> Servant of the Ponies > by LulamoonEnjoyer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One, The Early Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right … and a desire to know. Barely after sunrise, guard ponies banged at the door of the mostly destroyed Throne room. Twilight had barely just woken up and already had to deal with another problem, so she reached the doorway and opened the door to greet the guards. " Twilight!" the guard ponies exclaimed. "Theres ponies outside of the castle demanding to speak to you, "They seem pretty angry!" The guard ponies moved to let her go by, and Twilight moved to the balcony overseeing the"ponies on the street. "We Demand Twilight step down, and a republic is formed!" the ponies from below demanded. "Put an end to this shameful shell of a kingdom already!" yelled a pony from the right side of the crowd. Everypony, please stop this instant." Twilight sternly said to The ponies below her. "the Monarchy has done nothing to either reclaim Equestria or help against scarce resources," said the now exiled Mayor Mare of the former Ponyville Republic. "A Canterlotian Democracy would benefit the ponies of Canterlot, and a pony that can represent us could b" an elected official." Mayor Marwasn'tinued. Twilight wasn't having any of this and told everypony the following. "We don't need an fucking republic, and the monarchy works just fine. And as I said before, we were working on seeing if the Southern Federation could give us resources via pegasi and whatnot. Just please let me start the day.", Twilight stormed off, and the ponies continued their protest on the street. Twilight's calm personality died the day she lost most of her friends in the Marxist revolt in Ponyville that happened nearly four years ago to date, the revolution only happened after a year of political infighting and the very obviously rigged Election of '14, and the refusal to resign from Mayor mare and the banning of hardline political parties worsened the infighting, and the revolt would happen. Anyway, cue the intro Twilight walked into a small coffee shop and was greeted by the barista. "Hey, Princess Twilight! are you going to get a-" Twilight quickly hushed her. "I'll take the strongest coffee you can make." Twilight said to the barista, who quickly finished making the coffee for her. Twilight downed the coffee as if her life depended on it, giving her 35000 Canterons [35000 is worth 12 bits compared to the old economy] and throwing up all over the barista. "Maybe that was just a little too much coffee.." She exclaimed. Later on, after fighting through reporters and hecklers, she got to a nearly destroyed restaurant to chat with Bonaven Whooves, The Minister Of Defense. They both ordered an unappetizing Dough Pie. "The situation on the border is worse than this dough pie I am eating right here," said Bonaven to Twilight as she cut through the layers of the crust, "I'm sure we can reach a compromise with the PRE on who owns the Detrot region to The northeast." Twilight slowly ate while the Defense minister barely even" touched it. "How the "Fuck can you even eat something like that?" said the Defense Minister to the sleep-deprived alicorn "to be fair, I just imagine it a red velvet cake, haha.." said Twilight. "I must be getting on with the rest of the day now. Can we chat same time next week?" She said to Bonaven while getting ready to leave... Continuing with the rest of her day, Twilight made her way to the castle to hear reports on the minor districts of Canterlot when she was bombarded by reporters asking about her reasoning for quickly dismissing the ideals of a republic. "Here we are with Princess Twilight Sparkle, who got mad at a crowd earlier today for asking a question! What do you have to say to the camera, misses sparkle?" said the Reporter to Twilight, who was already getting agitated by having a camera shoved in her face, "Can you please get that camera out of my fucking face." said an agitated Twilight to the Reporter. "Why won't you answer the quest-" The reporter was cut off by Twilight slamming the door in her face. Twilight made it into the room of ministers and was consulted by the ministers one by one. "Northwest Canterlot's plumbing needs a whole rework, and we don't have enough money. So We're here requesting more than 6.2M Canterons to rework about 7 miles of plumbing and sewage systems." said the Minister of NC, The Mayor of Detrot, and the Minister who controls the district of Detrot, who walked up to the board. "We need serious army support and resources out here in Detrot. The PRE is driving into the defenses of our town, and it seems like the border war will become an outright full-scale war between Canterlot and the PRE! We need your diplomacy expertise to end the conflict between the city of Detrot and the PRE Government." After hearing this, Twilight, not wanting to risk losing another thing that she holds dear to her, quickly told a guard pony to bring in a train to Detrot and told the other ministers that they could continue this tomorrow. She made her way to the train station and got inside the train; she knew this would be a very long train ride due to the level of decay the train had dealt with. The train probably wasn't repaired since the last attack against Canterlot on the day Equestria fell. Twilight got into the bed in the roomette and slowly pulled out a collection of the memories she and the former mane six had made in those 4 or 5 years they had together before Equestria fell apart and sighed—hoping that this was just one bad dream. She would wake up and see her friends again. But she must not worry herself about things of the past, for she has to make sure war doesn't break out between Canterlot and the PRE. and possibly reach a unification between Canterlot and the Citystate that the PRE occupies.. but for now, it's time for her to start dreaming. she slowly falls asleep while looking at the collection.