> Building Relations > by Ebonyglow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Building Relations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the past week, a traveling group of minotaurs had set up camp on the outskirts of Ponyville. Their presence immediately caused commotion in the quaint town, causing a stir of worry and concern for the villagers within. The extent of their knowledge on minotaurs was the scheming, aggressive nature of Iron Will - leading them to worry about similar encounters coming from this new group. Twilight and her friends had taken up a new path of work recently, under the Princesses’ guidance, wherein they were tasked with establishing peace and relations between neighboring kingdoms and creatures. Besides already existing relations with griffons and changelings, the group had been set to strengthen and establish new bonds. Their first endeavor had been to set up a non-aggression pact with the growing Diamond Dog kingdom nearby. Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy had been the ones to head out for the task, and although they succeeded through rather unconventional means, they certainly showed their worth as they had a thriving relationship now. From their understanding, they had been doing rather well. Rainbow was the only real outlier, insisting she was ‘too cool’ for the diplomacy shtick, but Twilight had a sneaking suspicion there was more to it. The rest of her friends however had been quite the eager diplomats. Rarity continued to stay in close contact with the Diamond Dogs, Pinkie Pie set up connections to the Abyssinians, Fluttershy was the resident caretaker and lover of the Lord of Chaos himself, and Applejack was busy reminding Klugetown that ponies weren’t supposed to be for sale. Twilight however, was a touch lost - until now that is. There wasn’t an immediate task for her to do as of late, and being so she had just had to stand by and watch as her friends discussed and planned their approaches to peace. Needless to say, most devolved into tackling the situations much like they did the Diamond Dogs, meaning lewd ideas and carnal affairs were floating around in their daily meetings nonstop. Yet, she had had nothing to do on her end, awaiting the next task or problem to arise so she could snatch it up. And it finally did. Flipping through a thick, heavy book on minotaur culture, the alicorn perused the pages carefully. She was wholly enthralled in its texts, completely unaware of her friends who’d gathered around her, curious as to what she was up to. The letter from Celestia had arrived only that morning, and since then she had been buzzing with excitement. “Care to tell me why you’re so obsessed with that book, Sugarcube?” Applejack inquired, placing a hoof on the open text and snapping Twilight from her studious gaze. Blinking wildly, Twilight raised her head and finally looked around at her friends. “Oh! Princess Celestia told me that minotaurs have a traditional way of handling political meetings, so I’m studying up on as much of their culture as I can.” Her friends closed in around her, their confusion furthering upon hearing Twilight’s reply. Albeit an unexpected development, the way they had been handling relations as of late was anything but traditional, yet they all seemed to enjoy it heavily. Hovering just above her, Rainbow shrugged. “Why? Can’t you just have ‘em rut you like you, Rarity, and Fluttershy did with the Diamond Dogs?” She frowned, looking over at the only other pegasus present in the room. “I’m still mad you guys didn’t invite me.” “Well - um - it was a bit spontaneous,” Fluttershy mumbled, barely making eye contact with her prismatic friend. "And you kind of keep saying this stuff is stupid..." A blush crept into Rainbow's muzzle, as she scoffed and looked away. "T-that's because it is! I was just joking around!" Rarity threw Rainbow a teasing look, trotting beside Fluttershy. “But I will tell you, those ruffians are simply divine when it comes to pleasing a mare.” She gently nudged Fluttershy, snickering. “Why, I don’t think I’ve ever heard dear Fluttershy scream that much!” Ignoring the shy mare’s nervous whine, Twilight rolled her eyes. Her friends’ overenthusiasm for their unorthodox approach was warranted, she even enjoyed it immensely herself, but it still wasn’t proper. Finding out just how much other creatures desired ponies was certainly a welcome discovery, but when the plan for all their relations involved doing the deed with their hosts or guests, it treaded far off the path she had originally seen them going down. Sighing, she glanced up at Rainbow Dash. “Because, Princess Celestia told me to take the traditional approach. I’m not even sure she knows how we’ve been handling things, and I don’t know if she’d even approve of them in the first place!” Her words held truth, and she feared nothing more than upsetting or even angering her mentor and idol. Celestia had handled things her own way moons ago, and, though she didn’t know the extensive details of her teacher’s methods, she was rather sure it didn’t involve being fucked silly by the occasional dragon or diamond dog. “But that’s no fun!” Pinkie Pie blurted out to her side, bouncing over and squinting at the book. “All that studying and reading has got to be boring!” Twilight glared at the party pony, snatching her book away from the mare’s curious gaze. “Reading is not boring and studying is even further from it! It’s some of the most fun there is!” “Egghead,” Rainbow chuckled. “Cause we don’t ever hear you rant about how much you enjoy reading the new Daring Do books, do we?” Applejack shot back, raising a brow at the pegasus. “Point taken.” Pinkie giggled, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. “C’mooooon, Twilight! You already did it once with the Diamond Dogs! Who says you can’t with these minotaurs too? I mean, when I invited those dragons over to Sugarcube Corner for some peaceful exchanges, the way they plowed me was a doozy! Those minotaurs are even bigger! I’m sure they could manhandle you and rut you senseless with ease!” “I still think it was rude to not invite me to that…” Fluttershy whispered. As much as she was loath to admit it, the idea of hooking up with one of the bulky visitors did send an ecstatic shiver down Twilight’s spine. Even if she only got the occasional glance at them from afar, she knew just how large they were. If they held such large forms, she could only imagine how big they were elsewhere. The lecherous side of her crept forward, coaxing her thoughts into the debaucherous, causing her logical outlook to falter for but a moment. “Well…I…” “Hey! The dragons were supposed to be our thing!” Rainbow interrupted, pointing an accusatory hoof towards Pinkie. “Oh please, you backed out when it came to actually doing it!” Yet another giggle escaped Pinkie, as she stuck her tongue out at the pegasus. “Plus, that was before this whole ‘make good relations with other creatures by letting them rut us’ thing started, Dashie! So it doesn’t really count. The animation with the Diamond Dogs came way after!” “The what?” Twilight shook her head, snapped from her delusions from her friends’ bickering. As much as she enjoyed the thought of taking one of those minotaurs for a test drive, blaming her newly forged sexual desires that bloomed with the Diamond Dogs, she knew it wasn’t the right idea. If she wished to not risk any issues with Celestia, she had to do it by the book. Clearing her throat and grabbing her friends’ attention. “Listen, Princess Celestia gave us instructions on how to handle Diamond Dogs, and we didn’t follow through with those properly.” “But you still did establish a treaty with them!” Rainbow added. Pinkie nodded her head in agreement. “By making them cum lots!” “Can we not talk about how much they fucked me for two minutes?” Twilight sighed, levitating Princess Celestia’s scroll before her. “But you do always rave about how hot it was and how you wish you could ‘form peace’ again like that,” Applejack added. Twilight let out a frustrated groan, taking her attention away from the scroll and eyeing the earth pony. “Applejack…really? You too?!” “What?” she replied, shrugging. “Honesty is kinda mah thing.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Either way, we didn’t listen to Princess Celestia’s instructions.” She levitated the scroll before her friends, letting them see it clearly. “It didn’t say to let the Diamond Dogs rut us on her original scroll, and it doesn’t say let the minotaurs buck me on this one.” She pulled it back over to herself, reading over it carefully. “So, I’m going to follow the instructions this time.” “Even if they want to plow you?” Fluttershy asked, sheepishly perking up. Twilight shrugged, glancing over at the pegasus. “I don’t know, I highly doubt they’re as lustful and lewd as the Diamond Dogs are.” “Darling, we never saw ourselves as this lustful and lewd, and look at us now!” Rarity countered. Rarity did have a point. When Twilight and company had approached the Diamond Dogs, they had assumed many things about the canines. Sure, Fluttershy might have alluded to the idea of lustful exchanges, but seeing such concepts come to fruition in the manner that they did was certainly a development that the alicorn hadn’t foreseen. That brief exchange had unlocked something held deep within Twilight, be it her carnal desires surging out, or some deep, hidden aspect of herself that found the idea of being rather slutty tantalizing - either way, it existed now, and it lurked in her mind. She didn’t have a counter to Rarity’s retort, opting to simply let out a long, stressed sigh. She read over the scroll once more, tuning out the furthering discussions of her friends around her. The traditions minotaurs liked and followed were laid out clear as day. They enjoyed showmanships of talent - in her case magic, they found respect in feats of strength - which could go hand in hand with showing off her magic, and ultimately they finished things off with a calm dinner between representatives that should end in positive relations. To her knowledge, contact with minotaurs was few and far between, with their groups being rather nomadic. However, from the looks of it, Celestia had done some research on their unexpected guests. Apparently, the chief minotaur of this traveling caravan was one of the heads of their race as a whole, acting as some sort of general or high ranking official - meaning he had the jurisdiction to agree and instate a positive clause between ponies and his kind. As long as she followed her mentor’s instructions, and withheld her desires, she should be able to manage the task. On one hoof, she wouldn’t have to worry about upsetting her mentor, and on the other, she could show her friends that maybe not every meeting had to revolve around every creature getting their rocks off. Glancing towards a nearby window, she caught sight of Celestia’s setting sun. Night was growing close, and she didn’t want to approach these minotaurs too late into the day. Thankfully, the scroll informed her that they preferred discussions be held after sundown, so the timing was perfect. Nodding her head, she rolled up the scroll and stood up. Her friends ceased their chatting, shifting their focus onto her. “I appreciate all the input, girls, but I’m going to handle this the way I want,” she informed, turning and making her way towards the room’s exit. “I’m sure it'll be smooth, quick, and easy.” “And boring…” Rainbow muttered, earning a snicker from the rest of the group. Twilight trotted out of the room and proceeded down the hall, trotting towards the castle’s entrance. Her friends tailed her, discussing and theorizing on just how the minotaurs would act. Their ideas didn’t derail Twilight. Even if she wanted to handle things differently, she’d do it by the book - simple as that. Reaching the front entrance, making sure to bid her friends farewell, she stopped short of leaving just as Fluttershy called out to her. “Oh, Twilight?” Glancing back at the demure pegasus, Twilight raised a brow. “Yeah? A sultry, devious look formed in the pegasus’ eyes, while a smug, lustful smirk spread across her countenance. “Make sure you tell us all about how it went~” The trot from her castle to the edge of Ponyville wasn’t all too long, but it was long enough for Luna’s moon to rise into the sky and give Twilight some time to think. Rereading the scroll Celestia sent over and over, letting the brisk, cool night breeze wash over her, she pulled her attention up and towards the edge of town. The light from a large, central fire illuminated the sprawling tents surrounding it. They all looked the same, bar the more ornate, decorative one near the middle. Reasonable thinking led her to believe that that tent was where her esteemed guest was residing, and, stowing away the scroll in her saddlebag, she raised her head high and trotted further down the path. Coming up towards the camp, she heard a chorus of voices chattering within. Deep and stern, the minotaurs’ voices were certainly the type she’d expect. Not as raspy as Iron Will’s, but they definitely had a volume of force and power to them. She inched closer to the entrance, spotting two minotaurs armed with spears. Taking a deep breath, calming her nerves the best she could, she walked up towards the two and gave them a smile. They both glanced down at her, grunting and huffing hot air from their nostrils. Their gazes pierced through her like daggers, their domineering eyes sending a shiver down her spine. As much as she wanted to completely avoid any lustful thoughts, the mere aura around them had a sense of domination and power to them. “Hello,” she began, politely bowing her head. “I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, and I’m here with interest in discussing some peace agreements and relations with your general.” The two minotaurs eyed her up, seemingly tracing her body with their observant eyes. She could’ve sworn they glanced at her flanks, before snorting and chuckling to one another. “Yes, we’ve heard plenty about you,” the first minotaur noted, holding his spear to his side and taking a passive stance. The other minotaur mimicked his action, waving a hand out before him in a welcoming manner. “Tungsten Hunt is in our general’s tent. It’s the one just beyond our central fire, lined with gold. I’m sure he will be more than happy to discuss relations with you.” Another set of chuckles escaped the two’s lips, but Twilight didn’t regard them with much worry. She had been greeted, they seemed rather friendly, and now she had been granted passage into their sprawling camp. Swiftly bowing her head once more and thanking them, she trotted past them. “It is pretty big~” one cooed, his associate nudging him while holding back a smirk. Twilight paused, ear flicking curiously as she glanced back. “Pardon?” “It’s nothing, we’ve just heard some things is all,” the other noted, gnawing his lip as he looked her up and down. “Our general is certainly lucky to be able to discuss with you~” She raised a brow, confused on their insistent focus on certain words. Though, from what he was saying, Tungsten Hunt seemed eager to meet with her! If that meant anything, it meant that things should go swimmingly. Bidding the two guards farewell, not hearing the whispering they exchanged when she turned to leave, she trotted into the campsite and glanced around. Minotaurs were spread out all around, working, mingling, eating and more. She caught sight of two of them arm wrestling each other to her left, while on her right there seemed to be a barracks of sorts. She knew full well the minotaurs were a combat oriented race, priding themselves on their esteemed blacksmithing and weaponry, but she hadn’t experienced it before. Iron Will was certainly an outlier in comparison to his peers, but even with their warrior-esque focus, they seemed far more friendly. Though, unlike how she was back when she dealt with Iron Will, her curiosity had evolved to have more…carnal thoughts. Each minotaur she walked by was rippled with muscles, biceps and triceps clear as day, with their stomachs chiseled from constant exercise. The sight of them nearly made her swoon, her heart thumping in her chest as she grew closer to the general’s tent and spotted a blacksmith at work. Each time he swung down his hammer, his muscles shimmered in the dim light of his forge, calling to her deep, marish wants like a song. She didn’t mind more plump figures, but she certainly was a fan of muscled forms as well. Beyond her better judgement, her eyes slowly trailed down towards his groin, and the sight that met her caused her marehood to seize upon itself with need. His length, not even erect, was easily the size of the average stallionhood, eclipsing even the most impressive studs she had seen in her days. A set of fuzzy, weighty nuts rested right below it, holding untold loads of spunk that could easily fill her to the brim. Her mind went awash with ideas, wholly enthralled by the specimen of a male before her, and she found herself halting in place as she gawked. Catching him eyeing her from the corner of his eye, she only then realized her jaw was agape in awe of his body. Blush creeping on her muzzle, she shook her head, chuckled awkwardly, and swiftly made her way towards the central tent. She silently cursed herself, letting her newfound and hastily growing desires take control for a moment. She was here to discuss peace, in the proper way, not ogle their bodies and imagine just how amazing their cocks would feel plowing her senseless… She clenched her eyes shut, shaking her head furiously. Her thoughts kept going astray, and she had to do her best to remain clear-headed. Quietly giving herself a personal lecture on her behavior, she collected her thoughts and trotted into the general’s tent. The structure wasn’t anything to wow at, but what awaited her inside certainly was. A large, stone table rested in the middle of the ground, decorated and sculpted with intricate designs at its base. Surrounding it, a collection of carefully carved stone seats. She wondered how or why the minotaur transported such heavy items, or perhaps if they made them there, but her mind quickly left the thought as she focused on who was seated upon them. To the left and right, two larger minotaur studs sat. Eating some kind of soup, they mumbled and grunted to one another as they watched her enter. They were a portion bigger than the two guards near the entrance, yet still nothing extraordinary. In the middle, however, was a stud that stood out clear as day. Notably bigger than every other minotaur there, with muscles filling his entire body, stood who she could only assume was Tungsten Hunt. He had a demeanor that demanded respect, and as his eyes affixed to her own, Twilight couldn’t help but shudder. His gaze seemingly required her to pay attention, to heed his presence and words, and she fought the urge to allow her eyes to drift down. “Um - hello, I’m Twilight Sparkle,” she stuttered, awkwardly slipping into the tent. “I’m here to discuss some treaties with you and your people, and hopefully establish positive relations with that.” Tungsten narrowed his gaze at her, eyeing her up just as the guards had before. She glanced to her side, noting the other two minotaurs’ similar stares. She wasn’t sure if this was simply a minotaur thing to do, or if her presence was anything out of the ordinary. Either way, she wasn’t sure how to react, opting to simply stand there awkwardly and await a response. Smirking to his two companions, Tungsten nodded his head and gestured to greet her. “Welcome, Ms. Sparkle. My friends and I have heard plenty about you and your fellow Elements.” He tilted his head, pursing his lip. “Odd, I would have assumed you’d have brought some of them. I heard you work best as a team~” His remark piqued Twilight’s interest, both because of him seemingly expecting her friends and the way he spoke. A tinge of worry struck her, seeing as he seemed to be a touch disappointed. “No, it’s just me. I hope that doesn’t disappoint or upset you!” “Not at all,” he breathed, calming her. He nudged his head towards the other two minotaurs present, snickering. “Just seems like you two are gonna have to wait your turn!” The two other minotaur shrugged, once again eyeing Twilight up before resuming eating their meals. Twilight could only assume those two were other high ranking members of this traveling group, otherwise she couldn’t explain what Tungsten could’ve meant by ‘their turn’. Scrunching her muzzle, thinking over the instructions on the scroll she had been sent, she turned her attention to Tungsten. “If you’d like, I’m more than ready for the standard cultural exchange to show you myself and us ponies’ worth,” she noted, glancing out of the tent. Spotting a relatively large boulder, she smiled to herself. It would be the perfect piece to show off her talent and in turn strength, two of the three aspects minotaurs valued most. “Could you meet with me outside?” Tungsten raised a brow, licking his lips. “Oh? Eager are we? I figured you’d like to do it in private here, but if you insist on making it very public, I will gladly entertain you.” Twilight paused, raising a brow and looking over at him, confused. So far, things had seemed to be going smoothly, but time and time again these minotaurs had made remarks or comments that just completely threw her off. Had she missed some detail in the scroll? Did they expect something of her already? She couldn’t find any way to put her hoof on it, but regardless, she stuck to her guns. She promised herself to follow the instructions and ideas sent to her to a T, and she was adamant on following through with it. Shrugging her shoulders, she made her way out of the tent, hearing Tungsten mumbling behind her as he followed. She could’ve sworn she heard him say something along the lines of ‘even thicker than he thought’, but she chalked it up to the commotion outside messing with her hearing. Trotted over towards the boulder, she turned to face Tungsten, smiling up towards him. “I understand you value tenacity, endurance, and strength.” She tapped her hoof against the large rock, smirking over at him. “So I figured this would be the perfect place to show you!” “On the rock? Surely there is somewhere more comfortable for the both of us! I don’t wish for you to push yourself too much, let alone be too uncomfortable with it,” he replied, seemingly concerned. Twilight fought back a smile, believing he was severely underestimating her magic ability. If he thought this was too much for her, then her easily raising it up and showing it off was bound to be more than enough to wow him properly. With her hopes held high, and her spirit thriving, she began to channel magic into her horn. She knew minotaurs liked confidence, and thus she did her best to grasp onto her inner Rainbow Dash and be as confident as possible. Looking up at him, she adorned a cocky grin and made her response. “Trust me, Mister Tungsten, I can handle it with ease ~ Watch!” “Ms. Sparkle, are you absolutely certain that -” His words halted, as he watched her shroud the boulder with her magic. Soon after, she lifted it high into the air, casually twirling, spinning, and moving it around. She stuck her tongue out, as she focused on showing the absolute ease she had manipulating the rock’s placement, before she felt she had showcased enough. Giving it one final spin, she slowly levitated it back towards the ground, before releasing it and allowing it to hit the earth with a firm thud. “See!” she clamored. She was more than confident that she had this entire cultural exchange in the bag. He had doubted her ability to handle it, and now he had watched her move it around with immense ease and grace. If anything was going to appease the minotaurs’ requirements for talent and strength, that had to be it. Her excitement had gotten the best of her, her breaths heavy and her heart racing, as she stood there awaiting a response. “I see,” he mumbled, looking rather unfazed. “Is that what you brought me out here for?” He shrugged, rubbing his chin and eyeing her. “It was…something, if that was your goal.” Twilight’s smile dropped, her wings drooped, and her eyes went wide - wholly unexpecting that response from him. In her head, she had done everything right! How could he not have been impressed? He had been worried seconds earlier about her managing to do it, and now that she had he seemed more unamused than anything. Her mind raced with worry, fumbling back to the instructions on the scroll Celestia sent. Did she miss something? Had she messed up? Was it not enough? She had to make sure this went well, and she prayed the final part of it all would suffice. He pointed at her, raising a brow. “I thought you wanted to get right to us fu -” “Hang on!” she blurted out, her nerves getting the better of her. “I am telling you that us ponies are definitely understanding of what you minotaurs want! Please, let's return to your tent! We can discuss our relations further there!” Nearly being ushered back by the alicorn, Tungsten begrudgingly complied. Almost tripping over himself as the panicked alicorn pushed him back towards the tent, he was met with his two companions with utter confusion. “You’re that fast, general?” the first asked, chuckling to himself. The other joined in on the laughter, looking back at his leader. “Heh - it looks like you didn’t even make her break a sweat! Maybe she is that good!” Tungsten sighed, returning to his seat and rubbing the bridge of his nose. “It wasn’t as I thought.” He glared over at Twilight. “Perhaps these ponies think we are undeserving of their approaches.” The second of silence that followed his remark felt like a small eternity to Twilight, as she felt like the world around her was collapsing. Now, not only did she seem to have failed at the showmanship of her abilities, but she seemingly managed to anger that stud at the same time. Sheepishly trotting over to the sole open seat at the table, she slowly hopped onto it. Catching the three pairs of eyes staring her down, she gulped. What had been confidence soon morphed into a near unending sea of anxiety, as her mind was filled with theoretical situations that ended with disaster. There was one last chance she had, which from Celestia’s scroll was the calm meal with guests. “I can promise you I want to only give the best experience,” she meekly replied, faltering back in her seat as their glares intensified. “Perhaps over this meal we can fix things?” She nearly jumped out of her seat as Tungsten slammed his hand against the table, huffing hot air from his nostrils as he narrowed his gaze at her. His companions shared a similar act, rising up in their chairs and glowering down at her. She shrunk down in her stone seat, panic overtaking her as she wasn’t sure what, why, or how she had messed up so badly once again. The mere suggestion of savoring that dinner seemed to peeve them even more, their hospitality quickly morphing to what seemed like aggression. “I…I…” she stammered, meeting Tungsten’s eyes. He leaned towards her, staring daggers into her very being. “Do you think that little of us - that we do not deserve the same treatment you have given others?!” “N-no!” she blurted, waving her hooves before her innocently. “I’ve always done research to make sure every creature feels welcome and treated right! I mean, my entire thing is friendship! I’d be a bad Princess if -” “Why do the Diamond Dogs receive such wonderful deals while you taunt us with these unneeded acts?!” “I -” Twilight paused, looking over at him with utter confusion. “The…the Diamond Dogs?” He recoiled, looking over at his companions, bewilderment spread across his face. “This pony thinks this lowly of us? She cannot even take my anger seriously!” “Maybe that’s why she didn’t bring her friends,” the first minotaur replied, sighing. “If she wasn’t going to let us rut her like the Diamond Dogs, then she probably didn’t have a reason to bring them.” Twilight froze, everything from the night so far coming together in a wondrous moment of clarity. The way they stared at her, the way they spoke, her actions not showing results - it all made sense. Somehow, someway, they hadn’t expected the traditional approach, they had expected the amorous one. Blinking wildly, wholly lost in the commotion of events, she tried to find some semblance of reason. “Wait, you know how I handled the Diamond Dogs?!” she blurted out. Tungsten raised a brow. “Of course! The Diamond Dogs of Dimondia and minotaurs are close allies! We both are spread in different regions of Equestria, and we have thriving trade relations!” He grunted, pulling back and standing tall. “When we heard of your methods with them, we expected you to treat us with the same measure of respect, but it seems like you deem us unworthy!” Only now that he was standing upright, and she was seated, did Twilight finally risk looking down. Her breath was locked in her chest, as she was greeted by the longest, most tantalizing looking cock in her entire life. Hard, tall, and throbbing with desire, Tungsten’s member was ready and waiting. Her depths were already heated, passive arousal growing from her subconscious thoughts, but now in the presence of such a gargantuan dick, they exploded to the surface. “I was told to handle this differently! You can absolutely fuck me, I’m more than happy to allow it!” she suddenly shot back, speaking before she could even properly think. Tungsten’s angered glare shifted into a smirk, his rage seemingly extinguished just like that. “Is that so? Was this all a means to just work me up?” Twilight barely caught on to her outburst. Her nerves and her latent lust had manifested into an instinctual reply. She had been so desperate to alleviate her anxiety and better the situation that she said the only thing that made sense. Even then, she wasn’t exactly regretting it. Gulping, eyeing Tungsten’s titanic tool, she sighed. She had been insistent on following Celestia’s instructions, but it was clear as day what these minotaurs wanted. And she was tired of denying the fact she wanted it too. “Y-yeah! I just wanted to work you up is all!” she awkwardly laughed, her loins beginning to drool with her arousal. “I - uh - read that minotaurs perform better when they’re built up!” Tungsten slammed the table, laughing to himself and smiling down at her. “Right you are, little pony!” He stood tall, stroking himself slowly as his groin gradually grew closer to her face. “I believe a proper cultural exchange is now set to begin? I expect the best you have, less our Diamond Dog companions sold you short.” Nearly enthralled by the sight of his member, Twilight caved to her desires. Screw it, if going against Celestia’s instructions meant successfully establishing relations with the minotaurs and getting fucked senseless - then it was absolutely going to be worth it. Her entire body radiated with the heat of her arousal and her pussy enthusiastically winked at the mere thought of what was inevitably going to come. Going from flustered to her best sultry attitude, she narrowed her gaze and winked at the general. “I’m more than excited to establish some proper relations with you and your people, general~” she cooed, her blush deepening as she continued her slutty act. “Question is, how exactly are we going to…discuss the terms?” He raised a brow, eyeing her up and down and drinking in her blush. Having a silent exchange with his two associates, they each nodded as he leaned back. Rolling his shoulders, and parting his legs, he glanced down at her with a domineering look. Stroking himself lightly, leading her to gaze at his length with all the more wonder, he gestured her to come closer. “I’ve always wondered what a pony ride was like, care to show me, Princess?~” Twilight didn’t hesitate, already rising out of her chair before he finished his request. Her carnal wants craved to be sated, and her logical side desired to succeed in her task. Long abandoning her reservations and determination to heed Celestia’s directions, she slipped from her seat and began to approach the general. Swaying her hips in tantalizing fashion, she opted to taunt him for a brief moment. Turning in place, bringing her flank towards him, she flagged her tail and stuck her tongue out at him. Her slavering depths winked right before his eyes, her lust trailing down her inner thighs clear as day. “I’m more than happy to oblige~” He simply snorted in response, his member throbbing with desire upon the sight she had bestowed upon him. Satisfied with the result of her teasing, wholly engulfed in the turn of events that had taken place, she dove head on into the seas of amorous exchange. Slipping up his side, slowly crawling up onto his lap, she placed her hooves against his toned chest and angled herself to hover just above his massive cock. She hovered for a moment, glancing over her shoulder and eyeing up his two companions. They had already taken it upon themselves to begin stroking themselves at the sight before them, sending yet another surge of lust into her. The idea of being watched during this added a level of debauchery that called to her dark desires, and it elevated the entire situation all the more. Swaying her hips once again, smiling back at the two other minotaurs, she shot them a wink. “Don’t worry ~ I’ll make sure you all get to enjoy this cultural exchange!” She turned, resting her head against Tungsten’s chest. “But for now, I believe your lovely general and I must establish our ‘treaty’~” A moment of silence bestowed itself upon the tent, only the sound of the nearby blacksmith striking his anvil filled the void. Twilight braced herself, feeling him slowly sliding his hand along her rump. He firmly gripped down onto her plump cheeks, caressing and feeling up her flanks gingerly. A satisfied snort escaped his nose, more than pleased with the curves she had to offer. Resting one arm on the arm of his chair, he guided his free arm up and towards her tail. Twirling a finger around her hair, he gripped her tail right above her dock, sliding up a few inches and firmly holding place. The room grew dense with the aroma of their mutual arousal, as he licked his lips. “Ready?~” “Watch me~” she cooed, placing her forehooves onto his chest and holding her breath. Finishing her retort, she braced her hind legs and threw her ass down. In one, blissful swoop, his entire length plunged into her depths, forcing an unbecoming yet euphoric groan to escape her lips. Her walls instantly gripped down onto his every last inch, pushed to new limits as the sheer size of his length was beyond anything she had handled before. Her nerves exploded with pleasure, her eyes fluttered, and she shuddered as she felt his tip pressed against her womb - yet she knew this was only the start of what would turn out to be a very enjoyable exchange. Holding her position for only a moment, gathering herself and taking a deep breath, she slowly raised herself, before slamming back down once more. She began a rhythmic motion, routinely bouncing up and down on his shaft. Each plunge down sent a surge of bliss through her every inch, her ass jiggling from the sheer force of her efforts. Each time she rose, she held only his tip within her, before once again returning back down with everything she had. A sea of moans crept past her lips, wholly abandoning any formal demeanor or facade she had been using before. Right now, she was savoring the sensations accosting her, and, from the sounds of his grunts, Tungsten was enjoying it just as much. He returned her efforts in tandem, beginning to thrust up in tune with her slams down, elevating their pleasure by a magnitude. The air filled with the sounds of moans and wet slaps, as their bodies slammed together over and over again, each savoring what one another had to offer. A Princess and a general, finding common ground and improving relations through an embrace of pure, carnal delight. His companions watched on, stroking themself to the sounds and sights the Princess of Friendship had to offer to them. She felt a semblance of pride within her, knowing the showcase she was giving them was impossible to resist, having led them to set everything aside and simply indulge themselves in her lewd act. Her and Tungsten’s motions furthered, the meeting of their bodies growing more frequent as the intensity of their rut grew. A string of her lust connected to her groin, several strands of her marish juices stretching with each rise of her body. Her pussy drooled with her arousal, allowing him to slip fully into her depths over and over - all while her rump audibly clapped against his thighs, mixing into a cacophony of her joy alongside her moans. She felt his cock begin to flare, her walls constricting and massaging him greedily with every rise of her body. The pleasure she was disposing onto him was a realm beyond anything he knew, and from the sounds of it he was approaching his climax with haste. She too felt the signs of an orgasm forming deep in her, and it acted as a cue for her to give him everything she had in a final burst of effort. Bracing herself, heaving air into her lungs, she shifted from riding him with passion to outright slamming down onto him with sheer need. She desired to cum, she desired his cum, and she was sure as Tartarus going to get it. Several intense, all out slams followed, his thrusts up into her growing frenzied as his entire body tensed. His hand released her tail, following his free arm as he gripped onto her hips. Grunting deeply, he slammed her down onto him this time, holding her in place. Her body seized alongside his own, both throwing their heads back as they released a deep, guttural groan in unison - their climaxes finally striking them with immense force. His nuts pulled up, as his essence surged forward. Rope after rope of wondrous, thick spunk shot into her depths, filling her womb with ease. Seed surged within her, coating her walls with every drop he had to offer, bulging her belly a portion before it spurted out from the seal his cock made to her depths. Warm, sticky cum splattered onto his groin, his entire body quaking as he rode out his release. Twilight fared no better, releasing a silent scream as her orgasm hit her harder than any had before. Marish juices spewed from her depths, coating his cock and groin in her ecstacy, all while her depths convulsed around his dick, desperate to milk him dry for all he was worth. The warmth of his release made her eyes roll back, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she was awash in a pleasure unbeknownst to her until that euphoric moment. The world around her seemed to fade away, with all she could see and feel being the pleasure and presence of the minotaur who was filling her to the brim. Seconds melted into what felt like hours, as she was thrown into a miasma of unimaginable bliss. It felt like she teetered on the brink of reality, having been truthfully unprepared for the sheer intensity of his load. They held their position for what felt like an eternity, lost in the release that one another afforded, yet all things had to come to a close, and she finally came back down to reality as he did. Heaving air into her lungs, sweat dripping down her form, her eyes fluttered as she looked into his own. All the anxiety she had left her as she saw the smile that spread across his countenance, knowing full well she had certainly set the path for the agreement she so desperately wished for with him. “So - haa - how about those trade deals?” she breathed, panting lightly whilst she rested on his chest. Tungsten raised a brow, gently petting her mane as he steadied his breathing. “You did lovely, Ms. Sparkle.” He raised an arm, ushering Twilight to follow where he was pointing. “But to finalize our wonderful agreement, I believe there are some other representatives of my people you should discuss with.” Twilight followed his gesture, eyeing up the two other minotaurs present in the tent. Though she had just experienced a near mind-breaking orgasm, the sight of the two clearly aroused studs reignited the flames of her lust. Sure, they weren’t as big as Tungsten, but she was more than happy to ensure their peace treaty went swimmingly. Licking her lips, she gave the two a sultry, wanting look, slowly beginning to rise off of the general. “Gladly~” The next morning… Twilight’s friends sat waiting in her castle’s foyer, patiently awaiting their friend’s arrival. They had been initially concerned about her well-being, being they had expected her to return at some point in the night. Though, knowing how well suited she was to defend herself, they had come to the conclusion that the in-depth discussions being held must have simply run rather late. Being so, they had once again gathered within the sprawling, crystal castle, awaiting to hear about the efforts their friend had endured. “What the hay is taking her so long?” Applejack grumbled, glancing up at a clock hanging over the library’s entrance. “You sure those negotiations she’s handlin’ went fine?” Fluttershy nodded, giving the cowgirl a reassuring look. “Trust me, I’ve got a pretty good idea of how things went.” “Plus, Twilight could totally clobber those minotaurs if she wanted to!” Rainbow Dash joined in, whirling through the air around the two. “So there’s no reason to worry about her getting hurt or anything.” Rarity nodded in agreement. “Twilight is more than capable of handling herself, and, knowing her, I’m sure things went swimmingly~” The sound of a teleport rang out within the library, causing all five of them to whirl their attention towards the door. “Oh! Oh! That must be her!” Pinkie Pie clamored, bouncing in place before darting over towards the door. Applejack exchanged a confused look with Rainbow, raising a brow. “Now why would she teleport back here?” “I dunno, maybe she just didn’t feel like walking?” Rainbow replied, shrugging. Fluttershy snickered beside them, trotting over towards the library’s door. “I have an idea as to why~” The five of them came up to the door, as Pinkie reached out to pull it open. Before she managed to, the doors swung open on their own, shrouded in the purple glow of Twilight’s magic. Stumbling backwards, the group’s eyes went wide as they saw their friend’s current state. Covered from head to hoof in spunk, adorning a lustful yet satisfied smirk, Twilight awkwardly chuckled at them. “So…about those peace negotiations…” A wide smirk spread across Fluttershy’s face, looking the alicorn up and down. Her friends all soon shared her expression, fully aware of just how things went. Exchanging looks with one another, trying and failing to hide their smug, partially jealous looks from one another, they eyed the Princess. “Listen, can we at least try and be friends with them before we all fuck them?” Before any of them could speak, Fluttershy was quick to question Twilight. “Depends…how big were they?” “Huge. Like, really really huge.” Fluttershy’s smirk furthered, eyes going wide, blush entering her cheeks, and wings fidgeting at her sides, having already begun forming plans for that evening in her head. “Noice~”