A Voice like the Breeze

by King-Mac-13

First published

Fluttershy gets into ASMR, but gets hooked on the ones made by her brother Zephyr.

Fluttershy got into something shameful. Not the erotic audio. Not even the imagining the few guys around her as the speaker in said porn. No, she just had to get into the ones by her brother! Things escalate from there.

This was made for the Incest is Wincest Incest by Proxy contest. As such, it contains the following: Incestuous themes, Masturbation, and Zephyr Breeze. You've been warned.

Cover Art by Matimus91

Fluttering of the Heart

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Fluttershy had a problem. Not a significant problem that threatened her life or anything. It was a personal problem. One that she couldn't even tell her friends about. It was so embarrassing and wrong she couldn't bring herself to even think about doing something like that. She shivered as she lay there on her bed, the cool midnight breeze tickling her skin. She stared up at the ceiling to her cottage home, shame filling her mind as she sprawled herself outward over her now stained bedsheets. She slowly reached up and pulled a pair of earbuds out as she seemed to have an internal crisis. She remembered how this started. The night this shame became so commonplace.

It was three months ago. Even before this point, Fluttershy had a personal shame, but one that was more understandable. She listened to Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response streams, or ASMR. In particular, she listened to audio porn. This, on it's own, is embarrassing but not a source of shame. She knew, for a fact, that every one of her friends had some kind of kinky vice. No, her shame was rooted in the second part of this equation. As she listened to her vice, she would close her eyes and fantasize about the one talking to her. However, because she didn't know too many people, she'd always end up gravitating around the same three or four stallions around her and her friends. She'd imagined a priestly Big Mac taking her as a nun from behind. She'd imagined a time when Mr. Cake got very rough with her for trying to break up his family. Then there was the one where she, a thief, was captured by a Prince (played by Shining Armor) and a Princess (obviously played by Twilight) who proceed to take advantage of their new captive.

But that all paled in comparison to the source of her problem. Everything up to this point could be excused. But that stream broke her. It was called "Afterglow in the Summer Breeze." There wasn't any explicit sounds or action. Rather, it was set in the aftermath of such actions. It centered around the speaker recounting what happened and amazing it had been. How amazing she'd been. Like always, she closed her eyes, ready to fantasize about some stallion in her bed with her. But as her eyes shut, her ears truly opened. She could hear what she hadn't while she was distracted. She heard his inflections. His speech patterns. His accent. His all too familiar voice, Zephyr Breeze's voice.

Now, any normal anthropomorphic pony would have opened her eyes, turned off the audio, and sat up to rethink what brought her here in the first place. Unfortunately, Fluttershy didn't do that. No, she let it play. She let it ride out and received the biggest orgasm of her life. It was a wake up call, and not a fun one.

Okay, it was very fun, but not emotionally. This was the start of her eternal guilt trip. The reason being that she didn't stop after that first session. Zephyr made multiple audio files and sold them, coming out once every couple of weeks. They weren't very pricy, saying this was more of a hobby he was monetizing rather than an actual job. And she bought all of them. Five months worth of backup audio files. It was three months of hearing his voice speaking sweet nothings, erotic words, and so many nights of vivid imagination fodder.

And now she lied on her bed, her phone in hand as she waited for the inevitable. She'd done the unthinkable and commissioned an audio story from him. She'd requested it under an alias and asked for a file she'd expected him to reject. She asked for a story where a younger brother catches his sister masturbating to him and they have sex as a result. She was sure he'd ignore it or decline, but he accepted it. He took the money and said it would be done by week's end.


Fluttershy pulled her hand up with her phone in front of her face. There was a notification from the site where he posted his work. A personal file for her. Her commission. She shivered as she opened the file and downloaded the audio. There were two files, the same with any commission, the actual file and a thank you. Fluttershy placed the earbuds back into place, opened the main file, and closed her eyes.

"This is a commissioned work. The following contains themes of incest. You've been warned."

He always put one of those at the start whenever something like this came up. She just waited for the important part. The part she wanted. No… needed.

It started with a muffled speaking in the background. Likely meant to represent that he was down a hallway and behind a door. The voice was building up to be understood, though still muffled, "Hey, sis! You here? I was going to order pizza since it's just us tonight. I was wondering what you…" There was a creak of the door and a pause. She'd been found out.

Fluttershy, as if playing the part, couldn't help but rub herself and call out his name, "Zephyr… Don't…" don't keep me waiting.

She could hear the sound of the door closing followed by a locking sound. There were footsteps approaching. "You really should have locked the door."

"I know…" she spoke weakly. This was way too erotic to her. She could practically see him standing there.

"I also heard who you were calling for." There was a pause followed by the sound of bed springs. "I know how this looks and sounds. But… if you want me to stay, I can help you out."

"P-please. Please stay." She was getting into character and just answering as if he was there next to her. Even if it didn't mean anything in the long run, she couldn't resist. In her mind, he was right there, looming over her with a knowing smirk on his face.

"Alright. Then, let's start up here." There was a rustling sound as he continued. "I never could get my eyes off your chest."

She wondered if he was imagining her as he said that. Her chest was the largest of her friends and she was the second tallest after Twilight's ascension to Alicorn-form. She was hard to ignore, despite how much she tried to be so. She wondered if, when he was standing there and speaking to the shorter, more athletically built Rainbow Dash, that maybe he was actually looking up toward her. She knew it was a foolish notion, but as Twilight would say, there's no wrong way to fantasize.

One could practically hear the smile on his face."And I've always wanted to give them a good squeeze."

Fluttershy's free hand had moved to her breast, trying to mimic the actions she'd imagine him taking.

"And I've always wanted to give these nipples a nice pinch. Maybe a little tug~"

Her fingers followed in kind, pulling a lustful moan from her lips. It was no surprise that Fluttershy bordered on masochistic. Not in the way that Rainbow was, but rather preferred that light discomfort on her body. She liked having her breasts kneaded harshly and her nipples pulled. But that was it. And then there was the emotional discomfort of imagining her brother as the one doing the pulling.

He let out an appreciative moan as he continued. "Okay, I don't think I can hold back." There was a light wet sound as he chuckled. "You're already so wet, after all. You want it too, right?"

"Yes. Please!" She was shuddering in excitement as the image of her brother loomed over her. She had actually seen him naked once. She knew how big he really was, definitely above average but not the porn star level people tended to think about when 'big dick' came up.

There was a moment of pause before the sound of a belt buckle falling to the floor rang out. "Last chance to back out."

Fluttershy shook her head. There was no way she was backing down now. "Do it!"

"Alright." She could practically hear the wet sounds as his cock entered the imaginary pussy. Her pussy.

It was as if she was waiting for this for her entire life. Sure, if she was braver, she'd probably have bought a toy to enhance the immersion. But even having another bank account could only make her so brave.

The sounds of exertions kept the sense of pace. It was slow at first, but things were picking up over time. There were exaggerated sounds of his heavier breathing and the wet sounds, but that was common for the genre. It was to help set a pace and help the listener envision what was happening.

Of course, Fluttershy was doing her very best to keep pace with her fingers. But it was more difficult to do so compared to if someone else could handle the pacing. Not to mention that her fingers were a poor substitute for the real thing. Even if she was a virgin, she still knew it wasn't the same.

Her commission wasn't a long one, so she knew it was set to end soon. But she also didn't care. She was already edging on the verge of a climax. She just held herself back a bit, waiting for the part she wanted.

After about a minute of the sounds of thrusts and moaning, Zephyr spoke again, "I'm about at my limit. I'm gonna cum. Should I pull out?"

"Don't… don't you dare!" She knew she was speaking to no one, but she was too into character. "Cum inside me, Zephyr! Do it! Please!" She was desperate in her fetish and didn’t care if anyone could hear her. Of course, she knew no one could that wasn’t an animal, and those horndogs certainly won’t care.

There was a moment of moaning and an absence of the thrusting sound. It was a sign of the moment of Zephyr’s climax, while not getting too goofy with the sound effects.

Fluttershy, meanwhile, was not so quiet. When she heard the moment of his climax, her own body had been denied for long enough. She felt her entire body jolt with an insane feeling. She came so hard this time, harder than any other time she ever had before. Maybe it was the scenario combined with the voice. Who knows? She didn't know, and she certainly didn't care.

As she came down from her climactic high, the audio had wrapped up with a final line she couldn't hear properly. Her time was up. Zephyr charged by the length of the video and Fluttershy thought it was best to get the shortest deal. And despite how little she got from it, it was more than enough for her this time. As she shivered in a combination of arousal and shame, she picked her phone back up and was about to turn it off. Then, she saw the other file. She decided to listen to it, but her mind was torn as to why.

On one hand, her rational mind was hoping that hearing his voice without the acting would be a wake up call. Hearing him with that usual hubris and smug aura would be a turn off and get her to rethink her life. On the other side, the more carnal side, she hoped he kept up the act in the thank you letter as a bonus. Maybe even make her addiction worse and get her off again.

What she wasn't expecting, was what actually happened.

Zephyr's voice rang through the earbuds, but there was no act. No sensual tones,, but no bravado either. He sounded like a Pegasus-hybrid that understood he wasn't the one in charge, so to speak. He sounded humble, recognizing that he was beholden to someone else's good graces. "Hello and thank you for your commission. This was an… interesting topic to cover."

Fluttershy felt her body tense up. The way he said that felt forced. She was sure she'd ruined something. What if she pushed too far and now he was going to quit? This was just a hobby for him, after all.

"And I just wanted to… uh…" he stalled for a moment before sighing. "No. I'm not redoing this again." He sounded exasperated, as if he'd tried doing this several times before finally getting frustrated with doing so.

This got Fluttershy to pause. What did he mean by that?

Zephyr continued. "Okay, look. I'm going to rip off the bandage. I know it's you Fluttershy."

That made her jolt up in shock. "What do you mean?!" She forgot this wasn't a phone call and was prerecorded. She used a secondary bank account to hide her identity, so she was just shocked and confused.

"You gave me access to your second account to hide a gift you were getting for dad. You were too embarrassed and had me pick it up for you."

Fluttershy blinked a bit before she remembered what he was talking about. Oh. Right.

"And I guess you forgot and didn't change the password since. So… I recognized the name and I had to check. And… yeah. It was the account. And since you certainly aren't sharing that out, I figured it had to be you. I mean, I still did it, because you paid for it, but I was wracking my brain trying to think why you'd ask me to do that?"

Fluttershy had asked herself that very question, but deep down she knew why. If he figured her out, would she stop herself? Could she hold herself back and avoid making a mistake? Would she call it a mistake? Would he?

"At first I was freaking out, obviously. My sister found my… hobby. Then she paid me for it? I didn't know what to think. And then I actually looked at the request and that just made it worse. And before you start to freak out, let me explain a little better. See, Shy… I kind of saw all this and maybe… sort of… thought it meant something?"

He was probing, she could tell. But all she could do is stare off to the wall in confused shock. Was he suggesting that he knew? He knew about that great underlying feeling she hid even from herself?

"Sorry, this seems so weird. I just… you know, the whole 'younger brother finds his sister masturbating and they have sex?' It's a pretty specific thing to send to your ACTUAL younger brother to do an erotic audio for." He paused for a while before sighing. "So, yeah. Sorry for bringing that up. You're probably just helping out and looked up statistics or something. This just made it weird. Anyway, thank you for your commission." He quickly added and closed off his audio.

Fluttershy's eyes were wide as dinner plates. Her mind was running at a mile a minute and trying to make sense of what he was saying. Not to mention how he was saying it. Her brain tried to rationalize something without a rational answer. Her heart, however, found it difficult to not see what was happening. He liked her too.


She wanted to shake the idea away, but it stuck like glue in her thoughts. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number she so rarely used.

As the other side answered, Fluttershy said the words that would send her down her spiraling path, "Hi… can we talk?"


The next day:

"And that's why I had to talk to you about it." Fluttershy finished her story to her companion across the gazebo table.

Opposite her was the one person who both understood love and the way it can tear someone apart. But who was also rational and understanding, willing to not judge someone for liking someone they probably shouldn't. As he finished his drink, Shining Armor placed his glass on the table and steepled his fingers. "And you're sure that's everything?"

"Yes, I'm sure." Most would have expected her to talk to Cadence, but while the Princess of Love excelled in the subject and knew how to give advice, Shining was the one that allowed for that sense of rationality in the relationship.

Shining nodded and closed his eyes to think for a moment. After a minute of silence, he opened his eyes again to look into her own. "Cadence will want me to do an exercise with you for this. Given where and how this seemed to start. Is that okay?"

"Oh. Um… okay." She wasn't sure what he meant, but she really needed help.

"Okay, first, close your eyes and get a mental picture of him."

Fluttershy nodded and closed her eyes. After a moment, a picture of Zephyr appeared in her mind.

"Now, don't open them, keep a picture of him in mind. And tell me one non-sexual physical trait that draws your eye."

"W-what?" Her cheeks turned a bit red.

"You said so yourself, this started because of porn. You need to make sure this is more than a physical attraction. Whether it's love or just lust. They're different things."

"O-okay." She takes a moment and takes time to find her answer. "I think… I look toward his face first."

"Care to elaborate? What draws you to look there?"

"Well, at first, it was so I could find any tells when he's trying to be lazy. He's actually rather charismatic, but he wanted to get away with not doing anything in case he failed."

"So, charming but lazy."

"Yeah. But now… I see his eyes and I can't help but think they look like gems. Like they sparkle with an enthusiasm he didn't have before. Now his smile feels more natural, like he actually wants to try new things again. I still draw toward his face, but it's… different now."

"Alright. Now, keep your eyes closed and tell me what you imagine when you see him in five years." This was the make or break question, though he doubted she knew it.

Fluttershy thought it over for a moment before she nodded once. "I'm still not too sure, but he looks happy. He's already improving his lazy attitude, so he should be able to be happy by then."

"And where are you in this?"

Fluttershy was quiet again. She took a deep breath before speaking, "I hope I can be there… making him happy and keeping him from relapsing. I think that's the right word."

Shining sat there a moment to himself before nodding. "Alright, you can open your eyes now."

As Fluttershy blinked her eyes back open, she looked to her confidant and waited for what he had to say.

Shining tapped the table before he addressed the answer she sought. "I think you should at least tell him."

"Y-you think so?" Her confidence faded as she was no longer focused on her image of Zephyr.

"I do. You should at least say something. He seemed nervous and might actually be interested."

"You're… that's okay?"

"There's no laws against it in Equestria, just social stigmas. But they're mostly in cities and such. You should be fine in Ponyville. Besides, he already thinks he ruined things. Nowhere to go but up. But you need to make sure he gets it. Be decisive and bold."

Fluttershy looked down to the table and nodded once. "Okay. I'll do it. I will!"

"Good." He placed a phone on the table in front of her, the phone she handed him to show what she meant. She forgot he didn't give it back yet. He then gestured between her and the phone.

"W-w-wait. Now?!"

"No backing down. But no need to do it now. At least take your phone back."

"Oh. Right." She picked up the device, thanked the prince for his council, and made her way back out into the world at large. As she walked through the Crystal Empire and onto the train, she tried to steel her nerves. She needed to calm herself down. She had to do it now. She… was already home? With her phone in hand? And was that a dial tone?

Then, the other side picked up, "hey, hey! If it isn't my favorite sister!" Zephyr. She'd called Zephyr before she realized it. "S-so, why'd you call for?" He had a temporary break in his confident character.

It made Fluttershy almost reevaluate her situation. But with advice in her head, she moved forward. "I… actually wanted to talk to you. About the file you sent me last night…"

"A-ah." Zephyr stuttered a moment. "Guess I should be thankful I was right and didn't send it to the wrong person." He let out a nervous chuckle before ending with a sigh. "So, is this the part where you explain it was pity and don't want to talk to me?"

Fluttershy sighed and shook her head. Of course he thought of the worst possible option. Granted, it was also the most likely option given the circumstances. "No, nothing like that. I was actually hoping I could discuss that."

"Sure. Sure. So, uh… what did you want to talk about?"

Fluttershy fidgeted in place before taking a breath. "Can we actually discuss this in person?"

"Uh… hold on." The sound of Zephyr rummaging around could be heard for a moment before he returned to the conversation. "I'm totally locked up until next weekend, maybe." He was avoiding the situation. Fluttershy knew that.

And she wouldn't let him. “Zephyr!” She practically heard him recoil as she took another breath. Zephyr always had a way of getting Fluttershy to break her shell. She hit the video call button, not saying another word. Zephyr knew better than to ignore her when she was like this.

And he picked up the call, "Hey Flutters. W-what's up?" A small part of Fluttershy hoped seeing him would help break her away from this. But no. It made it worse. He'd grown out his beard a bit, showing it was no longer just that stubble. Then she could see his lean body having developed that bit of muscle now that he had a proper job to do. Sure, it was in a salon, but he kept himself in form for it. And yet, it was still clearly Zephyr.

And Fluttershy could handle Zephyr. "I needed to talk to you face to face. And if you’re busy, this is the best way to do that.” Some small part of her knew she'd never be able to do this if it were anyone else. Zephyr just had this way to draw this side of her out.

"Y-yeah, sure. So what's up? Is something wrong?"

"I… in a way. I want to start by admitting that I have been listening to your… audios."

This seemed to catch Zephyr off guard, "O-oh. Right."

“And… I wanted to say… you’re good. And I couldn’t help but get into it. And you just… always find ways to bring out this side of me that I’m not always used to. And it’s finally boiling over.”

“What? What do ya mean, sis?”

“I… I don’t know how it happened, or really when. But I’d…” her inner shy personality was bleeding through, but one look at Zephyr got her back into form. “You mentioned before that you thought I was just thought I asked for that particular topic because I looked something up. I didn’t. I wanted that audio. Specifically from you.”

“You make it sound like…”

“I think I want to see if… maybe we could make it real?”

Zephyr was quiet, the video kept on his face for a while. He wasn’t sure what to think, it was written all over his face. But the gears were turning. And after a while, it clicked. “Really?”

“Yes. Really.”

Zephyr understood it, but it seemed like it all fell down in a way that wasn’t being picked up properly. “Okay, sis. I need you to be completely honest, no BS. You’re serious in wanting us to be a… Come on, this isn’t like some…”

He was cut off when Fluttershy pulled the most sexually aggressive move she ever had. He didn’t know it at first as she walked away from the camera, shouting at him to stay on the line. After a few minutes, she returned and picked up the phone again. Even Zephyr couldn’t deny this method. She tilted the phone over her and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head. Fluttershy had removed her shirt and bra and written on her own chest with an erasable marker reading, [Yes Zephyr. I’m serious].

Zephyr’s face turned a bright red before he passed out. It was the start of something pretty crazy all things considered. Maybe it wasn’t normal, even in Ponyville, but it was the life they were willing to follow now. Even if Zephyr took a while to really get it.

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After Fluttershy left, Shining felt a pair of breasts fall against his shoulders and a pair of arms wrap around him. “I’d say that went well.” His wife, Cadence, chuckled. “And you two made for quite the show~”

Underneath the table and having her illusion spell falling away, Twilight slowly removed her lips from her brother’s cock. She let out heavy and lustful breathes as she looked up to them, “He didn’t even twitch. You’re getting used to this, Shiny?”

“And who’s fault is that?” He finally let his muscles relax and his arousal fill his veins. The new relaxed state allowed him to cum without any anxious energy. He coated his sister’s face with his seed and fell back into his chair. “You think it’ll work out for them?”

After getting what she was after, Twilight hopped up onto the chair Fluttershy just left. She didn’t even bother to wipe her face down. “Oh, I’m sure they’ll hit it off. He brings out this more assertive side in her. Hell, I bet she’ll do something super drastic to make her case.”

Cadence giggled, “Definitely. Now, why don’t the three of us go back inside and do something a little drastic of our own~”