complete direction from her and sat in the back always. Rolling her eyes, Shoeshine passed her normal spot and took the seat next to Sunset. "Why do you always sit back here? It doesn't give a strong aura of not caring about the others opinions." Shoeshine immediately jumped to the first thing on her mind. Sunset gave a sigh. "I got really tired of people throwing stuff at me. Especially when a ruler gets stuck in my hair." She admitted. "At least they haven't tried throwing staplers yet. I know you get the same treatment as I do, how you tolerate it is beyond me." Shoeshine gave a shrug as the teacher walked in. "I don't care about what the others think of me. It's just worthless opinions by weaker beings." She told the other girl. Sunset frowned at that, but didn't say anything about it. "How are you and Sea Swirl?" She tried for a topic change. "Fine." Shoeshine answered. "What about you and Berry?" Sunset's eyes lit up. "We are doing great. We went out to this really nice restaurant the other day. I'm usually not one for fancy places, but she was excited. She doesn't really do fancy places either, but it was our anniversary so I had to do something nice." Sunset said eagerly. Shoeshine gave a faint smile. She had a idea of where to take Sea Swirl for their date. Sea Swirl always was more extravagant seeming than her so a fancy restaurant must be up her alley. "What was the name of this restaurant?" She asked. "Mario's Pasta. It's Italian." Sunset answered. Shoeshine nodded as the teacher turned the projector on. "Alright everyone, please turn your books to page one hundred and five please." Mr. Whooves announced. Ignoring the glare she received from Lily, she opened her book. ------------------------------------------------------------- Shoeshine plopped down at the lunch table. She made sure to sit where everyone in the school could see her as part of her plan to show them she could care less about them. "Hey Shoeshine." Berry greeted as she slid into the seat to her right. Sea Swirl sat down next to her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Shoeshine grunted in response. "Hey you two." She finally answered. She glanced down to the other end of the table where Pinkie was making a house out of everyone's forks. How she managed that, Shoeshine had no clue. She was about to stab her pasta and take a bit when Pinkie appeared behind her. "Hey! Are you using that? Thanks!" She pulled it out of her hand and bounced to the end of the table and placed it on top of her house. Shoeshine slammed a hand down on the table in frustration. Rarity gave a smirk and subtly handed her a fork under the table. "We always carry extra silverware around Pinkie, just in case." She whispered. "Thanks." Shoeshine grudgingly accepted the fork and began eating. She quietly listened to her friends and acquaintances talking about their day. "Uh oh, who has one star?" Rainbow asked, gesturing with a thumb to the uniformed police officer walking up to them. Shoeshine stifled a groan. Ever since she, Berry, Sunset and Sea Swirl had introduced the others to Grand Theft Auto, Rainbow had been referring to everything with the wanted level system from the game. Getting yelled at by a teacher? One star. Having a police officer come up to you? Also one star. Getting chased by teachers? Four stars. Getting suspended? Getting busted. "Hey Shoeshine." The officer gruffly greeted them. Shoeshine swallowed her pasta and looked up. "Hey Dad." She greeted. "Dad?" Rainbow echoed. "Can we talk in Shining Armors office?" Shoeshine's dad asked. She groaned in response. She really didn't want to go to the school resource officers office. The last time she had been down there he lectured her about being kind. That and to not shoot rubber bands at people's heads. Thunderlane still tried his best to avoid her after that. "I'm in the middle of lunch dad, I really don't want to leave." She grumbled. "Fine." He sat down across from her. "Why am I hearing about you punching another student today?" Sunset stared at her. "You did what?" She asked in surprise. Shoeshine gestured at Sea Swirl. "She was being rude to Sea Swirl. What would you expect me to do, just leave it alone and let her get away with no consequences? If I did that, she would think she can get away with more." Shoeshine snapped. Shoeshine's dad groaned and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Look, I respect you for standing up for your girlfriend and all, but punching her wasn't the best idea. She's not pressing charges thankfully. You're seventeen, you could be charged as an adult potentially." He pointed out. "You really need to be more careful. I worry about you. One of these days, you're gonna pick a fight with someone bigger and stronger than you and they could kill you. I've been to enough crime scenes where that's how some fights have turned out. I really don't want to respond to a call one night and find you lying dead on the ground because you decided to fight the wrong person." Sea Swirl choked on her chocolate milk at the thought of Shoeshine getting killed. The thought of that was enough to make her shudder. "What would you have me do then dad? Sing a song, hold hands and have a tea party with Starlight? That totally solved everything." She said sarcastically. "Go to a teacher? Go to Principal Celestia? She's very reliable." He pointed out. Shoeshine snorted at that. "Teachers are stupid here. They don't do shit. We reported how they treated Berry and they never did anything." She growled while Rarity and Applejack shifted nervously in their seats. Her dad narrowed his eyes. "You don't talk like that, young lady. Not in front of me, am I understood?" He said sternly. "Yes, sir." Shoeshine mumbled. Sunset raised an eyebrow. She had never heard Shoeshine say sir once. A lunch tray hit Sunset on the back. Shoeshine instantly stood up, glaring at the boy who did it. He instantly shrank back in his seat as she took a step towards him. "Don't." Her dad said warningly. "I'll take care of him, I saw it and so did my bodycam. I'll see you at home, love ya Shoeshine. " He stood up and strode over to the boy. Shoeshine could her a faint "get up" from her dad and the boy reluctantly comply as he slapped handcuffs on him and started to escort him out the lunchroom. "Why me and not the one who was rude with the entire school?" The boy demanded. "Well, she didn't just throw a lunch tray at a student and hit them so." Shoeshine could her dad reply. The lunchroom door slammed shut as he kept walking the boy out of the school. As she glanced outside through the glass doors at the other side of the lunch room, she could faintly see her dad putting the boy in the backseat of his squad car. She always did love the look of the Charger he was assigned at the police department, with it's black paint job and the white stripes on the side. "Ya dad seems like a mighty nice fella." Applejack announced smiling. "Seems to care about ya a lot." Rarity nodded. "Indeed darling." She concured and a series of different voices saying their agreement rang out. "Wait, your parents know about me and you dating?" Sea Swirl asked in surprise. Shoeshine paused with her pop halfway to her lips. "Of course they do, why wouldn't they?" She asked as she sipped her pop. Sea Swirl didn't say a thing, she just gave a massive smile to Shoeshine. > Chapter Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoeshine let out a groan as she thumbed through the clothes in her closet. She had a decent amount of clothes but nothing date worthy. Especially not one worthy of Sea Swirl. She knew whatever she wore had to perfect to match Sea Swirl's expectations. She tossed a blue skirt to the ground and growled softly as she threw herself back onto her bed. She closed her eyes and racked her brain on what to do. A really bad idea came to her. One of the worst ideas she ever had and she really didn't want to do it. She opened her eyes and took in the scene of the clothes she had tossed out in her effort to find what to wear. Sighing, she accepted defeat. She pulled out her phone and dialed a number she dreaded calling. "I need help." She told the person on the other end. ------------------------------------------------------------- Shoeshine stared at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a red dress that she grudgingly had to admit looked good on her. She never was into them all that much. Sure she had skirts and a few dresses here and there, but she rarely wore the dresses, mainly she just wore her skirts. And none were even close enough to what was important enough of Sea Swirl's time. "Well darling, do you like it?" Rarity asked. Shoeshine turned around and stared at Rarity. She took a breath and let it out. "I hate to admit it, but yes I do." She cringed internally at her confession. Rarity raised a confused eyebrow. "Why do you hate to admit it, darling? It looks fabulous on you." Rarity smiled. Shoeshine shrugged. "I've never really been into clothes." She stated simply. " I mainly only own jeans and a few skirts. Plus shirts but that's to be expected. And I hate asking for help." Rarity gave her a frown. "Asking for help is a sign of trust between two people. You can always ask me for help." She said cheerfully. "I don't know you. I only know Sea Swirl, Berry and Sunset." Shoeshine pointed. "You can always come to our sleepover tomorrow. Bring Sea Swirl with. We'd love to have you. She's turned down all our invitations because you weren't there." Rarity said. "Is there a special occasion for the dress or just wanted to expand your wardrobe?" "I have a date with Sea Swirl. We've never gone on one before and none of my skirts were extravagant enough in my opinion for her so I needed something she would like." Shoeshine admitted. Rarity gave a loud excited squeel and Shoeshine instantly covered her ears. "A little warning next time you do that will be highly appreciated. You sound annoying when you do it." "I'm going to ignore that comment out of my desire to help you." Rarity announced. "I also have a reservation at a hopefully a good enough restaurant. Everything needs to be up to her standards. She comes from a well off family and I don't. She's probably had hundreds of dates at really nice fancy places. I need to do just as good so she doesn't get tired of me." Shoeshine sighed. Rarity frowned at her slightly. "I've spent time with her and I don't think she car-" She tried to say but Shoeshine interrupted her accidentally. "Uh would this be ready by Saturday?" Shoeshine nervously asked. Sighing Rarity nodded. "Yes, it will dear." She tiredly answered. Shoeshine gave a faint smile. "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but thanks Rarity." The words pained her to say but she forced them out. "How much is this gonna cost again? I'm not a fashion expert but it feels quality." Rarity waved a hand. "For a friend and a first time buyer, consider it free." She smiled. Shoeshine narrowed her eyes and frowned. "I can pay. I don't take handouts from anyone." She grumbled and Rarity rolled her eyes. "It's not a handout, darling. It's a gift. For a new friend." She said eagerly. Shoeshine knew there was no way she could win this fight. "Okay." She sighed as Rarity grinned triumphantly. ------------------------------------------------------------- Shoeshine held the xbox controller in her hand and pressed a button, watching her character pull out a gun. She quickly pressed another button and shot Rainbow Dash's character, killing her. She gave a small victorious smile as the screen said who won the most matches, along with the money won. Behind her sat a jaw dropped Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity. Berry was grinning and Sea Swirl kissed her on the cheek. "How in tarnation did ya beat Dash?" Applejack asked in awe. Shoeshine shrugged as she carefully set the controller down, turning around to see Rainbow Dash glowering at her. "It's scary how good you are at Grand Theft Auto." Rainbow grumbled. "Bathroom break, be back soon." She stood up and quickly exited the room. Rarity focused on Shoeshine. "How did you beat her, darling? None of us have been able to." Rarity questioned. "I'd tell you but she is waiting by the door." Shoeshine told her. "No, I'm not." Rainbow called out from by the door. "Shit." She muttered as she ran down the hall. "How did you know she was there?" Fluttershy quietly asked. Shoeshine shrugged. "I didn't hear her walk down the hall. I have good ears. I prefer to observe and calculate. I knew Rainbow had a reckless personality so she would make a mistake in the game sooner or later. I also knew how much ammo was held in the weapons magazine she preferred to use. I counted until I knew she was reloading and looped around to sneak attack her." Shoeshine explained. "Was a easy win." Applejack let out a approving whistle. "Ah'll be damned, it is possible to beat RD. Fluttershy was the only one closest to winning." Shoeshine raised an eyebrow and pointed to Fluttershy. "She almost beat her? Huh, didn't see that coming." Fluttershy shyly pushed a strand of pink hair out her face. "Rainbow has a reckless personality. Easy to take advantage of, like you said." She mumbled. "Why do you have two TVs in your though?" Shoeshine turned on Pinkie who tossed a donut in her mouth and ate it whole. "In case of gaming emergencies like this, duh." She announced like that made sense. "Uh huh." Shoeshine snorted. Fluttershy sat crosslegged on the bed, sitting with a stuffed butterfly pushing. Rainbow crashed into the wall as she ran into the room and fell onto the floor. "Good heavens, Rainbow dear." Rarity rolled her eyes as she helped her up. "Would it hurt you to walk instead of run? You're indoors." "I live my life a thousand miles an hour. I'll never stop." Rainbow declared and Shoeshine snorted. "We've noticed." She said dryly. "I'd hate to see you drive." "Believe it or not, she's actually a good driver." Applejack admitted, then grinned. "Rarity on the other hand... is the most reckless driver ah've ever seen. She has the worst road rage ever." Rarity glared at her. "I am not a bad driver. I am good driver. Pinkie is the bad one!" she pointed an accusatory finger at the pink girl. Applejack folded her arms and smirked. "Ya realize ya were the one who almost killed us all on the highway last month." Applejack pointed out. "I was going twenty miles over the speed limit." Rarity snapped. Applejack stared at her. "And backing up on the highway because ya missed your exit?" Applejack asked. Rarity sighed and stared at her. "Fine, that did happen." She admitted sheepishly. Shoeshine watched the small argument with curiosity. "You just had a fight and you're perfectly cool with each other. How?" Applejack and Rarity looked at each other and laughed. "Oh dear, we do this all the time. It's how we play around." Rarity giggled. Applejack opened her mouth to speak and Pinkie jumped around excitedly. She fished around her hair and pulled out a clipboard. Shoeshine raised an eyebrow at her and stared in confusion. "Where the hell did that come from?" she mumbled to herself. "Alright, we've done everything on my checklist: twenty questions, hot chocolate, Shoey beating Rainbow at GTA, seven movies with popcorn and baking." Pinkie eagerly pointed to the last thing on the clipboard. "Now, the most important thing to do: SLEEP!" Shoeshine fell over backwards in surprise at the sudden loudness and looked up into Sea Swirl's eyes. "Hello." Sea Swirl smirked down at her. "Have I ever said you have beautiful fandango eyes?" "Uhm no. But thank you Sea," Shoeshine mumbled blushing. She glanced over and noticed the grinning girls staring back at her and Pinkie holding up a phone. "So adorable. Picture and video saved." she sang. She slid under the blanket sheets and smiled. "Goodnighttttt!" She started snoring as Shoeshine gazed in shock. "How on earth did she do that?" she mused. "Don't ask." Sunset warned. "It's safer not knowing." Shoeshine rolled her eyes but nodded. She stood up and grabbed Sea Swirl's hand. "Uhm, where yall going?" Applejack questioned and winked. "Gonna have a roll in the hay?" Sea Swirl turned a bright shade of red at the implications of what the farmer had said. "We haven't done that yet. We are gonna sleep in the living room. Shoeshine is nervous is sleeping in a room full of other people that isn't me or family." Sea Swirl explained, still blushing. "Uh, okay." Rainbow muttered. A evil grin formed on her face. "You said yet." Rarity slapped her on the back of the head. Rainbow rubbed the spot and glared at her. Rolling her eyes, Sea Swirl let Shoeshine lead her out to the living room couch. She settled down onto the couch, laying down and held out her arms for Shoeshine to lay next to her. Shoeshine gave a smile and laid next to her, feeling Sea Swirl wrap an arm around her. Shoeshine slid the blanket over them and rolled her head to Sea Swirl. "Hi." she smiled at Sea Swirl. "Have I ever said you have beautiful raspberry colored eyes?" Sea Swirl nodded her head smirking. "Yeah, but I do love hearing it." Sea Swirl gave her a quick kiss and sighed. "And I love saying it. I may not be the best at talking about my emotions or articulating my words properly, but I do care about you." Shoeshine mumbled. "I know." Sea Swirl mumbled into Shoeshine's hair as she started to feel herself drift to sleep. Shoeshine smirked when she heard the familiar sounds of Sea Swirl's snoring and closed her own eyes. Little did she know six pairs of eyes were watching them. "That Shoeshine has some trust issues." Applejack declared. "Maybe she doesn't like us." Fluttershy mumbled. Sunset gave a sigh. "It's hard for her to adjust. From us being at the top of the school to being friends with you all. She's used to the authority and being in control. Honestly, she is kinda holding a little. I'm hoping Sea Swirl can get her to open up a little." Sunset admitted. "She might have a lot of work in that department." Rainbow pointed out. "Maybe their date will help them." Rarity offered. "She's taking Sea Swirl to a fancy restaurant. Something about trying to live up to what she feels Sea Swirl is into and that's very fancy restaurants." Sunset gave a frown. "She does know Sea Swirl doesn't care about fancy restaurants or expensive places as long as Shoeshine is there with her? Hell she'd be perfectly fine with a movie at home than going out to dinner." Sunset rolled her eyes. Rarity gave a sigh and stared at the sleeping girls. "I tried to tell her that. For now, let's let them enjoy their moment and sleep peacefully." > Chapter Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoeshine inhaled nervously as she stared at her reflection. She hated admitting it, but she was terrified. Put her in a situation where she had to defend a friend or punch someone, she was in control. Toss into a scenario where she had a date? Terrifying. So many variables, anything could go wrong and she couldn't calculate answers. She preferred being in control and having everything planned out to the letter. Her phone made a buzzing sound and she glanced at it. Her heart caught in her throat when she saw who was calling. She felt excited too, for some reason she didn't know why. Swiping left, she answered the call. "H-hey, Sea." she stammered out. "Hey Shoeshine." the other girl cheerfully replied. "I'm ready to be picked up whenever you are here. Just calling to make sure we are still one for tonight." Shoeshine glanced at the clock on her dresser and groaned. "I completely forgot what time it was. I'll be there right away." Shoeshine reassured her. She grabbed the keys off her nightstand and gave one last look in the mirror and gave a sigh. "I hope it goes well." she mumbled softly. Sitting in the car she had rented for the night, she rested her head against the steering wheel before turning the car on and pulling out onto the street. "In and out, Shoeshine. In and out. Breath. Relax." she told herself. She reached out and turned the radio on. Her eyes lit up when she recognized the song and started humming the tune to herself. Contrary to popular belief, she really listened to all types of music. Rock was her favorite though. Some types of rap, some country. Her good mood slightly diminished when she saw Sea Swirl's house. To her surprise, it wasn't as big as she was anticipating. Sure, it was bigger than hers but it wasn't huge. She changed the radio to opera which she figured would be more up Sea Swirl's alley than hard rock. The noise of the opera grated her ears. Worst thing she ever heard. She'd take Rush over this and she despised Rush. She parked on the street and turned the car off. Taking a final breath, she opened the door and stepped out. She slowly walked up the steps and hesitated before knocking on the door. The door swung open and Shoeshine prepared herself. She raised an eyebrow at what she saw. It certainly wasn't what she was expecting. Sea Swirl stood in the doorway wearing a simple purple skirt and white top with some white pearls on a necklace. Sea Swirl gawked at Shoeshine in front of her. "W-wow." Sea Swirl stammered out. "You look good. Beyond good." She turned as red as the dress. Shoeshine nodded. "You look good as well." Shoeshine commented. "Shall we? I have a reservation ready." She held her hand out and Sea Swirl eagerly took it. Shoeshine led her down the stairs and Sea Swirl stared at the Camaro. "That's your car?" Sea Swirl stared in surprise. Shoeshine nervously nodded. She really didn't want her to know the truth about it being a rental car. Her thoughts flashed to her Ford Explorer sitting at home. "Yeah. She's a beauty. Not as beautiful as you of course." Sea Swirl's cheeks burned at the compliment and gave a smile. Shoeshine carefully opened the door and gestured for Sea Swirl to sit. Sea Swirl gave a giggle as she sat in the car. Shoeshine went to the other side and sat in the driver seat. ------------------------------------------------------------- "You got a reservation here?" Sea Swirl stared up at the sign in surprise. Shoeshine smugly nodded. "Yes. I figured you would like it." she held open for Sea Swirl. Shoeshine followed her inside and slowly let the door shut behind her. Unknown the pair, two people in trench coats were following them inside and were seated a few tables away. One took the glasses off and set them on the table. "Ah can't believe Ah'm doing this." Applejack mumbled. Rarity set her own glasses down on the table. "We have to make sure their date goes well darling. Even if it means wearing these adorable fifties style mafia trench coats." Rarity reassured the farmer. "Ya know the definition of inconspicuous?" Applejack asked. "When people Google search antonyms of inconspicuous, pictures of us are gonna appear next to the word." "That's a big word for you, darling." Rarity teased with a smirk. Applejack shot her a dangerous look. "Shush it, Rares." ------------------------------------------------------------- Shoeshine stabbed her pasta with a fork. She admired Sea Swirl sitting across from her and gave a sigh. "Having a good time so far?" Shoeshine inquired nervously. Sea Swirl set her glass of water down and nodded. "It's pretty nice here. Never been here. Not exactly where I'd expect us to go. I expected the movies." She admitted. Shoeshine shrugged. "I figured you would like it here." She replied simply. Sea Swirl gestured at the dress Shoeshine was wearing. "I've never seen you wear a dress before. You didn't get it just for me, did you? I'd feel bad." Sea Swirl questioned and Shoeshine shrugged. "I needed something nice." She mumbled. "Nice enough for you at least." Sea Swirl raised an eyebrow. "Interesting." She mumbled. "Can I spend the night at your house? Your mom and dad have the night shift again I believe don't they?" Shoeshine gave a nod. "We can watch some movies if you wish." Shoeshine commented. Sea Swirl gave a grin. "Let's go." She said eagerly. Shoeshine waited till a waiter came by and was handed the check along with some boxes. She stood up with Sea Swirl and slapped a twenty dollar bill on the table. Applejack and Rarity waited a few seconds before following them out, putting their sunglasses back on. Sea Swirl held out a hand and Shoeshine hesitantly took it. "You know Applejack and Rarity are following us, right?" Shoeshine asked. Sea Swirl smirked, rolled her eyes and nodded. "Sunset and Berry are also sitting across the street in Cherrys car watching us." Sea Swirl pointed to a small car with two girls using binoculars in the front seat. They tossed the binoculars under the seats and dove in the back seat at the same time. "This is fun to watch." Shoeshine commented idly. "Think they'll fuck in the back seat?" "Shoeshine! That's inappropriate!" Sea Swirl snickered. "I caught them once. In the locker room." Shoeshine chuckled. "Strange place to have intercourse." Sea Swirl commented. Shoeshine shrugged. "Take what ya can get wherever ya can I suppose." Sea Swirl laughed. "I guess so." ------------------------------------------------------------- "What the hell? She let him go!" Sea Swirl snapped in frustration. The two girls were hugging each other watching the Titanic in Shoeshine's bed. The two fell into comfortable silence until the movie ended. "Can I ask a question?" Sea Swirl broke the silence. Shoeshine waved a hand in a go on gesture. "Fancy restaurants aren't really your thing. And I know that blue Ford in the driveway is yours. I've seen you park it at school. And you don't really wear dresses often. So what's going on here really?" Sea Swirl asked with a raised eyebrow. Shoeshine gave a sigh and stared at Sea Swirl. "I needed to impress you. I'm not as fancy or extravagant as I know you would probably prefer. So I may have rented a Camaro, got a reservation at a super fancy restaurant and uh got this dress." Shoeshine admitted. To her surprise, Sea Swirl glared at her. "Seriously?" She frowned. "I don't care about any of that. I don't really want to go out in nice cars or expensive restaurants in expensive clothes. Doing it with you is most important. You rarely even tell me your emotions or thoughts or what's bothering you or your interests. I'm gonna go home I think." She stood up and reached for the doorhandle. "Star Wars." Shoeshine mumbled. Sea Swirl froze with her hand half stretched to the door. She turned around and lowered her hand. "I'm sorry?" Shoeshine stood up and stared at her. "I like Star Wars. I have all the movies. Revenge of the Sith is my favorite." Shoeshine continued. "The clones are the true victims of show and movies. The Bad Batch is amazing." She gestured to a grey bin next to Sea Swirl's left leg. "Open it." Sea Swirl stared at her in confusion and Shoeshine sighed. "Please. Just open the bin." She mumbled. Nodding, Sea Swirl knelt down and opened the bin. Inside was a bunch of Star Wars figures. "Star Wars Black Series figures." Shoeshine clarified at Sea Swirl's confused expression. "Me and Berry go to a club in a town ten minutes over and show off our collections. It's a Star Wars and Transformers club. We also go on toy hunts together." She sat down on the bed with her head in her hands. "Why did neither of you two tell me about this? Or your toy hunts? I could have gone along." Sea Swirl questioned. "I think it's cool." Shoeshine lifted her head and stared up at her. "Because I assumed you wouldn't approve and probably break up with me." Shoeshine admitted. Sea Swirl stepped to her and slapped her gently. Shocked, Shoeshine rubbed her cheek and stared at her. "What was that for?" She demanded. "For being stupid." Sea Swirl said simply as she sat on the bed next to Shoeshine. "I wouldn't break up with you because of that. It's kinda cute really." She grew serious. "I don't approve of you thinking you needed to act fancy because of me. You shouldn't have to act like something you're not for a partner. I adore you for you, not for what you think I would adore. Money doesn't bring happiness." "It does make life easier." Shoeshine pointed out. "My parents lives could never have been as difficult if they had more money." She rested her head on Sea Swirl's shoulder and sighed. Sea Swirl wrapped an arm around her and kissed her cheek. "I know. Money can make lives easier but I'd rather have my parents home than being out making more money. You already know they are barely home. I practically live alone in a sense. I take care of myself." She squeezed Shoeshine gently. "At the same time, all those struggles have made you who you are. A fiercely loyal, kind person." "I guess that means I can sneak in whenever I want then." Shoeshine smirked. Sea Swirl rolled her eyes. "And whatever would you do after getting in?" She teased. Shoeshine kept smirking at her. "I could always show you." Shoeshine purred in a sultry voice. She snaked a hand down Sea Swirl's skirt and Sea Swirl yelped. "Maybe another time." Sea Swirl smirked as she pushed Shoeshine onto her back and gave her a kiss. Shoeshine kissed back and pushed her tongue into Sea Swirl's mouth. "So no more random fancy get ups, right?" Sea Swirl asked after pulling away. "Yes. I suck at communication, but I will try. Berry and I have a toy hunt next week, if you wish to come." Shoeshine mumbled shyly. Sea Swirl raised an eyebrow. Being shy really wasn't Shoeshine's thing she knew. She quickly kissed her again and smiled. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." > Chapter Four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sighing, Shoeshine stepped into the school. She shifted her weight slightly to adjust her backpack. In her right hand was a bunch of coffees for her group and Sunset's friends. She wasn't really sure she could call them her friends but after that sleepover, she was more inclined to do so. She rarely did fun activities in front of others, but Pinkie had a way of bringing that out. She carefully weaved her way around the students holding the coffees above her head. She found the room where the Rainbooms were practicing. She rolled her eyes at the name. She had no clue how Rainbow managed to convince them to name it the Rainbooms, but she did. "We're better than ever." She watched as the Rainbooms finished their song and the pony ears and tails disappeared. She set the coffees down and gave a wave at Sunset. She stepped up to Sea Swirl and gave her a kiss. "This musical showcase is gonna be awesome!" Rainbow pumped her fist eagerly. Shoeshine groaned and rolled her eyes. "Great, just what we need. Our school turning into a High School Musical movie." She grumbled. Rarity raised an eyebrow at her. "I have a sister." Shoeshine mumbled defensively at Rarity's expression. Rarity clapped her hands excitedly after setting down her keytar. "I still can't believe that happens when we play. I need to get some cute clip earrings for when I grow those adorable pony ears." Rarity gushed. "I just wonder why it happens. Princess Twilight took her crown back to Equestria. Shouldn't that mean she took all the magic back with her?" Applejack asked. "Who cares why it happens? It makes my band totally awesome!" Rainbow exclaimed enthusiastically. Shoeshine rolled her eyes at that. "Your band?" Rarity scoffed and looked at her. "Duh, it was my idea to start the Rainbooms so we could be in the Showcase. Plus, I'm the lead singer and guitarist." Rainbow pointed out. Berry rolled her eyes. "Here we go with the ego." She softly muttered. A knocking sound got all our attention and Flash walked in. "Hey uh, just checking. You guys don't know if any out of town guests are coming right? It being a charity event and all." He shrugged and I internally gagged. He was doing so bad at hiding his feelings for Twilight. "Sorry Flash, I doubt Twilight is coming for this. She's busy in Equestria." Applejack explained and he sighed. "Okay, thanks." He shuffled out the room and shut the door. "Well someone is a smitten kitten." Rarity chuckled and shot an apologetic look at Sunset. "I forgot you two dated at one point, I'm sorry." Sunset shrugged. "We never actually dated. I threatened him into saying we did so we could gain more influence and leeway." She admitted and I nodded. "It was my idea. We weren't gonna have her cheat on Berry. Especially we are her friend and did everything for her." Shoeshine explained. "Kinda stupid we stopped, we had so much power." The Rainbooms looked at each other nervously. "But we were hurting people." Sunset admitted. "So were they." Shoeshine gestured around the school. "But we weren't." Pinkie mumbled. I glanced over at them and stared at Applejacks narrowed eyes. "Okay fine not all did." "Sunset Shimmer, report to the office." Principal Luna called over the intercom. Sunset slid off the desk and picked up her coffee. "No one has said this yet, but thanks for the coffee, Shoeshine." Sunset said, shooting a look at the Rainbooms. "Uh yeah, thanks darling." Rarity mumbled and she gave a curt nod. "I volunteered to show some new students around the school. Figured they should get to know the new me before they found out about the old me." Sunset rubbed the back of her head. Rainbow gave an awkward wave and Shoeshine narrowed her eyes slightly. Sea Swirl seemed to have the same feeling because she looked at them the same way. Rainbow turned back to her group and shrugged. "We still got a few momenrs before lunch starts. Whaddaya say we do awesome as I wanna be?" She asked. Fluttershy held up a book and Berry raised an eyebrow. "Uhm, Rainbow Dash I was wondering if we could maybe play the song I wrote." She mumbled. Rainbow waved a hand. "Yeah, yeah we'll get to it." She turned to her guitar. "Oh okay." Fluttershy shrank down and mumbled. Sea Swirl and Shoeshine shared a concerned look. "I'll go with Sunset." Shoeshine announced, kissing Sea Swirl as she grabbed her coffee and took off out the door. ------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey, are you the girls I'm supposed to show around?" Sunset asked three girls in the shadows. They stepped forward at the same time. "We are." The one with poofy orange hair said coldly. "Canterlot High is a great school, you're really gonna love it." Sunset continued talking. "Oh yes, we sense there's something magical about this place." Orange hair smirked at her two friends. "It's okay here." Shoeshine mumbled and Sunset smiled at her. "Hey, Shoeshine." "Hey Sunset." She greeted, sipping her coffee. Sunset sped walked to a poster and tapped it with her knuckles. "We're having a musical showcase this week. The whole school is pretty much rallying around it." "A musical showcase?" Orange hair asked with a smile. "I'm sure since you're new, Principal Celestia will let you join if youre interested." Sunset reassured her. "We have been known to sing from time to time." Pigtails spoke, looking at her fingernails. "Hello? We sing like all the time. It's how we get people to do what we want." Blue hair announced eagerly. Orange hair spun around and made a growling sound at her. "What? What did I say?" She asked with a smile. "What you meant to say was that being in a musical showcase sounds like a great way to meet other students." Orange hair said pointedly. "Oh yeah. What she said I meant to say, that's what I meant." Blue hair replied. "And what you would have said if you weren't the worst." Pigtails snapped. "You are." Blue hair announced. "You'll have to excuse them, they're idiots." Orange hair stood in front of the two. Sunset and Shoeshine stared at them, growing uncomfortable. Sunset's eyes flicked down to three red pendants around each of their necks. She reached out a hand. "Those are pretty." She said. "Where did you?" She flinched as orange hair slapped her hand away and gave a nervous laugh. Shoeshine tensed up and gave a growl. Blue hairs eyes flicked over nervously to her. "Sorry, these pendants mean an awful lot to us. We would just hate if anything were to happen to them." Orange hair told them as she and pigtails walked off. Blue hair stood there blinking at the two girls. Shoeshine raised an eyebrow as a hand grabbed blue hair and yanked her forward. Sunset rubbed her chin in thought. "That was kinda weird, right?" She asked turning to Shoeshine. Shoeshine gave a slow nod. "It was a bit awkward." She admitted. "It's almost lunch time, we don't wanna keep Sea Swirl or Berry waiting. Especially in a hostile environment such as our school right now." She and Sunset started walking to the lunch room as the three girls they had just shown around watched them leave. "It's so adorable you want to rush and spend time with Sea Swirl." Sunset teased with a grin. "Shut up, Sunset." > Chapter Five > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me and Sunset slid into our respective seats at the lunch table. "Well? How did the tour go?" Applejack asked, biting into an apple. I smirked at the idea of sneaking a pear into her applesauce, probably wouldn't even taste it. "I don't know, those girls acted strange around us." Sunset admitted. "There was something off about them." I agreed. Pinkies eyes lit up and I mentally prepared for the worst. "Like off like this?" She asked, using her hair as a mustache. "Or off like this?" She shoved her face down into her salad and lifted it up, having carrots for teeth and lettuce for eyebrows. Berry gave a snicker at that. "Ooh! Ooh! Or maybe!" Rainbow put a hand over her mouth. She removed her hand and a carrot fell out of Pinkies mouth. "Maybe we should just let them tell us." She suggested. "That's just it, I don't know. Maybe someone already told them about what we did, who we were. So much for making a good first impression." Sunset mumbled. "Mhm." Fluttershy agreed and we all stared at her. "Oh, uhm i don't think that's the case." We glared harder and she shrank down to hide. The lunch doors swung open with a bang and Fluttershy jumped as the lunch room went quiet, looking over at the doors. "We've heard you want to get together, we heard you want to rock the school." Hair orange started to sing and I groaned. "Great. You guys started a musical trend." I mumbled. "We started a trend? Aw yeah!" Rainbow exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. I really should have seen that coming. "We've thought of something that is better, something that changes all the rules." I watched as Orange Hair(my official nickname for her now) touched Watermelody and Starlight on the head. That was kinda weird to be honest. "Why pretend we're all the same? When some of us shine brighter. Here's a chance to find your flame, are you a lover or a fighter?" She stroked Wizkid on the chin. "Me and you, you and me. Why don't we see who is better? We don't have to be one in the same thing. Oh, what's so wrong with a little competition? Are you afraid of failing the audition?" The Orange Hair, Pigtails and Blue Hair sang. "They can really sing." I mumbled and ignored the shocked looks I got from Sunset and the Rainbooms. Berry and Sea Swirl had intrigued expressions on their faces as we watched the three girls. "You're a star and you should know it." Orange Hair continued as she stroked Trixie's chin. "Yeah, you rise above the rest." I watched in awe as she climbed on the table and stepped over Tennis Match's lunch tray and Cloudkicker hand. She stopped in front of Skunk Hair, actually had no clue what his name is so me and Sea Swirl call him Skunk Hair. She flicked his chin up and hopped off the table. "It doesn't matter who you hurt, if you're just proving you're the best." She looked back at Octavia and smiled at her coldly. "Battle, you wanna win it." Pigtails poked some random fuck I didn't know in the chest. "Let's have a battle, battle of the bands." "Let's have a battle, we'll go all in it." I smirked as I watched Pigtails separate the CMC from Snips and Snails. "Let's have a battle, battle, battle of the bands" "I could beat you." I grinned as I watched Blueberry Cake shout at Mystery Mint and Cherry Crash. Cherry rolled her eyes and looked away. "You wish." She retorted. "I so want this." Trixie whined and I rolled my eyes as some random student yelled back at her. "Me and you, you and me. Why don't we see who is better? We don't have to be one in the same thing. What's so wrong with a little competition? I'm going up at winning the audition." They finished singing as more people started to argue. I slammed my hands down on the table and stood up. "Yeah!" I shouted. Sunset stared at me in shock. "We're the best, and we will win! Fuck you all." "You're the worst thing to ever happen here!" Sea Swirl shouted at someone flipping us off. Berry grinned at Sunset and kissed her. "Sunset my love, me and the two girls are gonna win this and prove my love for you once and for all." She stood up and started yelling at Flash Sentry about him being a bitch. "What are you doing, Shoeshine?" Sunset demanded. I grinned at her, reached across the table and grabbed her shoulders. "Sunset, don't you see? This is the opportunity we've been waiting for! To take back control of the school!" I let go of her and gestured around us at the arguing students. "We swoop in, take advantage of the chaos and after this, we calm everyone down and we will be back in control! Win-win situation!" The Rainbooms shrunk against the wall nervously, watching us and the other students screaming at each other. I turned back and flipped someone off. Diamond Tiara stomped up to us with her silver friend who's name I didnt know. "You fools are never gonna win. You suck at everything!" She snapped and I smirked at her. "Just like how you suck at keeping in your dear moms good graces?" I taunted. "We all know you're a disappointment, run along now child. The adults are playing." She let out a huff and stormed off, her short silver friend behind her. I focused my attention on arguing with people, missing the concerned looks of Sunset and the Rainbooms. ------------------------------------------------------------- "Those three are definitely in possession of some kind of dark magic. How else could you explain what happened back there?" Sunset commented and I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry, y'all." Applejack drawled. "We'll let Principal Celestia know about those girls and they'll be kicked to the curb in no time. Last thing she needs is another CHS event almost ruined by a power crazed lunatic." Her eyes widened and she looked at Sunset. "Uh no offense." Sunset sighed and looked away. "None taken." She mumbled. I glared at Applejack and punched her in the back of the head. She quickly recovered and spun around, her fists clenched. "Why ya little.." She got cut off by Rainbow quickly getting between us. "Nows not the time. Both of you are in the wrong, we can argue about this later. Let's move on for now." She snapped, giving us both dirty looks. We looked at each other, glaring. "Whatever." Applejack mumbled, folding her arms and looking away. I smirked. Guess you can teach an old dog new tricks. "I have to get back to Sea Swirl and Berry. We have a band to name and a Battle of the Bands to win. See ya." I gave a wave and strode off. "That girl is hard to understand." Applejack announced. "She's easy to understand for me, she's very loyal." Sunset pointed out as they walked into the Principals office. > Chapter Six > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I gave a content sigh as I woke up. I carefully eased my way out of Sea Swirl's arms. I had the house to myself again so she spent the night over. Probably the best way to wake up. I stood at the edge of the bed and admired her for a second. She was snoring softly in her purple pajamas with dolphins and a purple bra. She really loved her dolphins I mused as i gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and walked to the kitchen. I hummed to myself as I pulled out milk from the fridge and a box of pancake batter. I started mixing it together with one hand, getting a pan down with the next. "What a beautiful mess, beautiful mess I'm in. Spending all my time with you, there's nothing else I'd rather do. What a sweet addiction that I'm caught up in, cause I can't get enough, can't stop the hunger for your love." I sang as I poured the batter into the pan and watched it bubble a bit at the edges. "Beautiful song." The voice made me jump and almost drop my spatula. I spun around and saw Sea Swirl leaning against the doorframe with a small smile. She had her pajamas on still and my favorite blue shirt. I turned a bright shade of red. I try to avoid being heard singing. "Sorry, I thought you were still asleep." I mumbled, red faced. She pushed herself off the doorframe and frowned slightly. "You have a good singing voice. You should sing more often." She chided, lifting my chin up with a finger. I gave her a quick kiss. "Only around you, though." I promised. She gave a laugh and looked around, rubbing her eyes. "I smelled something good in here." She mumbled, leaning against me. I smirked. "I'm making breakfast. Pancakes and sausage. Do you want anything in your pancakes?" I asked as I flipped one. "Do you have strawberries, blueberries or bananas?" She asked. "We got all three. You'll have to cut the bananas yourself, we never have any cut ones." I slid a knife to her from the wall rack that holds our knives. She picked it and a banana up, quickly cutting them after peeling it. She tossed the fruits into the batter. "You know, I could get used to this." She mused as she pressed her hip against mine. I gave her a smirk. "Could you now?" I teased. "Well yeah, I like the idea of us sleeping in the same bed. Watching movies, cooking together." She explained. I kissed her quickly. "Could you also get used to this?" I asked as I sneaked a hand on her inner thigh and casually ran my hand down her leg. She gave a quick shudder and bit her lip a bit too late to keep the moan in. I smirked as I moved my hand and slid her pancakes onto a plate and handed her it. "Here ya go." ------------------------------------------------------------- "What should we call our band?" Berry mused as she paced back and forth in the empty classroom. I swung my legs back and forth under my desk as I bit into my pizza. "I don't know. We didn't really think this through." Sea Swirl admitted. "All I really care about is winning." My phone dinged and I opened up my email and started reading the band names. "We still need a name. Hell, even Trixie has a band name." Berry argued. "Aborted Fetus." I said aloud. "Shoeshine! We are not naming our band Aborted Fetus. That's disgusting!" Sea Swirl snapped at me. I quickly held up a hand placatingly. "No, no. I wasn't suggesting that." I held up my phone. "Principal Luna just emailed everyone the bands participating and their names. Flash Sentrys band name is Aborted Fetus." I slid my phone to her and she read the names. She made a disgusted face and shivered. "Why the hell would he name his band that?" Berry questioned and I shrugged. "Hell if I know. He always was a bit of an idiot." I pointed out. "Ecstasy." Berry suggested and I shook my head. "I'm not so sure. Unless we are promoting our illegal drug empire on the side." "Cowgirl Revolution?" Sea Swirl offered and I snorted. "Did Applejack make a hick version of Dance, Dance Revolution?" I asked and she threw her hands up. "I don't see you making any suggestions." She retaliated. "Silver Bullet." I suggested and she rolled her eyes. "Not as bad as I anticipated." She admitted. "What about The Succulents?" Berry shot back. "Sounds like the name Rose and Lily would name their band." Sea Swirl mused and I chuckled. "The Leftovers?" Banana Bliss offered and all three of us stared at her. "Absolutely not." I announced. "Yeah, no." Sea Swirl agreed. "When did you even get here?" I asked. The girl shrugged, eating a banana. "About five minutes ago. I needed a place to eat lunch and the cafeteria is currently a war zone. I heard you guys talking and figured this was some decent entertainment." She paused. "Well, more entertaining than Trixie blinding Silver Spoon with her weird pixie dust shit and the Rainbooms being rude to Sunset." I clenched a fist. "What are they doing?" I demanded. "Bringing up the fall formal and then being all like no offense and she's all like, none taken." Banana sipped her water and I growled. "I always hated them." I mumbled. We fell into silence as we ate our lunches. "Warriors?" Sea Swirl suddenly said. "That...could work." I admitted. Berry nodded. "I like it." She agreed. Banana coughed and I glanced behind her. "Can I join? I have zero friends right now and yeah." She shrugged. I looked over at the other two and we all nodded. "Yeah of course." I smiled. "We always take in lost souls." Sea Swirl agreed. "What instruments do you guys play?" She asked. "I know guitar, Berry plays drums, Sea Swirl also plays guitar. What about you?" I questioned. "I sing that's about it." She shrugged with a shy smile. "Which one of you is the leader?" "We have no leader, we split the decision making four ways to make it equal." Berry explained and I nodded. "That sounds good." Banana finished eating her banana and stood up, dusting off her skirt. "Practice is after school today. We play covers because none of us know to write songs." I told her as I handed her a paper with directions from my bag. ------------------------------------------------------------- I stood in the gym and sipped on some punch. I watched a few people arguing and Flash pull his fist back. I really thought he was gonna hit Snips for a second there. I saw the three girls I had helped show around at the bowl of punch. Blue Hair and Pigtails seemed to be arguing about something. My eyes widened when I saw Twilight with the Rainbooms flirting with Flash. "Seriously, the Rainbooms had to get her here just to win?" I scoffed. Sea Swirl rolled her eyes and Berry groaned. "What a bunch of losers." Sea Swirl groaned. Berry looked around. "Where's Sunset at?" I gave a shrug. "I haven't seen her." I admitted. Berry frowned faintly. "I'm sure she's around here somewhere." Banana reassured her. "There isn't gonna be a Battle of the Bands." I glanced over at Twilight standing with the Rainbooms and I grumbled. They held hands and I stared as the gym went quiet. "Friendship is magic!" Twilight shouted and closed her eyes. I raised an eyebrow and snorted a laugh. "Talk about throwing down the gauntlet." Orange Hair turned and looked at us. "This group is obviously serious about winning. A little cocky though, aren't they? Claiming there won't really be a Battle of the Bands. Seems they think they got this thing all locked up." "Not if the Great and Powerful Trixie has anything to say about it." Trixie shouted as Fuschia and Lavender stood behind her glaring. "Whatever, Trixie! We're the best band at CHS." Flash snapped. "No, the Crusaders are gonna win." Applebloom stepped towards him. "Oh, please. We are the best." Mystery Mint scoffed. "Shut it, bitch." I shouted and she stared in shock at me. A whole new round of screaming and yelling started. I was in the middle of arguing with Lavender Lace when I saw Twilight and the Rainbooms leave out the corner of my eye. I shoved her as I watched the trio standing and watching us with smirks. "We will win, no matter the cost." I growled to Sea Swirl, Berry and Banana Bliss. They all quickly nodded and smiled. > Chapter Seven > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I slumped on the bleachers and watched Snips and Snails performance. Worst thing I’ve ever seen. Can’t even remember their own lyrics. “Like an orange, yo!” I rolled my eyes and smirked at Lavender Lace hiding a giggle behind her hand. My eyes flicked to Pinkie bobbing her head enthusiastically. “How can she like this?” Sea Swirl asked, following my gaze. “Fuck if I know.” I shrugged and Berry giggled. “This so awful.” She mumbled and Banana nodded. “You’re gonna mess up your back if sit slumped like that all the time.” I gave Banana the middle finger and she laughed. I watched Snips and Snails exit the stage and say something to the Rainbooms. “Why the hell are they excluding Sunset? I angrily demanded as I pointed a finger where Sunset was waiting off to the side with a dog. I waved to her and gestured for her to come sit with us. She quickly bounded down the stairs and over to us, holding the dog. Berry gave her a kiss as she sat down and we watched the Rainbooms performance. ------------------------------------------------------------- I sighed as I picked up my guitar. We had just knocked out Bulk Biceps, so we were feeling pretty good. Sunset had to go back and babysit the Rainbooms. Currently, Trixie was up on stage and finishing her song. Apparently the Dazzlings were next. I still don’t know their names, I don’t think anyone does. “I kinda hate how good Trixie sounds.” I grumbled. “Yeah, me too. As if she wasn’t arrogant enough.” Sea Swirl agreed. “At least Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon didn’t make a band. Their egos are already inflated enough as is.”Berry snorted at that and gave a grin. “Please, their mom’s would pay off Celestia and Luna to have their daughters win.” Berry scoffed. I had to agree with her there, that’s exactly something their moms would do. “We’ve got the song that makes you move, got the song that makes you lose it. We say jump, you say how high. Put your hands up to the sky.” “When did they even start singing?” I asked, feeling my head swaying. “I....don’t know.” Sea Swirl admitted, her body doing the same as me and Berry’s. I don’t even know when we got to the gym floor. I felt the typical anger and competitiveness I’ve been feeling since they arrived. “I hate you!” I heard Starlight scream at Flash. A tap on the shoulder got my attention and I spun to Blueberry Cake standing there. I shoved her hand off. “Get your dirty hands off me.” I snapped and she smirked. “Aren’t you the definition of dirty? Considering what you did to the school, you’re the worst part of this school.” She taunted and now I was behind angry. “Surprised Sea Swirl still cares about you.” I swung a fist and connected with her stomach. She staggered back in shock and I felt two pairs of hands grabbing my shoulders. “She ain’t worth it, Shoe.” Berry grunted out as she held me back. “Yeah, fuck her. She’s just mad her sister died from an overdose.” Sea Swirl snapped as she held my other shoulder. My legs kicked out as I struggled to get away. Looking across the gym, I could see Lyra and Bon Bon holding Derpy back from attacking Bulk Biceps. Bon Bon had a terrified expression on her face and Lyra appeared to be gritting her teeth. I’ve never seen Derpy that angry before. Glancing back, Sea Swirl had the same scared expression Bon Bon did. Blueberry glared at us and Banana kicked her in the knee. Blueberry took off after seeing she was outnumbered. The Dazzlings stood on the stage with smiles at the fighting. ------------------------------------------------------------- The fighting ended pretty quickly and it was quiet again. I was standing in between Octavia and Flash. Flash was so annoying, it’s not even funny. Wish I could fight him but Sea Swirl would kill me if I did. It made me very happy seeing him and his band get knocked out. Oh lord here comes the Rainbooms. I was worried about Sunset, standing off to the side with Spike. She looked upset about something. If the Rainbooms had said anything about her past, it was over for them. ”Hey! awesome as I wanna be! Rainbow started singing and I groaned. This song was all about her and her over the top ego. “Kill me now,” Sea Swirl moaned. I smirked and gave her a kiss. “I can’t kill my girlfriend,” I teased. “I’d go to jail. Besides I’d be lonely.” Sea Swirl rolled her eyes and punched my shoulder. “That’s not what I meant.” ”Hey! awesome as I wanna be!First you see me riding on a sonic boom, got my guitar shredding up my latest tune. There is nothing you can do to beat me. I’m so good that you can’t defeat me. Yeah, I’m awesome, take caution. Watch out for me, I’m awesome as I wanna be. Yeah! I’m awesome, take caution. Watch out for me, I’m awesome as I wanna be!” All the lights on stage focused on Rainbow and her guitar solo. I smirked at the angry expressions of her band mates and sighed when Rainbow started to pony up. “She’s so egotistical,” Banana grunted. Out of nowhere, Sunset tackled Rainbow and the guitar went flying and landed in Pinkies drums and she screamed. All the lights came on and it was silent. “There’s the bad girl we love to hate!” Flash shouted and I wanted to kill him even more. “Oh yeah Sunset Shimmer is back!” “I knew she was still trouble!” Octavia pointed her cello stick thing. I didn’t know what it was called. At this point, I had no patience and swung, connecting with her stomach. Octavia gave a pained cry and fell to her stomach. “Take that bitch. Watch what your say about Sunset!” I growled and smirked at her fearful expression. Sea Swirl grabbed me and I groaned. “She deserves it but we gotta get to Sunset and make sure the Raingoos don’t fuck with her!” She started pulling me to the stairs, Berry and Banana already running to them. I took them three at a time and surprised myself. Didn’t think I could do that. “What was that!?” Rainbow shouted, glaring at Sunset. “You were showing them your magic! I didn’t know what to do!” Sunset exclaimed. “Unplug her amp? Close the curtains? Give US a chance to deal with the situation!” Rarity snapped. “I just wanted to help,” Sunset mumbled. “Yeah well you didn’t!” Rainbow said coldly. I forgot what happened next, mainly due to shock. Sea Swirl took a deep breath and tackled Rarity with Berry punching Rainbow in the face. “Kick her ass, Sea Swirl!” I encouraged. “She shouldn’t be a dick to her so called friend. They don’t care about us!” Rarity tried to put her hands up to protect herself but Sea shoved them aside and punched her in the face. Rainbow was being held back by her arms by Banana and I as Berry punched her repeatedly in the stomach and face. It would have been impossible to hold Rainbow back under normal circumstances but she was shocked so we easily overpowered her. Sunset grabbed Berry and pulled her back. Applejack and Fluttershy pulled us off Rainbow. That left Sea Swirl who kept swinging on Rarity who was bleeding from the nose and mouth at this point. Twilight pulled her back gently as Rarity spit out some blood. “Are yall done?” Applejack demanded as we squirmed in her grip. “Let me go!” I demanded and tried to kick her knee. “Nah. Ah will if you say you’re done and won’t fight anymore.” “Fine. You guys deserved it though,” I scoffed. “Show Sunset some fucking respect, you inbred hick.” Applejack took a deep breath and released us, nodding at Twilight who let Sea Swirl go. “It’s our turn to perform now go away!” I snapped. Nodding they left the stage and Banana took up her spot at the microphone. I picked up my guitar as Berry sat down at her drum set and Sea Swirl stepped to the second microphone. How we got a new drum set so quick was beyond me. That’s some theater magic shit. ”And you’re really crazy, you know that? You get depressed at the end of a long day. You wanna drown yourself in a strong drink. ‘Cause the world make ya feel like a zombie. Kinda feel like you might freak out,” Sea Swirl softly as I started to play the guitar in perfect sync with Berry. ”Can’t stand how things got so fucked. Can’t rip a band-aid off a bad break up. You don’t know how you’re ever gonna move on. Let me tell you somethin’, you ain’t the only one nah,” Banana Bliss took over. ”Ain’t it the way life goes?Shit hits the fan I know. One day we’re gonna kick that bucket.So cut loose, just say “fuck it”. Forget about the way it makes you feel. Life’s too short if I’m being real. One day we’re gonna kick that bucket. So ‘til then, just say “fuck it,” they sang in unison. ”Didn’t get picked, didn’t get your big break and some real prick’s rubbing it in your face. Kinda sucks when jealously hits you hard, like a four-door car and on over your heart. Are you living in a dream or nightmare? Wanna stand up and scream, what do I care? Sing this shit like a mantra, middle finger’s up, I got ya.” ”Ain’t it the way life goes? Shit hits the fan I know. One day we’re gonna kick that bucket. So cut loose, just say “fuck it”. Forget about the way it makes you feel. Life’s too short if I’m being real, one day we’re gonna kick that bucket. So ‘til then, just say “fuck it”. Fuck it, man.” ”Let me think about it, nah fuck it.” I was really surprised Sea Swirl agreed to cuss this much in a song. She rarely cussed. ”Ain’t it the way life goes? Shit hits the fan I know. One day we’re gonna kick that bucket. So cut loose, just say “fuck it”. Forget about the way it makes you feel. Life’s too short if I’m being real. One day we’re gonna kick that bucket, so ‘til then, just say “fuck it.” ”Yeah, we’re gonna kick that bucket. One day we’re gonna kick that bucket. So cut loose, just say “fuck it,” Sea Swirl finished. I was actually kinda scared being up here. A loud clapping sound came from Sunset and Rainbow and we stared at them in shock. “What?” Rainbow shrugged at her fellow band mates. “It was a fire song. I like how Berry played the drums and Shoeshine played the guitar at just the right times in unison. Banana and Sea Swirl had great vocals.” Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna stepped out of a room with the Dazzlings. “The three bands going to the finals are Warriors, The Rainbooms and The Dazzlings!” The gym burst into angry screaming and I highfived my band mates and hugged Sea Swirl. “You did great!” I grinned and Sea Swirl blushed. “We all did good,” Banana smiled. “Thank you for this opportunity.” “No problem,” Berry hugged her. “Let’s go celebrate,” Sea Swirl announced. We all looked at each other and grinned. I decided to speak for us all at that point. “We’re in.”